Tag Archives: Western World

Aristotle as Historical Forgery, the Western World’s Fake History & Rotten Foundations, and Prof. Jin Canrong’s Astute Comments


Аристотель как историческая подделка, фальшивая история и гнилые основы западного мира, и проницательные комментарии профессора Цзинь Канронга

Last November, in a viral video on Douyin, Prof. Jin Canrong straightforwardly questioned the existence of the Ancient Macedonian philosopher and scholar Aristotle. This sounded impertinent, erroneous or even extravagant to many people in the Western world. But, is the leading Chinese scholar wrong or have all the Western academics been formed and operated as mere ‘knowledge administrators’ of a mostly absurd, delusional and tyrannical bureaucracy of universities? 

We can be sure of only one fact: had Prof. Jin Canrong (金灿荣/Цзинь Цаньрун) been a Western academic employed in any local institution, he would have been fired exclusively because of his statement. In the Western world, there is no freedom of thought or freedom of expression, particularly when one truthful scholar attacks the crumbling foundations of a corrupt system based on falsehood, distortion and fabrication. You can find Prof. Canrong’s videos, brief presentations of his approach, reports and news about it, and curriculum at the end of the present article.


I. Aristotle: a Major Founding Myth of the Western World

II. When, where and by whom was the Myth of Aristotle fabricated?

III. The Myth of Aristotle and its first Byproducts: Scholasticism, East-West Schism, the Crusades & the Sack of Constantinople (1204)

IV. Aristotelization: First Stage of the Westernization and the Colonization of the World

V. Aristotelization as Foundation of all the Western Forgeries: the so-called Judeo-Christian Heritage and the Fraud of Greco-Roman Civilization

VI. The Modern Western World as Disruption of History

VII. The Myth of Aristotle and the Monstrosity of Western Colonialism 

I. Aristotle: a Major Founding Myth of the Western World

As a historian, Orientalist and Hellenist, Greek citizen of Turkish origin, I fully support Prof. Jin Canrong’s approach to the topic. The texts currently attributed to Aristotle were written more than 1000 years after he died. This can certainly be historically proven; although he is a historical figure mentioned by several historians, philosophers and erudite scholars, who lived in later periods (in the Roman, Eastern Roman & Islamic times), we have few quotations before the 11th century; but by then, the forgery had already been prepared, and it started being diffused from Rome to Constantinople to Cairo to Baghdad.

Even more importantly, Aristotle was never exalted (in the way he has been over the last centuries in the Western world) by all those who mentioned or quoted him before the 11th c. This means that we have two different issues in front of us. One concern is the historicity of Aristotle’s manuscripts itself; and a totally different topic is the praise of the ancient philosopher and the extreme glorification of the texts, the concepts, and the ideas that were said to be his.

The distortion of the historical truth about Aristotle is one of the major founding myths of the Western World; it was generated in order to subordinate Alexander the Great and his successors (the Seleucids, the Ptolemies, the Attalids, and the Bactrian kingdom) and to ascribe them to Aristotle’s hypothetical (or fictional) ‘wisdom’ (since he was reputed to be Alexander’s instructor and mentor). All the same, the modern historical science is fully capacitated to convincingly demonstrate that Alexander the Great evidently acted against Aristotle’s conjectural guidelines and that the Macedonian king’s deeds were totally irrelevant to his mentor’s concepts.

II. When, where and by whom was the Myth of Aristotle fabricated?

The distortion of the historical truth about Aristotle was undertaken as Roman Catholic opposition to, and polarization against, the Eastern Roman (Orthodox / falsely called ‘Byzantine’) Empire, Church and Patriarchate that were conceptually based on the Cappadocian Fathers (迦帕多家教父) of the Christian Church and on what we conventionally call ‘Neo-Platonic (新柏拉图主义) philosophers of the Late Antiquity’. Although a pagan, Plato had a preeminent position in the Eastern Roman Empire, the Orthodox Church, and the Patriarchate of New Rome – Constantinople. The Roman Catholic Church would not stand against Orthodox Christianity without fabricating a counterfeit dogma that was founded on texts, which the Catholic monks wrote and attributed to Aristotle, who was also reputed to be Plato’s disciple. 

Justinian (查士丁尼一世) I

The reason for which the distortion of the historical truth about Aristotle could not be possibly undertaken in Rome before 752 CE (in the middle years of the Tang dynasty /唐朝) is simple; early identifying the reactionary college of Roman clerics, Emperor Justinian (查士丁尼一世) I (527-565) introduced a compulsory practice, namely the selection, approval and consecration of the Roman popes by the Eastern Roman (Constantinopolitan) emperor. This imperial procedure efficiently prevented the prevalence of falsehood, cruelty and barbarism in Rome for more than two centuries (537-752); but by the modern Aristotelian, colonial Western academics, it has been labeled -in a most derogatory manner- as ‘Byzantine Papacy’ (拜占庭教皇). 

For more than 200 years, the anti-Constantinopolitan, Aristotelian party of Rome (mostly based on the Order of the Benedictines/本篤會) was particularly hindered by the aforementioned imperial procedure. Because of the difficulties that the Eastern Roman Empire faced with the Omayyad Caliphate and several nomadic invaders, the Roman clerics were able at last to definitely overthrow the Constantinopolitan control in 752. Only then, they were able to start their alliance with the Franks and the Germans, to launch a multilayered and multifaceted war against the Eastern Roman Empire, and to oppose Orthodox Christianity on several dogmatic matters.

Subsequently, they developed their counterfeit theology that they founded on a rival philosophical system. To make their philosophy appear as ancient, systematic and important, they attributed their concepts, principles, thoughts, methods and ideas to Aristotle, eventually writing entire treatises that the world has ever since been told to consider as originally written by Plato’s pupil. This is the quintessence of what we now call Scholasticism (經院哲學), namely the absurd basis of all fanaticisms. Quite indicatively, the very early Scholastic movements start after the 760s-770s.

For this reason, there are an enormous number of manuscripts that date back to the 9th and the 10th c., whereas there is an impressive, almost incredible, scarcity of Ancient Greek manuscripts dating to earlier periods; the monks who fabricated Aristotle in the way we know him today had the power to cold-bloodedly destroy or hide manuscripts that they did not deem compatible with their philosophical system, to edit all the texts of Aristotle that had been saved until their time, to totally rewrite a text and burn the original manuscript or even to identify titles of missing works and daringly compose them at will.

The Babylonian Emperor Hammurapi (漢摩拉比; reign: 1792-1750 BCE), the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III (圖特摩斯三世; reign: 1479-1425 BCE), and the Achaemenid Iranian Emperors Darius I the Great (大流士一世; reign: 522-486 BCE) and Xerxes I the Great (薛西斯一世; reign: 486-465 BCE) as represented in contemporaneous monuments created during their own times. Their historicity is unchallengeable. But Aristotle’s manuscripts date back to medieval times, i.e. more than 1000 years after his death; even Aristotle’s statues and/or busts date back to Roman times, e.g. 300 or 500 years after his death. The real issue is not whether he existed or not but whether he wrote all the works that Benedictine monks composed in his name and whether he was considered as important or as secondary, trivial and worthless. And the most probable option is the latter.

Roman times’ Aristotle’s busts were few and very different from one another. This fact shows that the Catholic scholastic worshipping of Aristotle is baseless, nonsensical and absurd.

III. The Myth of Aristotle and its first Byproducts: Scholasticism, East-West Schism, the Crusades & the Sack of Constantinople (1204)

In brief, what the notorious Spanish Inquisition (西班牙宗教裁判所) did to humans, the Catholic monks also perpetrated to manuscripts and ancient texts. In the 13th c., Thomas Aquinas (托马斯·阿奎那) carried out an immense intellectual amalgamation of the Manichaean (摩尼教) structures of Catholic theology and intellect (as greatly attested in the works of Saint Augustine / 希波的奧古斯丁) with the fully fabricated Aristotelian rationality (亞里斯多德的理性). This formidable intellectual background constitutes the real foundations of the Western World and of the so-called Western civilization.

Aristotelian rationality and the Western myth of Aristotle were not produced only for the intellectual consolidation of the Catholic Church and the Western world, but also for the destruction of the Orient. Many well-known historical developments hinge on this issue, but this fact remains largely unknown worldwide.

The Translatio Imperii {Latin for ‘transition of the (world) kingdom’, namely a Late Antique and Christian concept concerning the metaphysical transfer of the world kingdom from nation to nation}, the ‘problem of two (Roman) emperors’ (namely the Eastern Roman Emperor and the Holy Roman Emperor, starting with Charlemagne/兩個皇帝的問題), the East-West Schism (東西教會大分裂) first in 867 (known as Photian schism/佛希亞斯分裂) and then in 1054, the formation of pro-Roman agents within the Eastern Roman Empire and the Christian Orthodox Church (known as Uniate /東儀天主教會), the treacherous role that the states and the merchants of Venice, Genoa and Pisa played against the Eastern Roman Empire, the Crusades (1095-1444; 十字軍東徵), the Massacre of the Latins in Constantinople (April 11182; 拉丁人大屠殺), the infamous Sack of Constantinople (1204; 君士坦丁堡的洗劫), the appellation of the Eastern Romans as ‘Greeks’, the theological differences between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Roman Orthodox Church, the notorious Council of Florence (1431-1449; 佛羅倫斯議會), the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans (1453; 君士坦丁堡的陷落), the preposterous Roman Catholic fabrication of the notion and concept of Byzantinism (拜占庭主義), the major tenets of Renaissance, the heresy of Protestantism, and the European colonialism, all would be impossible without the earlier prepared philological fabrication of Aristotelianism (亞里斯多德主義) and the philosophical-theological establishment of Scholasticism.

IV. Aristotelization: First Stage of the Westernization and the Colonization of the World

If the Constantinople-based scholastic theologians acted as Uniates (unionists) and were considered as traitors, the diffusion of Aristotelianism had a certain impact on the Islamic world, as cases like Ibn Rushd (Averroes/伊本·魯世德 – 阿威羅伊) and Averroism (阿威羅主伊義) very well demonstrate; however, this development was rather late (11th–12th c.). As it can be easily deduced, the impact was Medieval Roman, and not Ancient Greek.

Renaissance artists contributed greatly to the aforementioned practice of systematic exaltation of Aristotle and blind admiration for his works. It is exactly for this reason that in the well-known but false, ahistorical and deceitful painting ‘The School of Athens’ (雅典學校) by Raffaello Sanzio di Urbino (Raphael; 1483-1520; 拉斐爾), Aristotle (and not Plato) occupies the central position, appearing to be the most attractive, most energetic and most convincing philosopher.

The notorious school that never existed

And that’s why every reference to the Arabic translations of Aristotle’s ‘works’ (as a hypothetical ‘proof’ that the entirely constructed Aristotle is not fictional), although very factual, is quite deceitful indeed; as I said, in late 8th-9th c. Constantinople, the pro-Roman Uniates (: unionists) worked according to Roman Catholic (not Eastern Roman Orthodox) directives, storing, copying, amending or dispatching to Rome Aristotle’s manuscripts. During the same period, the fabrication of Aristotle’s works was a fully-fledged activity of numerous Catholic Benedictine monks across Western Europe; subsequently, these forged manuscripts were exchanged with codices found in libraries and scriptoria located in major centers of learning in the Eastern Roman Empire, Omayyad Andalusia, Abbasid Baghdad, etc.

In other words, in most of the cases, the supposedly original texts of Aristotle were first written in late 8th and 9th c. Rome, Northern Italy, and France, being thence dispatched to the realm of the Eastern Romans, to the Omayyad Muslims of Al-Andalus, and to the Muslims and the Christians of the Abbasid Caliphate. There is no manuscript of Arabic translation of Aristotle’s works that dates before the early-middle 9th c. Last, when it comes to Syriac (敘利亞文文字) translations of Aristotle’s works, we have to accept that only very few texts have been translated before the establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate; furthermore, these essays were rather brief, like the Categories (亞里斯多德的範疇),

Aristotle was apparently a minor philosopher whose real theories and exact postulations we will never learn; this is so, because he was purposefully utilized, systematically falsified, and extensively distorted by the Roman Benedictine monks who wanted to corroborate their version of Christianity, while rejecting their Eastern Roman rivals, namely the emperor and the patriarch at Constantinople; and in the process, they wrote the bulk of Aristotle’s works that are ‘saved’ down to our times.

V. Aristotelization as Foundation of all the Western Forgeries: the so-called Judeo-Christian Heritage and the Fraud of Greco-Roman Civilization

Statesmen, academics, intellectuals, diplomats, and simple people in China, India, Russia, Africa and Latin America have to take into account that the myth of Aristotle, which was crucial for the destruction of Eastern Roman Orthodoxy, the demise of the Islamic World, and the colonization – Westernization of the entire world, is only one of the major founding myths of the Western World.

A great number of methodically forged, delusional, discriminatory, and divisive myths, many historical distortions of absurdly Euro-centric character, and theoretical falsifications of the so-called Judeo-Christian past (猶太教和基督教的過去) and of the forged Greco-Roman civilization (希臘羅馬文明) have been first conceived, then composed, and finally propagated across the Western European lands by the Roman Catholic monks in the period between the late 8th and the 16th c.

After the forgery prevailed across that periphery of the Afro-Asiatic landmass, it was imposed colonially worldwide due to unprecedented bloodshed and inhuman practices of torture, which were perpetrated by the paranoid and barbarian conquistadors, who wanted to ‘civilize’ (read: barbarize) the entire world.

Aristotle, Catholic Scholasticism, and European Renaissance bring forth only colonial wars and opium; Imperial commissioner Lin Zexu (林則徐; 1785-1850), also known as “Lin of Clear Skies” for his moral integrity and his adamant rejection of opium and of colonialism

In fact, the Western World does not possess any historicity, any continuity and any originality. Contrarily to the historical continuity attested in pre-colonial Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran, India and China, the History of the Western world (originally meaning: the Italian and Iberian peninsulas and the northwestern extremities of Western Europe) consists in an entirely broken and ultimately disrupted process. It is essential to clearly discern and fully assess this reality, as it is directly intertwined with Western colonialism and it helps explain why this atrocity was committed, involving many crimes against the Mankind.

This is the only fundamental reason for which the Western colonial powers differ from the rest of the world; all the major civilizations, historical nations, and great lands of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and other continents have been characterized by cultural continuity throughout several different eras down to their colonization, when the false colonial dogma was locally imposed. 

VI. The Modern Western World as Disruption of History

But in Western Europe, the historical process (Antiquity, Late Antiquity, the rise of Christianity and the arrival of Islam) was interrupted after the end of the imperially appointed popes of Rome (752), because the subsequent formation of Scholasticism, the institution of Aristotelianism (as a counterfeit, bogus-Christian philosophy and theology), the extreme manipulation and falsification of the ancient historical sources, and the massive production of fake manuscripts opened the way toward the creation of a forged past that the Western European colonial academics named ‘Greco-Roman civilization’ and ‘Judeo-Christian world’.

Within this entirely noxious circumference, for the first and only time in World History, the historical past was either obliterated or distorted in a way to be adjusted to the needs of the prevailing racist concepts, catastrophic ideas, and heinous plans for all the rest.

Aristotelianism, a totally fake, spiritually sick, and intellectually rotten product, became the ‘logical’ and ‘reasonable’ foundation of the world of absolute paranoia, involving notably but not exclusively White Supremacism (白人至上主義), and Western Colonialism (西方殖民主義), which brought about Renaissance (文藝復興), Classicism (古典主義), Hellenism (希臘化), and Orientalism (東方主義).

The historical Emperor Assurbanipal of Assyria (亚述巴尼拔; 669-625 BCE) as depicted on bas reliefs from his palace at Nineveh (尼尼微); and the fictional Sardanapalus of the 19th French Orientalist painter Eugène Delacroix (欧仁•德拉克罗瓦; 1798-1863): from his painting La Mort de Sardanapale (the Death of Sardanapalus; 薩達那帕拉之死)

The prefabricated historical dogma was totally imposed either tyrannically (on European colonies) or deceitfully (through infiltration: Germany, Russia, etc.) across the Earth. Everyone had a role in the Western colonial scheme; the colonized nations were ipso facto subaltern slaves, whereas the Western European colonials were the undisputed masters, who were ‘known’ as ‘provenly’ possessing ‘superior’ intellect, ‘nobler’ heritage, and ‘older’ historical past.

For this absurdity not to be challenged, every new decipherment of an ancient Oriental writing system, every new establishment of an Orientalist discipline {such as Iranology (伊朗學), Egyptology (埃及學), Assyriology (亞述學), Hittitology (赫梯學), Indology (印度學), Sinology (漢學), Turkology (土耳其學), etc.}, and every new publication and study of an ancient literature (that antedates Ancient Greece and Rome by 2000 or 250 years) was entirely disconnected from the prefabricated History of the Mankind. This means that the fresh and original data, the genuine pieces of information found in unearthed ancient sources, and the possibility of wider contextualization of the historical continuity were not used (as they should have been) in order to amend the earlier established arbitrary and baseless Western colonial dogma.

VII. The Myth of Aristotle and the Monstrosity of Western Colonialism  

This fact, in and by itself, demonstrates that the existing Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian fallacy is an entire construct that does not contain even a shred of truth in it. Had the Western world’s pseudo-historical forgery been truthful, scholars and explorers would have fully reassessed it and readjusted it accordingly in the light of the Ancient Sumerian (蘇美人), Egyptian, Akkadian (阿卡德), Assyrian-Babylonian, Hurrian (胡里安人), Hittite and Canaanite (迦南人) civilizations, literature, intellect, spirituality, and culture.

That is why practically speaking there is absolutely no comprehensive and unbiased study of the cataclysmic and decisive impact that the Ancient Oriental Genius had on the formation of the so-called Ancient Hebrew, Greek and Roman civilizations.

1825 至 30 年間,英國東印度公司重要人物在印度巡遊。Important figures from the British East India Company toured Mughal India between 1825 and 1830

That is why practically speaking there is absolutely no comprehensive and unbiased study of the parallel paths of the intellect, the similarity of the structures of faith and thought, and the affinity among human cultures in Ancient Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Iran, Egypt, China and India.

That is why practically speaking there is absolutely no proper academic, educational and intellectual cooperation among the earlier colonized countries and there is no Egyptology in Iran, no Assyriology in India, no Hittitology in China, no Indology in Egypt, and no Sinology in Algeria. Earlier colonized lands have been deliberately dissociated from one another, and all the postcolonial (or neocolonial) educational systems worldwide were created to be Occidentalo-centric and Euro-centric.

This calamitous reality does indeed apply also to deeply religious people, as Egyptian Copts know nothing about Nestorian Christianity in India, Central Asia, and China, whereas Moroccan Muslims are fully ignorant of the Islamic heritage of Uzbekistan, Uzbeks know absolutely nothing about the History of the Somali and Bantu East African Sultanates, Nigerian Muslims never learn about Mughal Indian culture and literature, and so on.

However, all of them, in their respective schools, are still forced to learn all the fake myths of the Western colonial world and the associated bogus-historical dogma.



You can find Prof. Canrong’s videos, brief presentations of his approach, reports and news about it, and curriculum in the following links:






In Chinese:



(Professor Jin Canrong; Professor, School of International Relations, Renmin University of China)



亚里士多德存在吗?(Did Aristotle exist?)



In English:



Version 1.0.0


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A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – I

The Western World hates Egypt terribly; that’s why all the administrations of the country -pseudo-royal (khedivial), presidential (military) or Islamist (republican)- were always appointed after French, English and/or American decision or active involvement and with Western support only to function as local ignorant servants definitely unable to fathom the deeply self-destructive nature of the acts that their foreign masters force them to implement, and absolutely unsuspicious of the venomous hatred that their beastly superiors harbor against the Holy Land that is the Valley of the Nile down to Khartoum.


I. Western Hatred against Egypt and Plans against Mankind

II. The End of Egypt may be very close

III. Egypt and the Pulverization of Sudan and Libya

IV. The Renaissance Dam in the light of the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan

The Blue Nile River is seen as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam reservoir fills near the Ethiopia-Sudan border, in this broad spectral image taken November 6, 2020. NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team/Handout via REUTERS/File

I. Western Hatred against Egypt and Plans against Mankind

The criminal colonial governments of the West that plunged the world into inhuman colonialism, scores of yet unknown (to most of the people) genocides, two World War, moral and cultural degeneration, and linguistic Anglo-tyranny did not hate Egypt for nothing. They are fully aware of the exclusively predominant role that Nahrain (Mesopotamia) and Kemet-Kush (Egypt and Sudan, i.e. the true Ethiopia) played in the History of Mankind; the evil gangsters of the Western countries want to hide the Truth that was found in Egyptian and Meroitic hieroglyphics and in Sumerian-Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform texts, to incapacitate those great lands, to propagate worldwide their fallacious story (namely the nonexistent Hellenism, the perversely presented Greco-Roman civilization, and their abnormal derivatives), and to undertake the extinction of all the other nations and civilizations by means that they intended to prepare and have already produced.

Which is the unfathomable force of the Egyptian hieroglyphics and the Assyrian cuneiform texts that Western academics, mystics and evildoers know and the rest of the world does not?

This is easy to answer! Fully studied and duly assessed, the early documentations of Human Civilization demonstrate perfectly well the fallacy of every single point of the Fake History of the Mankind that the criminal Western universities, those centers of suffocating darkness, absurd falsehood, and utmost barbarism, diffuse worldwide only to carry out their plan which provides for the extinction of the rest of the Mankind. It is not a matter of coincidence that, only 100 years after the decipherment of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics by Jean-François Champollion, was an Egyptian Egyptologist properly formed at last; it was a critical paragraph of the lewd colonial criminals’ working plan. Only by fooling the rest and by keeping them unaware of the historical truth, they would effectively immobilize them until the moment of their destruction comes.

The Western narrative was composed out of thousands of points of systematic falsehood and due to an always superbly misleading contextualization. Even non-specialists, who happen to be perspicacious researchers and rich conceptual thinkers, like Prof. Jin Canrong (School of International Relations, Renmin University of China), have seen the endless flaws of the Western fallacy. In October 2023, Prof. Canrong claimed that the supposedly major philosopher of the Antiquity, namely Aristotle, is actually a fictional character.

Prof. Jin Canrong

That’s correct; suffice it to study the spiritual, academic, moral, and intellectual life in Egypt from the arrival of Alexander the Great of Macedonia to the arrival of Octavian Augustus (332 BCE – 30 CE)! There was no place for Aristotle in the then debates; the same occurred elsewhere, notably in Antioch, Ephesus and the other great centers of learning and science of the Ptolemaic/Seleucid, Arsacid and Roman times.

In fact, Aristotle is mainly a fabrication of 9th-11th c. Catholic Benedictine monks who hated the Eastern Roman Empire and Orthodox Christianity and in the process, fabricated an enormous amount of fallacious manuscripts of the supposed Aristotle’s treatises – no less than 1200 years after the extant but minor philosopher had died. The character that is currently known as Aristotle is quasi-entirely fictional and represents the Benedictine Order’s adjustment of Christianity to their evil needs and counterfeit concepts. They projected onto the supposed treatises of Aristotle what they had in mind and they subsequently ‘Aristotelized’ (or ‘Aristoteleanized’) Catholic Christianity.

For this and for many other reasons, Western diplomats, academics and ‘advisers’ craftily managed to fool and disorient Egyptian academics, statesmen, intellectuals and pedagogues up to the point of totally skipping -in the Egyptian Secondary Education historical manuals- the entire period from Ramesses III to the arrival of the Islamic armies (ca. 1200 BCE – 642 CE); this means that almost 40% of the 5000-year long Egyptian History remains deliberately unknown to Egyptian schoolchildren.

It is yet in this period that the radiation of the Ancient Egyptian civilization eclipsed that of all the other main lands of civilization (Aramaean Mesopotamia, Iran, Turan, India, and Berber North Africa), as numerous Egyptian cults, mysticisms, systems of world conceptualization, Cosmology, Cosmogony, Eschatology and Soteriology, mythological symbols, spiritual and material sciences properly speaking flooded the Roman Empire, Greece, Rome and even Europe outside the imperial borders. Greeks, Macedonians, Illyrians, Dacians, Panonians, Romans, Germans, Celts and many other nations in Britain and Spain believed Isis, Horus, Osiris, Anubis, Thot, Maat, and many other elements of the Ancient Egyptian Transcendental Wisdom and Spirituality – and yet no Egyptian schoolchildren learn about this fact.

LONDINI AD FANVM ISIDIS (To London at the temple of Isis)

The other side of the evildoing is attested in the Western world; many specialized Egyptologists know and write about these topics, but their articles and books are never known to the great public, because this would gravely damage the Greco-Romano-centric (Euro-centric or Occidentalocentric) narrative and the associated bogus-historical dogma that Europeans want to permanently impose on their former colonies and worldwide.

Of course, it is clear that the national security and safety of Egypt is not a matter of Education, Academic Research or intellectual debate. However, the two issues are intertwined. Better one understands the historical reality and better one assesses distortions and fallacies diffused by an enemy, smarter he becomes in fighting the enemy’s plans. And what can the plans against Egypt be?

One tiny example is offered by the Georgia Guidestones that stood from 1980 to 2022 {unveiled by US congressman Druie Doug Barnard (1922-2018) on 22nd March 1980} in Elberton (Elbert County, Georgia). It would be naïve to believe that the target of world population reduction to 500 million people involves Chinese, Indians, Africans and Latin Americans. Eugenics has been exclusively a Western European pseudo-science. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones#Inscriptions

Druie Doug Barnard

II. The End of Egypt may be very close

Very well-known is the anti-Egyptian and anti-Sudanese nature of the various successive governments of Abyssinia, which has only recently (in the 1950s and after French guidance) been fallaciously renamed as ‘Ethiopia’. In fact, the usurpation of the historical name of Ancient Sudan (Cush) by the (Yemenite origin) Abyssinians only completes the Amhara-Tigray colonial wars, annexation of many Cushitic nations and kingdoms, perpetrated genocide, and systematic persecution and enslavement of the subjugated Oromos, Kaffas, Afars, Kambatas, Sidamas, Hadiyas, Gedeos, Shekas, Agaws, Nuers, Anyuak, Bertas, Ogadenis and other nations.  

Prof. Mekuria Bulcha

During the 19th c., subtly divided by the colonial English, the Egyptians and the Sudanese were not united in their reaction against the then expanding barbarian pseudo-kingdom of Abyssinia, which was criminally supported by the colonial hypocrites of France and England. Oromo Diaspora Prof. Mekuria Bulcha proved quite convincingly (in his ‘Religion, the slave trade and the creation of the Ethiopian empire in the nineteenth century’, 1997) that the colonial powers, which pretended hypocritically to be against the slave trade across the Earth, deliberately permitted the Abyssinians to continue their slave trade in order to purchase firearms that they used in their attacks against so many civilized African kingdoms.

The formation of the racist, genocidal state of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia) is a permanent direct threat against the existence of Egypt and Sudan as states, and against the life of all the Egyptians and the Sudanese. If this fact is not taken seriously by all the Egyptian and the Sudanese statesmen, administrators and military, the end may be very near. The fact that the Egyptian governments failed to use Coptic academics, priests, monks and intellectuals as state agents to study the tribal and tyrannical regime of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), get insightful, unveil local secrets, and thus accurately assess the permanently dangerous situation is also due to all types of colonial involvement and interference in Egypt.

Western diplomats, statesmen, journalists and military advisers always tried to assuage Egypt’s rightful worries about the malignant intentions of the racist Amhara rascals and underestimate the lethal threat originating from Abyssinia and the unprecedented Abyssinian hatred against Egypt and the Sudan. Limiting the topic to the sphere of military reprisals is puerile, whereas concerted action with the numerous liberation fronts (Oromo, Ogadeni, etc.) would have been very good in the 1990s, the 2000s and the 2010s, but by now is not sufficient.

There are indeed many historical sources documenting the evil intentions of the Amhara and Tigray anti-Sudanese and anti-Egyptian racists. They date back to the pre-colonial times, when the tiny, pseudo-Christian, barbarian Amhara kingdom developed the unprecedented hatred under the form of eschatological wishes and apocalyptic dreams of destruction that would befall on the Egyptians and the Sudanese. Many foreign authors, explorers, commentators and historians took note of the evil dreams that are harbored in the sick, heinous minds of the Abyssinians.

Alexander Ksaverievich Bulatovich

I will herewith name only one source, but the topic would easily become that of a PhD dissertation. The Russian military officer, monk, explorer and author Alexander Ksaverievich Bulatovich (1870-1919; tonsured Father Antony), who became later the main theoretical proponent of Imiaslavie (a heretical movement in Eastern Orthodox Christianity), was dispatched by the last Russian czar, Saint Nicholas II, to Abyssinia (1896-1897); there, he accompanied the tribal thug Abba Dagnew turned Abyssinian ‘king’ Menelik in some of his military expeditions and conquests where Abyssinian soldiers used firearms sold to them by England and France against the primitive arms of the African defendants of several ancient and  noble kingdoms. Bulatovich wrote many accounts of his sojourn in Abyssinia, notably ‘ With the Armies of Menelik’, ‘ From Entotto to the River Baro’, etc. In one of his descriptions, the Russian envoy narrated the anti-Egyptian and anti-Sudanese dreams of the Amhara soldiers, as per below:

“In one of the prophecies of Raguil to Atye Zadyngylyu (he received revelations in his sleep and then wrote them down), it is said that a king from the north will be with a king of Ethiopia one in spirit and one in heart. In another prophecy of Angel Auriel to Sahle Selassie, it is said that a king of the north and of Jerusalem will meet with a king of Ethiopia in Mysyr (Egypt) and will conquer Egypt. After this, they will divide among them all the land”.

You can find an interpretation, a commentary and all the related details in the following article of mine (first published in 2010 and then republished) in which I included several excerpts from an English edition of Bulatovich’s works:


This article is part of a long series of articles about Bulatovich’s valuable information and authentic description of the events that took place in Eastern Africa in the 1890s.

You will find the entire list of my articles (which contain fragmentary republication of Bulatovich’s English edition) here:


III. Egypt and the Pulverization of Sudan and Libya

On Tuesday, 21 December 2010, the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Libyan leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi held closed talks with Sudanese President Omer Hassan al-Bashir and his Vice President Salva Kiir; the discussion focused on the South Sudan referendum that was to take place in three weeks’ time. The Egyptian and the Libyan heads of state tried to exert some pressure in order to avert the separation of South Sudan from Sudan. Quite unfortunately, it was too little too late. https://sudantribune.com/article37051/

All the same, no less than seven (7) years earlier, I had warned President al-Bashir about what was coming; it was published in three successive articles (in 2004); here you can find them republished:




Neither al-Bashir nor Mubarak nor Gaddafi could ever imagine how deeply the Western elites reviled them and prepared the destruction of their countries. To Mubarak, they appeared friendly as long as he implemented the policies that they wanted him to carry out. But every product has an expiry date, and so did the cheap colonial product named ‘Hosni Mubarak’.

When it comes to Sudan, Western diplomats through corruption and machinations triggered the Darfur genocide; they did not care either for the Furis, the people of Sudan’s NW confines, or for the Janjaweed, the idiotic Islamists and Pan-Arabists, who stupidly butchered the Furis only for the sake of the Western interests against Sudan. The reason for the Darfur genocide was the Western resolution to cut Sudan to pieces. To do so, they had to inculpate the pathetic and silly leader of Sudan, and this they achieved thanks to the International Criminal Court. After 2009, they had him at their mercy; a scared military officer is the world’s most submissive doll. LOL! The only tangible result is that by now South Sudan is a dysfunctional entity whereby colonial diplomats appoint ministers, top military officers and crooks turned to ‘businessmen’, whereas Sudan is divided and plunged in a civil war. https://www.icc-cpi.int/darfur/albashir  

Mubarak’s overthrow had long been prepared against him; his last minute effort to prevent the secession of South Sudan only exasperated his fake allies whom Mubarak stupidly considered as friends and believed in their ‘good intentions’ for no less than three decades. So, no more than a month after his worthless trip to Khartoum, the events, which prompted his removal from power, were kicked off. Disreputable gangster Hillary Clinton was calling the old sick man of the Nile to shout “Mr. President, go! You kill your people”. Good friends!

When the sick madman Barack Obama visited Egypt on the 4th June 2009, he was escorted to the pyramids by the then Secretary General of Antiquities Zahi Hawass; there, the enemy of the Ancient Egyptian spiritual heritage Barack Obama was well prepared and fully instructed as to what to comment when seeing an hieroglyphic sign in the tomb of Qar; he said that the sign “looked like him”.

2300 BCE Barack Obama’s first incarnation!

Basics in Egyptology are enough for someone to understand that the US president heralded the fall of Mubarak, but apparently all the Egyptian Egyptologists were good for nothing.

https theliberaloc com/2009/06/04/obama-finds-hieroglyph-that-looks-like-him/



On the 11th February 2011, i.e. the palindrome 11 02 2011, Mubarak was forced out by the same administrations that had praised him in the past; the same attitude has been displayed toward President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi over the past ten (10) years. Why? This is simple to answer. It is certainly not out of love; apparently, Egypt’s turn for chaos was not the year 2011.

As soon as Mubarak was out, major protests broke out against Gaddafi and his government (17 February 2011). The Libyan military strongman lasted until the 20th October 2011, having thus plenty of time to regret for his policy change and for assuming relations with the Western colonial powers.

Hosni Mubarak lasted 18 days (25 January 2011 – 11 February 2011).

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali lasted 31 days (17 December 2010 – 14 January 2011); so, he was stronger.

Muammar Gaddafi lasted 8 months (February-October 2011); apparently he was the strongest of the three North African leaders, who were removed from power before 13 years.

With Libya and Sudan in civil war, internal strife, and disarray, it will be difficult for Egypt to keep as a standalone country for too long. Omar al-Bashir was already overthrown in a coup d’état on the 11th April 2019. Sooner or later, the instability (to say the least) attested on Egypt’s western and southern borders will spread across the country, which faces now one new challenge, i.e. the end of self-government in Gaza and the forced eviction of the Gaza Palestinians from their homes, which were turned to ruins.

IV. The Renaissance Dam in the light of the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan

Meanwhile it is noteworthy that the construction of the Renaissance Dam (GERD: the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam) in the Benishangul province of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia) started in April 2011, only two months after Mubarak’s fall. The enormous dam built on the Blue Nile just few kilometers before the Sudanese border (height 145 m; length 1,780 m; elevation at crest 655 m; surface area of the reservoir 1874 km2) triggered many serious controversies. All the same, several discussions were entertained about the impact of the dam on Sudan and Egypt and the potential reduction of water (due to the filling of the reservoir and because of the subsequent evaporation); but few people in Egypt and the Sudan have hitherto questioned few crucial engineering issues.

Yet, the major danger may not be due to reduced flows of water downstream to Sudan and Egypt, which would affect the agriculture and the hydropower of the two states, but to the safety of the overall construction. This is so because of an exposed sliding plane in the rock basement of the area; this could eventually cause a sliding process downstream and a release of dozens of cubic kilometers of water. Several scholars highlighted this point and numerous case studies have been published in this regard. Example:

Flood propagation modeling: Case study the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance dam failure


Water Resources Professor at Cairo University Hani Sweilam (currently Egypt’s Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation) said in April 2021 that there is a 50% chance the Renaissance Dam will collapse, due to the presence of faults characterized by steep slopes allowing the occurrence of flooding carrying big amounts of silt. He specified the following: “It’s also common in Ethiopia to build dams without enough studies and that is the case with the Renaissance Dam whose capacity was raised from 11 billion cubic meters to 74 billion cubic meters on no scientific basis. Building such a large dam in a location that is higher than Khartoum by 350 meters puts Sudan in peril. As the dam is close to the Sudanese borders, if it collapses, the water of its reservoir would hit the Roseires Dam having seven billion cubic meters. …. After 150 kilometers, lies Sennar Dam whose capacity is less than a billion cubic meters (causing the destruction of Sudan)”.





It is quite interesting to notice that the ominous perspective of a major dam collapse matches perfectly well the above mentioned ‘Abyssinian prophecy’ as regards the destruction of the lands of Sudan and Egypt. The calamitous prediction would be materialized following a dam collapse, because the entire Valley of the Nile would be erased by the ensuing tsunami that would reach the Mediterranean and only the populations living east of the Eastern Desert Mountains in Sudan and Egypt would be spared. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Desert

Under such circumstances and with only few millions of people survived in the Sudan and Egypt, it would be easy for Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia) and Israel to invade and partition the lands of the two countries that are located east of the Eastern Desert Mountains.


Download the article in PDF:

Russia, Ukraine and the World-VIII: The Russian Need for De-Westernization means Rejection of the ‘Classics’ and of the Western Model of Colonial Historiography  

Россия, Украина и мир-VIII: Российская потребность в девестернизации означает отказ от «классики» и от западной модели колониальной историографии



I. Trojan War: an early Episode of the ‘Invasions of the Sea Peoples’

II. Hittite-Achaean Ethos and Values as praised by Homer vs. the Pelasgian-Trojan barbarism of ‘Classical Greece’

III. The forgers of ‘Ancient Greece’ & their Eastern Roman Orthodox rivals

IV. New Rome-Constantinople and the fake, Anti-Roman Rome

V. Crusaders and Ottomans against the only Rome: Constantinople

VI. Who the true Russians can be

VII. The forgers of ‘Ancient Greece’, the Western World, and today’s Russia

VIII. De-Westernization: Russian universities’ need to launch a parallel ‘special operation’ 

IX. How Russian academics and intellectuals can participate in the special military operation

X. What if UK, US and EU implode and disintegrate, but Russia, China, India, and Iran do not carry out a vast project of worldwide De-Westernization?

World History started in Mesopotamia and Egypt, not in Greece and Rome. Only with Egyptian and Assyrian-Babylonian measures and standards, we can evaluate the cultures of the Mediterranean Basin and not vice-versa.



I. Троянская война: ранний эпизод «Нашествия народов моря»

II. Хетто-ахейский этос и ценности, воспетые Гомером, против пеласго-троянского варварства «классической Греции»

III. Фальсификаторы «Древней Греции» и их восточно-римские православные соперники

IV. Новый Рим-Константинополь и фальшивый, антиримский Рим

V. Крестоносцы и османы против единственного Рима: Константинополя

VI. Кем могут быть настоящие русские

VII. Фальсификаторы «Древней Греции», Западный мир и сегодняшняя Россия

VIII. Девестернизация: российским вузам нужно запустить параллельную «спецоперацию»

IX. Как российские ученые и интеллектуалы могут участвовать в спецоперации

X. Что, если Великобритания, США и ЕС взорвутся и распадутся, а Россия, Китай, Индия и Иран не реализуют масштабный проект всемирной девестернизации?

I have had recently many discussions about the ongoing series of articles that I published about ‘Russia, Ukraine and the World’; all previous parts (titles, subtitles, titles of units, and links) and available at the end of the present article in English and in Russian translation.

The present article summarizes parts of discussions that I have had with various readers originating from Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. It also briefly highlights the dangers that the entire world will face, if the Western countries collapse and get disintegrated, but Russia, India, China, and Iran do not undertake a vast, deep and comprehensive effort of academic de-Westernization and do not replace the existing, false and racist, model of colonial historiography with a truthful and comprehensive narrative of World History, setting as world criteria and values those of the sole cradle of civilization: Ancient Orient.


My review article has the title: Sea Peoples’ Invasions, Egypt, the Hittite Empire, its Achaean allies, Lukka/Peleset, the Trojan War, Homer’s Intentional Falsehood, and the Modern European Forgery ‘Ancient Greece’

One can find it online here:



I firmly believe that it is certainly an achievement that two Russian authors penned a book to duly and thoroughly question one of the most important foundations of ‘Hellenism’; however, this fact -in and by itself- reveals the numerous, troublesome inconsistencies of the present Russian educational system, academic and scientific environment, intellectual life, and cultural milieu.

I. Trojan War: an early Episode of the ‘Invasions of the Sea Peoples’

As you will see, in my lengthy review article, I greatly supported the approach undertaken, the method applied, and the conclusions drawn by the authors, only pinpointing omissions, few missing parts of correct contextualization, and several issues of conceptualization. As a matter of fact, their main missing element revolves around what is nowadays general called ‘the invasions of the Sea Peoples’.   

It is crucially important to understand that what the Ancient Egyptian priest from Onuphis truly told Dio Chrysostom is in reality nothing more than the details of the underlying story of which majestic Pharaonic descriptions detailing Ramses III’s victories over the Sea Peoples have been found (as both, inscriptions and bas-reliefs) on the walls of the Medinet Habu mortuary temple of Ramses III (Luxor-West, Upper Egypt) and on several papyri.

These texts were studied, published, commented and interpreted by generations of Egyptologists; but deliberately and due to the prevailing malignancy of the racist, colonial Anglo-Saxon and French academics, these historical Egyptian texts have not been used to interpret the Homeric Epics and to correct the false narratives that were propagated by those Ionians. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts pertaining to the marginal zone of Western Anatolia, South Balkans, and the islands in-between are the missing part of the otherwise pertinently collected and presented documentation that the authors made available in their book.

The Annals of Ramses III are a determinant part of the World Heritage and an indispensable part of the education of all people in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. The lies contained in Homer’s Epics do not concern anyone; even more so, since they failed to generate an Achaean revival in Western Anatolia and South Balkans.

As you noticed, in my 13500 words review article, I did not speak at all about the consequences that this book should have had on the Russian educational system, academic and scientific environment, intellectual life, and cultural milieu. So, now, I will briefly expand on this topic herewith responding to you, because you have to know that there are several uncompleted ‘tasks’ in this regard; and they have to be completed by the entire class of Russian academics, Orientalists and Classicists, who cannot anymore repeat the same inaccuracies, the same lies, and the same forgeries that 17th-18th c. Western European academics put in the mind of their Russian counterparts in order to fool and deceive them, tying therefore the entire Russian educational-academic system to their racist fallacy, which is the foundation their colonial expansion and prevalence.

Today’s Russian academics cannot repeat the lies that made the Western European and North American colonial states worldwide predominant.

But let me start from the original point; yes, you are right! You understood correctly! The Achaeans (not ‘Greeks’) won a secondary battle and lost the war.

II. Hittite-Achaean Ethos and Values as praised by Homer vs. the Pelasgian-Trojan barbarism of ‘Classical Greece’

Despite his deliberate omissions and lies, Homer totally failed to revive the Achaean values among the Ionians of his days. This is a crucial issue that must be focused on. As per the Western European racist scheme of classicist misinterpretation, Homer is today uselessly valued for his art only; but he is not admired for the past values that he praised at his time, because all the post-Renaissance intellectual rascals of France, Italy, England, Holland and America hate those Achaean values.

The Achaeans had indeed a preponderantly Hittite ethos; the Hittites were their brethren, their powerful allies, and the source of their cultural example and moral values; this is highly reflected in Hesiod’s Theogony. But, like Homer, Hesiod did not impact the lives of people in ‘Classical Greece’. The Achaean-Pelasgian (Peleset-Philistine) divide represented and reproduced, within the context of 1st millennium BCE South Balkans, the spiritual, imperial and cultural contrast and clash that we attest in 2nd millennium BCE Anatolia between the civilized Hittites and the disorderly Lukka, i.e. the alliance of peoples to which Taruisha/Troy belonged.

Yazilikaya, the major Hittite shrine

Achaean funerary stele with relief chariot scene 16th c. BCE

It is greatly obvious but scrupulously concealed that Homer did not have an impact on what has been deceitfully called ‘Ancient Greece’ or ‘Classical civilization’. Thebes, Corinth, Sparta or Athens didn’t resemble anything exalted in Homer’s epics. If we evaluate texts and facts at face value, their admiration for Homer was either enduring and useless or occasional and pointless.

The absurdity, barbarism and evilness of the Dionysus cult has nothing to do with the Achaean values that Homer wanted to reinstate. The so-called ‘Ancient Greek civilization’ is in reality Pelasgian-Peleset-Philistine perversion.

The Pelasgians-Trojans put indeed a tombstone on the Achaeans, the Achaean unity, and their cultural heritage; and later, an evil force in Rome projected onto them the disreputable name of Greek (Hellene), a name that was almost never used by Homer. This false name served as mask for the Pelasgian ethos that prevailed in the South Balkans against Homer’s admonitions.

That’s why the Anti-Christian and Anti-Constantinopolitan (Benedictine-Jesuit) side of Rome needed the Trojan myth; they (: their predecessors in pre-Christian times) had used it to fool the Ionians and the Aeolians.  

III. The forgers of ‘Ancient Greece’ & their Eastern Roman Orthodox rivals

There was never a country, a confederation or a cultural space named Ancient Greece; the term was of uniquely geographical connotation, as it denoted the lands south of Macedonia and Illyria.

Only if you study well the true side of Ancient Rome, which was preserved exclusively in New Rome (Constantinople), you will realize that Ancient Greece never existed: all the paramount pseudo-narratives about ‘Ancient Greece’ were nothing to men like John Chrysostom, Justinian I, Heraclius, John of Damascus, Justinian II, Leo III, Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Anna Comnena or Michael Psellos.

The Macedonian Attalids, Seleucids and Ptolemies, and later the Eastern Romans did not give a damn of such despicable stories as ‘Thermopylae’, ‘Marathon’, ‘Salamis’ and their likes, because they knew that their sole value was tantamount to the ashes that the Carian renegade Herodotus’ manuscripts would produce if thrown, as they should have, to the fireplace.

The Trojan War is a lie; the Persian Wars are a lie; and the Peloponnesian War (a perfect Pelasgian-Philistine nightmare after the disorderly Lukka-Trojan example) is the perfect model for a disoriented, deceived and targeted Mankind to be endlessly plunged into discord, rancor, and hostilities. Thucydides brings forth odium and utmost negativity, endless wars, and cynical Nazi genocides; it is inevitable. Admit it, after all! The Germans during WW II only imitated the Ancient Athenian barbarian murderers of the Milos Island Dorians.

Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus, Thucydides, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Plato and Aristotle were not important for the illustrious Roman Emperor Justinian I, who set the foundations of Christian Law that all Christians must follow; consequently all this clutter cannot be possibly considered as part of World Heritage. On the contrary, Justinian I and his outstandingly brilliant reign are part of the past of more than a billion people in Asia, Africa and Europe.

There was never any value and any civilization in the Balkans south of Thrace, Macedonia and Illyria. The pedophile rascals and the homosexual scoundrels of Athens constitute the best Lukka-Pelasgian-Philistine example to avoid; and the blasphemous orgies of the local brothels (which only euphemistically can be called ‘temples’), as apparent self-destruction of the perpetrators, represent the material needed for Jesuits and Freemasons to become the cornerstone of today’s Western World. Nothing more! Ancient Athens is the bottom of the Hell on the surface of the Earth.

If you examine the dates of the manuscripts of several Ancient Greek texts, you will have the chance to understand when and by whom these texts have been tempered with!

IV. New Rome-Constantinople and the fake, Anti-Roman Rome

That’s why Justinian I, the great and righteous Christian Emperor who introduced the only permissible Christian legislation and judiciary system, imposed the imperial Constantinopolitan selection, appointment and approval of the popes of Rome in an effort to first contain and then uproot the malignant part of the Roman establishment which existed there already before Christianization. For this reason today’s Western gangsters hate that period and contemptuously call it ‘Byzantine Papacy’; those popes were indeed the only true Christian Popes of Rome (537-752).

That’s why the schism between Constantinople-New Rome and the Anti-Christian Rome became inevitable, after the Quinisext Council (Трулльский собор или Пято-шестой собор; 691-692). Following the Anti-Constantinopolitan rebellion of the Benedictines, who murdered the Pope Stephen I, successor to Pope Zachary (tenure: 741-752) and trusted member of the Constantinopolitan basileus, an illegal election took place in order to appoint the Anti-Constantinopolitan Stephen II (752-757), as a first act of disobedience against Roman-Constantinopolitan Christianity.  

The Quinisext Council was held under the auspices of Emperor Justinian II, who is commemorated as Saint of the Christian Orthodox Church on 2nd of August; the young Justinian II is depicted first from left, on the mosaic of his father, Emperor Constantine IV Pogonatus, in the basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna.

That’s why the Anti-Christian (and Anti-Roman) ‘Rome’ started then re-introducing the term ‘Greeks’ (‘Hellenes’) with reference to the only Romans, namely the Eastern Romans, slightly before the then forthcoming schism (863-7; Фотиева схизма).

That’s why, many centuries later, Hieronymus Wolf, a German Protestant but in fact real puppet of the Anti-Christian Catholic Jesuits, invented the ridiculous term ‘Byzantine’.

All this and much more was not only known to the Constantinopolitan basileus but also shared with/among the Kievan Rus monarchs.

V. Crusaders and Ottomans against the only Rome: Constantinople

The Crusades were not undertaken against the Islamic Caliphate, because in reality it already did not exist at the time; after the middle of the 9th c., the Abbasid caliph’s rule was only nominal. The theory of the anti-Islamic scope of the Crusades was invented and propagated only for the need of a smokescreen. Quite contrarily, the Crusades took place in order to prevent an Eastern Roman Reconquista of the Orient, which was then only a matter of time, if we take into consideration the successes of John I Tzimiskes, who in 975 annexed Homs, Damascus, Nazareth, Byblos, Beirut and Caesarea Maritima.

And the Ottomans, who were culturally Iranian, ethnically half Turanian and half Eastern Roman, but spiritually ‘Roman’ (i.e. Anti-Christian), due to their mystical attachment to, and cooperation with, the Hospitaller Order (in Smyrna/Izmir), caused a tremendous and calamitous prejudice to Islam by introducing (as per the directives given to them by their Catholic allies) the absolutely non-Islamic (concept and) institution of the ‘sheikhulislam’ – in order only to contribute to the Anti-Constantinopolitan policies and ‘global’ aspirations of the heretic Catholic ‘Rome’.

It was for this reason that, rightfully destroying the Ottoman forces at the Battle of Ankara (1402), Timur (Tamerlane) proceeded to Smyrna and terminated the ominous local rule of the Hospitaller Order.  

Timur (Tamerlane) depicted as granting audience; from the miniature of manuscript (1467 edition) of Sharaf al Din Ali Yazdi’s Zafarnama (1424–1428), which is the major historical source for the outstanding life and the brilliant deeds of the greatest Muslim Emperor of all times.

VI. Who the true Russians can be

Any Russian can say whatever he wants and do whatever pleases him, but no one can possibly be a Russian, unless he strictly follows the path taken and observes the practices implemented in 1472 by the Metropolitan Philip I of Muscovy and by Ivan III, who did not allow the papal legate Anthony to enter Moscow for the occasion of the wedding ceremony of Zoe-Sofia Palaiologina.

Sofia Palaiologina enters Moscow; according to a miniature of the Front Chronicle (Лицевой летописный свод; 1568-1576)

Back at those days, not one man in Ivan III’s Muscovy had an idea about the Trojan War, the Persian Wars, the racism of Aeschylus, the profanity of Aristophanes, the unprecedented scientific and intellectual theft perpetrated by the so-called ‘Greek philosophers’, and the governmental absurdity of disreputable idiots and crooks like Pericles, Alcibiades and all the rest. Actually, back in the 15th and 16th c., Muscovites and Russians were exactly like their Constantinopolitan Eastern Roman ancestors 1000 years earlier: free of the villainous fabrication of ‘Ancient Greece’ that the Benedictines had prepared for long, before launching the Renaissance and the associated conquistadores.

And this makes the aforementioned book so important for Russians; it demolishes a serious part of the Jesuit-Anti-Christian delusion ‘Ancient Greece’.

VII. The forgers of ‘Ancient Greece’, the Western World, and today’s Russia

In striking contrast to the educational practices of 16th c. Muscovy, today’s Russian educational system, academic and scientific environment, intellectual life, and cultural milieu do not reflect any more the values cherished by the those Russians, who were free of the Ancient Greek fallacy, void of the delusion of Hellenism, and unaffected by the moral degradation and the socio-political contamination that this Anti-Christian, Anti-Roman, Benedictine-Jesuit forgery entails.

The book under review in my earlier article, although not written (as the authors state explicitly) in a strictly academic manner, is able to (and actually has to) give an unprecedented hit to the bureaucratic Russian instructors, pedagogues, teachers, professors, researchers, explorers, scientists, intellectuals, thinkers and mystics, who have long been indulging themselves -in spite of their undeniable qualifications and accumulated knowledge- in catastrophic lethargy and destructive apathy opposite this very delusion, which stands at the very origin of all the serious threats that Russia has historically faced, and of all the real dangers that Russia has still to oppose and outmaneuver today.

It is actually bizarre, to say the least, that, in spite of 500 days of hostilities in Ukraine, the Russian academic-educational establishment did not participate in a manner fully reflecting the approach and the successive statements made in public by Pres. Putin, former Pres. Medvedev, and many other leading Russian statesmen. Yet, these dignitaries stated truthfully and clearly that a real war has been engaged in Ukraine between Russia and the West, pointing it out that this confrontation is not merely military, economic, and political, but it underscores serious discord, divide and polarization over key moral, intellectual and cultural values.

Today’s Russians have to come to terms with this fact: there is no discontinuity in the Western World ever since it was incepted with the Renaissance and the colonial conquests. In its true quintessence, colonialism is not a matter of military occupation, economic exploitation and political dictatorship, but it mainly consists in tyrannical imposition of the pre-fabricated (during Renaissance) and methodically exported (during the colonial conquests) Western model of fake culture and civilization; they wanted to (and they did) monstrously impose worldwide incessant, innumerable and interminable lies like the Trojan War, in order to totally and irreversibly control the mankind, by plunging all -first their own deceived and misled nations and later all the colonized nations- into a compact fake reality.

The inhumanity of the impermissible ‘unipolar world order’ has nothing to do with the rather unimportant fact of eight (8) billion people being run by one country; it has mainly to do with the entire mankind being entrapped in the evil delusion and the overwhelming forgery that the vicious intellectuals and the criminal academics of few dictatorial, uncivilized, corrupt and barbarian realms absurdly machinated and cruelly imposed. 

Homer’s texts were highly cherished and extensively utilized in the post-Renaissance anti-Christian, barbarian Western Europe, in striking contrast to what occurred in the Eastern Roman Empire where these obsolete and forgotten epics never became part of the Christian education and the militaristic culture of the average people. But the lofty values of the Eastern Roman Epic of Digenes Akritas and the cycle of the Acritic songs, which prevailed between Euphrates and Danube for many centuries, were highly embarrassing for the Satanic Papo-Caesarism of the Anti-Christian Rome and for the degenerate post-WW II Western Europe and North America. 

Akritai soldiers improve the combativeness and enhance the impulsiveness of the manly and gallant socio-imperial model (Caesaropapism), whereas the delusions propagated by the standard-bearers of the corrupt and perverse Papo-Caesarist concept end up in rotten societies, incest, pedophilia and other mental diseases.

One has to add that it is not only Homer’s epics that served as foundation for this Western European deception and delusion; the execrable and appalling Western European academic fraud comprised also several other ancient authors whose fallacious compositions helped the Benedictine monks fabricate the fake concepts of ‘Hellenism’, ‘Greco-Roman civilization’, ‘Judeo-Christian ethics’, ‘Mediterranean World’, ‘European Union’, ‘West vs. East’, ‘Humanism’, ‘Human Rights’, ‘Politics’, ‘Republic’, ‘Democracy’, etc. However, none of these concepts existed in the Eastern Roman Empire; none of them could possibly be accepted in Kievan Rus or Ivan Grozny’s Muscovy.  

VIII. De-Westernization: Russian universities’ need to launch a parallel ‘special operation’ 

The slow infiltration of these topics in the Russian society occurred mostly during the period of the ‘Westernization’ (i.e. intellectual-educational-cultural-political colonization) of the Romanov Empire (18th c.); as you know very well, this historical fact generated a genuine Russian indigenous reaction, which -very unfortunately- failed to block the Western perfidy and anti-Russian bias out of the country. Then, during the 19th and the early 20th c., the Russian imperial academic life had already become a mere replica of the French and English academic-educational institutions, which was tantamount to total De-Russification.

Under these circumstances, Nicholas II’s reign did not end in 1917 but, to speak truly, in 1895, when it just started. Who could be a real Russian emperor (like the first Romanov had been), if he reigned over French professors and English academics?

Laurits Regner Tuxen: the marriage of Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, with Alexandra Feodorovna Princess Alix of Hesse (26th November 1894) in the Imperial Chapel of the Winter Palace. Saint Nicholas II should have known that, with professors of ‘Classics’ and with intellectuals indoctrinated into Western European academic falsehood, his days were indeed numbered. In fact, the Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Shamanist and other populations of the Russian Empire were forced to pay the salaries of idiotic polymaths who were thoughtlessly diffusing anti-Russian, anti-religious, and anti-human concepts of the West and corrupting the entire population.

The book that I extensively reviewed in my aforementioned articles duly epitomizes Russia’s need for De-Westernization and re-Russification. This is exactly what Russia needs now. Russians cannot win without being Russian and without knowing that Russia’s territory hinges on the epicenter of World History, namely the arc that starts in Egypt and Syria-Mesopotamia, crosses Iran, Central Asia, and Siberia, and ends in Mongolia and China.

Contrarily to this fact, the viciously forged Western model of historiography, which starts with the fallacy of the Trojan War, makes of Russia a marginal wasteland needed only for barbarians to cross every now and then. Still, this deeply anti-Russian and utterly de-Russifying model of historiography is being respected, taught and propagated in Russian universities today; even Eurasian theorists in Russia fail to conceptualize the land of the Russian Federation as the epicenter of World History.  

Russia can never win when having an academic, educational, intellectual Trojan horse within the country’s borders; no one can. Worse, even if Russia finally wins in Ukraine, other countries will certainly benefit more, as long as Russia remains a Westernized/colonized realm whereby the utterly racist and discriminatory Western model of colonial historiography (with its Greco-centric, Anti-Trojan, Anti-Persian, and Anti-Oriental traits) is still accepted.

To avert this eventuality, following the heroic example of the brave Russian soldiers, officers, and state army leaders, the Russian academics and professors, intellectuals and educators, thinkers and scholars must wholeheartedly enter into another special operation, a parallel enterprise if you want, and carry out the urgently needed De-Westernization (decolonization) of the Russian educational system, academic and scientific environment, intellectual life, and cultural milieu.

Even more importantly, Russian professors and academics, following the path of their own government, must give new dimensions to the Russian-Chinese-Indian-Iranian alliance: academic, educational, intellectual and cultural.

It is only then that a Russian victory at the battlefield will have a historically deep meaning and a permanent, irrevocable impact.

IX. How Russian academics and intellectuals can participate in the special military operation

Launching their own, academic, educational, intellectual and cultural, ‘special operation’, Russian scholars have to undertake an enormous effort in order to bring about the total demolition of the academic-educational foundations of every discriminatory and racist concept, theory and political ideology worldwide.

This effort must be coordinated with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because it must not only shape the new foundations of Russian education and academic life, but it has also to be systematically exported to Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Central-Eastern Europe. It has to help world scholars form a new historiographical model void of the racist concepts of ‘Hellenism’, ‘Greco-Roman civilization’, ‘Judeo-Christian ethics’, ‘Mediterranean World’, ‘European Union’, ‘West vs. East’, ‘Civilized West’, ‘Humanism’, ‘Human Rights’, ‘Politics’, ‘Republic’, ‘Democracy’ that were malignantly invented in colonial universities as tools for the worldwide dominance of England, France, Holland and later America.

The systematic effort must devalue, discredit and disparage the Western factories of falsehood named Cambridge, Oxford, Sorbonne, Harvard, Columbia, etc. and duly highlight their criminal role in the formation of today’s world, in the exploitation of smaller nations by the criminals of the Western colonial centers, in the bloodshed caused due to Western interventions, and in the prevailing ignorance among nations.

Russian scholars have therefore to contribute to

– the denunciation of the Western colonial academic falsehood,

– the rejection of all Western educational-academic attempts to diffuse racist versions or models (and then schools) of modern historiography,

– the refutation of Western Euro-centric academic-intellectual life,

– the rebuttal of the projection of the contemporary Western world’s fake values onto the past of other nations and ancient civilizations,

– the diffusion of continental (Asiatic, African, indigenous American, Central-Eastern European), regional and local systems of values,

– the promotion of the Afro-Eurasiatic cultural, moral, educational and academic interconnectedness,

– the consolidation of the Silk Road model of historiography, and

– the stimulation of Afro-Eurasiatic cultural consciousness, reciprocal awareness, and multilateral education.

Despite the fact that the Western world appears weakened, unstable and ailing in its entirety for the first time in 500 years, I am absolutely convinced that, even if various forms of socio-economic implosion come to happen in some of the leading Western countries, still a major danger will be lurking for all the countries that today seem to be forming an alliance around the BRICS and the SCO.

X. What if UK, US and EU implode and disintegrate, but Russia, China, India, and Iran do not carry out a vast project of worldwide De-Westernization?

This is due to the fact of the highly underestimated (if ever assessed) process of Westernization that the entire world underwent one way or another for many centuries; only the tip of the Westernization iceberg is easily discerned by many people worldwide. Unfortunately, the part that is clearly seen is the least important, as it concerns the military, economic and socio-political dimensions of the Westernization phenomenon.

All the same, a far deeper and most malignant form of Westernization occurred at the educational, academic, scientific, intellectual, mental, socio-behavioral, religious, spiritual and cultural levels, totally transforming almost all the other nations into Westernized, rather museological, forms of their own historical heritage.

Even worse, fake nations were fabricated in several locations, and at times, a colonially forged identity was effectively projected onto them; this was indeed the quintessence of colonialism. This fact means that it was not only Mughal India that was colonized by the Western colonial powers, but also Qajar Iran, which was subtly and gradually turned from a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-religious Iranian imperial ‘order’ into a nationalist Persian monarchy (‘Pahlavi’) known for the chaos among its many ‘minorities’.

The desire for a new multipolar world order may be overwhelming among many establishments worldwide; but as long as these governments, elites, societies, and nations do not envision, identify and undertake wide and deep De-Westernization practices, they will inevitably ‘function’ -not as paragons of cultural-national identity but- as Westernized replicas of their dead past.

In other words, they will experience exactly what happened to the genuinely Russian song Полюшко поле (Polyushko-polye) in the hands of Paul Mauriat, James Last or André Rieu. This concerns Iran, India, Turkey, Pakistan, China, Russia and many other countries; De-Westernization is not a political issue only.

Otherwise, even in case several major Western countries disintegrate within the next few years, today’s anti-Western allies (the BRICS and SCO member states), if they do not undergo a conscious De-Westernization process, will later pop up as nightmarish copies of pre-WW I France, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, Ottoman Empire, England, Japan, Iran and Italy – all duly and properly positioned on a differently arranged chessboard and ready to fight against one another again.

To prevent this from happening, a conscious De-Westernization effort must first be explored, then decided upon, and finally implemented within a wider context of systematic concertation among all the concerned nations. Russian scholars are better placed than all the rest to start the effort and wholeheartedly contribute to it.


Russia, Ukraine and the World

An ongoing series of articles (around 62000 words)

Titles, Dates, Contents & Links  

Earlier Publications

From the Pandemic to the Special Operations in Russian Ukraine (3 April 2022)

1- A Critical Confrontation between Jesuits and Freemasons

2- The Pandemic and the Jesuit Eschatological Agenda (and how it has advanced throughout the last millennium)

3- The Multiple Dimensions of the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine

4- The Historical Facts

My position about Ukraine, Russia, and the Russian Special Operations in Russian Ukraine – in brief (15 April 2022)

1. Many people did not expect it, but I did

2. The plan to split Russia to 5-10 pieces

3. There is no Ukrainian language or nation

4. The negative impact of History

5. If Ukrainians are a nation, then Egypt’s Sa’idis are a nation too!






The ongoing series of articles

Russia, Ukraine and the World-I: ‘Moscou, les Plaines d’Ukraine, et les Champs-Élysées’ (14 March 2023)

Russian Special Operation in Ukraine: One Year after – 24 February 2023

I- The Historical Background

II- Western Colonialism against Russia: Projection of Fake Concepts and Historical Falsehood onto Russian Elites

III- Western Bias: Russia’s Europeanization as De-Russification

IV- Where does the Fallacy of European Russia End?

V- False Identity for Russians means Defeat in the Great Game

VI- The Fall of the Romanov: due to the False Concept of ‘Russia as a European Empire’


Russia, Ukraine and the World-II: 5000 Years of Russian Asiatic Identity vs. 500 Years of Anglo-French Racism & Colonialism (21 March 2023)

I. The Western Anti-Russian Bias

II. Skillful Western European Falsification of Russian History

A. Erroneous contextualization of Archaeology of Northern Asia

B. Deliberate use of overlapping terms: Northern Asia, Siberia, and Scythia

C. Prehistory and Ancient History of Northern Asia are subject to modern borders and to the meaningless attempts for ‘national archaeology’

D. Failure to discern Northern Asia in its entirety and true dimensions

E. Deliberate, multifaceted distortion of the Asiatic Turanian Migrations

F. Minimization of the cataclysmic presence and prevalence of the Turanian nations throughout Eastern Europe

G. European academia-backed biases: malignant disregard of the spiritual value of Kievan Rus, and absurd focus on ethnic, racial and linguistic considerations   

H. Erroneous focus on Kievan Rus and disastrous neglect for Volga Bulgaria

I. Concealment of the historical reality of the Turanian (‘Tatar-Mongol’) period


Russia, Ukraine and the World-III: the need for a New UN or how UK, US, France and NATO must be defenestrated from the world (28 March 2023)

I. Ukraine or Ireland and Switzerland?

II. England, France, and the fake state ‘US’

III. Ukraine or Mexico?

IV. UK, France, US and NATO: the Enemies of the Mankind

V. The Fallacy of all Geopolitical Analyses



Russia, Ukraine & the World-IV: Continental Empires & Sea Powers – Russians’ Fake Friends & Only Enemy (4 April 2023)

Or how the Romanov collapsed only to the benefit of Serbs’ and Greeks’ Evil Elites

I. Prof. Huntington’s entirely misunderstood Book

II. The Serbian Delusion of Russians

III. The Clash of Civilization? A Mirage come True

IV. Spirituality & Universalism: Divine Earth vs. Unholy Sea

V. Civilized Continental Empires vs. Barbarian Sea Powers

VI. Continental Empires, Sea Powers, and Divisive Traps

VII. The ‘Greek Orthodox’ Delusion of Russians




Russia, Ukraine and the World-V: the Educational Dimension of the Conflict as the Major Oversight of the Russians (11 April 2023)

I. The Political Sodomism of the Western World

II. The Educational Dimension of the Conflict as the Major Oversight of the Russians




Thematically associated article:

The World needs Another United Nations (18 April 2023)

or how China, India, Russia, Muslim countries, Africa & Latin America can bring Peace, eliminating the West

I. UN: the origin of the problem

II. Multipolar world order, UN, and various delusions

III. A new UN: three different General Assemblies and proportional votes for the member states 

A. First General Assembly: proportional representation for states above 1 million people

B. Second General Assembly: one vote for all states under 1 million people

C. Third General Assembly: one vote per delegate of indigenous nations, oppressed peoples, and unrepresented ethno-religious groups

IV. A new UN: three levels of Security Council 

A. Security Council-I: Political-Military Affairs (10 most populated states)

B. Security Council-II: Economic-Environmental Affairs (15 most populated states)

C. Security Council-III: Cultural-Scientific-Intellectual Affairs (20 most populated states)

V. Headquarters and Official languages of the New UN




Russia, Ukraine and the World-VI:  Aspects of the Imperative De-Westernization of the Russian Education (25 April 2023)

Discussion with an astute Russian reader

I. Introduction

II. How Western Europeans westernized Russians for 300 years

III. Unreliable Wikipedia

IV. Reading texts & reading in-between the lines of texts

V. Rejection of the fallacy of Hellenism: starting point of every effort of De-Westernization

VI. Why Shakespeare and the Western European Theater must be removed from the Russian, Chinese, Indian, African, Muslim and Latin American Education

VII. Shakespeare’s black magic trickery against the concept of Messiah, and his vicious hatred of Eschatology and Revelation



Russia, Ukraine and the World-VII: From Stepan Razin to Yevgeny Prigozhin (27 June 2023)

From a Legendary Cossack Hero to an Intemperate Jewish Rascal

Greatest Strengths and Frailest Weaknesses of Russians: the Contrasting Elements of the Russian Soul

I. Inexorability of the Russian character

II. Russians are one, but Russias are many …

III. Patriotism laced with a latent notion of ‘border’

IV. When Universality becomes a problem

V. The perfection and the defect: the ‘Continental Man’ vs. the ‘Man of the Sea’

VI. The collapse of the USSR and the Yeltsin years

VII. The rise of the Putin team and the Russian ‘oligarchs’

VIII. Prigozhin, his rise and his farcical mutiny

IX. Sergei Shoigu, Liz Truss, Stepan Razin, and Voronezh    

X. Russianness, Brezhnev, Leonid Kharitonov, and Utyos





Россия, Украина и мир продолжающийся цикл статей (около 62000 слов)

Названия, даты, содержание и ссылки

Предыдущие публикации

От пандемии к спецоперациям в российской Украине (3 апреля 2022 г.)

1. Критическая конфронтация между иезуитами и масонами

2. Пандемия и эсхатологическая повестка дня иезуитов (и как она развивалась на протяжении последнего тысячелетия)

3- Многогранность конфликта между Россией и Украиной

4- Исторические факты

Моя позиция об Украине, России и российских спецоперациях в российской Украине — кратко (15 апреля 2022 г.)

1. Многие не ожидали, а я дождался

2. План раскола России на 5-10 частей

3. Нет украинского языка или нации

4. Негативное влияние истории

5. Если украинцы – нация, то и египетские саиды – тоже нация!






Продолжающийся цикл статей

Россия, Украина и мир-I: «Москва, равнины Украины и Елисейские поля» (14 марта 2023 г.)

Российская спецоперация в Украине: год спустя – 24 февраля 2023 г.

I- Историческая справка

II- Западный колониализм против России: проекция фальшивых концепций и исторической лжи на российские элиты

III- Западный уклон: европеизация России как дерусификация

IV- Где заканчивается заблуждение «европейской » России?

V- Ложная идентичность для россиян означает поражение в большой игре (в Войне теней)

VI- Падение Романовых: из-за ложной концепции «России как европейской империи»


Россия, Украина и мир-II: 5000 лет русской азиатской идентичности против 500 лет англо-французского расизма и колониализма (21 марта 2023 г.)

I. Западный антироссийский уклон

II. Умелая западноевропейская фальсификация российской истории

А. Ошибочная контекстуализация археологии Северной Азии

B. Умышленное использование совпадающих терминов: Северная Азия, Сибирь и Скифия.

C. Предыстория и древняя история Северной Азии подчинены современным границам и бессмысленным попыткам «национальной археологии»

D. Неспособность различить Северную Азию во всей ее полноте и истинных размерах

E. Умышленное, многогранное искажение азиатско-туранских миграций.

F. Минимизация катастрофического присутствия и распространенности туранских народов по всей Восточной Европе.

G. Предубеждения, поддерживаемые европейскими академическими кругами: пагубное пренебрежение духовной ценностью Киевской Руси и абсурдная сосредоточенность на этнических, расовых и языковых соображениях.

H. Ошибочное внимание к Киевской Руси и пагубное пренебрежение к Волжской Булгарии

I. Сокрытие исторической реальности туранского («татаро-монгольского») периода


Россия, Украина и мир-III: необходимость новой ООН или как Великобритания, США, Франция и НАТО должны быть дефенестрированы от мира (28 марта 2023 г.)

I. Украина или Ирландия и Швейцария?

II. Англия, Франция и фальшивое государство «США»

III. Украина или Мексика?

IV. Великобритания, Франция, США и НАТО: враги человечества

V. Ошибочность всех геополитических анализов



Россия, Украина и мир-IV: Континентальные империи и морские державы – фальшивые друзья и единственный враг россиян (4 апреля 2023 г.)

Или как Романовы рухнули только в пользу злых элит сербов и греков

I. Совершенно неправильно понятая книга профессора Хантингтона

II. Сербское заблуждение русских

III. Столкновение цивилизаций? Сбывшийся мираж

IV. Духовность и универсализм: Божественная Земля против Нечестивого Моря

V. Цивилизованные континентальные империи против варварских морских держав

VI. Континентальные империи, морские державы и разделительные ловушки

VII. ‘Греческое православное’ заблуждение русских




Россия, Украина и мир-V: образовательное измерение конфликта как главный недосмотр россиян (11 апреля 2023 г.)

I. Политический содомизм западного мира

II. Образовательная составляющая конфликта как главный недосмотр россиян




Тематически связанная статья:

Миру нужна еще одна Организация Объединенных Наций (18 апреля 2023 г.)

или как Китай, Индия, Россия, мусульманские страны, Африка и Латинская Америка могут принести мир, устранив Запад

I. ООН: происхождение проблемы

II. Многополярный миропорядок, ООН и разные заблуждения

III. Новая ООН: три разных Генеральных ассамблеи и пропорциональные голоса для государств-членов

A. Первая Генеральная Ассамблея: пропорциональное представительство для штатов с населением более 1 миллиона человек.

B. Вторая Генеральная Ассамблея: один голос для всех штатов с населением менее 1 миллиона человек.

C. Третья Генеральная ассамблея: один голос на делегата от коренных народов, угнетенных народов и непредставленных этнорелигиозных групп.

IV. Новая ООН: три уровня Совета Безопасности

A. Совет Безопасности-I: Военно-политические вопросы (10 наиболее густонаселенных штатов)

B. Совет Безопасности-II: Экономические и экологические вопросы (15 наиболее густонаселенных штатов)

C. Совет Безопасности-III: культурно-научно-интеллектуальные вопросы (20 наиболее густонаселенных штатов)

V. Штаб-квартира и официальные языки новой ООН




Россия, Украина и мир-VI: аспекты императивной девестернизации российского образования (25 апреля 2023 г.)

Обсуждение с проницательным русским читателем

I. Введение

II. Как западноевропейцы вестернизировали русских за 300 лет

III. Ненадежная Википедия

IV. Чтение текстов и чтение между строк текста

V. Опровержение заблуждения эллинизма: отправная точка всех усилий по девестернизации

VI. Почему Шекспира и западноевропейский театр надо убрать из русского, китайского, индийского, африканского, мусульманского и латиноамериканского образования

VII. Шекспир и его черная магия против концепции Мессии и его яростная ненависть к эсхатологии и Откровению



Россия, Украина и мир-VII: от Степана Разина до Евгения Пригожина (27 июня 2023 г.)

От легендарного казака-богатыря до распутного еврейского пройдохи Величайшие сильные и слабые стороны россиян: контрастные элементы русской

I. Непреклонность русского характера

II. Все русские – один человек, но всероссийских земель много

III. Патриотизм, пропитанный скрытым понятием «граница»

IV. Когда универсальность становится проблемой

V. Совершенство и недостаток: «континентальный человек» против «человека моря»

VI. Распад СССР и годы Ельцина

VII. Подъем путинской команды и российские олигархи

VIII. Пригожин, его возвышение и его фарсовый мятеж

IX. Сергей Шойгу, Лиз Трасс, Степан Разин и Воронеж

X. Русскость, Брежнев, Леонид Харитонов и Утёс




———— Elements of Multipolar and Multicultural Historiography ————-

In this gallery, I offer 24 selected samples of common historical heritage that must become part of the multipolar and multilateral historical educational model worldwide in replacement of the Eurocentric colonial and racist falsehood that people across the Earth have been forced to learn as ‘History of Mankind’.

Mogao Cave 285, China

Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, Ordos–Inner Mongolia, China

Taxila, Punjab-Pakistan: Ancient Buddhist carvings at the Jaulian Monastery

Ajanta Caves, India

Sogdian murals in Afrasiab – Samarqand, Uzbekistan

From Balami’s Tarikhnama: the Sassanid general Wahraz kills the Abyssinian king Masruq of Axum. Early 14th c. copy of an earlier manuscript of the Samanid-period

Gur-i Emir (Timur’s Mausoleum), Samarqand

Bishapur Cave and the colossal statue of Shapur I

Rabban Hormizd Monastery, Alqosh – Mosul, North Iraq

Rabban Hormizd Monastery, Alqosh – Mosul, North Iraq

The birth of Alexander the Great; manuscript miniature from Nizami Ganjavi’s Sekander nameh

Manuscript miniature from Shota Rustaveli’s Vepkhistkaosani (the Knight in the panther’s skin)

From a 14th c. Armenian manuscript: Movses Khorenatsi and the naharar (nobleman) and military commander Sahak Bagratuni

Wall painting from the Aramaean Synagogue of Dura Europos (near Abu Kemal, Syria); representation of the Hebrews crossing the Red Sea

Pre-Islamic times’ Christian (probably Nestorian) king of Himyar, Yemen

The Serapeum of Saqqara, Egypt

Representation of the warrior Queen Amanitore vanquishing enemies on the pylon of a temple at Naqa, near Meroe (: Ancient Ethiopia), Sudan

Wall painting from Dongola Agouza (Old Dunqulah), capital of the Christian Cushitic kingdom of Makuria in North Sudan

Medracen mausoleum of the Numidian kings near Batna, Algeria

Cathedral of St. Basil, Moscow

Mayan relief

Toltec relief depicting an eagle

Imperial art of the Incas

Ahriman attempting to seduce Eva while Adam in arriving: manuscript miniature from Al Biruni’s Chronology


Download the article (text only) in PDF:

Download the article (with pictures and legends) in PDF:

Russia, China, the Decayed Muslim World, and the Crumbling, Savage Western World – I

By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

Table of Contents


I. Fake states of fake Arabs and fake Muslims

II. Turkey and Iran: the two exceptions

III. Unsophisticated, gullible and ignorant sheikhs and theologians

IV. How Turkey’s and Iran’s paranoid Islamists are manipulated by Western colonials

V. Russia, China, and the Utilization of the Muslim World by the Western Colonials

VI. What Russia and China must do


Fourteen years ago, on 4th December 2007, I published an article under title ‘Russia, Islam, and the West’, which -within few days- was officially (ИноСМИ / Inosmi) translated into Russian (‘ Россия, ислам и Запад’). I wanted to briefly elaborate on how things would develop and to also identify possible allies for Russia within the so-called ‘Islamic World’.

As the translated version of the article was extensively reproduced, I noticed that it was also well understood. Example: the great portal Centrasia (www.centrasia.org), while republishing the Russian translation, added an over-title for the use of its readers to state the following: “Экспансия западного мира не столько решала проблемы, сколько распространяла их вширь” (The expansion of the Western world did not so much solve problems as spread them in breadth). Indeed, there could not be better summary of my article’s contents. The over-title was indeed an excellent reflection of my original perception and ultimate conviction, namely that the West wanted to use the senseless Islamic World against Russia.

Here you have the links:





In that article’s last part, I put a title that appeared very odd, even to several Egyptian and other African friends of mine (at the time, I was living in Cairo): “Islam is Turkey and Iran”. In that part, I explained why only these two countries could possibly be Russia’s allies against the Western colonial contamination that threatens the entire world. The reason for this statement is that only these two countries had maintained until that time a correct sense of historical-cultural identity and an imperial-level establishment and diplomacy. As a matter of fact, the rest of the so-called Islamic world is constituted by fake states-puppets of the colonial powers (from Morocco and Nigeria to Egypt, Pakistan and Indonesia); unfortunately, the uneducated, ignorant, and idiotic elites of these neo-colonial structures never realized what ‘national integrity’ means.

I. Fake states of fake Arabs and fake Muslims

This is so because, by describing these states as ‘puppets’, I don’t only suggest that the local governments receive and execute orders dictated by the Western colonial capitals (Paris, London, Washington D.C., etc.), often being also blackmailed by them in the most obscene manner, but I also specify that these states were entirely pre-fabricated by the colonial elites and administrations to the slightest detail.

What I imply by mentioning the ‘detail’ is simple: not only the location of the false and troublesome (notably in the Halaib triangle) borderline between Egypt and Sudan was decided by the English colonials long before the two modern states came to exist (in order to offer their successors in the colonial institutions and governments the chance of future manipulation of either local ‘governments’), but also the lack of railway connections between first Cairo and Khartoum and second Suez and Port Sudan had been programmed before the beginning of the 20th c. So, colonialism means also ‘deeds carried out with long-term perspective’; actually, it does not occur in a wide array of sectors of social activities, but across the board.

Neo-colonial governments in Algiers, Riyadh, Baghdad, Dhaka, Kuala Lumpur and elsewhere were totally deprived of any substantive nation-building tools; entire nations were stripped of their historical-cultural identity, and their elites -which used to have idiotically been sending their children to ‘study’ in French, English, US, Canadian and Australian universities- were plunged into a scrupulously elaborated delusion that turned them into pure and permanent servants of their former colonial masters.

Even worse, all Muslim, African and Asiatic nations have been scrupulously disconnected from one another, and thus, to study Egyptology and Coptology a Nigerian has to move to England or America, whereas a Moroccan willing to specialize in Assyriology or Iranology needs to pursue university studies in France. Similarly, Muslims in Senegal and Sierra Leone have no idea about Islamic History, Art History, Architecture, Sciences, Wisdom, Spirituality and Literature in Central Asia, whereas Egyptian and Syrian Muslims know nothing about the great Islamic dynasties that ruled Eastern or Western Africa and the existing Islamic monuments there. In other words, the fake neo-colonial structures have been totally disconnected from one another at the intellectual, academic, cultural, educational and scientific levels, each of them being calamitously tied to its former colonial center.  

The aforementioned unprecedented ignorance and reciprocal disconnectedness was complemented by colonially promoted confusion and darkness. When it comes to the confusion that prevails among Muslims worldwide, the first point to mention is the materialistic evaluation of human interests, which is an entirely anti-Islamic trait and an alien element among historical Muslim societies that revolved around axes of spiritual, intellectual and scientific endeavors.

The short-sighted materialistic viewpoint on the human endeavors and interests was projected by the colonial elites onto the local Muslim populations and it permanently destroyed the Islamic moral order, eliminating all cultural values that had prevailed for many long centuries (in several cases for more than a millennium) and turning therefore all Muslims into miserable replicas of corrupt Westerners. The very use of money, the existence of the Banking system, the shameful fallacy of the so-called ‘Islamic Economics’, and the economic structure itself of today’s Muslim countries are an anathema against prophet Muhammad.

The colonially promoted confusion took also the form of a pathetic race for ‘socioeconomic development’, involving the catastrophic deformation of the traditional urban landscape throughout the Islamic world. As -generation after generation- young students were pushed to Engineering and Economis, all the neo-colonial structures and the corrupted or demented pseudo-Muslim societies were even more strongly tied to the Western colonial capitals.

Last, backwardness, obscurantism and darkness were diffused in the form of false theories, disruptive ideologies, and nonsensical theologies; by believing in the Pan-Arabic falsehood, hundreds of millions of non-Arab Aramaeans, Yemenites, Copts (Egyptians), Sudanese Cushites, and NW African Berbers were permanently prevented from achieving proper nation-building. By embracing Nasserism, Baathism and other catastrophic schemes, dozens of millions of people engulfed themselves in wars, conflicts, bloodshed, abject poverty, and irreversible misfortune.

And by accepting the pathetic, anti-Islamic doctrines of today’s totally uneducated and deeply ignorant pseudo-theologians and bogus-imams, African and Asiatic Muslims were diverted from Islamic spirituality, wisdom, moral, sciences, intellect, education, religion, culture, and civilization. Even worse for them, they were diverted to a trivial and pathetic, bogus-Islamic theological indoctrination of which all the foundations, all the elements, all the concepts, all the parts, and all the words had been previously examined, considered, authorized and approved by the Western Orientalist colonial academia, before being projected onto the local masses due to the determinant commitment of the military, administrative, diplomatic and political gangsters who controlled the vast lands of the Mughal Empire, the detached territories of the Ottoman Caliphate, the colonial puppet state of Pahlavi Iran, as well as many other earlier Muslim sultanates, khanates and emirates.

Wherever there was a sound, secular, culturally original, socially strong state, as in the case of Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey and Siyaad Barre’s Somalia, the criminal English, American, Canadian, Australian and French diplomats employed all possible means to diffuse the fake Islamic theologies, the nonsensical political doctrines, the absurd politicization of the Muslim societies, and the villainous ideologization of the deliberately kept-ignorant masses. In total negation of today’s fake Muslim societies, there cannot be politics in a historical Muslim society; and there was no politics in both, Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey and Siyaad Barre’s Somalia.

In other words, all the present dimensions of social-intellectual-educational-political life in today’s fake Muslim countries had been pre-fashioned by the colonial powers in order to permanently function detrimentally against all their users, adherents, admirers, supporters and followers onto whom they were projected systematically, tyrannically and criminally. I expanded on this topic in my article titled ‘Why Former Ottoman Provinces cannot become Proper States’ that I published before 10 years: https://www.academia.edu/26064731/Why_Former_Ottoman_Provinces_cannot_become_Proper_States_By_Prof_Muhammad_Shamsaddin_Megalommatis?auto=download



Ming dynasty Emperor Zhu Houzhao (朱厚照; 1491-1521)

15th c. painting of the Forbidden City

Forbidden city Beijing

Qing China map 1820

Qing dynasty Emperor Kangxi (康熙帝; 1661-1722)


Superior to the paranoid lunatic Ottoman Selim I and stronger than the lascivious Ismail Safavi, Zahir ud-Din Muhammad rather known as Babur (1483-1530) was the founder of the Mughal Empire; incomparably the most adventurous, the most impulsive and the most intellectual emperor of his times.

Emperor Humayun (1508-1556) and his son Akbar

Emperor Akbar (1542-1605) receiving the four-year old Abdul Rahim following the assassination (1561) of his father Bairam Khan, who was Akbar’s leading general and mentor: miniature from the Akbarnama (Book of Akbar), which was commissioned by Akbar as the official chronicle of the reign. It was written by Abu’l Fazl between 1590 and 1596, illustrated between c. 1592 and 1594.

Diwan-i-Aam (Hall of Public Audience) in the palace of the Great Mughal Emperor in Agra


‘Moscow under Ivan the Terrible’ (1902) is a famous painting by Apollinary M. Vasnetsov; the 19th-20th c. impression that the Russians had about the beginning of the tiny Muscovy principality before 350 years was very inaccurate, erroneous, and biased. This is so, because they projected their own ideas on their own past that they viewed through the binoculars of their distorted education and historiography.

Mikhail Romanov (1596-1645) and his father, the patriarch Philaret, distribute alms, in an illustration of the first Romanov coronation. From the Coronation Album of Mikhail Fedorovich; the manuscript “The Book of the Election to the Highest Throne of the Great Russian Tsardom of the Great Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich of All Great Russia Autocrat” was produced in Moscow few decades after the event (in 1672-1673). From the 1856 reprint edition.

Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg; when Russia ceased to be Russia and started imitating Western Europe corrupt pseudo-kingdoms, insidious academics, fake intellectuals, and uncivilized politicians, the divisions and the discords started. Peter I and Catherine II are the true reason of the fall of the Romanov.

When you have Western European theater, opera and dance in a theoretically Christian Orthodox Empire, sooner or later your contaminated state will collapse; Nicholas II could not save anything (here in his coronation along with Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896).


Shah Tahmasp I of Iran & Emperor Humayun of the Mughal Empire Hindustan enjoying Nowrouz festivities, as depicted on the Chehel Sotoun palace in Esfahan

Shah Abbas I the Great (1571-1629)

The imperial Naqsh-e-Jahan (‘The Image of the World’) square in Esfahan, Safavid Iran’s most flamboyant capital

Safavid Iran, 1511

General view of the Naqsh-e Jahan Square, the Shah Mosque (below), and the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque (in the middle), Isfahan


Stupid Ottomans! They abolished the only valuable military units they had, namely the Janissaries; the absurd development took place at the time of the idiotic Sultan Mahmoud II (1785-1839). Instead of killing all the uneducated, ignorant, dark and pathetic sheikhs, muftis, qadis and imams that contaminated and destroyed the Ottoman Empire with the fallacy of their anti-Islamic “sunnah”, Mahmoud II closed down the illustrious Bektashi Order and the formidable Janissary elite infantry, thus issuing the death warrant of his otherwise wretched state. Today, people confuse two totally different terms: ‘Ottoman Empire’ and ‘Ottoman Civilization’. All factors of the Islamic civilization in the territory of the Caliphate were indeed persecuted by the pathetic, corrupt, cruel and villainous Ottoman dynasty. As it used to be said at the time, to be a member of the Ottoman family you had to have killed your brother! The ominous empire was the World History’s most anti-Turkish state.

Topkapı sarayı at the time of Selim I (1512-1520)

Official ceremonies in the Ottoman palace were a spectacular and costly affair that was impermissible in an absurd state ridiculously governed by pathetic, biased and ignorant theologians who took their stupid theology as tantamount to the religion of Islam.

Topkapı sarayı (طوپقپو سرايى) in Ottoman Constantinople; the historical name ‘Istanbul’, which was attested in sources for more than 100 years before the fall of the Eastern Roman imperial capital (1453), became the official name of the city only thanks to Kemal Ataturk. The absurd measure of turning Ayasofya Museum to a fanciful pseudo-mosque for political circus automatically cancels the popular city name and imposes the re-introduction of the old name that was the official appellation when the monumental edifice was operating as a real mosque (1453-1923).


II. Turkey and Iran: the two exceptions

The two most notable exceptions from this chaotic and nefarious situation have been Turkey and Iran; the Turkish exception is entirely due to the greatness of the scope and the depth of understanding of Kemal Ataturk, who was one of the very few minds to timely, accurately and plainly identify the colonial goals. The founder of Modern Turkey had understood that Islam as religion was already defunct during his time and that the uneducated, ignorant and worthless Muslims of the early 20th c. were to be re-educated from scratch and on the basis of their own culture in order to later rediscover the true historical Islam in all its width, depth and height.

Kemal Ataturk knew that all that the criminal colonial imperialists of France, England and America wanted to do was to aptly utilize and duly instrumentalize the uneducated and silly Muslims of his time, turning them to fully operable tools of Western hegemony. The basic tools of this instrumentalization were the following:

– the deceitful ideologization (theologization) of the Islamic religion,

– the execrable politicization of the Muslim societies,

– the Orientalist falsification of the History of all Asiatic and African nations, and

– the linguistic, educational, academic and cultural subordination of all, Muslim and non-Muslim, Oriental nations to the Western European and North American barbarism and inhuman model of life, which was produced in Western Europe starting with the Evil Renaissance and diffused worldwide due to the genocidal colonialism

But theology is not religion; today’s fake Muslims do not believe Islam as religion, but pseudo-Islamic theological systems that contain a modern and ahistorical bogus-interpretation (i.e. a misinterpretation) of the values of Islam, thus fully eliminating Spirituality and turning Moral from a profound understanding of virtues to a silly obedience of other humans, which is “shirk” (شرك) according to the dogma of Islam.

It goes without saying that the aforementioned situation (or condition of being) does not only consist in religious deviation for Muslims but also constitutes supreme humiliation and final demise for any nation. Kemal Ataturk was triumphantly confirmed by all the historical developments that followed his death.

The uneducated, ignorant and stupid Muslims of Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, etc. fell exactly into the trap of their utilization and instrumentalization by the West; from 1948 to 1967 to 1973, the fake Muslims of the wider region did indeed function as fully programmed automatons. More they hated the Zionists, stronger the state of Israel became. This does not mean that the Zionist state is rightful and correct; it is not. But this does not matter (or does not play any role) anymore, when the Aramaean Muslims of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Palestine and the Coptic Muslims of Egypt are so wrong as to become dehumanized automatons focused on wrong choices that can bring only grave deterioration and final destruction.

Having no national identity, believing in a pseudo-theology (that they mistook for religion), being truly disconnected from one another, being totally unaware of one another’s historical past and cultural heritage, and acting -at the political level- like conveniently submissive monkeys of the Westerners, these fake Muslims do not have a chance in the billion to ever win. Automatons do not win; humans do. Automatons act as per their pre-fashioned mechanism and then get decomposed to pieces.

The Iranian exception was basically due to the earlier imperial tradition (Safavid, Afshar and Qajar). The English interfered in Iran in the early 20th c. in a multifaceted and multilayered manner. They deposed the true, imperial dynasty and imposed an ignorant soldier as ‘king’, after duly cheating, bribing and corrupting him; this poor and uneducated guy did not even know the historical Iranian name ‘Pahlavi’ and its meaning, but the academic instructor and tutor, whom his colonial masters assigned to him, gave him this name as ‘royal family name’ – which constitutes the most shameful and most disgraceful stigma of Iranian History.

The reason for the English intervention in Iran in the late 19th and early 20th c. is still unknown to most people worldwide. For many long centuries, the evil Anglo-French diplomacy, vicious colonial trickery, and incessant machinations pitched the silly Ottomans and the naïve Iranians in interminable wars that weakened both empires; even worse, when Constantinople and Isfahan/Tehran did not fight against one another, most probably one of the two ailing empires made a war with the Russians. This unprecedentedly disastrous series of developments occurred despite the fact that both, the dynasties and the populations of the two empires, were Turanian in their majority and the local culture in both realms was a millennia long Iranian-Turanian amalgamation.

But with Kemal Ataturk turning the world’s most anti-Turkic empire (namely the wretched Ottoman Empire) into Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, the path was open for the much needed merge of the two great states into one; but this eventuality (that had been fully materialized by Tamerlane in 1402) was the real horror of the Western colonial powers for no less than four centuries (1500-1900).

The reason of the colonial fear was the fact that the Ottoman state and the Iranian Empire were equally Iranian and Turanian at the same time; in either case, the majority of the local population was Turanian, whereas the popular culture and tradition constituted an amalgamated Turanian (nomad / military-martial) and Iranian (settled / academic-intellectual) common heritage. So, by intervening colonially in Iran, the English intended to

– devilishly ‘Persianize’ Iran (an attempt that had no historical precedent),

– reduce the universal-ecumenical Empire of Iran into a ‘national Persian kingdom’, and thus

– transform untouchable Iran into a malleable ‘Persia’.

By so doing, the evil colonials knew beforehand that they would trigger enormous reactions from the part of Azeris, Turkmens and others, who would never accept ‘their’ Iran (so, a Turanian-Iranian entity) to be degraded into a Farsi (‘Persian’) state.

However, not even an interference of this scale was enough for the English and the French to fully control developments in Iran. As the English occupied the formerly Ottoman land of Mesopotamia (Aram-Nahrain or ‘Iraq’), the colonial conspirers mobilized several naïve Shia religious leaders and turned them against the puppet soldier king Reza, whom they had imposed on his fake throne in the first place.

As the colonial ‘explorers’, ‘advisers’ and ‘friends’ pushed the idiotic, credulous and unsuspicious Reza to westernize Iran and to stupidly send his son, the crown prince Muhammad Reza, to Switzerland for ‘studies’ (which would also further westernize him: 1931-1936; at the age of 12-17), they instigated anti-royal hatred among the silly ayatollahs and the other useless religious leaders, whom they urged to react against the ‘atheist’ king Reza, whom they had raised to power for a start. This has always been the criminal nature of the Western colonial evilness: you don’t only raise a silly puppet to prominence and power; you also prepare the puppet’s opponents and eventually the puppet’s murderers.

The situation went out of control, when the soldier’s son, after being educated as crown prince in Switzerland, proved to be a perspicacious successor to the much undeserved throne of Iran. As a matter of fact, and clearly to his credit, Muhammad Reza, by noticing the conflicting agendas of the various colonial powers and by identifying tremendous discrepancies in the ultimate goals of the major lobbies of power (or secret societies) in the Western World (Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists), understood a large and critical part of the overall scheme, took therefore his role seriously, and following the path of Kemal Ataturk, attempted to modernize Iran in order to make it truly competitive to Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey and the major Western nations. This was exactly what the evil Western colonials did not want to happen, because Kemal Ataturk has always been the man whom they hated most and for a good reason: if there were another 3-4 men like the founder of Modern Turkey, as perspicacious as he was, as determined as he was, and as audacious as he was, then the entire colonial rule would crumble in Asia, Africa and Europe, ultimately and rightfully plunging the Western World into the well-deserved final implosion and irreversible decomposition. That’s why Iran’s position has severely degraded since 1979 and the so-called ‘Islamic revolution’.

III. Unsophisticated, gullible and ignorant sheikhs and theologians

It could not happen otherwise, because the nonsensical theory published by Khomeini and known under the name ‘Velayat-e Faqih’ {‘the Governance of the (Islamic) Jurisprudents’} did not exist (and consequently was not practiced) earlier, throughout the History of Islamic Caliphates; it is a modern concept, although many efforts were made to attach some historical credibility to it. As far as the so-called ‘Shia Muslims’ are concerned, quite unfortunately, this theory was the effective counterpart of the ‘Political Islam’ that the colonial Orientalists, diplomats and politicians diffused among /imposed on the so-called ‘Sunni Muslims’. I use the expression ‘so-called’, because in reality the distinction into Sunni and Shia Muslims is also fake, but this is not a topic on which I can further expand here. About: https://www.academia.edu/55139916/The_Fabrication_of_the_Fake_Divide_Sunni_Islam_vs_Shia_Islam_

The degradation of Iran’s position at the international level was stopped to some extent (not because an improvement was made in the unfortunate realm ruled by a puerile elite that failed to identify the anti-Iranian and anti-Turanian schemes of the Western colonial gangsters but) due to rather external factors. Despite the fact that Turkey followed a different trajectory, also Ankara’s position at the international level started gradually being severely degraded in 2002-2003, when the Western colonial fabrication ‘AKP’ was forcefully imposed on Turkey’s political life by direct and multileveled Western colonial interference.

The Turkish generals were constantly, boldly and gravely threatened by the US, NATO, EU, UK, and other governments and international bodies not to intervene, not to undertake a -much needed- coup, and not to cause the -much demanded- physical death of the disreputable US-UK-Israel puppet Erdogan, Turkey’s silliest, most ignorant, most uneducated, most pathetic, and most ludicrous prime minister and president.

The fact that Turkey’s Islamists came to and stayed in power only due to systematic Western colonial support clearly shows their absolutely non-Muslim, evil nature, and their servile character, which is the epitome of the disbeliever, the unfaithful and the perfidious. It also heralds the forthcoming destruction of Turkey, because this is the ultimate goal of the Western colonials, who brought the stupid Islamists of the AKP to power in order to duly, effectively and irrevocably utilize them for their plans.

Having a decomposed, divided and useless army (due to ceaseless post-2016 purges), a collapsed economy, half a trillion external gross debt, and a current account deficit of $36.7 billion in 2020, Turkey will need more than a decade to recover from the nonsensical and paranoid governmental policies of the idiots, who imagined it possible to govern a 21st c. country with oral utterances of a prophet who lived before 1400 years and with the prescriptions of a holy book manifested to indigenous people in Hejaz 300 years after the Roman Empire became Christian.

What is even worse for the brainless humanoids that support Turkey’s impossible Islamization is the fact that Muslim kingdoms and empires during the Islamic times were not governed (and did not have to be governed) on the basis of the Shariah in the way today’s uneducated and ignorant Muslim theologians understand this very vague and currently misinterpreted term. Quite contrarily, many times caliphs and sultans ruled against the Islamic Law; this is a vast topic that goes out of the scope of the present article, but at this point, I want only to indicate the original mistake and the defective approach to which are due the false interpretations and the erroneous conclusions of almost all modern Muslim theologians.

IV. How Turkey’s and Iran’s paranoid Islamists are manipulated by Western colonials

Instead of duly studying and carefully examining what truly occurred during all the periods of Islamic History and subsequently concluding thereupon, today’s fake Muslim theologians theorize on the basis of various historical texts (Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Kalam), which by definition they cannot understand in their original, correct and accurate contextualization. When you hear silly people using this style of wooden language «theologian X said: ‘about this topic prophet Muhammad said that’», you can be sure that you have in front of you an idiot duly utilized by the colonial powers in order to harm all interlocutors who would accept such fully unrealistic purposes, positions and pretensions.

This is so, because whatever prophet Muhammad (or any other individual, prophet, high priest, mystic or layman) said does not truly matter; what really matter are the moral principles, the spiritual concepts, and the divine values that are contained in what the prophet (or any other person) said. Actually, words have worth only as expression of principles, concepts and values; otherwise they are absolutely empty, meaningless and useless.

Why the use of wooden language consists in an absurdity possible to be perfectly utilized by one’s own enemies is easy to understand; the safe losers are always the ignorant, the idiotic, and the unrealistic people, as they can be easily entrapped.

First, it is a matter of idiocy to imagine that, by using citations, one can replace 1400 years of History. Citations are tantamount to nothing; only diachronic practices reveal what Islam has been.

Second, only due to lack of proper education can one think that one may be able to understand any text written or words uttered before 1400 years in the exact sense and with the correct connotation that they had at the time; this is so irrespective of language, ethnic origin, religion, literature and culture. Connotations of words always change, and this is nothing ignorant theologians can possibly speak about. Now, the much needed task to identify the specific connotation that a word had when used within a specific text would demand the skills of honest and consummate scholarship, but unfortunately there cannot be acceptable scholarship in cases of indoctrination.

Third, the easiest persons to manipulate are always the imbeciles, who believe in a doctrine, while abstracting its elements and giving to the doctrine’s terms the meaning that they want (which did not exist historically) or can (due to their ignorance and lack of education). Such unsophisticated people usually attribute to their doctrine’s words absolute value, whereas the only absolute value is that of the moral principle and the spiritual concept behind each word’s original meaning.

However, due to their crudeness, these people cannot imagine that, before duly comprehending the meaning of a word, they have to recover first the moral principle and the spiritual concept behind it. So, they end up projecting their own, debased personal beliefs and conclusions onto the texts that they mechanically read (or at times learn by heart) without ever reaching the true meaning of the texts’ contents; but this process is well known to colonial academia.

Consequently, these persons convert their own personal misery into a permanent fight for egoistic self-confirmation and self-justification, and the abstractly taken elements of the doctrine that they believe in have unfortunately -in reality- only a subliminal psychological importance to them.

The hysterical screams of today’s fake preachers, sheikhs and imams during the Friday prayer khutbahs (sermons) are not a matter of Religion to be studied, but of Psychology. The same is valid for the various heretical pseudo-Christian pastors of the West, namely the Evangelicals, the Baptists, the Mormons and their likes.

There is no religion that forces the believers to scream hysterically; only theological-ideological indoctrination can cause this devious and disastrous behavior. However, this form of pseudo-Islamic indoctrination is what the colonial powers want to achieve among today’s fake Muslim preachers, sheikhs and imams, because only under these circumstances they can easily manipulate these miserable people subliminally.

This subliminal passion fully detaches these people from down-to-Earth reality, rendering them pliable enough for all those, who -for one reason or another- want these ignorant and misfortunate persons to fight for their unrealistic purposes, thus causing enormous damages to themselves, to their societies, and to their country’s national interests, institutions, and governments.

And that’s why Turks must drastically and resolutely remove Erdogan and AKP from power at all costs and as soon as possible. Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey is not a fake state like Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria, Indonesia or Saudi Arabia; and -as I already said- it cannot be ‘Islamized’. If a pseudo-Islamic dictatorship is imposed in Ankara, Turkey will simply cease to exist.

As soon as the basic traits of the state will be altered and stop functioning, Turkey will be dangling in the vacuum. This will not turn the entire structure into ‘Islamic’, as the corrupt and besotted Islamist slaves of the US, NATO, EU and UK believe before and after making their cursed and useless prayers. After the alteration of Turkey’s basic traits, the state will soon disappear, as it will have been canceled. The entire country would then suddenly find itself under the status of the Treaty of Sevres. The decomposition, which will ensue, will be far worse than that of the Ottoman Empire or, more recently, of the USSR; it will rather look like the present case of Yemen.

V. Russia, China, and the Utilization of the Muslim World by the Western Colonials

So, more than 15 years have passed after I published the aforementioned article, but I still stick to my conclusion: “Islam is Turkey and Iran”. This is still valid, not because the two countries improved their standards and strengthened their positions, but mainly due to the fact that many other Muslim countries totally collapsed and fell into chaos or fully capitulated to the evil elites of the Western World. Many countries still existed back in 2007, but do not exist as such anymore: Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Sudan. And many other countries, like Turkey and Iran, saw their power waning: Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. However, the situation of Turkey and Iran no longer concerns Ankara and Tehran only, due to the considerable changes that occurred at the international level with respect to the world balance of power.

Internal conflicts accentuated the growing social tension in the US; the refugee crisis plunged EU and UK into an impasse; despite the undeniable mistakes made in the Ukraine crisis (2013-2014 and 2022-2023) and in parallel with the successes marked in Syria (2015-2023), Putin managed to re-establish an impressively rehabilitated Russia at the epicenter of international relations; India and Brazil made themselves felt in the world affairs; Germany remained the sole economic power of EU; and China was transformed into one pole of the bipolar system that seems to prevail for the time being. Despite Beijing’s continuous affirmation of its dedication to a forthcoming multipolar world, we still do not -properly speaking- attest such a situation. It rather seems that many powers would find a China-US bipolar world good for them, at least for some time.

Turkey and Iran, under similar conditions, can cause serious trouble – not only if pitched against one another, but also if transformed into an obstacle on a country’s way to rising to prominence. The same is also valid for the fate of all other Muslim countries; an eventual dismemberment of just one of them or also a potential war between two of them can dramatically affect the interests of a major power. For the time being, Russia, China and Iran have managed to establish an alliance at many levels, involving also Tehran’s recent adhesion to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (as a full member state). About: https://www.academia.edu/53029736/From_the_Great_Game_to_the_Final_Game_Iran_Full_Member_State_of_the_SCO_as_the_Greatest_Event_of_the_21st_Century_text_pictures_and_legends_

Contrarily to Iran, Turkey followed an erratic path for all intents and purposes. After having been a fully accredited, modern Western state and society (thanks to Kemal Ataturk), Turkey got contaminated after 2002 by Islamism, anachronism, extremism, radicalism, obscurantism and self-destructive hysteria to significant extent. But as a Muslim country, Turkey is the sole NATO member state. This hiatus consists in a tragi-comical situation that can no longer exist; it leads to extinction.

In a rather recent article published in Cumhuriyet, Turkey’s foremost newspaper, on 21st September 2021, the distinguished Prof. Dr. Erol Manisali (1940-2022), a leading Kemalist intellectual and academic, made an extraordinary comparison; his article’s title was quite indicative in this regard (Erol Manisalı, AKP’nin ‘Osmanlıcılığı’, İngilizin ‘Brexit’ine mi benziyor! / https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/yazarlar/erol-manisali/akpnin-osmanliciligi-ingilizin-brexitine-mi-benziyor-1870529): «Does AKP’s ‘Ottomanism’ look like the ‘Brexit’ of the English?»

Prof. Manisali was absolutely right; Brexit was disastrous indeed for England, and Ottomanism (also known as Neo-Ottomanism) is definitely calamitous for Turkey. However, Prof. Manisali still clarified several points in which Brexit is (and is made) less disastrous than the forgery and the paranoia of Ottomanism. On the other hand, it is true that the two options have indeed something in common. Both political concepts constitute a form of retreat or isolation that can end up in seclusion and implosion.  

VI. What Russia and China must do

In the present article, I don’t intend to examine the troubles that will be caused by so virulently unrealistic purposes. I will come up with another article to examine the catastrophic perspectives that inconsistent, nonsensical and pathetic doctrines like Neo-Ottomanism, Neo-Safavism, Neo-Mughalism, Neo-Czarism, and Neo-Qingism may eventually cause if given some consideration and trustworthiness. Here, I intend to discuss the dangers ensuing from the subtle and smart utilization of such delusions that the crumbling Western colonial powers may make. For the Russian and Chinese aspirations to establish a multipolar world, these dangers may be lethal. That is why I will also suggest several measures that Moscow and Beijing must take; in addition, I propose the introduction of these methods to several other countries.  

Before all the rest, it is essential for many people worldwide to understand how the colonial powers of Western Europe and North America managed to survive. Both, the EU and the US seem to be collapsing and disintegrating nowadays; NATO has already been described as ‘dead’ by a member state’s head! And after five centuries of English colonialism, two world wars, one cold war, an unnecessary adhesion to the EU, and a final Brexit, England looks like a 15th c. country in a 21st c. world. The 15th century was a terrible period indeed for Western Europe, which was a barbarian periphery that experienced many wars and lost much blood in the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453). At the very end of the 15th c., Western Europe was plagued with so many problems that the local kingdoms would irrevocably implode and disappear, if they did not expand colonially.

This reality must be carefully observed today by Chinese and Russians alike, because similar situations do not exist in their own national past. Consequently, the presently ailing Western states may well manage to survive by repeating exactly the same method, i.e. by exporting their own problems to others; their tactics in Ukraine do clearly confirm my assessment. Certainly, this involves more wars, more conflicts, more bloodshed, and greater risks; but the paranoid Western elites do not try to avoid them! Quite contrarily, they try to trigger them.

The silly but dangerous AUKUS bellicose rhetoric is just one example. It is absurd to take the Western political propaganda about ‘freedom’, ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ at face value. They did not want to impose ‘freedom’, ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ in Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. They are criminal enough to want to trigger only the situation that the entire world has clearly attested in the aforementioned misfortunate countries. The same can also happen eventually to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Algeria, Indonesia, and so on.

This means that the ensuing dangers are real and great, because the pulverization of numerous countries will cancel the long propagated dream of a peaceful multipolar world and significantly modify the scope of the historically founded and humanely prepared, multiply beneficial strategy One Belt One Road (OBOR/一带一路). How can Russia and China react to the chaotic plans of the Western World? To this question I will respond in the next part of this series of articles.


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