Monthly Archives: April 2021

Lavrov, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Czar Nicholas II, Putin, Pope Francis I, the Three Secrets of Fátima, and the Permanent Error of Russia

When the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation made a joke about the assassinated in July 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand​​​​​ of Austria-Hungary, speaking in a press-conference yesterday (28/4/2021), he could certainly not imagine how close he was to a major point and to a critical issue that determined the History of Russia and the History of the Mankind during the entire 20th century.

Commenting on Bulgaria’s ridiculous effort to outperform Czechia in its US-NATO-ordered accusations against Russia, Sergey Lavrov said that he was surprised that Russia had not yet been accused for the assassination of the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne on 28th July 1914, an event that triggered World War I. He reportedly stated:

 «Хорошо еще, что эрцгерцога Фердинанда пока не мы убили, но судя по всему, к этому идет».


“It is good that we have not been blamed for killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand yet, but the odds are that we will be soon, judging by the latest developments”.


The Russian Foreign Minister’s sarcasm contains an undeniable historical truth known to all and also a great secret identified by very few, which is however the key to understanding Russia’s chances to outmaneuver today the plots of the Western colonial powers against Moscow, Asia and the entire Mankind.

Even worse, Russia today, if we take Lavrov’s words at face value, he seems not to have realized why his vast country

i- lost in the WWI (signing the humiliating treaty of Brest Litovsk, 3 March 1918),

ii- underwent two unnecessary revolutions (in 1917),

iii- experienced an enormous genocide in the first decades of the Soviet regime,

iv- suffered an inhuman tyrannical regime for no less than 75 years,

v- encountered an unprecedented disaster during WWII (27 million people),

vi- became the scarecrow of the Mankind during the Cold War (1947–1991) – only because of the deceptive political Marketing of the Western colonial powers,

vii- met Western ‘sympathy’ during the period of decomposition (1991-2000), and

viii- turned out to be the object of the West’s most malignant propaganda over the past 21 years.

Linking eight very adverse events and circumstances to a critical point that I believe is still unknown to the Russian Foreign Minister, I am definitely convinced that today’s Russia faces serious challenges that Moscow will probably fail to overcome.

Associating today’s challenges put in front of the Russian Federation with a not accurately perceived, not deeply assessed, and not timely identified oversight, I intend to highlight the fact that failing to think out of the box can eventually be suicidal for a country targeted, maneuvered and sometimes utilized for too long.

This is a very long period for a major state, like today’s Russia, not to have duly assessed correctly the evil intentions, the malicious targets, the criminal methods, the perverse nature, and the five-centuries-old plan of the Western world for worldwide supremacy. Even worse, Russia’s future and survival depends mainly on this point that Lavrov and others in Moscow seem not to know.

24.11.2020 Министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров во время встречи в Москве с председателем Палаты депутатов (парламента) Ливии Акилой Салехом. Изображение является раздаточным материалом, предоставлено третьей стороной. Только редакционное использование. Запрет на архивирование, коммерческое использование, рекламную кампанию. Пресс-служба МИД РФ

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

It is widely claimed that the assassination of the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne led the Mankind to WWI as we know it. Conventionally viewed, this is true. But it hinged greatly on the specific worldviews, the perceptions, the intentions, the pretensions and the targets that the various rulers, administrations, establishments and headquarters of the major powers had at the time. WWI, as it happened, was not inevitable; it could have been different and it could have had a totally contrasting result. By this I don’t mean that the Triple Alliance could have won the war if the outcome of some battles was other; this development may have eventually been a possibility at the military level, but it is not what I want to state at this point.

In fact, when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serb rascal and gangster bribed by the French secret services, it was already too late for negative developments not to follow and very difficult for Russia not to be exposed to an unprecedented disaster as I already mentioned.

However, there could have been a totally different landscape at the level of the imperial alliances of those days (the Triple Alliance, namely Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, which was established in 1882, and the Triple Entente, i.e. France, Russia and England, which was progressively set up in 1984, 1904, and 1907). And this eventuality would certainly impact greatly the ‘Great War’, which was also known -first expectantly and then sarcastically- as “the war to end all wars”. But this possibility seems still unknown and unfathomable to the Russians. This situation is not merely a history lesson discussion; it directly concerns the very way Russian diplomats, academics, military, and statesmen perceive developments and view today’s ‘world politics’. As such, it prevents them from seeing out of the box, thus becoming a real danger for Russia’s future.

An alternative reading of the event can however demonstrate that the successive disasters Russia experienced over the past 107 years, starting with 1914, would not take place, if czar Nicholas II did not follow similar, conventional stances and approaches to the foreign relations of his vast empire.  

Czar Nicholas II

Surrounded by untrustworthy and villainous Freemasons whose total commitment and absolute dedication were directed only to the disreputable Apostate Lodge that they served, cheated by his ministers and prime ministers, confused by academics and diplomats, the last of the Romanovs did not have one minute to concentrate on some basic realities of his days, which were easily ostensible to every objective, neutral and unbiased observer.

Controlled by the three evil, anti-Christian forces, namely the Societas Jesu (Jesuits), the pseudo-Freemasons, and the Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionists, the criminal and inhuman colonial states of France and England could not possibly be allies for the Orthodox Christian Russia, which functioned (or at least pretended that it did) as the Third Rome in full continuity from Rome and Nova Roma – Constantinople.

At the level of colonial expansion, England’s intention to advance from Egypt to Palestine opposed the czarist Russian dream of liberating Jerusalem from the Islamic Caliphate. And France’s well prepared colonial expansion in Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco and the parallel French infiltration in Lebanon, Syria and Mesopotamia showed clearly that Paris too opposed Russia’s drive toward the Southern Seas.

More importantly, at the very level of their true nature and identity, France and England constituted Satanic empires that intended to profane every land they occupied, corrupt the morals of the nations they colonized, and distort the local wisdom everywhere by replacing it with their inhuman, monstrous, and pathetic narrative, premeditated historical falsification, and arbitrary, absurd and unproven sciences.

For Czar Nicholas II, it would certainly be better, if the Ottomans occupied Jerusalem and the Christian Holy Lands longer and until Russian soldiers could reach Palestine instead of the pseudo-Christian English and French desecrating the soil where Jesus and the Biblical prophets walked in the past.

As a matter of fact, it is very clear that Czar Nicholas II, canonized in 1981 by the Russian Orthodox Church abroad and in 2000 by the Russian Orthodox Church in post-Soviet, Republican Russia, would never accept that the Ashkenazi Khazarian pseudo-Jewish Zionists of his own realm moved to Central and Western Europe and thence to North America only to later occupy and desecrate the Christian Holy Land. Had he known that, the last of the Romanovs would have never allowed them to move out of Russia.

On the contrary, despite secondary interests conflicting in parts of Southeastern Europe (mainly the Balkan Peninsula), Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary shared indeed many common interests in several parts of the world. The colonial expansion of England in India was an embarrassment for the Russians and the Germans alike. English and French infiltration in the Ottoman Empire did not bode well for either Berlin or St. Petersburg; it opposed the German Drang nach Osten concept as for instance materialized in the historic project of the Berlin–Baghdad railway (Bağdat Demiryolu / Bagdadbahn). And it countered the interests of Russia in the Great Game that was being unfolded in Central Asia.

Much more united Russia and Germany in 1900-1914 than divided them; this is the down-to-earth reality that the Paris, London and Washington D.C. rascals tried to hide from the eyes of Saint Nicholas II. Establishing an alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Russia would be highly beneficial to all member-states.

The Kaiser and the Czar

By agreeing to respect the common borders of the four empires, the Germans would turn a great part of their army to the West against France and thus ensure a speedy victory over the capital of Darkness, Barbarity and Inhumanity, i.e. Paris, and then surely achieve the much needed, permanent dissolution of the rebel state that caused bloodshed and turmoil in Europe. It should be clear to the Russian czar that the fake nation ‘France’ had to be split to Brittany, Occitania, Euskadi (Bask Land), Catalonia, Corsica and that the other half of the territory should be placed under German imperial authority and re-educated on the basis of true, Christian values. 

By virtue of the same agreement, the Austrian-Hungarians would solve, once for all, the ‘Serbian’ problem and agree with the Ottomans as regards their common borders in the Balkans. Peace would then prevail in Southeastern Europe, Muslim-Christian fraternity would predominate (as it happened under Austrian-Hungarian imperial rule; the following presentation is highly biased and falsified, but one can find valuable sources: and, the Macedonian nation would not be exposed to genocide, and the Albanian nation would not be forced to unreasonably and unjustly split into so many pieces and countries or provinces (Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Kosova, Montenegro, and Occupied Sanjak in today’s Serbia).

Franz Joseph Receiving Wilhelm II

Similarly, thanks to this quadripartite agreement, the Ottoman Empire would not need to keep major forces in the East (opposite Czarist Russia) and in the Balkan Peninsula (against the orchestrated alliance of the colonial puppet-states of Romania, Serbia and Greece); instead, the Sultan could prepare and dispatch an enormous army to liberate his lost provinces of Egypt and Sudan from the English colonials. One could certainly expect that one enlightened military officer, like Kemal Ataturk (, would overthrow the obsolete monarchy at a later stage, thus modernizing not only Turkey but the entire territory of the Ottoman Empire in 1914, plus Egypt and the Sudan. Nonsensical, self-destructive, and colonially prefabricated ideologies like Pan-Arabism, Political Islam, and Wahhabism would be obliterated and forgotten, whereas Islamic Terrorism would never occur.

The visit of Kaiser to the Sultan
Kaiser Wilhelm II leaving Dolmabahçe Palace

Last, Russians too would enormously benefit from the agreement, because they could remove most of their armies from the German, Austrian-Hungarian and Ottoman borders and progressively establish an enormous military base in Central Asia from where they could launch an overwhelming attack against the fabricated pseudo-kingdom of Afghanistan (allowing Qajar Iran to occupy its Western parts) and the English colonies of India. Sending 5 million Russian soldiers to the Indus River valley would constitute the dead end of English colonialism.

After the elimination of France in Europe, the destruction of the colonial puppet Sultanate of Egypt in Africa, and the obliteration of the ‘British colonial India’ in Asia, Germany and Russia could disembark millions of soldiers in England, liberate Scotland, Wales and Ireland, and put the tombstone on the world’s most abnormal, most villainous, and most criminal state.

The imperial agreement would be easy to reach and very possible to materialize. But to conceive it in the first place, the Russian royal family had to be void of identity misperception and historical biases.


The same situation that Russia experienced before the outbreak of WWI prevails nowadays; it looks like the few major players only changed national names: 1914 Germany is 2021 China, 1914 England is 2021 USA, and so on. Having an imperial ideal, while consolidating a republican state, is dangerous and risky. Putin and the entire Russian establishment must act cautiously, and -more importantly- they must perceive Russia’s real identity and position accurately. In other words, today’s Russians must avoid committing the same –lethal- errors that the idiots of Political Islam make in Ankara.

Having as paradigm an already failed, defeated and fallen empire, like Czarist Russia and the Ottoman Empire, can be suicidal for a state today. Before eventually admiring a defunct state (an attitude that can be purely absurd), one has to first understand the mistakes committed by the state in question and criticize the past rulers, thus fully exposing their errors, wrongdoings and oversights. Idealizing Czarist Russia and the Ottoman Empire constitutes a very self-destructive attitude that directly and plainly testifies to total ignorance, confusion, sick sentimentalism, pathetic academics, uneducated elites, counter-productive and brainless peoples, and governments at the brink of nervous breakdown. 

For educated, intelligent and realist rulers, administrations, and elites, none of these empires can be possibly a paradigm today; this is one point. But there is another dimension: the historical territories, cultures and faiths, the spheres of past influence and radiation, and the expansionist tendencies of those, now defunct, empires may eventually become reasons for close examination, unbiased study, identification of valuable points, and selection of conclusions. Consequently, after an exhaustive error analysis, one may be able to identify first, occasions in which the historical empires-paradigms failed to timely act or correctly react and second, where their elites and rulers failed to think out of the box. In brief, Czarist Russia and the Ottoman Empire are good only to study, analyze and avoid their mistakes.  

In this regard, issues of Weltanschauung, cultural integrity, historical self-perception, moral values, cultural standards, national education, and identity definition matter as much as arms race, advanced technologies, and groundbreaking, innovative weapons. That’s why truthful historiography, correct perception of the historical identity, and thinking out of the box matter greatly: the point is not to invent, test, produce and possess an unbeatable arsenal of advanced weaponry; the point is to know when you can effectuate a preemptive strike and a devastating first-strike attack that will permanently prevent your enemy from retaliating.

This means also that foe identification is crucial and that no country can win a war without having first identified the nature, the intentions and the targets of their enemy. Nicholas II failed to identify how evil the nature of France and England was.

The last of the Romanovs was unable to understand that his fake ‘allies’ wanted only to use Russia as expendable material until they staged the events which later dragged the United States (only beneficially for Paris and London, but detrimentally for Washington D.C.) into the Great War. The value of Holy Russia (Святая Русь), for Nicholas II’s mendacious English and French interlocutors, duplicitous friends, and scheming, hypocritical and malicious allies, was that of a worn out pair of shoes. They did not give a damn of Nicholas II, his empire, and his faith.

Putin and Shoigu

Putin must not therefore make the same mistake, because he will pay it with his own death and with the final split and partition of Russia. The intentions of the Western colonial powers (and of the secret forces behind the Western governments) against Russia are identical with those that they harbor vis-à-vis Turkey, Iran and China: infiltration, destabilization, decomposition, and replacement by small puppet-states engulfed in permanent wars against one another.  

The Western colonial powers want just to turn Russia to an enormous Somalia, China to a colossal South Sudan, Iran to a huge Syria, and Turkey to vast Yemen.

There cannot be and there will never be ‘peace’ with the criminal forces of the evil, inhuman and degenerate Western world. Even worse, the present duel will not last for long. The deterioration can be precipitated. Instead of waiting, Moscow and Beijing must find the way to soon be calling the shots.

Pope Francis I

A vicious enemy of Russia is the Jesuit pope of the decayed, demented and deviated Catholic Church. The Anti-Christian pope wants to kill Putin. Actually, Jesuits do not represent Christianity at all; they only impersonate the Christian clerics. For more than 10 centuries, they were the Eastern Roman Empire’s most venomous enemies. For today’s Russian elite -either religious, academic, administrative, military or presidential- it is would be disastrously wrong to consider the evil Societas Jesu as a ‘modern’ organization set up in 1534 and approved in 1540. They constitute the secession of a Benedictine group of monks and the formation of an ultra-radical and extremist Anti-Christian Order very close to the evil Origenist worldview (Origen lived in the 2nd – 3rd c. CE) that John Cassian’s texts (4th – 5th c. CE) instilled on Benedict of Nursia (5th – 6th c. CE); they are a very old Egyptian polytheistic school of evil and malignant spirituality, which created its way into Christianity.

How much Pope Francis I wants to kill Putin is easy for the ruling class of today’s Russia to grasp. Today’s Rome is not Rome; it is a counterfeit pseudo-Rome at the very antipodes of the capital of Constantine the Great. This is nothing new; Justinian I (527-565) realized the extent of the problem and understood the abysmally Anti-Christian depth of the camouflaged Origenist heresy, which made of the old capital of the fallen Western Roman Empire its home; then, the great emperor of the only true Reconquista managed to impose the proper true Roman-Constantinopolitan solution to the Memphitic Egyptianizing polytheism of the Benedictines.

Francis I and Jesuits
Jesuit Refugee Service

As per Justinian’s orders, for the popes of Rome to be truly Roman Christian popes, they had to be appointed and approved by the Roman Emperor at Constantinople – New Rome. In the extensively biased, Western bibliography, the Constantinopolitan popes of Rome are denigrated as ‘Byzantine Papacy’; the practice lasted from 537 to 752. During this period of 215 years, the Origenist, Anti-Constantinopolitan party of Rome carried out ceaseless plots in order to remove the Christian Orthodox control over the old, in reality defunct, Rome. Rejecting to accept New Rome-Constantinople as the only true Rome and as the imperial Christian capital, the Satanic monks of the fallen First Rome managed – at a time the Eastern Roman Empire was facing internal and external adversities – to achieve independence from the Christian rule (752) and to expand their plots until striking an alliance with the barbarian Frankish realm (800). In fact, the schism between the Orthodox and the Catholic Churches is not a religious affair, but a real matter of worldly governance and an effort of the Benedictine-controlled realm of the Evil to posture as the true original Rome in a fully-fledged revisionist rejection of Constantinople’s Roman authenticity.   

For today’s Russian elite, it is wise to always keep in mind a clear distinction between

– spirituality and religion,

– religion and theology,

– spirituality, religion and theology from one side and any type of governance from the other side, politics being only one, lowly and degenerate, type of governance.

Confusing these totally unrelated activities and endeavors of human life is complete guarantee of failure.

The Ottoman Empire failed to function as the Eastern Roman Empire, despite of Mehmet II and his successors bearing the title Qaysar-i Rum (قیصر روم‎ / Qayser-i Rum / Caesar of Rome), and it was swept away.

Czarist Russia failed to act correctly as the ‘Third Rome’, in spite of the fact that ‘Czar’ in Russian (Царь) means literally ‘Caesar’, and it fell to pieces. Jesuits did not have any control over the Freemasons under Kerensky and over the Zionists around Lenin and Trotsky, who brought an end to Imperial Russia. But one major force’s plans can be effectuated not only when in conflict with others’ but also when in superposition to them. About:

In any case, thanks to Alexander Xavierevich Bulatovich (Александр Ксаверьевич Булатович; 1870-1919), who was also known as Father Anthony (отец Антоний), we came to understand that during the last decades of the czarist imperial rule, the Jesuits were not inactive, but secretively lurking and merely waiting in the wings. After studying in the famous imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and serving the Imperial Guard regiment, Bulatovich was officially dispatched to Abyssinia in Eastern Africa (in the 1890s) where he became closely related to Menelik II and took personally part in various Abyssinian colonial expeditions against several African kingdoms, notably the Oromo, the Kaffa and others. (These events he documented in his books that bear witness to Abyssinian atrocities against many African nations:

Alexander Bulatovich

After returning to Russia, Bulatovich became one of the main preachers of Imiaslavie (Имяславие/lit. ‘onomatodoxy’, i.e. ‘Belief in the Name of God’), a Jesuit-inspiration heresy as per which the Name of God is God Himself. In any case, Bulatovich’s patronymic (Xavierevich), which is totally unusual among Russians, fully shows that his family had strong contacts with the Jesuits and that his father was named after a major Jesuit figure, namely St. Francis Xavier. The Russian Orthodox Church closely monitored the theological developments, fully understood the evil Anti-Christian notion of the new heretic doctrine, and mobilized the empire’s military and police forces to dissolve the dangerous movement in 1913. As Bulatovich knew Czar Nicholas II personally, he managed to be offered an audience by the czar and he obtained a sort of rehabilitation for himself and his monastic companions. 

The Three Secrets of Fátima  

The Jesuit infiltration in Russia failed before WWI, but it would be absurd to imagine that formidable secret organizations renounce to their claims and cancel their agendas. Little time later, the Marian apparitions and the ‘miracle of the sun’ (1916-1917) in Fátima, Portugal, solemnly proclaimed the Jesuit need to ‘consecrate Russia’, after which Russia would be converted to the counterfeit Christianity of the Jesuits and ‘an era of peace would ensue’! That’s why Father Anthony (Bulatovich) had to soon die (in 1919, at the age of only 49), because he was not useful anymore to the Jesuits. Bibliography and historical sources and documentation can be found here:

The Jesuit threat against Russia is also due to the present model of governance in Russia, which is an evidently unacceptable situation for the Societas Jesu. I must at this point make it clear that Putin or any other similar republican or monarchical head of state in Russia will always be viewed by the Jesuits as a new Justinian I or, if you prefer, as the embodiment of Caesaropapism, an extremely abominable (for the Jesuits) situation that reminds Jesuits of the Constantinopolitan popes. At the antipodes of Justinian I’s practices and laws, the Jesuits and the Anti-Christian Vatican constitute the real epitome of Papoceasarism throughout the ages. This has always been the evil nature of the Counterfeit Rome. More:

It may sound bizarre but today Putin (or any other president of Republican Russia) finds himself in exactly the same position in which Mehmet II was, without however understanding it, late in the morning of 29 May 1453. He is viewed -by a formidable force- as the obstacle to the prevalence of the Origenist-Benedictine-Jesuit pseudo-religion, which in public only is covered under Christian theological camouflage. As the Jesuits attempt nowadays to effectuate their final assault, the time draws nigh. The ‘consecration of Russia’ has nothing to do with religious, papal acts like for instance the notorious Apostolic Letter of Pope Pius XII ‘Carissimis Russiae populis’ (7 July 1952); it will take the form of ferocious events that will irreversibly dismantle today’s Russia in every sense, also eliminating the country’s remarkable arsenal of conventional and nonconventional weapons.

I don’t mean that these events will ultimately occur; but they have been prepared. It is up to the rulers of Russia to allow these events to happen or to prevent and cancel them. However, there is no middle-of-the-road solution to this; either Russia will destroy the Jesuits, their stooges and structures or Russia will be decomposed and destroyed like the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Caliphate. However, one issue is very clear when it comes to Societas Jesu; they are not as ignorant as the US administration to take China as their main opponent and to consider Beijing as the basic obstacle to their worldwide predominance. According to their considerations, China’s Christianization will prove to be far easier an achievement than Russia’s ‘Consecration’. Again, I don’t mean that they will be proven correct. This is up to their opponents…

The Three Secrets of Fátima cover a great number of visions that pertain to several topics; of course, it is a matter of interpretation because anyone can see apocalyptic visions without however being able to specify their real meaning and to identify the moment of materialization of the acts that the vision reveals. The secrecy that covers several documents testifies to hesitations and tergiversations attested in the decision-making circles of a formidable organization like the Jesuits. The ‘Consecration’ of Russia is linked to tragic and disastrous events that will follow, and which will bring about the destruction of Rome and the dissolution of the Catholic Church. When representatives of the highest ranks of the Catholic Church attempt to establish a link between the Third Secret and various unfortunate events, like for instance the assassination attempt on John Paul II (13 May 1981), what they try to do in reality is to offer a well-known substitute for an unknown disaster of disproportionate dimensions.  

The Permanent Error of Russia

Within the bright halo that must now surround his head, if we accept that Nicholas II Romanov is truly a saint, the last of the czars probably regretted for the naivety with which he dealt with human affairs, evil schemes, and anti-Russian colonial plots. He may have also repented for not saying the Truth always. This may have saved his soul, but it is surely insufficient to rescue Russia from today’s exceptionally difficult position in which the Kremlin potentates may find themselves so that Foreign Minister Lavrov wonders in public whether Russia is going to be blamed for killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

This situation must change fast, if the Russian government does not want to experience the most dreadful challenge that they ever met. This is not the place to come up with suggestions, because this was not the scope of the present article. However, everything starts from a point and the salvation of Russia starts only from the Russian identity; if some people call it the ‘Russian soul’ (Русская душа), they may be right, but the pro-Western lies, doctrines, theories, propaganda and false historiography must then be removed at once. Too many falsifications, conventional needs, and compromises that took place over several hundreds of years play now a calamitous role, and they must therefore be removed as soon as possible. Russians did not come until now to truly know their soul, and they surely did not look it straight in the eye. Starting with Peter I (Пётр I; 1682-1725), there has always been a pro-Occidental party among the Russian elites. This is the main reason for all the adversities that Russia encountered during czarist, soviet and republican times. This party brings Death to Russia; it must disappear.

The only way for Russia to survive is a matter of rediscovery of the historical truth and incorporation of neglected components whose absence only distorts the ability of Russians to achieve proper and pertinent self-identification. Russia was never a Western state, a Western land or a Western society. Russia was always an Oriental Empire; either its truths will be spelled out, its illustrious moments will be accepted as such, its cultural quintessence will be reassessed, and its moral values reinstated or the land of many concealed truths will fall apart. As a determined rejection of the Western World, Russia will calibrate its defense, solidify its internal front, and also strengthen its alliances. Then, no one will care whether Russia is going to be blamed for assassinating … Julius Caesar.

After the relocation of an Egyptianizing Memphitic pseudo-Christian Origenist priesthood in Rome, the only possibly successful stance toward Anti-Christian Rome, Vatican and their evil Orders is exclusively based on methods, practices and rules introduced by Justinian I. Either you are Christian or Muslim, the only model to follow, when it comes to governance is Justinian I’s Caesaropapism. The great Muslim emperor Timur (Tamerlane) owes his superb success to this exactly practice.


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Uyghurs, Eastern Turkestan, Turkey, Islam, China, and Kemal Ataturk – Part I

Over the past decades, the Uyghurs have gradually become one of the most favorite topics of the distorting propaganda undertaken by the Western colonial powers; it is a pity that a great and historic nation turned out to be the indispensable mascot of every disinformation and misinformation campaign carried out by the Western mainstream media and by some of the leading social media in the Internet. More recently, themes related to the illustrious Turanian nation were promoted to the forefront of the clash between China and the corrupt, ailing and worthless Western world.

However, in the case of the Uyghur nation and their land, i.e. the Tarim Basin, the lies diffused nowadays only pale if compared to the methodically established in the 19th c. and systematically expanded ever since academic fallacies about the Uyghurs, all the Turkic nations, Central Asia, Siberia, China, India, Iran, the so-called Middle East, and in general, the History of Asia. The same concerns of course Africa as well.

Each and every historical distortion is due only to the evil political needs of the colonial powers, i.e. their attempt to subdue the world, by fooling the others in various ways that the colonial academia are not ashamed to call ‘Orientalism’, ‘Humanities’, and ‘unbiased science’. That’s why only very few scholars today have an idea about the true dimensions of the colonial falsehood, the extent of the historical falsification, and the disastrous targets that the colonial powers attempted through their enormous academic fallacy. This unfortunately concerns also the Uyghurs themselves because, due to various circumstances occurred over the past 300-400 years, they have been detached from their past and dissociated from part of their extraordinarily remarkable historical-cultural heritage, thus failing to achieve a proper nation building process.


Uyghur Civilization constitutes one of the most fascinating parts of the Turanian and Oriental Cultural Heritage; more than any other nation in the World History, the Uyghurs developed civilization through five (5) different religions: Tengrism, Buddhism, Manichaeism, Nestorian Christianity, and Islam.

Buddhist Uyghur princes depicted on wall paintings of Bezeklik Cave 9
Manichaean Elects (priests) as depicted on walls of the Manichaean temple at Qocho
Wall painting from the Qocho Church; a process of Nestorian priests commemorating Palm Sunday (7th-8th c.)
The famous map featured in Mahmoud al Kashgari’s masterpiece Diwan Lughat al-Turk (“Compendium of the languages of the Turks” / 11th c.), which is a monumental work that shows the advanced level of scholarship that the Uyghurs had reached among all Turanian and Muslim nations.
The tomb of Mahmud al Kashgari, one of the most illustrious Uyghur scholars and erudite academics – Kashgar, Eastern Turkestan/Xinjiang
Uyghur Christian Nestorian priests, architects and merchants built the Daqin Pagoda-Church in Xi’an, the ancient Chinese capital Chang’an, during the 11th c.
The travels of the Uyghur Nestorian Chinese diplomat Rabban Bar Sauma (13th c.)


Ignorant and idiotic people, who believe the lies of the criminal gangsters of the Western countries against China and accept the Western propaganda about the so-called oppression or persecution of the Uyghurs in Eastern Turkestan by the Chinese authorities, are the disgrace of the human race, and they will soon have to pay an enormously high price for their ignorance and idiocy. This concerns also several foolish politicians in Turkey, notably Mansur Yavaş, the mayor of Ankara, and Meral Akşener, the head of Iyi Parti, who recently took disastrous positions against China, therefore only proving that they are on the CIA payroll.

Their sick sentimentalism and evil rhetoric heavily damage Turkey’s national interests, which are irrevocably linked with China. Not one Turk can today possibly support and defend positions that help -in any sense- Turkey’s enemies, namely US, UK, EU, NATO, Canada, Australia and their likes. Either both, Mr. Yavaş and Ms. Akşener, will return to common sense or they will contribute to the disastrous failure of Turkey, which has been the quintessence of the miserable and anti-Turkish AKP governments’ policies since 2002.

On the contrary, sticking to Kemal Ataturk’s secular concepts, principles and practices, today’s Turkey can become instrumental in solving the Uyghur problem, in offering Beijing great assistance and effective advice in the matter, and in dragging the embattled Uyghur nation far from the useless pseudo-Islamic theological indoctrination, which has been diffused -in a most nauseating and disgusting manner- by the ignorant, uneducated and villainous sheikhs and pseudo-professors of Al Azhar, Madinah and other similar, backward and pseudo-Islamic universities of today’s decayed Islamic world.

Better than anyone else, Turkey’s Kemalists, and more particularly the members and the deputies of CHP (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi), are in a position to convincingly explain to the Uyghurs the worldwide unique achievements made by Kemal Ataturk and to pull them far from the evil manipulation undertaken by the colonial Western countries against -not only the Uyghurs but also- all the Turanian nations.


When different maps of Eastern Turkestan / Xinkiang uploaded in different versions of the Wikipedia reveal the hidden intentions of scheming colonial diplomats

Eastern Turkestan / Xinjiang autonomous region of the People’s Republic of China
Dzungaria (in red) and the Tarim Basin (in blue) are the two parts of Xinkiang
Uyghurs, Han Chinese, and Kazakh: Xinjiang nationalities by prefecture – Date: 2000
The entry East Turkestan of the English version of the Wikipedia features this ridiculous map, which has no historical credibility, but it only shows the territories that the CIA and the State Department order the so-called ‘World Uyghur Congress’ to publicly demand for secession! This treacherous organization terribly harms the interests of the Uyghur Nation.


If today’s Uyghurs believe -in any way- even a single word uttered to them by the monstrous, paranoid, disreputable and criminal statesmen, military, politicians, diplomats, agents, academics, analysts, journalists, etc., they will all fall victims of a scheme providing for the cynical utilization of their nation, and in the process they will bring upon themselves their destruction. Any sort of contact, communication, association or cooperation between the Uyghurs and any representative of the US, UK, EU, NATO gangsters will only end with the fatal and total eradication of the Uyghur nation, and the only responsible will be the naïve Uyghur pundits and activists who thought it possible to communicate with the leeches and the parasites of the Western world.

It has nothing to do with ‘religion’, and it is as simple as that: the inhuman monsters, who rule the US, UK, EU, NATO, etc., do not give a damn about the Uyghurs and their lives, let alone their souls. Already, these evil governments and their insidious academia abominably disfigured and deliberately minimized the History of Uyghur Nation in a shameful manner, concealing major achievements of the illustrious Turanian nation. The demented, inhuman and devilish atheists, who rule London, Paris, Brussels, and Washington D.C., do not care whether the Uyghurs pray in the mosques or fast in Ramadhan; under other circumstances, they would be pleased to throw thousands of insulting caricatures of prophet Muhammad inside the Uyghur mosques and thus profane them. They only care to generate problems to their principal rival: Beijing.

That’s why the gangsters of US, UK, EU, NATO, etc. use the Uyghurs like their most worn out shoes. The descendants of a major Turanian nation should not therefore fall victims of the fetid and bestial pedophiles of the West, who first pay some millions of dollars to the Uyghur traitors of the ‘World Uyghur Congress’, and then calmly enjoy their abnormal lives, destroying young children’s lives.


Who pays the bill for the World Uyghur Congress and for all the lies published in Western mass media against China?

Those who pay one category of their puppets, namely the atheist and Zionist cartoonists, to publish disreputable cartoons ridiculing prophet Muhammad,

View of the premises of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Paris, France, 02 November 2011, after they suffered destruction due to an incendiary bomb attack overnight. According to Police sources the fire started around 01.00 am. Charlie Hebdo had published a special edition on 02 November related to the Arab Spring, renaming the magazine Charia Hebdo for the occasion, in reference to the Ennahda Islamist party victory in Tunisia and the transitional Libyan executive’s statement that Islamic Sharia law would be the country’s main source of law. The cover featured a cartoon of the Mohammed, saying: ‘100 lashes if you don’t die of laughter!’.

those who pay another category of their puppets, namely the Islamic extremists and terrorists to fire-bomb the offices of the newspapers that published the disreputable cartoons …

….. are those who pay the otherwise ‘good Muslims’ and ‘patriotic Uyghurs’ of the World Uyghur Congress to betray their nation, their religion, their history and their heritage, just for … a fistful of dollars!

And how do the world’s most criminal countries, France, England and the US, i.e. the states that perpetrated the world’s most abhorrent crimes, happen to care now about the nonexistent ‘genocide of the Uyghurs’ after they exterminated all the American Indians and the African and Asiatic nations that they colonized?

Only idiots and fake Muslims believe these lies – only to end up in the Hell that they deserve.


The present series of articles will shed light on the evil deeds and the criminal plans that the mendacious and duplicitous Western ‘supporters’ of the Uyghurs have long carried out and it will underscore the imperative need for a cordial alliance between Turkey and China, which will reshape the world and ditch the anomalous, colonial West in the landfill once for all.


I. The Dispute about the Uyghur Past and Heritage

II. A Brief Diagram of Uyghur History

III. Eastern Turkestan: the Clash of Terms for the Center of the World

IV. Turkey: the Turanian and the Islamic World’s Foremost Example as a Secular State

V. Islam: turned to a Theological System, Islam does not exist anymore as Religion VI. China and the Problems of Eastern Turkestan – Xinkiang

VII. Kemal Ataturk: the Only True Salvation for today’s Uyghurs

I. The Dispute about the Uyghur Past and Heritage

Uyghurs ( ئۇيغۇرلار- Уйғурлар /Uygurlar/維吾爾/ Уйгуры) are one of the most ancient and most important Turanian (Turkic) nations; as per a conventional, flawed and Western colonial linguistic classification, Uyghur belongs to the Karluk category of Turanian languages, like Uzbek. On the contrary, Turkmen, Turkish, Azeri and other languages belong to the Oghuz (Oğuz) branch of Turanian languages, whereas Tatar, Kazakh, Kyrgyz and several other languages form the Kipchak (Kıpçak/ Кипчак – Кыпчак) group of Turanian languages.

Uyghur History covers four (4) millennia documented in several languages and an endlessly increasing material record; however, it has been detrimentally distorted by Western colonial explorers and academics, notably English and French, since the time of what was termed as the Great Game. This ominous term denotes basically the 19th c. antagonism of primarily German, Russian, English and French Orientalists, explorers, scholars, secret agents, diplomats and statesmen for the fabrication of the borders that each great power wanted to impose in a vast area to which none of these powers was related (Russia reached that area only by invading other kingdoms and empires).

The Great Game: the Afghan Emir Shir Ali between the Russians (bear) and the English (lion)

The various borderlines that were envisioned by the respective headquarters and expressed only the wishes of Berlin, St. Petersburg, London and Paris needed to be backed-up by aptly, properly and systematically falsified historiography, and consequently, History ‘had’ to be written in a way so that it can be adjusted to each of the aforementioned political interests that were opposite to one another. That’s why several gangsters and thieves, like ‘Sir’ Aurel Stein, masqueraded as scholars, crossed many thousands of kilometers and penetrated in dangerous deserts to search, find and distort/misinterpret antiquities first. The entirely fake science of ‘geopolitics’ was also fabricated at that time only to theorize the nonsensical colonial claims raised by every white racist criminal. There are no historical lines that can possibly divide Asia. The true historical process, as documented in written sources and the archaeological material record, totally discredits every hypothetical line drawn by any biased ‘political scientist’.   

It is crucial at this point to underscore the fact that the useless Ottoman Empire, although primordially concerned by the aforementioned developments, was totally absent from the Great Game, pretty much like the ailing Qajar Empire of Iran. The roots of the Asiatic Great Game could to some extent be attributed to the Napoleonic scheme of an eventual French-Russian alliance geared in order to invade the then still expanding English colonial force in South Asia (the so-called ‘India’). As it can be understood, the collapsing and terminating Mughal Empire (Gorkanian) was (in the early 19th c.) at the brink of extinction due to the ceaseless plots and colonial wars undertaken by Portuguese, Dutch, French and English against it, whereas in Qing China, the emperors Jiaqing (嘉慶帝; 1796-1820) and Daoguang (道光帝; 1820-1850) were only a shadow of their formidable predecessor Kangxi (康熙帝; 1661-1722), and their rule over the land of the Uyghurs was only nominal. So, none of the four great historical Asiatic empires (Ottomans, Iranians, Mughal and China) could be able to withstand or divert the colonial onslaught.

Speaking of today’s Uyghurs, I felt obliged to briefly divert my presentation to issues pertaining to the Great Game for a simple, yet crucial, reason; the outcome of the Great Game determined what we know today as ‘borders’ in the vast lands of Central and Eastern Asia. And as I already said, it also shaped to great extent what is today taught in universities worldwide as History of Asia or Uyghur History. Several modern scholarly juxtapositions and polarizations about various points of Uyghur History are only the result of the systematic, sophisticated and insidious distortion of Asiatic History by Western colonial academia. This is so because tons of deliberately falsified data and material record have not yet been duly refuted and rejected, but they still constitute harmful traps that disorient researchers from a correct and proper conceptualization and contextualization of the historical sources.

Turghun Almas (Тургун Алмас/ تۇرغۇن ئالماس/吐尔贡·阿力玛斯; 1924-2001), a great Uyghur scholar who was persecuted because of his secessionist misinterpretation of Uyghur History, supported the thesis of 6000+ years of indigenous Uyghur History in Eastern Turkestan. Official Chinese historical interpretations associate today’s Uyghurs with the Tiele people, who were part of the vast Hiung-Nu (Xiongnu /匈奴 / Хунну) tribal, confederate Empire, some of whose descendants became later known as Huns in Central Asia, Western Siberia, and throughout Europe. The Hiung-Nu are a major part of China’s History and the Hiung-Nu wars with Han China (133 BCE-89 CE) shaped China as we know it.

Turghun Almas

Their heirs are the so-called White Huns (‘Ebodalo’ in Bactrian/厭帶夷粟陁 – Yethailito/Εφθαλίται-Hephthalites/Эфталиты), who formed various kingdoms in Bactria, Sogdiana and the entire Tarim Basin (Eastern Turkestan). Although vassals of the Rouran Khaganate (see below), they were formidable warriors and defeated the Sassanid armies of Iran several times. The Hephthalites contributed greatly to Civilization, Spirituality and Art, being the enlightened rulers who sponsored superb and majestic monuments like the Qizil Caves of the Tarim Basin (Caves of the Thousand Buddhas) and the Buddhas of Bamiyan (Afghanistan).

However, trying to demonstrate, who arrived first in a specific territory, in order to subsequently issue historicity claims is the least successful method for anyone to get rid of the Anglo-French colonial Orientalist scheme, and of its implications. It is essential to first understand the nature of the Ancient Turanian History and second outsmart the colonial distortion of the History of Asia.

Turanians were nomads or semi-nomads whose acts demonstrate that they were absolutely convinced that home-dwellers were sinners and degenerate people unable to attain the ancestral human originality because of their attachment to one only location. The difference, opposition and clash between Turanian nomads and settled populations are the real axis around which revolves the History of all Turanian nations. This is attested in historical sources, in the archaeological material record, and also in epics, legends and every literary effort of mythologized History. With this in mind, one can comprehend the entire History of Asia far better and perceive the interaction between the Northern Chinese and the Turanians as a historical process that concerns the same family of nations. Actually, many historical and literary sources view the Northern Chinese as simply settled Turanians, and this can provide far better insight into the violence of their wars. In this regard, the Han – Hiung-Nu wars constitute an early episode of the permanent phenomenon of Turanian nomad-settler polarity. 

On the other hand, the colonial perfidy in misinterpreting historical evidence and in contextualizing it as per the colonial interests of England and France is easy to assess; it merely constitutes a reflection of their own attitude at the political-international level. Since they viciously generate all types of divisions at the political level, they deliberately proliferate divisions at the academic-scholarly level, when writing down the history of lands that they hate enough to viciously distort, fittingly adjust, and totally subordinate it to the fallacy that they diffuse as their own, ‘Western’ or ‘European’, History. Western Orientalists played therefore with ethnic names, personal names, toponyms, and the vocabulary of languages that they deciphered.

Although it is very well known that an ethnic group can have many diverse names in different historical sources written in several languages, colonial academic forgers intentionally multiplied the historically recorded (in various languages under different names) ethnicities in order to deprive several nations from

a) a past that the Western colonial academics did not want to attribute to them,

b) a presence in remote locations that they did not want to acknowledge to them,


c) an achievement that was ‘too great’ so that the Western schemers possibly concede it to all those nations that they viewed hatefully and enviously for their past, cultures, civilizations and achievements.  

The subsequent fabrication of, otherwise nonexistent, pseudo-historical nations (which are only the duplicate of other nations known under different names) is a method that was widely used by Western Orientalists in order to disfigure the History of Asia. This fact had a disastrous impact on Uyghurs, China, the History of Uyghur, and the History of China as these topics are presently taught in universities and manipulated in politics.

An example in this regard is offered by another ‘stolen’ part of the Uyghur heritage: the Yuezhi (月氏/ Юэчжи; 3rd c. BCE – 4th c. CE), who became later known as divided (Great Yuezhi and Lesser Yuezhi), are not different from the Hiung-Nu but only constitute a part of them. They clashed with them and they migrated only to be further divided in their migration. But the Yuezhi and the Hiung-Nu were indeed Turanians, and they constitute an authentic part of Uyghur History, pretty much like they are an inalienable part of the History of China, which de facto comprises and is partly identical with the History of Turan.   

Eurasia in the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty 141-87 BCE
Han China expansion in the ‘West’, the Xiongnu, and the Yuezhi at the end of the 2nd c. BCE and the beginning of the 1st c. BCE

The supreme stage of the colonial historiographical distortion contains the disgrace of white racism; this took the monstrous form of excessive Indo-Europeanization of everything. How this was processed is easy to unveil: Friedrich W. K. Müller, a famous German Orientalist of the Deutsche Turfanexpeditionen (German Turfan expeditions) associated the Yuezhi with the Tocharian nation (Τόχαροι/ Тохары/吐火罗人) of the Ancient Greek historical sources. The problem exploded when other Western European Orientalists did not want to identify the Tocharians of Eastern Turkestan with the Tocharians of Bactria, whose language they had arbitrarily identified as ‘Indo-European’.

In brief, they wanted to Indo-Europeanize an essentially Turanian/Chinese continent of which Europe constituted in reality the tiniest, the most unimportant, and the only barbaric peninsula whereby every form of culture and every portion of civilization came from the Orient, i.e. the Asiatic mainland, with significant African additions.

The Uyghur Manichaean Sermon from Manichaean manuscript unearthed in the legendary German Turfan expeditions

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Asia in the beginning of the 1st c. CEХунну匈奴üeçilerЮэчжи月氏Тохары吐火罗人德國吐魯番考察隊

Click to access a_popova_2008c.pdfКизил_(пещеры)ızıl_Mağaralarıöhlen_von_Kizil克孜尔千佛洞Эфталиты嚈噠

Asia around the year 500 CEİmparatorluğuБамианские_статуи_Буддыتندیس%E2%80%8Cهای_بودا_در_بامیان巴米揚大佛

Sampul tapestry from the area of Khotan, today at the Museum of Urumqi, Eastern Turkestan/Xinjiang – 1st c. CE; it depicts a Yuezhi soldier.

II. A Brief Diagram of Uyghur History

Uyghur History apparently involves a very wide range of sites, monuments and historical sources, starting with the famous Tarim mummies that are dated in the 1st half of the 2nd millennium BCE. The modern Uyghur nation was progressively formed following first, the numerous Turanian migrations that determined World History for several thousands of years, and second, the expansion of the Han dynasty of China in the ‘West’, which corresponds to the eastern confines of what we call nowadays ‘Central Asia’. Han expansion in the West is the result of the victorious wars of the Han kings against the Hiung-Nu.

Tarim mummies

However, we cannot discuss of proper ‘ Chinese expansionism’ in the way we use this term in Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Phoenicia-Carthage, Iran, Rome, the Eastern Roman Empire, and several Islamic caliphates, empires and kingdoms; it was rather a ceaseless effort to bring order, peace, balance and security to a vast area that was incessantly crisscrossed by migrants, raiders and nomads. Even the expeditions of Ban Chao reflect rather an effort of mercantile interests and diplomatic contacts with other orderly kingdoms, and not a real, genuine effort of militarily undertaken territorial expansion. The wider Tarim Basin was not literarily annexed to China, but rather viewed as a ‘protectorate’. Several preponderantly Turanian kingdoms prospered there for many centuries, succeeding to one another, under only nominal Chinese authority; they constitute the early phases of Uyghur History because, Turanian or not, they have been progressively assimilated, ethnically and culturally, into the Turanian Uyghurs.

Uyghur History and Cultural Heritage encompass the various small Turanian kingdoms that prospered under Chinese tutelage during the last century of the 1st millennium BCE and the first half of the 1st millennium CE, namely the kingdoms of Qiemo (且末), Loulan (or Kroran / كروران/楼兰), Khotan (于闐), Shule (疏勒) in Kashgar, Gaochang (高昌/ of the Jushi people /車師; in the area of today’s Qocho), the kingdom of Kucha (كۇچار /龜茲) which was described in the Chinese Annals as the strongest and largest among the “thirty-six kingdoms of the Western Regions”, and many other states.

Tarim Basin in the 3rd century CE

Colonial historiographers erroneously Indo-Europeanize the pre-Khaganate (First Turkic Khaganate: 552-603) historical periods of Ancient Asia; otherwise, they could not further support the theory of ‘Turkic migration’. This theory is entirely fabricated in order not to disrupt many Orientalist fallacies concerning the history of many different nations and lands that colonial academia intentionally dissociated from Turanians, due to entirely racist political reasons. The phenomenon of Turanian movements across all parts of the Asiatic continent (‘Europe’ included) is true, but it antedates the 6th c. CE, which is the very false date that colonial historiographers comfortably set for the above mentioned purposes. For instance, the Rouran Khaganate (330-555) cannot be dissociated from the Turanian History, and there are many Chinese historical sources testifying to this, because they ostensibly and repeatedly associate the Rouran with the Hiung-Nu.

Rouran Khaganate
First Turkic Khaganate / Göktürk Kağanlığı – 575 CE
Das erste Kaganat der Kök-Türken im Jahr 575
Shoroon Bumbagar tomb: Göktürk period – 7th c., Mongolia
The famous bilingual Bugut inscription (from the Guden Sum temple, which was built at the end of the 17th c.) dates back to the times of the First Turkic Khaganate (ca. 584 CE): this is the part written in Sogdian. Tsetserleg, Mongolia
Turkic knights depicted on the wall paintings of the Maya Cave (section 3) in the Kizil Caves of Eastern Turkestan that date back to the times of the Buddhist Uyghur kingdom of Kucha (not to be confused with Qocho) 6th c.
Western Turkic Khaganate (On-Ok: 581-742) and Eastern Turkic Khaganate (Oguz: 581-645)
Western Turks visit the king Varkhuman of Sogdiana in Afrasiyab (Samarkand) at ca. 650 CE
Western Turkic Khaganate
Second Turkic Khaganate (682-744)

After the First Turkic Khaganate was divided into Western Khaganate (581-742) and Eastern Khaganate (581-645), after the Tang China campaign against the Eastern Turks (629-630), after the defeat of the Western Turks (657), and after the rise and fall of the Second Turkic Khaganate (682-744), the Uyghurs rose in prominence. The Uyghur Khaganate (744-840) was the first and only Manichaean state in the World History. Following its decline, a certain number of smaller kingdoms were formed, notably those of Khotan and Qocho (843-1132; also known as Kara-Khoja), before they were all gradually absorbed within the Afrasiab (Kara-Khanid) Khanate (840-1212). This confederate Turanian kingdom expanded also westwards in Transoxiana (Υπερωξειανή / ما وراء النهر – Mawarannahr / мавераннахр), in today’s Uzbekistan, and the ruling dynasty adhered to Islam. Around the middle of the 10th c., we attest to a process of systematic diffusion of Islam among the Uyghurs.

Asia around the year 600 CE
Tang dynasty China at 669 CE
Uyghur Khaganate
Uyghur Khaganate

This phenomenon continued also when the Qara Khitai (1124-1218; also known as Great Liao) supplanted partly first and entirely later the Afrasiab / Kara-khanids. As a matter of fact, the Buddhist Qara Khitai dynasty was a family of tolerant Turanians who ruled over a population that was Muslim in its majority; they prevailed across vast territories in Central Asia, Central Siberia, and Eastern Siberia, also establishing an alliance, in the ‘West’, with the Turanian Muslim dynasty of Khwarazm (which controlled parts of today’s Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran). Muslim, Buddhist, Nestorian Christian, and Manichaean Uyghurs coexisted for several centuries, under either non-Muslim or Muslim dynasties.

Kara-Khanid Khanate at 1006 CE
The Kara-Khanids and their powerful NE neighbor, the Yenisei Kyrgyz Khaganate
The Buddhist Turanian Qara Khitai Empire and the Uyghur Khanates of Turfan and Kansu
The maximum expansion of the Qara-Khitai

At the times of the Turanian Mongol Empire (1206–1368), the Chagatai Khanate (1225–1340s), the Uyghurs were incorporated into these vast nomad states, and the Chinese imperial authority over them was only nominal, even during the Turanian Mongol ‘Yuan’ dynasty (1272-1368). Following the Chagatai division into Western Chagatai Khanate (1340s–1370) and Eastern Chagatai Khanate (also known as Moghulistan; 1340s–1680), the Uyghurs were either incorporated into the latter or ruled by various local dynasties; they were still followers of different religions, who coexisted peacefully within a culturally unified environment fostered by common interests, activities and means of communication.

Genghis Khan, his movements and his immense empire
The Chagatai Khanate was divided into Western Chagatai Khanate (1340s–1370) and Eastern Chagatai Khanate (also known as Moghulistan; 1340s–1680); this map shows Moghulistan at ca. 1370.
The Chagatai Khanate was divided into Western Chagatai Khanate (1340s–1370) and Eastern Chagatai Khanate (also known as Moghulistan; 1340s–1680); this map shows Moghulistan at ca. 1490.

The existence of several prosperous Uyghur kingdoms highlights the spiritual-cultural pluralism that prevailed among them at those days; among them the most important are the Kara Del kingdom (1389-1513), which was predominantly Buddhist, the Islamic Turpan Khanate (1487-1690), which entered into wars with Ming China (1368-1644), the Islamic Yarkent Khanate (1514-1705), as well as the Khojas of Kashgar and of the six cities (Altishahr). Due to the divisions among the branches of Khoja Islamic mysticism, following the troubles they had with Tibet, and after the intervention of the extremist Oirat Turanian Buddhists (rather known as the Dzungarian khanate), the Uyghur lived a real nightmare during the Dzungar – Qing China wars (1687-1757).

East Asia at 1616
The Chinese-Muslim Uyghur-Russian alliance against the powerful, extremist Buddhist Dzungar Turanian Khanate (1687-1757)
China at the time of the extremist Chinese-Christian Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), which was instigated by the uncontrolled, vicious activities of the American Protestant missionaries and their local puppets, notably Hong Xiuquan

The successful result of the many, consecutive Chinese campaigns against the Dzungar extremists pacified the Uyghurs and determined to great extent the borders of Modern China, allowing also the possibility of several local Muslim rulers to fully govern their realms as vassals of the Qing monarch. It was only then that the last Buddhist Uyghurs renounced their religion. In fact, the Dzungar genocide was the result of an Islamic Uyghur – Chinese alliance. However, the relations worsened when the Manchus controlled China; various atrocities ended up in the Afaqi Khoja holy war (1759-1866), which is at the origin of all posterior problems between the Uyghurs and the Chinese authorities.

Turkestan divided between Russia and China: Russian-Chinese borders and Russian administrative provinces of Western Turkestan in 1900
The Chinese-Russian borders in the area of Semirechye (Семиречье), i.e. the ‘Seven Rivers Region’, which is today part of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

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The territories of the precarious, secessionist First East Turkestan Republic in 1933-1934
The territories of the precarious, secessionist Second East Turkestan Republic in 1944-1949


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The 12 Pillars of Turkey’s National Education: Historical Identity, Cultural Integrity and Social Unity, instead of the Sectarian Political Islam – Part IV

The present article consists in a brief outlook of the nature of the diverse educational systems either in the rising and falling imperial realms or in the chaotic and worthless republics that lack sanctity, legitimacy, and humanity. Here you will find its fourth and last part. The three earlier parts you can read here:


The present part completes the tetralogy.

XXV. What Needs a Truthful National Education must fulfill in terms of Historical Identity, Cultural Integrity, Social Unity and National Expansion

Modern nations are fabrications based on deceitful Western European theories involving peremptory ideas, arbitrary concepts, controversial notions, absurd terminology, inconsistent argumentation, nonexistent abstraction, haphazard morality, and total lack of justification. As unnecessary novelties, modern nations do not emanate from a theoretical background that offers reasons to abandon the earlier types of states. This means that in reality, modern nations are provisory forms of counterfeit social organization based exclusively on working hypotheses founded on earlier assumptions and irrational decisions.

Examined on the basis of their aberrational structures, modern nations are ‘political nations’, because they are entirely defined by means of ‘politics’, which is their -first proposed (by self-styled philosophers) and then imposed (through dictatorial and deceitful processes later eulogized as ‘revolutions’)- inhuman system of organization. As blasphemous and chaotic assemblies, modern nations are diametrically opposed to all previous nations known and recorded in the History of the Mankind, which are ‘cultural nations’.

Because all ‘political nations’ are at the very antipodes of the ‘cultural nations’, modern nations cannot afford to take real History as it has been documented in textual and archaeological evidence. That is why all ‘political nations’ fabricate their own ‘National History’, as part of a ‘World History’, which is an indispensable delusional element of the nationalisms with which modern nation equip themselves to guarantee the blindness of their slaves, who are pompously called ‘citizens’ whereas they represent the most debased type of peer-on-peer abuse. Modern nations’ ‘National History’ is an enormous fallacy and an absolute distortion of the true historical past of each and every nation, and being directly linked to the emotional part of every individual, it generates extreme fanaticism, which is at the origin of all the uncountable wars that took place in modern times.

Jean-Baptiste Regnault, Alcibiades – Political nations’ fallacious National History is enormously backed by Western European painting that contributes greatly to the total misperception of the otherwise distorted historical past with the totally erroneous, misplaced and over-magnifying representation of the historical scenes that it features.

The fact that all ‘national histories’ and the subsequent nationalisms were diffused colonially by the great colonial powers of the West represents only a minor aspect of the entire problem. This point is certainly important only at the local level, but not at worldwide scale. Example: the incomplete, mistaken and fake narrative that today’s Egyptians believe as their ‘National History’, which is taught by the local National Education system, consists in a grave problem, but only for them – not for the Turks, the Iranians, the Russians or the Chinese.

Of minor importance are also the pre-arrangements made by the colonial academia for each and every case (: ‘nation’) so that the various local victims (: the slaves who are the recipients of these fake narratives) learn -as per the needs of the colonial agenda- an over-magnified, a magnified, a non-discriminatory, a minimized, an extremely minimized, a viciously altered or even a totally concealed (and therefore unknown) version of their own real past and real National History. These pre-arrangements constitute a grave problem indeed only at the regional level, but not at worldwide scale.

Example: the facts that a) today’s Sudanese believe as their ‘National History’ an extremely minimized version of their own real National History, b) today’s Oromos (subjugated in the 19th and 20th c. by the Abyssinians and persecuted in the criminal, colonial tyranny of Abyssinia/Fake Ethiopia) do not know that their National History has unfolded over many millennia and does indeed comprise monuments located in today’s Sudan, and c) today’s Abyssinians believe as their ‘National History’ an over-magnified version of History to which parts of other nations’ History have been peremptorily, deceitfully and viciously added have great importance at the regional level of Eastern Africa, but are totally insignificant to the Tunisians, the Kazakhs, and the Yemenites.  

What is vitally important at all levels – local, regional and worldwide – is the fact that within modern nations’ fake ‘National History’ the respective nations’ true historical identity, genuine cultural integrity, authentic social unity and the normal, natural and necessary national expansion are duly distorted and indexed in the colonial powers’ comprehensive agenda of world supremacy. This means very simply that the innumerable historical distortions deliberately made here and there, favorable to some, prejudicial to others, have all been extremely harmful for all, first because they terminate the real historical existence of the ‘cultural nations’ by transforming all these nations into ‘political nations’ and second because, irrespective of favor or disfavor (as per the version of fake ‘National History’ that has been locally adjusted), the only real benefit goes to the colonial powers and to their agenda, which led them to world supremacy.

As it can be surmised, the self-disastrous educational system of the ‘political nations’ involves therefore the teaching of the fake ‘National History’, which engulfs every modern nation into the self-disfiguring delusion that the colonial powers have ascribed to it. That’s why modern nations progressively lost their historical identity, genuine cultural integrity, authentic social unity and the normal, natural and necessary national expansion, being reduced to pathetic instruments and tools of the colonial powers.

The only true and successful exception in the entire world was made by Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey, which was instituted as a ‘cultural nation’ at the very antipodes of all the worthless colonial structures that have been fabricated as ‘political nations’. The founder of Modern Turkey envisioned for Anatolia (Turkey’s Asiatic part, which is the backbone of the nation) an unprecedentedly exceptional role worldwide, setting up a constitution, which provided for the formation of a ‘cultural nation’ within the modern world. Contrarily to what happened in the USSR, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and People’s Republic of China the one-party system was not instituted in Turkey in order to eliminate opposite or dissenting voices (like Kerensky in Russia and Chiang Kai-shek in China), but with the scope of preserving social unity at the nationwide level.

Hattushili III’s relief from Firaktin, Kayseri-Caesarea: cultural nations’ National History reflects true facts and unbiased interpretation of ancient sources.
The ‘apology’ of Emperor Hattushili III: a valuable historical document of auto-biography

As a matter of fact, Kemal Ataturk’s unique and ingenious achievement is tantamount to taking a negative reflection (i.e. the modern Western concept of ‘political nation’) and using its constituent parts in reverse to generate a positive archetype. Historical education in Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey was totally unrelated to all colonial models of fake ‘National History’. It represented an effort to go beyond distortions and represent the true History of Anatolia and Afro-Eurasia, so that Modern Turks fully comprehend their historical identity, without over-emphasizing one topic or dimension at the detriment of another.

Thus, while preserving the genuine cultural integrity of Anatolians, the truthful National Education, which was instituted in Turkey at the times of Kemal Ataturk, offered to the average Turks the true reflection of the Anatolian and Afro-Euro-Asiatic past, keeping a perfect balance among its eight (8) genuine elements:

– the Anatolian Hittite past as part of the Ancient Mesopotamian and Oriental world,

– the Ancient Greek-Roman Mediterranean cultural heritage,

– the diachronic role of Anatolia as a bridge between East and West,

– the key position of Anatolia as a bridge between North and South,

– the Turanian, Central and Eastern Asiatic world,

– the Islamic world and its universality from the Atlantic to the Pacific,

– the Eastern Roman Christian prototype of the Ottoman Empire, and

– the Seljuk, Ilkhanid, Timurid, Akkoyunlu and Ottoman past.  

The Achaemenid Iranian Royal Road highlighted what Anatolia had already been: the bridge between East and West and the passage between North and South.
The early Silk Road
The Silk Roads

As a modern ‘cultural nation’, free of fake ‘National History’, the Turks -formed on the basis of the absolutely secular standards of Kemal Ataturk’s National Education- can find their correct path in terms of normal, natural and necessary national expansion; this was the wish of Kemal Ataturk, who knew that, in his time, he only set the foundations of an enormous and majestic future to come.

A truthful historical education does not mean only ‘titles of topics’, but it basically involves genuine, comprehensive contents and trustworthy interpretation of the historical sources. Consequently, Turkish National Education’s contents have to be at the very antipodes of the Western colonial falsification of History, so that Kemal Ataturk’s pledge be finally implemented. As it can therefore be understood, it is not enough that several universities in Turkey have faculties of Humanities with departments of Ancient Greek and Roman History. In itself, this situation is meaningless; what matters in this regard is that the Turkish professors, specialists, intellectuals and researchers focus their studies on topics related to Ancient Greek and Roman History that have been concealed or distorted by the Western colonial academics.

Example: it does not matter to only teach in Turkish universities’ departments of History and Archaeology about the Macedonian-Iranian Kingdom of Commagene or to study and publish about the Ancient Greek inscriptions of Nemrut Dagh peak sanctuary; what matters is rather to expand and demonstrate why and in what the Kingdom of Commagene, within the context of Ancient Greek History, was more important, more influential, and more determinant than, for instance, the Ancient Greek city of Athens, its monuments (such as Acropolis and Parthenon) and its contribution to the History of Civilization, which have long been deliberately but absurdly over-magnified by the Western European colonial academics and forgers.

Apollo-Mithra-Hermes-Helios at the Mithraic peak sanctuary of Nemrut Dagh, Commagene
Antiochus I Theos, King of Commagene, built the peak sanctuary and tomb in 62 BCE. Nemrut Dagh is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Adiyaman province. Nemrut Mountain is located 40 km north of Kahta near Adiyaman.

Turkish professors and specialists of Ancient Greek History waste their time and that of their students and readers, offering no service to their community, society and nation, if they do not focus on, and if they do not present in public, the numerous historical events that reveal a totally different reality of the Ancient Greek and Roman world, and which have been concealed the by Western colonial academics and their puppets, i.e. the monkeys of the so-called Greek ‘universities’.

It is utterly useless to teach Ancient History of Greece and Rome in Turkey, if you don’t extensively focus on the fact that, based in Commagene and Cilicia and backed by the Kingdom of Pontus, the Mithraist Greek pirates of the 1st c. BCE, after having totally rejected the inanity of Ancient Greek politics, rhetoric, demagoguery, philosophy, and religion, and after having adhered to the Iranian religion of Mithraism, attacked all important Ancient Greek shrines, irrevocably desecrated them, performed Mithraic mysteries there instead and instituted among Greeks Iranian religious rituals, thus eliminating the inferior and meaningless Ancient Greek religion and imposing Mithraism among the Ancient Greeks.

These concealed facts, these critical pieces of info, these hidden realities, if fully revealed, diffused, explained and analyzed worldwide, kill the Western colonial agenda, dismantle the historical forgery that the colonial powers present as ‘History’, and -more importantly- destroy all the Western political plots for which all these pieces of Western historical fallacy have been invented. It is essential for anyone wishing to outmaneuver the colonial plots and schemes against countries, nations, and states to know that there has not been any political maneuver, international development, colonial scheme for which the colonial academia of Western Europe and North America did not prepare a piece of absolutely false history. The Western falsification of History is not a target for the colonial powers; it is the means for them to achieve their political goals. This is an enormous academic construction and there is no chance for anyone to prevail at the level of bilateral or international relations without first outmaneuvering the historical forgeries composed and propagated to offer support to a political claim.


Sardis, Lydia
Midas Şehri (the city of Midas), Phrygia
Pergamonmuseum, Berlin – Pergamonaltar

Despite the fact that Delphi, Delos, Dodoni, Olympia, Argos, Corinth, Thebes, Sparta and Athens are located on Greece’s territory, the most important monuments of the Ancient Greek world are located on Turkey’s territory. This offers Turkish scholars a great chance to come up with a systematic rebuttal of the colonial version of Ancient Greek History which has been pre-arranged to fit the political interests of England, France, America and their lackey, i.e. the prefab state of Modern ‘Greece’.


XXVI. How Theological, Pseudo-Religious Indoctrination damages a Truthful National Education

In our days, the clash between the political nations of the West and the remaining cultural nations that reject the Western model represents a ferocious struggle for the Liberation of the Mankind from the Western colonial delusion, which started with the Renaissance, the fake ‘Discovery’ of the world, and the colonization of all the continents by the Western European colonials.

In this regard, the polarization around the fake ‘National History’ (which is taught in a colonial metropolis like France or England and in a colonial fabrication, namely a ‘political nation’, like Greece, Iran, Israel or Egypt) and the true historical past (which is taught and interpreted within the context of a truthful National Education of a ‘cultural nation’) consists in the real field where the national interests of two opposite states or nations clash with one another. This clash is a matter of true historicity versus fake historicity.

Historicity is the matrix of all historical claims; in other words, ‘you’ demand a land as ‘yours’, because ‘you’ supposedly were there before others arrived or because ‘you’ developed there a greater civilization, which is documented in textual evidence. Colonial Westerners abhor oral cultures (because in reality they feel inferior to them) and they systematically and ceaselessly tried to minimize, disregard and disrespect them, but this is an entirely different and very vast topic. However, historicity is merely a matter of historical conceptualization, contextualization and interpretation; and these processes have been aptly undertaken by the colonial academics only on political purpose, and not out of a genuine and impartial interest in historical truth.

This is exactly what a modern ‘political nation’ is and how it functions: the political-diplomatic-academic establishment works in full concertation to prepare the Fake History needed, before they announce in public the historicity that they demand and the claims that they raise. Only highly conscious cultural nations with very strong foundations of Historical Education can refute the claims raised, discredit the fake historicity demanded, and outmaneuver the political plot.

For today’s Turks and for the future expansion needs of Secular Turkey, the Turkmen Ak Koyunlu state (1378-1501) is far more important a page of the past than the Ottoman Empire.
The Ottomans, the Ak Koyunlu, and the Mamluks: it is not the size that makes an empire historically important. Historicity has nothing to do with the sands of Arabia and North Africa that Selim I and Suleyman I added to their state which looked like a hot air balloon.

Obsolete realms failed to carefully monitor the (attested as early as the 16th c.) Western European colonial countries’ method of weaponizing Knowledge and Antiquity; it is quite clear that, speaking of ‘obsolete realms’, I mean enormous but absolutely ineffective empires, like the Safavid-Afshar-Qajar Iran (terminated in 1925), the Ottoman Empire (terminated in 1923), Qing China (terminated in 1912), and the Mughal Empire (terminated in 1857). These old-fashioned structures had absolutely no means to react to the aforementioned method of the Western European colonial countries, and they finally succumbed. It is extremely important to state -in few simple, yet striking, words- what actually happened to these vast but absolutely undefendable states: mere lies destroyed entire empires.

The Safavid Empire of Iran
The Mughal Empire (Gorkanian) of South Asia
Qing Empire of China
The Ottoman Empire

One has however to add that the lies were extremely sophisticated and solidly founded on Knowledge (which was however kept hidden) and Truth (which was publicly distorted but privately accepted). Unlike the Crusaders, the colonials did not engage in nonsensical disputes of low level, like ‘Muhammad is a prophet’ vs. ‘Muhammad is not a prophet’. This type of controversy was that of the times of Crusaders; then, the ‘clash’ was between a ‘lie’ and a ‘truth’. But after Renaissance, Western European colonials did not get engulfed in this type of quarrel anymore. Knowing that, in the meantime, the entire Islamic world had scientifically, academically, intellectually, mentally, culturally, spiritually and educationally collapsed (because of the prevalence of the evil theologians), the colonial academia produced an enormously sophisticated delusion and a complex deception scheme that they projected onto their absolutely unprepared and totally impotent enemies, who fell like dominoes.

When it comes to a ‘political nation’, its fake historicity, erroneous historical claims, and distorted National Education, it is always a matter of sheer utilization of History (either through its distortion or via its truthful representation) for purposes related to the promotion of national interests. Historical claims against other nations can at times be raised in accordance with each country’s national interests or due to external instigation or only for reasons of internal consumption and political propaganda.  

The point is that, in modern times, Islamic Theology-based Education is totally useless, as it cannot prove anything, and therefore it is only utilized by Western colonials to further defame the religion that the said education and theology tend to supposedly serve. In this regard, it is noteworthy that every religious (in reality: ‘theological’) indoctrination became early (already in 19th c. Anglo-French colony ‘Egypt’) a formidable trap set by the colonial gangsters in order to engulf the locally targeted nation into a very convenient (for the colonial West) impasse. As a matter of fact, all types of theological indoctrination do greatly harm a truthful National Education, because they cause an enormous waste of potential academic resources.

Today’s decayed Ulum al-din (‘Islamic religious sciences’: Kalam, Tafsir, Tajwid / Qiraat, Hsdith, Fiqh, Sirah, etc.) are not even a shadow of their past glory; this is so because, when the Islamic Sciences (Astronomy-Astrology, Chemistry-Alchemy, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Medicine, etc.) were prohibited in Ottoman Istanbul at the end of the 16th c., all Islamic religious sciences were progressively adjusted to the anti-scientific Islamic theological doctrine that prevailed. None of these systems (Ulum al-din) can possibly help people, nations, academies, governments or states

– outsmart a colonial lie that distorts the History of Ancient Greece and Rome;

– out-think a colonial forgery regarding the History of Ancient Oriental Empires;

– outwit a colonial fallacy about Ancient Oriental spirituality, wisdom and science;

– outplay a colonial scheme concerning the Islamic world; 

– outfox a colonial plot against African and the Asiatic nations;

– outflank a colonial stratagem targeting one government; and

– outdo a colonial plan providing for the subordination of the rest of the world.  

In our times, Ulum al-din and every theological seminar are only a matter of personal interest and must not be funded by the state or offered as studies in public anytime anywhere. They can only damage detrimentally a Muslim country, as they already destroyed many great Islamic Empires. An example will be in this case characteristic. 

Back in the 19th c., the notorious Modern Greek ‘Megali Idea’ (‘Great Idea’, i.e. the substitution of the Ottoman Empire by a Neo-Greek pseudo-state, which would be the perfect tool at the hands of the English and the French) was exactly a matter of historicity; although they are the descendants of an ethnic amalgamation of Slavic, Albanian, Eastern Roman, Vlach, Turkic and Latin (Crusaders) elements, Modern pseudo-Greeks, posturing as the heirs of the Ancient Greeks, demanded vast territories in Anatolia, ‘because’ these lands were inhabited by the Ancient Greeks in the past and consequently, they were still full of Ancient Greek antiquities in the 19th c. The useless and idiotic pseudo-Muslim theologians of Ottoman Constantinople were left speechless; their unfathomable ignorance and compact stupidity was to believe that they could defend an empire with spells, incantations and prayers from the Quran. This is quite telling:

The notorious Megali Idea on historical maps that circulated widely in Greece in 1920
Sub-divisions of the state backed up by the Megali Idea theory. If the survival of EU, UK, US, and NATO demands the dissolution of Russia, Turkey and Iran (in order to thus avert the rise of China), certainly Brussels, Washington DC, London and Paris will decide to support this scheme once again.

However, the Quran failed to oppose the colonial plot against the Ottoman Empire and to outsmart the disreputable lies and the historical forgery of the Western European academia; this is so for the very good reason that the Quran was not revealed for this purpose, and it was only the stupidity and the ignorance of the useless sheikhulislam, sheikhs, imams and theologians, who imagined otherwise. Without Kemal Ataturk, the modern pseudo-Greek fabrication of the English and the French would control today a territory greater than 350000 km2, having in Asia an area larger than in Europe.

This unveils the secret lie and shows the hidden plot of the colonial powers opposite the Islamic world. You cannot oppose colonial schemes with religion. Religion is useless opposite conniving diplomats, Orientalist forgers, Hellenist intellectuals, classicists, colonial academia, evolutionist terrorists, atheist extremists, and paranoid feminists. To oppose these armies, you need deeply and widely educated scholars, who advanced far beyond the delusion of Western Renaissance, Humanities and pseudo-representation of the World History.

‘You cannot oppose colonial schemes with religion.’

Today’s Turks must understand it as soon as possible, close down all useless and evil pseudo-Islamic theological schools, and get involved in the academic-intellectual combat of the Western fallacies of Orientalism, Hellenism, Pan-Arabism, Zionism, Islamism, Evolutionism, Atheism, etc. The only form of religion one Muslim can practice today is knowledge, study, research, exploration, and revelation-diffusion of the historical truth in absolute rejection of the Historical Forgery of the Western world.

That is why for today’s Turks, …

1- the Hittite epic Ullikummi is more vital than Matrakçı Nasuh’s Süleymannâme;

2- the Hittite king Mursili I is more important than Abu Bakr;

3- the History of Urartu Kingdom is more critical than that of the Omayyad Caliphate;

4- Emperor Sargon of Assyria is more pivotal than Omar ibn al Khattab;

5- the Achaemenid Shah Darius I the Great is more crucial than Uthman ibn Affan;

6- the Seleucids are more significant that the Abbasid dynasty;

7- Antiochus I Theos of Commagene is more indispensable than Ertuğrul;

8- Cleopatra of Egypt is more relevant than Khadijah bint Khuwaylid;

9- Strabo of Amasya is more necessary than Ibn Battuta;

10- Lucian of Samosata is more essential than Aşıkpaşazade;

11- St. Basil of Caesarea is more cardinal than Abu Hanifa;

12- John Chrysostom is more valuable than Al-Shafiʽi;

13- St. Ephrem the Syrian is more useful than Malik ibn Anas;

14- the shrine and the cults of the Aramaean goddess Atargatis at Manbij (Hierapolis) are more noteworthy than the tomb of Suleyman Shah;  

15- Justinian I is more momentous than Sultan Selim I;

16- Heraclius is more substantial than Sultan Mahmud II;

17- the Eastern Roman Icon-Fighters and the Paulicians are more weighty than the Naqshbandi and the Qadiriyya;

18- the Seljuks of Rum are more epoch-making than the Ottomans;

19- the Akkoyunlu are more historic than Tanzimat;

20- Timur (Tamerlane) is more exemplary than Bayazit I; and

21- Kemal Ataturk is more central than prophet Muhammad.

It must be beforehand stated and markedly stressed that the aforementioned twenty-one (21) cases of pedagogical contrast do not reflect proper comparative evaluations at the spiritual, historical, literary or academic level, which would otherwise be meaningless and purposeless, but they constitute strictly utilitarian juxtapositions and cluster comparisons for the need of Turks to consider ways as to how to reject historical claims expressed in national(ist) political discourses, educational manuals, academic treatises, and international newspapers.

By widely diversifying the foundations of their Historical Education, today’s Turks will get enormous benefits and they will become able to discredit the efforts of other countries and administrations to portray today’s Anatolians, who are the heirs of 5000 years of historical-cultural continuity and the most authoritative representatives of the transcendental genius of Orient, as migrating newcomers having ‘recently’ arrived from Central Asia and East Siberia.

It is not a matter of

a) Turkey (Turkey’s National Education and version of History) ‘defending’ or ‘diffusing’ or ‘imposing’ ‘History of Turkey’


b) Iran (Iran’s National Education and version of History) ‘defending’ or ‘diffusing’ or ‘imposing’ ‘History of Iran’; this would be a level of idiots and ignorant imbeciles.

It is a matter of

i) what version of History of Turkey and History of Iran Turkey’s universities must teach, promote, propagate and impose, and

ii) what version of History of Iran and History of Turkey Iran’s universities teach, promote, propagate and impose.

It is also a matter of fending off improper accusations coming from individuals, groups, organizations and states that show let’s say an interest for the conditions of life of Turkey’s Christians, without however being Christian themselves in the first place. Example: how could one accept Greece’s criticism of Turkey as regards the Human Rights of Christian minorities in Turkey, when Greece and Greece’s pseudo-Christian Church prohibit the translation to Modern Greek, the publication, the study, and the nationwide diffusion of works of Fathers of the Christian Church like John Chrysostom, plus the discussion and the debate about them?

What business is it of theirs to discuss issues pertaining to Christian minorities in Turkey, when the Eight Homilies against the Jews by St. John Chrysostom, Father of the Christian Orthodox Church, are deliberately kept secret and unknown to all Greeks, while bishops and priests are not allowed to speak about them, let alone popularize the critical topic among the faithful?

All the same, knowing about or studying the valuable opuses, treatises and speeches composed by the Cappadocian school of Christianity, a Modern Turk becomes better acquainted with his own country’s past, represents it better, and defends it more effectively against opposite historical claims or colonial distortions. A systematic and comprehensive reflection of Anatolia’s past in Turkey’s National Education will solidify today’s Turks’ historical identity, strengthen their cultural integrity, and promote the nation’s social unity.

On the contrary, an indoctrinated theological approach to the National Education only deprives students and schoolchildren from what is necessary for every Turk to know in order to best conceptualize, contextualize and interpret the History of Anatolia and better defend the Turkish nation’s historical claims and national interests.

Greek irredentists, colonial countries’ secret services, and schemers in the backstage count on the idiots of Turkish Political Islam, the ignorant trash of AKP, and the paranoid, useless and disreputable president of today’s confused Turkey to carry out this scheme – thanks to the so-called ‘Istanbul Canal’.

XXVII. The 12 Pillars of Turkey’s National Education

What follows is the enumeration of Turkish National Education’s 12 pillars involving in total 80 units; at this point, I have to reiterate that the real value of an educational system does not lie in the ‘titles of topics’ included, but mainly in the genuine, comprehensive contents and in the trustworthy interpretation of the historical sources.

Note: commas separate distinct ethnic-cultural units, whereas hyphens denote cases of either cultural amalgamation or historical and cultural continuity.

Pillar I: Oriental Civilizations

1- Hatti – Hittite – Luwian Anatolia

2- Sumerian-Akkadian (Assyro-Babylonian) Mesopotamia

3- Hurrian & Canaanite Syria – Phoenicia

4- Urartu, Neo-Hittite, Aramaean Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Syria

5- Canaanite – Phoenician Cyprus

6- Peleset – Pelasgian Aegean Sea

7- Anatolian – Canaanite – Egyptian/Hamitic (Berber) Crete

8- Ancient Oriental religions, spirituality, mythologies, epics and sacred texts, wisdom, literature, laws, arts and architecture

Pillar II: Late Antiquity

1- Achaemenid Anatolia and Iranian imperial heritage

2- Phrygian, Lydian, Lycian, Carian, Aeolian, Ionian, Doric Anatolia

3- Macedonian Attalid Anatolia, Seleucid imperial heritage

4- Commagene Iranian-Macedonian syncretism and spiritual heritage

5- The Aramaeans: from Syria-Mesopotamia to Anatolia, Egypt, Iran, India and Central Asia – Urhoy (Urfa), Palmyra (Tadmor), Dura Europos, Nisibis (Nusaybin), Hatra, Seleucia-Ctesiphon, Bosra, Rekem (Petra), Mada’in Saleh

6- Imperial Roman Balkans, Anatolia and Orient (Syria, Mesopotamia, Palestine)

7- The great conquerors: Assurbanipal in Niwt (Thebes of Egypt), Cambyses in Napata (Cush/Sudan), Darius the Great and the re-opening of the Suez Canal, Alexander the Great in the Indus River Valley, Marc Antony in Praaspa (Takht-e Suleyman), Trajan in the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf shores

Pillar III: The Formation of a Multicultural and Multipolar World Community

1- The overwhelming impact of Ancient Oriental civilizations on the formation of the Occident (Balkans, Greece, Rome, Western Europe): 4000-30 BCE

2- Martin Bernal’s ‘Black Athena’ & Edward Said’s ‘Orientalism’: the refutation of the Western colonial fallacies (namely Classicism, Hellenism and Orientalism)

3- The diffusion of Ancient Oriental spirituality, cultures, religions, cosmogonies, cosmologies, messianic eschatology, mysticisms, and imperial universalisms in the Roman Empire and across Europe: Mithras and Isis in the West – Mithraea and Isea excavated in Europe  

4- The Oriental character of the Roman Empire

5- The silk-, perfume (incense)-, and spice trade routes across lands, deserts and seas, and the formation of a multicultural, multilingual, multi-religious and multipolar world community

Pillar IV: The Rise of Multi-ethnic Religions across the Afro-Eurasiatic Landmass

1- The spiritual, cultural, religious, and esoteric syncretism of the Arsacid-Sassanid / Roman times: the formation and spread of Chaldean Wisdom, Ostanism, Hermetism, Gnosticisms, Early Christianity, and Manichaeism   

2- The Christianization of Syria-Palestine, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea: Christianity as official religion of various Oriental kingdoms {Abgarid Urhoy (Urfa), Armenia, Georgia, Abyssinia (Axum)} and of the Roman Empire; the foundation of Nova Roma (New Rome) – Constantinople – Istanbul

3- The Cappadocian Fathers of the Christian Church; John Chrysostom and his refutation of the Jews; the Schools of Antioch (Antakya) and Alexandria; the Christological Disputes and the Christian Councils: Monophysitism (Miaphysitism), Nestorianism

4- Monophysitism (Miaphysitism) from Tur Abdin and Derzafaran to Wadi Natrun (Egypt), Makuria and Alodia (Sudan)

5- Nestorian Christianity: the Anatolian-Mesopotamian Christianity

6- The Sassanid Iranian – Roman/Eastern Roman wars and the Trade with Yemen, East Africa, Turan (Central Asia) and China 

Pillar V: Turan

1- Xinglongwa, Xinle, Hongshan, Zhaobaogou, Kelteminar, Afanasievo, Sintashta, Okunev, Andronovo & Tazabagyab, and Karasuk cultures across Northern and Central Asia; Tarim Basin mummies (early Tocharians)

2- Irmen, Tagar, and Tashtyk cultures & Slab Grave culture; Yuezhi; Xiongnu (Hun) confederation; Han China; Donghu; Han–Xiongnu War; Kushan Empire; Wuhuan & Xianbei; Hun-Xianbei script; early mentions of Tengrism

3- Khitan; Rouran Khaganate; Tokharians; Hephthalite Huns; Göktürks {First and Second (western and eastern) Turkic Khaganates}; First Bulgarian Empire; Türgesh; Bulgars, Khazars, and Pechenegs; Kangar union; Oghuz Yabgu State; Uyghur Khaganate; Kipchak, Kimek–Kipchak confederation, Cumans and Cuman–Kipchak confederation; Tatars; Kara-Khanid Khanate; Yenisei Kyrgyz Khaganate

 4- Tengrism (‘Shamanism’), Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Manichaeism and Nestorian Christianity among Turanians   

Pillar VI: Islam

1- Propher Muhammad, Early Muslims, the Spread of Islam, Umayyad dynasty

2- Abbasid Caliphate; the contribution of Turanians and Iranians to the Abbasid times’ military expansion, imperial administration, scientific-academic-intellectual advance and breakthrough; the fragmentation of the Caliphate and the rise of Iranian and Turanian culture and imperialism

3- Islamic Sciences as the Ancient Oriental (Assyrian-Babylonian, Egyptian, Iranian) heritage transmitted via Aramaeans (School of Nisibis/Nusaybin) and Iranians (Gondishapur Sassanid University) to Abbasid Muslims (Dar al Hikmah)

4- Christianity and Islam in Anatolia from Heraclius to the Battle of Manzikert: Eastern Roman Empire (“Romania”) and Iconoclasm; Paulicianism in Anatolia and the Caucasus; Khurramites and Constantinople against the Abbasid armies

5- Islamic spirituality and messianic eschatology; the survival of other Oriental religions at the times of the Caliphate: the Sabians of Eski Sumatar; the Mandaeans; Nestorians and Manichaeans from Mesopotamia to China

6- Worldwide diffusion of Islam 7th–11th c.: South Asia, Central Asia, Africa, Europe {Iberian Peninsula, Septimania (Occitania: Southern France, Italy, Sicily, Crete, Aegean Sea}; the Islamic Caliphate and China

7- Ferdowsi: the epic incorporation of the Iranian-Turanian spiritual-cultural heritage into the cultural life of Muslims in Asia

Pillar VII: The Ghaznavids, the Seljuks, the Crusades and the Collapse of the Eastern Roman Empire (“Romania”/Ρωμανία)

1- The Ghaznavid Empire and the advanced Islamization of the Valley of Indus and South Asia; the Ghurid Empire

2- The Seljuks from Central Asia to Iran to Anatolia, the science of governance of Nizam al-Mulk

3- Rum Sultanate: Ferdowsi and the culture of the Seljuks; the reasons of Anatolia’s Islamization; the Sultan and the Basileus: the long shadow of the Rome-New Rome rivalry before and after the Schisms (869 and 1054); the Anatolian beyliks: Artuqids, Danishmend, Mengujekids, Saltukids, etc.

4- Anatolian Islamic spirituality as continuation of the anti-Constantinopolitan Anatolian mysticism, Iconoclasm and Paulicianism: Jelaleddin Rumi & the Mevlevi Order and Haji Bektash & the Bektashi Order

5- Turanian Mamluk states in Western, Central, South Asia and Africa

6- The Crusades as first Western attempt to destroy the Orient (Orthodox Christianity and Islam)

Pillar VIII: Genghis Khan, the Genghisid Empires, the Ilkhanate and the Multi-divided Anatolia, the Turanian Sultanates of South Asia, Timur and the Timurid dynasties

1- The Turanian invasions of Genghis Khan and the Turanian (‘Mongol’) Empire

2- The successors of Genghis Khan, the ‘Mongol’ civil war, and the division: Golden Horde, Ilkhanate, the Chagatai Khanate, and the Yuan dynasty of China                      

3- Hulagu, the destruction of Abbasid Baghdad and the ensuing benefits for Muslims

4- Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and the Islamic sciences, mathematics and astronomy; the Maragheh Observatory as meeting point for Eastern Romans, Seljuks, Iranians, Christian Aramaeans, Turanians, Chinese worldwide-leading scholars

5- The Turanian Sultanates of South Asia: Delhi and the Mamluks, the Khalji, Tughlaq, Sayyid and Lodi dynasties; the Bengal Sultanate

6- 14th c. Anatolia divided among the Eretnids, the Ilkhanate, the Karamanids, the Pontus Eastern Romans, the Jandarids, the Ottomans, and the other beyliks

7- Timur, his invasions and successors; Timur and the Ottomans; the Timurid Empire

8- Timurid Renaissance of Islam: the Samarqand Observatory, Islamic sciences, arts, letters and architecture

Pillar IX: Qara Qoyunlu, Aq Qoyunlu, Ottomans, Safavids, and the Golden Horde

1- Islamic Spirituality in 15th c. Anatolia, Caucasus, Iran and Khorasan: from the Zahediyeh to the Safaviyyeh to the Qizilbash and the Shahqulu movement

2- Kara Koyunlu, Ak Koyunlu and Ottoman Anatolia

3- Ottoman expansion in the Balkans during the 14th and 15th c.

4- The battle of Chaldiran (1514) and the definite division of the Islamic World

5- Islamic North: Eastern Europe, North Asia, and Siberia under the Golden Horde and its derivative Khanates during the 14th and 15th c.

6- Islam in Andalusia, Africa, and SE Asia from the Crusades to the beginning of Western European Colonial Era (16th c.)

7- The Ottomans: the Anatolian Sultanate metamorphosed to Eastern Roman Empire and to Islamic Caliphate

Pillar X: the Ottoman Empire, Safavid / Afsharid / Qajar Iran, and the Mughal Empire of South Asia

1- Western European Renaissance: progenitor of ‘reconquistas’, conquistadores, and colonial genocides in America, Africa, Asia and Europe

2- Reconquista in the Iberian Peninsula and the formation of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires; the infamous Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) or how Muslims lost the seas and the oceans of the Earth

3- Reconquista in Eastern Europe: the fabrication of a fake Russian Empire out of Turanian Muslims; Moscow’s expansion in Eastern Europe, North Asia/Siberia, and Central Asia

4- Gradual decay of the Ottoman Empire after 1580: destruction of the Istanbul Observatory, abandonment of the Islamic scientific research, disappearance of the Islamic sciences

5- Three major Islamic empires (Ottomans, Iran, and Mughal) versus six European empires: Spain, Portugal, France, Holland, England and Russia; Classicism as fake identity of Western European colonials and the weaponization of knowledge, science and technology

6- Islam under assault (1500-1800): the dismemberment of the Islamic World  

Pillar XI: Western European Enlightenment, Nationalisms, Orientalism and the Fall of the Ottoman Empire

1- European Nationalism and the distortion of the historical concept of ‘cultural nation’

2- Romanticism and the ahistorical, fake divide ‘East and West’ as a vehicle for the promotion of colonial targets

3- Orientalism: the misrepresentation of the Orient  

4- Hellenism: exemplary historical forgery projected onto targeted populations as ‘national dogma’ for the construction of fake nations-states – tools of the colonial powers

5- Western ‘World History’: projection of white supremacy and Western European racism onto the rest of the world as a form of inferiorization, subordination and enslavement of all the nations worldwide to the colonial powers

6- The creation of pseudo-localities and pseudo-nationalities as a means for the permanent dismemberment of the Islamic World: ‘Egypt’ instead of Misir; ‘Greece’ instead of Romania (Eastern Roman state); ‘Persia’ instead of Iran; ‘Russia’ instead of Turan; ‘Central Asia’ instead of Turan; ‘India’ instead of Mughal; ‘Judea’ (and later Fake Israel) instead of Palestine; ‘Libya’, ‘Tunisia’, ‘Algeria’ and ‘Morocco’ instead of Berber state; ‘Ethiopia’ instead of Abyssinia

7- The last century of the Ottomans and the Qajar Iranians-Turanians

8- The Opium Wars and the colonial assault on China; Russian advance in Central Asia

9- WW I and the end of the Ottoman Empire; the Iranian Empire divided between the English and the Russians; colonial involvement in the Caucasus region and the fabrication of the Armenian polity

Pillar XII: Kemal Ataturk, the Constitution of 1923, and Modern Turkey

1- The life and military career of Kemal Ataturk

2- The struggle for the salvation of Turkey (1919-1923)

3- The Constitution of 1924: fake nationalisms of the West (‘ethnic’ or ‘civil’ nations for ‘political’ states) vs. Modern Turkey’s genuine nationalism (‘cultural’ nation for a people’s state)

4- Turkey until the death of Kemal Ataturk

5- Modern Turkey after 1938

6- Rauf Dentash and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus


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Ottoman Empire & Modern ‘Greece’, a Failed State with no Education & a Fake State with False Education: J. Ph. Fallmerayer, A. Korais and D. Byzantios – Part III

The present article consists in a brief outlook of the nature of the diverse educational systems either in the rising and falling imperial realms or in the chaotic and worthless republics that lack sanctity, legitimacy, and humanity. Here you will find its third part. The earlier two parts you can read here:


This series of articles will be completed with the fourth part which will be published shortly.

XVII. An Example of Failed State with no Historical Education: the Ottoman Empire opposite the Rum Mutiny that the French and the English termed ‘Greek Revolution’

An excellent example of 19th – 20th c. failed state is the Ottoman Empire.

First, the idiotic, corrupt and worthless sultans and their ignorant and pathetic sheikhulislams thought erroneously that, as Muslims, they would have the favor and the blessings of God against the Rum ‘infidels’ (gâvur), who -incited by the English and the French- rebelled in the South Balkan confines in 1821; that was silly and absurd. As a matter of fact, the Ottoman Empire did not represent Islam, but the shame of Islam. And the use of the term gâvur for the Christian Orthodox Rumlar reveals the attitude of a Satanist, not a Muslim. 

The local, ignorant and paranoid elite of Ottoman Constantinople (the city was finally named officially ‘Istanbul’ only thanks to Kemal Ataturk) thought that they believed in the religion preached by prophet Muhammad, but in reality they believed in irrelevant, useless and heretic theological teachings that were dated many centuries after the death of prophet Muhammad. The consequences of the Ottoman evildoing were noticed quite soon: in 1826, the pseudo-Islamic Constantinopolitan theological cholera forced the Sultan to massacre the Janissaries and to ban the Bektashi Order; and in 1828, the secession of the (fabricated by the Anglo-French) pseudo-state of Greece was a fact. It was merely the normal consequence.

The Janissaries were the only force able to save the Ottoman Empire.

It would surely appear awkward that a state and a government, which were so profoundly characterized by self-ignorance and lack of knowledge of their own country’s History, could possibly know their enemies, bother to learn the history of their enemies’ proxies, and be smart enough to study and outdo the historical lies diffused by their enemies. However, I intend to herewith offer few paradigms of incredible and only self-disastrous Ottoman ignorance, indifference and complacency that brought the entire empire down. I will limit the paradigms of Ottoman lack of elementary historical education, and of its catastrophic consequences only to the rather minor case of the secession of ‘Greece’ in 1828. Far more important case was indeed the secession of Misir/Egypt, following Napoleon’s invasion of the Valley of the Nile in 1798; this was so. because of Misir’s/Egypt’s very important geo-strategic location.

Jean Baptiste van Mour, Grand Vizier: the Ottoman Empire in the 19th c. was an enormous and dysfunctional state with superb pomp and abject content. Examined with 14th c. criteria (Timurid Empire) or 8th c. standards (Abbasid Empire), Ottoman Constantinople in the 19th c. was the capital of a failed state.

XVIII. Adamantios Korais: the Ottoman Native, who fabricated the language that sent the Ottoman Eastern Romans (Rumlar), transformed into Modern Greeks, up to the outskirts of Ankara 100 years later

Second, the Ottoman authorities believed that the outcome of the confrontation with the Eastern Roman (Rumlar) rebels of Mora (Peloponnesus) would be determined exclusively in the battlefield; that was a pathetic and ludicrous assumption. In fact, the independence of the pseudo-Greek state had been prepared several decades before 1828 in France’s colonial pseudo-universities whereby a fake Modern Greek language was fabricated by Adamantios Korais (1748-1833), an Izmir-born Eastern Roman peddler recruited by the secret services of France for the purpose of the progressive dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

However, the worthless Ottomans knew nothing about all that, caring only about their material possessions, their Satanic harem, and their fake religion that had nothing in common with Islam (being merely a false reading and a magnificence ignorance of it). Quite idiotically, the Ottomans believed that their insidious deeds would be enough to save them; but as it is well-known, fake religions only destroy those who believe them and they never saved anyone.

Adamantios Korais

After his studies, Korais undertook the fabrication of a pseudo-language with French syntax- grammar-usage and Greek vocabulary, eliminating the bulk of the then existing linguistic treasure among the indigenous local Eastern Romans (Rumlar) of the Ottoman Empire’s South Balkan confines, only for the sake of a theoretical, racist ‘Greek’ (‘Hellenic’) purity. This inhuman fact reveals -in and by itself- the inhuman absurdity of the ‘political nation’; if Korais’ linguistic construction was taught to the Zulus, the Zulus would be comfortably presented as ‘descendants of the ‘Ancient Greeks’ by the perfidious Anglo-French gangsters. But, as we know, the Zulus did not have the correct color! However, the stupid Sultan and the idiotic sheikhulislam had no clue about all these developments, because they did not care about the down-to-Earth reality, but about their nonsensical and delusional, pseudo-Islamic theological doctrines and aberrations.

It was then obvious that one of the most important components of the Ottoman Empire, namely the Eastern Romans (Rumlar) of the South Balkan Peninsula, was -at least partly- targeted for cultural extinction and spiritual genocide by the French colonial gangsters. The pre-fabricated linguistic monster, i.e. the fake Modern Greek language, would apparently be later imposed as national and official language throughout the state that France, England and Russia would produce in due course of time.

But the naïve, ignorant and insensible Ottoman authorities could not possibly grasp the colossal tsunami that the Anglo-French colonial gangsters were unleashing against the Ottoman Empire; this was apparently an enormous tsunami that would make the obsolete and otherwise useless state of the comical and egopathic sultans and the paranoid and pseudo-Islamic authority of the villainous, deleterious and evil sheikhulislams shake from its foundations. Those idiots wanted to rule and represent the entire Islamic world, but they were absolute incapable of understanding what it meant that the English and the French academics, intellectuals, diplomats and agents were mentoring selected Eastern Roman (Rum) Orthodox natives of the Ottoman Empire, teaching them that they were the descendants of the Ancient Greeks (which was then known to all that it was an enormous lie) and that they would deserve an independent state of gigantic proportions.

And this is actually what happened between 1787, when Korais submitted his doctoral thesis, and 1828, when the ethnically heterogeneous Slavic-, Arvanitic-, Turkish-, Vlach- and other idioms-speaking Eastern Romans of South Rumeli became independent. It took only 40 years for the Anglo-French criminals to sign the death warranty of the unsuspecting, brainless, and lethargic sultans, who were lost in their delusion of being the ‘defenders of Islam’, while being unable to discern what was going on under their nose. But the useless Ottoman Empire, which is the best example to avoid, was a so dysfunctional and so purposeless state that could not monitor any act and deed undertaken by its own enemies in view of its demise.  

XIX. Fallmerayer: the German Historian who unveiled the Truth about the Fake Greeks in 1830, met the Sultan, but was not appointed as Ottoman Grand Vizier   

Third, even worse, the pseudo-Muslim imbeciles of the Ottoman Empire, after losing the provinces of Egypt and Greece, still did not understand anything and continued living in their pseudo-Islamic darkness, ignorance and barbarism. In 1830, one of Europe’s foremost historians, Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer (1790-1861), published the first volume of his legendary treatise ‘Geschichte der Halbinsel Morea während des Mittelalters’ (History of the Morea Peninsula during the Middle Ages). In his masterpiece, he expanded much, presenting all the important historical sources that fully demonstrate that the South Balkan Rum population, which was viciously called ‘Greeks’ (‘Hellenes’) by the academic, intellectual and diplomatic elites of France and England, was not Greek at all.

Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer

Fallmerayer fully demonstrated that the Ancient Greeks were exterminated during the overwhelming persecution of pagans in the Roman Empire; that event lasted from the times of Constantine I (306-337) to the reign of Justinian I (527-565) and further on, until the end of the 8th c., when the few hundreds of remaining pagans resisted being christened and were executed in the extreme southern confines of Morea (Peloponnesus) Peninsula.

The great German historian specified that the physical elimination of the Ancient Greeks was not only a matter of persecution and physical extermination due to their vividly polytheistic and Anti-Christian beliefs, their insolent cult practices, and their daily activities; as a matter of fact, the final and irreversible extinction of the Ancient Greeks from the entire South Balkan Peninsula was due to the severe depopulation caused because of the numerous invasions and migrations, which took place throughout Europe for a period of at least 700 years, namely 100-800 CE.

By systematically and extensively referring to the Eastern Roman Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (920-959), who was a prominent scholar and a consummate historian, Fallmerayer revealed some of the most important historical sources that bear witness to the fact that all the modern inhabitants of the Morea Peninsula are basically of Slavic origin; today’s revivalist Anglo-French colonials and their pseudo-Greek stooges and scullions may ridiculously call Morea Peninsula ‘Peloponnesus’, but the truth is that, when the Slavic ancestors of today’s pseudo-Greeks settled there around 600 CE, the land was almost totally uninhabited.

Focusing on later periods, the prominent German historian highlighted the Albanian, Vlach and Turkic migrations and the settlement of these migrant populations in the lands that were selected by the English and French colonial gangsters in order to set up their vassal, pseudo-Greek statelet. In fact, only two years after Fake Greece was instituted, Fallmerayer annulled the reasons of its genocidal existence. This is the most spectacular conclusion that Europe’s leading early 19th c. historian drew:

“Das Geschlecht der Hellenen ist in Europa ausgerottet. Schönheit der Körper, Sonnenflug des Geistes, Ebenmaß und Einfalt der Sitte, Kunst, Rennbahn, Stadt, Dorf, Säulenpracht und Tempel, ja sogar der Name ist von der Oberfläche des griechischen Kontinents verschwunden…. auch nicht ein Tropfen echten und ungemischten Hellenenblutes in den Adern der christlichen Bevölkerung des heutigen Griechenlands fließet”.

A rough English translation reads:

“The race of the Hellenes has been exterminated in Europe. Beauty of the body, sun flight of the spirit, symmetry and simplicity of custom, art, racecourse, city, village, colonnade and temple, yes even the name has disappeared from the surface of the Greek continent … not even a drop of real and unmixed Hellenic blood flows in the veins of the Christian population of today’s Greece”.

Immediately, there was an enormous, hysterical reaction against Fallmerayer, his books, and his perfectly well documented and solid argumentation; this was due to the fact that his magnificent opus revealed the truth about the nefarious Anglo-French conspiracy against the Ottoman Empire and also about the crime committed by the genocidal state of Fake Greece against the non-Greek inhabitants of the seceded territories, who were exposed to the forced, tyrannical, monstrous and hideous process of Hellenization. All the various puppets, stooges, and lackeys of the colonial regimes throughout Europe were bribed, commanded and mobilized in order to save the Frankenstein-like, monstrous pseudo-nation that the evil ateliers and the bogus-universities of France and England had just manufactured. It was then that the pathetic pseudo-state of ‘Greece’ hired several ignorant and ridiculous scullions like Constantine Paparrigopoulos to pen a diatribe against the leading European scholar, who had just proved that the illusory pseudo-state ‘Greece’ should not exist.

As the one of the world’s most authoritative historians, Fallmerayer encountered king Otto I of Greece in 1847 and few months later, he was summoned by Sultan Abdulmejid I (1839-1861; Birinci Abdülmecid / (عبد المجيد اول‎, who offered a Certificate of Honor to the German scholar. But what was the effect of the entire story on the Ottoman Empire’s decision-making and national defense against the Anglo-French machinations? Nothing! The Ottoman administration, influenced by the villainous pseudo-Islamic theologians, was genuinely unable to comprehend that the future of the Ottoman Empire hinged on Fallmerayer’s book, and not on the Quran. Instead of translating it into Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Russian, Italian, Spanish, French and English, to use it as a means of denunciation of the Anglo-French monstrosity, they prepared a Certificate of Honor as if scholars and erudite polymaths like the German historian needed extra papers! Instead of carefully studying it in order to assess the unprecedented extent of the colonial menace, they went back to their fully useless five prayers per day! Instead of concluding about the correct counter-measures to the formation of the pseudo-Greek state, the Ottomans did nothing! That’s why 100 years later there was no Ottoman Empire – thank God!

XX. Dimitrios Byzantios’ Babylonia: an Ottoman Rum’s (Eastern Roman’s) Play that reconfirmed Fallmerayer’s Historical Verdict  

Only six years after the publication of Fallmerayer’s outstanding study, an Eastern Roman Orthodox intellectual, author, and Ottoman native, born in Istanbul in 1790, came to give the final, irreversible and permanent blow to the credibility of the prefab pseudo-state of Greece. This came in another form – not as a historical analysis and synthesis, but as literary reflection of the daily life of the various indigenous people, who lived at the time in the South Balkan provinces of the Ottoman Empire and spoke many different languages, being therefore totally unable to understand one another.

Dimitrios Haji-Aslan Konstantinoğlu (later known as Dimitrios Byzantios, 1790-1853) was an Eastern Roman Orthodox polymath, fluent in his native Eastern Roman (Romeika / ρωμέικα) language and in several other languages, notably Ottoman Turkish, Farsi and Arabic. Like all the other Eastern Romans (Rumlar) of the Ottoman Empire, he knew very well that he was not ‘Greek’, that his mother tongue was not ‘Greek’, and that at those days in the South Balkan territories of the Ottoman Empire, which became independent in 1828, many different nations lived speaking different languages from province to province, from city to city, and from village to village. 

Dimitrios Haji-Aslan Konstantinoğlu was a distinguished member of the Ottoman elite and administration; in the 1810s, he served in Tunis as interpreter of the local bey – a high rank of the imperial administration at the local level. When the English and the French instigated the Morea Peninsula mutiny in 1821, he went there and managed to be a member of the illegal, clandestine and self-styled ‘Peloponnesian Senate’, i.e. a group of fanciful murderers, Anglo-French stooges, local landowners, activists, rascals and criminals, who -performing under systematized and incessant Anglo-French guidance and interference- supposedly impersonated the ‘elected authorities’ of the otherwise nonexistent Greek nation. Not one man elected those terrorists; yet, they wanted to lead the ‘struggle’ for the delusional liberation of an area inhabited by an overwhelming majority of Muslim and Christian loyalists, who very much loved their country, i.e. the Ottoman Empire, being unwilling to betray their ancestral land and disobey the Ottoman authorities just for the villainous interests of the English and the French bastards.  

Dimitrios Byzantios

Although the personal motives of Dimitrios Haji-Aslan Konstantinoğlu cannot be described as very clear with respect to the secession of the South Balkans’ Eastern Roman Orthodox Ottoman natives, we can be sure that he deplored the fake state of Greece in which he found himself in 1828. Although in the 1830s he had good connections with the royal administration and he served in several important positions, he was slandered by several people, who hated and envied him, and then dismissed from his position in Rumeli (Phocis), which is quite normal, taking into consideration that most of the persons around him were ignorant shepherds, idiotic farmers, naïve seamen, lawless plunderers, criminal rapscallions, and former gangsters. For the last two decades of his life, he lived as painter of churches in various parts of Western Greece.

Of course, he had to be renamed as Dimitrios Byzantios, after the purist, racist pseudo-Greek state’s processes during which dozens of thousands of toponyms and personal names were dictatorially and inhumanely changed in order to ‘prove’ as ‘correct’ the fallacious ‘Hellenic’ indoctrination, which had been fabricated by the Anglo-French academia in order to become the foundation stone of the pseudo-Greek statelet. ‘Byzantios’ meant ‘Istanbulite’ or ‘Constantinopolitan’, after the pathetic, pseudo-historical revivalism, which has ever been the disreputable, genocidal and necrolatrous dogma of Modern ‘Greece’.

Why this name was invented to replace the real surname of the great author and intellectual is simple to grasp. The geographical location of Istanbul-Constantinople was mythologized during the Antiquity as founded by the imaginary king Byzas; it was therefore named Byzantion and inhabited by colons from Megara, an Ancient Dorian Greek city. ‘Byzantios’ being an adjective derived from ‘Byzantion’ was used as surname in order to purify the Turkish names ‘Haji-Aslan Konstantinoğlu’, which -in and by themselves- proved that first, the pseudo-Greek state was inhumanely racist and second, Dimitrios Byzantios was not a descendant of Ancient Greeks, but an Eastern Roman Orthodox Christian irreversibly amalgamated with the various Turkic migrants and Islamized Eastern Roman inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire.  

XXI. The Tragic Revelations of Dimitrios Byzantios’ Babylonia about the Fake Statelet of Modern Greece

Dimitrios Haji-Aslan Konstantinoğlu ‘Byzantios’ published ‘Babylonia’ in 1836. This is the chronologically first masterpiece of literature produced in the pseudo-state of Modern Greece. As a play, Babylonia features various Eastern Roman Orthodox characters originating from different parts of the Ottoman Empire and the then seceded, tiny state of ‘Greece’; they all meet in the first capital of the new statelet, namely Mora Yenişehri (Italian: ‘Napoli di Romania’ / English: Nauplia) as Nafplion was then named. But unfortunately, they cannot understand one another, because their languages are different, their traditions, behavioral systems, and lifestyles diverge enormously, and consequently they miscommunicate and fight against one another. The encounter and the interaction of these theatrical characters in the play underscore the historical reality and highlight the Anglo-French colonial crime; in addition, they constitute a real prophecy about what happened in that cursed land that fell victim of the racist Anglo-French machinations. Modern pseudo-Greeks of the prefab fake state have ceaselessly fought one upon another and pitilessly killed one another for almost two centuries in exactly the same manner the illustrious Constantinopolitan playwright’s characters do in Dimitrios Byzantios’ fascinating and enthralling Babylonia.

The only truth is that there were no Greeks in South Balkans in the early 1800s. The different Christian Orthodox Rumlar (Eastern Romans) of the various regions of the Ottoman Empire were speaking languages that diverged from one another pretty much like Castilian (Spanish) differs from Catalan, Portuguese, and Galician. If no foreign colonial intervention took place, these different languages would generate over the span of about a century several modern nations, because the thriving, educated and prosperous Eastern Romans of Pontus, Cappadocia, Ionia-Aeolia and Istanbul, Macedonia, Albania and Epirus, Rumeli, Mora, Cyprus, Crete and Calabria were in fact speaking 10 different languages. Almost all these nations were culturally massacred and linguistically exterminated within the Cemetery of Nations called ‘Greece’ through the imposition of the fake ‘Modern Greek’ language that the vicious renegade Adamantios Korais produced working as a slave of the French academic Satanists. About:  

The full text is here (in Modern Greek):Βαβυλωνία/Πράξις_πρώτηΔημήτριος_Βυζάντιος

(There is nothing about Dimitrios Byzantios in the English Wikipedia!)

And this is exactly why the title of the theatrical masterpiece is ‘Babylonia’! It has nothing to do with Ancient Babylon and the History of Mesopotamia! It is only an allusion to the Judeo-Christian narrative of the Tower of Babel; it was there where all the people started speaking many different languages ​​and failing to understand one another. And Dimitrios Byzantios, as a visionary and pragmatist at the same time, tells us with his splendidly apocalyptic-eschatological play that the pseudo-Greek state is doomed to collapse, being punished by God, and to disappear in chaos, disorder and panic.   

Thus, similarly with the Tower of Babel and following the Rum Mutiny, the “chaos” came to Mora Yenişehir – Nafplio in 1828. The plot is quite simple, but the play is incredibly rich at the linguistic level and very critical at the historical-national level. According to the story, many people meet in a lokanta (i.e. a restaurant; this word was among the thousands of words that were banned for all 19th c. Eastern Romans who happened to be entrapped in the pseudo-Greek state). The lokanta is located, as I already said, in Nafplio – Mora Yenişehir; the characters are Orthodox Christians. They are happy because the fleets of France, Britain and Russia have just won a victory over the Ottomans, but they will soon end up in the jail, after fighting against one another. So, the plot is set after the naval battle in Navarino (Naval Battle). About:

The theatrical story was as a matter of fact the daily reality of all Eastern Roman Orthodox natives across the Ottoman Empire. They used the language of the Christian scriptures for religious purposes, but it was a dead language. It was no longer the mother tongue of anybody. They used the terminology of the last Eastern Roman Orthodox Emperors of Constantinople to write official documents among themselves; but that language (Early Eastern Roman) was a dead language too. It was no longer the mother tongue of anyone. And they spoke Ottoman Turkish to communicate with the Ottoman authorities.

However, their mother tongues were numerous and differed from place to place, being different amalgamations of various components: Slavic, Albanian, Vlach, Turkish, Greek, Latin, Venetian, Arabic, and other. They all identified themselves as Eastern Romans (Romioi-Romii/Ρωμιοί/Rumlar); accepting the Constantinople Patriarchate as their supreme religious authority, they were all Christian Orthodox, but, as it happened, an Eastern Roman (Romios/Rum) from Crete and an Eastern Roman (Romios/Rum) from Yanya (Ioannina) did not speak the same language. Sometimes, two Eastern Romans (Romii/Rumlar) were speaking in Ottoman Turkish to better communicate between themselves.

If all these people were to become independent and secede from the Ottoman Empire, there had to be many small states (each of them having approximately the size of Montenegro, Slovenia or Albania) and each small state would have a different language (as different as Neapolitan is from Sicilian, Sardinian and Venetian). This would be the normal, natural, historical development and the true wishes of all the populations, which were disastrously deceived to sell their soul (identity) to the devil (the pseudo-state of Greece) for the mere reward of ceaseless Anglo-French lies, shameful and ridiculous praises of their fake ancestral ‘achievements’, and vain promises from the ‘Greek’ politicians.

Because of the racist purification process, which was a most totalitarian aberration, many thousands of rebels lived in the mountains in ‘Greece’ for many decades after the pseudo-independence (1828) to remain clean from the nauseating filth, the hellish depravity, and the fatal corruption of the pseudo-independent statelet. They were incessantly fighting heroically against the Bavarian and the Danish kings that the perfidious English imposed in their ‘pseudo-Greek’ colony, and they were brave enough to repeatedly deliver many merciless blows to the evil regime of Athens. Finally, all the Eastern Roman languages ​​that existed on the soil of the pseudo-state disappeared around the end of the 19th c. and the beginning of the 20th c., following the white terrorism practiced by the Athens dictators. This was what happened in the South Balkan Ottoman provinces, after the French and British expelled the Ottomans from there.

Dimitrios Haji-Aslan Konstantinoğlu Byzantios’ Babylonia was adapted into a feature film, released in 1970. About:

You can watch the movie here:

By mere coincidence (!?!), the ‘Greek’ film director’s name (Yorgos Dizikirikis) is entirely Turkish; ‘diz kırığı’ (diz+kırık) means ‘the man who broke his knee’ in Turkish. Say ‘cheers’ to the South Balkans’ Greek monkeys! About:

Consequently, the aforementioned points conclude the case for the pseudo-Greek colonial state that the English and the French created, maintained, and helped expand as per their agenda. The attitude of many political scientists, Human Rights activists, humanitarian intellectuals, and political commentators, who happen to focus only on the racist state’s attitude toward a) the Turkish minority in Western Thrace, b) the Macedonian minority in Greek Macedonia, and c) the Cham Albanian minority in Chameria (Epirus), is a disastrous mistake and a deplorable oversight.

Long before the fake state of Greece persecuted the Western Thrace Turks, long before it carried out a 100-year long genocide against the Macedonian nation, long before it attempted the extinction of the Vlachs in Thessaly and elsewhere, and long before it expropriated the Cham Albanians from their own lands, this same fanatical, vindictive, discriminatory, racist, revivalist and irredentist administration, which had been methodically fabricated in disreputable and criminal institutions in France and England, did indeed carry out an enormous, multifaceted, and enduring genocide across its 1828 territories in a most inhuman and devilish attempt to

A- obliterate the local languages, cultures, traditions, values, and behavioral systems of the indigenous subject population,

B- delete the genuine Eastern Roman (romeiki) identity and integrity of the same population, and

C- impose on their subjects

i- the prefabricated nationalistic-chauvinistic dogma,

ii- the historical forgery that the English and the French academics taught them, and iii- the entirely fake Modern Greek identity.  

In fact, the so-called combatants of the Rum mutiny (1821-1828) did not liberate but actually enslaved the unfortunate and ill-fated locals. And this is exactly what is perfectly well illustrated in Babylonia by Dimitrios Byzantios.

XXII. The Tragic Revelations of Dimitrios Byzantios’ Babylonia about the Failed Ottoman Empire  

If the above criticism concerns the modern state of Greece, what follows offers the chance to see the historical developments from another viewpoint. It is therefore time to ask now how the Ottoman Empire reacted to the fact that an outstanding Ottoman administrator moved to the seceded statelet and, after participating in the events of the period 1821-1828 and serving from various positions afterwards, he felt obliged to write a play in order to decry the absurd, self-contradictory, and highly pre-occupying situation that was created there following the secession of the said state.

The Ottoman authorities simply did not get any info about this valuable book/play at the time. This shows that they did not perceive the Anglo-French colonial threat at the time. Even worse, today’s Turkish authorities still have no clue about Dimitrios Byzantios’ Babylonia and its deep meaning; this shows that the state created by Kemal Ataturk malfunctioned after 1938, because Turkey did not serve the purposes and did not achieve the targets that its founder set for all Turks. About:

Due to their ignorance of the aforementioned books and because of their total inability to understand the down-to-earth reality, we can safely claim that the worthless advisers around the Sultan did not realize, back in the 1830s, that what had already taken place was not geared to be only an isolated circumstance, but in order to be continued.

Being indoctrinated with their fake Sunna, intoxicated with tons of pseudo-Islamic theology, characterized by ignorance because of the abolition of sciences in the Ottoman Empire after 1580, incapacitated due to their lack of learning, knowledge, exploration and study of the ‘Other’, plunged in absolute darkness thanks to their erroneous reading of the Quran, and invaded by incommensurate volume of Satanic pride and arrogance (this was the result of their delusional belief that they were good Muslims whereas they were worse than hyenas and wild dogs), the egotistic and inane Constantinopolitan theologians around the sheikhulislam and the sultan thought that the loss of Greece in 1828 was merely an isolated phenomenon, and not part of an entire agenda providing for the total and final demise of the Ottoman Empire.

These evil and inhuman Ottoman theologians, who were incapable of anything related to common sense, scientific method, and down-to-earth reality, wanted still to have a say in the governance of an empire of which they could only trigger the death, due to their ignorance and uselessness. In reality, they were the best agents and stooges of the English and the French, because without even being on the payroll of Paris and London, they fully played into their game.

Unfortunately, Kemal Ataturk came too late and was too sentimental, too humane and too merciful. He should have killed all the sheikhs, imams and students of pseudo-Islamic theological schools throughout Turkey. He should have closed down all the mosques and madrassas, prohibited all types of study of Islam (because they were all wrong, sick, corrupt and absolutely anti-Islamic), introduced unbiased and non-partisan History of Religions as the means to study the Islamic religion too, and prohibited the possession of any theological books written in Arabic across the country that he saved. The Ottoman Empire’s pseudo-Islamic theological establishment should have been reduced to extinction, because it was the sole responsible for the progressive dismemberment of the vast state.

The 19th c. was indeed a period of increased involvement of the theologians around the sheikhulislam in the governance of the Ottoman Empire; this fact contributed to the destruction of the Ottoman state because, by spreading ignorance, idiocy and incapacity, the useless sheikhs and imams played exactly into the evil Anglo-French colonial anti-Ottoman game.

Therefore, Dimitrios Byzantios’ Babylonia fully demonstrated that already in 1828 the Ottoman Empire was an absolutely impermissible state. Its apathy would sooner or later drive it to nonexistence, and there was nothing more anyone could possibly do about it. The useless empire had to be instantly dissolved in order to prevent the calamities that fell upon all its inhabitants irrespective of origin, identity, language and religion. It is well known and accepted by all that, between 1828 and 1923, across the Ottoman Empire, many hundreds of thousands of people were killed in internal clashes and undeservedly massacred. This was evidently scheduled as per the Anglo-French colonial maneuvers and machinations; however, had the Ottoman authorities been different, i.e. had they been elucidated, better versed in spirituality, moral, culture, education and sciences, and therefore able to discern clearly, they would have certainly been able to outfox the plot.

In fact, you cannot combine the tenebrous theological contamination of Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah with any aspect of human civilization or superior intellect. The Constantinopolitan theologians of the Ottoman Empire were barbaric and un-Islamic. The only chance of survival that the Islamic Caliphate had after 1580 would be a sultan/caliph, who would not be held captive of those evil theologians, but able to work with along the Janissaries, the Bektashis and the Mevlevis to physically eliminate the entire theological class, which in any case was totally impermissible in the true, original Islam, as preached and practiced by prophet Muhammad.

XXIII. How the Ottoman Authorities would use Dimitrios Byzantios’ Babylonia, if they were not indoctrinated with Pseudo-Islamic Theology 

Dimitrios Byzantios’ Babylonia should have been an alarming warning for the Ottomans. If the populations of the seceded lands were forced to become ‘Greek’, then practically speaking, any Eastern Roman Christian Ottoman could eventually be forced to also become ‘Greek’. The Ottoman administration and elite did not only have to get a copy, translate it to Ottoman Turkish, and duly study it, but they should also popularize it extensively among the other Eastern Roman Christian Orthodox populations, expansively analyze it to them, and fraternally warn them that, by becoming ‘Greek’, they would gradually be pulled back to the Ancient Greek polytheism, pedophilia, prostitution, fornication, Dionysian orgies, bloody political divisions, and homosexuality.

In this manner, with solemn condemnations and mass meetings every Sunday outside the churches of every Ottoman city, they should mobilize not the Muslims but the Christians of the Ottoman Empire against the pseudo-state of ‘Greece’. Orthodox Christian populations of the Ottoman Empire should be alarmed against the anti-Christian, pseudo-Greek state much more than the Muslim populations. Every Christian inhabitant of the Ottoman Empire should come to know that his daughters would become prostitutes, if their region happened to be targeted by the English and the French as the next step of expansion of the Athens regime. A Christian-Muslim alliance should be built against the anti-Christian statelet that was a mere instrument at the hands of the English and the French.

Having to oppose the plots of France and England after the fabrication of the pseudo-Greek state, the Ottoman administration did not use the real tools that they possessed. They stupidly thought, as I already said, that this would be a matter of military movements and diplomatic efforts; this aberration was lethal indeed for the Ottoman Empire. Why the Ottomans did not use the tools that they surely had is easy to assess; the evil pseudo-Islamic theologians did not want to study Ancient Greece, Christianity and many other similar topics, because in their stupid heads they had the deeply anti-Islamic belief that “at the end, all the people will become Muslims” and in the back side of their mind, they used to hide their evil intentions to force everyone into accepting Islam – which is totally Satanic. If you are an inhumane idiot and you think that “at the end, all the people will become Muslims”, you don’t need to do anything else except either staying in lethargy for many long years or massacring everyone that the ignorant, Satanic sheikhs order you to kill in the brief intervals.

Mahmud II (1808 1839) in new attire: too little too late!

And this is how the pseudo-Islamic Constantinopolitan theological cholera affected extremely negatively the Ottoman society: those who followed them were plunged indeed into an incredible lethargy interrupted only by few short periods of conflicts and massacres. Many independent European travelers sojourning in parts of the Ottoman Empire for some time during the 19th c. wrote their travelogues afterwards and they thus reported this situation; some among them may have well been agents of the colonial powers, but we cannot afford to discredit them all. Many among them had a truly genuine interest and they were absolutely veracious in their descriptions.

Christian or Muslim, all Ottomans indiscriminately were living in impermissible conditions, and by this I am not referring to the issue of technological modernization, which is not important, but to the troublesome social, socio-behavioral and cultural situation. Compared to the socio-cultural conditions of life in the Abbasid Caliphate 1000 years earlier, Ottomans -during the 19th c.- were simply culturally inferior, spiritually dead, educationally destroyed, socially putrefied, tribally divided, and religiously split along sectarian lines. For all this and for much more, the only responsible were the pseudo-Islamic ‘Sunni’ Constantinopolitan theologians.

Absolute lack of knowledge of the ‘Other’ ends up as misperception and hatred of the ‘Other’; and when a subconscious vision of one’s own lethargy, uselessness, misery, ineptitude and depravity comes to the surface of one’s own consciousness, then the only responsible “is” the “Other”, and in order to “pay”, “he must die”. This explains everything that occurred in the decayed Ottoman Empire during the period 1798-1923. In real historical terms, Kemal Ataturk did not actually abolish the Islamic Caliphate; he simply buried a dead corpse that had been calamitously left on the surface of the Earth way too long (after 1580). Those, who opposed its abolition, were inferior brainless beings with detrimental impact on their societies. Those, who wish an Ottoman revivalism or even worse an Ottoman comeback today, must be de facto acknowledged as fake Muslims and enemies of the Mankind.  

In fact, after 1798 and more particularly after 1828, the Ottoman Empire existed hopelessly for another 95 years. It did not have a chance in the centillion (i.e. a number equal to 1 followed by 303 zeros) to possibly survive. Anyone who today imagines that it is possible to open the coffin of the Ottoman misery and revive the putrefied body of that -useless after 1580- state is either mad or possessed by evil demons. The Ottoman Empire is good stuff for Education though; until 1580, it offers a great chance to students of History to examine what it is for a major empire to miss great opportunities. And after 1580, it offers them the possibility to examine how disastrous and lethal a theological indoctrination can be, particularly if it is noticed by enemies.

Mahmud II did not have the necessary education to understand that saving his empire was not a matter of imitation but of true originality.

XXIV. What a Salvation Plan of the Ottoman Empire in 1828 would look like (if a Sultan eliminated the Evil Theologians in the first place!)

What could the Ottoman administration do to successfully prevent most or all of the developments that took place in their European provinces between 1828 and 1914? This question can eventually have a potential response only in case we assume that a forceful, impulsive and unpredictable sultan succeeded with the help of the military to eliminate the pseudo-Islamic theological schools around the sheikhulislam and to exterminate their main followers and supporters, thus imposing a totally different version of Islam than the Ottoman pseudo-Islam of the period after 1580.

Several practical suggestions are mentioned below, covering mainly three sectors:

A. Governance

1- Prevent any French and English from crossing Ottoman territories;

2- Implement an advanced project of national awareness campaigns among all the inhabitants of the empire through use of selected, hired, educated and guided natives from all the nations that lived there;

3- Transform the Ottoman Empire into a multi-national empire whereby all nations would be very conscious of their common, deeply anti-Western values, cultures, traditions and faiths;  

4- Incorporate all ethno-linguistic and religious groups into the governance of the vast state and study them extensively;

5- Abolish the useless and self-disastrous system of millets;

6- Promote systematic and extensive inter-ethnic and inter-religious mutual knowledge, understanding and communication, starting from the level of Education;

7- Defame methodically the Western colonial countries by ceaselessly reporting all their crimes, corruption and obscenity to all the inhabitants of the empire;

8- Prepare the conditions for an Ottoman-Iranian merge into one empire that would also comprise the Central Asiatic khanates.

The sacred flag brought to Sultanahmet in the ceremony launched for the implementation of the ridiculous and suicidal fatwah to abolish the Janissaries

B. Education  

1- Introduce an Albanian writing system in Ottoman characters and systematize National Education in Albanian for all the populations of today’s Epirus province of Greece, Albania, Kosovo, Sanjak and adjacent territories;

2- Introduce a Vlach writing system in Ottoman characters and systematize National Education in Vlach for all the populations of today’s Thessaly province of Greece and all Vlachs in Macedonia;

3- Introduce a Macedonian writing system in Ottoman characters and systematize National Education in Macedonian for all the populations of Ottoman Macedonia (the Manastir, Kosova and Selanik vilayets);

4- Introduce a Karamanlı writing system in Ottoman characters and systematize National Education in Karamanlı Turkic for the Christian Turkic populations;

5- Introduce (in Greek characters) the writing system of the various Eastern Roman languages in Pontus, Cappadocia, Ionia-Aeolia, Macedonia-Thrace, Crete, and Cyprus;

6- Follow similar policies as regards the Romanians and the Bulgarians early in the 19th c.;

7- Dissociate the Ottoman Empire’s Eastern Romans and the other Christians from the anti-Christian pseudo-state of Greece and reveal to all Christian populations of the Caliphate the deeply Anti-Christian targets of the pseudo-Greek state’s Anglo-French masters

8- Constantly update the Ottoman Empire’s Eastern Romans and the other Christians about how Eastern Romans were culturally humiliated (example: the Don Pacifico affair / and socio-behaviorally disfigured and Westernized in the pseudo-Greek statelet (notably with the ignominious abandonment of the foustanella traditional attire and the orchestrated imposition of the ‘franghika’, i.e. the Parisian bourgeois, supposedly ‘Western’, clothing, which was a development that took place at slow pace during the 19th c. and the early 20th c. as part of the Anglo-French colonization of those South Balkan Ottoman lands).

9- Implement a vast Aramaization program among all the Dialectal Arabic-speaking populations of Syria-Phoenicia, Mesopotamia and Palestine in order to effectively oppose the already evident Anglo-French colonial plans that provided for the linguistic-political Arabization of the Berbers, the Egyptians and the Aramaeans across the Ottoman provinces in Africa and Asia. As none of these historical nations was associated with the Arabs in any manner, their disorientation and captivity within the false ideology of Pan-Arabism, which was generated very early by the French academia, would trigger enormous turmoil in the Ottoman Empire.

Acting as per above, the Ottoman authorities would avert the pernicious Anglo- French infiltration among the empire’s various nations, thus preventing the formation of various secessionist movements, and all the subsequent, disastrous developments. Only by fully integrating the properly formed and educated representatives of the various nations into the process of the imperial administration (see above parts A4, A6 and A7), would the Ottomans be truly able to unify their vast but incoherent and disparate state. 

C. Foreign Policy

1- Dispatch well-prepared agents to France, under the coverage of trade or business, with task to study in-depth the languages and the cultures of the various oppressed nations of France, namely the Corsicans, the Occitans, the Catalans, the Basks (Euskadi) and the Bretons, and establish connections with them;

2- Dispatch well-prepared agents to England, under the coverage of trade or business, with task to study in-depth the languages and the cultures of the various oppressed nations of England, namely the Irish, the Scots and the Welsh, and establish connections with them;

3- Invite to the Ottoman Empire many hundreds of representatives of England’s and France’s oppressed nations, prepare, train and guide them adequately, and then send them back in order to launch secessionist movements and trigger turmoil and chaos in both colonial countries;

4- Organize unrest across all formerly Ottoman territories that were detached by the colonial powers (notably Egypt);

5- Establish strong contacts with all Turkic and Muslim nations that were subjugated by the Russians, notably the Tatars, the Circassians, the Chechens and several others, and train them properly to instigate rebellions and chaos inside Russia;

6- Establish strong contacts with all Turkic and Muslim nations that were subjugated by the English in British India and prepare them to revolt against the colonials.   

However, it sounds unrealistic to demand the aforementioned measures from the collapsing Ottomans of the 19th c., and it truly is. We have to accept that the lack of real awareness of the lurking dangers that characterized the obsolete structure of the Ottoman Empire was exclusively due to its fake religious authorities, which spread darkness instead of knowledge and hatred instead of love, contrarily to the true preaching of prophet Muhammad. As a matter of fact, we have to admit that the ineptitude, inertia, inappropriateness and incapability of the Ottoman family to rule the empire had already noticed several centuries earlier. These issues did not date back to the 19th c., but much earlier.

The Ottomans did not care to monitor (let alone prevent) the infiltration of the Catholic missionaries among the Aramaean Christians of Syria-Palestine and Mesopotamia already in the middle of the 16th c.; they did not realize the tragic consequences that this evil infiltration generated for an old nation that was divided between the Ottoman and the Safavid empires. And they failed to understand that various types of Western infiltration among the marginalized ethnic and religious components of their state would only herald its demise. As a matter of fact, if the Ottomans failed to defend the nations inhabiting their territories in the 16th c., when they were in the peak of their power, how could they possibly manage to do this in the early 19th c.?

On the contrary, what happened was a disastrous self-destruction: their sectarian theological pseudo-Islamic decisions further alienated the bulk of the Ottoman populations, namely most of the ethno-religious groups and nations (milletler) of the vast empire, from the indoctrinated Constantinopolitan élite that was totally detached from the real world. If we take into consideration the fact that one of the best tactics of the colonial powers is to engulf enemies in sterile, unrealistic and self-catastrophic theological indoctrination, we can conclude that the best tools of the evil colonial powers were the inane pseudo-Islamic ‘Sunni’ theologians of Constantinople who pushed their own country to the abysmal precipice in order to materialize the goals of their demented theories and their evil faith. The same occurs also today in Turkey. That is why I intend to complete this series of articles with the forthcoming presentation of what the pillars of Turkish Education must be in the years ahead, if Turks do not want their country to have the same fate as the defunct Ottoman Empire.

The disreputable fatwa issued by the evil and idiotic şeyhulislam Hasan Hayrullah Efendi for the dethronement of Sultan Abdülaziz: one of the most shameful documents of the Ottoman History


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Renaissance, Colonialism, Anti-Christian Western European Politics, Fake Historicity, Political Nations and Historical Education – Part II

The present article consists in a brief outlook of the nature of the diverse educational systems either in the rising and falling imperial realms or in the chaotic and worthless republics that lack sanctity, legitimacy, and humanity. Here you will find its second part. For the first part, go there:


XI. Renaissance Education: the pseudo-Christian doctrine that caused all the Colonial Crimes

Contrarily to what happened in the Antiquity, during the Christian times, and across the Islamic world, Education in Western Europe, starting with Renaissance (15th c.), became the tool of a new, rising social class against the then ruling Christian clerics, feudal lords, and monarchs. As a matter of fact, Western Europe was always a multi-divided world whereby, after the termination of the Constantinopolitan popes (752 CE), the fake Christian authority was continually challenged by the surviving sects and underground groups of ‘heretics’, namely the Arians, the Christian Gnostics, the Paulicians, the Bogomils, the Manicheans, the Cathars, the Templars and many others.

King Peter I of Macedonia (927-969) known as Pop Bogomil
The Cross of the Cathars
Burning the Knights Templar: a critical page of the barbarian European History
Knights Templar Playing Chess 1283
Knights Templar
The Pansophia tree of the Rosicrucian Order, 1604
Physica Metaphysica et Hyperphisica: a legendary Rosicrucian treatise of the 18th c.
Paracelsus’ Aurora thesaurusque philosophorum 1577

After having kept people far from education, the Renaissance popes, while expecting an overwhelming educational-intellectual challenge from their opponents, decided to create their own system of fallacious education, counterfeit intellect, and distorted science. This is what they had prepared for long, gathering and translating Islamic scientific manuscripts through contacts with either Omayyad Andalusia or Abbasid Baghdad or the Eastern Roman Empire. Renaissance and colonization of the rest of the world go hand in hand. In fact, colonization was the means by which the pseudo-popes of Rome diffused their fallacy, deception, and delusion worldwide.

The School of Athens by Raffaello: example of delusional Art and Fake History that epitomizes the entire Renaissance

Education in the multi-divided post-Renaissance societies of Modern Times is the supreme form of human slavery. Contrarily to the educational systems that existed throughout the ages, the modern world’s delusional and warlike education was geared to produce deceitfully educated slaves. The conquistadores were indeed slaves, who after having learned a forged History, after having studied fallacious sciences, and after having been intoxicated with narratives about their fake-Christian faith, with the delusion of the white supremacy, with the falsehood of European civilization, and with exorbitant hatred of the other nations, notably the Muslims, sailed overseas to conquer the world and enslave all the other nations for the sake of their own masters.

Cholula Massacre by Cortes in Mexico: exclusively due to the racist paranoia, delusional world view, and fake History of Renaissance
The criminal Western Europeans: the ‘conquistadores’ colonials
Cortes, the Conquest of Mexico, the destruction of the Aztec Empire: a crime against the Mankind, due to the evil theories, world view, and education of Renaissance
The Fall of Tenochtitlan
Pizarro and Atahualpa: the destruction of the Inca Empire triggered an enormous bloodshed for which the criminal pseudo-Christian gangsters of Vatican and Spain will certainly be detrimentally punished.
European barbarians and their evil deeds
The massacre undertaken by the Spaniards during the Toxcatl Festival
Evil European barbarians enjoy the spectacle during one of the many thousands of massacres that they committed and for which they will pay with their ultimate extermination.

The educational system of the Western European colonial powers was thus fully weaponized and, instead of being used to unify human societies in freedom, it served to unify all the nations of the world in slavery. It was a worse indoctrination, but since it did not involve a religion or theology as foundation, it did not produce a doctrinal culture but a radical fanaticism, endless wars, and internal strives. Within such an environment it was only a matter of time for the conquistadores’ ancestral culture to get decomposed and for them to stay with no culture at all. The same happened of course worldwide, because the colonial gangsters diffused and imposed the conditions of their slavery, the elements of their counterfeit education, and their lawless laws across all continents. 

XII. Incompatibility of Spirituality, Religion and Human Culture with Western European Politics and Colonialism

Following the devious Western European theoretical systems of Classicism and Enlightenment and the ensuing changes in the systems of governance that took place in America and France, Education played a pivotal role in the formation of what we call ‘modern states’, which are genuinely failed structures from the first moment of their inception.


The totally delusional perception of the Ancient Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans by Modern Europeans: the example offered by Nicholas Poussin’s paintings

Nicolas Poussin, The Adoration of the Golden Calf
Nicolas Poussin, Landscape with Saint John on Patmos
Nicolas Poussin, Apollo and the Muses
Nicolas Poussin, Dance to the Music of Time
Nicolas Poussin, Et In Arcadia Ego
Nicholas Poussin, Blind Orion searching for the Rising Sun


The godless religions that are revealed through the lines of the constitutional documents of the new states demonstrate clearly that the erroneous selection (by devious Western Europeans) of a system of governance, which had already failed in Ancient Greece and Rome, namely the ‘politics’, could never generate a successful social organization and secure effective governance for these states. For a very good reason: politics is a system suitable for cities-states (‘polis’ in Ancient Greek means ‘city’).

Cesare Maccari, Cicero denounces Catiline – 1888: the evilness of the public debates and unholy deliberations is a curse and an anathema for the Mankind.

One could argue that the system is good only for countries with up to 50000 people, but still we have full historical proof that those states failed already in the Antiquity. In addition, politics in Ancient Greece and Rome involved discrimination against the women and the slaves, whereas in the Ancient Oriental empires there were no slaves and women were not discriminated. In fact, ‘politics’ is synonym for discrimination, racism, evilness, and it cannot happen otherwise. The inhumanity of politics cannot be mitigated in any manner, anytime anywhere and under any circumstances whatsoever.

Politics is the foundation of every racism. Politics without racism simply do not exist.

Politics is not suitable for either a city-state or a bigger country; as system of governance, politics is an insult against any religion of any nation, not because in Ancient Greece or Rome the local politics were unrelated to religion, but because politics is tantamount to lewdness, insolence and blasphemy. Ancient empires, Christian kingdoms, and Islamic caliphates had no politics; this was so because of the moral standards of those societies whereby people valued the sanctity of human life and the transcendentally ensured social order.

Oljaitu, the Ilkhanid Turanian Emperor of Iran (1304-1316), was also known as Muhammad Khoda-bandeh: he offers a splendid example (one of the many existing) of secular governance of an Islamic state. He was born Buddhist to a Nestorian Christian Mongolian mother, he became Christian, and then adhered to Islam. Religion is not compulsory according to the Quran, and therefore Shariah is only a matter of recommendation and advice.

XIII. Politics is unrelated to Secularism

Politics does not mean secularism; politics is tantamount to Satanism. There have been many secular empires, kingdoms, caliphates, khanates and sultanates throughout History. Accepting the existence spiritual world is a human quality. Spirituality is fully compatible with secular social life; theology is not. Secularism guarantees the personal communication of the human or a group of humans with the divine world. Theology brings about the end of the religion, because theologians cannot fathom the spiritual universe and therefore eliminate transcendence by means of verbosity, formality, rationality, doctrinal rhetoric, and governmental tyranny. In fact, politics and theology are the two faces of the same coin: that of Satan.

The evilness of politics was early noticed in the cursed city of Athens before 2400 years, when in 415 BCE Alcibiades and his blasphemous supporters cut the heads of the Hermae statues. Hiding this fact from people worldwide, the sacrilegious gangsters, who tyrannize the modern world, did not have any other target in their useless heads than the Satanization of the Mankind.

Consequently, Education within a modern state governed by politics consists in a sheer indoctrination system, which helps tyrannically impose the vicious dogmas that nonsensical ‘theoreticians’, ‘philosophers’, ‘intellectuals’ and ‘ideologists’ composed on the basis of their ignorance and mental perversion. Since Ancient Greece was the terrain of “division in society, disunity among the various tribes, and clash among the various philosophers”, it is only normal that Ancient Greece -projected onto Modern European and North American societies through the disreputable works of 18th – 20th c. philosophers and academics and through their inclusion in Modern Education- brought about the revival of all the divisions, the disunity, the dissensions, the clashes and the civil wars that had happened in the past three centuries.

The aforementioned chaotic situation of Western European and North American politics was diffused / imposed worldwide by means of Western colonialism. In striking contrast with what Western academia and intellectuals propagate, the worst aspects of Western colonialism are neither the economic exploitation of the colonized nations, nor the military warfare, arms sales, and the ensuing bloodbath, nor the local governance by means of corrupt politics. In fact, the most vicious aspects of the Western colonization of the entire world are its academic, intellectual, scientific, educational, ideological, behavioral, and cultural dimensions.

XIV. Politics, Colonization, Nationalism, Political Nation, Fake History, and Education

The modern, distorted connotation of the word ‘nation’, which originates from the sphere of Western politics, and its subsequent diffusion worldwide were put in relief because of the forged History that the colonial academia elaborated for all the nations of the world. Historical nations were thus turned to ‘political nations’ that have nothing in common with true History as described in all the historical texts and sources. ‘Political nations’ are delusional entities that never existed in real History; their pathetic nationalisms only reflect the dogma of the prefabricated local ‘National History’, which is taught in the fallacious educational system of the colonial puppet-countries as per the colonial guidance of the local pseudo-professors, bogus-intellectuals, and bribed journalists.

The colonial puppets at the local level study in the colonial metropolises only to return back home and diffuse the disastrous politics, the calamitous economics, and the fake History that they studied in France, England, America, etc., only to cause further damage to their lands by implementing the colonial plan in every dimension and on every occasion. As per the local, regional and worldwide needs of the colonial regimes, the various fake nationalisms, based on the local educational systems and their absurd and ludicrous contents, generate fallacious visions of a fictional past and of otherwise nonexistent glories, paranoid theories in support of these visions, delusional concepts, nonsensical aberrations, and schizophrenic interpretations of World History (as mad as the idea that the Chinese terracotta army was sculpted by Ancient Greeks)!

In this manner, …

one political nation is magnified to ultimately reach the borders that their colonial masters drew for them (like those of fake Yugoslavia after WW I), …

Fake Yugoslavia in 1918

another political nation is divided with no reason (like Albania – with Albanians living today in Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, and Albania), …

False borders of Albania in 1918

a third political nation is given a fake name (like fake Greece, whereas the correct name would be ‘Eastern Roman state’ or Romania/Ρωμανία), …

Fake state of Greece in 1828 – more than 1000 years after the last Greek had disappeared

a fourth political nation is given a totally fake identity (like the totally non-Arab ‘Arab Republic of Egypt’, whereas the country’s correct national name is either Kemet, i.e. the country’s ancient name, or Masr, namely the state’s real name in the constitutional chart), …

Fake state of Masr, an Ottoman province which cannot use its name at the international level, and has therefore to be called ‘Egypt’ to please the fancy of its colonial masters.

a fifth political nation’s name is monstrously distorted (instead of ‘Iran’, turned to ‘Persia’ – only to hide the reality that Iran’s population is Turanian and not Persian in its majority), …

In 1925, the entire Iran was transformed into a nationalistic monarchical or theocratic tyranny after the colonial interference of the English who generated the fake Pahlavi dynasty out of thin air. The transformation of the Turanian-Iranian Empire into a monstrous dictatorship explains why for 400 years the colonial Westerners were calling Iran by the misnomer ‘Persia’ (Fars): they wanted to engulf the empire into sectarian divisions and permanent discord.

and a sixth political nation’s fallacious name consists in sheer usurpation of the historical name of another country (as in the case of Abyssinia, which was ludicrously masqueraded in the 1950s, being re-baptized as ‘Ethiopia’, which is the name that the Ancient Greeks and Romans used to describe the Cushitic kingdoms of Ancient Sudan to which the Semitic Abyssinians are totally unrelated), and so on, and so on.

Abyssinia was a tiny state in 1840; its colonial expansion (1840-1950) produced the modern state of Fake Ethiopia, which proved to be the world’s foremost genocidal and most criminal state.

On another occasion, as per the colonial needs, 5-6 different nations are taught another style of fake story; their ignorant, tribal elites, after being duly bribed, are instructed that, although their languages, religions and scripts are different, they -all- constitute just ‘one nation’! This case comes out of thin air, and it is viciously called ‘Kurdistan’, as the supreme stage of colonial distortion.

XV. Nationalisms, Education, Historicity, and Historical Claims

Nationalisms are based on political nations’ false educational systems and on the historical forgery that pupils are taught in the schools. They then create among average people a false feeling of historicity; this erroneous feeling can be an exaggerated or minimized or distorted vision of the true historical reality. However, because this situation melds the heart and the mind, it hits the subconscious of the mass in every political nation, thus generating enormous fanaticism, extreme negativity, degenerate passions, and sick reactions.

Nationalisms constitute the representation of the blind, dark and evil side of every person’s character. As a matter of fact, all -personal, communal and national- complexes of inferiority, all the traumas, all the vices, and all the elements of psychosis come to surface, when a pattern of these delusional beliefs is subject to questioning – let alone rejection. Then, we can safely claim that political nations’ educational systems and nationalisms help only promote the bestialization of the Mankind.

Fake historicity helps transfer the issue from the initial educational level to the political, diplomatic and international levels whereby historicity takes another form, being transformed into ‘historical claim’. Most of the historical claims of today’s pseudo-historical nations originate from monstrous distortions of the historical past in the educational systems (and the nationalisms) of the political nations that express these claims.

And in any case, all the political nations of modern times are pseudo-historical, because the historical nations were not governed by the mendacity and the evilness of politics, but they represented totally different concepts of history, governance, society, nation and territorial sanctity.

XVI. Historical Education and its Importance opposite False Historical Claims

This brings us to the topic of the importance of historical education in modern states. With strong educational background, with correct orientation of the educational system, and with accurate, pertinent, wide teaching and deep learning of History, modern countries can turn down false claims of neighbors and fake pretensions of enemies. In this regard, foe identification plays an enormous role. In most of the cases, neighboring countries are not unfriendly and enemies are not genuine; they are aptly to become so by the colonial powers, which implement their inhuman and evil agendas through proxies.

All the false claims of neighboring countries and all the fake pretensions of antagonistic governments are customarily instigated by France, England and the US; these colonial regimes implement disastrous schemes worldwide, while also promoting arms sales and further deepening the divisions among various nations at the local and the regional levels. They are the true enemy.

If the government of a country proves to be unable to understand this fact, it definitely and irrevocably destroys the country and it ultimately plays the game of the evil colonial powers, thus jeopardizing its own country’s future. There have been plenty of examples in this regard: Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, Gadhafi’s Libya, Ali Abdallah Saleh’s Yemen, al-Bashir’s Sudan, etc. Soon, we will have more examples: the Ayatollah regime of Iran, Mubarak’s – Morsi’s – el-Sisi’s Egypt, Erdogan’s Turkey, etc.

Political nations’ historicity and historical claims contain tons of distorted pieces of historical info that are aptly used to support demands, to gain impressions, and to influence the public opinion. If studying your enemy is the key to anticipating their move in the field and in preventing their next move in diplomacy, scrutinizing your enemy’s history is a prerequisite for thwarting their falsely founded historical claims.

Since the entire World History has become an enormous battlefield where historical interpretations, synthetic approaches, conceptualization efforts, attempts of different contextualization, and diverging terminological proposals are constantly introduced in order to present distinct perspectives of historical narrative that best suit the needs of the colonial powers, all countries that are not well prepared -at the academic, intellectual and educational levels- to refute opposite arguments end up losing territories or totally disappearing. Countries that are unprepared to engage in academic and intellectual battles are already failed states.

And this is the primary meaning of the term ‘failed state’: a state, government, establishment and society that failed to first learn in depth their past and then to identify its distortions within the Western European and North American pseudo-historical dogma which is diffused through their disreputable and criminal universities, schools, publishing houses, libraries, museums, research institutes, embassies and proxies worldwide.


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Secular Education, Oriental Empires, Cultural Nations, Spirituality, Religion & Theology down to Renaissance – Part I

The present article consists in a brief outlook of the nature of the diverse educational systems either in the rising and falling imperial realms or in the chaotic and worthless republics that lack sanctity, legitimacy, and humanity. Here you will find its first part.

I. Education, Social Unity, and Transcendence in the Ancient Oriental Empires

In ancient times, Education was at the hands of the spiritual-sacerdotal-imperial savants and the instructors did their ingenious best to educate their pupils by making them fully aware of the Laws of the spiritual and the material universes, which were also reflected in the average culture of all the inhabitants of the ideal, paradisiacal empire that mirrored the celestial world on the surface of the Earth. There was absolutely no disconnection between the educated and the uneducated, because the latter comprehended in general -via mythical, cultural, education- what the former mastered in detail through systematic scientific exploration, archiving and education.

This was how the emerged great kingdoms and formidable empires were structured in Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkad, Assyria-Babylonia, Hurrians, and Elam), Kemet (Egypt), Hittite Anatolia, Cush (Ancient Sudan), Phoenicia-Carthage, Iran and Turan, China, and Indus Valley and the Deccan. There was Unity in Education, as all the people understood the supreme language of the Myth and the Symbols that exist between the spiritual and the material universes, and as a consequence, they all had the same world view, the same spirituality and culture, and the same moral standards, which defined the sanctity of their empire.

Tuthmose III of Egypt
Hattusili III of Hittite Anatolia
Tiglathpileser III of Assyria
Nabuna’id of Babylonia
Darius I of Achaemenid Iran

II. Lack of Sacerdotal and Imperial Authority in the Low Educational Systems of the Ancient Greek and Roman Barbarians

Ancient Greece and Rome, as small, divided and unsophisticated local societies, were ignorant, barbaric and marginal lands as regards the Ancient Oriental empires; there was no spirituality, no imperial tradition, no sacerdotal scholarship, and no unity of Education. There was division in society, disunity among the various tribes, and clash among the various philosophers who were educated not locally but in the great temples of Egypt, Phoenicia, Babylonia, and Iran. Ancient Greek religion was a petty version, a miserable imitation, and a pale reflection of the Ancient Oriental religions.

There was no transcendence, no contemplation, no meditation, and no sanctity in Ancient Greece; the gods of the Ancient Greeks were mere human projections onto the spiritual world, and as such they were inferior to the aspects of the Divine World, which formed the fundamental truths of the archetypal Oriental myths. Lacking spiritual authority, scientific knowledge, and moral wisdom, the Ancient Greeks became mere ‘friends of the wisdom’, which is the real meaning of the Ancient Greek word ‘philosopher’. In their otherwise worthless education, they replaced the transcendental truth with useless verbosity, the mythical symbolism with puerile anthropomorphism, the sacrosanct theatrical events with their debased public theater, and the Imperial Paradise with their Civil War.

Pericles of Athens
Julius Caesar of Rome

III. Education and Culture in Imperial Rome: Result of an Overwhelming Orientalization

Rome became an Empire very late, and achieved a level of Orientalization too late. As a matter of fact, there was no unity in education, and consequently, there was a total disconnection between the educated and the uneducated. This is said with respect to the Romans themselves, the citizens of Rome during the times of the Res Publica (‘Republic’: 510-27 BCE). This phenomenon was the result of the formation of an elite/elitist class with increased focus on material interests, lower degree of piety, and total lack of imperial world view and tradition.

When people deliberate in public, the focus is shifted away from spirituality, moral standards, and culture to petty personal interests and elite privileges. Then, few representatives can take decisions on common issues, discord and disunity appear only to prevail across the society, while social class divisions become the reason of endless strife; the ensuing social stratification destroys or prevents unity in culture and education.

This situation became very ostensible in the early Roman imperial times, when the elite continued living influenced by the Ancient Greek social lifestyle, involving theater, philosophy, and public debates (as the Senatus had still some power), but the Romans, i.e. the average people in their outright majority, had already accepted different Oriental cults, mysteries, religions, schools of spirituality, oracles, mythical symbolisms, and dogmas of cosmogony, cosmology, apocalyptic eschatology and soteriology.

It was only normal for the old republican traditions and the useless public debates to be soon swept away by the mysteries of Mithras, Zurvan-Saturn, Isis, Horus, Osiris, Sarapis, Anubis, Sabazios, Elagabalus, Cybele, Attis, and other Oriental cults and mystical systems (Chaldeanism, Ostanism, Gnosticisms, Hermetism) to which almost all the Romans gradually adhered, abandoning their impotent ancestral divinities and seeking salvation in the dogmas of the Chaldean Aramaeans, the Egyptians, the Cushites, the Anatolians, and the Iranians.

Romans abandoned the nonsense of the political discourses, and started carrying about the mysteries of Isis, an Egyptian mythical symbol and central figure of the Ancient Egyptian Heliopolitan eschatology and soteriology.
The Coffin of Osiris was understood by the Ancient Romans as far more important (as element of contemplation and meditation) than the trivial, material debates of the Senatus. Salvation could never be offered in the useless sphere of politics, but it could be achieved within the circle of Isiac initiates.
Mithras could save a soul – but the useless politicians of Rome could not. That’s why the Ancient Greeks and Romans disregarded the nonsensical theories of the ignorant pseudo-philosopher Aristotle and abandoned the public debates of their worthless republics in order to seek salvation in the mysteries of Mithras.
The fact that Ancient Greece and Rome were flooded by Oriental religions, cults, schools of spirituality and mysticism proves the inferiority of these ancient cities-states and the primitivism of these nations vis-à-vis the Ancient Oriental civilizations.
Zervan, the Iranian god of Time, identified by the Romans of the imperial times with Saturn.
Elagabalus: the Roman Emperor who before his coronation was the high priest of the Aramaean god Elagabal, a solar divinity and hypostasis of Mithra.

There was a major difference between Trajan’s Rome from one side and from the other side Darius I the Great’s Iran, Sargon II’s Assyria, Thutmose III’s Egypt, Mursilis I’s Hittite Anatolia, Hammurapi’s Babylonia, Urukagina’s Sumer (Lagash and Girsu), and Sargon I’s Akkad: different cultural and educational systems existed across the Roman Empire at the time of its greatest expansion. I don’t mean this in terms of regional differentiation in culture and education among the various nations that lived in Anatolia, Egypt, Carthage, Numidia, Gaul and other provinces. I refer to the still existing differentiation between Roman elite culture, world view, and education from one side and from the other side the popular culture, world view, and education across the empire.

However, it was only a matter of time, and finally, the culture, the world view, and the education of the average people prevailed; they were finally imposed on the Roman elite; during the 3rd c. CE, Rome looked very much like an Oriental Empire, as the path from barbarism to civilization had been crossed. It was the time when a Roman Emperor named after the Aramaean god Elagabalus ruled the vast empire. Little time afterwards, Mithra, an Iranian god, became the supreme god of the -thus markedly Iranized- Roman Empire, as Sol Invictus.

IV. Christian Roman Empire: Doctrinal Culture for all and Doctrinal Education for few

In fact, the Christianization of the Roman Empire constituted only the last layer of its Orientalization. Divided along Christological doctrines, the Christian Roman Empire reflected Oriental empires in times of division; it looked like Egypt at the times of Akhenaten, Mesopotamia (Assyria and Babylonia) at the times of Sennacherib or Iran at the times of Cambyses. Due to the juxtaposition and the polarization around the nature and the qualities of Jesus, Christianity produced an enormous amount of theological treatises, endeavors and concerns; compared to the Ancient Oriental religions, the official version of Christianity, as practiced in the Eastern Roman Empire, looked like a merely theological system – not a ‘religion’.

Gradually but steadily, spirituality turned out to become an absurdity, ‘miracles’ became simply a matter of narrative and not of demonstration, belief was reduced to mere acceptance of doctrines interpreting the sacred texts, and people were kept far from education. It was a time of indoctrination and doctrinal culture. There was indeed unity in culture and education, pretty much like in the Ancient Oriental empires, but it hinged on theological doctrine, because official Christianity was not a religion preached by Jesus. All the same, New Rome (Nova Roma) at the times of Justinian I (527-565) looked far closer to Xerxes’ Persepolis, to Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, to Esarhaddon’s Assyria, and to Ramses III’s Thebes of Egypt than to Caesar’s Rome.

Early Christian Roman Art is full of Ancient Egyptian and Iranian symbols
Early Christian Roman Art is an Oriental Art.
Justinian I represented in the mosaic of San Vitale in Ravenna

V. Islamic Civilization: an entirely non-Arab Phenomenon

When prophet Muhammad preached Islam among an uneducated, uncultured, barbaric, and marginal tribe, namely the Arabs of Hejaz, he raised the stakes exponentially. Suffice it that you read the (written by an anonymous Alexandrian Egyptian captain and merchant of the middle of the 1st c. CE) “Periplus of the Red (or Erythraean) Sea” (par. 20) and you understand how all the civilized nations of the wider region viewed the Arabs of Hejaz. With the acceptance of Islam by the Ancient Yemenites, who were a Semitic nation totally different from and unrelated to the Arabs of Hejaz, already two years before the death of prophet Muhammad (630 CE), an important change occurred: the majority of the followers of Islam were non-Arabs.

With the early Islamic invasions, many Aramaeans of Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine, many nations of the Sassanid Iranian Empire, many Copts (Egyptians), and many Berbers (from Libya and the African Atlas) accepted Islam, dramatically intensifying the fact that the Arabs constituted a minimal and unimportant part among the Muslims of the Omayyad and the Abbasid Caliphates. This generated a new socio-cultural environment from the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of China and the middle of the Subcontinent.

VI. Islamic Caliphate: Aramaean & Iranian Education, Sciences, Art, Culture, Intellectual life, and Spirituality under Arab rulers

The Islamic Civilization is an entirely non-Arab phenomenon, as it basically consists in an Aramaean & Iranian civilization with greatly diversified local traits. Within 150 years, after prophet Muhammad’s death, Aramaeans of Mesopotamia and Syria and Iranians transferred the corpus of the scientific, academic, intellectual, artistic and educational genius of the Sassanid Empire of Iran within the Islamic Caliphate.

In fact, Arabic is an Aramaean dialect written with Syriac Aramaic characters slightly deformed as cursive writing; without vocalization, almost the entire Quran can be read in Aramaic. So, Aramaeans (liberated from the yoke of the Eastern Roman Empire and unrestrained from the Constantinopolitan theological doctrine) and Iranian Mazdeists learned and used Arabic for the aforementioned purpose. In fact, the great Aramaean centers of learning, libraries and theological schools of Edessa of Osrhoene (Urfa), Nisibis (Nusaybin), Antioch (Antakya) and Seleucia-Ctesiphon (Al Mada’in) and the famous Sassanid Iranian imperial academy, university, research center, library and museum of Gundishapur, which was the world’s greatest center of learning and wisdom of the 6th c., were merged and continued in the legendary Bayt al Hikmah in Baghdad.

Aramaic Art on the walls of the Great Mosque of Damascus
Early Islamic Art is typically Aramaean.
The Great Mosque of Damascus: a masterpiece of Aramaean Art

At the beginning, Islam appeared to be one more Christological heresy, eventually a more acute form of Nestorianism. With Late Antiquity Gnostics accepting Islam, it is not bizarre why Fathers of the Christian Church, like John Damascenus, a leading Aramaean scholar, poet, and theologian from Damascus, viewed Islam as a counterfeit version of Christianity. On the other hand, this fact explains fully why the Islamic Civilization was always (until its end in 1580) the realm of Learning and Education.

John Damascenus, an Aramaean scholar and monk, Father of the Christian Church, and personal acquaintance of the Omayyad caliphs of Damascus

This fact has little to do with Quranic verses; it is mainly due to the constituent elements of the early Islamic society. When schools of faith and science, like that of the sagacious Ikhwan al-Safa (إخوان‌ الصفا) created the dynamics they did, thanks to their mystical-intellectual endeavors, scientific explorations, and educational system, it would be impossible for the Islamic Civilization not to be at the antipodes of the Christian world: a domain of Learning.

VII. Islamic Spirituality, Religion and Culture vs. Governance and Theology

As spirituality was initially limited in the circle of the descendants (Ahl al Bayt) of prophet Muhammad, notably Ali ibn abi Taleb (who was the son-in law of prophet Muhammad and the prominent figure of the Ahl al Bayt), but governance was at the hands of the enemies of Ali ibn abi Taleb, a very strange situation arose. In the deeply and irreversibly divided (Omayyad and Abbasid) caliphate, education was soon controlled by the Aramaeans and the Iranians, whereas the military started being increasingly dominated by the incoming Turanian soldiers; at the same time, spirituality and religious orthodoxy and orthopraxy remained the exclusive domain of Ahl al Bayt, notably Ja’far al-Sadiq.

The caliphs wanted to justify their unjust and illegitimate rule, while various learners and pundits decided to make distinguished careers by justifying the unjustifiable; they were therefore hired by the caliphs and appointed as religious authorities in order to ‘explain’ as ‘Islamic’ the un-Islamic or anti-Islamic deeds of those caliphs. This attitude constituted an enormous schism between the spiritual endeavors of the early Islamic community and the religious practices of the disbelieving and unfaithful rulers, thus opening the path for a fake religion adapted to immoral, illegal and evil governance. This situation was utterly rejected by many spiritual mystics and erudite Muslims, and the ensuing polarization triggered an enormous literature of jurisprudential and theological contents. So, soon Islam started being turned from a religion to a theology.

VIII. The Secular Nature of the Islamic Society, Education, Culture and Civilization

Islam preaches a secular society, and for many hundreds of years the Islamic caliphates, sultanates, khanates and emirates were prominently secular of nature. The secular nature of Islamic education, spiritual and material research, literature, sciences, intellectual life, artistic inventiveness, and mysticism is underscored by the burgeoning character of the early Islamic society in which -for many long centuries- there was absolutely no ‘sunnah’ in the way this word is used nowadays by the ignorant ‘sheikhs’ and the uneducated ‘imams’ of Madinah, Istanbul, Mekkah, Al-Azhar, Qum, etc.

The fact that “there is no compulsion in religion” (Quran, chapter al-Baqara, verse 256) implied that Shariah law was not compulsory. Actually, there was no Shariah (in the sense this word is meant now) at all in the beginning, for the very simple reason that the historical prerequisite for Shariah is a school of Islamic jurisprudence. The Divine Law demanded from humans a ‘deep understanding’ (fiqh) of the Quran and the Hadith, and this is the real word for Islamic Law even today (as concept); to implement the Divine Law in the human society, the various jurisprudential schools accepted four sources: the Quran, the Hadith (prophet Muhammad’s sermons), qiyas (analogical reasoning),and ijma (juridical consensus). This automatically terminated Islam as religion, turning it to a theology.

The secular nature of the education in the Islamic caliphates and other kingdoms was the result of the well-diversified nature of the Islamic society, which incorporated many different cultures. Prophet Muhammad’s preaching was accepted differently in various locations in Asia, Africa and Europe, as it incorporated numerous diverse local cultures and traditions; this phenomenon generated a multitude of forms of worship, schools of spirituality and mystical tradition, and perceptions of (and approaches to) the spiritual and the material worlds, which were -all- called ‘Islamic’.

Islamic science of the Abbasid times
Abbasid court
Abbasid dynasty
Bayt al Hikmah
Abbasid medicine
Ahmad ibn Musa ibn Shakir: design of a self trimming lamp
Kalila wa Dimna: an Iranian story as foundation of the Islamic Culture

This dynamic spiritual, academic, intellectual, educational, socio-behavioral, and cultural process created an unprecedentedly decentralized phenomenon of faith, life, art, intellect and genius. It was the total opposite of the very centralized Christian churches, societies, states and educational systems. In fact, Islamic education, science and intellectual life reduced Islamic theology to small and marginal circles of dogmatic and indoctrinated imams, who could not impact the advance of Islamic Civilization and sciences.

Basically, Islamic education and culture were characterized by cohesion at the local level, only when viewed independently in the different parts of the Islamic world. However, in reality, an unprecedentedly wide number of different cults, positions, practices and beliefs could effectively be labeled ‘Islamic’, because for someone to be accepted as Muslim it is actually enough to confess that there is no god except God and that Muhammad is the messenger of God (which is the Shahada, i.e. the testimony, of faith / La ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah – لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله). Islamic education revolved around the basics of the religion, before orienting students toward the two main directions: spirituality and science.

IX. Islamic Education divided between Spirituality/Sciences/Arts and Theology  

The only reactionary group of theologians, who wanted to limit education to the sphere of a dark, pseudo-Islamic theology, was the pseudo-school (madhhab) of Ahmed ibn Hanbal. However, this did not influence anyone and either in his days (mainly 9th c. CE) or later, it was not accepted as proper school of jurisprudence, but as a type of barbaric and ignorant heretics (Ahmed ibn Hanbal was also imprisoned). Notably, ibn Hanbal was rejected by Tabari, the Islamic world’s greatest historian and most erudite scholar of those days.

Only after the Crusades and due to the devastating impact that they had on the Muslims of the Eastern Mediterranean, a backward theological system demanded the end of Islamic sciences, the subordination of spirituality, genius and intellect to the villainous theological doctrine that these ignorant and idiotic people considered as ‘Islam’. This theological system is the baseless and anti-Islamic teaching of Ahmed ibn Taymiyyah, who was viewed as a heretic during his time and he was also imprisoned as impostor. His nonsensical theories ostensibly constitute a form of Christianization of Islam.

Ferdowsi: the greatest Islamic poet, intellectual and spiritual authority of all times
A page from Ferdowsi’s epic poem Shahnameh (Book of the Kings), from the copy created and majestically decorated with miniatures for Prince Baysunqur, the grandson of Timur (Tamerlane)
Mohyieldin ibn Arabi: the greatest Islamic mystic, philosopher and transcendental author of all times
The supreme opus of transcendental wisdom of all times: Mohyieldin ibn Arabi’s Al Futuhat al Makkiyah, the Meccan Illuminations
Nasir el din al Tusi: the greatest Islamic scholar, mathematician, founder of Observatory, and astronomer of all times
One page from Nasir el din al Tusi’s Zij-i ilkhani (زیجِ ایلخانی), i.e. the Ilkhanid astronomical table of stars
Timur (Tamerlane): the greatest Islamic Emperor of all times
Timur’s tomb in Samarqand
Timur’s modern statue in Tashkent

With the progression, the diffusion and the prevalence of this pathetic system, an enormous damage was caused to the Islamic Civilization; due to the erroneous education, which was impregnated by the evilness of Ahmed ibn Taymiyyah’s ideas, the Islamic sciences started being abandoned, the Islamic arts were disregarded or reduced to basic and meaningless forms, and the Islamic intellectual life was disintegrated. Even worse, Islamic spirituality was slandered as ‘black magic’, Islamic wisdom was obliterated and forgotten, and Islamic education was decreased to the level needed for imbeciles, who could not anymore comprehend the Quran in the way Muslims were able to understand their holy book two centuries earlier.

X. The divide between Islamic Spirituality/Sciences/Arts and pseudo-Islamic Theology disfigured as Shia vs. Sunni Schism

The reason for this development is the fact that Ahmed ibn Taymiyyah, following the line of Ahmed ibn Hanbal, preached that for Muslims’ education only theology mattered. This evil impostor generated a terrible divide between Islamic spirituality and theology, which lasted down to our days, but was mistakenly and viciously known as difference between ‘Shia’ and ‘Sunni’. However, this is an evil colonial lie and an Orientalist falsehood imposed on the colonial slaves of France, England and America, namely the ignorant sheikhs and pathetic imams of Islam.

In fact, there was never a historical division between ‘Shia’ and ‘Sunni’ throughout the History of Islam. The fake divide is an entirely modern, colonial fabrication, which was constructed, when ignorant and idiotic sheikhs, following the remote guidance and the evil orders of their Western masters, started presenting themselves as self-styled ‘Sunnis’. Western forgers and ignorant imams may today describe a historical war, let’s say the battle of Chaldiran (1514) between the Ottomans and the Safavid Iranians, as a fight between ‘Shia’ and ‘Sunni’, but this is entirely false.

Ottoman army
Selim I
Selim I: a great soldier, a poor strategist, and a naïve pupil of evil pseudo-Islamic theologians
The Battle of Chaldiran (1514)
Shah Isma’il Safavi, founder of the Safavid dynasty of Iran that Western colonials distortedly called ‘Persia’
Isma’il Safavi, painting by the illustrious 16th c. Italian artist Cristofano dell’Altissimo (whose works are exposed at the Galleria degli Uffizi in Florence)

Neither Selim I nor Ismail Safavi, the Ottoman sultan and the Iranian shah, who exchanged written insults before the battle, called one another ‘Sunni’ and ‘Shia’. Neither was their difference a theological dispute. In reality, Selim I caused a terrible bloodshed (squelching the Shahqulu/Şahkulu movement) in order to impose a theological dogmatic tyranny in his pseudo-Islamic Ottoman realm, whereas Ismail Safavi established in Iran a secular education that allowed people to free pursue any walk of intellectual life that they wished, either in spirituality or in sciences, thus eliminating the tyranny of theological ignorance. The fact that these events are not portrayed in this manner in today’s educational systems of Turkey and Iran only shows how mistaken, misguided and self-disastrous these systems are. Of course, this is also true for the educational systems of all the other Muslim countries.


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