Beyond Afrocentrism: Prerequisites for Somalia to lead African de-colonization and de-Westernization

За пределами афроцентризма: предпосылки для того, чтобы Сомали возглавила африканскую деколонизацию и девестернизацию

What follows is the quasi-totality of my response to a Somali scholar, intellectual and activist, who happened to be a very good personal friend since the early 2010s and my days in Somalia. Being a perspicacious reader, my good friend, who originates from two different tribal backgrounds and has an unmatched knowledge of his great but recently (since 1991) beleaguered nation, noticed several recent articles of mine in which I call for a definite and irreversible replacement of the Anglo-French colonial rule in Africa with a genuine, secular African-Chinese-Indian-Russian alliance.

The Great Cat – Horus (Messiah) defeats the Ancient Serpent – Seth (Anti-Messiah); wall painting from the Tomb of Pashedu (TT3) in Deir el Medina (Luxor West) Afrocentrism will be a total failure if it is thought to be just an African intellectual’s thought, idea, theory or ideology. Theorizing is already part of Western intellectuals’ falsehood and evildoing. Philosophy is nonsensical, absurd, false and inhuman. There was never ‘philosophy’ in Africa, because it would be viewed as deviation and decay. Contrarily, in Ancient Africa there were Truth, Transcendental Spirituality, Primordial Myth, World Conceptualization, Supratemporal Eschatology, and Spiritual-Material Synergy. So, the primary tasks of African Afrocentric intellectuals involve the irrevocable obliteration of all Western terms and their replacement with Oriental African concepts, notions, terms, values and virtues. Consequently, there cannot be “an Afrocentric University”, because this term follows a Western pattern. Offering herewith an example, I suggest that every institution in which African students will learn the truth should be called after the Ancient Egyptian term “the Place of Truth” and the instructors “Servants in the Place of Truth”. This title was associated at the time with all the great scholars specializing in mummification and in the preparation of the human soul for the Hereafter. However, this has always been the value of life, learning and knowledge according to all the varieties of African culture: material life is subject to moral judgments that enable us to gain eternal life.



I. Деколонизация и отказ афроцентрической интеллигенции

II. Афроцентристским африканским ученым следовало бы отобрать египтологию у западных востоковедов и африканистов.

III. Западная узурпация африканского наследия должна быть отменена.

IV. Афроцентризм должен был включать в себя резкую критику и полное неприятие так называемой западной цивилизации.

V. Афроцентризм как форма африканского изоляционизма, проводящая линию разделения между колонизированными странами Африки и Азии.

VI. Общая оценка человеческих ресурсов, времени и необходимых затрат

VII. Деколонизация означает, прежде всего, деанглификацию и дефранкизацию.



I. Decolonization and the failure of the Afrocentric Intelligentsia

II. Afrocentric African scholars should have been taken Egyptology back from the Western Orientalists and Africanists 

III. Western Usurpation of African Heritage must be canceled.

IV. Afrocentrism had to encompass severe criticism and total rejection of the so-called Western Civilization

V. Afrocentrism as a form of African Isolationism drawing a line of separation between colonized nations in Africa and Asia

VI. General estimation of the human resources, the time, and the cost needed

VII. Decolonization means above all De-Anglicization and De-Francization






Molefi Kete Asante


Realizing what is at stake and being well acquainted with earlier African attempts for a final decolonization (notably the intellectual-academic sphere of Afrocentrism and the political activists of African Renaissance), my friend, who has the same age with me and who studied, lived, worked and prospered in the USSR, Canada, Yemen and Pakistan, wrote to ask me how Somalia could eventually contribute to or lead the African decolonization and de-Westernization movement, thus taking the Black Continent to the next stage and justifying the great expectations that were created across Africa back in 1960, due to the independence and the unification (of only two out of the five parts) of Somalia.

At this point, I have to add that the present response is only the first of three letters that I planned to send to my friend. The urgent need for worldwide decolonization and de-Westernization has become a major issue for great nations, organizations and alliances, like the BRICS+. Many people across the world would therefore question the entire conversation, stating that presently Somalia is too small, too weak, and too disunited in order to possibly undertake international tasks that seem to be best suited rather to some of the world’s leading states.

I believe that, although this approach may be shared by many people, it is ostensibly very shallow. This is so because stronger a nation is, more difficult it becomes for their rulers, elites, and people to undertake an in-depth self-criticism, reassessment, and restart or partly rectification. In other words, a better organized nation is by definition more conservative and therefore less inclined to changes; these traits and conditions have been attested repeatedly throughout History.

Consequently, when it comes to colonization and Westernization, self-scrutiny must be very deep, and this -at the national level- can be extremely painful. That is why, in Russia, de-Westernization will be a far more difficult process to be carried out than in India.

Taken into consideration that Westernization (not only behavioral-cultural but mainly educational-academic-intellectual) is tantamount to alteration, corruption and degeneration, one has to underscore at this point that national identity is not necessarily proportionate to national independence. It is quite possible that an educationally-academically-intellectually corrupted nation, although in possession of an independent state, has minimal national consciousness (because of their entirely Westernized education), whereas an enslaved nation struggling to achieve national independence may have fully preserved their national identity and intellectual originality.

Back in January 2021, I explained exactly this to an Oromo friend, who wrote to ask me why Egypt does not help the Oromo liberation movements achieve national independence for Oromia and in the process demolish the obsolete and genocidal state of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia). Egypt is an independent state without national consciousness of historicity whereas the Oromos are a non-independent nation with emphatically strong Cushitic national identity and cultural originality. It took me a series of five articles to fully respond at the time; in the last article of the series, one can find titles of and links to the earlier parts:


Innocent C. Onyewuenyi

I expand on these topics, because there is a multitude of parameters in the much needed effort of African decolonization and educational-academic-intellectual de-Westernization. To offer an example, I have to say that even the nefarious term “university” (from the Latin “universitas”) cannot be possibly accepted by all those who -in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America- seek decolonization, de-Westernization, and restoration of the ancestral values, moral standards, cultural integrity, and academic-educational traditions. This is however discussed in a second letter dispatched to my friend. Last, in a third letter, I examine a number of major issues around which the refutation of the Western colonial forgery and pseudo-historical doctrine will have to revolve.

———————- Letter to a Somali friend ———————–

Thank you for the opportunity you offer me to write down my observations, perceptions, reflections, and conclusions on the topic under discussion!

I. Decolonization and the failure of the Afrocentric Intelligentsia

Several educational, academic, intellectual and political efforts have been undertaken over the past six (6) decades in order to take Africa out of the disastrous and heavy, colonial impact and to help the various nations of the Black Continent achieve national identity, cultural integrity, and ultimate liberation from the Western yoke.

Explaining why the Afrocentric African intellectuals failed (or at least they did not meet the early enthusiastic expectations) necessitates an extremely lengthy treatise the size of an encyclopedia; however, at this moment, I have to pinpoint the crucial mistakes made by the leading figures of the movement that became known as Afrocentrism.




Martin Bernal



Donald Malcolm Reid

It is crucial to notice that the two most formidable hits against the racist Western pseudo-historical narrative were delivered by defiant Western scholars who rejected, at least partly, the lies of the Eurocentric historical dogma and denounced the evil, discriminatory, anti-African and anti-Islamic manner in which Orientalist disciplines were formed and developed, namely Martin Bernal and Donald Malcolm Reid. This fact demonstrates that Afrocentric intellectuals need to stop theorizing and start an in-depth study of the upended disciplines of the Western Orientalists, which have to be rejected point by point. Further theorizing and more intensified propaganda will damage Afrocentrism; Africans need not to be apologetic. Africa did not need philosophy because Africans had transcendental knowledge, spiritual mastership, moral command, and foremost wisdom. All these crucial dimensions of human superiority were missing among the so-called Greeks, Romans and the other European barbarians, who still needed to search for wisdom (being ‘philos’ to ‘sophia’) and, in the process, they created ‘philosophy’; unfortunately, they failed to go beyond. Today’s Western scholars have to face the reality: either you are able to build pyramids after the Ancient Kemetian (Egyptian) method or you are talking nonsense, only to later label it ‘philosophy’. Consequently, wider intellectual exploration, deeper academic investigation, stronger educational effort and social-governmental concertation will help Africans come up with fresh results and groundbreaking conclusions. All African schoolchildren need therefore to get a solid background in all the Ancient African civilizations.

To offer beforehand a recapitulative judgment, I would say that they all viewed their tasks within a far narrower context, thus minimizing the extent of the work that lies ahead.

They did not realize the importance of inter-African concertation, reciprocal knowledge, and systematized cooperation.

They failed to evaluate the extent to which they all have been altered, Westernized, and alienated from their t=roots.

They did not examine how sick, absurd, criminal, and inhuman the Western world was – even before colonizing Africa and other parts of the world.

And they did not consider as their priority to contact other colonized nations in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, to exchange descriptions of common experience, and to decide about their much needed common struggle and decolonization effort.

II. Afrocentric African scholars should have been taken Egyptology back from the Western Orientalists and Africanists 

First and foremost, their overall mental and intellectual endeavor was utterly wrong, misplaced, upended, and factitious. Although this statement seems to be extremely disappointing and perhaps even unfair, it is not. When people like Cheikh Anta Diop and Molefi Kete Asante decided to oppose the colonial powers and their historical distortions by means of Afrocentrism, they acted (without even understanding it) as typical Western intellectuals or philosophers.  

To be effective and fruitful, Afrocentrism must stay close to the historical reality. Western standards of Marketing do not promote the African culture in any sense; on the contrary, they contaminate, corrupt and exterminate it. Afrocentrism is at the antipodes of Modernity – or it is false.

The Afrocentric African intellectuals thought that their own African culture could give them the foremost insignia of originality, but this was a wrong assumption. Unfortunately, they never questioned their authenticity and they failed to notice that they had already been exposed to overwhelming colonial impact at the mental, intellectual, educational, academic and scientific levels. So, they did not even imagine that they had first to methodically filter their mindsets, concepts and beliefs, and to remove the clutter. They did not realize that they had first to thoroughly study in-depth Egyptian hieroglyphics, Ancient Egyptian civilization, and the History of Egypt down to Modern Times in order to have access to the foremost African past.  

This would not be an easy task, because they would have to take Egyptological courses mainly in French- or English-speaking countries (or alternatively in Italy, Germany, Russia, Austria, Poland or Egypt – without however major differences in the syllabus, methodology or approach). In these countries’ academic institutions, their professors would teach and propagate the compact, pseudo-historical dogma, which has progressively covered all sectors of Humanities and which was geared in order to historically legitimize and consolidate the Western colonial power at the educational, intellectual, and academic levels. This Western historical forgery is at the origin of every colonial evildoing, because it stipulates the preposterous Western supremacy, it defines the cruel and inhuman West as ‘the realm of civilization’, it denigrates all the other great nations (not only Africans) as barbarians, and it offers to the Western gangsters the foremost pretext to colonize the world.

Denderah, Temple of Hathor; relief with representation of the cosmological doctrine of Khemenu (today’s Ashmunein; Hermupolis in Ancient Greek) that the Ancient Greeks described as ‘Ogdoad’; the basic concept of the Hermupolitan religion is monotheistic.

From the Book of Going Forth by Day, which has been misleadingly named ‘Book of the Dead’ (by Western Egyptologists); version saved in the Papyrus of Ani. Whereas Anubis is represented as weighing the heart of the deceased Ani in the lower part, in the upper section, we see the representation of the cosmological doctrine of Iwnw (Heliopolis in Ancient Greek) that the Ancient Greeks described as ‘Ennead’. The basic concept of the Heliopolitan religion is monotheistic.

Ramesses III represented as making offerings to Ptah, Skhmet and Nefertem, who are also known as the Memphitic Triad, basic element of the cosmological doctrine of the polytheistic priesthood of Memphis. The Hermupolitan, Heliopolitan and Memphitic religions were the oldest and most widespread Ancient Egyptian religions during the 3rd and the 1st half of the 2nd millennium BCE. With the rise of the 18th dynasty in the 16th c. BCE, Egyptian monotheism and polytheism clashed under the forms of Atonism (or Atenism) and Amun Theban Triad; the Theban theology was mainly a readjustment and reformulation of the Memphitic religion, whereas Aton consists in a most stressed form of the Heliopolitan monotheism.

Amun, Mut & Khonsu: the Theban Triad

Royal tomb of Tel Amarna (Akhetaton), the new capital founded by the monotheist Pharaoh who broke with the polytheistic past of Thebes of Egypt; relief representing Akhenaten and Nefertiti adoring Aten

The Great Hymn to Aten, composed by the great African mystic and pharaoh Akhenaten, constitutes African History’s holiest text and the earliest monotheistic written document worldwide; the extraordinary text consists in one of the numerous and solid proofs that demonstrate the fallacy of the Biblical narrative, the Egyptian identity of the populations that are said to have left Kemet (Egypt) under Moses, and the Egyptian origin of the Biblical Psalms. As a matter of fact, what is nowadays called as Biblical (or Hebrew) religion is nothing more than Egyptian monotheistic religiosity in Canaanite language and in monotheistic Assyrian imperial-universal context. Epitome of African spirituality, the Great Hymn to Aten must become the founding text of the national education in every African state.

Religious confrontation, opposition to other dogmas, rejection of counterfeit doctrines and elimination of opposite faiths and cults seldom took the form of civil war in Ancient Egypt; they customarily involved reformulation of earlier concepts, transformation of fundamental notions, subordination of divinities to a strongly promoted deity, assimilation of divine traits into those of another divinity, oblivion of previously eulogized traits, introduction of new divine virtues, reference to an unfathomable yet beneficial mystery, and restructuring of the overall outline of faith. A typical example was the inception (3rd c. BCE) of the Esna Triad around Khnum, Neith and Heka; this was an Upper Egyptian monotheistic effort to undermine the impact of the Memphitic theology across the country.



There is not a single concept, notion, idea or narrative stated in Ancient Greek philosophical texts that does not originate from one of the aforementioned Egyptian religions, forms of spirituality, and theological schools.

So, as Afrocentric African students, they would have to meticulously search, find out, and identify -in the manuals that they would study and in the courses that they would attend- endless inaccuracies, deliberate errors, obvious lies, and a multitude of techniques geared by Western Egyptologists in order to distort the historical truth and to adjust all newly found data to the arbitrarily preconceived and shamelessly pronounced diagram of World Pseudo-History that the evil intellectuals of Western European Renaissance composed in the 15th and the 16th centuries, before sending their heinous, anti-Christian, barbarian and racist conquistadors and rascals to invade the rest of the world and carry out unstoppable series of genocides.

This means that, instead of blindly accepting their Western professors’ assumptions and teachings, the Afrocentric African students of Western Egyptologists should scrutinize every single word, argumentation, conclusion, pretension, interpretation, lecture and publication of their professors, denounce -point by point- every single case of falsehood or deliberate distortion, and reject the Western Egyptology across the board.  

The task of the first Afrocentric African Egyptologists would be immense, involving

a) the publication of encyclopedias and books, academic periodicals, and secondary education manuals, and

b) extensive activities in terms of science popularization in newspapers, reviews, movies and TV programs – all available in many African languages, not in French and English.

All the criminal lies of the Western Eurocentric Egyptologists should be ferociously denounced, whereas Egypt, Sudan and Libya should be persuasively asked by all the other African states to effectively ban every Western European, Australian, and North American Egyptologist and Egyptological mission member, who did not denounce the fallacies of Eurocentrism, Judeo-Christian tradition, Greco-Roman civilization, Hellenism, Classicism and Renaissance. 

To give you an approximate idea, if the aforementioned development had taken place at the time, by now there would have been formed several hundreds of Afrocentric African Egyptologists teaching factual, truthful and unadulterated Egyptology in more than a hundred universities across the Black Continent. You certainly can fathom what a devastating blow against the Western European and North American colonial academia this development would have been.

Contrarily to this indispensable task and inevitable priority, the first Afrocentric African Egyptologists were merely theorizing in a most harmless manner, while having a very shallow understanding of Ancient Egypt. As a matter of fact, they never challenged, let alone endangered, the academic, educational and intellectual interests and biases of the Western colonial elites. Even worse, they intended to make political use of the Ancient Egyptian heritage; but this was really calamitous because “politics” is an entirely Modern Western fabrication that did not exist in the past in Africa, Asia or Europe. There will never be decolonization with politics anywhere, because there was no politics before the colonial era.  

More importantly, the aforementioned approach, which applies to Egyptology, should have also been followed in all the other sectors of Humanities that concern Pre-Islamic Africa, namely Meroitic-Cushitic Studies, Axumite Abyssinian Studies (to best document the Yemenite, non-African, origin of the Axumites), Punt and Ancient Somali Studies, Punic (Carthaginian) Studies, Libyco-Berber Studies, Late Antiquity Africa, and African Christianity.

III. Western Usurpation of African Heritage must be canceled.

In addition to the aforementioned, the Afrocentric African Egyptologists should undertake another, turly enormous endeavor, namely the ultimate denunciation and the irrevocable cancellation of the Western usurpation of a sizeable part of African and Asiatic historical heritage. Example:

Plotinus (204-270), who was an Egyptian mystic, erudite scholar, and spiritual master, has been distortedly named as “Greek Platonist philosopher” by the racist, colonial forgers of Western universities; but Plotinus was born in today’s Asyut (Zawty in Egyptian Hieroglyphics; Syowt in Coptic; Lycopolis in Ancient Greek) in Central Egypt. He was an Egyptian, and his spiritual doctrine was entirely Egyptian; Plotinus wrote in Ancient Greek only to further propagate his knowledge, wisdom and world conceptualization, but his knowledge of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics is unquestionable.

Would it be therefore normal to consider an African American as an Anglo-Saxon only because he writes in English?

Many non-specialists may wish to formulate another question about Plotinus:

Why do then Western forgers call Plotinus “a Platonist philosopher”?

This is simple to answer.

Plato had traveled and studied in Egypt; in fact, his theories and world views are not his, but have derived from well-known, fundamental Ancient Egyptian concepts of transcendental knowledge, spirituality, moral, and world conceptualization. The underlying nature of Plato’s so-called philosophy is the Ancient Egyptian Iwnw (Heliopolitan) dogma (also called among Greeks as “the Ennead”), i.e. one of the most influential religions of Ancient Egypt, which progressively spread throughout the Mediterranean Sea and Europe. So, Plotinus is a valuable part of Ancient African heritage that has been usurped after it was labeled “Greek” by the racist and criminal French, English and American academics and forgers.


Above: this is what existed in Plotinus’ mind about the Soul. Below: and this is what exists in the minds of Western authors about Plotinus’ conceptualization of the Soul.

Another example is offered by Porphyry of Tyre (234-305), Plotinus’ student; he was a Phoenician spiritual master, cosmologist, mathematician, intellectual, debater, and author. Although Assyrian-Babylonian spirituality, science and wisdom are evident in his works, Western academic fraudsters still call him “Neo-platonic philosopher”, which is another blatant case of Western usurpation of Oriental Asiatic heritage.  

This is what existed in the mind of Porphyry of Tyre about the Tree of Life {relief from the palace of Ashurnasirpal II (884-859 BCE) at Kalhu (today’s Nimrud).

And this is what the 18th c. ignominious Catholic monks of the Premonstratensian Order thought (due to their Baroque fallacy and arrogant absurdity) that Porphyry of Tyre believed that the Tree of Life could possibly be: a linear nonsense {from the Schussenried Monastery (Bad Schussenried, Baden-Württemberg, Germany), New Convent Building: Library Hall ceiling fresco}.

There is nothing “Greek”, nothing “European”, and nothing “Western”, in the highly valuable works of those great spiritual mystics and erudite scholars; they were genuinely Oriental, either African or Asiatic. But faithless, atheist, and materialist forgers of the Western universities have ludicrously labeled all these great masters “philosophers”, thus propagating the use of a profane word, which during the Antiquity was of low connotation, because it was in straight opposition to words such as “wise”, “sacred”, “venerated”, “pious”, and “consecrated”.

Compared to the high priests of Egypt, Cush/Meroe, Punt/Somalia, Carthage, Phoenicia, Assyria and Iran, the so-called Ancient Greek and Roman “philosophers” constituted villainous and degenerate evildoers. The profanity of those corrupt, obscene and barbarian malefactors (like the Epicureans) is beyond description, as they pretended that Man has the right to perform all the absurd crimes and the most repugnant sins if this is ‘good’ for his sensual pleasures.    

No Afrocentric African Egyptologists and Africanists will ever do good service to the Black Continent, their national identity, their cultural integrity, and the values and virtues of their ancestors, if they do not irrevocably reject the Western usurpation of Oriental heritage; actually, it is their obligation to irreversibly eradicate the last shred of Western impact on African education, academic knowledge, intellectual life, and moral tradition.  

IV. Afrocentrism had to encompass severe criticism and total rejection of the so-called Western Civilization

Second, the overall mental and intellectual endeavor of the Afrocentric African intellectuals was definitely incomplete. Not only they did not study Egyptology to acquire access into the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic sources that constitute the utmost African originality, but they also failed to duly explore, analyze and criticize the Modern Western world. All the same, they would have two major tasks in this regard; more specifically, they had to first, evaluate the Western world on the basis of their own African criteria and values, and second, publish their argumentations, evaluations, and conclusions.   

As a matter of fact, they had to ultimately investigate the so-called Western world per se, identify its nature and origin, describe the process of its fabrication, denounce its unreliability and inhumanity, and discredit the Western intellectuals’ conclusions, assumptions, pretensions, and fake stories. In other words, they had to effectively check whether the so-called Western world was anything more than spiritual corruption, deliberate alteration, and degenerate disfigurement of a part of the Ancient Oriental world.

This is a very critical point; although no Afrocentric African Egyptologists and Africanists have been formed until now (in order to subsequently re-establish an Afrocentric version of Egyptology and of several other related fields of Humanities), African universities have been flooded with numerous types of absurd, preposterous Western propaganda, notably the academic fields of French Literature, Art, History and Culture, English Literature, Art, History and Culture, Italian Literature, Art, History and Culture, Modern European Philosophy, etc.

All these fields have been accepted and developed in African universities; and the contents of numerous syllabuses were instructed to African students on African soil. This was carried out very thoughtlessly and extremely disastrously. Due to this situation, a great number of texts written by Western poets, playwrights, authors, philosophers and others were diffused among African populations. This means that immoral concepts, evil plots, inhuman stories, criminal ideas, vicious thoughts, counterfeit values, and execrable vices made their way into the hearts and the minds of millions of innocent Africans, fully corrupting them and effectively destroying their culture. This very deceitful and extremely pernicious method made many Africans unconsciously accept what would be impermissible for their parents’ and ancestors’ standards, values, and measures to tolerate.  

It is most unfortunate that the Afrocentric intelligentsia of Africa failed to make it clear that no Western European and Northern American text can be taught, studied, printed or diffused on African soil, if it does not comprehensively comply with African values, virtues and traditions. Voltaire, Jean Jacques Rousseau, William Shakespeare, François Rabelais, Joachim du Bellay, Montesquieu, Victor Hugo, Charles Baudelaire, Rudyard Kipling, Albert Camus, Agatha Christie, and scores of other supposedly important, valuable or even acceptable authors are absolutely pathetic and worthless when evaluated as per African moral values, measures and cultural criteria.

Although the libretto was written by the then leading Egyptologist, the renowned Auguste Mariette, Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida (commissioned by Cairo’s Khedivial Opera House and premiered on 24th December 1871) is a colonial hallucination that reflects all the Orientalist distortions of African History; more specifically, Aida was said to be an Ethiopian princess, but this was a multiple fraud, because at the time no one could identify the location with Sudan, namely the Ancient Kingdom of Cush, because the Ancient Greek term ‘Ethiopia’ had fallen in desuetude. Even worse, inter-African wars (between Egypt/Kemet and Ethiopia/Cush – not to be confused with Abyssinia) are at the epicenter of the plot. This reflects the numerous conflicts and clashes between the 25th (Cushitic) and the 26th (Libyan) dynasties of Ancient Egypt, which took place between the 9th and the 6th c. BCE, when Egypt was continually divided into several kingdoms. This opera generates therefore a sad and nefarious impression about Africa to the audience.

Similarly, Verdi’s Nabucco (from Ancient Greek ‘Nabucodonosor’/’Nebuchadnezzar’ in Ancient Hebrew), which was composed in 1841, at a time the Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform sources had not been deciphered, consists in mere projection of Western Freemasonic and Zionist clichés onto a purely fictional story that distorts the Ancient History of Mesopotamia, while also villainously insinuating that the Ottomans were the descendants of the Babylonians, which is absurd. These forms of Western racist art systematically denigrated all the Oriental nations involved, criminally reducing them to the position of subaltern pupils and servants.

Written in the first years of the 17th c., William Shakespeare’s play ‘Antony and Cleopatra’ is a multi-layered distortion of factual truth and historical sources. The extraordinary denigration of the Egyptians, as carried out throughout the text, makes of the playwright an anti-African pamphleteer. The selective use of Plutarch’s Life of Antony (from the Parallel Lives) fully demonstrates the real, ignoble intentions of Shakespeare who wanted to plainly indoctrinate his compatriots in anti-Egyptian and anti-African odium. Depicting Egypt as a sensual environment and Rome as an austere social context, Shakespeare convinces us that he did not have a clue about how the everyday life was in either country 1600 years before he wrote the notorious play.

In fact, most of these pathetic, anomalous and evil individuals were heinous fanatics, paranoid fraudsters, and abhorrent sinners, who carried out crimes, propagated evildoing, despised their fellow countrymen, and promoted immoral manners and unethical behavior. They were abnormal to the extent of loathing and reviling the Christian culture of the societies in which they belonged and which they wanted to destroy. Clearly, there is only one reason for which Agatha Christie’s novels (to offer an example) could be accepted as a study topic in African universities: in order to castigate the evil plot and to articulate a devastating critique of English Literature on the basis of African moral considerations, traditional values, and literary standards.

Agatha Christie’s ‘Death on the Nile’ (pictures from John Guillermin’s movie – 1978) is an insult against every average Egyptian and African; the only indigenous character, Mr. Choudhury, is portrayed as an idiot and as a humble admirer of his colonial masters.

V. Afrocentrism as a form of African Isolationism drawing a line of separation between colonized nations in Africa and Asia

Third, the overall mental and intellectual endeavor of the Afrocentric African intellectuals proved also to be disturbingly egocentric; this is due to the fact that the interpretation of their approach leads us to the conclusion that they considered the colonial wrongdoings as necessary to eliminate only from Africa. In other words, they failed to notice that Africa was only one of the colonial powers’ targeted lands or continents and that the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the English, the French, the Dutch, and the Belgians also colonized vast territories in Asia, Europe and Latin America. Last, they did not take into account that the Western colonial practices have been continued by several derivative states of the colonial powers, notably the US, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.

It would however be very helpful for all the Afrocentric African intellectuals to examine how the Ottoman Empire (one of African History’s largest empires), Iran, the Mughal Empire of India, China, and even Russia were systematically and incessantly targeted by the colonial empires of the West. Furthermore, it would be very useful for those intellectuals to observe and assess that, for the colonial powers, the military occupation or the political dependence of a land, nation or kingdom is not the only means of effectively impacting a colony and introducing it into the colonial metropolis’ sphere of influence.

Russia was never occupied militarily by the Western colonial powers, but from the beginning of the 18th c., the Romanov dynasty was targeted with a sophisticated and multifaceted process of Westernization (Europeanization) to which many Russian nobles, clerics and intellectuals reacted ferociously. It is quite telling that the Imperial Russian elite was successfully dragged to the extent of becoming an ally of the atheist and profane state of France (instead of naturally siding with Germany and Austria-Hungary), only to be exhausted in WW I, defeated by the Germans, and replaced by the Communists, who were totally alien to Russian culture.

Although they were exceedingly lavish, the Peterhof Palace’s decorative artifacts (here you see one part of the Grand Staircase) were a stupendous insult against the average Russian’s culture, traditions, education, and faith. In brief, the phenomenal palace was a Western outpost inside the Christian Orthodox Empire of the Romanov dynasty. This would inevitably bring about the collapse of the Russian imperial state, which lacked cultural-intellectual homogeneity due to the Westernization of its elites.

This shows that to best serve African nations’ interests and anticolonial vocation, the Afrocentric intelligentsia of Africa should enlarge their horizons, see Africa as only one colonially targeted land or continent, and enrich their knowledge and experience with the study of non-African civilizations, lands and nations that have also been colonized by the Western colonial powers. No one can possibly assess the historical distortions made by the Western academics during the formulation of their bogus-historical dogma, without duly delving into numerous fields of Humanities and fully checking endless inaccuracies, deliberate errors, obvious lies and a multitude of techniques geared by Western scholars in fields like Assyriology, Hittitology, Iranology, Biblical Studies, Indology, Islamology, Turkology, Slavic and Russian Studies, and Sinology.

VI. General estimation of the human resources, the time, and the cost needed

The aforementioned criticism may now help as a guideline for the future; what was not achieved in the past can be attempted now. Presently, perhaps the international context is more favorable to such an effort. Speaking for a middle-size African state, such as Algeria (in guise of an example), the effort to launch numerous sectors of Humanities, as new academic fields entirely free of colonial falsehood and distortion, would not be difficult to undertake. All the same, it would certainly demand perfect conceptualization of the commendable objective and proper contextualization within the international community. As it consists in a project of national and all-African dimensions, it should be placed under central (governmental) guidance and supervision.

It goes without saying that a project this important would also involve fully committed students, who would be absolutely conscious of the national and all-African character of the undertaking, and of their role in it. They should first be prepared during a 3 or 4-year syllabus (leading to a B.A.) and then financially supported during their graduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies. They should finally be committed to

a) returning to their ‘alma mater’,

b) being appointed there, and

c) launching a new department of studies in the sector in which they would have already been specialized.

To give an estimate, this national and all-African project (covering sectors named or insinuated in the aforementioned parts II, III, IV and V) would encompass around 50 (fifty) different sectors of Humanities. Selecting 10 (ten) genuinely interested and devoted students, who would be ready to specialize in the designated fields and return to be employed, means a total of 500 students, i.e. 500 scholarships for 10 years, and one secretariat in order to adequately administer the whole project. For a country like Eritrea or Mauritania, this would certainly be difficult to undertake, but for Algeria it is affordable. It would not exceed 100 million US$ for the entire period (including also the infrastructure and the establishment of basic libraries).


Colonization in Africa will continue until all African schoolchildren study -amongst other sites and monuments- in their schools and learn -in their languages- about the following:

Above: Napata, the capital of the kingdom of Cush (Ancient Ethiopia / unrelated to the state of Abyssinia, today’s Fake Ethiopia) in today’s Karima-Sudan; called today Jebel Barkal, the holy mountain of Amun was for all Egyptian and Sudanese adepts of the Theban Triad the world’s holiest place. Below: the Cushitic necropolis of El Kurru, ca. 15 km from Karima/Napata.


Nuri, on the other side of the Nile, opposite Karima/Napata: the third Cushitic necropolis

Mjrwjwit-Meroe: late Cushitic capital

Meroe, capital of Cush (Ethiopia) from the 5th c. BCE until 360 CE, attracted the admiration of Romans and Greeks; when the Armenian king Tiridates I visited Nero in Rome (66 CE), the Roman Emperor organized an extraordinary spectacle with Meroitic gladiators in his honor, which means that the Ancient Sudanese impressed the Romans without being however impressed by them. Three centuries later, the Phoenician Heliodorus from Homs (Emesa, in Syria) wrote an extraordinary account of Meroe in his “Aithiopica” (in the middle of the 4th c. CE). Meroe proved to be invincible and impregnable until the Abyssinian Axumite king Ezana invaded it around 360 CE (attacking from the southeast). After a brief period of Axumite occupation, three Christian kingdoms emerged in the area of today’s Sudan: (from North to South) Nobatia, Makuria and Alodia (or Alwa) – all unrelated to Axum, which collapsed with the arrival of Islam. The southernmost kingdom was the last to fall (around 1500); it was invaded by the Funj (African Muslims), who attacked from Sahara.


Naqa: a major religious center of the Meroitic Kingdom


Mussawarat as-Sufra: a major imperial and religious center of the Meroitic kingdom; it is located deep in the Butana, Sudan’s eastern desert, which is demarcated by the Blue Nile, the United Nile, Atbara River (affluent of the Nile) and the mountains alongside the Sudanese-Abyssinian(‘Ethiopian’) borders.

Suakin-Ptolemais Theron: a Ptolemaic colony and port-of-call on the Red Sea coast of today’s Sudan; Ptolemais Theron (lit. Ptolemaic harbor of the Hunters) was quite significant for the trade between the East and the West. That is why it was mentioned in the historical text ‘Periplus of the (‘Erythraean’) Red Sea’, which was written by an anonymous author in the 2nd half of the 1st c. CE. The site retained its historical importance and, after the 13th c., it became the gate to Mecca for African Muslims willing to perform hajj (pilgrimage).

Axum, in today’s Tigray province of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia); Axum was the capital of a small kingdom set up in East Africa by the Yemenite tribe Abashat (Hebesha), which was kicked out by the Sabaeans and the Himyarites, namely the major Yemenite kingdoms. Adulis (near today’s Massawa in Eritrea) was the major Abyssinian port of call.

The Horn of Africa, also known as Cape Guardafui or Raas Casiir in Af Somali, was a Ancient Somali harbor renowned to many people all over the world: in the Periplus of the Red Sea, it is called ‘Cape of the Perfumes’ (Akroterion Aromaton). Extensive archaeological excavations have to be undertaken in this location.

Archaeological excavations have to be undertaken also in Ras (Cape) Hafun (in Af Somali: Ras Xaafuun) further in the South. The remains of the Salt Factory built by the Italians in the early 20th c. are seen on the picture. This site is identified with Opone, another port of call mentioned in the Periplus of the Red Sea. This Ancient Greek name is identical with the Ancient Egyptian name Punt, which denoted an ancient kingdom also known to the Egyptians as Ta-Netjer (the Land of God). Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt organized the most famous (but not the first) Expedition to Punt (around 1475 BCE), dispatching her fleet under Admiral Nehesy (or Nehsi) who conversed with King Perehu and Queen Eti of Punt. The deeds of the historic mission were inscribed in detail on the walls of the second colonnade (southern part) of the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut at Deir al Bahari (Luxor West).

Above:Ras Hafun – Opone/Punt today / Below: Punt before 3500 years


Punt 1500 BCE: the Ancient Somalis (Puntites) needed to use ladders to enter their homes

The army of Punt cooperated with the Egyptians for the transportation of the goods of Punt that King Perehu dispatched to Queen Hatshepsut.

Carthage (Kart Hadasht: ‘New City’): the major Phoenician colony in North Africa became the world’s first maritime empire in the History of Mankind.


Carthage and the Carthaginian Empire, 218 BCE

Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania, tomb of Juba II (3 BCE), on the road between Cherchell and Algiers, in Tipaza Province, Algeria

Libyco-Punic Mausoleum in Dougga, Tunisia (2nd c. BCE)


It would not only be a historic investment in terms of National and All-African Education, but it would also constitute a formerly colonized nation’s most radical, resolute and drastic step out of the colonial era. In other words, in 15 (fifteen) years, an effort of such magnitude would bring forth results that would be exponentially greater than what the reputed Institute of African Studies of the University of Ghana achieved in more than 60 years (it was incepted in 1962).

VII. Decolonization means above all De-Anglicization and De-Francization

The previous paragraphs contain a brief criticism of the Afrocentric movement and at the same time reveal why it failed to bring forth substantive results. As a matter of fact, it should have started with an in-depth effort of self-knowledge. Today, in reality, Africans do not know one another, and if they do, this happens at a so superficial level that it is insignificant. This is exactly what I wrote before more than 10 years in a presentation which was widely publicized in Nigeria:

There is no African unity, no African identity, and no African interconnection, when Africans need colonial nations’ languages (English and French) to communicate with one another. In this regard, it is essential at this point to highlight that the current political appearance and the political map of Africa are also of entirely colonial nature; it is what the colonial powers wanted to impose on the Black Continent. That’s why it cannot be taken seriously into account.   

Any genuine and integer African cannot accept the colonial falsehood as per which Arabic is the main language throughout North Africa. This ‘happens’ only according to the Orientalist falsehood and due to colonial involvement and interference. In reality, Berber (Amazigh) is the main language throughout North Africa, and all the Africans, who deny this reality, are -quite unfortunately- victims of the colonial powers and of the delusion that European Orientalist and Africanist academics methodically created in order to effectively prevent Africans from achieving true nation building. Then, this implies that there should be Departments of Berber Language and Culture in at least 15 African countries. A Hausa-speaking Nigerian, a Somali, and a Swahili-speaking Kenyan should have the chance (in the perspective of 15 years after the beginning of the herein described educational-academic-intellectual decolonization project in their respective countries) of learning Berber in their high school. Similarly, an Algerian, a Moroccan, a Tunisian or a Libyan should have the chance of learning Hausa, Somali or Swahili in their relevant high schools.

More than 10 million people in Egypt are Copts; for a real African and Afrocentric thinker, the absence of Departments of Coptic Language, Literature and Theology is one of the worst results of the colonial rule throughout Africa. Somalia is an entirely Muslim country; yet, a Department of Coptology would be necessary in Somalia, because only then all the Somalis would understand the historical dependence of the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians on the Copts, the existing differences between the Amhara and the Copts of Egypt, the pseudo-Christian nature of the Amhara, the reason for which the Christian Orthodox Oromos rejected to have any connection with the Amhara and were (few years ago) directly connected to Copts (the Coptic Patriarchate of Alexandria), and many other similar issues.

To underscore few specific points around which Somali Education, Academic Research, and National Building become one unitary endeavor, I would say the following: if the Amhara tribe and the Abyssinian colonial state proved to be a serious problem and a real threat for Somalia and the Somalis, it is then a national obligation of the Somali government to form a small force of academic specialists, who by studying and learning Coptic language, Coptic cult, Coptic theology, and History of the Coptic Church, will be able to advise correctly on all topics related to the Amhara Abyssinians and to the reason of their hatred of Somalia, Egypt, Islam, and Coptic Christianity. Furthermore, these Somali scholars will be able to unveil to many other Christian Africans the anti-Christian nature of the Amhara and their leaders.

For this to happen, after a first 3 or 4-year curriculum (leading to a B.A.), a Somali graduate should first choose this field as the main objective of his professional academic career; at the same time, he will have to be fully conscious of the fact that his desire to study Coptic in Egypt, specialize in Coptology, and become an expert on the matter does not constitute only his own career choice, but it is also a matter of national importance for Somalia. For this to be confirmed, governmental scholarships will have to be announced and offered for a certain number of years. 

A certain perspective has to be given to similar projects leading to the preparation and the launching of a Department of Coptology in Somalia. As I already said at the end of part VI), if we calculate a) the first circle of studies that will lead to a B.A. in Somalia (during which the selection of one or two candidates for specific scholarship for Coptic Studies will take place), b) the postgraduate & doctoral studies (5-7 years) that the Somali graduates will undertake, and c) their return to Somalia in order to launch for the first time a Department of Coptology, it will take ca. 10 years until the state of Somalia establishes a pertinent educational-academic foundation in this regard.

If this is what is needed for the launching of Coptic Studies in Somalia, similar effort has to be deployed for the establishment of many other sectors of Humanities. It will be a matter of Somali students’ commitment and Somali government’s investment in a national and all-African cause.


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Bulgarians Mentioned in Egyptian Papyri from Fayoum

What was Ordinary in the Antiquity looks Odd today, due to the Greco-centric Fallacy of the Biased European Colonial ‘Academics’

A while back, I received a brief email from a Bulgarian friend, who urgently asked me to watch a video and comment on the topic. The video offered links to a blog in Bulgarian and to an Austrian site of academic publications. The upsetting affair was the mention of a Bulgarian, or to put it rather correctly of a Bulgarian item or product which was imported in Coptic Egypt. As I understand Bulgarian to some extent, due to my Russian, I read the long presentation of the informative blog, and then replied to my friend. The video was actually a most abridged form of the article posted on the blog of a non-conventional Bulgarian blogger.



I. Fayoum, Al Bahnasa (Oxyrhynchus), and Ancient Egyptian Papyri

II. Karl Wessely and his groundbreaking research and publications

III. Papyrus fragment 1224 of Karl Wessely’s SPP VIII 

IV. Βουλγαρικ- (Vulgarik-)

V. Eastern Roman Emperor Maurice’s Strategicon and the Bulgarian cloaks

VI. Historical context and the Ancient History of Bulgars  

VII. Historical context, the Silk Roads, and Bulgarian exports to Egypt  

VIII. Academic context and the Western falsehood of a Euro-centric World History

i- the conceptualization of World History

ii- the contextualization of every single document newly found here and there

iii- the stages of historical falsification that were undertaken over the past 500 years

iv- the forgers themselves and their antiquity

v- and last but not least, several points of

a) governance of modern states

b) international alliances, and

c) the ensuing captivity of all the targeted nations, each one well-adjusted into the preconceived role that the forgers invented for it


What follows is my response on the topic; although it concerns an undeniably very specific affair, it helps greatly in making general readership aware of how deeply interconnected the Ancient World was, of how different it was than it is presented in conventional publications, and of how many layers of fact distortion, source concealment, systematic forgery, academic misinterpretation, and intellectual falsification have been adjusted to what average people worldwide think of as ‘World History’. In brief, the modern Western colonial presentation of World History, which was dictatorially imposed worldwide, is nothing more than a choice-supportive bias and a racist construct. You can also describe it as ‘Hellenism’, Greco-centrism or Euro-centrism.

—————— Response to an inquisitive Bulgarian friend ——————

My dear friend,  

Your question and the associated topic are quite complex. 

The video that you sent me is extremely brief and almost introductory.

Папирусът от Фаюм

However, in the description, it offers two links.

I read the article in the blog; I noticed that it was published before 12-13 years (13.10.2011). Папирусът (който щеше да бъде) с истинското име на българите?

The author seems to have been taken by surprise due to the Fayoum text, but as you will see, there is no reason for that.

The second link included in the video description offers access to Tyche, an academic annual (Fachzeitschrift) published by the Austrian Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik der Universität Wien. But this is an introductory web page ( that has links to many publications, which you can download in PDF.

You must not be surprised by such findings; they are old and known to the specialists; there are many Bulgarian professors specializing in Ancient Greek. Some of them surely know about the text. But it is in the nature of the Western sciences that scholars do not write for the general public; it is very different from what happened in the Soviet Union and the other countries of the Socialist bloc. Reversely, all the average bloggers, who find every now and then a historical document known but not publicized, think that they discovered something incredible, but in most of the cases, we don’t have anything to do with an extraordinary discovery. Simply, History has been very different from what average people have been left to believe.

I. Fayoum, Al Bahnasa (Oxyrhynchus), and Ancient Egyptian Papyri

Fayoum by the way is an enormous oasis. It has cities, towns and villages. In our times, it was one of the strongholds of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Former president Muhammad Morsi got ca. 90% of the votes locally. About:

The discoveries of papyri in Egypt started mainly in the 19th c.; excavators unearthed tons of valuable documentation, unfortunately in fragmentary situation most of them; indicatively:

Such is the vastness of the documentation that either Egyptologists or Coptologists or Hellenists, there are many scholars of those disciplines who specialize in papyri only: the Papyrologists. 

Fayoum map with Ancient Greek names

Fayoum Lake (above) – Wadi El Rayan waterfalls (below)

Temple of Soknopaios at Soknopaiou Nesos (Island), Fayoum (viewed from the SE)

Fayoum: a tourist destination

Another major site of papyri discovery is Oxyrhynchus (Ancient Greek name of the Egyptian site Per medjed / Oxyrhynchus is merely the Ancient Greek translation of Per medjed), i.e. the modern city of Al Bahnasa. Indicatively:

To get a minimal idea of the vastness of this field of research, go through the following introductory readings:

Cairo Fayum Papyri:

II. Karl Wessely and his groundbreaking research and publications

The fragment of papyrus that mentions in Ancient Greek an adjective, which means «Bulgarian» in English, was found in the Fayoum (you can write the word with -u or -ou). It was first published by a great scholar C. (Carl or Karl) Wessely (1860-1931).

He was one of the 10 most prominent scholars and philologists of the 2nd half of the 19th and the 1st half of the 20th c. He published a voluminous series of firsthand publications of discoveries, which was named Studien zur Paleographie und Papyruskunde (SPP). As you can guess, this took decades to be progressively materialized. Here you have an online list:

Unfortunately, the volume VIII (Leipzig 1908), which is mentioned in the article of the blog, is missing in the wikisource list!

No problem! You can find the PDF in the Internet Archives site. Here is the link: 

You will find the text’s first publication on page 189 of the book; this is the page 63 of 186 of the PDF. This means that you will find this indication at the bottom of the PDF:  189 (63 / 186).

This volume, as stated on p. 7, contains «Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats», i.e. Greek papyri documents of smaller format. If you find it strange that on the first page of the main text (137 (11 / 186) as per the PDF), the first text has the number 702, please remember that this is an enormous documentation published in the series of volumes (SPP) published by Wessely between 1900 and 1920.

III. Papyrus fragment 1224 of Karl Wessely’s SPP VIII  

As you will see, the text slightly differs from what is shown in either the blog article or the video. It is indeed the 1224 papyrus fragment as per the enumeration of the publication. Similarly to many other cases, most of the text is lost; this is quite common. Few things are easy to assess, if you through the entire volume; apparently the background reflects Coptic Egypt, which means that all the texts date between the early 4th and 7th c. CE. This is clearly visible because the dating system is based on indiction, which was a Roman system of periodic taxation and then chronology. About: 

This Latin word was accepted in Greek: ινδικτιών, 

We can also understand that the person, who wrote this specific document, was following (not the Julian calendar but) the Coptic calendar, because on the 8th line the remaining letters αρμουθί (armouthi) help us reconstitute the well-known Coptic month of Pharmouthi (or Parmouti) which corresponds to end March-beginning April (in the Julian calendar) or April and early May in the Gregorian calendar. In Arabic, it is pronounced ‘Bermouda’ (unrelated to the Bermuda islands).


It has to be noted that the pagan Greek calendar was abolished, and that the use of ‘Greek’ (‘Alexandrine Koine, to be correct) in the Fayum papyri texts and elsewhere does not imply ‘ethnic’ membership but rather religious affiliation (in this case, in contrast to Coptic).

About the Coptic calendar:

In addition, you can see the first letter of the word «indiction» ι (ι) after Pharmouthi. 

Apparently, this papyrus documented a transaction effectuated by a certain Cyril (Cyrillus / Κύριλλος). Only the letters «rill» (ριλλ) are saved, as you can see, but the high frequency of the name among the Copts makes of this word the first choice of any philologist. By the way, the name is still widely used among today’s Copts as «Krulos». 

I fully support Wessely’s reconstitution of the document on lines 7, 10 and 11.

Line 7 (εγράφη out of εγρα-), i.e. «it was written»

Line 10 (απείληφα out of -ειλ-), i.e. «I received from»

Line 11 (και παρών απέλυσα out of -αρω-), i.e. «I set free by paying a ransom or I disengaged or I released». Details:

Now comes a thorny issue, because on line 6, Wessely wrote «λαμιο(υ)» (: lamio reconstituted as lamiu), and went on suggesting a unique term «χαρτα-λαμίου» (charta-lamiou). This is not attested in any other source. Λάμιον (lamium) is a genus of several species of plants, whereas Lamios (Λάμιος) is a personal name. About:

Also: (ἡμι-λάμιον) 

But «χαρτα-λαμίου» (in Genitive declension) is a hapax. Still the opinion of the first explorer and publisher is always crucial; but as in many other cases, these people publish such an enormous volume of documentation that they do not have enough time to explain their suggestions and reason about their choices. To them, publishing hitherto unpublished material is undisputedly no 1 priority. 

Other scholars attempted a different approach; they hypothetically added «υιός» (yios), i.e. «son», before λαμίου (Lamiou)

Personally, I find it highly unlikely. First, I most of the times support the first explorer’s / publisher’s approach. 

Second, I believe that those, who add «υιός» (yios), i.e. «son» on line 6, are forced to reconstitute Βουλγαρικ̣[ὸς on line 5. This is most probably wrong.

But Wessely did not attempt something like that, preferring to leave the only saved word on line 5 as it is «Βουλγαρικ̣».

Now, what stands on lines 1 to 4 is really too minimal to allow any specialist to postulate or speculate anything. Perhaps there was something «big» mentioned on line 3 («-μεγ-»/«-meg-»), but this is only an assumption. Also, on line 4, we read that something (or someone) was (or was sent or was bought) from somewhere, because of the words «από της» (apo tis), i.e. «from the» (in this case, «the» being the feminine form of the article in Genitive declension). 

IV. Βουλγαρικ- (Vulgarik-)

Now, and this is the most important statement that can be made as regards this fragment of papyrus, the word that stands on line 5 is undoubtedly an adjective, not a substantive! This is very clear. This means that the word is not an ethnonym. In English, you use the word «Bulgarian», either you mean a Bulgarian man (in this case, it is a noun) or a Bulgarian wine (on this occasion, it is an adjective). Bulgarian is at the same time a proper noun and an adjective in English.

However, in Greek, there is a difference when it comes to names of countries and nations. When it is a proper noun (substantive), you say «Anglos» (Άγγλος), «Sikelos» (Σικελός), «Aigyptios» (Αιγύπτιος), etc. for Englishman, Sicilian man, Egyptian man, etc. But you say «anglikos» (αγγλικός), «sikelikos» (σικελικός), «aigyptiakos» (αιγυπτιακός), etc. for adjectives of masculine gender. 

Discussing the word attested on line 5 of the papyrus fragment 1224 of Karl Wessely’s SPP VIII, I have to point out that in Ancient ‘Greek’ and in Alexandrine Koine, there is a vast difference between Βούλγαρος (Vulgaros) and βουλγαρικός (vulgarikos). 

The first denotes a Bulgarian national, someone belonging to the ethnic group / nation of Bulgars and/or Bulgarians. At this point, I have to also add that these two words in English are a modern academic convention to distinguish Proto-Bulgarians (Bulgars) from the Bulgarians, who settled in the Balkan Peninsula. However, this distinction did not exist in Late Antiquity Greek texts and in Eastern Roman texts. 

The second is merely an adjective: βουλγαρικός (vulgarikos), βουλγαρική (vulgariki), βουλγαρικόν (vulgarikon) are the three gender forms of the adjective: masculine, feminine and neutral. 

So, as the preserved part of the word being «βουλγαρικ-» (vulgarik-), we can be absolutely sure that the papyrus text mentioned a Bulgarian item (a product typical of Bulgars or an imported object manufactured by Bulgars) — not a Bulgarian man.

All the same, it makes sure the following points:

a. in 4th-7th c. CE Egypt, people imported products that were manufactured by Bulgars in their own land (Bulgaria).

b. since the products were known, imported and listed as «Bulgar/Bulgarian», people knew the nation, which manufactured them, and its location.

c. considering the magnitude of the documentation that went lost, we can safely claim that there was nothing extraordinary in the arrival of Bulgar/Bulgarian products in in 4th-7th c. CE Egypt.

d. the papyrus in question presents the transaction in terms of «business as usual». 

This is all that can be said about the papyrus text, but here ends the approach of the philologist and starts the viewpoint of the historian. However, before presenting the historical context of the transaction recorded in the fragmentarily saved papyrus from Fayoum, I have to also discuss another issue, which was mentioned in the blogger’s interesting discussion.

V. Eastern Roman Emperor Maurice’s Strategicon and the Bulgarian cloaks

Of course, as anyone could expect, several historians and philologists would try to find parallels to the mention of Bulgarian imports made in this papyrus fragment.

And they did. In his presentation, the blogger already mentioned several academic efforts. So, the following paragraphs, which are to be found almost in the middle of the article (immediately after the picture), refer to two scholarly efforts to establish parallels:

«Публикуван е за пръв път от SPP VIII 1124, Wessely, C., Leipzig 1908 и по – късно препубликуван от Diethart, в публикация с многозначителното заглавие  „Bulgaren“ und „Hunnen“, S. 11 – 1921. Въпреки това папирусът не стига много бързо до родна публика.

“По пътя” един учен, Моравчик, стига и по – далеч при превода. Той разчита в откъсите и думата “Пояс” и включва в теорията ново сведение(Mauricii Artis mllltaris libri duodecim, Xll (ed. Scheffer), p. 303) , където се казва, че пехотинците трябвало да носят “ζωναρία bм λιτά, xal βουλγαρική cay ία” – т.е. смята, че става дума за носен в Египет от военните “български пояс”(сведенията за публикациите дотук са по Иван Костадинов).

Вдясно виждате лична снимка. Коптска носия от 4-ти век н.е. Пази се в етнографския музей на александрийската библиотека. По необходимост за пустинния климат е от лен. Оттам вече аналогиите оставям изцяло на вас.

Папирусът “идва в България” късно. По спомени казвам ,че мисля, че първият публикувал го е доста уважаваният Иван Дуриданов, който с радост представя на българската публика вече 4 деситилетия предъвкваният от западната лингвистика български папирус. Той публикува радостна статия, с която приветства откритието».

Certainly, Gyula Moravcsik (1892-1972) and Johannes Diethart (born in 1942) proved to be great scholars indeed. About:

The adjective Vulgarikos, -i, -on («Bulgarian» in three genders) is attested in a famous Eastern Roman text, which is rather known under the title «Maurice’s Strategicon»; this was a handbook of military sciences and a guide to techniques, methods and practices employed by the Eastern Roman army. It was written by Emperor Maurice (Μαυρίκιος- Mauricius /reigned: 582-602) or composed according to his orders. About:

I did not read Moravcsik’s article, but I read the Strategicon; it does not speak of «Bulgarian belts», but of «Bulgarian cloaks». In this regard, the blogger mentions a very old edition of the text, namely Mauricii Artis mllltaris libri duodecim, Xll (ed. Scheffer), p. 303). This dates back to 1664:

At those days, all Western European editions of Ancient Greek texts involved Latin translations. Scheffer’s edition of the Strategicon can be found here: (page 303)

George T. Dennis’ translation (1984) makes the text accessible to English readers:

In the 12th chapter, which is the last of the Strategicon, under the title “Mixed Formations, Infantry, Camps and Hunting”, in part I (Clothing to be Worn by the Infantry), on page 138 (University of Pennsylvania Press), the word σαγίον (sagion) is very correctly translated as “cloak”. The author refers to “βουλγαρικά σαγία” (Latin: sagia Bulgarica) in plural; this is rendered in English “Bulgarian cloaks”, which are thought to be very heavy. Already, the word σαγίον (sagion) is of Latin etymology. About:



In that period and for more than 1000 years, what people now erroneously call «Medieval Greek» or «Byzantine Greek» (which in reality is «Eastern Roman») was an amalgamation of Alexandrine Koine and Latin. There were an enormous number of Latin words written in Greek characters and in Alexandrine Koine form. Indicatively:

At this point, I complete my philological commentary on the topic. I read the Strategicon of Emperor Maurice when I was student in Athens in the middle 1970s. 

I did not remember the mention of Bulgarian cloaks, but I know however that the Bulgars, who founded the Old Great Bulgaria, appear in Eastern Roman texts at least 100 years before the purported establishment and growth of that state (632–668). The academic chronology for the First Bulgarian Empire may be correct (681–1018), but the dates given for the Old Great Bulgaria and the Volga Bulgaria (late 7th c.–1240s) are deliberately false. General info:  and  and

VI. Historical context and the Ancient History of Bulgars  

It is now time for me to briefly discuss the historical context within which the aforementioned topics took place. Let’s first ask some questions: 

Is it strange that a Fayoum papyrus of the 3rd-7th c. CE mentions Bulgarian products that arrived in Egypt? 

Is it odd that in Emperor Maurice’s Strategicon we find a mention of Bulgarian cloaks used or not used by the Eastern Roman army?

In both cases, the response is «no»!

From where did these Bulgarian products come?

Where did Bulgars (or Bulgarians) live at the time?

My personal response is somehow vague: they came from some regions of today’s Russia’s European soil, either in the southern confines (the Azov Sea, the northern coast of the Black Sea, and the North Caucasus region) or in the area of today’s Tatarstan and other lands north-northeast of the Caspian Sea. 

It is not easy to designate one specific location in this regard, and this is so for one extra reason: it seems that there were several tribes named with the same name, and they were distinguished among themselves on the basis of earlier tribal affiliations, which may go back to the Rouran Khaganate (330-555 CE). There are actually plenty of names associated with the early Bulgars, notably the Onogurs, the Kutrigurs, etc. About:

Central Asia ca. 300 CE

Many readers may be taken by surprise because I go back easily from the time of the Old Great Bulgaria (630-668 CE) to that of the Rouran Khaganate and the Huns. All the same, there is no surprise involved in this regard. Western European historians deliberately, systematically and customarily underestimate across the board the value of Oral History and attempt to dissociate Ethnography from History; these approaches are wrong. It is quite possible that, from the very beginning of the establishment of Rouran Khaganate, many tribes, clans or families (which later became nations) started migrating. The very first Bulgars (Bulgarians) may have reached areas north of the Iranian borders in Central Asia or in Northern Caucasus much earlier than it is generally thought among Western scholars. See indicatively:

Great Old Bulgaria

Now, the reasons for which I intentionally date the first potential interaction of Bulgars/Bulgarians with other tribes (or nations) in earlier periods are not a matter of personal preference or obstinacy. There is an important historical text named «Nominalia of the Bulgarian Khans». It has not been duly comprehended let alone interpreted thus far. About:

From the Great Old Bulgaria to the beginnings of Volga Bulgaria

Three Russian copies of the text have been saved (in Church Slavonic); they date back to the 15th and 16th c. They are generally viewed as later copies of a potential Old Bulgarian text of the 9th c. Other specialists also pretend that there may/might have been an even earlier text, in either Eastern Roman («Medieval Greek») or Bulgar, which was eventually a stone inscription. 

In this document, the highly honorific title «Knyaz» (Князь) is given to Asparuh (ca. 640-700) and to his five predecessors. I must add that the said document was always an intriguing historical source for me due to two bizarre particularities to which I don’t think that any scholar or specialist gave due attention, deep investigation, and persuasive interpretation.

First, the antiquity of the document is underscored by the fact that the early Bulgar calendar, which is attested in this text, appears to be an adaptation of the Chinese calendar. This fact means that the primeval Bulgars, when located somewhere in Eastern Siberia or Mongolia, must have had dense contacts with the Chinese scribal and imperial establishment; perhaps this fact displeased other Turanian-Mongolian tribes of the Rouran Khaganate and contributed to the emigration of those «Ur-Bulgaren». The next point is however more impactful on our approach to the very early phase of the Bulgars.

Petrograd manuscript of Nominalia

The Old Bulgarian calendar and the Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans

Second, although for most of the rulers immortalized in the historical document, the duration of their lifetimes or tenures are of entirely historical nature (involving brief or long periods of 5 up to 60 years of reign or lifetime), the two first names of rulers are credited with incredibly long lifetimes. This is not common; actually, it does not look sensible; but it is meaningful.

More specifically, Avitohol is said to have lived 300 years, whereas Irnik is credited with 150 years. But we know who Irnik was! Irnik or Ernak was the 3rd son of Attila and he is said to have been his most beloved offspring. Scholars fix the beginning of his reign in 437 CE, but this is still not the important point. The crucial issue with the partly «mythical» and partly historical nature of the text «Nominalia of the Bulgarian Khans» is the fact that the two early rulers, whom the Bulgarians considered as their original ancestors, are credited with extraordinarily long and physically impossible lives. General reading:

This can therefore imply only one thing: at a later period, when the earlier memories were partly lost for various reasons, eventually because of the new environment namely the Balkan Peninsula, in which the then Bulgars were finding themselves, Avitohol and Irnik were retained as the leading figures of ruling families, and not as independent rulers. Consequently, the dates given for their lives were in fact those of their respective dynasties. It was then that the very early period of Bulgar History was mythicized for statecraft purposes, mystified to all, and sanctified in the national consciousness.

Many Western scholars attempted to identify Avitohol with Attila, but in vain; I don’t think that this attempt can be maintained. So, I believe that the Bulgars were one of the noble families of the Huns (evidently involving intermarriage with Attila himself), and that before Attila, the very earliest Bulgars were ruled by another dynasty which had lasted 300 years. But if it is so, we go back to the times of the Roman Emperor Trajan (reign: 98-117 CE), Vologases III of Arsacid Parthia (110–147 CE) and the illustrious Chinese general, explorer and diplomat Ban Chao (32-102 CE) of the Eastern Han dynasty. About:

The latter fought for 30 years against the Xiongnu (Hiung-nu/匈奴, i.e. the earliest tribes of the Huns, consolidated the Chinese control throughout the Tarim Basin region (today’s Eastern Turkestan or Xinjiang), and was appointed Protector General of the Western Regions. He is very famous for having dispatched Gan Ying, an envoy, to the West in 97 CE. According to the Book of the Later Han (Hou Hanshu/後漢書), which was compiled in the 5th c. CE by Fan Ye, Gan Ying reached Parthia (Arsacid Iran; in Chinese: Anxi, 安息) and gave the first Chinese account of the Western confines of Asia and of the Roman Empire. About:

It is n this historical environment that we have to place the very early ancestors of the Bulgars.

Noin-Ula carpet, embroidered rug imported from Bactria and representing Yuezhi

VII. Historical context, the Silk Roads, and Bulgarian exports to Egypt  

Consequently, I believe that it is more probable that the Bulgarian products of those days were first appreciated by the Iranians and later sold to Aramaeans, Armenians, Iberians and other nations settled in the western confines of the Arsacid (250 BCE-224 CE) and the Sassanid (224-651 CE) empires, i.e. in Mesopotamia and Syria, and thence they became finally known in Egypt as well.  

The incessant migrations from NE Asia to Central Europe and to Africa, as a major historical event, were not separate from the ‘Silk Roads’; they were part, consequence or side-effect of that, older and wider, phenomenon. Actually, the term ‘Silk Roads’ is at the same time inaccurate and partly; the magnificent phenomenon of commercial, cultural and spiritual inter-exchanges, which took place due to the establishment (by the Achaemenid Shah Darius I the Great) of a comprehensive network of numerous older regional trade routes, is to be properly described as ‘silk-, spice-, and perfume-trade routes across lands, deserts and seas’. About:

It has to be said that, after the Achaemenid Iranian invasion, annexation and occupation of Egypt, Sudan and NE Libya (525-404 BCE and 343-332 BCE), Iranian settlers remained in Egypt; they were known to and mentioned by the Macedonian settlers, who manned the Macedonian dynasty of Ptolemies (323-30 BCE). General info:

Those Iranian settlers were called ‘Persai (ek) tis epigonis’ (Πέρσαι τῆς ἐπιγονῆς), lit. ‘Iranian settlers’ descendants’. About:

Pieter W. Pestman, A proposito dei documenti di Pathyris II Πέρσαι τῆς ἐπιγονῆς

Xin Dai, Ethnicity Designation in Ptolemaic Egypt

See a text from the time of the Roman Emperor Domitian (reign: 81-96) here:;;23

See another text from the time of the Roman Emperor Nerva (reign: 96-98) here:;2;173A

There were also in Egypt Jewish Aramaean descendants of the early Iranian settlers: “οἱ τρ(ε)ῖς | Ἰουδαῖοι Πέρσαι τῆς ἐπιγονῆς τῶν [ἀ]πὸ Σύρων κώ- | μης” (lit. Jewish Iranians, who were the descendants of an Aramaean town) – From: Database of Military Inscriptions and Papyri of Early Roman Palestine

Please note in this regard that the title given to the web page and the document is very wrong and extremely biased: “§140 Loan between Jews and Lucius Vettius”; the three persons who received the loan were not ethnic Jews. Their religion was surely Judaism, as it was the case of the renowned Samaritan woman with whom Jesus spoke according to the Gospels. Several other nations accepted Judaism, notably Aramaeans in Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia (they were called ‘Syrians’ by the Macedonians and the Romans). It is well known that there were many clashes and strives between them and the ethnic Jews. The latter were few and lived either in Jerusalem (and its suburbs) or in Egypt (in Alexandria and many other locations) or in the centers of Talmudic academies in Mesopotamia (namely Nehardea, Pumbedita and Mahoze / Ctesiphon). About:

If I expanded on this topic, it is precisely because the merchants, who were most active across the Silk Roads, were the Aramaeans, and that is why Aramaic became almost an official language in the Achaemenid Empire of Iran, whereas at the same time it turned out to be the lingua franca alongside the trade routes. Furthermore, a great number of writing systems in Central Asia, Iran, India, and Western Asia were developed on the basis of the Aramaic alphabet. Last but not least, Arabic originates from Syriac, which is a late form of Aramaic. About:

It is therefore essential to state that the Bulgarian products, which (either from North Caucasus and the northern coastlands of the Black Sea or from the regions around the north-northeastern shores of the Caspian Sea) reached Egypt (via most probably North Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine), were transported on camels owned by Aramaean merchants and due to caravans organized and directed by Aramaeans.

It is also noteworthy that, during the Arsacid times, several buffer-states were formed between the eastern borders of the Roman Empire and the western frontiers of Parthia: Osrhoene, Sophene, Zabdicene, Adiabene, Hatra, Characene, Elymais, Gerrha (the illustrious port of call and major trade center of the Persian Gulf that rivaled with Alexandria in the Mediterranean), the Nabataean kingdom, and the short-lived but most formidable Tadmor (Palmyra). This situation favored the world trade between East and West, as well as North and South. General info:

The great rivalry and ferocious antagonism between the Romans (and later the Eastern Romans) and the Iranians after the rise of the Sassanid dynasty (224 CE) did not affect in anything the good relations and the trade among Egyptians, Aramaeans, and Iranians; there were numerous Aramaean populations in both empires, so, we feel safe to conclude that any products from lands north of Caucasus mountains and north of Iran were transported by Aramaeans via Palestine or Nabataea to Egypt.

Aramaic inscription from Hatra, NW Iraq

There have been additional reasons for the good feelings of the Egyptians toward the Iranians, and they were of religious nature. The Christological disputes generated enmity and great animosity between

a) the Copts (: Egyptians) and the Aramaeans, who adopted Miaphysitism (also known as Monophysitism), and

b) the Eastern Romans and the Western Romans, who thought they preserved the correct faith (Orthodoxy).

One has to bear always in mind, that in order to define themselves, the so-called Monophysites (also known more recently as ‘Miaphysites’) used exactly the same term (i.e. ‘Orthodox’), which means that they considered the Eastern Romans and the Western Romans as heretics. The patriarchates of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem were split. Atop of it, other Aramaeans (mostly in Mesopotamia and Iran) accepted the preaching of Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople, who was also deposed as a heretic (in August 431). For the aforementioned religious reasons, the Eastern Roman armies were most loathed in Syria, Palestine, North Mesopotamia (today’s SE Turkey), and Egypt as oppressors. About:

In addition, one has to take into consideration the fact that the Jews, who inhabited the eastern provinces of the Roman (and later the Eastern Roman) Empire, were also pro-Iranian and they expected that the Iranians would liberate them one day from the Roman yoke pretty much like the Achaemenid Iranian Emperor Cyrus delivered their exiled ancestors from the tyranny of Nabonid Babylonia (539 BCE).

The Axumite Abyssinian invasion of Yemen (ca. 530 CE; in coordination with the Roman Emperor Justinian I), the ensued Iranian-Axumite wars, the Iranian invasion of Yemen (570 CE; known as the Year of the Elephant among the Arabs of Hejaz), and the incessant battles and wars between the Eastern Roman and the Sassanid Iranian armies were closely watched by all populations in Egypt. The third Iranian conquest of Egypt (618 CE) was a matter of great jubilation for Copts and Jews; Egypt was annexed to Iran for ten (10 years), before being under Eastern Roman control again for fourteen years (628-642 CE) and then invaded by the Islamic armies. General info:

Iranian Emperor Khosrow (Chosroes) I Anushirvan on Coptic textile fragment

Indicative of the good Egyptian feelings for the Sassanid emperors and Iran is a tapestry weave found by Albert Gayet in his 1908 excavations in Antinoe (also known as Antinoöpolis, i.e. the town of Sheikh Ibada in today’s Egypt); this is a textile fragment of legging that dates back to the late 6th and early 7th c. (Musée des Tissus, in Lyon-France; MT 28928). It features the scene of an unequal battle that has been identified as one of the engagements between the Sassanid and the Axumite armies in Yemen; Iranian horse-archers are depicted at the moment of their triumph over Abyssinian infantry opponents, who appear to be armed with stones. In the very center of the scene, an enthroned figure was often identified with the great Iranian Emperor Khosrow (Chosroes) I Anushirvan (Middle Persian: Anoshag ruwan: ‘with Immortal Soul’), who was for Sassanid Iran as historically important as Justinian I, his early rival and subsequent peace partner, for the Roman Empire. About:

This was the wider historical context at the time of the arrival of the first Bulgarian exports to the Sassanid Empire of Iran, the Eastern Roman Empire, and Egypt more specifically. And the Bulgarian cloaks, as mentioned in Maurice’s Strategicon, make every researcher rather think of heavy winter cloaks, which were apparently not necessary for the Eastern Roman soldiers, who had to usually fight in less harsh climatological conditions. It is possible that those heavy cloaks were eventually used by the Iranian army when engaged in the Caucasus region, and thence they were noticed by the Eastern Romans.

With these points, I complete my philological and historical comments on the topic. However, the entire issue has to be also contextualized at the academic-educational level, so that you don’t find it bizarre that not one average Bulgarian knew about the topic before the inquisitive blogger wrote his article and the YouTuber uploaded his brief video. 

VIII. Academic context and the Western falsehood of a Euro-centric World History

This part does not concern the Fayoum papyri and the Strategicon of Emperor Maurice; it has to do with what non-specialists, the average public, and various unspecialized explorers do not know at all.

This issue pertains to

i- the conceptualization of World History;

ii- the contextualization of every single document newly found here and there;

iii- the stages of historical falsification that were undertaken over the past 500 years;

iv- the forgers themselves and their antiquity, and last but not least; and

v- several points of

a) governance of modern states,

b) international alliances, and

c) the ensuing captivity of all the targeted nations, each one well-adjusted into the preconceived role that the forgers invented for it.

As you can guess, one can write an encyclopedia on these topics, so I will be very brief. Attention: only at the end, you will understand that all these parameters fully precondition the topic that we already discussed, and any other that we have not yet discussed, because simply it does not exist as a standalone entity but as a fact entirely conditioned by what I herewith describe in short.

What I want to say is this: if tomorrow another Fayoum discovery brings to light a 3rd c. BCE papyrus with the mention of something Bulgarian (Voulgarikon), this will not affect in anything the prevailing conditions of the so-called academic scholarship. In other words, do not imagine that with tiny shreds of truth unveiled here and there, you are going to change anything in the excruciatingly false manner World History was written.

i- the conceptualization of World History

It may come as a nasty surprise to you, but what we know now about History is not the conclusion or the outcome of additional discoveries made one after the other over the past 400-500 years. Contrarily, it was first preconceived, when people had truly minimal knowledge of the past, and after they had forged thousands of documents and manuscripts for at least 500-600 years, long before the early historiographical efforts were undertaken during the Renaissance.

After they destroyed, concealed and rewrote tons of manuscripts of Ancient Greek and Roman historiography from ca. 750 CE until 1500 CE, Western European monks and editors, philosophers and intellectuals, popes, scientists and alchemists started propagating their world view about the assumingly glorious past of their supposedly Greek and Roman ancestors – a nonexistent past that the Renaissance people were deliberately fooled enough to believe that they had lost and they had to rediscover it. In fact, all the discoveries made afterwards, all the decipherments of numerous ancient writings, and all the studies of original material from Mesopotamia, Egypt, North Africa, Caucasus, Central Asia, China and India was duly processed and adjusted in a way not to damage or challenge in anything the preconceived scheme which was named ‘World History’ by the vicious and criminal Western European forgers.

This means that you should never expect ‘new discoveries’ to challenge the officially established dogma of the Western academia; it is not about Bulgars and the past of today’s Bulgarians, Thracians, Macedonians, etc., etc., etc. It is about all. What type of position the Bulgarians, the Russians, the Turks, the Iranians, the Egyptians and all the rest occupy in today’s distorted historiography had been decided upon long before the establishment of the modern states that bear those names. 

ii- the contextualization of every single document newly found here and there

Any finding unearthed by anyone anytime anywhere means nothing in itself; this concerns every historiographer, truthful or dishonest. What truly matters for all is contextualization. It so did for the original forgers. Theirs was an arbitrary attempt; they contextualized the so-called ‘Ancient Greece’ in a way that would have been fully unacceptable, blasphemous and abominable for the outright majority of all the South Balkan populations during the 23 centuries prior to the foundation of Constantinople by Constantine the Great.  

It was peremptory, partial and biased; according to the fallacious narratives of the forgers, centuries were shrunk and shortened in order to fit into few lines; moreover the schemers stretched geographical terms at will; they did not use various terms, which were widely employed in the Antiquity; they passed important persons under silence, while exaggerating the presentation of unimportant ones. This is what contextualization was for the forgers: they applied a Latin recapitulative name (Graeci) to a variety of nations, which never used this Latin term or any other recapitulative term for them; they applied a non-Ionian, non-Achaean, and non-Aeolian term (Hellenes) to them and to others; and after the decipherment of many Oriental languages, they did not rectify their preposterous mistakes, although they learned quite well that the two fake terms about those populations (Graecus and Hellene) did not exist in any other language of highly civilized nations (Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Hittite, Hurrian, Canaanite, Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Old Achaemenid Iranian).

Consequently, every other information, data and documentation pertaining to any elements of the said context was concealed, distorted or misinterpreted in order to be duly adjusted to the biased context that had been elaborated first.

iii- the stages of historical falsification that were undertaken over the past 500 years

Following the aforementioned situation, many dimensions of historical falsification were carried out and can actually be noticed by researchers, explorers, investigators and astute observers. The ‘barbarian invasions’ (or Migration Period) is only one of them; I mention it first because it concerns the Bulgars. Long before distorting the History of Great Old Bulgaria and that of Volga Bulgaria systematically, Western historical forgers portrayed Bulgars and many other highly civilized nations as barbarians. Why?

Because the historical forgers of the Western World hate nomads! This is an irrevocable trait of them; that’s why they fabricated the fake term ‘civilization’ in their absurd manner: originating from the Latin word ‘civitas’, the worthless and racist term ‘civilization’ implies that you cannot be ‘civilized’ unless you are urban. This monstrous and unacceptable fact reveals the rotten roots of the hideous, vulgar, sick and villainous Western world and colonial academia.

In the Orient, there was never a cultural divide between urban populations and nomads; some nomadic tribes were considered as barbarians; that’s true. But also settled populations and urban inhabitants were also considered as barbarians (like the Elamites, who were considered as inhuman by the Assyrians). The rule was that the settled nations were nomads in earlier periods. But the status of a society was irrelevant of the consideration and the esteem (or lack thereof) that others had about a certain nation. This started with the Romans and their interpretation of the South Balkan, Anatolian, and Cretan past. It was then re-utilized and modified by Western Europeans. To some extent, the papal approval was tantamount to acquisition of credentials and to promotion to ‘civilized nation status’. Actually, this is today the nucleus of the whole problem concerning Ukraine.

That is why the so-called Migration Period was so terribly distorted by Western historians. Western historians deliberately preferred to stay blind and not to study the Ancient Mongol chronicles (notably the Secret History of The Mongols) in order to avoid assessing the Mongol-Turanian standards and principles of civilization. Had they proceeded in the opposite way, they would have discovered that, for the nomads, it is the settled people and the urban populations, who are barbarians, decayed and shameful.

The truth about the fallacious term ‘Migration Period’ is simple: there was never a migration period before 1500 CE (and certainly none afterwards), because every century was actually a migration period. Human History is a history of migrations.

The distorted linguistic-ethnographic division of the migrant nations helped forgers to dramatically increase the confusion level; as a matter of fact, there was no proper ethnic division (in the modern sense of the term) among Mongols, Turanians, Slavs and several other migrant nations. The languages change when people migrate and settle, resettle, move again, and end up in faraway places. For Muslim historians, the khan of the Saqaliba (: Slavs) was the strongest of all Turanian rulers. The arbitrary distinction of the migrant nations into two groups, namely Indo-European and Ural-Altaic/Turco-Mongolian nations was done deliberately in order to intentionally transform the face of the world and adjust it to the so-called Table of Nations, a forged text that made its way into the biblical book of Genesis in later periods (6th–4th c. BCE). General reading:

The Western academic tyranny is so deeply rooted that, irrespective of your political, ideological or philosophical affiliation (fascist, Nazi, communist, conservative, social-democrat, liberal, atheist, evolutionist, creationist, anarchist, etc.), you always have to adjust your seminars, courses, lectures, contributions, books and publications to the fallacy of Genesis chapter 10. The absurd logic of this system is the following: “since no Bulgars are mentioned in the Table of Nations, they must be a later tribe”. Then, believe it or not, whatever documentation may be found in Aramaic, Middle Persian, Pahlavi, Brahmi, Kharosthi, Avestan, Sogdian, Tocharian, Chinese or other texts about the Bulgars will be deliberately presented as irrelevant to Bulgars. If a new Sogdian document is found in Central Asia (dating back to the middle Arsacid times: 1st c. CE) and there is a certain mention of Bulgars in the text, the criminal gangsters and the systematic fraudsters of the Western universities and museums will write an enormous amount of articles to stupidly discredit the document or attribute the word to anything or anyone else.

iv- the forgers themselves and their antiquity

The above makes it clear that the foundations of today’s Western academic life, historiographical research, sector of Humanities, and all the associated fields of study were laid by the Western European Catholic monks and only after the end of the Eastern Roman imperial control, appointment and approval of the Roman popes (752 CE).

This changes totally the idea that you and the entire world have of the History of Mankind because it means that the Benedictine-Papal-Roman opposition to and clash with the Eastern Roman Empire (and the subsequent schisms of 867 and 1054) were entirely due to the resolute papal attempt to forge the World History, to substitute it with a fake History, and to diffuse all the Anti-Christian schemes that brought the world to today’s chaos. As the Muslims were totally unaware of the confrontation, the Crusades were undertaken against (not the Caliphate but) Constantinople. All the Christian Orthodox monasteries and libraries were controlled by Catholic monks, scribes, copyists and priests who had the time (from 1204 until 1261) to rob whatever manuscripts they had to rob, destroy whatever manuscripts they had to destroy, and leave all the rest as ‘useless’ to their enterprise.  

That is why modern scholars are ordered to jubilate every time a papyrus fragment is found in Egypt with few lines of verses from Homer, Hesiod and the Ancient ‘Greek’ tragedians, historians or philosophers! They publicize these discoveries in order to make every naïve guy believe that the bulk of their forged documentation is genuine. But it is not.

v- and last but not least, several points of

a) governance of modern states

The consolidation of the historical forgery was top concern for the colonial puppets of the Western European powers and for the powers hidden behind the scenes. I still remember the blogger’s comments about the late 19th and early 20th c. Bulgarian statesmen, politicians and academics, who were not so enthusiastic about the Fayoum papyrus! He made me laugh at; of course, he was very correct in writing what he did. Absolutely pertinent! But also very naïve!

He failed to remember that the top Ottoman military officer in Salonica during the First Balkan War, lieutenant general Hasan Tahsin Pasha (also known as Hasan Tahsin Mesarea; 1845-1918), as soon as he learned that the 7th Bulgarian Division was coming from the northeast, decided on his own to surrender the Salonica fortress and 26000 men to the Greek crown prince Constantine, being thus deemed a traitor and sentenced to death by a martial court.  

No Bulgarian (or other) official had ever the authority to go beyond the limits specified as regards either borderlines or historical approaches and conclusions.

b) international alliances, and

The same is valid today; it would be bizarre for Bulgarian professors of universities and academics to teach, diffuse, publish and propagate ideas, concepts and interpretations that contravene the worldwide norm that the Western colonials imposed across the Earth. It is as simple as that: Bulgaria, as EU member state, participates in many academic projects like Erasmus, etc. The professor, who would challenge the lies and the falsehood, which are at the basis of the so-called European values, principles and standards, would automatically become a problem for his rector, who would be receiving most unpleasant if not threatening calls from every corner of the Earth, as well as demands to fire the uncooperative, ‘controversial’ professor.

c) the ensuing captivity of all the targeted nations, each one well-adjusted into the preconceived role that the forgers invented for it

Actually, it is not a matter of Bulgaria and how the true History of Bulgaria is hidden from the Bulgarians; the same is valid in Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Sudan, Israel, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, etc. As I lived in all these countries, I have personal experience and deep knowledge as regards their pedagogical systems and the contents of their manuals. In Egypt, schoolchildren study the History of Ancient Egypt down to Ramses III only (ca. 1200 BCE) and next year, they start with the beginning of Islam (642 CE). Why?

Because during the falsely called Roman times, Egyptian mysticisms, religions, spirituality, cults, sciences, arts, wisdom, cosmogony, cosmology, and eschatology flooded Greece, Rome, the Roman Empire, and even Europe beyond the Roman borders. The Egyptian pupil must not learn that the Greeks, the Romans, and the Europeans were dramatically inferior to his own cultural heritage. That’s why stupid and illiterate sheikhs, ignorant imams, and evil theologians intoxicate the average Egyptians with today’s fake Islam, which is not a religion anymore but a theological-ideological-political system at the antipodes of the true historical Islam. It cuts the average Egyptian from his own cultural heritage, thus making him stupidly care about the wives and the prematurely dead children of prophet Muhammad, as well as other matters of no importance for the spiritual-cultural-intellectual phenomenon of Islam.

Best regards,



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The Fake Texts of Ancient Greek ‘Historians’: the Behistun Inscription, Ctesias, Diodorus Siculus, Darius I the Great, and Semiramis

In a previous article published under the title ‘Aristotle as Historical Forgery, the Western World’s Fake History & Rotten Foundations, and Prof. Jin Canrong’s Astute Comments’, I wholeheartedly supported the position taken by the prominent Chinese Prof. Jin Canrong about Aristotle and I explained why Aristotle never existed as he is known today and most of his texts were not written by him, but by the pseudo-Christian Benedictine monks of Western Europe for the purpose of the ferocious imperial and theological battle that Rome carried out against New Rome-Constantinople and the Eastern Roman Empire. You can find the table of contents and a link to the publication at the end of the present article.   



I. A fictional concept: the origin of the fraud

II. A construct based on posterior textual sources

III. The deceitful presentation

IV. 5th century BCE texts found in 15th c. CE manuscripts do not make ‘History’.

V. Abundant evidence of lies and deliberate distortions attested in the manuscript transmission

VI. Darius I the Great, the Behistun inscription, and Ctesias

VII. The historical Assyrian Queen Shammuramat and the fictional Queen Semiramis of the ‘Ancient Greek sources’

VIII. The malignant intentions of the Benedictine liars: from the historical Darius I the Great to the fictional Semiramis

IX. The vicious distortions of the Benedictine liars: from Ctesias to Herodotus

The Behistun inscription


In the present article, I will offer a typical example of text falsification carried out by the Catholic monks, who did not ‘copy and preserve’ manuscripts of ancient Greek and Latin texts, as it has been mendaciously said by Western European and North American academics and lying scholars, but they purposefully falsified, distorted, concealed, destroyed and/or contrived numerous texts.

This enormous forgery took place in Western Europe between the 2nd half of the 8th century and the 1st half of the 15th century; the colonial era was launched exactly afterwards. For this reason, few manuscripts with Ancient Greek and Roman texts date before the 8th c.; in fact, most of them have been either distorted and replaced or hidden in the vast libraries still owned, controlled and administered that the anti-Christian Roman Catholic Church.

The purpose of this devious and evil effort was the fabrication of a fake narrative about the forged antiquity and the supposed importance of the Western Europeans according to the needs of world conquest, prevalence and preponderance of the pseudo-Christian Roman Catholic Church; this bogus-historical dogma, as direct opposition to and ultimate rejection of Orthodox Christianity, would be initially imposed as the ‘scientific discipline of History’ in Western Europe and subsequently projected onto the rest of the world by means of colonial invasion, indigenous identity destruction, moral integrity demolition, cultural heritage disintegration, educational subordination, economic exploitation, military subjugation, and socio-political domination.  

In other words, the monastical scribes and copyists created an entirely fake Euro-centric past, which became the rotten foundation of Western Europe. This fallacy became known as Judeo-Christian world and Greco-Roman civilization. However, the decipherment of ancient languages (Egyptian hieroglyphic, Old Achaemenid Iranian, Assyrian-Babylonian, Sumerian, Hurrian, Hittite, Urartu, Ugaritic, etc) and the study of millions of original texts, which were not copies of earlier sources but contemporaneous to the events that they narrated, sounded the death knell of the era of history fabrication programs.

With the post-Soviet rise of the great continental powers (China, India, Russia, etc.), the economic-military-political-ideological-educational-academic-cultural tyranny of the Western World started being overthrown throughout the earlier colonized world. The historical forgery that the colonial rulers imposed collapsed, the falsehood of the Eurocentric dogma of World History started being revealed and rejected, and an overwhelming project of total de-Westernization appeared as a prerequisite for the liberation of the Mankind from the lies of the European Renaissance, the Western Humanities, the White Supremacism, the Western European colonialism and racism, as well as from the falsehood of numerous subsystems of the construct, such as Classicism, Hellenism, Orientalism, etc.  

In our days, it is imperative for anti-colonial scholars to unveil the distortions applied to Ancient Greek and Latin texts by the medieval monks. Consequently, historians from all over the world have to work together in order to denounce and obliterate the Western fraud and the fake History of the Western Man, which consists in arbitrarily taking 14th c. CE manuscripts as authentic narratives of Ancient History.

Jean Adrien Guignet (1816–1854), The Battle at Cunaxa (401 BCE), painting of 1843; typical example of the Western European forgery and of the bogus-historical dogma that European colonials wanted to impose worldwide as ‘History’! The narrative about the Battle at Cunaxa is to be found in Xenophon’s Anabasis; the purported Ancient Athenian author (430-355 BCE) died when Alexander the Great was born, but his text is saved in manuscripts dating back to the period between the 13th the 16th centuries, namely 1600-1900 years after the writer’s death. By selecting themes from the forged Ancient Greek ‘history’, Modern European artists plunged scholars and simple people into a delusion that they call ‘History’.

I. A fictional concept: the origin of the fraud

Apparently, the present brief article cannot be an exhaustive presentation of the Western fraud, and of the historical forgery that the Western monks, manuscript copyists, collectors, academics and propagandists attempted to impose worldwide through colonial conquests, massacres and tyrannies. However, I can still enumerate the major founding myths of the Western World.

Two thematic circles of historical distortions and fraudulent claims made by the Western academia revolve around the following two entirely fabricated entities, which have conventionally but erroneously been called

a) “the Greco-Roman world” and

b) “Biblical Israel” and “Judeo-Christian civilization”.

These ahistorical entities never existed. The original concept of those notions is purely fictional, and it therefore remains always unquestioned in the fraudulent Western universities. In this regard, the sources that the Western academics evoke to support their claims are posterior, untrustworthy, forged and therefore worthless.

At times, some of those texts represent merely ancient authors’ misperceptions of earlier texts and authors; however, more often, the ancient texts have been tampered with. On other occasions, ancient texts that refute the lies of other historical sources are hidden from the general public and conventionally discussed among the Western academic accomplices.  

Fake terms, nonsensical selection of artworks, intentional use of posterior sources, delusional Modern European paintings and many other techniques were involved in the fabrication of the bogus-historical dogma of the Western World; but how can a Roman relief related to events of the 1st c. CE be taken as relevant of the so-called ‘History of Biblical Israel’, since the Ancient Kingdom of Israel ceased to exist in 722 BCE and the entire population was taken captive to Assyria? All the same, if an author decides to illustrate the topic by means of an Assyrian relief, he surely risks revealing the truth, i.e. the fact that the fake Biblical world was an insignificant periphery of Mesopotamia.

In parallel with the delusion diffused at home and worldwide, the Western academia took good care to produce plenty of sick concepts and laughable notions in their effort to come up with pre-fabricated opponents. Before 100 years, this was done with Hitler and his fake Nazi ideology, which reflected Anglo-Saxon corruption, while being detrimentally opposite to the traditional German culture. Nowadays, fake Muslims are similarly produced by the Western secret services. These pawns, although ignorant, uneducated and idiotic, are foolish enough to portray the so-called Judeo-Christian civilization as the Dajjal, i.e. the Antichrist system, which was prophesied first in Ancient Egypt and in Hittite Anatolia and only much later in Christian and Muslim sources. But the Antichrist system is something real, whereas the Judeo-Christian civilization never existed; it is prefabricated delusion. Those who take it as real will be destroyed.

II. A construct based on posterior textual sources

The entire construct hinges on the deceitful presentation of several types of material forged, collected, concealed, interpreted, contextualized, narrated, repeatedly but intentionally discussed, supposedly questioned, and selectively popularized; this was due to the fact that the said material was incessantly utilized for the colonial needs and targets of the Western European powers (England, France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, and more recently the US). In fact, the Western World’s fake History was created as the ultimate support of all colonial claims.

This process happened within a system in which posterior textual sources (preserved in medieval manuscripts) have occupied the central position, whereas the ancient epigraphic material, which was contemporaneous to the historical events under study, has been deliberately disregarded.

All later discovered data and pieces of information were either adjusted to the construct or methodically hidden; this is how the original concept, pathetically believed almost as a religious dogma, remained totally unchallenged down to our days.

III. The deceitful presentation

The quintessence of the deceitful presentation involves a vicious trick; people (pupils and students, but also scholars and intellectuals, as well as the general public) are taught and made accustomed to care mainly about the absolutely insignificant dates of birth and death of historical persons (authors, rulers, etc.), and not about the dates of the manuscripts in which these individuals are mentioned as supposed authors; this situation turns readers, students and scholars into pathetic idiots. 

Subsequently, we cannot seriously afford to describe Herodotus as a 5th c. BCE writer, because there is no manuscript with texts attributed to him, dating before the 10th c. CE. In addition, if we take into account the enormous number of other ancient authors decrying, denigrating and rejecting Herodotus’ absurdities and malignancy, we have to permanently and irrevocably obliterate Herodotus from the History of Mankind and consider his false, paranoid and racist texts as a double Crime against the Mankind:

first, with respect to the original narrative (to which we don’t have access as it was distorted by medieval monastical scribes and copyists) because the author attempted to disparage the superior Iranian civilization and the majestic Achaemenid universalist empire, while undeservedly praising the South Balkan barbarians, and

second, as regards the currently available text, which was forged as per the discriminatory intentions of the monks who altered and distorted it in their effort to fabricate the fake, modern divide (or dichotomy) East-West, and to offer a shred of historicity to it.

IV. 5th century BCE texts found in 15th c. CE manuscripts do not make ‘History’.

People get therefore addicted to considering as a true and original ‘work’ (of an ancient author) the manuscript (or manuscripts) in which the specific treatise, essay or book was copied perhaps 10 or 15 centuries after the author composed it. Due to a long chain of intermediaries (namely library copyists, librarians, scholars, monks, collectors, purchasers and/or statesmen), the transmitted text may have been partly or totally changed.

There is absolutely no guarantee as regards the honesty, the good intentions, the unbiased attitude, and the benevolent character of the perhaps 5, 10, 20 or 50 persons who -living in different eras and without knowing one another- may have constituted the chain of (unknown to us) intermediaries between the hand of the author and that of the last copyist whose manuscript was preserved down to our times.

Example: very little matters today whether the ancient author Diodorus Siculus or Siceliotes (西西里的狄奧多羅斯) actually lived in the 1st c. BCE or in the 3rd c. CE; quite contrarily, what is important for history-writing is the fact that the earliest known manuscript of his famous ‘Bibliotheca Historica’ (世界史) dates back to the 10th c. CE.

Consequently, the first piece of information that should be stated after the name of any ‘ancient’ Anatolian, Macedonian, Thracian, Greek, Roman and other author is the date of the earliest extant manuscript of his works.

V. Abundant evidence of lies and deliberate distortions attested in the manuscript transmission

An extraordinarily high number of original sources excavated in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia, Canaan, Iran and elsewhere, and subsequently deciphered, can be dated with accuracy; example: the Annals of great Assyrian emperor Tiglath-pileser III (745-727 BCE) were written during his reign. They are contemporaneous and therefore original.

Part of the Annals of the Assyrian Emperor Tiglath-pileser III (745-727 BCE) that were written and depicted on the walls of imperial palace at Kalhu (modern Nimrud, in Northern Iraq): representation of the Assyrian campaign against Babylonia in 728 BCE; contrarily to the Ancient Greek sources, which were hypothetically preserved in manuscripts written 1500 years after the supposed author elaborated his narrative, the Assyrian texts are trustworthy and valuable sources of information, because they were formulated at the same time as the events therein narrated. But not one Ancient Greek relief or text was found to be contemporaneous with Herodotus’ fictional battle of Thermopylae.

However, in striking contrast to them, almost all the manuscripts with the works of ancient Greek and Roman authors whose texts have formed the backbone of the fraudulent historical dogma of the Western academia are not contemporaneous but posterior by, at times, 1500 or 2000 years.

Even worse, numerous ancient Greek authors’ texts were not preserved through a manuscript tradition at all; they were saved as references in posterior authors’ works. This concerns, for instance, Ctesias (克特西亞斯), an Ancient Carian (Anatolian) physician and erudite scholar, who lived and worked in the court of the Achaemenid Iranian emperor Artaxerxes II in the 5th c. BCE.

Later, willing to offer potential guidebooks to Iran and India for the use of various peripheral peoples and tribes of the Balkan region, Ctesias elaborated in Ancient Ionian (愛奧尼亞希臘語) two treatises to describe the state of things in Iran and in India. To the Western academic bibliography, his works are known (in Latin) as ‘Persica’ and ‘Indica’.

These texts were not saved integrally in manuscripts copied for the purpose of preserving Ctesias’ works, but they were preserved in Diodorus Siculus’ ‘Bibliotheca Historica’. Although he is not known through authentic and contemporaneous Iranian sources, we can deduce that Ctesias certainly spoke fluently the official language of the Empire and read Old Achaemenid cuneiform. Eventually, he may have also studied and learned Babylonian and Elamite cuneiform, namely two ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform languages and writings the use of which was maintained by Iranian scribes.

Apparently, Ctesias had a firsthand insight, as he lived for many years in Parsa (Persepolis), the capital of the Achaemenid Empire and he also traveled extensively along with the Iranian emperor. But, unfortunately, the following ordeal was produced.  

VI. Darius I the Great, the Behistun inscription, and Ctesias

One century before Ctesias served Artaxerxes II, the empire of Iran was saved by Darius I the Great (大流士一世; reign: 522-486), who overthrew a usurper, namely the Mithraic (密特拉教祭司) magus Gaumata (高墨达), and by so doing, preserved on the throne a dynasty of faithful Zoroastrian (瑣羅亞斯德教徒) monarchs.

To commemorate his great victory and the consolidation of the his dynasty, Darius I the Great had an enormous rock relief and a monumental inscription (貝希斯敦銘文) engraved on the rocks of Mount Behistun (貝希斯頓山), at a distance of 150 km west of Hamadan (哈马丹; Ekbatana/埃克巴坦那) in Western Iran (15 m high by 25 m wide and 100 m up the cliff). As it can be easily understood, these events occurred after the assassination of Cambyses, at the very beginning of Darius I the Great’s reign.

It goes without saying that the successors of Darius I the Great and the imperial Iranian administration knew perfectly well the historical details and were fully aware of the imperial inscription that immortalized the event, which had obviously become the cornerstone of the imperial education.  

Mount Bisotun (rather known as Behistun in Western bibliography)

The Behistun inscription  

Representation of the Achaemenid Iranian Emperor Darius I the Great in the Behistun inscription; he is trampling the defeated Gaumata.

Behistun relief of the defeated Elamite ššina rebel

In the vast Achaemenid Iranian Empire, Imperial Aramaic was the lingua franca in which people from different provinces (satrapies) used to communicate; numerous official documents were translated from cuneiform to alphabetic writing and sent to the various administrators (satraps). The Behistun papyrus from the Elephantine Island (in Aswan, Upper Egypt) contains an Imperial Aramaic translation of the Inscription of Behistun; excavated in 1906-1908 by the German Orientalist Eduard Sachau and published in 1911, the text is known as DB Aram and as TADAE C2.1+3.13. About:

VII. The historical Assyrian Queen Shammuramat and the fictional Queen Semiramis of the ‘Ancient Greek sources’

However, one century later, when Ctesias lived in Iran, served the Iranian Emperor, and spoke Old Achaemenid Iranian (and if not, he was surrounded by the Empire’s top interpreters and advisers), something disastrously odd ‘happened’.

According to Diodorus Siculus, who explicitly stated that he extensively quoted from Ctesias’ text (Bibliotheca Historica, II 13), the imperial Carian physician and author appears to have attributed the Behistun inscription and the rock reliefs to none else than the Assyrian Queen Shammuramat (薩穆-拉瑪特), who was the queen consort of the Assyrian Emperor Shamshi Adad V (沙姆什·阿達德五世; reign: 824-811) and co-regent (811-805) during the first years of reign of her son Adad Nirari III (阿达德尼拉里三世; reign: 811-783)!

(Above:) stela of Shamshi-Adad V from the Nabu Temple at Kalhu/Nimrud; (below:) stela of Adad Nirari III from Tell al Rimush (also known as the ‘Mosul marble stele’)

(Above:) the stela of Shammuramat from the city of Assyria (Ashur); the great queen and queen mother is described as the wife of Shamshi-Adad V, the mother of Adad-Nirari III, and the daughter-in-law of Shalmaneser III (actually in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Germany); (below:) detail

Actually in the Maraş (Germanikeia/Kahramanmaraş) Archaeology Museum, the Pazarcık Stele was found in Kizkapanli, near the Pazarcik village, ca. 30 km SE of Maraş in Turkey; the monument was a boundary stele constructed by the Assyrian Emperor Adad-nirari III in 805 BCE. It demarcated the borders between Assyria and the Neo-Hittite kingdoms of Kummuh (later known as Commagene) and Gurgum. The queen mother Shammuramat is mentioned as taking part in the military campaigns undertaken by the Assyrian Emperor in the region.

Furthermore, in the ‘Ancient Greek’ text of Diodorus Siculus, the monumental inscription was said to be written in Assyrian cuneiform (Συρίοις γράμμασιν)! Even worse, in the same text (as preserved today), it was also stated that, in the rock relief, there was also a representation of the Assyrian queen!

Ctesias’ text, as preserved by Diodorus Siculus, is truly abundant in information, but it is historically impossible and therefore entirely forged. Due to this and many other texts, an enormous chasm was unnecessarily formed between

a) the historical queen Shammuramat of Assyria, whose historicity is firmly undeniable, due to the existence of several contemporaneous cuneiform sources excavated in Assyria, and subsequently deciphered and published,


b) the purely fictional Assyrian queen Semiramis (沙米拉姆) of the posterior Ancient Greek textual sources that were supposedly ‘preserved’ (but in reality deliberately distorted and forged) in the Benedictine manuscripts of Western Europe’s monasteries.

The fictional Semiramis of Western Europe: ‘Semiramis receiving news of the rebellion in Babylon’, painting by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (also known as Il Guercino; 1591-1666), 1624 (Oil on canvas, currently in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

Semiramis called to Arms, by Alessandro Leone Varotari (also known as Il Padovanino; 1588’1649)

Semiramis Building Babylon (1861) by Edgar Degas

However, if we examine closely the facts, we will surely understand what truly occurred in this case; then, we will be able to fathom how the fake History of the Western world was fabricated.

The Behistun inscription is trilingual, as it was written in Old Achaemenid Iranian (the earliest form of written Iranian languages), Babylonian, and Elamite; this was a very common practice during the Achaemenid times (550-330 BCE). The main figure of the associated rock relief is Darius I the Great, evidently the representation of a male royal.

One way or another, with respect to the Behistun inscription and rock relief, Ctesias certainly knew everything that we know today after the successive decipherments of the Old Achaemenid, Babylonian and Elamite cuneiform writings, or perhaps even more, due to the then extant oral tradition.

VIII. The malignant intentions of the Benedictine liars: from the historical Darius I the Great to the fictional Semiramis  

The Behistun inscription is not Assyrian; the representation is not that of female royal; and the monument is totally unrelated to Shammuramat, who had lived 300 years before Darius I the Great and 400 years before Artaxerxes II’s physician Ctesias. More importantly, by that time, the Assyrian Empire did not occupy the lands surrounding Behistun. Accompanied by Iranian imperial officers and his associates, Ctesias certainly learned all the details of the monumental inscription that we can now read in articles, courses, lectures, books and encyclopedias.

The narrative was a triumph for Darius I the Great and a spectacular rebuttal of the vicious Mithraic Magi who had supported the defeated evil sorcerer and villain Gaumata. Apparently, writing a guidebook for Iran to help marginal people of the Empire’s Balkan periphery, Ctesias did not have any reason to say lies. Moreover, we don’t have any reason to believe that Diodorus Siculus needed to distort the truth to that extent, when copying and thus preserving Ctesias’ masterpiece for the posterity.

However, the transmission of the details about the Behistun inscription embarrassed the Benedictine copyists who wanted to denigrate Darius I the Great and to portray his great empire in a most derogatory manner. They had already proceeded in this manner, distorting other manuscripts, forging texts, and fabricating their pseudo-historical narratives at will.

That is why Ctesias’ pertinent text, which had certainly been preserved in its original form within Diodorus Siculus’ Bibliotheca Historica, was intentionally distorted by the Benedictine ‘Holy Inquisition of Libraries’, which fabricated the myths of today’s Western world some time after the middle of the 8th c. CE. To be accurate, Ctesias’ historical description was entirely replaced by a fictional and historically nonsensical account.

The unbelievable lies -invented and included in Diodorus Siculus’ quotations from Ctesias- risked making of the fictional queen Semiramis a world ruler! Whereas the Assyrian Empire at the end of the 9th c. BCE did not control even the western half of today’s Iranian territory, the unequivocally mythicized Semiramis had supposedly sent her armies up to India where those fictitious Assyrian soldiers were trampled by the elephants. This worthless narrative that replaced Ctesias’ original text may very well have been invented as a ‘historical’ excuse for Alexander the Great’s failure to advance deep inside India.

The fictional Semiramis of Modern Europeans: she condemns her husband Ninus to death; painting by Nicolaus Knüpfer (1609-1655), created after 1622. Currently in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest.

IX. The vicious distortions of the Benedictine liars: from Ctesias to Herodotus

But if the fictional Semiramis’ Indian campaign is entirely false, so are then the preposterous narratives of Herodotus about Darius I the Great’s and Xerxes I the Great’s campaigns in the insignificant and barbarian circumference of South Balkans. These texts involved evil purposes, heinous anti-Iranian biases, fictional battles, racist discourses, vicious lies, incredibly large number of the Iranian armies, and absurdly high number of Iranian casualties.

The mendacious but idiotic Benedictine monks, who wrote those slander tales did not apparently expect that, sometime in the future, excavations would bring to light splendid Iranian antiquities, original cuneiform documentation, and trustworthy contemporaneous historical sources, whereas a systematic effort of decipherment would offer to people all over the world direct access to historical texts written in dead languages, thus irrevocably canceling Herodotus’ nonsensical report and, even more importantly, the later distortions that the Benedictine monks made on their worthless manuscripts.

In any case, had those fictional campaigns against ‘Greece’ had a shred of truth to them, they would have certainly been documented one way or another in various Old Achaemenid, Babylonian, Elamite, Imperial Aramaic, Egyptian hieroglyphic or other sources; but they were not.

Even worse, the meaningless and ludicrous battles of Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, and their likes would have been commemorated by the Seleucids, the Ptolemies, and the Attalids all the way down to the Romans and the Eastern Romans. But we know quite well that the nonexistent, fictional past of the so-called Ancient Greek world was absolutely irrelevant to them: precisely because it had not yet been fabricated.


Aristotle as Historical Forgery, the Western World’s Fake History & Rotten Foundations, and Prof. Jin Canrong’s Astute Comments


I. Aristotle: a Major Founding Myth of the Western World

II. When, where and by whom was the Myth of Aristotle fabricated?

III. The Myth of Aristotle and its first Byproducts: Scholasticism, East-West Schism, the Crusades & the Sack of Constantinople (1204)

IV. Aristotelization: First Stage of the Westernization and the Colonization of the World

V. Aristotelization as Foundation of all the Western Forgeries: the so-called Judeo-Christian Heritage and the Fraud of Greco-Roman Civilization

VI. The Modern Western World as Disruption of History

VII. The Myth of Aristotle and the Monstrosity of Western Colonialism 


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Aristotle as Historical Forgery, the Western World’s Fake History & Rotten Foundations, and Prof. Jin Canrong’s Astute Comments


Аристотель как историческая подделка, фальшивая история и гнилые основы западного мира, и проницательные комментарии профессора Цзинь Канронга

Last November, in a viral video on Douyin, Prof. Jin Canrong straightforwardly questioned the existence of the Ancient Macedonian philosopher and scholar Aristotle. This sounded impertinent, erroneous or even extravagant to many people in the Western world. But, is the leading Chinese scholar wrong or have all the Western academics been formed and operated as mere ‘knowledge administrators’ of a mostly absurd, delusional and tyrannical bureaucracy of universities? 

We can be sure of only one fact: had Prof. Jin Canrong (金灿荣/Цзинь Цаньрун) been a Western academic employed in any local institution, he would have been fired exclusively because of his statement. In the Western world, there is no freedom of thought or freedom of expression, particularly when one truthful scholar attacks the crumbling foundations of a corrupt system based on falsehood, distortion and fabrication. You can find Prof. Canrong’s videos, brief presentations of his approach, reports and news about it, and curriculum at the end of the present article.


I. Aristotle: a Major Founding Myth of the Western World

II. When, where and by whom was the Myth of Aristotle fabricated?

III. The Myth of Aristotle and its first Byproducts: Scholasticism, East-West Schism, the Crusades & the Sack of Constantinople (1204)

IV. Aristotelization: First Stage of the Westernization and the Colonization of the World

V. Aristotelization as Foundation of all the Western Forgeries: the so-called Judeo-Christian Heritage and the Fraud of Greco-Roman Civilization

VI. The Modern Western World as Disruption of History

VII. The Myth of Aristotle and the Monstrosity of Western Colonialism 

I. Aristotle: a Major Founding Myth of the Western World

As a historian, Orientalist and Hellenist, Greek citizen of Turkish origin, I fully support Prof. Jin Canrong’s approach to the topic. The texts currently attributed to Aristotle were written more than 1000 years after he died. This can certainly be historically proven; although he is a historical figure mentioned by several historians, philosophers and erudite scholars, who lived in later periods (in the Roman, Eastern Roman & Islamic times), we have few quotations before the 11th century; but by then, the forgery had already been prepared, and it started being diffused from Rome to Constantinople to Cairo to Baghdad.

Even more importantly, Aristotle was never exalted (in the way he has been over the last centuries in the Western world) by all those who mentioned or quoted him before the 11th c. This means that we have two different issues in front of us. One concern is the historicity of Aristotle’s manuscripts itself; and a totally different topic is the praise of the ancient philosopher and the extreme glorification of the texts, the concepts, and the ideas that were said to be his.

The distortion of the historical truth about Aristotle is one of the major founding myths of the Western World; it was generated in order to subordinate Alexander the Great and his successors (the Seleucids, the Ptolemies, the Attalids, and the Bactrian kingdom) and to ascribe them to Aristotle’s hypothetical (or fictional) ‘wisdom’ (since he was reputed to be Alexander’s instructor and mentor). All the same, the modern historical science is fully capacitated to convincingly demonstrate that Alexander the Great evidently acted against Aristotle’s conjectural guidelines and that the Macedonian king’s deeds were totally irrelevant to his mentor’s concepts.

II. When, where and by whom was the Myth of Aristotle fabricated?

The distortion of the historical truth about Aristotle was undertaken as Roman Catholic opposition to, and polarization against, the Eastern Roman (Orthodox / falsely called ‘Byzantine’) Empire, Church and Patriarchate that were conceptually based on the Cappadocian Fathers (迦帕多家教父) of the Christian Church and on what we conventionally call ‘Neo-Platonic (新柏拉图主义) philosophers of the Late Antiquity’. Although a pagan, Plato had a preeminent position in the Eastern Roman Empire, the Orthodox Church, and the Patriarchate of New Rome – Constantinople. The Roman Catholic Church would not stand against Orthodox Christianity without fabricating a counterfeit dogma that was founded on texts, which the Catholic monks wrote and attributed to Aristotle, who was also reputed to be Plato’s disciple. 

Justinian (查士丁尼一世) I

The reason for which the distortion of the historical truth about Aristotle could not be possibly undertaken in Rome before 752 CE (in the middle years of the Tang dynasty /唐朝) is simple; early identifying the reactionary college of Roman clerics, Emperor Justinian (查士丁尼一世) I (527-565) introduced a compulsory practice, namely the selection, approval and consecration of the Roman popes by the Eastern Roman (Constantinopolitan) emperor. This imperial procedure efficiently prevented the prevalence of falsehood, cruelty and barbarism in Rome for more than two centuries (537-752); but by the modern Aristotelian, colonial Western academics, it has been labeled -in a most derogatory manner- as ‘Byzantine Papacy’ (拜占庭教皇). 

For more than 200 years, the anti-Constantinopolitan, Aristotelian party of Rome (mostly based on the Order of the Benedictines/本篤會) was particularly hindered by the aforementioned imperial procedure. Because of the difficulties that the Eastern Roman Empire faced with the Omayyad Caliphate and several nomadic invaders, the Roman clerics were able at last to definitely overthrow the Constantinopolitan control in 752. Only then, they were able to start their alliance with the Franks and the Germans, to launch a multilayered and multifaceted war against the Eastern Roman Empire, and to oppose Orthodox Christianity on several dogmatic matters.

Subsequently, they developed their counterfeit theology that they founded on a rival philosophical system. To make their philosophy appear as ancient, systematic and important, they attributed their concepts, principles, thoughts, methods and ideas to Aristotle, eventually writing entire treatises that the world has ever since been told to consider as originally written by Plato’s pupil. This is the quintessence of what we now call Scholasticism (經院哲學), namely the absurd basis of all fanaticisms. Quite indicatively, the very early Scholastic movements start after the 760s-770s.

For this reason, there are an enormous number of manuscripts that date back to the 9th and the 10th c., whereas there is an impressive, almost incredible, scarcity of Ancient Greek manuscripts dating to earlier periods; the monks who fabricated Aristotle in the way we know him today had the power to cold-bloodedly destroy or hide manuscripts that they did not deem compatible with their philosophical system, to edit all the texts of Aristotle that had been saved until their time, to totally rewrite a text and burn the original manuscript or even to identify titles of missing works and daringly compose them at will.

The Babylonian Emperor Hammurapi (漢摩拉比; reign: 1792-1750 BCE), the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III (圖特摩斯三世; reign: 1479-1425 BCE), and the Achaemenid Iranian Emperors Darius I the Great (大流士一世; reign: 522-486 BCE) and Xerxes I the Great (薛西斯一世; reign: 486-465 BCE) as represented in contemporaneous monuments created during their own times. Their historicity is unchallengeable. But Aristotle’s manuscripts date back to medieval times, i.e. more than 1000 years after his death; even Aristotle’s statues and/or busts date back to Roman times, e.g. 300 or 500 years after his death. The real issue is not whether he existed or not but whether he wrote all the works that Benedictine monks composed in his name and whether he was considered as important or as secondary, trivial and worthless. And the most probable option is the latter.

Roman times’ Aristotle’s busts were few and very different from one another. This fact shows that the Catholic scholastic worshipping of Aristotle is baseless, nonsensical and absurd.

III. The Myth of Aristotle and its first Byproducts: Scholasticism, East-West Schism, the Crusades & the Sack of Constantinople (1204)

In brief, what the notorious Spanish Inquisition (西班牙宗教裁判所) did to humans, the Catholic monks also perpetrated to manuscripts and ancient texts. In the 13th c., Thomas Aquinas (托马斯·阿奎那) carried out an immense intellectual amalgamation of the Manichaean (摩尼教) structures of Catholic theology and intellect (as greatly attested in the works of Saint Augustine / 希波的奧古斯丁) with the fully fabricated Aristotelian rationality (亞里斯多德的理性). This formidable intellectual background constitutes the real foundations of the Western World and of the so-called Western civilization.

Aristotelian rationality and the Western myth of Aristotle were not produced only for the intellectual consolidation of the Catholic Church and the Western world, but also for the destruction of the Orient. Many well-known historical developments hinge on this issue, but this fact remains largely unknown worldwide.

The Translatio Imperii {Latin for ‘transition of the (world) kingdom’, namely a Late Antique and Christian concept concerning the metaphysical transfer of the world kingdom from nation to nation}, the ‘problem of two (Roman) emperors’ (namely the Eastern Roman Emperor and the Holy Roman Emperor, starting with Charlemagne/兩個皇帝的問題), the East-West Schism (東西教會大分裂) first in 867 (known as Photian schism/佛希亞斯分裂) and then in 1054, the formation of pro-Roman agents within the Eastern Roman Empire and the Christian Orthodox Church (known as Uniate /東儀天主教會), the treacherous role that the states and the merchants of Venice, Genoa and Pisa played against the Eastern Roman Empire, the Crusades (1095-1444; 十字軍東徵), the Massacre of the Latins in Constantinople (April 11182; 拉丁人大屠殺), the infamous Sack of Constantinople (1204; 君士坦丁堡的洗劫), the appellation of the Eastern Romans as ‘Greeks’, the theological differences between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Roman Orthodox Church, the notorious Council of Florence (1431-1449; 佛羅倫斯議會), the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans (1453; 君士坦丁堡的陷落), the preposterous Roman Catholic fabrication of the notion and concept of Byzantinism (拜占庭主義), the major tenets of Renaissance, the heresy of Protestantism, and the European colonialism, all would be impossible without the earlier prepared philological fabrication of Aristotelianism (亞里斯多德主義) and the philosophical-theological establishment of Scholasticism.

IV. Aristotelization: First Stage of the Westernization and the Colonization of the World

If the Constantinople-based scholastic theologians acted as Uniates (unionists) and were considered as traitors, the diffusion of Aristotelianism had a certain impact on the Islamic world, as cases like Ibn Rushd (Averroes/伊本·魯世德 – 阿威羅伊) and Averroism (阿威羅主伊義) very well demonstrate; however, this development was rather late (11th–12th c.). As it can be easily deduced, the impact was Medieval Roman, and not Ancient Greek.

Renaissance artists contributed greatly to the aforementioned practice of systematic exaltation of Aristotle and blind admiration for his works. It is exactly for this reason that in the well-known but false, ahistorical and deceitful painting ‘The School of Athens’ (雅典學校) by Raffaello Sanzio di Urbino (Raphael; 1483-1520; 拉斐爾), Aristotle (and not Plato) occupies the central position, appearing to be the most attractive, most energetic and most convincing philosopher.

The notorious school that never existed

And that’s why every reference to the Arabic translations of Aristotle’s ‘works’ (as a hypothetical ‘proof’ that the entirely constructed Aristotle is not fictional), although very factual, is quite deceitful indeed; as I said, in late 8th-9th c. Constantinople, the pro-Roman Uniates (: unionists) worked according to Roman Catholic (not Eastern Roman Orthodox) directives, storing, copying, amending or dispatching to Rome Aristotle’s manuscripts. During the same period, the fabrication of Aristotle’s works was a fully-fledged activity of numerous Catholic Benedictine monks across Western Europe; subsequently, these forged manuscripts were exchanged with codices found in libraries and scriptoria located in major centers of learning in the Eastern Roman Empire, Omayyad Andalusia, Abbasid Baghdad, etc.

In other words, in most of the cases, the supposedly original texts of Aristotle were first written in late 8th and 9th c. Rome, Northern Italy, and France, being thence dispatched to the realm of the Eastern Romans, to the Omayyad Muslims of Al-Andalus, and to the Muslims and the Christians of the Abbasid Caliphate. There is no manuscript of Arabic translation of Aristotle’s works that dates before the early-middle 9th c. Last, when it comes to Syriac (敘利亞文文字) translations of Aristotle’s works, we have to accept that only very few texts have been translated before the establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate; furthermore, these essays were rather brief, like the Categories (亞里斯多德的範疇),

Aristotle was apparently a minor philosopher whose real theories and exact postulations we will never learn; this is so, because he was purposefully utilized, systematically falsified, and extensively distorted by the Roman Benedictine monks who wanted to corroborate their version of Christianity, while rejecting their Eastern Roman rivals, namely the emperor and the patriarch at Constantinople; and in the process, they wrote the bulk of Aristotle’s works that are ‘saved’ down to our times.

V. Aristotelization as Foundation of all the Western Forgeries: the so-called Judeo-Christian Heritage and the Fraud of Greco-Roman Civilization

Statesmen, academics, intellectuals, diplomats, and simple people in China, India, Russia, Africa and Latin America have to take into account that the myth of Aristotle, which was crucial for the destruction of Eastern Roman Orthodoxy, the demise of the Islamic World, and the colonization – Westernization of the entire world, is only one of the major founding myths of the Western World.

A great number of methodically forged, delusional, discriminatory, and divisive myths, many historical distortions of absurdly Euro-centric character, and theoretical falsifications of the so-called Judeo-Christian past (猶太教和基督教的過去) and of the forged Greco-Roman civilization (希臘羅馬文明) have been first conceived, then composed, and finally propagated across the Western European lands by the Roman Catholic monks in the period between the late 8th and the 16th c.

After the forgery prevailed across that periphery of the Afro-Asiatic landmass, it was imposed colonially worldwide due to unprecedented bloodshed and inhuman practices of torture, which were perpetrated by the paranoid and barbarian conquistadors, who wanted to ‘civilize’ (read: barbarize) the entire world.

Aristotle, Catholic Scholasticism, and European Renaissance bring forth only colonial wars and opium; Imperial commissioner Lin Zexu (林則徐; 1785-1850), also known as “Lin of Clear Skies” for his moral integrity and his adamant rejection of opium and of colonialism

In fact, the Western World does not possess any historicity, any continuity and any originality. Contrarily to the historical continuity attested in pre-colonial Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran, India and China, the History of the Western world (originally meaning: the Italian and Iberian peninsulas and the northwestern extremities of Western Europe) consists in an entirely broken and ultimately disrupted process. It is essential to clearly discern and fully assess this reality, as it is directly intertwined with Western colonialism and it helps explain why this atrocity was committed, involving many crimes against the Mankind.

This is the only fundamental reason for which the Western colonial powers differ from the rest of the world; all the major civilizations, historical nations, and great lands of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and other continents have been characterized by cultural continuity throughout several different eras down to their colonization, when the false colonial dogma was locally imposed. 

VI. The Modern Western World as Disruption of History

But in Western Europe, the historical process (Antiquity, Late Antiquity, the rise of Christianity and the arrival of Islam) was interrupted after the end of the imperially appointed popes of Rome (752), because the subsequent formation of Scholasticism, the institution of Aristotelianism (as a counterfeit, bogus-Christian philosophy and theology), the extreme manipulation and falsification of the ancient historical sources, and the massive production of fake manuscripts opened the way toward the creation of a forged past that the Western European colonial academics named ‘Greco-Roman civilization’ and ‘Judeo-Christian world’.

Within this entirely noxious circumference, for the first and only time in World History, the historical past was either obliterated or distorted in a way to be adjusted to the needs of the prevailing racist concepts, catastrophic ideas, and heinous plans for all the rest.

Aristotelianism, a totally fake, spiritually sick, and intellectually rotten product, became the ‘logical’ and ‘reasonable’ foundation of the world of absolute paranoia, involving notably but not exclusively White Supremacism (白人至上主義), and Western Colonialism (西方殖民主義), which brought about Renaissance (文藝復興), Classicism (古典主義), Hellenism (希臘化), and Orientalism (東方主義).

The historical Emperor Assurbanipal of Assyria (亚述巴尼拔; 669-625 BCE) as depicted on bas reliefs from his palace at Nineveh (尼尼微); and the fictional Sardanapalus of the 19th French Orientalist painter Eugène Delacroix (欧仁•德拉克罗瓦; 1798-1863): from his painting La Mort de Sardanapale (the Death of Sardanapalus; 薩達那帕拉之死)

The prefabricated historical dogma was totally imposed either tyrannically (on European colonies) or deceitfully (through infiltration: Germany, Russia, etc.) across the Earth. Everyone had a role in the Western colonial scheme; the colonized nations were ipso facto subaltern slaves, whereas the Western European colonials were the undisputed masters, who were ‘known’ as ‘provenly’ possessing ‘superior’ intellect, ‘nobler’ heritage, and ‘older’ historical past.

For this absurdity not to be challenged, every new decipherment of an ancient Oriental writing system, every new establishment of an Orientalist discipline {such as Iranology (伊朗學), Egyptology (埃及學), Assyriology (亞述學), Hittitology (赫梯學), Indology (印度學), Sinology (漢學), Turkology (土耳其學), etc.}, and every new publication and study of an ancient literature (that antedates Ancient Greece and Rome by 2000 or 250 years) was entirely disconnected from the prefabricated History of the Mankind. This means that the fresh and original data, the genuine pieces of information found in unearthed ancient sources, and the possibility of wider contextualization of the historical continuity were not used (as they should have been) in order to amend the earlier established arbitrary and baseless Western colonial dogma.

VII. The Myth of Aristotle and the Monstrosity of Western Colonialism  

This fact, in and by itself, demonstrates that the existing Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian fallacy is an entire construct that does not contain even a shred of truth in it. Had the Western world’s pseudo-historical forgery been truthful, scholars and explorers would have fully reassessed it and readjusted it accordingly in the light of the Ancient Sumerian (蘇美人), Egyptian, Akkadian (阿卡德), Assyrian-Babylonian, Hurrian (胡里安人), Hittite and Canaanite (迦南人) civilizations, literature, intellect, spirituality, and culture.

That is why practically speaking there is absolutely no comprehensive and unbiased study of the cataclysmic and decisive impact that the Ancient Oriental Genius had on the formation of the so-called Ancient Hebrew, Greek and Roman civilizations.

1825 至 30 年間,英國東印度公司重要人物在印度巡遊。Important figures from the British East India Company toured Mughal India between 1825 and 1830

That is why practically speaking there is absolutely no comprehensive and unbiased study of the parallel paths of the intellect, the similarity of the structures of faith and thought, and the affinity among human cultures in Ancient Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Iran, Egypt, China and India.

That is why practically speaking there is absolutely no proper academic, educational and intellectual cooperation among the earlier colonized countries and there is no Egyptology in Iran, no Assyriology in India, no Hittitology in China, no Indology in Egypt, and no Sinology in Algeria. Earlier colonized lands have been deliberately dissociated from one another, and all the postcolonial (or neocolonial) educational systems worldwide were created to be Occidentalo-centric and Euro-centric.

This calamitous reality does indeed apply also to deeply religious people, as Egyptian Copts know nothing about Nestorian Christianity in India, Central Asia, and China, whereas Moroccan Muslims are fully ignorant of the Islamic heritage of Uzbekistan, Uzbeks know absolutely nothing about the History of the Somali and Bantu East African Sultanates, Nigerian Muslims never learn about Mughal Indian culture and literature, and so on.

However, all of them, in their respective schools, are still forced to learn all the fake myths of the Western colonial world and the associated bogus-historical dogma.



You can find Prof. Canrong’s videos, brief presentations of his approach, reports and news about it, and curriculum in the following links:金灿荣金灿荣)

In Chinese:


(Professor Jin Canrong; Professor, School of International Relations, Renmin University of China)金灿荣

亚里士多德存在吗?(Did Aristotle exist?)


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Version 1.0.0


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A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – V

In the four earlier texts of this series, I described the bilateral needs that Egypt and China have to urgently address, therefore entering in an advantageous, multileveled and grand alliance, which will not only consolidate Egypt’s national security and boost China’s expansion in Africa, but also help drastically transform, pacify and unify the Black Continent’s northeastern corner, notably Sudan and Libya. All previous parts (titles, contents and links to the publications) are to be found at the end of the present article.

In the present, last article of the series, I will focus on the final targets that the Egyptian-Chinese alliance should set in view of Africa’s complete decolonization, de-Westernization, and rehabilitation. These issues are relevant to educational, cultural and political-military affairs; to eliminate the curse that fell on the Black Continent, Africans should

a) remove English and French as foreign languages,

b) interrupt the educational, academic and scientific links that almost all the African countries have been forced (through means of colonial interference) to maintain with England, France, Belgium, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the US,

c) terminate the economic subordination of almost all the major African private companies, corporations and state institutions or organizations to the above mentioned countries and to the international schemes that the Western countries have established (IMF, World Bank), and

d) minimize if not obliterate the presence of Western diplomats, military or tourists on Africa.

And China must help the Black Continent do exactly this. Africa was never part of the Western World, and no African needs to be part of this corrupt and ailing part of the Mankind.



I. Chinese as the First Foreign Language in Egypt

II. Systematic Dissociation and Separation from Western Europe and North America

III. The Egypt – Sudan – Libya Confederation

IV. How the Chinese-Egyptian Alliance will reshape Africa into Five Mega-States


For China to achieve an irrevocable breakthrough in Africa, it is essential that the Chinese statesmen, diplomats, administrators, military advisers, academics and businessmen envision their presence and activities on the African soil in a long term perspective.

Any short term perspective vision of China’s presence in Africa will fail exactly as it happened with the USSR. For some time, several African countries became the allies of Soviet Union; later, in different moments and for variant reasons, they broke their relations with the USSR or Russia and started unfortunately being again dependent on their former colonial masters, namely France and England, and/or America, which has ceaselessly tried to substitute itself for the traditional colonial powers. I presented this topic in brief, in an attempt to identify the reasons; my article was first published in 2008 and then republished recently here:

The article was translated into Russian by the Russian News Agency INOSMI, and it was widely read, quoted, discussed, mentioned in the bibliography of Ph.D. dissertations, and republished; (note 143)Мухаммед_Шамсаддин_Мегаломатис_Почему_Россия_всегда_терпела_неудачи_на_Ближнем_Востоке

In that article, I explained why other superpowers or great powers will always fail when expanding influence on earlier colonized lands. The reason is simple; Western colonization involved the establishment of an enormous infrastructure at the mental, educational, academic, scientific, intellectual, religious, spiritual, socio-behavioral and cultural levels. As this extensive infrastructure has been dictatorially imposed, intensively propagated, incessantly reasserted, highly documented and greatly deep, it generates a new ‘world’ for the misfortunate, colonized individual, clan, tribe and/or nation. This is apparently an alien, undeserved and execrable ‘world’ -or a prison if you prefer- and consequently it does not / cannot subside with a simple regime change, military coup or superficial economic infiltration. Even more so, since it also appears to be advantageously rewarding with the colonial slave’s promotion, namely the perspective of being a rubbish collector or a sexual tool in the colonial metropolis!

The complete failure of the USSR in Africa: Western rationalism and materialism in Africa help only perpetuate the Anglo-Saxon and French colonialism.

The colonized nations were thus turned to altered beings, automatons or subaltern populations; they were made to think, reflect and act according to patterns invented by the colonial powers as per their own interests. Africa’s colonized nations were not properly westernized; their colonial masters did not want them to be like them. They wanted them to become functional tools of the Western supremacy, and this is what most of the Africans have become without even understanding it and irrespective of religion, ethnic background, and origin. Certainly, several anti-colonial intellectual forces were formed and socio-political reactions expressed in Africa; all the same, they mostly formulated their rejection of the colonial powers in colonial languages and terms. As it can be easily understood, this situation has highly jeopardized their chances to bring forth tangible results.

Consequently, one could safely conclude that only a long term vision of the Chinese-African partnership can be possibly beneficial to both, Chinese and Africans. Egypt’s position, background, identity and colonial experience are extremely helpful in this regard. That’s why Kemet (or Masr) is by definition China’s gateway to Africa.

I. Chinese as the First Foreign Language in Egypt

Inaugurated before 20 years (in 2004), during the early period of the first tenure of President Hu Jintao, the Confucius Institutes are non-profit educational institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China; more specifically, they are operated by Hanban (namely the Office of Chinese Language Council International, which became known as Center for Language Education and Cooperation in 2020). They are established jointly in a great number of countries and they always operate in cooperation with local partners. As of 2019, there were more than 500 Confucius Institutes all over the world. The stated aims are the promotion of Chinese language and culture, the support of local Chinese teaching, and the facilitation of bilateral cultural exchanges.

Basically, there are two Confucius Institutes in Egypt; the first is associated with Cairo University and the second with Suez Canal University. More recently, in 2015, an agreement was signed between Pharos University in Alexandria and Confucius Institute – Cairo University, thus creating the first Confucius unit to teach Chinese in Alexandria. As it happens in numerous other cases, professors from the largest Chinese universities teach in the Alexandria-based Confucius unit. Background:

Quite interestingly, NATO StratCom (Strategic Communication Center of Excellence) considered it necessary to meticulously spy on Confucius Institutes and to publish the following document, thus demonstrating their deep and awful fears that the days of the Western hegemony are numbered.

Although the aforementioned beginning was quite successful and well-done, by now it is not anymore sufficient. Focusing on the bright future of the Chinese-Egyptian cooperation, the administration of Confucius Institutes should set up a committee to study the ways needed to intensify the process of Chinese language penetration and to suggest a plan as to how Chinese will replace English as first foreign language in Egypt – in a mid-term perspective.

China has to deploy all the necessary resources in order to systematically, resolutely and comprehensively terminate the 2-century long, colonial period of predominance of French and English languages at all costs. In this great endeavor, Beijing should bring its influential allies into the game; Russia, India, Brazil, Iran and Turkey must also develop their Africa-de-Westernization policies, opening cultural institutes, establishing partnerships, promoting their languages, and founding bilingual universities. Chinese, Hindi/Urdu, Russian, Portuguese, Farsi and Turkish are far more useful for Africans than English and French.

One thing must be made clearly understood to all Africans: the ‘easiness’ of the ‘already known’ (namely English and French) is the curse that plunged Africa into darkness, slavery, corruption and evilness, while also enabling the colonial gangsters to develop plans providing for Africa’s depopulation. It is as simple as that:

– Learn English and French, so that the Western colonial gangsters kill you all and repopulate the Black Continent with White supremacists!

Chinese language penetration in Egypt will then serve as a model and as a success story to implement in other African countries; while developing stronger bilateral relations with every state in the Black Continent, Beijing should dedicate special interest to help increase sound bilateral relationships among all African lands and nations. There are many speaking about ‘peace in Africa’, but there will never be peace in the Black Continent, as long as between an Sudanese and a Somali stands English as a means of communication, while a Malian and an Algerian converse in French.

When Nigerians and Egyptians communicate in English or Algerians and Malagasy speak to one another in French, problems appear always. In my proposals for the establishment of the first Afrocentric University in Africa, I made it clear that the proper end of the colonial period will never take place before 20 major African languages are regularly taught, each in a separate department of university, in at least all the major states of the Black Continent. See (notably Unit 4):

Western languages are parasitic plants in Africa. Mande, Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Tuareg, Oromo, Somali, Berber, Malagasy, Zulu, Shona, Sidama, Afar, Arabic and several other languages should become the official languages of a truly non-colonial African Union with duly de-Westernized member states. Consequently, by supporting African languages’ international status upgrade, China will demonstrate Beijing’s good will and readiness to contribute to Africa’s de-Westernization. At any given moment, China should not become and should not look like a colonial or neocolonial power. This will be the ultimate success of Confucius Institutes in Africa.

II. Systematic Dissociation and Separation from Western Europe and North America

China’s role in Africa will never be effective and fruitful without a complete de-Westernization at all levels; the Chinese-African partnership depends on extensive exchange of experience, study of colonial examples common and repugnant to both partners, quest for national heritage, re-affirmation of cultural identity, and defense of moral integrity. In striking opposition to the racist, colonial practices, Chinese and Africans should reciprocally identify the exact correspondence between the moral-behavioral values of their respective cultures and civilizations and examine how every single of their values is differently contextualized in China and in Africa. The ensuing cultural interexchange and mutual understanding of the ‘other’ will then help form the foundations of the Chinese Africology and the African Sinology.  

Chinese and African academics, intellectuals, and scholars should then undertake the common, bilateral rejection and refutation of the Western model and the Eurocentric pseudo-historical dogma at a worldwide stage, also involving their partners in India, Russia, Iran, Turkey and many other Asiatic and Latin American countries. World History should therefore be written in an unbiased, trustful, and honest manner for the first time in the History of Mankind.

This is what anti-Western Chinese and African scholars, academics, intellectuals, scholars and explorers should understand deeply and up to the point of making it the foundation of their common description of the deeds, the thoughts, and the faiths of the humans: to be perfectly anti-Western and to constitute the full refutation of the racist Eurocentric model of historiography, one does not need to be either Sinocentric or Afrocentric; on the contrary, he must be humanocentric.  

Afrocentric approaches and substantive criticism of the colonial academics, although positive and necessary, have not yet helped people grasp even a tiny portion of the Ancient Oriental Spirituality, Science, Moral, Wisdom, Universality, and Divinity. The Assyrian-Babylonian (Mesopotamian) and the Egyptian heritage has only been profaned within the barbaric, ignorant and dark periphery of the so-called Hebrews, Greeks and Romans. The Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Quran have only a reminiscence of the Sacred as revealed in the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian-Babylonian, Egyptian, and Iranian scriptures.

Not even one king among the Ancient Hebrews, Greeks, Macedonians and Romans managed to attain the sacredness and the spiritual force of Thutmose III.

Within the context of the fallacious Eurocentric model of historiography, which was based on the aberration of ‘Judeo-Christian civilization’ and the absurdity of ‘Greco-Roman civilization’ (that the colonials imposed worldwide), Africa occupies a truly marginal, subordinate position, as if the entire Black Continent depended on the developments that took place in South Balkans and in Rome. This racist construct consists in total distortion of the History of Mankind; it was established as a mere reflection of the 19th c. colonial invaders’ disdain of the African nations that they colonized at the time. They narrated as ‘History’ what they viewed as their own African subjects whom the Europeans never bothered to truly and deeply study as per the local African, standards and measures, thus erroneously, unjustly and undeservedly evaluating them after the worthless, malignant and utterly racist European criteria.

The correct, Chinese view over, and version of, the Silk Road

The false, Eurocentric view of the Silk Road

Within the context of the fallacious Eurocentric model of historiography, which was based on the aberration of ‘Judeo-Christian civilization’ and the absurdity of ‘Greco-Roman civilization’ (that the colonials imposed worldwide), China occupies a really peripheral position ‘at the very end of the world’, somewhere in the East. The History of the Silk Road is not the same for Western and for Chinese academics, scholars and explorers – let alone diplomats, politicians and statesmen. Within the Western bogus-narrative, China has always been depicted as if it has been a faraway country only periodically, slightly and occasionally connected with the Mediterranean World, which was erroneously presented as the supposed center of the world or the axis around which the History of Mankind revolved.

China, Egypt and all the other African countries should work systematically to totally dismantle and obliterate the Eurocentric Western fallacy. There will never be decolonization without complete de-Westernization, and this apparently demands a major effort of full de-Mediterraneanization of the World History, which is a racist, false and poisonous product made in the West. Over the last six millennia, all the humans lived in a great variety of locations and lands, often developing different cultures and civilizations, but contact has always been maintained; so, the criminal conquistadors of the barbarian and pseudo-Christian Pope of Rome never ‘discovered’ anything.

More importantly, the axis of World History revolved always around the arc that links Egypt -through Mesopotamia, Iran and Central Asia- with China, involving also concavities and convexities that end in the African Atlas, in the Horn of Africa, in Yemen, in India, in Anatolia and the Balkans, in the Caucasus region, and in Siberia. On these basic lines took place all the major events of World History.

That is why it is essential that China, India and Egypt launch together a major anti-colonial project named ‘歷史 – इतिहास- تاريخ’ (Lishi Itihaas Tarih/’History’ in Chinese, Hindi and Arabic respectively) and involve in it their numerous Asiatic and African partners in order to genuinely compose -for the first time in World History- a truly unbiased, multilateral and comprehensive History of the Mankind, plainly reveal the importance of the major lands of History (as stated in the previous paragraph), and irrevocably reduce the role of European peoples to their true proportions, secondary dimensions and negative impact. This collective work should then be translated to all the Asiatic, African and Latin American languages and subsequently serve as the fundamental documentation which all the school manuals and the textbooks will reproduce, thus eliminating the hitherto prevailing false, colonial Eurocentric historiography. About the three terms:歷史इतिहासتاريخ

Even the notion of ‘Europe’ must be deleted; actually, it does not truly exist. It never did – for the overwhelming majority of the world population. The lands located west of the plains of Russia, of the Black Sea, and of the Anatolian plateau are also parts of Asia. As a matter of fact, what Westerners called ‘Europe’ is the most western and the most troublesome peninsula of Asia. The undeniable fact that Ancient Greek and Latin texts make this distinction does not concern Africans, Caucasians, Turkic nations, Iranians, Arabic-speaking people, Indians, Siberians, Chinese and other Asiatic nations, because those sources are alien, unknown, unimportant, indifferent and useless to them. Europe does not have the status of a continent by any means.

Working together at the academic, scientific, intellectual, and cultural levels, China and Egypt will thus put an end to the colonial links that have been imposed on Asia and Africa over the past 250 years. The campaign motto for China, Egypt, and their partners should be: “No Oriental student in Occidental universities”.

III. The Egypt – Sudan – Libya Confederation

After re-establishing the national unity and sovereignty of Sudan and Libya due to full scale military intervention and political pacification processes, China and Egypt should work hard with local authorities in Khartoum and Tripoli as to how to best interconnect and bind all three nations. In the third article of the series (see below; units IV and V), I offered few examples in this regard, stressing particularly the sector of Transport. High-speed railways will certainly bring closer the three capitals, the three elites, and the three nations. With ca. 175 million people and an area of about 4.6 million km2, the three lands make the 7th state of the world in terms of surface and the 8th largest country by population.

As it can be surmised, the desire for a concerted unification of Egypt, Sudan and Libya does not reflect a delusional target like going higher in the list or just looking bigger; it addresses the common need of all the local societies and governments to acquire greater economic depth and have a faster rhythm of development. With the help of China, mega-projects similar to those I proposed in the fourth article of the series (see below: units I-V) have to be launched also in Sudan and Libya. With interconnected systems of canals and associated irrigation plans that carry water from the Nile, parts of the Butana desert in the eastern part of Sudan can become cultivated lands, thus exponentially increasing the agricultural production of the country. About:

The three countries will always have three seats in the UN General Assembly, also maintaining independent governments and separate parliaments; however, they can launch a one-year long rotating presidency and engage in several unification projects at the political, military, economic and educational levels. With full respect for all the existing ethnic groups, their languages, traditions and cultures, with concertation and synergy among the respective private sectors, with a unitary vision as regards their common vast territory and past, and with the strong support of China, the three countries can engage in the path of reunification on a purely secular basis. This will finally be the beginning of the end of the colonial era in Africa.

As it is well known, borders anywhere in Africa do not reflect ethnic territories and national realities, as they should have, but remind us of aspects of the colonial past. They are all false, and that’s why the criminal colonial gangsters, namely the English, the French and the Americans, want still to preserve the present, impermissible and untenable, borders in Africa. The reason for this vicious, insidious and inhuman policy is simple; practically speaking, there are no proper borders among nations throughout the Black Continent. There are only limits between the graves into which all the African nations have been buried by the guilty White Man.

Because the colonial powers want to preserve these illegal borders, these lines of sin, shame and hatred must be abolished. China should not have any illusion in this regard; the very existence of the colonial borders, the terrible absence of substantive infrastructure, and the imposed historical distortion, which is taught in the schools as an undisputed dogma, constitute the three major hindrances to Africa’s liberation and to Beijing’s perspectives in Africa. Of course, it will not be an easy thing to abolish the colonial borders in the Black Continent.

The effort should start with the formation of regional alliances and small unions of few states in several zones. Thus, the establishment of a confederation among Egypt, Sudan and Libya will mark a critical step in this regard. It is important for Beijing to methodically conceive and gradually carry out this project, because a successful union of three major African states will certainly stimulate many others to undertake similar efforts in other parts of Africa.

For this project, China should dedicate dozens of thousands of specialists, explorers, scholars and advisers; first, Beijing should create them. It is essential for the Chinese leadership to understand that, despite their good will and all the hitherto deployed efforts, China still does not truly know Africa; at least, not up to the level the colonial powers do. That is why China will urgently need 20000 Africanists, departments of African Studies in at least 50 Chinese universities, a plethora of linguists specializing in all the African languages, and researchers in Ethnography. A true Chinese army of explorers must disembark in Africa.

Similarly, in striking opposition to the highly ideologized, extremely biased, and utterly insidious Western academic policy against the Northern African Hamites and the Eastern African Cushites, China should become the worldwide center of Hamitic, Berber, Tuareg, Hausa, Cushitic, Oromo and Somali Studies.

Last but not least, China will certainly need 2000 Egyptologists and Coptologists with parallel background in Phoenician-Carthaginian, Latin and Ancient Greek in order to help present and future Egyptian and African scholars overwhelmingly refute the Eurocentric bogus-historical dogma, which prevails in the propagandist pseudo-universities of Western Europe and North America. They will have to plainly demonstrate to the world academic community the fact that the African Genius of the Hamitic Kemetians (Egyptians), Berbers and Cushites-Meroites and the Asiatic-Semitic Intelligence of the Carthaginians brought civilization to the islands of the Mediterranean Sea and to the southern extremities of the Balkan, the Italian and the Iberian peninsulas.

The topic is certainly interrelated with the urgent need of the Chinese academia to undertake a real overhaul of the Western disciplines of Orientalism, but this topic demands a new series of articles about the development of the Chinese disciplines of Assyriology, Hittitology, Iranology, etc. on entirely anticolonial and anti-racist basis. Establishing parallels between the Chinese Hundred Schools of Thought and Ancient Oriental (Assyrian-Babylonian, Egyptian, Iranian, Aramaean, Phoenician) schools of wisdom, universalism, spirituality and science or the Gnostic systems of Northern Africa or Western Asia would help all the people better perceive and fully assess the enduring interconnectedness of Asiatic and African cultures and civilizations. About:

IV. How the Chinese-Egyptian Alliance will reshape Africa into Five Mega-States

It may be a long process, but an early vision and a correct approach always matter. In order to totally change Africa, effectively block the presence or the return of the colonial powers, and instinctively trigger pro-Chinese feelings among all Africans, thus permanently consolidating Beijing’s leading role in the Black Continent, China must totally undo everything that the Western colonials did in Africa.

Taking into consideration the ethnic identity, the cultural integrity, the historical heritage of all the African and non-African nations that currently live in Africa, and taking into account the demanded conditions of socioeconomic development and international life, one can come to the conclusion that Africa should be re-organized in five great confederate states:

1- Kemet/Egypt, Cush/Sudan, and Rebu-Libu/Libya

This confederate state will be made out of the three ancient lands of civilization and modern countries, as briefly described in the present article. About:

2- Cush/Ethiopia, Punt/Somalia, and Eastern Africa (with a small enclave for Amhara-Tigray Abyssinia)

This confederate state will be established out of lands, which are currently parts of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia (Somaliland being not a state but a local MI6 office), Kenya, and most of the Swahili-speaking Muslim inhabitants of the coast of Tanzania. Apparently, the Cushitic nations of the Oromos and the Somalis will be the largest entities within the confederacy, which will comprise Cushitic, Nilotic and Bantu people.

Taking into consideration the fact that the Semitic Amhara and Tigray tribes (: the Abyssinians) have had a most tumultuous and very negative relationship with the regional Cushitic majority, repeatedly made war upon them, and persistently persecuted them, it will be wise to envision an Abyssinian enclave within the confederacy; this will be formed out of lands belonging to the Eritrean North and to the Tigray and Amhara regions of today’s untenable Ethiopia. About:


Map of Oromo dialects

Cushitic-Ethiopian Oromo flag

3- Carthage-Tunisia/Algeria, Berber Atlas, and Hamitic Sahara

This confederate state will be formed out of several NW African states that draw on the Carthaginian, Berber, Tuareg, Hausa and Saharan Muslim heritage and tradition of the wider region, i.e. Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and the northern half of Nigeria. An ominous and excessive colonial project of linguistic Arabization and extremist Islamization (based on disastrous, pseudo-Muslim and Anti-Islamic theologies) has been carried out in this region for long in order to totally transform the identity of the indigenous nations, eliminate the originality of their heritage, destroy their cultural integrity, divide the local societies, trigger divisions, split the families, and produce useless bloodshed only for the benefit of the colonial powers of the West.

The paramount target achieved due to the Western (mainly French) colonization concerned the establishment of a fake dilemma that was imposed on all the local societies (since the 19th c.), namely to

– either imitate the French and get intoxicated with Western lies and pseudo-science

– or become an extremist and die for a fake Islam that did not reflect the well-known historical civilization, culture and religion.

It is within this abominable divide that the traditional popular religion, wisdom, and culture have been sidestepped by the fanaticism of the ferociously anti-African and deeply anti-Islamic Hanbali, Ibn Taimiyyah, and Wahhabi theologies and forgeries.

By bringing to surface and reviving old traditions, forgotten identities, and moral integrity, and by interconnecting them with modern Afrocentric trends, China will be able to help permanently uproot extremism and obliterate French, English and American presence from the vast region which can certainly unite in a powerful, wealthy and progressive African confederacy.

Carthage, 218 BCE

For Chinese scholars and diplomats to see the hidden reality of the African Atlas and the wider Sahara region, four major academic fallacies have to be totally disregarded, refuted and dismantled by them first, notably

a- the false construct of ‘Afro-Asiatic languages’ (a fabrication that enables Western scholars to occasionally change their earlier conclusions as per the political needs of their criminal governments);

b- the colonial promotion of Arabic, which was never an identitarian element or a national language in Africa (it was basically a lingua franca for Muslims, and it was promoted by the French in order to deliberately destroy the Berber identity of the vast region);

c- the systematized effort to discredit the ethno-linguistic Hamitic group (by calling it ‘Hamitic hypothesis’), which is due to Western colonial biases against the Hamitic-Cushitic ethnic-linguistic-cultural unity that can help bring together the northern half of Africa (namely parts 1, 2 and 3 of the present unit) in just one state; and

d- the vicious attempt of the racist French colonials to uproot the national Berber identity of all the North African populations that have been deceitfully categorized by the colonial gangsters into Berber speaking people, bilinguals and Arabs. There were never Arabs in North Africa; today’s Arabic-speaking populations from Sudan to Morocco are Cushites and Hamites who have been gradually Arabized because they accepted Islam as religion. However, they remained culturally and ethnically African (Hamitic and Cushitic); consequently, in the Atlas region, there are only Arabic speaking Berbers, bilinguals, and Berbers who do not speak Arabic at all. We have therefore to conclude that Arabic can have only status of religious language throughout Northwestern Africa. About:

https //en.wikipedia org/wiki/File:Map_of_African_language_families.svg

Berber flag –

Hausa people flag

4- Manding, Atlantic Congo, Volta-Congo and Central Africa

This confederate state will consist of numerous ethnic groups and coastal nations of Western Africa that speak Manding, Atlantic Congo, Volta Congo and Central African languages, notably Wolof, Mende, Bambara, Dogon, Dyula, Yoruba, Igbo, Gbaya, Zande, etc. Including states like Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, the southern half of Nigeria, parts of Cameroon, and the Central African Republic, this confederation will also incorporate the Fula (Peul) people, who live in the southern part of their lands and have not therefore been comprised within the borders of the confederate state no 3 (see above). About:

https //en.wikipedia org/wiki/Manding_languages#/media/File:Map_of_the_Manding_language_continuum png

https //upload.wikimedia org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Map_of_the_Niger%E2%80%93Congo_languages svg

West Africa 1875

5- Bantu Central & South Africa

This confederation will constitute the southernmost of Africa’s five mega-states. It will comprise Bantu people from coast to coast, therefore uniting all African lands south of a hypothetical line going from Equatorial Guinea to Uganda and thence to Tanzania and Mozambique. A Khoisan enclave should be instituted in order to gather together these ethnic-linguistic groups. About:

By helping set up five mega-states in Africa, Beijing will not only bring unity, concord and cooperation to the Black Continent, but it will also make it sure that peace is no further endangered due to the interests of the Western White Man, his heinous mentality, and his anti-Black stance. The absence of the divisive and merciless American, English and French colonial gangsters, racist missionaries, and plotting diplomats from Africa will certainly enable African nations to establish major states the size of Brazil or Russia and thus acquire the main prerequisite to socioeconomic development, namely economic depth. Empowered by China, India and Russia, the aforementioned five African mega-states will then be able to throw the barbarians of England, France and America into the dustbin of World History.

This will certainly constitute China’s greatest revenge for the Opium Wars.  

Bantu languages


Previous articles of the series (titles, contents, and links to the publications):

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – I

I. Western Hatred against Egypt and Plans against Mankind

II. The End of Egypt may be very close

III. Egypt and the Pulverization of Sudan and Libya

IV. The Renaissance Dam in the light of the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – II

I. The War in Gaza and the Destabilization of the Red Sea Region

II. The Rise of China as a World Super-power

III. The Irrevocable Prerequisites of China’s Worldwide Predominance

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – III

I. Grave Threats for Egypt’s Existence and Serious Danger for China’s Expansion

II. Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance between Egypt & China

III. Two Chinese Military Bases in Egypt: One Million Chinese Military on African Soil

IV. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Sudan and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Sudanese Alliance

V. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Libya and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Libyan Alliance

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – IV


I. Toshka or New Valley Project

II. Water Desalination Plants

III. Relocation of a Sizeable Part of Egypt’s Population

IV. The Rafah-Taba Canal 

V. Twenty (20) Chinese Universities to operate in Egypt

Groups of Bantu languages

Khoisan languages

Islamic schools of Jurisprudence in Africa


Download the article (text only) in PDF:

Download the article (with pictures and legends) in PDF:

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – IV

In three earlier articles, I underscored the need of Egypt and China to set up a unique partnership and enter in a special military alliance in order to eliminate the colonial structures and presence in Northeastern Africa. Acting together, China and Egypt can bring peace, stability and prosperity to the neighboring lands of Sudan and Libya, which have long been targeted by the criminal colonial gangsters of England, France and America. You will find the titles, the contents and links to the articles below.  

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Chinese President Xi Jinping pose for a picture during the Chinese president’s visit to Luxor temple in Luxor, Egypt, January 21, 2016. Photo by Egyptian President Office

In the present, fourth article, I will briefly describe several megaprojects in which the Chinese-Egyptian synergy of multi-disciplinary collaboration should be deployed; I will examine how the Chinese-Egyptian Alliance will astoundingly transform Egypt into a major worldwide power; and I will state what the ultimate target of China’s African policy and of the Chinese- Egyptian Alliance should be, namely the definite destruction and elimination of all colonial, neocolonial and postcolonial concepts, structures and traces (i.e. a complete process of de-Westernization) and the remaking of Africa in five (5) mega-states of genuinely African identity, integrity, education, intellect, spirituality, values, and culture.  

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – I

I. Western Hatred against Egypt and Plans against Mankind

II. The End of Egypt may be very close

III. Egypt and the Pulverization of Sudan and Libya

IV. The Renaissance Dam in the light of the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – II

I. The War in Gaza and the Destabilization of the Red Sea Region

II. The Rise of China as a World Super-power

III. The Irrevocable Prerequisites of China’s Worldwide Predominance

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – III

I. Grave Threats for Egypt’s Existence and Serious Danger for China’s Expansion

II. Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance between Egypt & China

III. Two Chinese Military Bases in Egypt: One Million Chinese Military on African Soil

IV. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Sudan and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Sudanese Alliance

V. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Libya and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Libyan Alliance

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Chinese President Xi Jinping attend a cermoney during the Chinese president’s visit to Luxor temple in Luxor, Egypt, January 21, 2016. Photo by Egyptian President Office



I. Toshka or New Valley Project

II. Water Desalination Plants

III. Relocation of a Sizeable Part of Egypt’s Population

IV. The Rafah-Taba Canal 

V. Twenty (20) Chinese Universities to operate in Egypt

From the  China-Egypt Cultural Year 2016


For more than 70 years, the modern republican state of Egypt pursued a path of unmitigated accumulation of unsolved problems, explosive impasses, failures, unrealistic dreams, defeats and uncompromising chimeras, which fascinated many people but prevented the state from achieving real nation building, indomitable sovereignty, unchallengeable historicity, economic breakthrough, and a leading regional role.

Nasser’s unsubstantiated claims ended in a disastrous territorial loss (1967) and his life was concluded with an assassination (1970); Sadat’s unprepared compromise and foolish approach to politics brought about insignificant gains (Camp David Accords) and apparent losses (the beginning of Egypt’s Islamization, radicalization and social degradation). Mubarak’s unrestrained love of stability and uncontainable fear of risk took a shameful end when his supposed friends and fake allies triggered his weak government’s prompt collapse and his fake regime’s utter disintegration. Morsi’s disgraceful tenure represented a conscious step toward a neocolonial enslavement to the Islamist pseudo-doctrine that was invented by England’s secret services in order to engulf the Muslim world in endless wars against Israel. Thank God, the Egyptian army and people managed to cancel the forthcoming calamity, when the country had reached the brink of the abyss.

With a strategic alliance and a special military partnership with China, President Abdelfattah el Sisi has now the extraordinary chance to draw a line and usher Egypt into a completely different stage of the country’s modern history. For this to happen, several mega-projects have to be duly studied, thoroughly planned, comprehensively implemented, and effectively operated by mixed teams of Chinese and Egyptian engineers, scientists, administrators, specialists, and entrepreneurs.

As it is easy to understand, it would be absolutely impossible even to herewith enumerate the major national projects needed to utterly transform the country and make of it an outstandingly rehabilitated regional power; however, I will therefore mention only few schemes that I deem necessary for Egypt’s survival, sustainable development, and meteoric rise to the world’s top ten countries. These undertakings can be successfully completed only by means of Chinese-Egyptian synergy.

I. Toshka or New Valley Project

This project started in 1997 as a complementary scheme to the construction of the Aswan High Dam, which was built between 1960 and 1970. It was envisioned as a system of canals which would carry water from Lake Nasser that was formed behind the newly erected dam. The canals were created in order to irrigate parts of Egypt’s Western Desert, thus developing a ‘New Valley’ and attracting populations to resettle (from the densely populated Nile Valley). The ambitious plan would certainly help solve Egypt’s grave problem, namely the high concentration of population in a very small part of the territory; actually, along the Nile, the population density is above 2000 persons per square km. Furthermore, the project was conceived in anticipation of the additional problems that would be created by the rapidly growing population and the lack of systematized birth control policy.

The canal inlet structure is located 8 km north of Toshka Bay (Khor) in the lake; the canal has been constructed up to the historic Darb al Arba’in desert route, advancing westwards and thence northwards to Baris Oasis (85 km south of Kharga Oasis). The Mubarak Pumping Station in Toshka, which is of key importance to the project, was inaugurated in early 2005; however, the works did not progress according to the schedule and in 2012 the construction had reached up to a point 60 km south of Baris Oasis. More recently, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, realizing the capital importance of the project, expressed his commitment to the completion of the works.

The initial thought was to transform 2500 km2 of desert into cultivated land, and thanks to the Long Live Egypt Fund, half of the land will be distributed to college graduates (one acre per person). More specifically, the ambitious project’s initiators set groundbreaking targets, involving a) putting Egypt on the world map for the production and export of dates, b) closing the food gap by increasing the agricultural area, c) maximizing the revenue of available resources, d) increasing agricultural exports (to reduce the deficit in the balance of trade), e) providing employment opportunities for many young people, especially in Upper Egypt, and f) encouraging the reconstruction, housing and development of these areas and reducing human pressure on the Nile Valley and Delta. Background:—-will-the-dream-of-agricultural-renaissance-be-renewed-in-egypt-.rkbVmyix3t.html

Toshka Project – Mubarak Pumping Station /المشاريع-القومية/مشروع-مزرعة-توشكي/

The New Valley Project | Infrastructure Marvels | Hindi | Mind Warsالرئاسة/تحيا-مصر/”Long-Live-Egypt”-fund-has-to-continue-making-its-contributions?lang=en-us

From the above, it can be easily understood that such an ambitious project and the perspectives of its extension, the subsequent creation of new cultivated lands, and the dramatic increase of the agricultural production, which would ensue, have by definition many powerful enemies in this world. It is well known that several criminal oligarchs repeatedly expressed their sick globalist ideas as regards Eugenics, world depopulation, food scarcity and the use of food as a biopower means of control. As Henry Kissinger put it, “who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world”.

When we notice that disreputable forgers, like the Anglo-Saxon news agencies and mainstream mass media, pretend that Henry Kissinger ( never said the above mentioned statement, we can safely conclude that the truth is the exact opposite of whatever an Anglo-Saxon may say and that the powers-that-be would never allow Egypt to become the granary of Africa. In fact, enormous international pressure was exerted in the 2000s on the Egyptian government for the country to abandon the project and to become a food importer. Another example of Anti-Egyptian literature, distortion and hatred:

For Beijing to prevent a deliberately catastrophic manipulation of the worldwide food supply, a massive exodus from Africa, a migration chaos in Western Europe and a vicious Far Right scheme providing for a new, mixed race, China’s presence in Africa has to be differently conceived, remarkably upgraded, and duly readjusted to the need of outmaneuvering and cancelling colonial plans of mass destruction. Egypt and Sudan must be helped to become major food exporters and for this to happen, a strategic alliance is needed, involving cooperation at all levels.

The Toshka or New Valley Project should not be only completed but also expanded to gradually reach other oases in Egypt’s Western Desert, namely Kharga, Dakhla, Farafra, Bahariyah and thence Fayoum. More importantly, the concept itself of the Toshka Project has to be taken as an example for Egypt’s development and urban re-construction in the Eastern Desert. This will demand desalinated water production and the establishment of many seawater desalination plants in the Red Sea coastland.

II. Water Desalination Plants

With a population expected to reach the mark of 150 million people in 2050, Egypt seems to have a very gloomy and dark future, particularly if we take into account the fact that the Nile provides about 97% of the water needed and consumed by the country. Although Nile water can be better utilized following the completion of the Toshka Project and its potential further expansion, the country evidently needs desalination technology to a far larger extent than the various governmental and private authorities had at first thought. At present, there are about 60 desalination plants producing ca. 800,000 m3 of freshwater per day; the Egyptian government expressed the intention to build additional desalination plants during the next few years and to thus reach the level of production of 2.4 million m3 per day in 2030. In spite of the good intentions, this approach risks being insufficient: ‘too little too late’! Background:,and%20in%20Saudi%20Arabia%2070%25.

The mistake in this regard has nothing to do with the Ethiopian Renaissance (GERD) dam and the malignant, anti-Egyptian, anti-Sudanese and anti-Islamic intentions of the Amhara tribesmen who govern Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia). The Egyptian mistake is again in the proverbially conservative attitude of the Egyptian ruling classes and in their failure to think out-of-the-box. Determining optimal partnership in technology transfer, China should undertake a major spatial study for Egypt’s Eastern Desert Mountains in view of the transformation of the region into a series of new urban centers that will have to be created; the Chinese government should deliver the results and the proposals to the Egyptian governmental authorities.

In fact, not only the capital of Egypt has to be transferred in the site (currently under construction) of the New Administrative Capital (45 km east of Cairo and 60 km west of Suez), but more than half the population of the Valley of the Nile and Cairo has to be relocated in the Eastern Desert Mountains, if the Egyptians intend to have a bright future and a better life. Then, the additional water desalination plants that have to be constructed in the Red Sea coastline will help cover the extra need to establish urban centers and agricultural lands east of the Nile. Background:

Aerial New Capital CBD

Similarly, water desalination plants built across the coastlands of the Mediterranean Sea will be able to support further plans of urban relocation from the Delta region to the northernmost confines of the Western Desert. With the help of China, Egypt will manage to have operating desalination plants at the level of the top Saudi (near Jubail and Jeddah) and Israeli (Palmachim) plants.  

Tor desalination plant (Sinai)

Ard al-Berak water treatment plant Cairo

III. Relocation of a Sizeable Part of Egypt’s Population

Egypt can become great again only thanks to a majestic vision, because Kemet (which is the land’s correct and proper name) always radiated in this manner; the rest of Kemet’s History was worthless centuries and foreign settlers, who found it normal to append the Valley of the Nile to other states. The current ruling classes of Egypt (or Masr, as the locals name their own fatherland after the Ancient Assyrian-Babylonian appellation, which was later used among Aramaeans, Hebrews, Iranians and others) are far below expectations. Today’s Egyptian elites cannot realize that extraordinary lands, like Kemet, which have to radiate, when they don’t (for one reason or another), simply disappear.

Egypt’s ruling classes were formed in the filthiest universities of Kemet’s worst enemies (England, France, Holland, Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the US) and/or in the locally present annexes of such institutions (like the notorious neocolonial American University in Cairo); consequently, one cannot expect them to get easily rid of the inculcated false historical dogma and of the fallacious Western narrative of World History that Western scholars, colonial forgers, and anti-Egyptian heinous intellectuals have propagated worldwide. Within those fallacious doctrines and lies, Ancient Kemet’s historical role is minimized, achievements concealed, radiation hidden, wisdom distorted, and faith deliberately kept secret.

Egypt’s ruling classes are engulfed in their disastrous conformism, conventionalism, conservatism, Pan-Arabism, Islamism and modernism; for this reason they cannot accurately feel, assess and cancel the long lasting threats and the lurking dangers against the Valley of the Nile. Simply, one can pray and hope that the exception will finally arise, the customary policies will be abandoned, the interests of the local elites gravely disregarded, the national interests effectively defended, and the land’s perennial principles respected. How the ‘exceptional’ will occur and the ‘usual’ will be chased away from Egypt is a topic that it would take long to describe here.

The original fact is that with 100 million people as inhabitants, the Valley of the Nile north of Abu Simbel simply reached its limits. Either the rulers of the land will fully implement a revolutionary policy of birth control to bring the population down to 30 million people or half the population must be relocated to properly prepared, duly programmed, and effectively constructed new urban centers in the Eastern and the Western deserts. Certainly, the second option is the only to possibly select.

For this reason, the aforementioned Toshka Project, the existing water desalination plants, and the New Administrative Capital mega-project were all excellent concepts and commendable endeavors, but they were too small for Egypt’s urgent needs and hopefully bright perspectives. One can understand that with minimal resources and limited funds, earlier administrations could not deliver more. But now, realizing the lurking dangers, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi can launch an Egyptian-Chinese partnership and alliance, which not only will enable him to take the country to the next stage of its History but also will eliminate all the existing dangers and serve as a brilliant model of bilateral partnership and alliance with China for all the other African states and governments to follow.  

New Administrative Capital under construction

Vehicles drive along a road near the newly-built Shuhada (Martyrs) mosque at Egypt’s “New Administrative Capital” megaproject, some 45 kilometres east of Cairo, on March 7, 2021. (Photo by Ahmed HASAN / AFP) (Photo by AHMED HASAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Egypt’s next stage will be the first, in its millennia long History, in which the majority of the population will not live in the Valley of the Nile but in the Eastern and the Western deserts. Several mega-projects will have to be launched for this purpose in close synergy with China; all together, these enormous undertakings will have to be tenfold the size of New Cairo capital city, because a great number of cities, towns and villages will have to be designed and built in the mountains of the Eastern Desert region, as well as in the plains and in the Qattara depression of the Western desert, along with the necessary support coming from water desalination plants and new cultivated lands. Only within the present contextualization could actually a final Qattara Depression Project be advantageously identified, effectively implemented, and successfully operated. Background:

Egypt’s Innovative Megaproject: Create A Lake In The Qattara Depression!

IV. The Rafah-Taba Canal 

In August 2014, the Suez Canal Corridor Area Project was launched by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi; it was completed in 2015. The project encompassed several other schemes, notably the New Suez Canal, which is an artificial waterway that created a second, 72 km long shipping lane along part of the 193 km long Suez Canal (due to 35 km of dry digging and 37 km of expansion and deep digging). Background:

With our world’s exponentially increasing needs in terms of maritime transport, Egypt and China should team together and start another mega-project, namely the construction of a larger and deeper canal between the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf of Aqaba/Red Sea. This should be undertaken not far from the Israeli-Egyptian border, namely from a location in the Egyptian Mediterranean shore between El Arish and Rafah to a place situated on the eastern coast of the Sinai Peninsula south of Taba, which is Egypt’s last resort before the Israeli border.

This groundbreaking undertaking will greatly facilitate the worldwide maritime transport, while also increasing the Egyptian government’s revenues through tolls and transit fees. More specifically, one has to take into account the limits of the Suez Canal, which was constructed in the 1860s (the works started in August 1859); as a matter of fact, the allowable draft of Suez Canal is only 66 feet, and this means that, as of today, it can accommodate only 61.2% of the world’s tanker fleet and 92.7% of the bulk carrier fleet. With this in mind, ten years ago, back in 2014, I published two articles in order to propose exactly this project, also presenting it as a very effective measure for the Egyptian government to eradicate Islamic terrorism from the North Sinai region and to cut Egypt off the Palestinian-Israeli quagmire. The two articles have been republished and are currently available here:


In fact, the idea of a second canal in the Sinai Peninsula region is nothing new. I first heard about the concept when I lived in Israel back in 1984. It was then called the Ben Gurion Canal Project, and it reflected considerations that dated back in the 1960s; the idea was to construct a rival to the Egyptian Suez Canal, which ‘monopolized’ the shortest Asia-Europe maritime route. According to the intriguing idea, which has not hitherto been scrutinized in a study (let alone materialized), the Mediterranean Sea would be connected to the Gulf of Aqaba. The project would involve cutting a canal through the Negev Desert (Israel) to connect Eilat (in the Gulf of Aqaba) to a location between Ashkelon and the northernmost confines of Gaza Strip. About:

This fact means that Egypt and China, in an attempt to further facilitate worldwide maritime transport, should consider very seriously their chance of undertaking the project as soon as they can.

V. Twenty (20) Chinese Universities to operate in Egypt

The educational-academic-scientific partnership between China and Egypt should become the model that China and other African states will follow later; China does not frankly need to open ‘one more foreign university’ in Egypt. Almost all these foreign establishments of tertiary education, which have hitherto operated in the Valley of the Nile, were colonial, neocolonial and postcolonial structures geared to instill the complex of academic-intellectual inferiority in the minds and the hearts of the Egyptians, thus causing unnecessary troublesome discord, internal strife, and quasi-irreversible dependence at the local level.

The same process can be attested in many other countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America where ‘English’, ‘French’ and ‘American’ universities have been accepted to function. Those disastrous institutions are fully responsible for all the problems of the respective counties, because not only they have diffused lies in many academic fields, but they also have made the unfortunate local students believe that the colonial metropolises ‘are’ the centers of ‘light’, ‘knowledge’, ‘progress’ and ‘success’, whereas they are the exact opposite.

China must now demolish this unacceptable situation; actually, Beijing cannot afford to tolerate this colonial policy to continue because the shameless colonial institutions have endlessly propagated unmitigated docility among local students, extreme historical distortion (Greco-Roman civilization), worthlessly ideologized religions (Evangelical pseudo-Christianism; political Islam; Mormonism, Zionist and Jesuit doctrines, and other radical schemes which engulf local populations in darkness and backward conditions of life), utterly racist concepts (Judeo-Christian civilization; Eurocentrism; East-West split), and many other intellectual forgeries geared only to prevent the rise of a challenge to the colonial world and to its surviving structures, and to perpetuate the Western control of the rest of the world.

As per the terms of a worldwide unprecedented agreement between China and Egypt, no less than twenty (20) Chinese universities shall open and operate in Egypt. Geographically divided across the country (Alexandria, Tanta, Mansura, Port Said, Suez, Rashid/Rosetta, Dumyat/Damietta, Cairo, Giza, 6th October City, New Cairo Capital/New Administrative Capital, Beni Suef, Minya, Asyut, Nag Hammadi, Qena, Luxor, Edfu, Aswan, Hurghada/Al Ghardaqa), these institutions will function as local annexes of twenty major Chinese universities, involving student exchange, summer courses in China, scholarships, intensive language courses, academic staff exchange, exhibitions, and a wide range of academic, intellectual, scientific, cultural, social and political activities, which will bring the two countries closer.

Graduate students will be full bilinguals, who will be offered various employment opportunities in either country, thus increasing the number of Egyptian residents in China an Chinese residents in Egypt. Conducting courses and seminars in Chinese and Arabic, the Egypt-based Chinese universities will give a terrible blow to the use of English and other Western languages in Egypt, as organized Chinese travellers will replace the corrupt, sick and often paranoid persons that the Western European and North American countries are used to send to Egypt as ‘tourists’.

Gradually, the educational-academic-scientific partnership between China and Egypt will expand, thus disconnecting Egypt from Western Europe and North America, even more so because within the BRICS+ intergovernmental organization the two countries will totally de-dollarize their trade and adopt a new standard currency attached to gold.

The American University in Cairo will have to close down and it shall be turned to a Pan-African Museum of Colonial Crimes; the same will apply to numerous other Western institutions, whereas American and European companies operating in Egypt will have to be replaced with Chinese organizations. Schemes like AmCham Egypt and the Egypt-U.S. Business Council (EUSBC) will therefore absolutely lose their importance, whereas every aspect of military cooperation between Egypt and America will be canceled; the notorious US-Egypt Military Cooperation Committee (MCC) will not be convened anymore. Thank God, the organization Naval Medical Research Unit Three (NAMRU-3) was relocated to Italy (Sigonella) in 2019.

Seeing things in perspective and not for the population of Egypt alone, Beijing and Cairo will have to launch a groundbreaking cooperation to overhaul the country’s internet regulations to more closely resemble China. Chinese specialists shall help their Egyptian colleagues build an Egyptian Great Firewall, whereas Chinese corporate representatives will have to help users and businesses to switch to Chinese alternatives. Egypt’s internet will then have to be rebuilt as a self-contained system, which will serve as the basis for the internet connection of the entire Black Continent. Western smartphones and Japanese video games will be replaced with their Chinese equivalents. Ultimately, Egypt’s internet will be disconnected from the Western infrastructure and connected with China’s.   


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A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – III


I. Grave Threats for Egypt’s Existence and Serious Danger for China’s Expansion

II. Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance between Egypt & China

III. Two Chinese Military Bases in Egypt: One Million Chinese Military on African Soil

IV. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Sudan and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Sudanese Alliance

V. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Libya and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Libyan Alliance

The Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in al-Tahrir Palace, Cairo; 14 January 2024

I. Grave Threats for Egypt’s Existence and Serious Danger for China’s Expansion

The dimensions that the War in Gaza may have for China are even more alarming than those it has for Egypt; at worldwide level, the ongoing war, which has already lasted for 3 months, takes an absolutely different appearance. Its first, pre-occupying at the international level, element was attested with the early dispatch of the US-led naval force to the Eastern Mediterranean. The reasons mentioned as the eventual ‘pretext’ were all ridiculous lies; neither Israel needed the support ‘offered’ nor did Iran have the intention to straightforwardly attack Israel. Since the beginning of the Israeli military operations in Gaza, it was definitely and accurately known that Iran and its allies (a nebula of paramilitary forces in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen) would undertake only a low-tension war of attrition against the Zionist state. What was then the real purpose of the multinational force that reached the Eastern Mediterranean?  

Before answering this question, we have to also observe the progressive extension of the Gaza War into the wider Red Sea region. For this to happen, the thoughtless, purposeless, foolish or rather artfully induced Houthi attacks, as well as the ensuing maritime transportation security problems were hypocritically presented as the pretext. The dispatch of another US-led naval force, this time in the vast Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Arabian Sea regions, has -in geostrategic terms- the appearance of ‘cutting’ Asia from Africa. This consists in a direct threat to the combined interests of China, India and Russia.

What business is it of Washington to possibly care about that part of the world?

In reality, maritime transportation security is more central to Chinese interests than to American concerns. This fact underscores the concealed reality of the ridiculously called ‘Israel-Hamas War’; acting as a US puppet, the evidently and ferociously anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish, and anti-Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu first radicalized the Gazan Palestinians by promoting Hamas among them, second induced them to hit after the 9/11 example, third allowed them to calmly and without opposition carry out the 7 October 2023 attacks, and fourth declared war against the Gazans in order to subtly bring the US naval forces in.

And why does Netanyahu want the war to last long? Every day, the Netanyahu government sends coffins with the dead bodies of soldiers to their families. Does he really care? Does he believe that Israel’s embattled army will eliminate Palestinian resistance? No! These topics are insignificant to the devilish, pro-Anglo-Saxon, much wanted gangster Netanyahu. The fake state of Israel is a burned card for him; he duly and fully utilizes that structure only for the benefit of the US world dominance.

This must be the Chinese conclusion of the theatrical act named ‘Gaza War 2023’. Beijing must therefore react and prepare the total demolition of America and the disappearance of every Anglo-Saxon impact from the world; this can certainly be done without a nuclear war. The first step will be a strongly and gradually built, sizeable Chinese military presence on the Black Continent; this will start with a Special Military Alliance between China and Egypt.

In the first of this series of articles, I expanded on a) the centuries-old Western hatred of Egypt, b) the existing historical threats against the Valley of the Nile, c) the gradual process of decomposition that the criminal Western gangsters applied to Libya and the Sudan over the past 12 years, and d) the direct relationship between the otherwise worthless Renaissance Dam (also known as GERD), which has been built in the Occupied Benishangul land (currently province) of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), and the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan. This is the link:

In the second of this series of articles, I completed the presentation of the Egyptian approach to the need of the Egyptian-Chinese Military Alliance and expanded on the Chinese perspective towards the topic; more specifically, I first presented the war in Gaza and the destabilization of the Red Sea Region as a very serious issue for Egypt; then, I overviewed the historical background of the rise of China as a world super-power; at last, I duly highlighted the irrevocable prerequisites of China’s worldwide predominance. As a matter of fact, I intentionally presented China’s most demanded military presence in Africa as the sixth (: last) prerequisite; this means that there are several other spheres of activities in which China must deploy an unprecedented, systematic and long-term effort first. This is the link:

President El-Sisi & Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang, Cairo; 15 January 2023

Xi Jinping in Cairo, 2016

Abdelfattah el-Sisi in Beijing, 2014

II. Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance between Egypt & China

A special military alliance between Beijing and Cairo will be advantageous and fruitful for both countries only if it is considered as integral part of a strategic alliance between the two countries. The brotherhood of the two nations must be viewed from both sides as unique in their diachronic existence.

For Egypt, it must herald the irrevocable termination of all the problems that the modern state of Masr (under khedivial, royal and republican rule) has faced since 1798 and the definite cancellation of all the lasting dangers to which Cairo has been exposed. The strategic alliance with China must be the practical remake of Ancient Egypt and the comeback of its unparalleled radiation across Africa. Thanks to this groundbreaking change, Egypt will become the most influential African power in terms of Pan-African identity, Hamitic-Cushitic cultural integrity, Afrocentric educational revival, academic-scientific de-Westernization, resourceful reassessment of natural resources utilization, infrastructure and urban development, urban relocation and reconstruction, agricultural re-organization, technological and military readjustment and social overhaul.

For China, it must be the beginning of the next stage of China’s expansion and rise to world superpower status; it will function as Beijing’s Gate to Africa, because the success story of the Chinese-Egyptian strategic alliance will later serve as model for further/similar bilateral agreements and alliances, notably with Algeria, Nigeria, Mali, Ethiopia, Somalia, Tanzania, Congo, etc. A group of ca. 1000 Chinese specialists on Egypt will have to envision how to efficiently, comprehensively and promptly transform Egypt after the Chinese model. In fact, they should have to function as a second government of Egypt – not in terms of decision-making but in respect of out-of-the-box thinking, envisioning stages of Egypt’s transformation and transmutation, suggesting them to the national government in Cairo, and after the local approval, coordinating with the respective authorities in Beijing as to how to kick off the projects.

A great number of projects in every field should therefore be identified, planned, discussed with the respective Egyptian administrative, military, academic or entrepreneurial teams, and then implemented. In the way the country functions and operates, Egypt will thus gradually be transformed into a small African China.

For all the other African countries, the successful launching of the Chinese-Egyptian strategic alliance will herald

i) the definitive removal of the obsolete, colonial practices, structures and concepts;

ii) the eradication of the ensuing corruption;

iii) the elimination of potential threats of war, persecution, oppression or genocide;

iv) the termination of the Western techniques of dependence and subordination of former colonies;

v) the final withdrawal of American, English, French and other Western military bases, troops, advisers, and diplomatic personnel; and

vi) the irrevocable cancellation of

a) the colonially imposed Western pedagogical-educational-academic system;

b) all the bilateral agreements between African countries and the major colonial states in the sectors of Education, Academic Research, Scientific Cooperation, and Cultural Exchanges; 

c) the racist Western narrative, the Eurocentric bogus-historical dogma, the fallacy of the Judeo-Christian civilization, and the falsehood of Greco-Roman civilization;

d) the replacement of the Western archaeological schools and institutes with Chinese, Russian, Indian, Japanese, Iranian and Turkish specialists;

e) the end of French and English as foreign languages across Africa; and

f) the prohibition of Western missionaries to move and proselytize on African soil.

III. Two Chinese Military Bases in Egypt: One Million Chinese Military on African Soil

For major changes to be initiated in Egypt, Cairo should offer (in terms of a 99-year lease) two sizeable military footholds to China, one in the country’s NW confines, nearby the Mediterranean coast between Mersa Matruh and El Salloum, and another in Egypt’s SE extremities, in the Red Sea Governorate, between Ras Banas and Bi’r Shalatayn (or Shalateen), outside the Halaib Triangle. Each military base should cover an area of approximately 5000 km2.

Mersa Matruh and El Salloum

The military installations should comprise several independent sectors and involve parallel activities; more specifically,

– a first sector shall be established as proper military base with an airfield and a military port, including various Chinese airborne and special operations units, division headquarters, command center, training ground, proving ground, and a great number of properly selected brigades and regiments. The scope of this sector shall be the training of the Chinese Army of Africa, the accommodation of personnel, the storage of equipment, and the facilitation of operations throughout the Black Continent.

– a second sector shall shelter specially established Chinese and Egyptian units and be utilized for the training of the Egyptian army in the Chinese method of war, army organization, martial arts, language, and warrior spirit. All the different units of the Egyptian Army, involving armored corps, the artillery corps, the airborne corps, the infantry/mechanized forces, the special forces, etc. will be rotating in the sector. The end target shall be the complete sinicization of the Egyptian armed forces. Amongst others, here will be planned (and subsequently implemented) the total and complete replacement of the equipment of the Egyptian Army with the respective Chinese material at all levels. The program will be rolled out across all the agencies and the departments of the Egyptian Ministry of Defense. All the Chinese military officers, army employees, specialists, soldiers and auxiliaries, who will be dispatched there, will have as task to fully transform the Egyptian Army after the Chinese model.  

– a third sector shall accommodates the headquarters of the local annexes of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) National Defense University, the National University of Defense Technology (中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学), the PLA Information Engineering University, and the Army Command College of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Coordinating with the Egyptian Military Academy and Egypt’s Chief of Staff, and acting under the auspices of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (namely the President of Egypt) and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (i.e. the Minister of Defense), all the local annexes of the above mentioned Chinese institutions shall produce the military officers of Egypt’s entirely new army, which will gradually supersede and replace the present one.

– last, a fourth sector shall function as a military industrial zone; a great number of Chinese defense manufacturing and defense technology companies will therefore be authorized to found subsidiaries and establish local manufacturing plants. Chinese and Egyptian personnel will staff the joint ventures which will cover local and regional needs, thus not only covering all the needs of Egypt in terms of military equipment but also contributing to Egypt’s exports.

The scope of the special military alliance between China and Egypt will be groundbreaking enough to totally transform the Egyptian state’s structures of colonial dependence that has lasted more than 200 years. The two military bases will be able to accommodate about one million Chinese personnel and a corresponding number of Egyptians. The very early stages of the alliance will also comprise of several military operations outside the borders of Egypt for the benefit of both countries and the promotion of the common geopolitical goals. The need for them may be urgent for both, Egypt and China.

Halaib Triangle landscapes

Egypt’s Red Sea coast

Sudan’s Red Sea coast

IV. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Sudan and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Sudanese Alliance

To prepare for a major socio-economic and political overhaul, which is most needed, Egypt has to secure its backyard; this definitely means that the chaotic conditions, which currently prevail in Sudan and Libya, must be terminated once for all. While the fall of Gadhafi in 2011 did not have significant repercussions on Egypt, the present situation in Sudan is very alarming.

Cairo managed to establish a form of cooperation with the Libyan strongman and commander of the Tobruk-based Libyan National Army (LNA) Khalifa Haftar (born in 1943), but the existence of Darfur’s butcher Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (also known as Hemedti; born in 1974), his disastrous, treacherous and criminal acts in Sudan, his divisive stance, his contribution to the ongoing civil war, and -even worse- his connections with states that are openly inimical to Egypt, notably the colonial tyranny of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), consist in a lethal threat for the Egyptian people and government. Background:

The following three links reveal the falsehood, the bias, and the anti-Egyptian hatred spread by the disreputable criminals of al Jazeera, which should be closed down one way or another:

Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, 2019

Janjaweed gangster Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti), 2022

The Civil War in Sudan as of January 2024; in pink color the areas under control by the Sudanese government and Chairman Abdel Fattah al-Burhan

Egypt must support energetically and drastically Abdel Fattah al-Burhan (born in 1960), Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and de facto ruler of Sudan, who faces a rebellion actively fueled from abroad and systematically supported by the Neo-Nazi cholera of England, the notorious MI6 outfit named Qatar, and their pseudo-Muslim agents and bribed lackeys. Without a strong ally, Cairo cannot send 300000 soldiers in Sudan in order to effectively remove the Dagalo plague, terminate the killings that he causes across the unfortunate and targeted country, and avert the threat that he represents.

What is even worse is the condition of the transportation infrastructure in the regions around the Egyptian-Sudanese border, and in general throughout Sudan. There is no highway road running either in the Valley of the Nile (from Aswan and Abu Simbel to Wadi Halfa, Dongola, and thence to Khartoum) or alongside the Red Sea coastline (from Mersa Alam, Ras Banas, Shalatayn, Halaib, Dungunab, Port Sudan).

Similarly, there is no railway connection between Egypt and Sudan. This was deceitfully prescribed to their colonial subjects by the English colonials when they ruled those lands; although there was a railway connection between Cairo and Aswan (860 km; it reached Aswan only in 1898) and despite the fact that Wadi Halfa was connected with Abu Hamad, Atbara and Khartoum (350+244+313: 907 km; it was all built in the period 1897-1900, with a 475 km extension from Atbara to Port Sudan which was constructed between 1904 and 1906), there was never a railway between Aswan and Wadi Halfa, i.e. a distance of ca. 320 km. In other words, in 15 years (1890-1906), the English built in Egypt and Sudan railways that were ca. 2000 km long, but they ‘could’ not construct a small section of just 300 km! This simple observation reveals the malignant intentions of the colonial rulers quite well.

Egyptian national railways

Sudan railways

The Chinese-Egyptian military intervention in Sudan should not end with the consolidation of Abdel Fattah al-Burhan as the new president of the country and with the elimination of the Dagalo forces. After the Janjaweed bloodthirsty gangsters are extradited to the International Criminal Court for crimes against the Mankind in Darfur and generally across the country, the leadership of Sudan, Egypt and China must launch multilayered negotiations, involving governmental, entrepreneurial, military, and academic-educational authorities, in order to both, reconstruct Sudan from scratch and fully interconnect the vast country with Egypt and China.

Two highways and two railways have to link the two countries through both, the Valley of the Nile and the Red Sea coastland. In addition, two Chinese high speed railways have to be launched in order to link the first, Khartoum to Dongola, Abu Simbel, Nag Hammadi, Cairo, Alexandria, Mersa Matruh and El Salloum (in the Mediterranean coast nearby the Libyan borders), and the second, Khartoum to Atbara, Port Sudan, Shalatayn, Mersa Alam, Hurgada, Suez and Cairo. 

China and Sudan shall sign agreements similar to those co-signed by Beijing and Cairo (as per above Part III), and Khartoum shall offer (in terms of a 99-year lease) two sizeable military footholds to China, the first in the Red Sea coastland south of Suakin and north of Tokar, and the second in the North Darfur province (the official term is ‘state’) of Sudan, north of El Fashir, the provincial capital.   

Tokar: southernmost confines of Sudan’s Red Sea coast lands

Al-Fashir, capital of Darfur North

V. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Libya and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Libyan Alliance

Having averted the prevalence of chaos in Sudan and having established a tripartite partnership in the South, Egypt will definitely have to put an end to the disastrous conditions of division, conflict and tribalism that have prevailed in Libya over the past 13 years.

Following an early agreement with Khalifa Haftar, who was appointed (2015) commander of the armed forces loyal to the Libyan House of Representatives, units of the Egyptian and the (based-in Egypt) Chinese armies shall enter Libya and fight alongside with units of the LNA to eradicate the unrepresentative, shadowy, Tripoli-based governmental structure, which has become the tool of the destructive colonial English policies in North Africa. Entering in an agreement with Brigadier General Saddam Haftar and his father, the Chinese and the Egyptians will be able to soon help consolidate Libya and bring the country closer to the Egyptian-Sudanese tandem.  

Libya, May 2020

Libya 2024

Eliminating Islamist and Wahhabi thugs from the Libyan South (notably the Kufra and Murzuq districts) and striking a deal with Tuareg militias of Ghat in Libya’s southwestern extremities, the new national government will have to manage to reestablish peace, civil order, and proper national statehood at last. With the help of China and Egypt, Libya will finally be able to move out of the colonial conditions in which the country was engulfed for too long. Background:

Setting the sound foundations of a long-term, non-colonial, multilateral partnership, China, Egypt and Libya shall address issues that date back to the times of colonial divisions and exploitation. Two highways and two railways have to link the Valley of the Nile with Libya, the first alongside the Mediterranean Sea coastline and the second through the desert; from Alexandria, Mersa Matruh, and El Salloum to Tobruk, Benghazi, Sirte, Misrata, Tripoli and Zuwara (near the Tunisian border), the construction of a highway and a railway will surely help exponentially increase the interconnection, interdependence and interoperability of the two countries, thus opening a new era of local, regional and worldwide cooperation. Similarly, the construction of a highway and a railway connecting Luxor, Nag Hammadi, Kharga Oasis, and Dakhla Oasis to Kufra, Murzuq, Sabha, Hun and Sirte will effectively contribute to the same goal, bringing together Egypt’s South and Libya’s South, while also lessening the distance between Libya’s southern extremities and the major cities on the coastline.   

Furthermore, China and Libya shall sign agreements similar to those co-signed by Beijing and Khartoum (as per above); according to the terms, Tripoli, as the capital of a reunified Libya, shall offer (in terms of a 99-year lease) two sizeable military footholds to China, the first in the Mediterranean coastland west of Tripoli and the second in the country’s southwestern extremities, namely in Ghat District (Fezzan region).


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A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – II

The rise of China as a world superpower has hitherto been a long path marked with several successes and advances, but also significant drawbacks and failures. The Arab Spring can be seen from many viewpoints and interpreted as per its impact on diverse states, but it was indisputably a severe impediment to China’s attempt to penetrate in Africa and offer the numerous African nations a trustworthy perspective and a valuable support in terms of nation building and sustainable development. It goes without saying that, if the Chinese establishment truly intends to bring forth a groundbreaking change at the worldwide level, Beijing must carefully take the lesson of those circumstances before 13 years and overwhelmingly modify China’s understanding of perplex situations and approach to long standing problems, notably the European colonialism in Africa and elsewhere.

In the first part of this series of articles, I expanded on a) the centuries-old Western hatred of Egypt, b) the existing historical threats against the Valley of the Nile, c) the gradual process of decomposition that the criminal Western gangsters applied to Libya and the Sudan over the past 12 years, and d) the direct relationship between the otherwise worthless Renaissance Dam (also known as GERD), which has been built in the Occupied Benishangul land (currently province) of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), and the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan. This is the link:

In the present article, I will complete the presentation of the Egyptian approach to the need of the Egyptian-Chinese Military Alliance and I will expand on the Chinese perspective towards the topic.


I. The War in Gaza and the Destabilization of the Red Sea Region

II. The Rise of China as a World Super-power

III. The Irrevocable Prerequisites of China’s Worldwide Predominance

I. The War in Gaza and the Destabilization of the Red Sea Region

The War in Gaza, which started with the attack of the 7th October 2023, has nothing to do with the supposed liberation of Palestine (and even less with the formation of a Palestinian state); even more importantly, it is absolutely unrelated to the Islamic world. Hamas has been acknowledged as a functional outfit of the Israeli, English and American secret services, which envisioned, fabricated, established, promoted and imposed it on all the Palestinians, duly fooling them with associated nationalist and Islamist literature as well as numerous silly lies that only the already besotted populations could possibly take seriously. The fact that the secret services of Israel, England and America had their own stooges in the shameful outfit, tried to pull it closer to the interests of one or another country, and kept struggling for prevalence in and control of Hamas is of secondary importance. What matters is that Hamas was never a truly Palestinian let alone Muslim organization in spite of the public prayers of their leaders. They thought they were genuine, independent and unrestrained but in reality they were always closely manageable and totally maneuverable.

The War in Gaza has the meaning that its true instigators want to give it. This is essential to understand. The conflict is neither local nor regional; it is a worldwide conflict or, if you prefer, a World War. It has local repercussions in the sense that Gazan Palestinians -due to their leaders’ foolishness- lost their homes forever. It does have a regional impact indeed; this concerns mainly Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and to lesser extent other countries (Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran).

Although Lebanon and Syria have repeatedly been the targets of Israeli attacks (as far as Haleb/Aleppo), I mention Egypt first because the potential danger is greater and imminent. If the entire Gazan population is further pushed to the border, the government of Egypt will find themselves in an almost impossible position. With a chaotic situation in Libya, with Sudan plunged in civil war (in which one of the fighting factions depends exclusively on external factors and forces that are inimical to Egypt and friendly to the criminal, dictatorial and racist Amhara regime of Abyssinia/Fake Ethiopia), and with the Renaissance dam (GERD) filled, Egypt faces a havoc in the only part of the country’s national borders that was truly safe: that shared with Israel and Gaza. What is even worse is that there is an enormous distance between the governmental policy of the newly re-elected President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and the popular feelings against Israel. Updates and readings:

Maintaining peaceful relations with Israel is necessary for the Egyptian president in order to come up with eventual solutions for the urgent needs of the evicted Gazan populations, to appear as a mediator should a circumstance arise, and to ensure that the Gazans will not be pushed by the Israeli soldiers up to Egyptian borders. All the same, this position is extremely delicate because Egypt cannot possibly accept to accommodate the populations of Gaza that the Israeli government subtly tries to force out once for all; indeed, the quasi-totality of the Egyptian population would not possibly accept such a development, which would automatically turn out to be tenure-terminator for any leader of the country. On the other side, any further deterioration of the poor conditions of life to which two millions of destitute Gazans have been exposed may deeply anger the average Egyptians up to the point of launching protests, which would further weaken the lukewarm support that the Egyptian president has.

As it was clearly understood from the first weeks, Israel’s military intervention in Gaza and the ensuing destructions and systematic killings of civil populations must be assessed as a long-term military operation that may last many months if not years. If at any moment, Gazan populations are pushed toward the Egyptian border, the war may become inevitable. Even worse, if thousands of uncontainable Gazans pour into the Sinai Peninsula, the Egyptian government will be viewed by its citizens as truly impotent. Then, the newly elected president may be challenged by the protests (even more so because the economic outlook is rather gloomy) or removed by a military coup. For more than a decade, it has been clear that serious forces within the Western world (all those who have promoted Turkey’s Islamization over the past two decades) have a deep-seated hatred of Egypt. If France and a part of the US establishment supported the present Egyptian establishment, England and other states created and promoted a steadily anti-Egyptian sentiment.

But it is not only a matter of a turmoil limited in the Sinai Peninsula’s northernmost extremities. With the military activities launched by the Houthi government of Yemen against Israel, the Gazan conflict took another dimension that is seriously dangerous for the national security and safety of Egypt. As the Red Sea is Egypt’s eastern flank, it was always viewed as the safest region of the country; any condition of instability created in those governorates (Red Sea, Suez, and South Sinai) will severely endanger Cairo in many aspects. If maritime companies cancel the Red Sea – Suez Canal passageway, the Egyptian economy will take a disastrous hit. Map:

Under current circumstances, Egypt definitely needs a major ally beyond the well-conceived and auspiciously undertaken adhesion of Cairo to the BRICS+. The 2023 decision to enlarge the intergovernmental organization (from 5 to 10 member states) with the participation of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and UAE is highly important, particularly for Egypt’s economy. About:’s-membership-in-BRICS-activated%2C-welcomed-by-Russia?lang=en-us,group’s%20summit%20in%20South%20Africa.

However, the aforementioned wise decision of the Egyptian government has to be completed and consolidated with the selection of a main strategic partner and ally at the military and technological level. With Russia being focused on Ukraine, the Balkans, the Caucasus region, and other parts of Europe, Africa and Asia, China appears to be Egypt’s long-term close partner and ally of choice.

II. The Rise of China as a World Super-power

As a major imperial state, China has a historical tradition and a cultural heritage that very few other nations can claim today. China survived longer than other ancient empires like Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, (pre-Islamic) Iran and Rome.

Instead of being an empire identified with one religion, like the Christian Eastern Roman Empire and the Islamic Abbasid Caliphate, China managed to compose a unified state dogma where Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism coexisted in peace and, at the same time, to plainly incorporate religions that came from the West, namely Mesopotamia: Manichaeism (either in its Sogdian form or in its Uyghur doctrine, fully blended with Buddhism), Nestorian Christianity, and Islam.

As a fully continental empire, China was one of the world’s five most civilized realms and foremost empires in the middle of the 16th century, along with the Mughal Empire (Hindustan), the Safavid Empire of Iran, the Ottoman Empire, and the then nascent Muscovite-Russian Empire.

The five continental empires represented humanity and civilization, whereas the five maritime colonial empires (Spain, Portugal, France, Holland and England) diffused barbarism, monstrosity and hatred, killing scores of indigenous populations, ruining great, highly civilized empires (Aztecs, Incas), spreading terror, inhumanity, diseases and falsehood, while also imposing tyrannically (and after deliberate genocides) the fake religion of the Western European heretical Christians (Catholics & Protestants).

In the span of 350 years (1570-1920), due to their sheer complex of inferiority, vicious plots, incessant cheating, wicked rancor, malignant lies, and systematized fallacy, the five maritime colonial empires (Spain, Portugal, France, Holland and England), managed to

– fully invade and colonize one of the five continental empires, namely the Mughal Empire (which was far richer than Louis XIV’s France);

– totally dismember another continental empire, namely the Ottoman Empire, on the territory of which absurdly stand nowadays no less than 30 states;   

– significantly reduce, temporarily occupy, and interfere in the local governance of another continental empire, namely the Qajar Empire of Iran (which succeeded the Safavid and the Afshar dynasties, but was subsequently replaced -following English intervention- with an ignorant and idiotic soldier who was later labeled ‘Pahlavi’ by his colonial master-‘adviser’);

– systematically undertake two Opium Wars (1839-1842 and 1856-1860) -in order to heinously corrupt the Chinese people- and then invade, occupy and dismantle the Qing Empire of China, first by attempting to divide the country into zones of foreign occupation and later by pitching the Japanese against the Chinese; and

– methodically turn Russia repeatedly against its natural allies, namely the above mentioned four empires and the equally continental empires of Austria-Hungary and Germany.

We have to consider the years 1945 and 1991 as the peaks of the maritime empires’ prevalence, because the United States substituted for the earlier Western colonial empires. As a matter of fact, in 1945, the very costly victory of a continental state (USSR) over another continental state (Nazi Germany) and the slow recovery of China, which was still plunged in Civil War, allowed the US to appear as the sole world superpower. Later, although the Soviet Union managed to soon become the second superpower, its dissolution in 1991, at a moment the People’s Republic of China had not yet risen to prominence, gave again the impression that the US was the world’s only superpower.  

Now, 33 years after 1991, everything looks impressively different, because of the spectacular economic, military, technological and geostrategic ascent of China; all the same, the overwhelmingly transformed international environment is also due to Russia’s astounding comeback in terms of military modernization, administrative rehabilitation, socioeconomic reorganization, scientific breakthrough, technological advance and worldwide impact. Furthermore, the dramatic change has to also be attributed to India’s striking rise to the level of major economic, military, scientific and technological power, and to the remarkable progress that several middle level powers (Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Nigeria, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Egypt, etc.) have made in the meantime, thus becoming notable regional powers and centers of gravitation that the Western colonial countries cannot anymore fully impact, influence or intimidate.

III. The Irrevocable Prerequisites of China’s Worldwide Predominance

All this may really augur very well for China, but unfortunately, it is not enough. And the real issue for China is not to outperform its own performance in terms of military and technological breakthrough or economic-commercial penetration. What matters -in the transformation of a traditional continental empire to a worldwide superpower- is the elimination of the existing drawbacks and obstacles. China may nowadays look far stronger and more important than France, a traditional maritime colonial empire, but things are not that simple when we examine both countries’ impact and influence on Africa.

Chairwoman of Russia’s Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko speaking with the President of Algeria Abdelmajid Tebboune (March 2023) said that “France must repent for colonial crimes”.

France controlled major lands of civilization for hundreds of years and imposed its own scientific method, academic system, moral-intellectual values, educational context, and socio-cultural environment. Fully colonizing the Algerian society, Paris

– imposed the study of 18th c. philosophers by Algerian schoolchildren;

– deleted Algeria’s Islamic and pre-Islamic historical and cultural heritage from Modern Algeria’s education, intellectual life, political discourse, academic research, cultural milieu, and artistic explorations;

– prevented a proper nation building process from being undertaken by Algerians;

– turned the average Algerian into either an entirely subaltern French or a fully reactionary Muslim predestined to doom in his vain effort to ‘Islamize’ his country and -even worse- not even to imagine that there is no return to national originality without an exhaustive de-Westernization;

– made of the average Algerian’s religion (Islam) a mere ideological caricature; and

– appended all the concepts and all the notions that an Algerian may develop or devise to French (and therefore Western) standards, measures and criteria, thus irrevocably preventing generations upon generations of Algerians to ever achieve cultural ingenuity, intellectual originality, and national authenticity.

That’s why one can easily observe that, even at the moment of the closest Soviet-Algerian or Russo-Algerian (after 1991) relationship, the ideal place for an Algerian to be was always Paris – and never Moscow!

What is even worse is that the French did the same in each and every of their colonies, whereas the English acted accordingly. And when the Americans arrived to take over, they followed the same pattern, offering scores of scholarships to the youth of the earlier colonized nations so that they get re-colonized after the American fashion (or version). This is how Morocco, to offer an example, was methodically managed and gradually turned against France. The Americans called it decolonization, but in reality the shameless process was a full re-colonization; they did not care about the local nations and the troubles caused to them by the European colonization process that had lasted perhaps 100 or 200 years before the American arrival. However, one has to take into consideration the fact that this was possible for the Americans to achieve because America was already a byproduct of the Western world.  

12th c. manuscript of A’azzu Ma Yuṭlab by Ibn Tumart

But Russia is not part of the Western world and the same is valid for China. So, to be on the safe side, when a Russian or Chinese diplomat or statesman speaks, discusses or negotiates with an Algerian statesman, politician, military officer administrator, businessman, he must always bear in mind that in front of him does not stand a descendant of Ibn Tumart or a proponent of the Almohad doctrine, but a wretched person confused about his identity and choices, ignorant of his national past, and fooled by the -systematically administered to him and his compatriots- colonial Euro-centric fallacy. About:

As the above example constitutes only one case of troublesome encounter, Chinese must realize that, on the best occasion, they will meet similar cases everywhere. This means that, by imagining that Chinese financial aid, state loans, technology transfer, military advice, political partnership, foreign investment, infrastructure works, and sustainable development plans will suffice to make of an African country a strong and permanent ally of China in the Black Continent, Chinese diplomats, advisers and statesmen only fool themselves and lose their money. And this is not only due to the existent -among African governments- overwhelming corruption.

The Chinese must therefore realize that first, last and above all, they need to set the foundations of their presence in Africa- something that until now they have never done. This must be massive and, luckily, China can certainly afford it. It would perhaps be even better to undertake parallel efforts, namely through the Chinese embassies, consulates and universities and, also, via BRICS-based partnerships.

First, China must study in-depth all the African nations as per their own declarations of identity; if the Chinese authorities are contented with the superficial study of the colonial caricatures that the Modern African states are, it is better for Beijing to forget the dreams of worldwide predominance once forever. The Oromos of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), the Bejas (Blemmyes) of Eastern Sudan, the Copts of Egypt, the Berbers of the African Atlas, the Mehris and the Soqotris of Yemen, the Luo, the Somalis, the Kikuyu, the Bantu Muslims of Kenya, and all the other nations and the ethnic-linguistic-religious groups of Africa must be meticulously studied in China.

The reason for this enormous academic-political endeavor is simple: Western colonial countries have done so for ca. 200 years. And without their enormous study, knowledge and documentation, the Western colonial administrations would have never asserted the firm control that they had and still have over Africa. It would perhaps be quite useful for Chinese scholars to first investigate the extent and the depth of Africanist or African Studies in Western Europe and North America. Russia has developed this academic discipline but not up to the level Italy has. The African colonial past of Rome (in Libya, Eritrea, Somalia and Abyssinia/Fake Ethiopia) did indeed play a certain role in this regard. Actually, the European colonialism was never an exclusively military affair; it was rather a combined enterprise based on universities, libraries, museums, companies, armies, secret services, and governments. It is essential for the Chinese to always keep this in mind. About:

At the same time, Chinese scholars must examine the indigenous scholarship-led attempt to establish Afrology or Africology at the antipodes of the Western colonial discipline. Africans involved in the development and implementation of concepts such as Afrocentricity and African Renaissance must be taken seriously by the Chinese, first as a topic of study and then as a potential partner in numerous hitherto undefined pro-African and pro-Chinese, anti-Western projects. It is really a joke for Chinese statesmen to think that, with only few hundreds of billions of dollars and due to governmental cooperation in bilateral trade, infrastructure projects, and political relations, Beijing will establish a deeply-rooted presence in the Black Continent.

In this manner and without a deep study of the entire continent (as I already said), China is going to lose most of the money spent for this scope. Few corrupt partners (ministers, generals, thugs-in chief, etc.) will pocket part of the Chinese money, but later some of their colleagues or subordinates will probably report this development to their French, English or American masters, and then China’s fraudulent trustees may get a bullet in their head or simply removed from power; their monies will be confiscated, and the country will be lost for China – pretty much like Libya was stripped from Beijing in 2011.

Second, China must deeply study African History without taking into consideration the existent borders. The down-to-Earth reality is simple: colonial borders are good only for the colonial powers, but never for the colonized nations. So, China cannot accept them – at least before duly studying how and why all these fake lines were drawn by the French and the English in order to work only to their benefit. By this, I don’t mean that one should break all the existing African countries to pieces. No! In some cases, one can produce one very sizeable, new African country out of two or three states – but the decision must be well-founded and based on the study of the local reality, and of the colonial perverse rule and evildoing. I will now offer an example.

Very old map of north africa with Focus on Egypt, other countries on this map are Libya, Sudan, Nigeria, Algeria. Main countries which were occupied by Britain in the early 20th century.

Egypt, Sudan and Libya could have easily made one enormous state; combined the three countries have a total area of ca. 4.7 million km2 (larger than India and smaller than Australia). This means that, if united, they would make the 6th largest state in the world. However, the following fact highlights the systematic English evildoing that took place and the perverse, calamitous nature of colonialism: despite the fact that the English colonized both lands, controlled the local societies, and built the infrastructure that they needed, including a vast network of railways, the colonial governors took good care never to connect Egypt and Sudan by train. Although the railway network in both lands totaled, back in 1950s, thousands of kilometers and the existing routes from Alexandria to Aswan and from Wadi Halfa to Khartoum covered 1100 km and 900 km respectively, no railway was ever constructed between Aswan with Wadi Halfa (ca. 320 km)!

This fact is critical for the Chinese and for anyone else to know, because it unveils the secret targets of the colonial powers, namely to rule Africa first locally and later remotely – through use of idiotic indigenous stooges-traitors, who were first selected to study in English or French universities and then there formed as to how to rule their lands as per the plans of their colonial masters and not in a way to reflect the true interests of their nations. That is why, after Sudan’s independence (1956), no Sudanese and no Egyptian statesman had ever the idea of linking the two countries by two railways – one crossing the Valley of the Nile (from Alexandria to Khartoum) and another running alongside the Red Sea Coast (from Suez to Suakin).

So, to conclude about this example, I would say that it is very good for the Chinese leaders to intend to launch many infrastructure projects in Africa, but it would be far better for them to also come to know which plans and designs were never proposed (let alone built) by the colonial powers, although they could have been undertaken, and for which reasons; this would reveal to the Chinese authorities who is going to certainly plot against China’s penetration in Africa, where, when and for which reason.

Third, China should deeply study African Antiquity and Oriental Antiquity in order to uncover the fallacious nature of the Western narrative, denounce it at worldwide level, and refute it solemnly, thus liberating world nations from the pro-Western, racist dogma, which generated tyrannies and genocides across the Earth. Chinese universities must lead the world academia in critical disciplines like Egyptology, Assyriology, Hittitology, Iranology, Turkology and many other crucial sectors of Orientalism, which reveal the truth about the History of Mankind that the Western academia wanted to conceal, distort and replace with the absurdity of Greco-Roman civilization, Hellenism, and Eurocentrism.

While being energetically involved in this majestic project, with the participation of dozens of thousands of African and Asiatic students, China should deploy a great effort in interconnecting universities in Africa and Asia. This will help irrevocably disconnect African and Asiatic universities from the vicious centers of falsehood, namely the Western European and North American universities, which plunged the world in distortion, racism, anomaly, darkness and wars.

Fourth, China must prepare a young generation of China-educated, Chinese-speaking African leaders, who will spend 4-7 years in China, before returning home to work in the field of their specialization and thus to demolish the remaining chains of colonialism, misconceptions, misperceptions, biases, and white man’s schemes and deceptions. These young Africans will form their countries’ new middle classes and they will be instrumental in irreversibly cutting the relations of their nations with the criminal colonial states of England, France, US, Holland, Canada, Belgium, New Zealand, and Australia. English and French must be irrevocably deleted from Africa’s collective memory.

This enormous project will also entail the establishment of annexes of dozens of Chinese universities throughout Africa; in every single African state, several Chinese universities, numerous high schools, and various institutes will have to open and operate. The penetration of Chinese as the first foreign language must therefore be considered as key to China’s presence in Africa. For this reason, it has to be fully supported at all levels, notably the Internet, blogging, social media, etc. Chinese press establishments must open Asia in general and China in particular to all Africans, while incessantly slandering the Western world in every dimension.

Fifth, China must develop an enormous program of cultural exchanges, involving visits of African artists to China and vice versa, African schoolchildren holidays in China and vice versa, traveling bilateral exhibitions (a China-Tanzania exhibition in Egypt or an Algeria-China exhibition in Kenya, and so on), ‘Africa and the Silk-, Spice- and Perfume-routes’ Annual Seminar, and a vast program of sister city or a twin town relationship.

Sixth, China must build an unmatched military presence in Africa. It is better to first establish bilateral military relations with several countries of the Black Continent and then launch the next stage of expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In order to better involve its allies, Beijing could introduce the concept of trilateral military alliance and presence; to offer an example in this regard, within the context of an Egyptian-Chinese military alliance, China could involve India and thus set up a Chinese-Indian-Egyptian brigade after the example of the Franco-German Brigade. On other occasions, a Chinese-Russian-Algerian brigade would reduce the chance of war in the African Atlas that the secret services of England and America work hard to instigate, and a Chinese-Russian-Niger and/or a Chinese-Russian-Mali brigade would eliminate the threat of Islamic fundamentalism throughout Sahara, therefore fully canceling the evil Anglo-Saxon plans.

China’s military presence in Africa can function as vector of peace throughout the Black Continent; it must start with a strong bilateral military agreement with Egypt. What the scope of a Chinese-Egyptian military alliance can be and how fruitful it will turn out to be I will present in the next article of the series, which will be the last.


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A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – I

The Western World hates Egypt terribly; that’s why all the administrations of the country -pseudo-royal (khedivial), presidential (military) or Islamist (republican)- were always appointed after French, English and/or American decision or active involvement and with Western support only to function as local ignorant servants definitely unable to fathom the deeply self-destructive nature of the acts that their foreign masters force them to implement, and absolutely unsuspicious of the venomous hatred that their beastly superiors harbor against the Holy Land that is the Valley of the Nile down to Khartoum.


I. Western Hatred against Egypt and Plans against Mankind

II. The End of Egypt may be very close

III. Egypt and the Pulverization of Sudan and Libya

IV. The Renaissance Dam in the light of the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan

The Blue Nile River is seen as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam reservoir fills near the Ethiopia-Sudan border, in this broad spectral image taken November 6, 2020. NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team/Handout via REUTERS/File

I. Western Hatred against Egypt and Plans against Mankind

The criminal colonial governments of the West that plunged the world into inhuman colonialism, scores of yet unknown (to most of the people) genocides, two World War, moral and cultural degeneration, and linguistic Anglo-tyranny did not hate Egypt for nothing. They are fully aware of the exclusively predominant role that Nahrain (Mesopotamia) and Kemet-Kush (Egypt and Sudan, i.e. the true Ethiopia) played in the History of Mankind; the evil gangsters of the Western countries want to hide the Truth that was found in Egyptian and Meroitic hieroglyphics and in Sumerian-Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform texts, to incapacitate those great lands, to propagate worldwide their fallacious story (namely the nonexistent Hellenism, the perversely presented Greco-Roman civilization, and their abnormal derivatives), and to undertake the extinction of all the other nations and civilizations by means that they intended to prepare and have already produced.

Which is the unfathomable force of the Egyptian hieroglyphics and the Assyrian cuneiform texts that Western academics, mystics and evildoers know and the rest of the world does not?

This is easy to answer! Fully studied and duly assessed, the early documentations of Human Civilization demonstrate perfectly well the fallacy of every single point of the Fake History of the Mankind that the criminal Western universities, those centers of suffocating darkness, absurd falsehood, and utmost barbarism, diffuse worldwide only to carry out their plan which provides for the extinction of the rest of the Mankind. It is not a matter of coincidence that, only 100 years after the decipherment of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics by Jean-François Champollion, was an Egyptian Egyptologist properly formed at last; it was a critical paragraph of the lewd colonial criminals’ working plan. Only by fooling the rest and by keeping them unaware of the historical truth, they would effectively immobilize them until the moment of their destruction comes.

The Western narrative was composed out of thousands of points of systematic falsehood and due to an always superbly misleading contextualization. Even non-specialists, who happen to be perspicacious researchers and rich conceptual thinkers, like Prof. Jin Canrong (School of International Relations, Renmin University of China), have seen the endless flaws of the Western fallacy. In October 2023, Prof. Canrong claimed that the supposedly major philosopher of the Antiquity, namely Aristotle, is actually a fictional character.

Prof. Jin Canrong

That’s correct; suffice it to study the spiritual, academic, moral, and intellectual life in Egypt from the arrival of Alexander the Great of Macedonia to the arrival of Octavian Augustus (332 BCE – 30 CE)! There was no place for Aristotle in the then debates; the same occurred elsewhere, notably in Antioch, Ephesus and the other great centers of learning and science of the Ptolemaic/Seleucid, Arsacid and Roman times.

In fact, Aristotle is mainly a fabrication of 9th-11th c. Catholic Benedictine monks who hated the Eastern Roman Empire and Orthodox Christianity and in the process, fabricated an enormous amount of fallacious manuscripts of the supposed Aristotle’s treatises – no less than 1200 years after the extant but minor philosopher had died. The character that is currently known as Aristotle is quasi-entirely fictional and represents the Benedictine Order’s adjustment of Christianity to their evil needs and counterfeit concepts. They projected onto the supposed treatises of Aristotle what they had in mind and they subsequently ‘Aristotelized’ (or ‘Aristoteleanized’) Catholic Christianity.

For this and for many other reasons, Western diplomats, academics and ‘advisers’ craftily managed to fool and disorient Egyptian academics, statesmen, intellectuals and pedagogues up to the point of totally skipping -in the Egyptian Secondary Education historical manuals- the entire period from Ramesses III to the arrival of the Islamic armies (ca. 1200 BCE – 642 CE); this means that almost 40% of the 5000-year long Egyptian History remains deliberately unknown to Egyptian schoolchildren.

It is yet in this period that the radiation of the Ancient Egyptian civilization eclipsed that of all the other main lands of civilization (Aramaean Mesopotamia, Iran, Turan, India, and Berber North Africa), as numerous Egyptian cults, mysticisms, systems of world conceptualization, Cosmology, Cosmogony, Eschatology and Soteriology, mythological symbols, spiritual and material sciences properly speaking flooded the Roman Empire, Greece, Rome and even Europe outside the imperial borders. Greeks, Macedonians, Illyrians, Dacians, Panonians, Romans, Germans, Celts and many other nations in Britain and Spain believed Isis, Horus, Osiris, Anubis, Thot, Maat, and many other elements of the Ancient Egyptian Transcendental Wisdom and Spirituality – and yet no Egyptian schoolchildren learn about this fact.

LONDINI AD FANVM ISIDIS (To London at the temple of Isis)

The other side of the evildoing is attested in the Western world; many specialized Egyptologists know and write about these topics, but their articles and books are never known to the great public, because this would gravely damage the Greco-Romano-centric (Euro-centric or Occidentalocentric) narrative and the associated bogus-historical dogma that Europeans want to permanently impose on their former colonies and worldwide.

Of course, it is clear that the national security and safety of Egypt is not a matter of Education, Academic Research or intellectual debate. However, the two issues are intertwined. Better one understands the historical reality and better one assesses distortions and fallacies diffused by an enemy, smarter he becomes in fighting the enemy’s plans. And what can the plans against Egypt be?

One tiny example is offered by the Georgia Guidestones that stood from 1980 to 2022 {unveiled by US congressman Druie Doug Barnard (1922-2018) on 22nd March 1980} in Elberton (Elbert County, Georgia). It would be naïve to believe that the target of world population reduction to 500 million people involves Chinese, Indians, Africans and Latin Americans. Eugenics has been exclusively a Western European pseudo-science. About:

Druie Doug Barnard

II. The End of Egypt may be very close

Very well-known is the anti-Egyptian and anti-Sudanese nature of the various successive governments of Abyssinia, which has only recently (in the 1950s and after French guidance) been fallaciously renamed as ‘Ethiopia’. In fact, the usurpation of the historical name of Ancient Sudan (Cush) by the (Yemenite origin) Abyssinians only completes the Amhara-Tigray colonial wars, annexation of many Cushitic nations and kingdoms, perpetrated genocide, and systematic persecution and enslavement of the subjugated Oromos, Kaffas, Afars, Kambatas, Sidamas, Hadiyas, Gedeos, Shekas, Agaws, Nuers, Anyuak, Bertas, Ogadenis and other nations.  

Prof. Mekuria Bulcha

During the 19th c., subtly divided by the colonial English, the Egyptians and the Sudanese were not united in their reaction against the then expanding barbarian pseudo-kingdom of Abyssinia, which was criminally supported by the colonial hypocrites of France and England. Oromo Diaspora Prof. Mekuria Bulcha proved quite convincingly (in his ‘Religion, the slave trade and the creation of the Ethiopian empire in the nineteenth century’, 1997) that the colonial powers, which pretended hypocritically to be against the slave trade across the Earth, deliberately permitted the Abyssinians to continue their slave trade in order to purchase firearms that they used in their attacks against so many civilized African kingdoms.

The formation of the racist, genocidal state of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia) is a permanent direct threat against the existence of Egypt and Sudan as states, and against the life of all the Egyptians and the Sudanese. If this fact is not taken seriously by all the Egyptian and the Sudanese statesmen, administrators and military, the end may be very near. The fact that the Egyptian governments failed to use Coptic academics, priests, monks and intellectuals as state agents to study the tribal and tyrannical regime of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), get insightful, unveil local secrets, and thus accurately assess the permanently dangerous situation is also due to all types of colonial involvement and interference in Egypt.

Western diplomats, statesmen, journalists and military advisers always tried to assuage Egypt’s rightful worries about the malignant intentions of the racist Amhara rascals and underestimate the lethal threat originating from Abyssinia and the unprecedented Abyssinian hatred against Egypt and the Sudan. Limiting the topic to the sphere of military reprisals is puerile, whereas concerted action with the numerous liberation fronts (Oromo, Ogadeni, etc.) would have been very good in the 1990s, the 2000s and the 2010s, but by now is not sufficient.

There are indeed many historical sources documenting the evil intentions of the Amhara and Tigray anti-Sudanese and anti-Egyptian racists. They date back to the pre-colonial times, when the tiny, pseudo-Christian, barbarian Amhara kingdom developed the unprecedented hatred under the form of eschatological wishes and apocalyptic dreams of destruction that would befall on the Egyptians and the Sudanese. Many foreign authors, explorers, commentators and historians took note of the evil dreams that are harbored in the sick, heinous minds of the Abyssinians.

Alexander Ksaverievich Bulatovich

I will herewith name only one source, but the topic would easily become that of a PhD dissertation. The Russian military officer, monk, explorer and author Alexander Ksaverievich Bulatovich (1870-1919; tonsured Father Antony), who became later the main theoretical proponent of Imiaslavie (a heretical movement in Eastern Orthodox Christianity), was dispatched by the last Russian czar, Saint Nicholas II, to Abyssinia (1896-1897); there, he accompanied the tribal thug Abba Dagnew turned Abyssinian ‘king’ Menelik in some of his military expeditions and conquests where Abyssinian soldiers used firearms sold to them by England and France against the primitive arms of the African defendants of several ancient and  noble kingdoms. Bulatovich wrote many accounts of his sojourn in Abyssinia, notably ‘ With the Armies of Menelik’, ‘ From Entotto to the River Baro’, etc. In one of his descriptions, the Russian envoy narrated the anti-Egyptian and anti-Sudanese dreams of the Amhara soldiers, as per below:

“In one of the prophecies of Raguil to Atye Zadyngylyu (he received revelations in his sleep and then wrote them down), it is said that a king from the north will be with a king of Ethiopia one in spirit and one in heart. In another prophecy of Angel Auriel to Sahle Selassie, it is said that a king of the north and of Jerusalem will meet with a king of Ethiopia in Mysyr (Egypt) and will conquer Egypt. After this, they will divide among them all the land”.

You can find an interpretation, a commentary and all the related details in the following article of mine (first published in 2010 and then republished) in which I included several excerpts from an English edition of Bulatovich’s works:

This article is part of a long series of articles about Bulatovich’s valuable information and authentic description of the events that took place in Eastern Africa in the 1890s.

You will find the entire list of my articles (which contain fragmentary republication of Bulatovich’s English edition) here:

III. Egypt and the Pulverization of Sudan and Libya

On Tuesday, 21 December 2010, the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Libyan leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi held closed talks with Sudanese President Omer Hassan al-Bashir and his Vice President Salva Kiir; the discussion focused on the South Sudan referendum that was to take place in three weeks’ time. The Egyptian and the Libyan heads of state tried to exert some pressure in order to avert the separation of South Sudan from Sudan. Quite unfortunately, it was too little too late.

All the same, no less than seven (7) years earlier, I had warned President al-Bashir about what was coming; it was published in three successive articles (in 2004); here you can find them republished:

Neither al-Bashir nor Mubarak nor Gaddafi could ever imagine how deeply the Western elites reviled them and prepared the destruction of their countries. To Mubarak, they appeared friendly as long as he implemented the policies that they wanted him to carry out. But every product has an expiry date, and so did the cheap colonial product named ‘Hosni Mubarak’.

When it comes to Sudan, Western diplomats through corruption and machinations triggered the Darfur genocide; they did not care either for the Furis, the people of Sudan’s NW confines, or for the Janjaweed, the idiotic Islamists and Pan-Arabists, who stupidly butchered the Furis only for the sake of the Western interests against Sudan. The reason for the Darfur genocide was the Western resolution to cut Sudan to pieces. To do so, they had to inculpate the pathetic and silly leader of Sudan, and this they achieved thanks to the International Criminal Court. After 2009, they had him at their mercy; a scared military officer is the world’s most submissive doll. LOL! The only tangible result is that by now South Sudan is a dysfunctional entity whereby colonial diplomats appoint ministers, top military officers and crooks turned to ‘businessmen’, whereas Sudan is divided and plunged in a civil war.  

Mubarak’s overthrow had long been prepared against him; his last minute effort to prevent the secession of South Sudan only exasperated his fake allies whom Mubarak stupidly considered as friends and believed in their ‘good intentions’ for no less than three decades. So, no more than a month after his worthless trip to Khartoum, the events, which prompted his removal from power, were kicked off. Disreputable gangster Hillary Clinton was calling the old sick man of the Nile to shout “Mr. President, go! You kill your people”. Good friends!

When the sick madman Barack Obama visited Egypt on the 4th June 2009, he was escorted to the pyramids by the then Secretary General of Antiquities Zahi Hawass; there, the enemy of the Ancient Egyptian spiritual heritage Barack Obama was well prepared and fully instructed as to what to comment when seeing an hieroglyphic sign in the tomb of Qar; he said that the sign “looked like him”.

2300 BCE Barack Obama’s first incarnation!

Basics in Egyptology are enough for someone to understand that the US president heralded the fall of Mubarak, but apparently all the Egyptian Egyptologists were good for nothing.

https theliberaloc com/2009/06/04/obama-finds-hieroglyph-that-looks-like-him/

On the 11th February 2011, i.e. the palindrome 11 02 2011, Mubarak was forced out by the same administrations that had praised him in the past; the same attitude has been displayed toward President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi over the past ten (10) years. Why? This is simple to answer. It is certainly not out of love; apparently, Egypt’s turn for chaos was not the year 2011.

As soon as Mubarak was out, major protests broke out against Gaddafi and his government (17 February 2011). The Libyan military strongman lasted until the 20th October 2011, having thus plenty of time to regret for his policy change and for assuming relations with the Western colonial powers.

Hosni Mubarak lasted 18 days (25 January 2011 – 11 February 2011).

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali lasted 31 days (17 December 2010 – 14 January 2011); so, he was stronger.

Muammar Gaddafi lasted 8 months (February-October 2011); apparently he was the strongest of the three North African leaders, who were removed from power before 13 years.

With Libya and Sudan in civil war, internal strife, and disarray, it will be difficult for Egypt to keep as a standalone country for too long. Omar al-Bashir was already overthrown in a coup d’état on the 11th April 2019. Sooner or later, the instability (to say the least) attested on Egypt’s western and southern borders will spread across the country, which faces now one new challenge, i.e. the end of self-government in Gaza and the forced eviction of the Gaza Palestinians from their homes, which were turned to ruins.

IV. The Renaissance Dam in the light of the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan

Meanwhile it is noteworthy that the construction of the Renaissance Dam (GERD: the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam) in the Benishangul province of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia) started in April 2011, only two months after Mubarak’s fall. The enormous dam built on the Blue Nile just few kilometers before the Sudanese border (height 145 m; length 1,780 m; elevation at crest 655 m; surface area of the reservoir 1874 km2) triggered many serious controversies. All the same, several discussions were entertained about the impact of the dam on Sudan and Egypt and the potential reduction of water (due to the filling of the reservoir and because of the subsequent evaporation); but few people in Egypt and the Sudan have hitherto questioned few crucial engineering issues.

Yet, the major danger may not be due to reduced flows of water downstream to Sudan and Egypt, which would affect the agriculture and the hydropower of the two states, but to the safety of the overall construction. This is so because of an exposed sliding plane in the rock basement of the area; this could eventually cause a sliding process downstream and a release of dozens of cubic kilometers of water. Several scholars highlighted this point and numerous case studies have been published in this regard. Example:

Flood propagation modeling: Case study the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance dam failure

Water Resources Professor at Cairo University Hani Sweilam (currently Egypt’s Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation) said in April 2021 that there is a 50% chance the Renaissance Dam will collapse, due to the presence of faults characterized by steep slopes allowing the occurrence of flooding carrying big amounts of silt. He specified the following: “It’s also common in Ethiopia to build dams without enough studies and that is the case with the Renaissance Dam whose capacity was raised from 11 billion cubic meters to 74 billion cubic meters on no scientific basis. Building such a large dam in a location that is higher than Khartoum by 350 meters puts Sudan in peril. As the dam is close to the Sudanese borders, if it collapses, the water of its reservoir would hit the Roseires Dam having seven billion cubic meters. …. After 150 kilometers, lies Sennar Dam whose capacity is less than a billion cubic meters (causing the destruction of Sudan)”.


It is quite interesting to notice that the ominous perspective of a major dam collapse matches perfectly well the above mentioned ‘Abyssinian prophecy’ as regards the destruction of the lands of Sudan and Egypt. The calamitous prediction would be materialized following a dam collapse, because the entire Valley of the Nile would be erased by the ensuing tsunami that would reach the Mediterranean and only the populations living east of the Eastern Desert Mountains in Sudan and Egypt would be spared.

Under such circumstances and with only few millions of people survived in the Sudan and Egypt, it would be easy for Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia) and Israel to invade and partition the lands of the two countries that are located east of the Eastern Desert Mountains.


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Cyprus: a Confederal, Bi-zonal State without English military bases is the Only Solution

Following the publication of an article of mine about Kazakhstan’s chances to bring peace to Israelis and Palestinians and to resolve the Palestinian problem once for all, a Muslim friend wrote to me, asking me to expand on the reasons for some of my proposals. He also made a comparison between Israel/Palestine and Cyprus, and he suggested that for both cases he would support a two-state solution. The present article is my reply to his questions and points about Cyprus. My previous articles about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (including subtitles and units) and links to them you will find at the end of the present article.

I. Cyprus & Palestine: an Island with one Nation & a Land with two Nations

I find the two cases distinct, and under any circumstances whatsoever I would never compare a land (Palestine) to an island (Cyprus), but my friend started his brief letter with the following sentences: “the solution is two states in Palestine and two states in Cyprus. In Cyprus, there are two peoples, not one. Ethnically, there are no ‘Cypriots’; there is no ‘Cypriot’ nation. The term ‘Cypriot’ is local/geographical, not ethnic / national. In Cyprus, there are two great nations, Greeks and Turks, and some tiny minorities”. Saying this, he drew a parallel between Palestine and Cyprus; but this is wrong.

In Ottoman Palestine, before 1882 (the very beginning of the Zionist ‘Aliyah’ project), Palestinians constituted the quasi-totality of the local population, whereas several tiny minorities lived in peace among them: Turkish Ottoman administrators, Druzes and Jews. With the arrival of the European (mostly Ashkenazi) Jews, the composition of the local population started gradually changing.

It is noteworthy that the arrival of those populations was approved by the Sultan and the Ottoman authorities (until 1917), accepted by the Palestinians in the beginning, fully supported by the English colonial gangsters, strongly opposed by the Palestinians with the passing of time, but originally rejected by the only who knew and understood: the Sephardic Jews of Palestine, who represented an authentic line of continuity between Late Antiquity and Modern Jews.

II. 2nd millennium BCE Alashiya (Cyprus)

Quite contrarily, Cypriots were always there. The original name of the island was Alashiya; this is attested in 2nd millennium BCE Assyrian-Babylonian, Hittite, Egyptian hieroglyphic, Ugaritic Canaanite, and Linear B Mycenaean texts. The king of Alashiya is mentioned even in the Amarna Letters; the island was part of the territory of the Hittite Empire for several hundreds of years. Mentioned in the text of Wenamun, early 11th c. BCE Alashiya was ruled by Queen Hatiba – which is the earliest known name of local ruler. As personal name, it is determinately Semitic.

The word ‘Cyprus’ is Semitic too, as it denotes the ‘coast’ or the ‘shore’ in Canaanite and Phoenician. Ethnically, all the Cypriots are Canaanites-Phoenicians entirely identical to today’s Lebanese. The sparse Achaean settlements could not and did not change the irrevocable Semitic Phoenician ethnic and cultural identity of Alashiya-Cyprus.

Papyrus with the text of Wenamun in Egyptian Hieratic

III. Vicious, colonial falsification of the History of Cyprus

The History of Cyprus has been extensively tampered with by prepaid pseudo-scholars, bogus-academics, and clownish professors who were on the payroll of London-based Greek ship owners, who were ordered by the Apostate Freemasonic lodge of England to monstrously disfigure the historical realities and to shamelessly portray Alashiya’s History as “Greek”. This fallacy would exacerbate the vicious political myths that were diffused by idiotic politicians and treacherous statesmen in Greece, who -thinking that they would ‘unite Cyprus with Greece-‘ brought disaster, bloodshed and interminable conflict. These were the stupid victims of the English colonial liars and crooks who did not give a damn for the lives of the Cypriots, the Turks, and the Greeks.

Statue of Baal (12th c. BCE) unearthed in Enkomi, Famagusta; to deny the Semitic-Canaanite identity of the island, the biased archaeologists did not name the statue correctly, but gave it rather an exotic appellation, namely ‘horned god’!

The fallaciously called ‘Late Bronze Age collapse’ is a fake term invented to distort the History of the Oriental Empires; it consists in the invention of a factoid, which is then extrapolated from a marginal and unimportant region (the Anatolian Sea, which is also known as the Aegean Sea) and extended to describe the major centers of advanced civilization, namely Mesopotamia and Egypt, where it does not apply at all! The fabricated term is biased and absurd. It is impermissible to use terms that apply to an unimportant periphery in order to narrate the History of the lands of the great empires and the peoples who developed the major civilizations. In simple words, since there is no ‘Late Bronze Age collapse’ in Mesopotamia, there is no ‘Late Bronze Age collapse’ as a major historical circumstance; it is a marginal phenomenon that concerns peripheral lands to Mesopotamia.

Tjekker (Teucri) and Peleset (Philistines-Palestinians) fighting against the Egyptians and Pharaoh Ramesses III at the Battle of Djahy (ca. 1178 BCE); from the reliefs of the walls of the mortuary temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu, Luxor West

The so-called ‘major wave of Greek settlement’ (1100-1050 BCE) was not Greek and was not major; it was in fact ‘Western Anatolian’, and it did not affect Cyprus in particular. In fact, it was the side effect of the invasions of the Sea Peoples, who had nothing to do with ‘Greeks’, but actually destroyed the Achaean (‘Greek’) fortresses and brought an end to the Hittite Empire and its ally, the Mycenaean kingdom.

IV. 1st millennium BCE Cyprus

Cyprus was integral part of the Sargonid Assyrian, Nabonid Babylonian, and Achaemenid Iranian empires; as such, it was entirely disconnected from all the developments that took place in South Balkans during the 5th and the 4th centuries BCE. Cyprus was closer to the Seleucid Empire of Syria, but was always part of the Ptolemaic Empire of Egypt; this fact that reflects the survival of cultural rivalries of the past (Hittite Anatolia, Assyrian-Babylonian Mesopotamia, Egypt).

The gradual diffusion of Alexandrine Koine in Cyprus does not justify any claim of Hellenization; the various settlements of Arcadians did not change the Semitic-Canaanite ethnic identity of the Cypriots. The Romanization and the Christianization of the island constituted two processes, which -in spite of the crucial changes that took place there during the Late Antiquity- consolidated the ethnic unity of the Cypriots, who became part of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Ivory game board (detail) found at Enkomi, Famagusta; evident imitation of the Assyrian royal art by the artists of the local king who is depicted in hunting.

V. Cyprus as part of the Eastern Roman Empire

Cyprus was religiously and administratively important, and this is highlighted by the position of the bishop of Cyprus whose Church was proclaimed autocephalous in the First Council of Ephesus (431 CE) and by the outstanding privileges that Emperor Zeno (reign: 474-475 and 476-491) accorded to Archbishop Anthemius (488 CE). It is interesting that the Patriarchate of Antioch repeatedly failed to incorporate Cyprus into its dominion.

Furthermore, Cyprus was never part of an Eastern Roman ‘theme’ (administrative division), as it consisted in an entirely independent one. The partly Islamization of the island was a slow and rather unusual process which involved an Eastern Roman and Umayyad condominium (688), The Eastern Roman Reconquista (965 CE) took an end with the Crusades (1191), the much loathed (by the Cypriots) Knights Templar, the Lusignan rule (1192-1489), and the Venetian rule that lasted until the Ottoman conquest (1571). The few Ottoman settlers were military officers who entered into mixed marriages, thus having no major impact on the ethnic composition of the local population.

Agia Napa monastery, Cyprus (12th-18th c.)

Hala Sultan Tekke (or Mosque of Umm Haram), Larnaca (16th–18th c.)

VI. Conflicts in 20th c. Cyprus: due to the colonial manipulation of the anti-Turkish Greek racists

In fact, the Turkish Cypriots are Cypriots who accepted Islam; because of this, they did not need to further speak Cypriot Rumi, which was the local dialect of the official language of the Eastern Roman Empire. Today, this language, which erroneously called ‘Modern Greek-Cypriot’, is quasi-unintelligible to all the inhabitants of Greece, who lost their Eastern Roman (Romeiki/Rumi) identity and language, as they were forced -within the secessionist Greek state- to learn the fabricated Modern Greek ‘Standard’ language. On the other hand, Turkish-Cypriot has several differences from Ottoman and Modern Turkish.

Cyprus could have reached independence, unity and neutrality, had the nationalist, extremist and suicidal idea of ‘Enosis’ (unilateral union of Cyprus with Greece) not prevailed among the Greeks and the Greek Cypriots.

With the 15th July 1974 coup the Greek state breached the order in Cyprus, thus offering the chance to Turkey to intervene as a warranty power; the Turkish military intervention followed secret English directives. In Nicosia, the division line (‘Green Line’) cut the city into two parts in a way that offered to the Embassy of England the exclusive privilege to have access to both sectors of the divided island. Actually, it had been designed back in the 1960s by an English military officer as a provisory ceasefire line to separate armed groups of the Greek-Cypriots and the Turkish-Cypriots.

All the accusations of Turkey for the so-called ‘military occupation of the northern part of the island’ by the ridiculous Greek politicians, statesmen, corrupt journalists, chauvinist pseudo-academics, and racist bogus-intellectuals are nothing more than the most convincing proof of their high treason and the best confirmation of their subordination to foreign countries’ interests. By deliberately taking adamant and unrealistic positions, they make it sure that the problem is never resolved and people in Greece are thus fooled, fanaticized and sentimentally manipulated.

In an article published in Greek in Exormisi (‘Sortie’; then daily newspaper organ of PASOK in Greece) on 18th April 1990, I was the first to publicly demand the official Greek recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The ignorant, idiotic, pathetic, corrupt and ludicrous political microcosm of Greece, by rejecting to pay heed to my unmistakable advice, only worsened the position of the country, as they demonstrated worldwide that they are miserable autistics or mentally defective morons. Whether you like it or not, the international community is not a primary school, and the states are not naïve pupils; there are no excuses for mistakes made and for acts breaching the international law, which is the consecration of the Law of the Jungle. For the silly Greek politicians and diplomats it is therefore ludicrous to endlessly complain for something that Greece caused in the first place, by launching the 15th July 1974 coup against President Makarios.

I don’t reject the idea of two states on the island of Cyprus; on the contrary, I fully supported it in the past, back in the 1990s, when Turkey was not an ailing state with paranoid crooks and pseudo-Islamist gangsters in the government. However, this is a matter of local governance. A confederal state could also be viable and successful. Turkish Cypriots have always been staunch Kemalists, as they accept only a secular form of state, while also rejecting the presence of idiotic Islamist Anatolian settlers. Today, a confederal, bi-communal, secular state in Cyprus would make sense. The solution of two states on the island would surely push the small states to unwanted conditions of dependence on Greece and Turkey respectively, and this is something that neither Greek Cypriots nor Turkish Cypriots would like.

VII. Greek & Turkish Cypriots’ enemies are Greece, Turkey and England

As it often happens in all the postcolonial states, the opposition to the absurd and disastrous Greek governmental position as regards the Cyprus problem is carried out also by the colonial powers’ stooges who are employed in order to diffuse other wrong ideas, thus placing the average Greeks in front of a fake dilemma. The steady, incessant generation of fake dilemmas is the method by which colonial powers rule their former colonies.

Consequently, ignorant journalists, being on the payroll of the London-based Greek ship owners and the US-based Greek Diaspora, propagate absurd ideas and vicious concepts, publishing scores of nonsensical articles to fool the average readers. In doing so, they support the current position of Greece’s ailing government on the matter. To be exact, the leftist approach taken by the most reviled government of Greece with respect to the Greek-Turkish relations and the respective position of Turkey’s Islamist gangsters are calamitous for both countries’ vital interests. The same is valid for the ‘new’ Greek approach to the Cyprus problem. It is not strange to qualify the Greek government’s positions as ‘leftist’; although masqueraded as conservative, the New Democracy party has always implemented a Trotskyist agenda.

In his letter, my Muslim friend quoted an article from Anihneuseis portal (see links below) in which the author expressed the following absurd question:

– Why should Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots be forced to live together? The Turkish-Cypriots will never ‘return’ (sic!) as minority to a state that is basically in the hands of Greek-Cypriots.

This paranoid statement reflects the stupid ideas of corrupt Greek journalists and analysts who write in order to reproduce the Islamist propaganda of Turkey, being on the payroll of the criminal Islamist regime of Ankara. Turks have to overthrow the Islamist regime at once, close down all pseudo-Islamist schools and bogus-tariqas, and get their country back from the colonial cholera of AKP. And Greeks have to remove the present government as soon as possible, before it makes of the country Europe’s best example of population replacement.

Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots loved living together until the moment the criminal stooges of England started diffusing among Greeks and Greek Cypriots the evil concept of ‘Enosis’ (Union) between an entirely non-Greek nation (Cyprus) and another equally non-Greek nation, which has been tyrannically ruled for 200 years within the dictatorial pseudo-state of ‘Greece’, undergone a spiritual genocide, and turned from real Christian Orthodox Eastern Romans into deluded and besotted bogus-Greeks, i.e. expendable stuff for the anti-Christian and anti-Islamic policies of the Western colonials of France, England and America.

The easiest response to the aforementioned, totally absurd, question is that Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots will love living together again as soon as they have the courage to speak sincerely to one another, agree on basic confidence-building measures, block reciprocally every type of Turkish and Greek interference, replace the Turkish soldiers with a UN peace keeping force, and ban every discussion about Hellenism, Greek impact on the History of Cyprus, and ‘Union’ with Greece. It goes without saying that Standard Modern Greek must be banned from the primary, secondary and tertiary education in the so-called ‘Greek-Cypriot’ sector (which must be renamed ‘Eastern Roman sector’), whereas Turkish Cypriot linguistic and cultural particularities must be strengthened in the completely secular education of the Turkish Cypriot sector.

Actually, there is no minority in a bi-zonal state; and this perspective of pacification, unification and rehabilitation of Cyprus is the red cloth for the bull. The criminal colonials of England intend to perpetuate the problem, causing many successive transformations to the same issue, in order to remain the only power to locally pull the strings. A united, confederal, bi-zonal state of Cyprus void of interference will have every right to close down the English military bases, terminating the colonial presence on the island once forever.

VIII. Cyprus, Egypt, and the true parallel: two communities in one nation

In fact, with respect to the two communities of Modern Cyprus, there is only one parallel that can be drawn; this is with Egypt. Reminiscent of the ancient impact and involvement, the socio-cultural conditions in the Valley of the Nile and on the island of Cyprus do enable us to establish an analogy.

Egyptians are one nation with two ethnic-religious communities: Christians and Muslims. The former speak Coptic and the latter use a Modern Arabic dialect as a means of everyday communication. However, both communities are indigenous Egyptians or if you prefer Copts (Christian Copts and Muslim Copts). Egyptian Muslims are not Arabs or other foreigners who came to settle in the Valley of the Nile; they are historical Egyptians (Copts) who gradually after 642 CE started accepting Islam; because of this, they did not use Coptic language anymore and they forgot it.

Similarly, Cypriots are one nation with two ethnic-religious communities: Christians and Muslims. The former speak Cypriot Eastern Roman (Rumi) language (which is falsely called Greek Cypriot) and the latter use a Turkish dialect slightly different from Standard Modern Turkish as a means of everyday communication. However, both communities are indigenous Cypriots. Cypriot Muslims are not Turks or Turkmen who came to settle in the island. The Ottoman soldiers who settled in Cyprus were very few. The bulk of the Turkish Cypriots are Cypriots who either entered into mixed marriages or accepted Islam during the Ottoman period.

To start further research:Η_Ευρύτερη_Περιοχή_της_Ανατολικής_Μεσογείου_κατά_τον_13ο_και_τον_12ο_Αιώνα_και_οι_Λαοί_της_Θάλασσας_κείμενο_και_σημειώσεις_Οι_Περιπέτειες_του_Ουεναμούν_The_Adventures_of_Wenamunγια-μια-εναλλακτική-στρατηγική-στο-κυ/ρίτσαρντ-φαλκ-στο-βημα-οι-ηπα-θα-είναι/


Earlier articles about the Palestinian-Israeli problem (titles, subtitles, units and links):

Palestinians vs. Israelis: 11 Hidden Historical Truths about a Futile War

I. No Religion subsists without Moral, and no Nation exists due to Fake History
II. 11 Points of Historical Clarification about the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Point 1: the Israelis are not ethnically Hebrew
Point 2: the Israelis are not religiously Hebrew
Point 3: ‘Judaism’ is not identical to the Ancient Hebrew religion
Point 4: Jews represented an apostate minority of the Hebrews
Point 5: the last historical state of the Jews was named Judah / Judaea, not ‘Israel’
Point 6: there is no right to the Promised Land for the Jews
Point 7: the entire Old Testament is a posterior fabrication full of distortions
Point 8: among today’s so-called ‘Jews’ only 10-15% are truly Jews: the Sephardi
Point 9: today’s so-called ‘Jews’ are not ethnically Jewish: the Ashkenazim
Point 10: Reform Judaism is not Judaism
Point 11: Modern Hebrew (Ivrit) is a fake, constructed, non-Semitic language


Israelis vs. Palestinians: 6 Concealed Historical Truths about the Lost Wars

I. The Spiritual and Moral Conditions of National Resistance
II. 6 Points of Historical Clarification about the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict
Point 1: Palestinians are not Arabs, but victims of Arabization and Pan-Arabism.
Point 2: The Aramaean and Philistine Past of the Palestinians
Point 3: The Sea Peoples and the Peleset-Pelasgian-Cretan Ancestry of the Palestinians
Point 4: Palestinian Islamists and Israeli Zionists: Criminal Accomplices in the Formation of a Deracinated Nation that functions as Expendable Material
Point 5: Lack of Self-criticism brings Disaster, Death and Damnation
Point 6: the Interminable Failures of the Palestinians


Antiquity & Eschatology of Freemasonic, Jesuit & Zionist Orders as Vector of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


I. Why Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists cannot have or believe in a religion

II. Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists vs. Islam, Christianity and Judaism

III. The Oriental Antiquity of the Freemasons

IV. The Oriental Antiquity of the Jesuit Order

V. The Zionists before Judaism

VI. The Mesopotamian Kassite Origin of the Zionists

VII. The Kassites and the Abomination of Marduk-Yahweh

VIII. The Guti, the Kassites, the Flood, and Zionism 

IX. Guti, Kassites, Gog & Magog, Unclean Nations, and Alexander the Great

X. Jews, Fake Jews, Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Dynasty, and Flavius Josephus

XI. Jews, Fake Jews, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and the Romans 

XII. Gog, Khazars, and Ashkenazi Zionism


Can Kazakhstan’s Pres. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev bring Peace to Palestine & Israel?

The successive stages of the preparation of a Palestinian-Israeli peaceful co-habitation plan


I. Palestine-Israel: 10 points of common evaluation of past and present facts

II. Palestine-Israel: 10 points of shared perception of the lurking dangers

III. Palestine-Israel: 10 points of a basic agreement on Gaza Strip

IV. Palestine-Israel: 10 points of a basic agreement on West Bank

V. Ten strengths that empower Kazakhstan to bring about the only effective peaceful resolution of the Palestine-Israel conflict

VI. Ten pillars of Kazakhstan’s approach to the resolution of the Palestine-Israel conflict

VII. Ten stages of Kazakhstan’s plan to terminate the Palestine-Israel conflict – recapitulation and diagram

Basic links/points of reference to eventually consult:


Israel’s Problem is the West, not Hamas!

Response to Ayelet Gilboa’s Letter about Hamas in Israel


I. The enormous educational divide between the Israelis and the Palestinians

II. There is no nation without proper nation-building and National History

III. The colonial trap was prepared for the Jews before the return (Aliyah)

IV. Helping Palestinians become a proper nation with a National History is the best line of defense for the Jewish state

V. Either Jewish Orientalists kill the colonial ‘Arab’ myth, liberating all the surrounding nations, or you will all be annihilated

VI. The Western colonial fabrication of ‘Arabs’, a nonexistent nation

VII. Intending to return as Jews, you arrived as Westerners

Further online search


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