Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi, MEMRI, and the Fake Battle against the the False Caliphate

The Freemasonic predilection for the Elizabethan theater is proverbial. This does not only indicate Freemasons’ artistic choices; it also reveals their secret practices. Their preponderant role in world politics is driven by their obsession to stage manage developments, under the ominous Shakespearean verse – motto ‘The whole world is a stage, and all the men and women merely actors’ (As You Like It; Act 2, Scene 7, Page 6).


The current battle against the False Caliphate is merely one Act of the Freemasonic play ‘the End of Islam, Christianity and all the Religions’; in the final act of the play will enter the long-fabricated Freemasonic Messiah.


The fake theatrical act has been preceded by many other, starting with Napoleon’s arrival in and invasion / annexation of Egypt. During the 150 years long, mixed French / English colonial control of Egypt, the meticulous and multifaceted preparation of today’s developments took place.


Many versions of false Islam were created to first combat the ailing Ottoman Caliphate and then plunge the detached provinces of the Caliphate into socioeconomic stagnancy, educational disorientation, cultural disintegration, religious alteration, and political de-Islamization.


In fact, it was a long and huge, coercive scheme the colossal dimensions of which were impossible for its opponents to grasp. As the political stooges of the colonial and post-colonial authorities worked hard in favor of the colonial scheme and eliminated the opponents on many occasions, a type of self-catastrophic blind rejection of the West started being formed in the minds and the spirits of the decayed and altered Muslim societies.


Islam was reduced to few practices of cult, and was totally eliminated from the level of Government, History, Culture, Education, and Identity of the alienated Muslim societies.


Repeated cultural shocks and miserably low educational systems created a terrible divide within these targeted realms; the socially compromised, technically educated but culturally deformed and ignorant, upper middle classes accepted westernization as the de facto context of life, after they were left with no national identity, no historical continuity, and no intellectual integrity. Contrarily to them, the socially uncompromised, uneducated and uncultured, lower middle classes rejected westernization theoretically but accepted it practically, and made of their attachment to a gravely deformed status of Islam, e.g. a sort of de-spiritualized theology of petty orders and practical directives, the unconditional basis of what they thought very mistakenly as a political system at the antipodes of the Western world.


The ensuing catastrophe of Islam is therefore of disproportionate dimensions. Those compromised with the West are not even at the level of Western national integrity and cultural identity standards (as attested in Italy, Germany or Spain), whereas those opposing the West in the name of Islam fail to understand that neither do they oppose the West (they rather serve the secret plans of those who rule the West) nor can they be representatives of Islam – because they simply don’t know it.


All extremist fighters, radical followers, extremist sheikhs, uncompromised imams, and unsolicited avatars of the ‘Political Islam’ are so deeply ignorant of Islam, and of the Islamic Civilization, History, Science, Philosophy, Literature, Art History and Culture, that they could offer a most spectacular and unforgettable event to the eyes of the disoriented and misled global public opinion, if caught in a well prepared round table or televised debate.


Graduates of theological schools in Egypt ignore names of Turkish Muslim dynasties and their rulers.

Graduates of theological schools in Palestine ignore the most important Islamic monuments in Iran.

Algerian sheikhs have no idea about the History of Islam in Somalia, Yemen and Central Asia.

Bangladeshi imams have no clue about Islamic dynasties across the Sahara and the monuments left from their ages.

The texts of Islam’s greater historian Tabari are not taught (not even in selected excerpts) in any class of a high school in any Muslim country (in great contrast with what happens for instance in Italy and Italian high schools, when it comes to Ancient Roman historians).

The greatest Islamic philosophers are known (not all) only as names to 99.9% of the imams who lead Friday prayers {and give a speech (khutbah) before the prayer} in all the mosques of the Islamic World, and the texts of the Islamic philosophers, which could help today’s Muslims greatly improve in every sense (moral, religious, intellectual, mental, attitudinal, behavioral, educational, cultural), are kept unknown because the majority of these imams know that their ignorance would be revealed in the daylight if all Muslims start studying what they themselves have never read.


Under such circumstances, it becomes ludicrous for Islamists, extremists, False Caliphate fighters, and all other political activists to pretend that they fight for Islam, because simply by definition you cannot fight for something you don’t know or you know for less than 1% of its entirety. However, their fake faith, worthless commitment, and overall deception are the West’s best tools in the effort undertaken to uproot Islam from the central part of what has been known as the Islamic World (Dar al Islam).


That’s why Freemasonic and Zionist outlets, statesmen, intellectuals, journalists, publications and mass media do not present these ‘fighters’ in their true dimensions, but take them as true Muslims ( ! ) because this suits the existing plan.


One of these fake Muslims is Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi, supposedly the spokesman of a CIA / Mossad-promoted scheme named Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. This worthless and ignorant person specifies that “the head of the snake is America” and calls Muslims to join forces in fighting the US. What does Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi know of Ibn Sina, Ibn Hazm, Qurtubi and Ibn Rushd? Most probably only the names, but not the moral prerogatives.


And what does Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi know of Western History? Absolutely nothing. Otherwise he would call Muslims to support the struggle of the persecuted indigenous Amer-Indians who have been martyred for many long centuries due to the criminal and racist attitude of the European colons. Or, alternatively, he would call Muslims to join forces with Hindus, Buddhists, Africans and others to reclaim all the historical and archaeological treasures that the Orientalist gangsters of France, England and America looted from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia, Iran, Central Asia, India and Africa and gathered in their ‘theft showcases’ that they euphemistically call ‘museums’.


A real Muslim would care more about the dozens of thousands of Islamic manuscripts that have been smuggled from different lands of Dar al Islam to the West. But then, the Zionist publication MEMRI would not write anything about him! The danger would be real, and silence would be imposed against such a troublemaker.


That’s why Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi is not a troublemaker but a useful puppet.


MEMRI JTTM: AQAP Official Calls For Attacks On American Targets Everywhere: ‘The Head Of The Snake Is America’


The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On September 29, 2014, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a new video message from one of its spokesmen, Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi, in which he called for attacks on American and Western targets everywhere in response to the attacks launched by the U.S.-led international coalition against the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria. Al-Ansi said that the U.S. was the main culprit in the war against the Muslims, and therefore must be attacked. He added that the U.S.’s allies would also “pay a heavy price” for supporting it in its efforts.

Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi

Following is a translation of the main points in Al-Ansi’s message:

Al-Ansi says that the U.S. and its allies have launched a second global war against the Muslims. The Israeli war in Gaza was the first move in this war, he says. He addressed the situation in Yemen, in which the Houthi rebels took over large swaths of the north and forced the government into concessions, as another part of this war. The final part of his message is dedicated to the ongoing campaign of airstrikes led by the U.S. against targets of the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq. He said:

“As for the Crusader alliance that bared its teeth in Iraq and Syria: In the face of this scheme and deceit, the Muslims have no choice but to forget their disagreements, unite their efforts, and solidify their ranks against their crusader enemy. They must create an alliance to strike the leader of falsehood and the head of unbelief. Allah said: ‘Fight against the unbelievers collectively, as they fight against you collectively. [Koran 9:36]’ Repelling the invading enemy is unconditional, as the scholars have said.

“[Jihad groups in] every front must attack America and its interests everywhere. We know who the main enemy is. For decades, America has been supporting the Jews, the occupiers of Palestine. American drones bombard Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen. They killed many mujahideen and their commanders and many among the general Muslim population, destroyed homes, and frightened women and children. It should be known that the head of the snake is America. It is the one that agitates and acts against the mujahideen and their Islamic project.

“As for the states participating in the coalition alongside America, they will pay a heavy price for [participating in] this coalition, and America will eventually abandon them and leave them on their own, undoubtedly. If the head [the U.S.] falls, so will the tails [its allies], so it will be easy for us to take our revenge against them.

“This American folly is the final nail in its coffin. It experienced the mujahideen’s might in Iraq, and left it disappointed, confused and defeated. It now returned [to Iraq] to relive the experience all over again… The Shi’ites, who rode upon their tanks yesterday, are now preparing the ground for [America] to take power, in order to carry out the same crimes against the Sunnis. The White House did not learn the lesson and did not learn from the experience. Playing with the card of sectarianism did not benefit America in the past, and it won’t benefit it today, either.”

Al-Ansi added that the Arab states that came to the aid of the U.S. in its current effort in Iraq and Syria will be harmed as well. He concluded his message by promising Muslims that victory is near.

Source:, September 29, 2014.









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