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A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – V

In the four earlier texts of this series, I described the bilateral needs that Egypt and China have to urgently address, therefore entering in an advantageous, multileveled and grand alliance, which will not only consolidate Egypt’s national security and boost China’s expansion in Africa, but also help drastically transform, pacify and unify the Black Continent’s northeastern corner, notably Sudan and Libya. All previous parts (titles, contents and links to the publications) are to be found at the end of the present article.

In the present, last article of the series, I will focus on the final targets that the Egyptian-Chinese alliance should set in view of Africa’s complete decolonization, de-Westernization, and rehabilitation. These issues are relevant to educational, cultural and political-military affairs; to eliminate the curse that fell on the Black Continent, Africans should

a) remove English and French as foreign languages,

b) interrupt the educational, academic and scientific links that almost all the African countries have been forced (through means of colonial interference) to maintain with England, France, Belgium, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the US,

c) terminate the economic subordination of almost all the major African private companies, corporations and state institutions or organizations to the above mentioned countries and to the international schemes that the Western countries have established (IMF, World Bank), and

d) minimize if not obliterate the presence of Western diplomats, military or tourists on Africa.

And China must help the Black Continent do exactly this. Africa was never part of the Western World, and no African needs to be part of this corrupt and ailing part of the Mankind.



I. Chinese as the First Foreign Language in Egypt

II. Systematic Dissociation and Separation from Western Europe and North America

III. The Egypt – Sudan – Libya Confederation

IV. How the Chinese-Egyptian Alliance will reshape Africa into Five Mega-States


For China to achieve an irrevocable breakthrough in Africa, it is essential that the Chinese statesmen, diplomats, administrators, military advisers, academics and businessmen envision their presence and activities on the African soil in a long term perspective.

Any short term perspective vision of China’s presence in Africa will fail exactly as it happened with the USSR. For some time, several African countries became the allies of Soviet Union; later, in different moments and for variant reasons, they broke their relations with the USSR or Russia and started unfortunately being again dependent on their former colonial masters, namely France and England, and/or America, which has ceaselessly tried to substitute itself for the traditional colonial powers. I presented this topic in brief, in an attempt to identify the reasons; my article was first published in 2008 and then republished recently here:


The article was translated into Russian by the Russian News Agency INOSMI, and it was widely read, quoted, discussed, mentioned in the bibliography of Ph.D. dissertations, and republished;






https://www.dissercat.com/content/otnoshenie-sssrrossii-k-palestino-izrailskomu-konfliktu-v-kontse-1940-kh-nachale-2000-kh-god (note 143)


In that article, I explained why other superpowers or great powers will always fail when expanding influence on earlier colonized lands. The reason is simple; Western colonization involved the establishment of an enormous infrastructure at the mental, educational, academic, scientific, intellectual, religious, spiritual, socio-behavioral and cultural levels. As this extensive infrastructure has been dictatorially imposed, intensively propagated, incessantly reasserted, highly documented and greatly deep, it generates a new ‘world’ for the misfortunate, colonized individual, clan, tribe and/or nation. This is apparently an alien, undeserved and execrable ‘world’ -or a prison if you prefer- and consequently it does not / cannot subside with a simple regime change, military coup or superficial economic infiltration. Even more so, since it also appears to be advantageously rewarding with the colonial slave’s promotion, namely the perspective of being a rubbish collector or a sexual tool in the colonial metropolis!

The complete failure of the USSR in Africa: Western rationalism and materialism in Africa help only perpetuate the Anglo-Saxon and French colonialism.

The colonized nations were thus turned to altered beings, automatons or subaltern populations; they were made to think, reflect and act according to patterns invented by the colonial powers as per their own interests. Africa’s colonized nations were not properly westernized; their colonial masters did not want them to be like them. They wanted them to become functional tools of the Western supremacy, and this is what most of the Africans have become without even understanding it and irrespective of religion, ethnic background, and origin. Certainly, several anti-colonial intellectual forces were formed and socio-political reactions expressed in Africa; all the same, they mostly formulated their rejection of the colonial powers in colonial languages and terms. As it can be easily understood, this situation has highly jeopardized their chances to bring forth tangible results.

Consequently, one could safely conclude that only a long term vision of the Chinese-African partnership can be possibly beneficial to both, Chinese and Africans. Egypt’s position, background, identity and colonial experience are extremely helpful in this regard. That’s why Kemet (or Masr) is by definition China’s gateway to Africa.

I. Chinese as the First Foreign Language in Egypt

Inaugurated before 20 years (in 2004), during the early period of the first tenure of President Hu Jintao, the Confucius Institutes are non-profit educational institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China; more specifically, they are operated by Hanban (namely the Office of Chinese Language Council International, which became known as Center for Language Education and Cooperation in 2020). They are established jointly in a great number of countries and they always operate in cooperation with local partners. As of 2019, there were more than 500 Confucius Institutes all over the world. The stated aims are the promotion of Chinese language and culture, the support of local Chinese teaching, and the facilitation of bilateral cultural exchanges.

Basically, there are two Confucius Institutes in Egypt; the first is associated with Cairo University and the second with Suez Canal University. More recently, in 2015, an agreement was signed between Pharos University in Alexandria and Confucius Institute – Cairo University, thus creating the first Confucius unit to teach Chinese in Alexandria. As it happens in numerous other cases, professors from the largest Chinese universities teach in the Alexandria-based Confucius unit. Background:




Quite interestingly, NATO StratCom (Strategic Communication Center of Excellence) considered it necessary to meticulously spy on Confucius Institutes and to publish the following document, thus demonstrating their deep and awful fears that the days of the Western hegemony are numbered. https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/confucius_institutes.pdf

Although the aforementioned beginning was quite successful and well-done, by now it is not anymore sufficient. Focusing on the bright future of the Chinese-Egyptian cooperation, the administration of Confucius Institutes should set up a committee to study the ways needed to intensify the process of Chinese language penetration and to suggest a plan as to how Chinese will replace English as first foreign language in Egypt – in a mid-term perspective.

China has to deploy all the necessary resources in order to systematically, resolutely and comprehensively terminate the 2-century long, colonial period of predominance of French and English languages at all costs. In this great endeavor, Beijing should bring its influential allies into the game; Russia, India, Brazil, Iran and Turkey must also develop their Africa-de-Westernization policies, opening cultural institutes, establishing partnerships, promoting their languages, and founding bilingual universities. Chinese, Hindi/Urdu, Russian, Portuguese, Farsi and Turkish are far more useful for Africans than English and French.

One thing must be made clearly understood to all Africans: the ‘easiness’ of the ‘already known’ (namely English and French) is the curse that plunged Africa into darkness, slavery, corruption and evilness, while also enabling the colonial gangsters to develop plans providing for Africa’s depopulation. It is as simple as that:

– Learn English and French, so that the Western colonial gangsters kill you all and repopulate the Black Continent with White supremacists!

Chinese language penetration in Egypt will then serve as a model and as a success story to implement in other African countries; while developing stronger bilateral relations with every state in the Black Continent, Beijing should dedicate special interest to help increase sound bilateral relationships among all African lands and nations. There are many speaking about ‘peace in Africa’, but there will never be peace in the Black Continent, as long as between an Sudanese and a Somali stands English as a means of communication, while a Malian and an Algerian converse in French.

When Nigerians and Egyptians communicate in English or Algerians and Malagasy speak to one another in French, problems appear always. In my proposals for the establishment of the first Afrocentric University in Africa, I made it clear that the proper end of the colonial period will never take place before 20 major African languages are regularly taught, each in a separate department of university, in at least all the major states of the Black Continent. See (notably Unit 4):


Western languages are parasitic plants in Africa. Mande, Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Tuareg, Oromo, Somali, Berber, Malagasy, Zulu, Shona, Sidama, Afar, Arabic and several other languages should become the official languages of a truly non-colonial African Union with duly de-Westernized member states. Consequently, by supporting African languages’ international status upgrade, China will demonstrate Beijing’s good will and readiness to contribute to Africa’s de-Westernization. At any given moment, China should not become and should not look like a colonial or neocolonial power. This will be the ultimate success of Confucius Institutes in Africa.

II. Systematic Dissociation and Separation from Western Europe and North America

China’s role in Africa will never be effective and fruitful without a complete de-Westernization at all levels; the Chinese-African partnership depends on extensive exchange of experience, study of colonial examples common and repugnant to both partners, quest for national heritage, re-affirmation of cultural identity, and defense of moral integrity. In striking opposition to the racist, colonial practices, Chinese and Africans should reciprocally identify the exact correspondence between the moral-behavioral values of their respective cultures and civilizations and examine how every single of their values is differently contextualized in China and in Africa. The ensuing cultural interexchange and mutual understanding of the ‘other’ will then help form the foundations of the Chinese Africology and the African Sinology.  

Chinese and African academics, intellectuals, and scholars should then undertake the common, bilateral rejection and refutation of the Western model and the Eurocentric pseudo-historical dogma at a worldwide stage, also involving their partners in India, Russia, Iran, Turkey and many other Asiatic and Latin American countries. World History should therefore be written in an unbiased, trustful, and honest manner for the first time in the History of Mankind.

This is what anti-Western Chinese and African scholars, academics, intellectuals, scholars and explorers should understand deeply and up to the point of making it the foundation of their common description of the deeds, the thoughts, and the faiths of the humans: to be perfectly anti-Western and to constitute the full refutation of the racist Eurocentric model of historiography, one does not need to be either Sinocentric or Afrocentric; on the contrary, he must be humanocentric.  

Afrocentric approaches and substantive criticism of the colonial academics, although positive and necessary, have not yet helped people grasp even a tiny portion of the Ancient Oriental Spirituality, Science, Moral, Wisdom, Universality, and Divinity. The Assyrian-Babylonian (Mesopotamian) and the Egyptian heritage has only been profaned within the barbaric, ignorant and dark periphery of the so-called Hebrews, Greeks and Romans. The Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Quran have only a reminiscence of the Sacred as revealed in the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian-Babylonian, Egyptian, and Iranian scriptures.

Not even one king among the Ancient Hebrews, Greeks, Macedonians and Romans managed to attain the sacredness and the spiritual force of Thutmose III.

Within the context of the fallacious Eurocentric model of historiography, which was based on the aberration of ‘Judeo-Christian civilization’ and the absurdity of ‘Greco-Roman civilization’ (that the colonials imposed worldwide), Africa occupies a truly marginal, subordinate position, as if the entire Black Continent depended on the developments that took place in South Balkans and in Rome. This racist construct consists in total distortion of the History of Mankind; it was established as a mere reflection of the 19th c. colonial invaders’ disdain of the African nations that they colonized at the time. They narrated as ‘History’ what they viewed as their own African subjects whom the Europeans never bothered to truly and deeply study as per the local African, standards and measures, thus erroneously, unjustly and undeservedly evaluating them after the worthless, malignant and utterly racist European criteria.

The correct, Chinese view over, and version of, the Silk Road

The false, Eurocentric view of the Silk Road

Within the context of the fallacious Eurocentric model of historiography, which was based on the aberration of ‘Judeo-Christian civilization’ and the absurdity of ‘Greco-Roman civilization’ (that the colonials imposed worldwide), China occupies a really peripheral position ‘at the very end of the world’, somewhere in the East. The History of the Silk Road is not the same for Western and for Chinese academics, scholars and explorers – let alone diplomats, politicians and statesmen. Within the Western bogus-narrative, China has always been depicted as if it has been a faraway country only periodically, slightly and occasionally connected with the Mediterranean World, which was erroneously presented as the supposed center of the world or the axis around which the History of Mankind revolved.

China, Egypt and all the other African countries should work systematically to totally dismantle and obliterate the Eurocentric Western fallacy. There will never be decolonization without complete de-Westernization, and this apparently demands a major effort of full de-Mediterraneanization of the World History, which is a racist, false and poisonous product made in the West. Over the last six millennia, all the humans lived in a great variety of locations and lands, often developing different cultures and civilizations, but contact has always been maintained; so, the criminal conquistadors of the barbarian and pseudo-Christian Pope of Rome never ‘discovered’ anything.

More importantly, the axis of World History revolved always around the arc that links Egypt -through Mesopotamia, Iran and Central Asia- with China, involving also concavities and convexities that end in the African Atlas, in the Horn of Africa, in Yemen, in India, in Anatolia and the Balkans, in the Caucasus region, and in Siberia. On these basic lines took place all the major events of World History.

That is why it is essential that China, India and Egypt launch together a major anti-colonial project named ‘歷史 – इतिहास- تاريخ’ (Lishi Itihaas Tarih/’History’ in Chinese, Hindi and Arabic respectively) and involve in it their numerous Asiatic and African partners in order to genuinely compose -for the first time in World History- a truly unbiased, multilateral and comprehensive History of the Mankind, plainly reveal the importance of the major lands of History (as stated in the previous paragraph), and irrevocably reduce the role of European peoples to their true proportions, secondary dimensions and negative impact. This collective work should then be translated to all the Asiatic, African and Latin American languages and subsequently serve as the fundamental documentation which all the school manuals and the textbooks will reproduce, thus eliminating the hitherto prevailing false, colonial Eurocentric historiography. About the three terms:




Even the notion of ‘Europe’ must be deleted; actually, it does not truly exist. It never did – for the overwhelming majority of the world population. The lands located west of the plains of Russia, of the Black Sea, and of the Anatolian plateau are also parts of Asia. As a matter of fact, what Westerners called ‘Europe’ is the most western and the most troublesome peninsula of Asia. The undeniable fact that Ancient Greek and Latin texts make this distinction does not concern Africans, Caucasians, Turkic nations, Iranians, Arabic-speaking people, Indians, Siberians, Chinese and other Asiatic nations, because those sources are alien, unknown, unimportant, indifferent and useless to them. Europe does not have the status of a continent by any means.

Working together at the academic, scientific, intellectual, and cultural levels, China and Egypt will thus put an end to the colonial links that have been imposed on Asia and Africa over the past 250 years. The campaign motto for China, Egypt, and their partners should be: “No Oriental student in Occidental universities”.

III. The Egypt – Sudan – Libya Confederation

After re-establishing the national unity and sovereignty of Sudan and Libya due to full scale military intervention and political pacification processes, China and Egypt should work hard with local authorities in Khartoum and Tripoli as to how to best interconnect and bind all three nations. In the third article of the series (see below; units IV and V), I offered few examples in this regard, stressing particularly the sector of Transport. High-speed railways will certainly bring closer the three capitals, the three elites, and the three nations. With ca. 175 million people and an area of about 4.6 million km2, the three lands make the 7th state of the world in terms of surface and the 8th largest country by population.

As it can be surmised, the desire for a concerted unification of Egypt, Sudan and Libya does not reflect a delusional target like going higher in the list or just looking bigger; it addresses the common need of all the local societies and governments to acquire greater economic depth and have a faster rhythm of development. With the help of China, mega-projects similar to those I proposed in the fourth article of the series (see below: units I-V) have to be launched also in Sudan and Libya. With interconnected systems of canals and associated irrigation plans that carry water from the Nile, parts of the Butana desert in the eastern part of Sudan can become cultivated lands, thus exponentially increasing the agricultural production of the country. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butana

The three countries will always have three seats in the UN General Assembly, also maintaining independent governments and separate parliaments; however, they can launch a one-year long rotating presidency and engage in several unification projects at the political, military, economic and educational levels. With full respect for all the existing ethnic groups, their languages, traditions and cultures, with concertation and synergy among the respective private sectors, with a unitary vision as regards their common vast territory and past, and with the strong support of China, the three countries can engage in the path of reunification on a purely secular basis. This will finally be the beginning of the end of the colonial era in Africa.

As it is well known, borders anywhere in Africa do not reflect ethnic territories and national realities, as they should have, but remind us of aspects of the colonial past. They are all false, and that’s why the criminal colonial gangsters, namely the English, the French and the Americans, want still to preserve the present, impermissible and untenable, borders in Africa. The reason for this vicious, insidious and inhuman policy is simple; practically speaking, there are no proper borders among nations throughout the Black Continent. There are only limits between the graves into which all the African nations have been buried by the guilty White Man.

Because the colonial powers want to preserve these illegal borders, these lines of sin, shame and hatred must be abolished. China should not have any illusion in this regard; the very existence of the colonial borders, the terrible absence of substantive infrastructure, and the imposed historical distortion, which is taught in the schools as an undisputed dogma, constitute the three major hindrances to Africa’s liberation and to Beijing’s perspectives in Africa. Of course, it will not be an easy thing to abolish the colonial borders in the Black Continent.

The effort should start with the formation of regional alliances and small unions of few states in several zones. Thus, the establishment of a confederation among Egypt, Sudan and Libya will mark a critical step in this regard. It is important for Beijing to methodically conceive and gradually carry out this project, because a successful union of three major African states will certainly stimulate many others to undertake similar efforts in other parts of Africa.

For this project, China should dedicate dozens of thousands of specialists, explorers, scholars and advisers; first, Beijing should create them. It is essential for the Chinese leadership to understand that, despite their good will and all the hitherto deployed efforts, China still does not truly know Africa; at least, not up to the level the colonial powers do. That is why China will urgently need 20000 Africanists, departments of African Studies in at least 50 Chinese universities, a plethora of linguists specializing in all the African languages, and researchers in Ethnography. A true Chinese army of explorers must disembark in Africa.

Similarly, in striking opposition to the highly ideologized, extremely biased, and utterly insidious Western academic policy against the Northern African Hamites and the Eastern African Cushites, China should become the worldwide center of Hamitic, Berber, Tuareg, Hausa, Cushitic, Oromo and Somali Studies.

Last but not least, China will certainly need 2000 Egyptologists and Coptologists with parallel background in Phoenician-Carthaginian, Latin and Ancient Greek in order to help present and future Egyptian and African scholars overwhelmingly refute the Eurocentric bogus-historical dogma, which prevails in the propagandist pseudo-universities of Western Europe and North America. They will have to plainly demonstrate to the world academic community the fact that the African Genius of the Hamitic Kemetians (Egyptians), Berbers and Cushites-Meroites and the Asiatic-Semitic Intelligence of the Carthaginians brought civilization to the islands of the Mediterranean Sea and to the southern extremities of the Balkan, the Italian and the Iberian peninsulas.

The topic is certainly interrelated with the urgent need of the Chinese academia to undertake a real overhaul of the Western disciplines of Orientalism, but this topic demands a new series of articles about the development of the Chinese disciplines of Assyriology, Hittitology, Iranology, etc. on entirely anticolonial and anti-racist basis. Establishing parallels between the Chinese Hundred Schools of Thought and Ancient Oriental (Assyrian-Babylonian, Egyptian, Iranian, Aramaean, Phoenician) schools of wisdom, universalism, spirituality and science or the Gnostic systems of Northern Africa or Western Asia would help all the people better perceive and fully assess the enduring interconnectedness of Asiatic and African cultures and civilizations. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_Schools_of_Thought

IV. How the Chinese-Egyptian Alliance will reshape Africa into Five Mega-States

It may be a long process, but an early vision and a correct approach always matter. In order to totally change Africa, effectively block the presence or the return of the colonial powers, and instinctively trigger pro-Chinese feelings among all Africans, thus permanently consolidating Beijing’s leading role in the Black Continent, China must totally undo everything that the Western colonials did in Africa.

Taking into consideration the ethnic identity, the cultural integrity, the historical heritage of all the African and non-African nations that currently live in Africa, and taking into account the demanded conditions of socioeconomic development and international life, one can come to the conclusion that Africa should be re-organized in five great confederate states:

1- Kemet/Egypt, Cush/Sudan, and Rebu-Libu/Libya

This confederate state will be made out of the three ancient lands of civilization and modern countries, as briefly described in the present article. About:


















2- Cush/Ethiopia, Punt/Somalia, and Eastern Africa (with a small enclave for Amhara-Tigray Abyssinia)

This confederate state will be established out of lands, which are currently parts of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia (Somaliland being not a state but a local MI6 office), Kenya, and most of the Swahili-speaking Muslim inhabitants of the coast of Tanzania. Apparently, the Cushitic nations of the Oromos and the Somalis will be the largest entities within the confederacy, which will comprise Cushitic, Nilotic and Bantu people.

Taking into consideration the fact that the Semitic Amhara and Tigray tribes (: the Abyssinians) have had a most tumultuous and very negative relationship with the regional Cushitic majority, repeatedly made war upon them, and persistently persecuted them, it will be wise to envision an Abyssinian enclave within the confederacy; this will be formed out of lands belonging to the Eritrean North and to the Tigray and Amhara regions of today’s untenable Ethiopia. About:











https://www.academia.edu/34472471/Meroitic_Oromo_Ethiopian_Continuity_Call_for_a_Research_Project https://www.academia.edu/50299787/Links_to_my_articles_about_Egypt_Kemet_Sudan_Kush_Ethiopia_Abyssinia_Fake_Ethiopia_and_todays_Nubians






Map of Oromo dialects

Cushitic-Ethiopian Oromo flag

3- Carthage-Tunisia/Algeria, Berber Atlas, and Hamitic Sahara

This confederate state will be formed out of several NW African states that draw on the Carthaginian, Berber, Tuareg, Hausa and Saharan Muslim heritage and tradition of the wider region, i.e. Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and the northern half of Nigeria. An ominous and excessive colonial project of linguistic Arabization and extremist Islamization (based on disastrous, pseudo-Muslim and Anti-Islamic theologies) has been carried out in this region for long in order to totally transform the identity of the indigenous nations, eliminate the originality of their heritage, destroy their cultural integrity, divide the local societies, trigger divisions, split the families, and produce useless bloodshed only for the benefit of the colonial powers of the West.

The paramount target achieved due to the Western (mainly French) colonization concerned the establishment of a fake dilemma that was imposed on all the local societies (since the 19th c.), namely to

– either imitate the French and get intoxicated with Western lies and pseudo-science

– or become an extremist and die for a fake Islam that did not reflect the well-known historical civilization, culture and religion.

It is within this abominable divide that the traditional popular religion, wisdom, and culture have been sidestepped by the fanaticism of the ferociously anti-African and deeply anti-Islamic Hanbali, Ibn Taimiyyah, and Wahhabi theologies and forgeries.

By bringing to surface and reviving old traditions, forgotten identities, and moral integrity, and by interconnecting them with modern Afrocentric trends, China will be able to help permanently uproot extremism and obliterate French, English and American presence from the vast region which can certainly unite in a powerful, wealthy and progressive African confederacy.

Carthage, 218 BCE

For Chinese scholars and diplomats to see the hidden reality of the African Atlas and the wider Sahara region, four major academic fallacies have to be totally disregarded, refuted and dismantled by them first, notably

a- the false construct of ‘Afro-Asiatic languages’ (a fabrication that enables Western scholars to occasionally change their earlier conclusions as per the political needs of their criminal governments);

b- the colonial promotion of Arabic, which was never an identitarian element or a national language in Africa (it was basically a lingua franca for Muslims, and it was promoted by the French in order to deliberately destroy the Berber identity of the vast region);

c- the systematized effort to discredit the ethno-linguistic Hamitic group (by calling it ‘Hamitic hypothesis’), which is due to Western colonial biases against the Hamitic-Cushitic ethnic-linguistic-cultural unity that can help bring together the northern half of Africa (namely parts 1, 2 and 3 of the present unit) in just one state; and

d- the vicious attempt of the racist French colonials to uproot the national Berber identity of all the North African populations that have been deceitfully categorized by the colonial gangsters into Berber speaking people, bilinguals and Arabs. There were never Arabs in North Africa; today’s Arabic-speaking populations from Sudan to Morocco are Cushites and Hamites who have been gradually Arabized because they accepted Islam as religion. However, they remained culturally and ethnically African (Hamitic and Cushitic); consequently, in the Atlas region, there are only Arabic speaking Berbers, bilinguals, and Berbers who do not speak Arabic at all. We have therefore to conclude that Arabic can have only status of religious language throughout Northwestern Africa. About:






https //en.wikipedia org/wiki/File:Map_of_African_language_families.svg






Berber flag – https://www.yaden-africa.com/the-culture/african-tribes/berber


Hausa people flag

4- Manding, Atlantic Congo, Volta-Congo and Central Africa

This confederate state will consist of numerous ethnic groups and coastal nations of Western Africa that speak Manding, Atlantic Congo, Volta Congo and Central African languages, notably Wolof, Mende, Bambara, Dogon, Dyula, Yoruba, Igbo, Gbaya, Zande, etc. Including states like Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, the southern half of Nigeria, parts of Cameroon, and the Central African Republic, this confederation will also incorporate the Fula (Peul) people, who live in the southern part of their lands and have not therefore been comprised within the borders of the confederate state no 3 (see above). About:


https //en.wikipedia org/wiki/Manding_languages#/media/File:Map_of_the_Manding_language_continuum png









https //upload.wikimedia org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Map_of_the_Niger%E2%80%93Congo_languages svg






West Africa 1875

5- Bantu Central & South Africa

This confederation will constitute the southernmost of Africa’s five mega-states. It will comprise Bantu people from coast to coast, therefore uniting all African lands south of a hypothetical line going from Equatorial Guinea to Uganda and thence to Tanzania and Mozambique. A Khoisan enclave should be instituted in order to gather together these ethnic-linguistic groups. About:




By helping set up five mega-states in Africa, Beijing will not only bring unity, concord and cooperation to the Black Continent, but it will also make it sure that peace is no further endangered due to the interests of the Western White Man, his heinous mentality, and his anti-Black stance. The absence of the divisive and merciless American, English and French colonial gangsters, racist missionaries, and plotting diplomats from Africa will certainly enable African nations to establish major states the size of Brazil or Russia and thus acquire the main prerequisite to socioeconomic development, namely economic depth. Empowered by China, India and Russia, the aforementioned five African mega-states will then be able to throw the barbarians of England, France and America into the dustbin of World History.

This will certainly constitute China’s greatest revenge for the Opium Wars.  

Bantu languages


Previous articles of the series (titles, contents, and links to the publications):

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – I

I. Western Hatred against Egypt and Plans against Mankind

II. The End of Egypt may be very close

III. Egypt and the Pulverization of Sudan and Libya

IV. The Renaissance Dam in the light of the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – II

I. The War in Gaza and the Destabilization of the Red Sea Region

II. The Rise of China as a World Super-power

III. The Irrevocable Prerequisites of China’s Worldwide Predominance

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – III

I. Grave Threats for Egypt’s Existence and Serious Danger for China’s Expansion

II. Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance between Egypt & China

III. Two Chinese Military Bases in Egypt: One Million Chinese Military on African Soil

IV. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Sudan and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Sudanese Alliance

V. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Libya and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Libyan Alliance

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – IV


I. Toshka or New Valley Project

II. Water Desalination Plants

III. Relocation of a Sizeable Part of Egypt’s Population

IV. The Rafah-Taba Canal 

V. Twenty (20) Chinese Universities to operate in Egypt

Groups of Bantu languages

Khoisan languages

Islamic schools of Jurisprudence in Africa


Download the article (text only) in PDF:

Download the article (with pictures and legends) in PDF:

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – IV

In three earlier articles, I underscored the need of Egypt and China to set up a unique partnership and enter in a special military alliance in order to eliminate the colonial structures and presence in Northeastern Africa. Acting together, China and Egypt can bring peace, stability and prosperity to the neighboring lands of Sudan and Libya, which have long been targeted by the criminal colonial gangsters of England, France and America. You will find the titles, the contents and links to the articles below.  

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Chinese President Xi Jinping pose for a picture during the Chinese president’s visit to Luxor temple in Luxor, Egypt, January 21, 2016. Photo by Egyptian President Office

In the present, fourth article, I will briefly describe several megaprojects in which the Chinese-Egyptian synergy of multi-disciplinary collaboration should be deployed; I will examine how the Chinese-Egyptian Alliance will astoundingly transform Egypt into a major worldwide power; and I will state what the ultimate target of China’s African policy and of the Chinese- Egyptian Alliance should be, namely the definite destruction and elimination of all colonial, neocolonial and postcolonial concepts, structures and traces (i.e. a complete process of de-Westernization) and the remaking of Africa in five (5) mega-states of genuinely African identity, integrity, education, intellect, spirituality, values, and culture.  

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – I

I. Western Hatred against Egypt and Plans against Mankind

II. The End of Egypt may be very close

III. Egypt and the Pulverization of Sudan and Libya

IV. The Renaissance Dam in the light of the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – II

I. The War in Gaza and the Destabilization of the Red Sea Region

II. The Rise of China as a World Super-power

III. The Irrevocable Prerequisites of China’s Worldwide Predominance

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – III

I. Grave Threats for Egypt’s Existence and Serious Danger for China’s Expansion

II. Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance between Egypt & China

III. Two Chinese Military Bases in Egypt: One Million Chinese Military on African Soil

IV. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Sudan and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Sudanese Alliance

V. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Libya and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Libyan Alliance

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Chinese President Xi Jinping attend a cermoney during the Chinese president’s visit to Luxor temple in Luxor, Egypt, January 21, 2016. Photo by Egyptian President Office



I. Toshka or New Valley Project

II. Water Desalination Plants

III. Relocation of a Sizeable Part of Egypt’s Population

IV. The Rafah-Taba Canal 

V. Twenty (20) Chinese Universities to operate in Egypt

From the  China-Egypt Cultural Year 2016


For more than 70 years, the modern republican state of Egypt pursued a path of unmitigated accumulation of unsolved problems, explosive impasses, failures, unrealistic dreams, defeats and uncompromising chimeras, which fascinated many people but prevented the state from achieving real nation building, indomitable sovereignty, unchallengeable historicity, economic breakthrough, and a leading regional role.

Nasser’s unsubstantiated claims ended in a disastrous territorial loss (1967) and his life was concluded with an assassination (1970); Sadat’s unprepared compromise and foolish approach to politics brought about insignificant gains (Camp David Accords) and apparent losses (the beginning of Egypt’s Islamization, radicalization and social degradation). Mubarak’s unrestrained love of stability and uncontainable fear of risk took a shameful end when his supposed friends and fake allies triggered his weak government’s prompt collapse and his fake regime’s utter disintegration. Morsi’s disgraceful tenure represented a conscious step toward a neocolonial enslavement to the Islamist pseudo-doctrine that was invented by England’s secret services in order to engulf the Muslim world in endless wars against Israel. Thank God, the Egyptian army and people managed to cancel the forthcoming calamity, when the country had reached the brink of the abyss.

With a strategic alliance and a special military partnership with China, President Abdelfattah el Sisi has now the extraordinary chance to draw a line and usher Egypt into a completely different stage of the country’s modern history. For this to happen, several mega-projects have to be duly studied, thoroughly planned, comprehensively implemented, and effectively operated by mixed teams of Chinese and Egyptian engineers, scientists, administrators, specialists, and entrepreneurs.

As it is easy to understand, it would be absolutely impossible even to herewith enumerate the major national projects needed to utterly transform the country and make of it an outstandingly rehabilitated regional power; however, I will therefore mention only few schemes that I deem necessary for Egypt’s survival, sustainable development, and meteoric rise to the world’s top ten countries. These undertakings can be successfully completed only by means of Chinese-Egyptian synergy.

I. Toshka or New Valley Project

This project started in 1997 as a complementary scheme to the construction of the Aswan High Dam, which was built between 1960 and 1970. It was envisioned as a system of canals which would carry water from Lake Nasser that was formed behind the newly erected dam. The canals were created in order to irrigate parts of Egypt’s Western Desert, thus developing a ‘New Valley’ and attracting populations to resettle (from the densely populated Nile Valley). The ambitious plan would certainly help solve Egypt’s grave problem, namely the high concentration of population in a very small part of the territory; actually, along the Nile, the population density is above 2000 persons per square km. Furthermore, the project was conceived in anticipation of the additional problems that would be created by the rapidly growing population and the lack of systematized birth control policy.

The canal inlet structure is located 8 km north of Toshka Bay (Khor) in the lake; the canal has been constructed up to the historic Darb al Arba’in desert route, advancing westwards and thence northwards to Baris Oasis (85 km south of Kharga Oasis). The Mubarak Pumping Station in Toshka, which is of key importance to the project, was inaugurated in early 2005; however, the works did not progress according to the schedule and in 2012 the construction had reached up to a point 60 km south of Baris Oasis. More recently, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, realizing the capital importance of the project, expressed his commitment to the completion of the works.

The initial thought was to transform 2500 km2 of desert into cultivated land, and thanks to the Long Live Egypt Fund, half of the land will be distributed to college graduates (one acre per person). More specifically, the ambitious project’s initiators set groundbreaking targets, involving a) putting Egypt on the world map for the production and export of dates, b) closing the food gap by increasing the agricultural area, c) maximizing the revenue of available resources, d) increasing agricultural exports (to reduce the deficit in the balance of trade), e) providing employment opportunities for many young people, especially in Upper Egypt, and f) encouraging the reconstruction, housing and development of these areas and reducing human pressure on the Nile Valley and Delta. Background:


https://mideastenvironment.apps01.yorku.ca/2012/04/on-toshka-new-valleys-mega-failure-egypt-independent/?irgwc=1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Valley_Project


Toshka Project – Mubarak Pumping Station /







The New Valley Project | Infrastructure Marvels | Hindi | Mind Wars



From the above, it can be easily understood that such an ambitious project and the perspectives of its extension, the subsequent creation of new cultivated lands, and the dramatic increase of the agricultural production, which would ensue, have by definition many powerful enemies in this world. It is well known that several criminal oligarchs repeatedly expressed their sick globalist ideas as regards Eugenics, world depopulation, food scarcity and the use of food as a biopower means of control. As Henry Kissinger put it, “who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world”.

When we notice that disreputable forgers, like the Anglo-Saxon news agencies and mainstream mass media, pretend that Henry Kissinger (https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N34J1RD/) never said the above mentioned statement, we can safely conclude that the truth is the exact opposite of whatever an Anglo-Saxon may say and that the powers-that-be would never allow Egypt to become the granary of Africa. In fact, enormous international pressure was exerted in the 2000s on the Egyptian government for the country to abandon the project and to become a food importer. Another example of Anti-Egyptian literature, distortion and hatred: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/08/middleeast/egypt-water-scarcity-climate-cop27-intl-cmd/index.html

For Beijing to prevent a deliberately catastrophic manipulation of the worldwide food supply, a massive exodus from Africa, a migration chaos in Western Europe and a vicious Far Right scheme providing for a new, mixed race, China’s presence in Africa has to be differently conceived, remarkably upgraded, and duly readjusted to the need of outmaneuvering and cancelling colonial plans of mass destruction. Egypt and Sudan must be helped to become major food exporters and for this to happen, a strategic alliance is needed, involving cooperation at all levels.

The Toshka or New Valley Project should not be only completed but also expanded to gradually reach other oases in Egypt’s Western Desert, namely Kharga, Dakhla, Farafra, Bahariyah and thence Fayoum. More importantly, the concept itself of the Toshka Project has to be taken as an example for Egypt’s development and urban re-construction in the Eastern Desert. This will demand desalinated water production and the establishment of many seawater desalination plants in the Red Sea coastland.

II. Water Desalination Plants

With a population expected to reach the mark of 150 million people in 2050, Egypt seems to have a very gloomy and dark future, particularly if we take into account the fact that the Nile provides about 97% of the water needed and consumed by the country. Although Nile water can be better utilized following the completion of the Toshka Project and its potential further expansion, the country evidently needs desalination technology to a far larger extent than the various governmental and private authorities had at first thought. At present, there are about 60 desalination plants producing ca. 800,000 m3 of freshwater per day; the Egyptian government expressed the intention to build additional desalination plants during the next few years and to thus reach the level of production of 2.4 million m3 per day in 2030. In spite of the good intentions, this approach risks being insufficient: ‘too little too late’! Background:






The mistake in this regard has nothing to do with the Ethiopian Renaissance (GERD) dam and the malignant, anti-Egyptian, anti-Sudanese and anti-Islamic intentions of the Amhara tribesmen who govern Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia). The Egyptian mistake is again in the proverbially conservative attitude of the Egyptian ruling classes and in their failure to think out-of-the-box. Determining optimal partnership in technology transfer, China should undertake a major spatial study for Egypt’s Eastern Desert Mountains in view of the transformation of the region into a series of new urban centers that will have to be created; the Chinese government should deliver the results and the proposals to the Egyptian governmental authorities.

In fact, not only the capital of Egypt has to be transferred in the site (currently under construction) of the New Administrative Capital (45 km east of Cairo and 60 km west of Suez), but more than half the population of the Valley of the Nile and Cairo has to be relocated in the Eastern Desert Mountains, if the Egyptians intend to have a bright future and a better life. Then, the additional water desalination plants that have to be constructed in the Red Sea coastline will help cover the extra need to establish urban centers and agricultural lands east of the Nile. Background:



Aerial New Capital CBD



Similarly, water desalination plants built across the coastlands of the Mediterranean Sea will be able to support further plans of urban relocation from the Delta region to the northernmost confines of the Western Desert. With the help of China, Egypt will manage to have operating desalination plants at the level of the top Saudi (near Jubail and Jeddah) and Israeli (Palmachim) plants.  

Tor desalination plant (Sinai)

Ard al-Berak water treatment plant Cairo

III. Relocation of a Sizeable Part of Egypt’s Population

Egypt can become great again only thanks to a majestic vision, because Kemet (which is the land’s correct and proper name) always radiated in this manner; the rest of Kemet’s History was worthless centuries and foreign settlers, who found it normal to append the Valley of the Nile to other states. The current ruling classes of Egypt (or Masr, as the locals name their own fatherland after the Ancient Assyrian-Babylonian appellation, which was later used among Aramaeans, Hebrews, Iranians and others) are far below expectations. Today’s Egyptian elites cannot realize that extraordinary lands, like Kemet, which have to radiate, when they don’t (for one reason or another), simply disappear.

Egypt’s ruling classes were formed in the filthiest universities of Kemet’s worst enemies (England, France, Holland, Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the US) and/or in the locally present annexes of such institutions (like the notorious neocolonial American University in Cairo); consequently, one cannot expect them to get easily rid of the inculcated false historical dogma and of the fallacious Western narrative of World History that Western scholars, colonial forgers, and anti-Egyptian heinous intellectuals have propagated worldwide. Within those fallacious doctrines and lies, Ancient Kemet’s historical role is minimized, achievements concealed, radiation hidden, wisdom distorted, and faith deliberately kept secret.

Egypt’s ruling classes are engulfed in their disastrous conformism, conventionalism, conservatism, Pan-Arabism, Islamism and modernism; for this reason they cannot accurately feel, assess and cancel the long lasting threats and the lurking dangers against the Valley of the Nile. Simply, one can pray and hope that the exception will finally arise, the customary policies will be abandoned, the interests of the local elites gravely disregarded, the national interests effectively defended, and the land’s perennial principles respected. How the ‘exceptional’ will occur and the ‘usual’ will be chased away from Egypt is a topic that it would take long to describe here.

The original fact is that with 100 million people as inhabitants, the Valley of the Nile north of Abu Simbel simply reached its limits. Either the rulers of the land will fully implement a revolutionary policy of birth control to bring the population down to 30 million people or half the population must be relocated to properly prepared, duly programmed, and effectively constructed new urban centers in the Eastern and the Western deserts. Certainly, the second option is the only to possibly select.

For this reason, the aforementioned Toshka Project, the existing water desalination plants, and the New Administrative Capital mega-project were all excellent concepts and commendable endeavors, but they were too small for Egypt’s urgent needs and hopefully bright perspectives. One can understand that with minimal resources and limited funds, earlier administrations could not deliver more. But now, realizing the lurking dangers, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi can launch an Egyptian-Chinese partnership and alliance, which not only will enable him to take the country to the next stage of its History but also will eliminate all the existing dangers and serve as a brilliant model of bilateral partnership and alliance with China for all the other African states and governments to follow.  

New Administrative Capital under construction

Vehicles drive along a road near the newly-built Shuhada (Martyrs) mosque at Egypt’s “New Administrative Capital” megaproject, some 45 kilometres east of Cairo, on March 7, 2021. (Photo by Ahmed HASAN / AFP) (Photo by AHMED HASAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Egypt’s next stage will be the first, in its millennia long History, in which the majority of the population will not live in the Valley of the Nile but in the Eastern and the Western deserts. Several mega-projects will have to be launched for this purpose in close synergy with China; all together, these enormous undertakings will have to be tenfold the size of New Cairo capital city, because a great number of cities, towns and villages will have to be designed and built in the mountains of the Eastern Desert region, as well as in the plains and in the Qattara depression of the Western desert, along with the necessary support coming from water desalination plants and new cultivated lands. Only within the present contextualization could actually a final Qattara Depression Project be advantageously identified, effectively implemented, and successfully operated. Background:



Egypt’s Innovative Megaproject: Create A Lake In The Qattara Depression!


IV. The Rafah-Taba Canal 

In August 2014, the Suez Canal Corridor Area Project was launched by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi; it was completed in 2015. The project encompassed several other schemes, notably the New Suez Canal, which is an artificial waterway that created a second, 72 km long shipping lane along part of the 193 km long Suez Canal (due to 35 km of dry digging and 37 km of expansion and deep digging). Background:








With our world’s exponentially increasing needs in terms of maritime transport, Egypt and China should team together and start another mega-project, namely the construction of a larger and deeper canal between the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf of Aqaba/Red Sea. This should be undertaken not far from the Israeli-Egyptian border, namely from a location in the Egyptian Mediterranean shore between El Arish and Rafah to a place situated on the eastern coast of the Sinai Peninsula south of Taba, which is Egypt’s last resort before the Israeli border.

This groundbreaking undertaking will greatly facilitate the worldwide maritime transport, while also increasing the Egyptian government’s revenues through tolls and transit fees. More specifically, one has to take into account the limits of the Suez Canal, which was constructed in the 1860s (the works started in August 1859); as a matter of fact, the allowable draft of Suez Canal is only 66 feet, and this means that, as of today, it can accommodate only 61.2% of the world’s tanker fleet and 92.7% of the bulk carrier fleet. With this in mind, ten years ago, back in 2014, I published two articles in order to propose exactly this project, also presenting it as a very effective measure for the Egyptian government to eradicate Islamic terrorism from the North Sinai region and to cut Egypt off the Palestinian-Israeli quagmire. The two articles have been republished and are currently available here: https://www.academia.edu/35242608/What_Egypt_needs_now_Part_I_Sinai_2014



In fact, the idea of a second canal in the Sinai Peninsula region is nothing new. I first heard about the concept when I lived in Israel back in 1984. It was then called the Ben Gurion Canal Project, and it reflected considerations that dated back in the 1960s; the idea was to construct a rival to the Egyptian Suez Canal, which ‘monopolized’ the shortest Asia-Europe maritime route. According to the intriguing idea, which has not hitherto been scrutinized in a study (let alone materialized), the Mediterranean Sea would be connected to the Gulf of Aqaba. The project would involve cutting a canal through the Negev Desert (Israel) to connect Eilat (in the Gulf of Aqaba) to a location between Ashkelon and the northernmost confines of Gaza Strip. About:


This fact means that Egypt and China, in an attempt to further facilitate worldwide maritime transport, should consider very seriously their chance of undertaking the project as soon as they can.

V. Twenty (20) Chinese Universities to operate in Egypt

The educational-academic-scientific partnership between China and Egypt should become the model that China and other African states will follow later; China does not frankly need to open ‘one more foreign university’ in Egypt. Almost all these foreign establishments of tertiary education, which have hitherto operated in the Valley of the Nile, were colonial, neocolonial and postcolonial structures geared to instill the complex of academic-intellectual inferiority in the minds and the hearts of the Egyptians, thus causing unnecessary troublesome discord, internal strife, and quasi-irreversible dependence at the local level.

The same process can be attested in many other countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America where ‘English’, ‘French’ and ‘American’ universities have been accepted to function. Those disastrous institutions are fully responsible for all the problems of the respective counties, because not only they have diffused lies in many academic fields, but they also have made the unfortunate local students believe that the colonial metropolises ‘are’ the centers of ‘light’, ‘knowledge’, ‘progress’ and ‘success’, whereas they are the exact opposite.

China must now demolish this unacceptable situation; actually, Beijing cannot afford to tolerate this colonial policy to continue because the shameless colonial institutions have endlessly propagated unmitigated docility among local students, extreme historical distortion (Greco-Roman civilization), worthlessly ideologized religions (Evangelical pseudo-Christianism; political Islam; Mormonism, Zionist and Jesuit doctrines, and other radical schemes which engulf local populations in darkness and backward conditions of life), utterly racist concepts (Judeo-Christian civilization; Eurocentrism; East-West split), and many other intellectual forgeries geared only to prevent the rise of a challenge to the colonial world and to its surviving structures, and to perpetuate the Western control of the rest of the world.

As per the terms of a worldwide unprecedented agreement between China and Egypt, no less than twenty (20) Chinese universities shall open and operate in Egypt. Geographically divided across the country (Alexandria, Tanta, Mansura, Port Said, Suez, Rashid/Rosetta, Dumyat/Damietta, Cairo, Giza, 6th October City, New Cairo Capital/New Administrative Capital, Beni Suef, Minya, Asyut, Nag Hammadi, Qena, Luxor, Edfu, Aswan, Hurghada/Al Ghardaqa), these institutions will function as local annexes of twenty major Chinese universities, involving student exchange, summer courses in China, scholarships, intensive language courses, academic staff exchange, exhibitions, and a wide range of academic, intellectual, scientific, cultural, social and political activities, which will bring the two countries closer.

Graduate students will be full bilinguals, who will be offered various employment opportunities in either country, thus increasing the number of Egyptian residents in China an Chinese residents in Egypt. Conducting courses and seminars in Chinese and Arabic, the Egypt-based Chinese universities will give a terrible blow to the use of English and other Western languages in Egypt, as organized Chinese travellers will replace the corrupt, sick and often paranoid persons that the Western European and North American countries are used to send to Egypt as ‘tourists’.

Gradually, the educational-academic-scientific partnership between China and Egypt will expand, thus disconnecting Egypt from Western Europe and North America, even more so because within the BRICS+ intergovernmental organization the two countries will totally de-dollarize their trade and adopt a new standard currency attached to gold.

The American University in Cairo will have to close down and it shall be turned to a Pan-African Museum of Colonial Crimes; the same will apply to numerous other Western institutions, whereas American and European companies operating in Egypt will have to be replaced with Chinese organizations. Schemes like AmCham Egypt and the Egypt-U.S. Business Council (EUSBC) will therefore absolutely lose their importance, whereas every aspect of military cooperation between Egypt and America will be canceled; the notorious US-Egypt Military Cooperation Committee (MCC) will not be convened anymore. Thank God, the organization Naval Medical Research Unit Three (NAMRU-3) was relocated to Italy (Sigonella) in 2019.

Seeing things in perspective and not for the population of Egypt alone, Beijing and Cairo will have to launch a groundbreaking cooperation to overhaul the country’s internet regulations to more closely resemble China. Chinese specialists shall help their Egyptian colleagues build an Egyptian Great Firewall, whereas Chinese corporate representatives will have to help users and businesses to switch to Chinese alternatives. Egypt’s internet will then have to be rebuilt as a self-contained system, which will serve as the basis for the internet connection of the entire Black Continent. Western smartphones and Japanese video games will be replaced with their Chinese equivalents. Ultimately, Egypt’s internet will be disconnected from the Western infrastructure and connected with China’s.   


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A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – III


I. Grave Threats for Egypt’s Existence and Serious Danger for China’s Expansion

II. Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance between Egypt & China

III. Two Chinese Military Bases in Egypt: One Million Chinese Military on African Soil

IV. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Sudan and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Sudanese Alliance

V. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Libya and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Libyan Alliance

The Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in al-Tahrir Palace, Cairo; 14 January 2024

I. Grave Threats for Egypt’s Existence and Serious Danger for China’s Expansion

The dimensions that the War in Gaza may have for China are even more alarming than those it has for Egypt; at worldwide level, the ongoing war, which has already lasted for 3 months, takes an absolutely different appearance. Its first, pre-occupying at the international level, element was attested with the early dispatch of the US-led naval force to the Eastern Mediterranean. The reasons mentioned as the eventual ‘pretext’ were all ridiculous lies; neither Israel needed the support ‘offered’ nor did Iran have the intention to straightforwardly attack Israel. Since the beginning of the Israeli military operations in Gaza, it was definitely and accurately known that Iran and its allies (a nebula of paramilitary forces in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen) would undertake only a low-tension war of attrition against the Zionist state. What was then the real purpose of the multinational force that reached the Eastern Mediterranean?  

Before answering this question, we have to also observe the progressive extension of the Gaza War into the wider Red Sea region. For this to happen, the thoughtless, purposeless, foolish or rather artfully induced Houthi attacks, as well as the ensuing maritime transportation security problems were hypocritically presented as the pretext. The dispatch of another US-led naval force, this time in the vast Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Arabian Sea regions, has -in geostrategic terms- the appearance of ‘cutting’ Asia from Africa. This consists in a direct threat to the combined interests of China, India and Russia.

What business is it of Washington to possibly care about that part of the world?

In reality, maritime transportation security is more central to Chinese interests than to American concerns. This fact underscores the concealed reality of the ridiculously called ‘Israel-Hamas War’; acting as a US puppet, the evidently and ferociously anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish, and anti-Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu first radicalized the Gazan Palestinians by promoting Hamas among them, second induced them to hit after the 9/11 example, third allowed them to calmly and without opposition carry out the 7 October 2023 attacks, and fourth declared war against the Gazans in order to subtly bring the US naval forces in.

And why does Netanyahu want the war to last long? Every day, the Netanyahu government sends coffins with the dead bodies of soldiers to their families. Does he really care? Does he believe that Israel’s embattled army will eliminate Palestinian resistance? No! These topics are insignificant to the devilish, pro-Anglo-Saxon, much wanted gangster Netanyahu. The fake state of Israel is a burned card for him; he duly and fully utilizes that structure only for the benefit of the US world dominance.

This must be the Chinese conclusion of the theatrical act named ‘Gaza War 2023’. Beijing must therefore react and prepare the total demolition of America and the disappearance of every Anglo-Saxon impact from the world; this can certainly be done without a nuclear war. The first step will be a strongly and gradually built, sizeable Chinese military presence on the Black Continent; this will start with a Special Military Alliance between China and Egypt.

In the first of this series of articles, I expanded on a) the centuries-old Western hatred of Egypt, b) the existing historical threats against the Valley of the Nile, c) the gradual process of decomposition that the criminal Western gangsters applied to Libya and the Sudan over the past 12 years, and d) the direct relationship between the otherwise worthless Renaissance Dam (also known as GERD), which has been built in the Occupied Benishangul land (currently province) of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), and the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan. This is the link:

In the second of this series of articles, I completed the presentation of the Egyptian approach to the need of the Egyptian-Chinese Military Alliance and expanded on the Chinese perspective towards the topic; more specifically, I first presented the war in Gaza and the destabilization of the Red Sea Region as a very serious issue for Egypt; then, I overviewed the historical background of the rise of China as a world super-power; at last, I duly highlighted the irrevocable prerequisites of China’s worldwide predominance. As a matter of fact, I intentionally presented China’s most demanded military presence in Africa as the sixth (: last) prerequisite; this means that there are several other spheres of activities in which China must deploy an unprecedented, systematic and long-term effort first. This is the link:

President El-Sisi & Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang, Cairo; 15 January 2023

Xi Jinping in Cairo, 2016

Abdelfattah el-Sisi in Beijing, 2014

II. Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance between Egypt & China

A special military alliance between Beijing and Cairo will be advantageous and fruitful for both countries only if it is considered as integral part of a strategic alliance between the two countries. The brotherhood of the two nations must be viewed from both sides as unique in their diachronic existence.

For Egypt, it must herald the irrevocable termination of all the problems that the modern state of Masr (under khedivial, royal and republican rule) has faced since 1798 and the definite cancellation of all the lasting dangers to which Cairo has been exposed. The strategic alliance with China must be the practical remake of Ancient Egypt and the comeback of its unparalleled radiation across Africa. Thanks to this groundbreaking change, Egypt will become the most influential African power in terms of Pan-African identity, Hamitic-Cushitic cultural integrity, Afrocentric educational revival, academic-scientific de-Westernization, resourceful reassessment of natural resources utilization, infrastructure and urban development, urban relocation and reconstruction, agricultural re-organization, technological and military readjustment and social overhaul.

For China, it must be the beginning of the next stage of China’s expansion and rise to world superpower status; it will function as Beijing’s Gate to Africa, because the success story of the Chinese-Egyptian strategic alliance will later serve as model for further/similar bilateral agreements and alliances, notably with Algeria, Nigeria, Mali, Ethiopia, Somalia, Tanzania, Congo, etc. A group of ca. 1000 Chinese specialists on Egypt will have to envision how to efficiently, comprehensively and promptly transform Egypt after the Chinese model. In fact, they should have to function as a second government of Egypt – not in terms of decision-making but in respect of out-of-the-box thinking, envisioning stages of Egypt’s transformation and transmutation, suggesting them to the national government in Cairo, and after the local approval, coordinating with the respective authorities in Beijing as to how to kick off the projects.

A great number of projects in every field should therefore be identified, planned, discussed with the respective Egyptian administrative, military, academic or entrepreneurial teams, and then implemented. In the way the country functions and operates, Egypt will thus gradually be transformed into a small African China.

For all the other African countries, the successful launching of the Chinese-Egyptian strategic alliance will herald

i) the definitive removal of the obsolete, colonial practices, structures and concepts;

ii) the eradication of the ensuing corruption;

iii) the elimination of potential threats of war, persecution, oppression or genocide;

iv) the termination of the Western techniques of dependence and subordination of former colonies;

v) the final withdrawal of American, English, French and other Western military bases, troops, advisers, and diplomatic personnel; and

vi) the irrevocable cancellation of

a) the colonially imposed Western pedagogical-educational-academic system;

b) all the bilateral agreements between African countries and the major colonial states in the sectors of Education, Academic Research, Scientific Cooperation, and Cultural Exchanges; 

c) the racist Western narrative, the Eurocentric bogus-historical dogma, the fallacy of the Judeo-Christian civilization, and the falsehood of Greco-Roman civilization;

d) the replacement of the Western archaeological schools and institutes with Chinese, Russian, Indian, Japanese, Iranian and Turkish specialists;

e) the end of French and English as foreign languages across Africa; and

f) the prohibition of Western missionaries to move and proselytize on African soil.

III. Two Chinese Military Bases in Egypt: One Million Chinese Military on African Soil

For major changes to be initiated in Egypt, Cairo should offer (in terms of a 99-year lease) two sizeable military footholds to China, one in the country’s NW confines, nearby the Mediterranean coast between Mersa Matruh and El Salloum, and another in Egypt’s SE extremities, in the Red Sea Governorate, between Ras Banas and Bi’r Shalatayn (or Shalateen), outside the Halaib Triangle. Each military base should cover an area of approximately 5000 km2.

Mersa Matruh and El Salloum

The military installations should comprise several independent sectors and involve parallel activities; more specifically,

– a first sector shall be established as proper military base with an airfield and a military port, including various Chinese airborne and special operations units, division headquarters, command center, training ground, proving ground, and a great number of properly selected brigades and regiments. The scope of this sector shall be the training of the Chinese Army of Africa, the accommodation of personnel, the storage of equipment, and the facilitation of operations throughout the Black Continent.

– a second sector shall shelter specially established Chinese and Egyptian units and be utilized for the training of the Egyptian army in the Chinese method of war, army organization, martial arts, language, and warrior spirit. All the different units of the Egyptian Army, involving armored corps, the artillery corps, the airborne corps, the infantry/mechanized forces, the special forces, etc. will be rotating in the sector. The end target shall be the complete sinicization of the Egyptian armed forces. Amongst others, here will be planned (and subsequently implemented) the total and complete replacement of the equipment of the Egyptian Army with the respective Chinese material at all levels. The program will be rolled out across all the agencies and the departments of the Egyptian Ministry of Defense. All the Chinese military officers, army employees, specialists, soldiers and auxiliaries, who will be dispatched there, will have as task to fully transform the Egyptian Army after the Chinese model.  

– a third sector shall accommodates the headquarters of the local annexes of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) National Defense University, the National University of Defense Technology (中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学), the PLA Information Engineering University, and the Army Command College of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Coordinating with the Egyptian Military Academy and Egypt’s Chief of Staff, and acting under the auspices of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (namely the President of Egypt) and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (i.e. the Minister of Defense), all the local annexes of the above mentioned Chinese institutions shall produce the military officers of Egypt’s entirely new army, which will gradually supersede and replace the present one.

– last, a fourth sector shall function as a military industrial zone; a great number of Chinese defense manufacturing and defense technology companies will therefore be authorized to found subsidiaries and establish local manufacturing plants. Chinese and Egyptian personnel will staff the joint ventures which will cover local and regional needs, thus not only covering all the needs of Egypt in terms of military equipment but also contributing to Egypt’s exports.

The scope of the special military alliance between China and Egypt will be groundbreaking enough to totally transform the Egyptian state’s structures of colonial dependence that has lasted more than 200 years. The two military bases will be able to accommodate about one million Chinese personnel and a corresponding number of Egyptians. The very early stages of the alliance will also comprise of several military operations outside the borders of Egypt for the benefit of both countries and the promotion of the common geopolitical goals. The need for them may be urgent for both, Egypt and China.

Halaib Triangle landscapes

Egypt’s Red Sea coast

Sudan’s Red Sea coast

IV. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Sudan and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Sudanese Alliance

To prepare for a major socio-economic and political overhaul, which is most needed, Egypt has to secure its backyard; this definitely means that the chaotic conditions, which currently prevail in Sudan and Libya, must be terminated once for all. While the fall of Gadhafi in 2011 did not have significant repercussions on Egypt, the present situation in Sudan is very alarming.

Cairo managed to establish a form of cooperation with the Libyan strongman and commander of the Tobruk-based Libyan National Army (LNA) Khalifa Haftar (born in 1943), but the existence of Darfur’s butcher Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (also known as Hemedti; born in 1974), his disastrous, treacherous and criminal acts in Sudan, his divisive stance, his contribution to the ongoing civil war, and -even worse- his connections with states that are openly inimical to Egypt, notably the colonial tyranny of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), consist in a lethal threat for the Egyptian people and government. Background:






The following three links reveal the falsehood, the bias, and the anti-Egyptian hatred spread by the disreputable criminals of al Jazeera, which should be closed down one way or another:




Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, 2019

Janjaweed gangster Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti), 2022

The Civil War in Sudan as of January 2024; in pink color the areas under control by the Sudanese government and Chairman Abdel Fattah al-Burhan

Egypt must support energetically and drastically Abdel Fattah al-Burhan (born in 1960), Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and de facto ruler of Sudan, who faces a rebellion actively fueled from abroad and systematically supported by the Neo-Nazi cholera of England, the notorious MI6 outfit named Qatar, and their pseudo-Muslim agents and bribed lackeys. Without a strong ally, Cairo cannot send 300000 soldiers in Sudan in order to effectively remove the Dagalo plague, terminate the killings that he causes across the unfortunate and targeted country, and avert the threat that he represents.

What is even worse is the condition of the transportation infrastructure in the regions around the Egyptian-Sudanese border, and in general throughout Sudan. There is no highway road running either in the Valley of the Nile (from Aswan and Abu Simbel to Wadi Halfa, Dongola, and thence to Khartoum) or alongside the Red Sea coastline (from Mersa Alam, Ras Banas, Shalatayn, Halaib, Dungunab, Port Sudan).

Similarly, there is no railway connection between Egypt and Sudan. This was deceitfully prescribed to their colonial subjects by the English colonials when they ruled those lands; although there was a railway connection between Cairo and Aswan (860 km; it reached Aswan only in 1898) and despite the fact that Wadi Halfa was connected with Abu Hamad, Atbara and Khartoum (350+244+313: 907 km; it was all built in the period 1897-1900, with a 475 km extension from Atbara to Port Sudan which was constructed between 1904 and 1906), there was never a railway between Aswan and Wadi Halfa, i.e. a distance of ca. 320 km. In other words, in 15 years (1890-1906), the English built in Egypt and Sudan railways that were ca. 2000 km long, but they ‘could’ not construct a small section of just 300 km! This simple observation reveals the malignant intentions of the colonial rulers quite well.

Egyptian national railways

Sudan railways

The Chinese-Egyptian military intervention in Sudan should not end with the consolidation of Abdel Fattah al-Burhan as the new president of the country and with the elimination of the Dagalo forces. After the Janjaweed bloodthirsty gangsters are extradited to the International Criminal Court for crimes against the Mankind in Darfur and generally across the country, the leadership of Sudan, Egypt and China must launch multilayered negotiations, involving governmental, entrepreneurial, military, and academic-educational authorities, in order to both, reconstruct Sudan from scratch and fully interconnect the vast country with Egypt and China.

Two highways and two railways have to link the two countries through both, the Valley of the Nile and the Red Sea coastland. In addition, two Chinese high speed railways have to be launched in order to link the first, Khartoum to Dongola, Abu Simbel, Nag Hammadi, Cairo, Alexandria, Mersa Matruh and El Salloum (in the Mediterranean coast nearby the Libyan borders), and the second, Khartoum to Atbara, Port Sudan, Shalatayn, Mersa Alam, Hurgada, Suez and Cairo. 

China and Sudan shall sign agreements similar to those co-signed by Beijing and Cairo (as per above Part III), and Khartoum shall offer (in terms of a 99-year lease) two sizeable military footholds to China, the first in the Red Sea coastland south of Suakin and north of Tokar, and the second in the North Darfur province (the official term is ‘state’) of Sudan, north of El Fashir, the provincial capital.   

Tokar: southernmost confines of Sudan’s Red Sea coast lands

Al-Fashir, capital of Darfur North

V. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Libya and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Libyan Alliance

Having averted the prevalence of chaos in Sudan and having established a tripartite partnership in the South, Egypt will definitely have to put an end to the disastrous conditions of division, conflict and tribalism that have prevailed in Libya over the past 13 years.

Following an early agreement with Khalifa Haftar, who was appointed (2015) commander of the armed forces loyal to the Libyan House of Representatives, units of the Egyptian and the (based-in Egypt) Chinese armies shall enter Libya and fight alongside with units of the LNA to eradicate the unrepresentative, shadowy, Tripoli-based governmental structure, which has become the tool of the destructive colonial English policies in North Africa. Entering in an agreement with Brigadier General Saddam Haftar and his father, the Chinese and the Egyptians will be able to soon help consolidate Libya and bring the country closer to the Egyptian-Sudanese tandem.  

Libya, May 2020

Libya 2024

Eliminating Islamist and Wahhabi thugs from the Libyan South (notably the Kufra and Murzuq districts) and striking a deal with Tuareg militias of Ghat in Libya’s southwestern extremities, the new national government will have to manage to reestablish peace, civil order, and proper national statehood at last. With the help of China and Egypt, Libya will finally be able to move out of the colonial conditions in which the country was engulfed for too long. Background:






Setting the sound foundations of a long-term, non-colonial, multilateral partnership, China, Egypt and Libya shall address issues that date back to the times of colonial divisions and exploitation. Two highways and two railways have to link the Valley of the Nile with Libya, the first alongside the Mediterranean Sea coastline and the second through the desert; from Alexandria, Mersa Matruh, and El Salloum to Tobruk, Benghazi, Sirte, Misrata, Tripoli and Zuwara (near the Tunisian border), the construction of a highway and a railway will surely help exponentially increase the interconnection, interdependence and interoperability of the two countries, thus opening a new era of local, regional and worldwide cooperation. Similarly, the construction of a highway and a railway connecting Luxor, Nag Hammadi, Kharga Oasis, and Dakhla Oasis to Kufra, Murzuq, Sabha, Hun and Sirte will effectively contribute to the same goal, bringing together Egypt’s South and Libya’s South, while also lessening the distance between Libya’s southern extremities and the major cities on the coastline.   

Furthermore, China and Libya shall sign agreements similar to those co-signed by Beijing and Khartoum (as per above); according to the terms, Tripoli, as the capital of a reunified Libya, shall offer (in terms of a 99-year lease) two sizeable military footholds to China, the first in the Mediterranean coastland west of Tripoli and the second in the country’s southwestern extremities, namely in Ghat District (Fezzan region).


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Download the article (text, pictures and legends) in PDF:

Iran 2022: Typical Freemasonic-Zionist Proxy War between Ayatollahs and Protestors at the Detriment of the Average Iranians

There is nothing Islamic in the Islamic Republic of Iran except the popular religion (attested in non-Westernized people) and the historical monuments. In Iranian provinces, the Muslim faith is alive, although this is not tantamount to direct support of the Qom / Tehran-based, absurd theological regime, which wastes the national resources in counter-productive manners.

The supporters of the Ayatollahs are mainly concentrated in major cities whereby the advanced technological Westernization produces a terrible ideological clash at the detriment of all Muslims. In the same social environment live also the ‘pro-Western’ opponents of the Ayatollahs.

Among these three categories of people, the cultural differences are enormous, the diverse purposes are centrifugal, and the socio-behavioral systems are opposite.

I. Traditional believers in Iranian provinces

The majority of the people in the provinces, living either in the villages, the towns and the cities or as nomads, live Islam as a popular religion; they cherish the related moral values, respect their traditions, and experience spirituality as traditional component of their culture. As they are distant from the capital, governance is not their concern. They may well observe the various wrongdoings of the government, but politics is not their affair, and they cannot see a trustworthy opponent anywhere in the horizon. Their attitude is therefore clearly neutral, anything between passive acceptance and passive resistance. I would also add that they are too innocent, too naïve and too benevolent to possibly fathom how their government and regime have been maneuvered by evil foreign forces without even knowing or sensing it. All the same, these people are the true, average Iranians. I would say that they represent ca. 50% of the population.

Simple Iranians in the streets of Tabriz
Simple Iranians in the Bazaar of Urumiyeh (Urmia)
In the streets of Tekab, in the Zagros Mountains, Western Iran
Popular religion of the Iranians: slaughtering a lamb for the Eid al Adha
The daily life of the Qashqai Turanian nomads in Fars, South Iran
This is how the Qashqai Iranians get married.
Qashqai women do not need the stupid washing machines of the useless Western world. They know better!
There are no homosexual marriages among the Qashqais, because there are no homosexuals at all. And no one needs them.

II. ‘Religious’ supporters of the Ayatollahs

The people in the cities and the big cities live in great tension; the supporters of the government are very fervent, but they confuse ‘theology’ with ‘religion’ and ‘politics’ with ‘governance’. They have lost much of the Iranian culture to the benefit of the technological modernization. They cannot experience the popular religion in the way people customarily do in villages; to them ‘religion’ means ‘rejection of the West’ and celebrating the Mawlid un-Nabi today is for them an opportunity to reject the true, existing, evil plans of several Western countries against Iran. This is absurd. Religion is all about a person’s contact with God; evil governments, regimes and secret organizations have no place in Faith. You cannot possibly believe a religion only to reject somebody else – however evil he/they may truly be; such an attitude is by all means sheer madness and utter disbelief. But these people cannot see that the hate of the other cannot be possibly associated with one’s faith or with an entire nation’s religion. Losing their popular religion and traditional culture, they get radicalized, they mistake theology and political ideology for religion, and they become appalling to the ‘Westernized’ Iranians. These people make big noise, but they do not constitute more than 25% of the entire population. Their success is that they appear to have the support of the silent majority (see previous unit) and they control the totality of the dictatorial mechanisms of the state (this is not typically Iranian: anywhere the state mechanisms are dictatorial).

‘Religious’ supporters of the Ayatollahs in manifestation against the ‘Pro-Western’ or ‘Westernized’ Iranians
‘Religious’ Iranians support the government.
Iranians in support of the Islamic republic’s government

III. ‘Pro-Western’ or ‘Westernized’ Iranians

This population, contrarily to the aforementioned two groups, is not homogeneous. This is critically calamitous to all foreign schemes and plans of utilizing them. This very fact consists also in a major stumbling block in their path to power. However, this situation is nothing new; it became crystal clear in the last years of Reza Pahlavi’s reign and in the first years of the Khomeini oligarchical rule. At the time, a sizeable part of this population allied themselves with the supporters of Khomeini. Now they don’t make the same mistake again! Leftist Iranians, who studied in Paris only to become Marxist-Leninist or social democrat of ideology, royalists who wish Reza Pahlavi’s son to come back and reign, Iranians who lived abroad only to be impacted enough to become anything An-Iranian (the non-Iran is a historical term that goes back to pre-Islamic times), conservative people of the old upper middle class who desire to simply look like Westerners without truly being so, and few truly marginal groups of homosexuals and atheists, materialists and nationalists can be categorized as anti-Ayatollah opposition.

When it comes to this segment of Iranian society, their only chance is to sensitize the silent majority (see Unit I) in case the radicalization of the ‘religious’ supporters of the regime turns out to appear like brutalization of the rest. This can bring results and this is known to all the enemies of Iran: those who appear ‘friendly’ nowadays (England) and those who hate the Iranian Civilization that shaped the Western world against their will (Israel) and up to the point that they need to hide it (Vatican, France).

Cheraghan Restaurant, Tehran: a favorite place for those among the Iranians who think that Westernization is only the removal of hijab.
Lamiz Cafe: a Western environment for ‘Pro-Western’ Iranians who do not know what the true face of the abnormal West is.
Malek (‘Angel’) Cafe: ‘Pro-Western’ Iranians fail to understand that Westernization is nothing else except the transformation of an Angel into an evil demon.
‘Westernized’ Iranians would reject the contents of 9 out of every 10 Western ‘laws’ that are valid in the criminal tyrannies of the Western world.
‘Westernized’ Iranians have no idea what the Western is and they would reject it if they knew.

To close this brief introduction, I must say that the fragmentation of this part of the Iranian society is not the major problem that they have. There is a very serious issue, which is not known to most of these people, and still affects them terribly. This fact has to do with their own self-identification and description as ‘Pro-Western’ or ‘Westernized’. Although these people think that they are so, in reality they are not.

Certainly they want to remove their hijab, but they don’t want homosexual marriages in Iran.

Iranians participating in anti-governmental protests have a completely wrong idea about the Western world.
Deceived anti-governmental protesters in Tehran have fallen victims of the lies, the fake promises, and the hidden, true face of their Western friends and supporters. Their riots offered useful material to Western mass media that give no damn whether 30, 300 or 3000 Iranians die.

Certainly they want to have a parliamentarian political system, which looks like that of a European country; but they don’t want to pass lawless laws according to which the school teachers will demand from a ‘court of Justice’ to separate the children from their parents because the latter did not ‘explain’ to them at the age of 7 that they can change their gender.

Certainly they want to have free alcohol in Iran, but they don’t want prostitution, fornication, and adultery, as well as premarital and extramarital relations to be considered as ‘legal’ activities in Iran.

Certainly they don’t want a sectarian decision-making in Iran; but this is only due to their ignorance and lack of understanding of the Western world. What difference at this point would it make to abolish a pseudo-Islamist sectarian decision-making in Iran only to replace it by a Zionist sectarian decision-making?

Who said that Iran must be governed by filthy and criminal dictators, who would ‘conclude’ (only because they were heavily bribed) that “Iran does not need nuclear weapons”, “Russia and China are a threat”, “NATO is necessary for regional security” and “UK, France, Canada, Australia, US, New Zealand, and Israel” are ‘normal’ states?

No one needs beasts like that in Iran!

My simple and straightforward conclusion is that, in spite of all drawbacks and serious mistakes, oversights, and wrongdoings, Iranians do not need, do not want, do not deserve, and will not approve of a regime change geared -not out of love for the (deliberately misrepresented in, and concealed from, the Western world) Iranian nation and civilization but- because of an inhuman, vicious hatred for the holy land of Iran, which proved throughout the ages to be definitely more important than the Roman Empire, let alone South Canaan (fake Israel) and South Balkans (fake Greece).

I have an advice for all Iranian protestors: go to China!

Forget UK and US! These countries are impermissible to exist and they will cease to exist.

It is on this background that I received a comment about one of my articles on Iran, which was first published in 2007. I herewith publish the comment and my response. The old article concerned the Ayatollah regime of Iran and how it functioned to the benefit of Western colonial powers; it can be found here:   



IV. A reader’s comment on Western foreign involvement in Iran

Dear Shamsaddin,

With the ongoing social revolution in Iran, I also discovered the historic links between Freemasons and the Shiite clergy. I shall read your document with keen interest.

Best regards


V. Response about the manifestations in Iran and evil agendas

Thank you for your interest and comment! Unfortunately, this article is an old publication which was first published in the American Chronicle, Buzzle and AfroArticles back in 2007, immediately reproduced in Fravahr, and later republished here. Of course, I did not change my mind over the past 15 years, but the presentation is very brief.

People did/do not understand the nature of Western colonialism and that is why great empires have been decomposed by the Western criminals. The Western world is a composite tyrannical regime ruled by elites that, while expanding worldwide and exploiting the rest of the world, fight against one another: Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists utilize every resource (i.e. every state) available, and in the process, other countries get destroyed, dismembered and ruined.

What various establishments, empires and kingdoms outside the Western world failed to understand is the following observation. When France became the ally of the Ottoman Empire and England supported Iran, the French and the English interests were protected, whereas Iran and the Ottoman Empire got dissolved. Why? Because both alliances were a scheme and a lie!

When a secret organization like the CIA places an ignorant and worthless soldier atop of a country (like Gamal Abdel Nasser), they also manage to put next to him a driver and a cook who are their own pawns (but the worthless soldier does not know it) and they can kill the ‘important person’ any time they receive the order to do this.

When Napoleon sent a special envoy to the Qajar Shah to ask permission that French soldiers cross Iran to attack the English criminals in India (and prevent the then forthcoming collapse of the Mughal), the English sent their own agent who managed to poison the French envoy in a public restaurant in Esfahan.

After the English made of a soldier (Reza Khan) the king of Iran (to turn an Oriental Empire into a weak and worthless nationalistic kingdom), they

– first, gave him his … name (the poor guy did not have a clue what Pahlevi meant),

– second, prepared the opponent of his son {Khomeini was guided by English stooges as to what to study, what to write in his thesis, and what vision of possible ‘Islamic’ state to compose (the ridiculous Wilayat al Faqih serves only English interests in Islamic countries)}, and

– third, corrupted his son (when he was ‘studying’ in Switzerland in the 1930s) so that finally he deposed the idiotic Reza Khan, and he ruled until he was deposed too.

Look at this picture! Notice the position of the legs of both persons! It is quite telling – about who the teacher/master and who the pupil/student are!

The young shah and F. D. Roosevelt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Reza_Pahlavi#/media/File:Shah_with_FDR.jpeg

So, what you call ‘social revolution in Iran’ is not a social revolution, but a well-prepared (by the Zionists) operation against the pathetic gang of the Ayatollahs who operated (without knowing it) as local stooges of the English Freemasonry. In other words, it is a proxy war between the secret services of England from one side (the silly Iranian government) and from the other side (fake manifestations organized by tele-guided protestors) the secret services of Israel (anti-Netanyahu side) and one part of the US establishment (anti-Trump side).

Today’s stupid Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia fail to understand that, after the abolition of the caliphate, there is no Islam. To set up an empire, Muslims do not need the Hadith and the various Madhhab. They need the Art of the Empire. Timur (Tamerlane) is far more important than prophet Muhammad today. Not in order to start fighting stupidly and idiotically (like the idiotic Islamists here and there), but to make sense of Timur’s mental skills, faculties, perceptual powers and instantaneous reflexes / reactions. That’s why Sharaf al Din Ali Yazdi and his Zafarnameh are more important than the Quran – not as just a reading, but to first study and understand Timur’s unmatched strategic capacities and later to reproduce them within the present context against all the enemies of the Islamic world.



The war is imperial, not religious. The Western enemies of the Muslims want to

a) divert all Muslims to fake theologies that have been deliberately and systematically presented to them as ‘religion’ (i.e. Islam),

b) engulf them in this idiocy, and

c) utilize them for their calamitous agendas.

A fake Mahdi and a fake prophet Jesus have been produced (with microchips in their stupid heads and without knowing it) and they may ‘appear’ in public, if some evil agendas are successfully advanced.

Who are today’s best Muslims?

Putin and Xi Jinping!

The only who block the advance of the evil Western agendas.

Extra readings:

Published before 5 years:


Published before 11 years:


Notice the Al Qaeda Homunculi, the “front office” and the “back office”!

Best wishes for Mawlid un-Nabi,

Best regards,


Tajrish Bazaar, Tehran: where Iranians from all the walks of life meet.


Download the text in Word doc.:

Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Greece: False History, Fake Religion and Worthless Education lead to Disastrous Wars to fit an Evil Eschatological Agenda

Few days ago, I sent to a friend in Turkey a link to the Times of Israel; the feature presents new archaeological discoveries dating back to the time of Ramses II (who reigned from 1304 to 1235/or as per the lower chronological system, which is less probable, from 1279 to 1213). The article can be found here:

Frozen in time: 3,300-year-old burial cave from Ramses II era found at popular beach 


I- The Calamitous Structure of Cultural Colonialism

My friend replied asking me to what extent we can trust Israeli scholars. His few words revealed an enormous ignorance, which -quite unfortunately- was personal and particular to him but prevails worldwide. This ignorance has to do with a very crucial issue, namely the fact that between the layer of Western (Israeli included) scholars and that of the average public, there are -across the Earth- several other layers through which the discoveries, data, explorations, info, investigations and conclusions of the various scholars are being distorted, altered and totally disfigured in order to keep the general readership in confusion, wrong conceptualization of the facts, and mistaken contextualization of the data. Of course, many scholars are known for carrying out biased research and for deliberately distorting the historical truth in order to promote preconceived schemes, fake ideologies, and personal misperceptions, but this layer is not always the main part of the problem.

Due to the aforementioned layers, the same original piece of info ends up multiply transfigured and ultimately misunderstood among various readers all over the world. These layers of catastrophic disinformation and premeditated misinformation have to do with the educational system of each and every country, the contents of the historical manuals, the publishing houses, the books published or not published, the effectuation or omission of translations (of books written in other languages), the press and the mass media in general, the different topics featured or avoided, the various issues discussed or not discussed, the frequency with which themes are presented, the circle of the Art and notably Cinematography, the movies and the documentaries released or not released, the local academic establishment in general, the religious establishment and the extent to which it influences (or it is allowed to influence) the entire nation, and -last but not the least- the political-governmental-administrative establishment. 

At this point, it is essential to clarify that the political-governmental-administrative establishment in most of the countries of the world is not at all as powerful and as omnipotent as people erroneously think it is. This is so because of the fact that in most of the countries the ruling class is merely the product of the local ‘system’ (all the previous layers that I mentioned and viewed in historical perspective) and they therefore have tragically failed to even imagine that, in order to be real rulers, they have to first reject everything that they know, then examine, crosscheck, criticize and re-evaluate everything they had been taught, every single point that they had learned as hypothetically correct, and every single issue in life that they accepted thoughtlessly. Without an overwhelming, ongoing self-criticism, everyone can be mistaken at any possible moment. Permanent reassessment of everything is the clear condition that distinguishes the living from the dead. 

Now, the above statement takes an even more nefarious turn if we take into consideration that in most of the cases a colonial interference took place locally involving extensive practices of educational, academic, intellectual, cultural, spiritual, ideological, political, economic and military intrusion, guidance and dictatorial decision-making in total opposition with the indigenous nation’s spiritual integrity, moral decency, cultural integrity, and national coherence.

Quite unfortunately, the very maleficent reality is that at the origin of every political-governmental-administrative establishment that is virtually unable to ceaselessly perform austere self-criticism and reassessment are hidden the immutable successors of a colonially imposed administration, which had caused terrible bloodshed because it was (at least initially) rejected. These colonial pawns that were dictatorially placed atop of the local government implemented colonial choices against local traditions, options and concepts at all levels: governmental, political, military, intellectual, academic, religious, spiritual, educational, artistic, cultural, behavioral and economic.

The colonial powers of England, France and America did not implement the same policies and did not seek to get the same results everywhere; from place to place, they tried to produce a fake, colonial, reality that suits the eschatological agendas of the different parts (Jesuit, Freemasonic, Zionist) of their establishment and backstage.

Here, they gathered 4-5 different nations and they tried to build a new state (this is called ‘Afghanistan’); there, they tried to divide a united nation (which has merely linguistic particularities from place to place, as it happens everywhere) and they created a fake nation out of thin air (this is named ‘Ukraine’). Every single detail of the colonial policies and practices hinges on eschatological details of the different agendas of the-powers-that-be.

What follows is my response to my friend’s question about the veracity of Israeli scholars’ findings and conclusions.


Dear Hakan,

Hope you are fine!

When it comes to the modern state of Fake Israel, I can tell you very easily that, in reality, today’s fake Muslims, due to their ignorance and stupidity, created that state. They contributed to its success only due to their darkness. I will only give you few examples of what these Muslims did not know.

 II- Southern Canaan: an Egyptian Territory  

The entire southern Canaan was part of Egypt for many centuries. Few people (even in Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan) know that most of today’s Lebanon, the southern confines of Syria, the western part of Jordan, and all the land of Palestine belonged to Egypt for several hundreds of years in the second half of the 2nd millennium BCE.

Of course, these lands were not inhabited by Egyptians but Canaanites, i.e. Semitic populations who were the ancestors of the Phoenicians. However, they were heavily Egyptianized culturally and in every major city there was a good scribe specialized in Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Egyptians allowed local chieftains and small kings to stay in and rule place, and they collected annual tribute. But Egyptian army was patrolling there, pretty much like throughout North Sudan (i.e. Ancient Cush) for more than 1000 km south of Wadi Halfa alongside the Nile (up to Abu Hamed).

Asiatic and Cushitic territories were in reality colonial provinces. That is why it is correct to divide Ancient Egyptian History into Ancient Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Empire (1580-1080 BCE), because the 18th-20th dynasties constituted an imperial force.

In the northern confines of their Asiatic territories, the Egyptians were constantly clashing with the North Mesopotamian Mitanni kingdom of the Hurrians and with the Anatolian Hittites in order to maintain their presence in Southern Canaan. 

The most famous of those battles was at Kadesh (Ancient Canaanite term from which originates the Arabic word Quds), which was located 25 km SW of Homs (Emessa). The battle of Kadesh (nearby the Orontes River-Asi Nehri; the same river that crosses Antioch/Antakya) is the earliest war to be documented from two different historical sources (Cuneiform Hittite and Egyptian hieroglyphics) and, although Ramses II (fighting at very old age) risked being encircled, the battle ended with no real outcome. The two emperors realized that they were in a status of military parity and expressed a certain degree of reciprocal respect; they then concluded the World History’s earliest saved treaty: the Treaty of Kadesh (between Hattushili III and Ramses II) — of which a copy is present in the premises of UN in New York.  

Ramses II at the Battle of Kadesh, as depicted on the walls of his temple at Abu Simbel
Ramses II at the Battle of Kadesh; Ramesseum






Cuneiform version of the Treaty of Kadesh; Archaeological Museum of Istanbul
Another cuneiform version of the Treaty of Kadesh, Neues Museum Berlin
Egyptian hieroglyphic version of the Treaty of Kadesh on the western outer wall of the Cachette farm at the Amun temple of Karnak

III. Wrong Education & Ignorance of Historical Identity can destroy entire countries

All this and much more should be on all historical manuals of the schoolchildren of Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey. Publishing houses should translate to Turkish, Arabic, Syriac, Coptic, Kurmanji, Zazaki, and Sorani books written by foreign scholars about these topics. 

These topics should also be extensively and repeatedly discussed in the press and the TV, while great historical films and many documentaries should have been shot on similar historical events too. For a Turk today, Hattushili III and the Battle of Kadesh are more important than Mehmet II’s conquest of the tiny city-state of Constantinople in 1453. Any stupid guy, who disagrees with my statement, will lose his stupid country that he -provenly- does not deserve.

Unfortunately, the local, ignorant and uneducated masses of these countries destroy themselves and compromise (or even endanger) their future with their false religion (on which they so excessively but so erratically, so purposelessly and so mistakenly focus). This is so, because their so-called religion has nothing to do with the historical faith preached by prophet Muhammad, but consists in an evil and execrable political ideology that keeps all the masses idiotic enough for England, France, America, Canada, Australia, Israel, Belgium, New Zealand and Holland to use them as they want. Why is this so? Because their fake religion prevents a proper nation building!

All the ignorant and idiotic sheikhs of today’s fake Islam are the best tools of Israel, UK, US, France and the Western World in general. You will see that Israel will sooner or later will expand its borders — not for any other reason but because all these idiots, the Palestinians, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, the Lebanese, the Iraqis and others never became real nations able to duly evaluate their own History and extract the correct conclusions as regards their political decision-making. For the time being, only Russia prevents Israel from occupying all lands between Euphrates and Nile.

People, who do not know their History, will therefore be erased by the criminal Zionists, Jesuits and Freemasons. These evil gangsters, who controlled the real power of the Western countries, imposed on the colonized populations of the detached provinces of the Ottoman Empire the existing, fake religious and political leaderships in order to deliberately make these populations permanently unable to become proper nations and fight for their lands. 

IV. National History, not Religion, makes today’s Nations Strong

The only, who understood the reality and imposed the correct measures and the suitable educational programs, was Kemal Ataturk; for today’s Turks, the History of the Hittites, the Assyrians, the Urartu, the Phrygians, the Ionians, the Romans, the Eastern Romans, the Aramaeans. the Iranians, the Turkmen and the Mongols is more important than the life of prophet Muhammad, the early Caliphates, and the failed Ottoman family rulers.  

Ataturk visiting findings at the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul
1930: Ataturk visiting Aspendos to inspect the excavations of the local theater of the Roman period
Kemal Ataturk examining Hittite findings from Alaca Höyük





National History, National Education, National Identity and National Integrity have nothing to do with religion, but have much to do with culture. That is why at the level of the correct educational curriculum, there must not be a course of Religion, but a course of History of Religion. Consequently, for the National History of the Turks today, the Hittite religion, the Attalid religion (as documented on so many monuments of Pergamum/Bergama), Iranian Mithraism (as revealed in Nemrut Dagh, the illustrious peak sanctuary and tumulus of Commagene, and elsewhere), Manichaeism and Nestorian / Monophysitic Christianity are more important than the early History of Islam, which did not occur on Anatolian soil.

Either you like it or not, it is like this or ….. you then have

– Greeks asking Smyrna, Ikonion, Constantinople and Trabzon,

– Armenians demanding NE Anatolia (by using the Armenian names of the different locations),

– Syrians saying that Hatay province belongs to Damascus, and 

– Kurmanji aspiring to their own «state»!

The only possible response to the racism, the irredentism and the revisionism that are promoted by the so-called ‘Megali Idea’ of the fake Greek state is the full public demonstration of the fact that today’s Turks reflect the historical continuity of all nations and civilizations that existed in Anatolia. But this must be shown. The historical documentation must be evident in various festivals, special feasts, public spectacles, historical manuals, documentaries, movies, books, the press, the TV channels and the political discourses of the politicians and the statesmen. In other words, Turks must appear as representing the full historical continuity of Anatolia, Istanbul and Thrace. The only possible opposition to the racist version of History, which is supported by fake states fabricated by the West, is History of Cultural and National Continuity.

In a society of nations, there cannot be religious education or religion in Education; there has to be History of Religions. Not a fake version of History of Religions as it happens in the corrupt states of European Union, UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand where the manuals include chapters about Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions that are totally unrelated to those lands! On the contrary, a true and pertinent manual of History of Religions for Turkey’s secondary education will have to include chapters for

a) Manichaeism, which -preached from Mesopotamia- became the first religion in the World History to have adepts from the Atlantic to the Pacific,

Manichaeism – part of Turkey’s national heritage
Manichaeism as integral part of the Iranian-Turanian world

b) Nestorian Christianity, which -preached by Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople- was diffused by the Aramaean merchants of Northern Mesopotamia as far as India, Central Asia, China and Siberia, becoming an important religion among Mongols as well, and making cities like Nusaybin, Urhoy (Urfa), and Mardin known to the easternmost confines of Asia,

The diffusion of Nestorianism

c) Tengrism, which was the traditional monotheistic religion of all Turanian nations in Eastern Siberia, and

d) all the religions of nations that developed civilizations on Anatolian soil.

If you don’t develop your National History in a way that reconfirms the continuity that you represent, you simply don’t stand on your territory. Others will demand it. And this is the scope of the foreign involvement (I mean that of the colonial powers); they attempt to revive ancient conditions, situations and kingdoms. 

V. What means National History for today’s Turks?

Today’s Turks are an amalgamation of several Anatolian nations from the Hittites down to the Eastern Romans, with a minor component of various Turkmen tribes (Seljuk, Dânişmendliler, Akkoyunlu, Karakoyunlu, Ottomans, etc.), who arrived and settled in Anatolia over the past 1000 years. At the times of Kemal Ataturk, true and correct National History was developed and imposed; then the Greeks did not have to demand anything anymore.

The ominous «Megali Idea» was abolished because of the rise of Kemal Ataturk.


Because it had a certain value only when opposite the stupid Ottomans!

Why were the Ottomans stupid?

Because they wanted to live in an era of modern nations without developing their National History (if they ever could)!

The idiots thought that their fake religion was enough!

That’s why they became a most ridiculed and ultimately windswept kiosk!!

When stupid politicians started coloring Turkey’s cultural heritage as markedly Turkic / Turanian, the Greeks (guided by the French and other Westerners) started saying: «let’s go back to Central Asia» or «prophecies announced our return to ‘our’ Constantinople»! They are technically right, although they were saying evident lies, because the stupid Pan-Turanians of Alparslan Türkeş are the mere fabrication of the English secret services.

Who is Alparslan Türkeş?

A Cypriot!

This means automatically «an agent of the English, who was sent to Turkey in order to destroy the state of Kemal Ataturk». 

Türkeş’ stupid face is that of a Mediterranean; same for Bahçeli; if he walks in the streets of Ashgabat, Almaty or Bishkek they will take him for a European, a Pole or a Czech!!

And as you know, Pan-Turkism and Pan-Turanianism were strictly prohibited in Turkey at the time of Kemal Ataturk.


Because they are a form of Trotskyism and false internationalism!

Why do I say that the Greeks, willing to return to Constantinople, are technically right, although they were saying evident lies?

This is so for the following reasons; a monument is a dead item. It becomes alive in the hearts and the minds of people, who are conscious of their association with this monument, feel what it represents to them as cultural heritage, and have a proper perception of the monument’s value.

If for Turks Ayasofya (Hagia Sophia) Museum is more related to Mehmet II (1432-1481; reigned from 1444 to 1446 and from 1451 to 1481) than to Justinian I (482-565; reigned after 527), this means that they do not want to represent the Eastern Roman element or component of their identity. So, the Greeks are technically right, when saying that they feel attached to the value of the monument as a church. This situation generates apparently a clash (with one country reflecting one cultural-historical component of the monument, and the other expressing another component) that the Western powers will do their ingenious best to exploit.

Emperor Justinian and ….
…. his empire
900 years after Justinian, Mehmet II was declared Roman Emperor (Qaysar-i Rum) in 1453, but ……
his empire was much smaller.

The statu quo ante (when Ayasofya was exclusively a Museum) was a well-thought and balanced situation; it explicitly represented Modern Turkish equidistant stance towards the Eastern Roman and the Ottoman past (and cultural components of the monument); the only possible correct step beyond Kemal Ataturk’s wise decision would be to open the monument to both cults of parity basis; 60 days (1/6 of the year) for each cult would be a realistic and well-considered approach. It would also reflect the historical reality as per which the ancestors of many of today’s Turks were Eastern Roman Orthodox at the time of the conquest of Constantinople (1453).

What are the evident lies that the Greeks say?

This is simple to answer. In reality, they are very hypocritical about their claims on Hagia Sophia and Constantinople; this is so because of the lawless laws that they passed in order to be in harmony with those of the evil European Parliament and the biased pro-homosexual, pro-fornication and pro-Sodomy policies that the corrupt Western countries pursue.

You cannot evoke the last Eastern Roman king when you disreputably, criminally and inhumanly accept homosexual marriages; homosexuals and lesbians have no right to speak about Christian churches because by so doing, they desecrate them. 

VI. Between Turkey and Greece, there can only be a Clash between Two Opposite Historical Models. 

There cannot be opposition of the type «Islam vs. Christianity» or «Islam vs. West» in the clash between Turkey and Greece. This is what the Western colonial countries attempt to achieve via their local stooges; but it will be mutually calamitous. The only possible clash has to be that between two opposite historical models. This demands from the Turks a high level of national historical consciousness in order to demolish the bogus-historical dogma of the modern fake Greek state.

The only chance for any modern state to constitute a real modern nation is to consolidate its National History, National Education, National Identity and National Integrity; Turks do not need stupid and fake movies about the Ottoman family. They need movies about the Hittites, their enemy Troy, and their allies, i.e. the Achaeans of Mycenae. They need movies about the Attalids; they need movies about the Ionians of Smyrna who were very different from the Dorians of Sparta. They need movies about the kings of Pontus who were entirely Iranian Mithraic of culture. They need movies about the wars between the Eastern Romans and the Sassanid Iranians. They need movies about the Eastern Roman religious movements of Iconoclasm and Paulicianism.



iconoclastic art Hagia Irene Church (Aya İrini)
The two sides of the religious dispute (Icon-fighters and iconolaters) present their arguments to the Emperor.

The most important point in all the above is this: in these proposed movies that have to be released by Turkish Cinematography, the various Greek positions about these topics must be opposed and rejected. In all these proposed projects, the truth must be emphatically supported and propagated, and the lies of the Greek education, books, press, mass media, and documentary movies rejected. 

In other words, the true opposition between today’s Turkey and today’s Greece cannot be a silly polarization of the type «Ottoman Empire» vs. «Eastern Roman Empire». It has to take another form; when releasing a documentary, writing a book, including a chapter in the manuals or arranging a seminar and an open lecture about the «Eastern Roman Empire» (for which today’s Greeks blindly support Iconolatry and Iconodulism), the Turkish authors, speakers, intellectuals or film directors must defend (in the manuals of National History, in the press and the mass media, in the publishing houses, and in the documentary movies) Iconoclasm and Iconomachy. 






In Greece where there is no freedom to establish private universities, the various pseudo-professors of the state universities, the racist bogus-journalists, and the clownish diplomats, who are indoctrinated with the state’s fake historical dogma, say thousands of lies about Ancient Ionians, Aeolians, Asia Minor, Troy, Pontus, Cappadocia, and the Eastern Roman Empire.

Either Turkey will oppose all this filthy material point by point or Ankara will play stupidly the game of the French and the English with Erdogan’s silly Political Islam and then the country will be destroyed, because this is the existing English-French-American plan. Turkey will then look like another Palestine or Afghanistan.   

This is the supreme reality in today’s world: 

– if you don’t fully and comprehensively express the historical past and the cultural heritage of your land in the National History manuals of your high schools, others do not accept that your lands belong to you. This is common for all: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Sudan, Yemen, etc.

VII. Muslim Countries without National History will disappear in the Forthcoming Reconquista

Instead of learning Arabic and religion in the high schools, in Egypt the school children should study Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Coptic.

Instead of learning Arabic and religion in the high schools, in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan  the school children should study Phoenician, Assyrian-Babylonian, Hurrian, Aramaic and Syriac (Suryani).

Instead of learning Arabic and religion in the high schools, in Iraq the school children should study Assyrian-Babylonian and Sumerian.

Instead of learning Arabic and religion in the high schools, in Turkey the school children should study Hittite, Assyrian-Babylonian, Ancient Greek and Latin. 

Instead of learning Arabic and religion in the high schools, in Iran the school children should study Old Achaemenid Cuneiform and Middle Persian (of the Sassanid times).

What you fail to understand that what is being undertaken by the Western colonial countries and the forces behind them (in addition to several other projects) consists in reality in another Reconquista. 

What happened in 15th c. Spain (when the Catholic forces eradicated the local Muslim states), what took place in 16th c. Russia and Siberia (when the Orthodox forces gradually eliminated the local Muslim states), and what occurred in 19th c. Balkans (when the colonially fabricated fake states of Greece, Montenegro, Serbia and Romania terminated the Ottoman presence there) is now being attempted in several fronts from Morocco to Indonesia.

VIII. Religion does not liberate Nations! National History and Identity do!

In fact, all the fake professors of universities, fake sheikhs, fake politicians, fake journalists and even fake film directors in all the aforementioned countries worked in order to generate the Greater Israel, and when it will become a reality, all the people will stupidly ask «oh! How did it happen?»

I am not a fake historian, who got a position by saying «yes» to silly politicians, to trashy sheikhs and to fake (: crypto-homosexual) priests, who have been put in place by the English, the French and the Americans in order to destroy their own country.

I am a historian who learned and said always the truth.

You will soon see the terrible disaster that these ignorant, idiotic and cursed sheikhs of Hamas and Hezbollah, of Al Azhar and Medina proved to be able to bring on their peoples!

When did I come to know about it? In 2004! At the time, I was working in Cairo, but wanted to find a position in a university in another country. So, I checked online, found Birzeit University in Ramallah (later I understood that it was a CIA nest), noticed that they did not have a proper National History of the Palestinian Nation (from the Peleset of Crete and the Aegean to the Philistines to the Aramaization of the Roman times), and I wrote to them an email, attaching a long proposal and my curriculum. 

After all, what is a nation without National History? A non-entity gone with the wind!

Result? No response! It was a very useful and rewarding experience for me! I then realized that all these fake professors of Palestinian (and other) universities are in fact on the payroll of the English and the American secret services (or merely depend on those who are), and they will consequently die like dogs before finally going to the bottom of the Hell where a position has been reserved for them.

This is the only truth: Israel was in reality created by all the stupid, uneducated and ignorant leaders of surrounding nations and by equally ignorant tribal chieftains of the Palestinians who did not know how to properly act and pertinently react. 

All these stupid people did not have National History (: did not know their own National History) in order to effectively oppose and reject the lies of the Khazarians who were never Jewish but played a theater that not one Muslim mufti, qadi or sheikh was able to ever detect — let alone denounce and decry, proving the Khazarians’ claims on Palestine as entirely and definitely false.

Now, all the wars, which will soon explode, will be useful only to the various plans and agendas of the Zionist Khazarians, the Fake Freemasons of England, the other Fake Freemasons of France and America, and the Jesuits of Vatican.

Real faith has nothing to do with prayer or fasting; these are optional tools to consolidate the faith. Faith means -above all- pertinent use of every person’s intellect. This is God’s greatest present to Man. 

Men have to use their intellect or they will face the consequences!

Best regards,



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The Only Way for China to destroy the West is to outfox and dismantle the Fallacious Colonial Model of History first

What follows is my brief response to an Oromo scholar and friend from Occupied Oromia in the colonial state of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia). While Ahmed Abiy, the criminal butcher of Addis, indiscriminately kills daily hundreds of Oromos, Sidamas, Afars, Ogadenis, Shekachos, Gedeos, Kaffas, Kambatas, Hadiyas, Wolayitas, Agaws, Bertas, Nuer, Anyuaks and other subjugated and persecuted nations of Eastern Africa, the evil states of England, France, US, Canada, Australia, Vatican, Israel, Holland, Belgium, etc. keep silent about the vicious crimes incessantly perpetrated in Occupied Oromia and across many other illegally occupied territories that have been illegitimately incorporated into Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), i.e. the realm of the Amhara and Tigray thugs, who have been the local agents of the colonial powers for 170 years.

The guilty states of England, France, US, Canada, Australia, Vatican, Israel, Holland, Belgium, etc. are not only the enemies of all African, Asiatic, Central and Eastern European, and Amerindian nations, but also the scheming perpetrators of the 19th c. worst evildoings, namely the Opium Wars against China.  

The gangster states of England, France, US, Canada, Australia, Vatican, Israel, Holland, Belgium, etc. constitute the worldwide epitome of bias, atrocity and monstrosity, while pretending to care ‘freedom’, ‘democracy’, ‘human rights’ and whatever else is included in their filthy and paranoid jargon; these are the beasts that wanted to ‘liberate’ Syrians, Libyans and Yemenites in 2011 only to plunge them into civil wars, bloodshed, cholera, and Saudi-led or Turkey-engineered aggressions.

Although the unrepentant England, France, US, Canada, Australia, Vatican, Israel, Holland, Belgium, etc. murderers entered into wars in order to gradually split the socialist relic of Yugoslavia to pieces, their rulers do not apply the same measures in the case of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia). Their acts speak for themselves: for them, the life of a Slovene costs more than that of an Ogadeni, the freedom of a Croat matters whereas that of an Oromo does not, and the peace of a Kosovar counts, but that of a Sidama is next to nothing. 

The lawless states of England, France, US, Canada, Australia, Vatican, Israel, Holland, Belgium, etc. appear now to very much care about the religious freedom of the Uighurs; but the Chinese did not invade, occupy, and dissolve a local state or kingdom in the way 19th c. Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians did, fighting with English and French guns against the aforementioned Cushitic nations of Eastern Africa, who defended their most ancient and noble kingdoms with shields, swords and spears. About: https://www.academia.edu/43645563/Links_to_my_articles_about_Official_Czarist_Russian_Envoy_Alexander_Bulatovichs_books_on_1890s_Abyssinia_and_his_expedition

The felonious states of England, France, US, Canada, Australia, Vatican, Israel, Holland, Belgium, etc. set the foundations of their colonialism, racism, white supremacism, discrimination, perversion, and anti-African, anti-Asiatic, anti-Chinese, anti-Amerindian, anti-Christian, anti-Islamic and anti-human hatred and rhetoric on an erroneous and peremptory assessment of their own historical past and on a deliberate distortion of the World History, which has been effectuated in a way to ‘justify’ their fake values, to suit their dirty interests, and to present them as ‘civilized’ whereas they (and their forefathers) have always been crude barbarians.



Nicolas Poussin, the Modern European Classicism, and the distortion of Pre-Christian Rome and Greece
Raffaello Sanzio, Renaissance, and the peremptory, fallacious, paranoid representation of Ancient Greece absurdly portrayed as important and civilized
The racist, corrupt and fallen system of the Roman Republic
The historically unimportant, ancient town of Athens, their corrupt and racist political system, Pericles and Thucydides: a politician of empty rhetoric and a fake historian who exalted a devious state that caused a Civil War only to be ultimately defeated. Modern West Europeans and North Americans made of that evil system their ideal form of governance because they identified themselves, their barbarian cruelty, and their mendacious rhetoric with Ancient Athens’ miserable evildoings.


All those, who fight to eliminate the calamitous consequences of the 16th–20th c. West European and North American colonialism, and those who struggle against the French-Anglo-American intellectual-academic-educational-cultural neocolonialism and hegemonism, must join forces with China and carry out the vast preparatory work needed: the fake ‘story’ of the West, namely the Greco-centric, Romano-centric, Euro-centric, and Occidentalo-centric version of History must be systematically, comprehensively and irrevocably refuted, rejected and canceled.

Greece, Rome and Western Europe are not the center, but the margin of History.

Europe is not a continent; it is Asia’s less civilized peninsula.

The Valley of the Nile (Egypt and Cush), Syro-Palestine, Mesopotamia, Iran, Turan (Central Asia– Siberia), and China constitute the real axis around which the History of the Mankind revolved for millennia; to this axis are also appended the African Atlas and the Sahara, Punt (Somalia), Yemen, Anatolia, Caucasus, the Indus Valley, and the Ganges Valley.



Hammurapi of Babylonia
Thutmose III of Egypt (Kemet)
Hattushili III of Hittite Anatolia
Sargon II and Sargonid Assyria
Darius I the Great and Achaemenid Iran
Ashoka of Hind
Shorkaror of Cush-Meroe
Eastern Han China: Dahuting tomb murals from Zhengzhou, Henan
Shapur I and Sassanid Iran
Justinian I and the Eastern Roman Empire
Khusraw I and Sassanid Iran
Tang emissaries to King Varkhuman of Sogdia (Afrasiab murals, Samarkand) 7th c. CE
Opera in Yuan China
Emperor Taizu of Ming China
Timur (Tamerlane) and the Islamic Intellectual and Scientific Revival


These facts must become known to all the people around the world, while true History must replace the racist and nonsensical Western myth. China must not sell only its products; Beijing has the task to write a Western-fallacy-free History, while demolishing the West European-North American Renaissance historical revisionism, which is the reason of all the wars, and of the bloodshed that ensued.


Thank you, Prof.! You & Cheikh Anta Diop inverted/changed my mind upside down. Bless!

Yea. Colonizers invented ‘Nubia’ to dismantle Kushites’ unity, but they couldn’t succeed.

—————————— MY RESPONSE ————————

Exactly! One must undertake an enormous effort of refuting the Wikipedia because many people go there and get misinformed and confused.

With the exception of the Temple of Mandulis (Maluli) at Kalabsha (Talmis), almost all the monuments between Abu Simbel and Khartoum are Cushitic. Yes, there are few Ancient Egyptian temples (at Soleb, Sedeinga and Sai Island) but they are few and mainly date back to the New Empire, when Kemet (Egypt) occupied Ethiopia (Cush/Sudan).

But no one can call the Cushitic sites of Kerma, Napata (Karima), Meroe, Mussawarat as Sufra, Naqa, etc. “Nubian”. This is done on purpose; they prepare a state between Egypt and Sudan (after cutting territories from both) and they want to ‘endow’ that state with a ‘History’ that is not its own.

The evil colonial powers did the same in Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey: they fabricated a fake nation ‘called’ Kurds to which they ‘ascribed’ the past of the Ancient Medes – which is ludicrous. Read: https://www.academia.edu/26160549/The_Medes_will_not_return_The_Freemasonic_Forgery_of_a_Kurdish_Nation_and_the_US_False_Christians_by_Prof_Muhammad_Shamsaddin_Megalommatis

There is not one Kurdish nation, but many different nations that they call Kurds: Kurmanji, Zazaki, Sorani, Gorani, Bahadinani, Faili, Yazidi, etc. Yes, there was a 12th-13th c. Arabic/Farsi term ‘Akrad’ (‘Kurds’); but it was collective. Same as ‘Atrak’ (‘Turks’). It is wrong to translate ‘Atrak’ as ‘Turks’; the authors did not mean ‘Turks of Turkey’, but some (in every case different) types of Turkic nations (Turkmen, Azeri, Uzbek, Tatar, Kipchak, etc.).

Colonial historians, Orientalists and Africanists, never wrote a word to eventually reveal / represent the truth; in any case, they don’t search the truth altogether. They try to always transform everything that they find into a compatible element of their preconceived, arbitrary and extremely false version of History that they want to impose on the entire world.

And the best method for them to achieve this evil target (that they implement) is their effort that they carry out be meticulously separating colonized nations from colonized nations:

Oromos do not study Azeri History,

Baluch do not study Oromo History,

Nigerian Hausa do not study Somali History, and

Uzbeks do not study Ancient Egypt and Sudan.

That’s how the fallacious colonial model of History remains unchallenged in most of the world’s universities with

a) Turkish professors teaching parts of this historical model that damage the national interests of Turkey,

b) Egyptian professors teaching parts of this historical model that damage the national interests of Egypt,

c) Sudanese professors teaching parts of this historical model that damage the national interests of Sudan,

d) Yemeni professors teaching parts of this historical model that damage the national interests of Yemen, …

… and so on, and so on.

My sole hope is that the Chinese Anti-Occidentalism (which is due to the fact that the Chinese – thank God – did not forget the Opium Wars that England, France and other Western countries waged against them before 150-170 years) will drive today’s Chinese to the only correct conclusion, namely that ………

………….. the only way for China to destroy the West is to outfox and dismantle the fallacious colonial model of History first.

All the History of Islam, of Christianity, of Asia, of Africa, of Europe, of Ancient Greece, of Ancient Rome, and of the Ancient Orient, which is known today, is false.

In fact, this is what all people ‘know’ today as ‘history’: whatever part of History (plus all the well-prepared distortions that are associated to it) is necessary to today’s political interests of the colonial powers.

So, by saying that “today people do not know anything about the true historical past”, one describes only half of the truth.

The other half is this: the fallacy that most of the people know today as ‘history’ is something that

i) detrimentally damages their own interests, and

ii) ultimately serves the interests of the evil colonial states of France, England and America.

Without the complete demolition of the fallacious colonial model of History, the Chinese will risk becoming … ‘Westerners’.

In this manner, they will stop being properly Chinese and become …. mere Western puppets, like the Egyptians, the Sudanese, the Iranians, the stupid Turkish Islamists of Erdogan, the Tunisians, and all the rest.

To become a true historian, I first rejected Ancient Greece, and second realized that Modern Greece is a fake state.


In the altered world of today, no one can reach the Truth, without rejecting himself many times. All historical texts are either concealed or taught through distortion lenses.

All points, moments, circumstances and periods of History have been altered, and all the people today know systematized lies as History.

  • Jesus has nothing to do with what today’s Christians think/believe that he was.
  • Muhammad has nothing to do with what today’s Muslims think/believe that he was.

And the same is true about Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, etc.

Those idiots, who say that the Holy Books are ‘clear’, are either uneducated and ignorant crooks or demented and paranoid schizophrenics or conscious agents of the colonial gangsters, like the Islamist criminals at Ankara, who want to kill me.  

The only to know the Truth are few people living in remote villages with no technology, no electricity, and no modernity, but close to their traditions, spirituality and wisdom; they may be among the Tuareg of Algeria, the Oromos of Occupied Oromia, the Yemenites of Mahra, the Hazara of Afghanistan or the Qashqai of Fars in Iran.

Yes, these few lucky ones don’t know the History of the World, but they don’t need to know it. They already know the Truth, each of them in his respective location, and Waaqo/Allah knows them. And this is quite enough.

Thank you for your kind words, compliments and news!

Best regards and best wishes,



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Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan & Algeria will soon disappear in an Arab Spring 2.0 – Why not?

Dear All,

Here you have few comments about the defective nature of structures that only conventionally are called ‘modern nations’ or ‘modern states’; these structures will soon collapse and these realms will follow the path of Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc. I expand on why these developments are inevitable. The motive for these comments was a video uploaded by a friend.


Comments on the video about Bernard Lewis and the Arab Spring



References made to Maxime Rodinson, the Laws of the Himyarites, and John Chrysostom’s Eight Speeches against the Jews


Some guys plan the elimination of several countries, and the countries disappear, vanishing into everlasting chaos.


After all, what is a country? 

Its minimum common multiplier.


Once you realize this, you don’t need to study anything more, except only to reconfirm the veracity of your conclusion. Knowing this for Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, and all the rest, including Israel, I can easily, safely and accurately anticipate the end of these structures.


That’s why they cannot oppose the plans of Bernard Lewis whom I met once personally when in postgraduate studies in France. Among other professors’ seminars I attended two seminars of Maxime Rodinson, the friend of Jean Paul Sartre and the famous author of a book ‘Mahomet’ and of another ‘Islam et capitalisme’.


The seminars that I attended were on Pre-Islamic Yemen, Red Sea navigation and trade, Ancient Abyssinian History, and Abyssinian Language (Ge’ez). Rodinson was also the friend of Bernard Lewis, and once, when the latter visited Paris, he invited him in the seminar. 
However, as there are many Ancient Greek and Medieval Greek sources about the History of Pre-Islamic Yemen, I had personally the chance at those days to find how biased Maxime Rodinson was against valuable historical sources that refuted his fake Jewish, Ashkenazi identity and world view.

I could write a book about him; he liked me, but I did not reveal my back thoughts to him, because I already knew that he was a fake Jew and a Freemason. I learned much thanks to him, but I also spent time, after I left France, reexamining and reconsidering my notes, and rejecting many of his points and sayings.


As you know, the Israelis consider these countries properly speaking as technical entities.


The Israelis are very right indeed.


From Morocco to Pakistan and from Uzbekistan to Mozambique: Technical Entities, not States, not Nations!

All the countries that were detached from the Ottoman Empire, Safevid Iran, and Mughal India are technical entities.

They are not proper states.

In 2014, I published an article that I wrote in a very simple manner so that all can read and understand, skipping the enormous amount of associated details that could help an entire team come up with an encyclopedia to duly and fully illuminate the topic.

It is available here:


This is in the section Leading Articles of my account in that site, so you understand that I highlight it to the rest.

I explain the phenomenon only in one dimension, the easier one, namely ‘state’.

If I wrote this article under a slightly different title, changing the word ‘states’ with the word ‘nations’, I would need three or four times the size of the article.

As long as they were subjects of the Ottoman Empire, they were something. The entire Muslim world was progressively collapsing after the 15th c., but they all had an identity.

Useless to state that they were not asked about their detachment from the Ottoman Empire; their independence is therefore totally illegal, and in addition, it is well known that the early generations tried to reverse the detachment/colonization.

What you have afterwards is the formation of the illegal, criminal colonial classes; these are the filthy trashy people, who either in Algeria or in Egypt or elsewhere were treacherous and docile enough to work with the colonial masters in order to extract material profit and obtain significant position professionally, socially and politically. To do so, they diffused chains of lies and enormous volumes of falsehood.

The indigenous populations were thus disconnected from the state that gave them their identity. Even worse for them, they cared too much for their material lives (which is evil) and they did not fight to death against the colonials; their rebellions were therefore gradually quenched. Last, the detached local people of the colonial lands progressively accepted the entire falsehood diffused by their miserable, trashy and fake elites – i.e. the execrable criminals who ‘ruled’ as local slaves of the locally present colonial masters and as real shoeshine boys of the criminal colonial states of France and England.

All this ends in the transformation of the human subjects of the Ottoman Empire into the nationless, History-deprived, culturally empty, baseless, and utterly useless monkeys of Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, etc., etc., etc.

These useless people, their futile and world-destructive existence, are the only obstacle that prevents Real Islam from appearing again as Human Civilization in the world and prevailing at last.

This is the reality: the Israelis must destroy all these countries to ….. bring Prophet Jesus and Mahdi closer!

The Zionists are blind and don’t see that what they try hard to achieve only brings their worst enemies to the forefront of the world politics.

The Freemasons are far smarter and more intelligent and they understand this; that’s why they try to make the Zionist plans fail and in the meantime they prepare their own Anti-Christ.

The Jesuits want to allow the two other organizations to self-ruin in their clash, so that they remain stronger at the end. What is too bad for all is that in their clash they annihilate parts of their plans and harm one another in irreversible manner. Before two months, I published this:
It sheds light on what projects the three organizations intend to carry out in the next few years and how it all interacts.

So, all these monkeys of today’s Islam, who failed to either hit back and achieve the re-establishment of the Ottoman Empire or become proper nations and organize for themselves as pertinent and effective states, will now pay their disregard for their path with their unprecedented destruction, bloodshed, and disappearance. Although born as human, they did their best to insult God by becoming degraded, materialistic beings. This is an inexcusable sin.

The Laws of the Himyarites, Maxime Rodinson, & Today’s Biased, Fake Academic Establishment

To give you an example related with Bernard Lewis and Maxime Rodinson, I will only mention the Medieval Christian Greek text “Laws of the Himyarites” (in Greek: Νόμοι Ομηριτών). Search in Google and in brackets to see how many times you can find this 6th c. Greek text that details the Christianization of the North Yemenite state Himyar of Yemen, just few decades before and around the time of Prophet Muhammad’s birth!

Just 10 results!

Yet, this text has been published within a major, leading academic publication of the 19th c.! Plus, one Greek researcher prepared his thesis on this text in 1991. This means that an invisible hand wants this text to remain unknown to the entire world. Hhhhmmm!

Long before that Greek person prepared his very wrong PhD, I studied this text even before moving to France for postgraduate studies in 1978. Then, in Paris, every week, I attended ca. 70 hours of classes (during six working days), and of course among them I participated in the seminars by Maxime Rodinson.

At a certain point, in my second postgraduate year, we were discussing something in class, and I interfered saying that about this point, there was valuable information in the Laws of the Himyarites. Maxime Rodinson (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxime_Rodinson) became pale and confused, spoke against that text as if the text ….. were a man who killed his father (!!!), all the other attendees (of whom none had read the text and some even did not know its existence – although the seminar was for exclusively postgraduate-doctoral level) were taken by surprise because of this inexplicable wrath against a …. text! Here you can see many pictures of Rodinson: https://www.google.ru/search?q=maxime+rodinson&num=100&newwindow=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihzPKW7b7VAhXI2xoKHVd8DeAQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1053&bih=631#imgdii=xbnbx8bzvz5msM:&imgrc=yi2Zl0zVso2s4M: He has a certain face similarity with Bernard Lewis – both are Ashkenazi Khazarians.

I opposed him very strongly, because I remembered parts of the texts and I summarized them in French. He then tried to discredit the text, which -by the way- was written by the great Christian bishop Gregentius dispatched from Alexandria to Yemen (Himyar) to help expand Christianity there (No English wikipedia entry on this person; still there is an entry in the French wikipedia:


Rodinson had become as red as tomato in his face and asked me to either stop or go out of the seminar. I said that I did not need to speak more about it, and that I only mentioned it, because I thought it could shed light on the point we were discussing. I concluded that it is inevitable that many books about that text will be published to show its veracity and great value and kept silenced.

In the seminar, half of the attendees were French and the rest were foreigners; there were English, German, Abyssinian (Amhara), Yemenite, and few more participants from other countries. After the seminar ended, many came to me to ask me where they could find it and I told them about the leading publication where they could find it (Patrologia Graeca, ed. Migne); unfortunately, to most of them, this long series of volumes was useless. The monumental publication (more than 160 huge volumes in its totality / Gregentius’ text covers many pages in one volume) was easy to find in some specialized libraries, but it contained Christian Greek texts, so all the texts were in Greek. However, the great publication was a complete bilingual opus indeed; all Greek texts are translated in Latin, Modern Europe’s primary academic international language. But only few among my colleagues had strong knowledge of Latin to attempt to read the translation. I knew Latin but I did not need to go through it, since I could read the original Christian Greek text.

The affair ended there, and I never mentioned the text again. I had very friendly relations with Maxime Rodinson, and even I translated it for him a sizable part of an Ancient Greek text to French for him (although I had no obligation to do this and he was not member in any jury that would bestow upon me any title). I even dedicated to him one of my books (published in 1994), writing a very complimentary reference to his course. I attended his seminars from October 1978 until June 1981, and after that I moved to England, Belgium, Germany and the Middle East. But I kept a continuous contact with him, sent him many letters and photocopies of my articles, printouts of my academic publications, and my books. I also called him several times, before I moved to Turkey in 1994. Maxime Rodinson spoke, wrote, read and understood around 20 languages. He could read and understand Ancient & Christian Greek, but he wanted to be sure of some points and that’s why he asked me to offer him the service of benevolently translating that part of text.

So, what about the great text “Laws of Himyarites”?

Well, it details an extremely nauseating image of the Jewish rule over Yemen at the times of the Himyarite proselyte Jew King Dhu Nuwas. About this evil person there are many other sources, but they pale when compared to this text, which provides a full record of laws that are similar in their nature to post WW II Zionist inhuman legislation and legalized sin, viciousness, and Satanism.

In addition, the text includes the debate between Gregentius and a Himyarite Jew who faced a devastating defeat by the bishop.

This is the reason the world Jewry does not want this text respected, known, referred to, consulted, used as historical source, and thoroughly evaluated.

Yemenite Students Abroad: Fake Studies of Fake Citizens

Now, as I told you, there was a Yemenite student in Rodinson’s class; of course, he knew only Arabic, French and some English. This means that he was quasi-illiterate in an environment where every participant knew at least 5-10 languages.

That guy did not even speak Mahri or Socotri, which are Yemen’s true national languages, since Arabic is a foreign language and very different from Pre-Islamic Yemenite languages that were different in their own writing system of which Arabic is totally irrelevant. Mahri and Socotri are the real survivors of the Ancient Yemenite languages. After much time, I asked him what he did with that text (the Laws of the Himyarites) which he could not read either in Christian Greek or in Latin and of which no other modern translation was available. All that he answered was that since Maxime Rodinson said that the text was false and wrong, he would not further bother about it.

Then, I realized that his sloth and laziness was a sickness and a curse that would hit back at him and at his country. Indeed, he should be interested in the text more than I was, because the text, although written in Greek, detailed his own country’s past. But Rodinson’s words were a great excuse for him. This means that he preferred to rely on those who planned the destruction of his country than to reject his false Islam (which is the reason for his sloth and for his ignorance) and work hard to take his fate in his hands.

This situation was for me one of the early indications of what was about to come!

How could it be otherwise?

Ali Abdallah Saleh should have made of this text, the epitome of his foreign policy. And similarly, with other texts, other fake leaders who vanished or will vanish. You know what Qadhafi, Saddam Hussein, Khomeini, Mubarak, Buteflika, Zin al Abedin and others could have said publicly as arguments to strengthen their position and inform the world community? Thousands of impressive arguments with strong historical support and evidence. And what did they say? Empty words!

But when you have a gun and an enemy and you don’t use the gun, your enemy will eliminate you!

Common background and many divergences – Not One Elite

However, the common Ashkenazi background shared by Maxime Rodinson, the Freemason, and Bernard Lewis, the Zionist, did not prevent a great number of divergences; this is something that most of the people, political commentators, bloggers, analysts, academics, etc. fail to grasp; and yet, it plays a key role worldwide.


All these secret organizations (Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists) – with their divisions, with their clashes and opposite plans that are in conflict with one another – fail indeed to achieve their targets and to implement their agendas.

Now, about my knowledge of these three organizations, this came progressively and bit after bit after bit. But I am well aware, and in details, of all of their plans and conspiracies, and I have analytically studied point by point the entirety of their falsification agendas in the academic fields that I have been focused on.

Here, I have to point out that the three terms that we use in reality are a very obscure generalization; there are Jesuits against Jesuits, Freemasons against Freemasons, Zionists against Zionists, there is evident cooperation with opponents, and all this happens at all levels from academic-scientific to economic-financial to ideological-political.

So, it is very wrong to think as many do (but I hope you don’t) that there is one worldwide elite, which implements unopposed its agenda; in fact, what we see at the level of world politics is the partly failure of all plans, the compromise among the different elites in conflict, and the ceaseless rescheduling of all the agendas.


Have you heard about the preparations for an extra Zionist state in

a) Ukraine (this is by now canceled due to Putin’s invasion of Crimea where they wanted to establish it),

b) Kenya-South Somalia-Uganda-South Sudan, and even

c) Argentine’s Patagonia?

Now, comparing the divergent positions of Maxime Rodinson and Bernard Lewis, one has to go through an enormous bibliography and crosscheck real data; this helps any researcher make sense.

Maxime Rodinson for instance was an Ashkenazi Khazarian who became Freemason. That’s why he was an agnostic, communist (against Khrushchev’s USSR – so this automatically says that Khrushchev was anti-Freemason and anti-Zionist / and similarly for all other cases), but supported a 2-state solution in Palestine. So, he was opposed to Zionist plans providing for one state solution and for Greater Israel (as per Bernard Lewis).

Proceeding in this manner with respect to either my professors or most of the great Orientalists of the last two centuries, I came to understand what were across History the persons, the ideas, the principles, the philosophical systems, the states, the artistic currents (and so on) that the Freemasons, the Jesuits and the Zionists liked (and lauded) or disliked (and discredited or concealed). This does not happen only in politics but in History, History of Religions, Philosophy, Literature, etc.

There are plenty of cases of historical texts duly published that have been concealed or ‘buried’, because of the interests of the above forces; not only the Laws of the Himyarites. What they mostly want about them is to keep them in their original, ancient language that very few individuals learn in the few specialized seminars that exist across the world. Then, those who learn this ancient language, have most probably followed seminars of a Freemason, a Zionist or a Jesuit professor and therefore they have been taught to disregard what disturbs these forces.

One point that I understood very well about the clashes of those powers is that they do occur and at times they are ferocious, but they always happen within a wider ‘modus vivendi’ and they don’t go beyond the limits of a coexistence. The French have a nice description of this sort of fight and class; they call it “le bocal à grenouilles”! You know, when you put some frogs inside a big bottle or jar, they start jumping one upon the other but to no avail.

The World’s Most Important Text in 2017: John Chrysostom’s Speeches against the Jews

Another critically important text that the Freemasons and particularly the Zionist Jews hate is the great summation of John Chrysostom’s speeches against the Jews.

John Chrysostom along with Basil the Great, bishop of Caesarea (Kayseri), is one of the two greatest Fathers of the Christian Church; he mainly lived in the 2nd half of the 4th c. and in the beginning of the 5th c. of the Christian Era.

John Chrysostom wrote more than any other known person in the History of the Mankind. His texts can be found in the 19th c. voluminous publication Patrologia Graeca.


{Published by Jacques Paul Migne as continuation of the Patrologia Latina, Patrologia Graeca is a monumental edition that encompasses all Greek Christian texts. Migne’s celebrated publications triggered also the launching of Patrologia Orientalis for Syriac Aramaic, Coptic, Armenian, Georgian, Abyssinian-Ge’ez texts) and Slavonic texts.


Migne was much hated by Freemasons and Ashkenazi Zionists alike; these villainous forces burnt his printing house and mobilized the Archbishop of Paris, a Freemason, to stop Migne’s cataclysmic publications that consisted in a straightforward rejection of Modern Literature, Philosophy, and politics as purposeless and deviate. The total war waged against Migne, who is one of the top five most erudite scholars of the last five centuries, involved also an unholy alliance between the Freemasons and the Jesuits! In fact, a great deal was stricken with the Jesuits, who sold Migne for a dish of lentils, and consented that the Freemason Pope Pius IX (1848-1878 / more: http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/pius_ix/freemason.html) issues a particular decree to condemn the use of Mass stipends to purchase books, which effectively called out Migne and his publications.


The Spanish wikipedia offers an acceptable and objective entry about Migne; the Russian entry is also good. The rest show the determination of evil forces to conceal vital information about the great scholar and his unique publications:




https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Paul_Migne https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques-Paul_Migne



Patrologia Graeca is an enormous amount of 166 huge volumes in small characters and all texts included are available in Greek (original text) and in Latin translation. The Laws of the Himyarites, as written by Gregentius bishop of Himyar, are included but although they make a sizable modern volume, they cover only a small part of a volume in Patrologia Graeca}.

John Chrysostom’s preserved works alone cover …… 18 volumes (more than 10% of the entire voluminous edition)!! Other Fathers of the Christian Church with monumental works preserved in manuscripts do not exceed 4 or 6 volumes of Patrologia Graeca; so you can get a comparative idea.

John Chrysostom’s Eight Speeches (homilies) against the Jews is the world’s most devastating rejection of the cursed race. No other hand in World History managed to write a so detrimental denunciation of the Satanic nature of Jews. These eight speeches against the Jews can become a vital guideline for all the nations of the world in order to cast this race away; with an enlightening introduction and a comprehensive commentary they may make a great book. This possibility enrages both, the Zionists and the Freemasons to great extent.

John Chrysostom’s Eight Speeches can be found in modern English translation here:

http://www.tertullian.org/fathers/index.htm (under John Chrysostom); the portal has posted only few of his works, but thank God they included all eight speeches against the Jews.

Present day Jewry didn’t stop conspiring against this Great Father of the Christian Church who studied their evil nature meticulously. Here’s how:

Open a Google web page! Write “John Chrysostom against the j” and don’t continue! See what suggestion comes automatically from the software! It is …… not ‘against the Jews’ but !!!! ‘against the Judaizers’ !!! This terms means ‘early Christians of non Jewish origin who had in their Christian rites some Jewish traditions’. The Judaizers or Judaizing Christians existed and John Chrysostom wrote against them, but he mainly wrote against the Jews, and this is in Christian Greek the title of his 8 speeches. This is just to show to you a minutious software point related to this subject; due to this detail, you can get an image of how deep the worldwide action of the Zionists is and up to what level of details they think of and they systematically act in order to eliminate what they want to hide from the rest forever. And of course, if this happens for a major historical source, which is part of the Christian Patristic Literature, you can guess that similar attitude and action are displayed and carried out in every single other point.

Look at what happens when an important academic institution, like Fordham University, launches a huge portal to make already published ancient texts and sources available online, and in the process, it happens to normally include the Eight Homilies of John Chrysostom.

The infamous Jews react against the publication, calling names, and characterizing John Chrysostom an ‘Anti-Semite’ (what a laugh!); then, the university authorities feel obliged to open a new web page about the reactions!


Now, under any normal circumstances, these texts should have become the cornerstone of the formation of all modern nations that happened to have problems with the evil and villainous realm of Israel, namely the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Palestinians, the Iraqis, the Iranians, the Turks, the Pakistanis, the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Sudanese, and all the rest. These texts should have been translated in the local languages and become central in those countries’ educational systems (along with many other texts by other authors in other languages). Did this happen?


So, all these fake, ignorant, idiotic and useless realms will disappear one after the other. There will not be any ‘recovery’ for Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan (what a joke of country!!), and Libya. Simply other useless realms will follow in this path. This is what they deserve!

Best regards,



What Egypt needs now – Part II. An Existential Threat must be Thwarted

By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

In an earlier article titled ‘What Egypt needs now – Part I, Sinai’, I suggested a series of measures that the Egyptian government must take immediately to make sure that civil order and concord will prevail in the area and nationwide. These measures are expected to thwart an existential threat against Egypt’s national integrity. The existing threat is very real and the dangers tremendous. In the present article, I will reveal covert insinuations made by a key Israeli minister, proceeding through textual analysis. These hints do not augur well for Egypt’s territorial integrity and must therefore be taken very seriously.

When Supreme Forces are pushing to Change Borders….

The first reactions of the Egyptian government seem good, but very limited, short-termed, and rather atrophic. Egypt must be out of the process of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations; this is true and correct for all intents and purposes. One can even say that there was no need for such carnage so that finally an Egyptian government understands that the country’s position is in Africa and not in Asia, and that any sort of involvement in Palestinian, Levantine or Asiatic troubles does not bode well for Egypt’s interests, perspectives and future.

Establishing a buffer zone is certainly a good measure, but it will bring only minimal results; the last bomb explosion was a false flag attack, and the criminal Zionist state is the only to be held responsible for this. Any sound mind can assess this reality immediately. As irrevocable conclusion, it is even corroborated by the texts and the articles of the Zionist press – if they are attentively read and scrupulously interpreted.

For the Egyptian government, accusing Hamas for the tragic incident has only one useful dimension, namely to deceive the Israelis by pretending that the Egyptian government does not believe that the responsible was ultimately the Zionist state. This dimension would certainly make sense.

However, for any Egyptian authority to truly believe that it was carried out by a Hamas unit in cooperation with local elements is tantamount to suicide. The reason for this is the fact that it was not Hamas, but Israel, and this will be proved correct, because the measures taken, if they are not accompanied by must greater and more systematic measures (like those suggested in my previous article) will fail to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Worse, if the measures I suggested in my earlier article (https://megalommatis.wordpress.com/2014/10/26/what-egypt-needs-now-part-i-sinai/) are not taken as soon as possible, Israel will take the destabilizing game deep inside Egypt, and similar tragic incidents will be reproduced in the greater Cairo area and in Upper Egypt. The reason for this is very simple; Israel has already established a highly sophisticated network of agents across the country (without most of them even knowing that they are working for the Zionist state) and, in addition, has stored in many locations across the Sinai Peninsula material that is necessary for the false flag attacks that the Mossad intends to carry out across Egypt.

It takes only a deep understanding of the Language of Falsehood (which is as real as English, Arabic, Russian and any other linguistic entity) in order to interpret correctly the Zionist ministers’, generals’, academics’ and journalists’ speeches and thus understand that Egypt is directed targeted now.

A brilliant example is offered by the filthy pig Moshe Ya’alon – who should be mercilessly lynched and literarily dismembered alive for scores of Crimes against the Mankind. The Israeli minister of Military Affairs said in a recent interview with the US-based National Public Radio (NPR) that the current borders of many Middle Eastern countries are bound to change in the future as a result of recent developments in the region.

He then went on offering his paranoid logic about the development and specifying the following: “Libya was a new creation, a Western creation as a result of World War I. Syria, Iraq, the same — artificial nation-states — and what we see now is a collapse of this Western idea,” he stated. Feeling the need to best cover his intentions, he also added the following: “We have to distinguish between countries like Egypt, with their history. Egypt will stay Egypt”.

For someone so well prepared to be the top gangster of the criminal Zionist entity (the Fake State of Israel), i.e. the minister of Military Affairs, Modern Political History is a perfectly well studied subject, and to him all the events are known in foremost accuracy.

On this occasion, a shrewd commentator expressed a great part of irony as regards Moshe Ya’alon’s interview, epitomizing the truth as per below:

“The minister did not say whether the borders of Israel, also drawn by Western powers after World War I, would change or not ” (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/10/24/middle-east-borders-bound-to-change-israel-minister/).

Moshe Ya’alon (born Smilansky – of Ukrainian father) fought as a reservist in the Yom Kippur war (1973) and “on October 15, 1973, his unit became the first IDF unit to cross the Suez Canal into Egypt. He continued fighting as part of the Israeli drive into the Egyptian mainland, and participated in the encirclement of the Egyptian Third Army” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moshe_Ya%27alon).

And this is Neo-Nazi gangster Ya’alon’s latest racist measure and policy:


What did the Smilansky Ashkenazi Khazarian pig really say in his interview?

First, what are the ‘recent developments’ due to which borders will change across the region as per Ya’alon words? One might suggest that he refers to what happens currently in Iraq and Syria with the emergence of the Fake Caliphate. But no, this is wrong. The inner structure of his thought makes it clear that he includes Libya into this subject (‘the recent developments’); so we can safely claim that to him ‘recent developments’ is a code term for what is rather called across the global mass media as ‘Arab Spring’. So, we conclude that, when he says that ‘the recent developments’ will bring about ‘changes of borders’, Moshe Ya’alon includes Egypt, since the country was deeply affected by the Arab Spring covert operations.

But the gangster minister said much more in his interview, fully demonstrating that he views the country of the Nile as a candidate for the forthcoming border changes; in any case, ‘many’ countries are subject to this perspective, according to Ya’alon’s words.

Allusions are highly revered literary schemes in the Language of Falsehood that Zionists and Freemasons speak without the rest being able to decipher their covert messages and hints. Do you have a doubt that Moshe Ya’alon, except from being a Zionist, is also a Freemason? The picture published in the aforementioned entry of the Wikipedia (which certainly has his approval and definitely incorporates his recommendations) shows him with his Canadian and English counterparts, Rob Nicholson and Chuck Hagel, in a typically Freemasonic gesture of shaking hands (picture retrieved as of today).

Yaalon Nicholson Hagel

What is the allusion embedded in Ya’alon aforementioned interview?

He said: “Libya was a new creation, a Western creation as a result of World War I”. This is of course wrong! Totally wrong! Libya was detached from the Ottoman Empire by Italy during their 1911 war, which occurred 3 years before WW I started.

Now, if you believe that Moshe Ya’alon simply made a mistake or did not know what he was talking about, you are an idiot, and you should immediately stop reading the present text, because it will be worthless to you.

So, Libya was not ‘a Western creation as a result of World War I’.

This means that when Ya’alon continued saying ‘Syria, Iraq, the same — artificial nation-states — and …’, he already knew very well that Syria and Iraq were not detached from the Ottoman Empire in the ‘same’ way as Libya. Why did he make then this mistake?

A first approach may be for any interpreter and analyst to think that the Israeli minister wanted to insinuate that Libya’s borders will change pretty much like those of Syria and Iraq, which have already de facto changed due to the emergence of the Fake Caliphate.

But if this were his intention, Ya’alon would stop there. As he did not, and went on involving other countries as well, we can be sure that Libya was not the point he wanted to make.

So, in fact, establishing a wrong parallel between Libya and Syria-Iraq was not a proper mistake for Ya’alon, but it served him as an allusion.

– To what did Libya serve him as an allusion?

– Evidently to what Ya’alon would never say explicitly.

– How can we identify the object of his allusion?

– By searching for further elements in his interview namely countries that are possible candidates for border change; in this regard, Syria and Iraq are automatically excluded, because the change has already occurred in their cases.

– What further element is left in Ya’alon’s interview?

– Egypt.

However, in his interview, Ya’alon makes about Egypt an interesting juxtaposition; he says: ‘we have to distinguish between countries like Egypt, with their history. Egypt will stay Egypt’.

This appears to be in contrast with what was previously said about Syria, Iraq and Libya, namely that

  1. they are ‘artificial nation-states’, and
  2. in their case we see now ‘a collapse of this Western idea’.

The top rule of the Falsehood Language is ‘never to say the truth in public’; the second rule is the same said reversely, namely ‘to always say a lie in public’.

The fact that what Ya’alon says about Egypt in his interview is a lie we can understand through close examination of his words that reveal plenty of inconsistencies and inaccuracies.

What are “countries like Egypt, with their history”?

If this was said comparatively to Libya only, it would perhaps draw some importance. Libya was never the heartland of huge empires, important kingdoms or expanding caliphates. However, when countries like Syria and Iraq are involved in the discourse, the statement becomes meaningless and worthless, futile, erroneous, and therefore suspicious. Syria and Iraq have a greater historical past than Egypt.

A brief historical comparison involves the following:

1- the earlier beginning of civilization and writing in Mesopotamia – Sumer (around 300 years before Egypt),

2- the greater political – military expansion and cultural radiation of Mesopotamia – Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia (covering more than two millennia),

3- the equal importance of both lands at the times of the Seleucid and Ptolemaic empires (Alexander’s Epigones),

4- the equal importance of the two respective theological schools (Antioch in Roman Syrian and Alexandria in Roman Egypt) within Christianity, and last

5- the far greater role for Syria and Iraq within the context of Islamic History (Damascus and Baghdad were far more influential than Cairo in any aspect).

Finally, both territories (Syria – Iraq & Egypt) became part of the Ottoman Empire at the same time (early 16th c.) and were detached in the same manner (colonial, Anglo-French detachment).

We can therefore conclude that this is totally false, and when said by a top Israeli military, it consists only in a useful lie.

The same concerns for the term used for Syria, Iraq and Libya, namely ‘a new creation’ and ‘artificial nation-states’. In fact, Libya and Egypt were fabricated in exactly the same manner: colonial interference and detachment from the Islamic Caliphate – Ottoman Empire whereto both lands belonged.

In fact, if there is a contrast among the four countries mentioned by the Israeli minister, i.e. Libya, Egypt, Syria and Iraq, we have on one side Egypt and Libya (detached during direct foreign, colonial interference / pretty much like Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Morocco, Aden, Oman, Emirates) and on the other side Syria and Iraq (invaded and occupied during WW I as consequence of the fact that the Ottoman Empire and England were members of opposite alliances / pretty much like Lebanon, Palestine, ‘Jordan’, Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait and Qatar).

If Libya is ‘a new creation’ (1911), so is Egypt (1798) too.

If Libya, Syria, and Iraq are ‘artificial nation-states’, so is Egypt too.

One may eventually hypothesize that the Israeli minister referred to the different ethnic-religious groups attested in the case of Syria and Iraq (Sunni, Shia, ‘Kurds’, Turkmen, Aramaeans, Yazidis and others). However, this is not attested in Libya whereby homogeneity is greater (there are only Berber-speaking and Arabic-speaking Libyans), and yet the Israeli minister categorized Libya with Syria and Iraq.

One understands how intriguing the Israeli minister can become, if one takes into consideration that ethnic-religious groups exist in Egypt as well, namely Berbers in the West, Bedouins in the Sinai (systemically called ‘Arabs’ by the Zionist state – and this is both false and fallacious), Nubians and Beja in the South, and in addition, Christians (erroneously called Copts – in fact, all Egyptians are Copts), Sunni and Shia Muslims.

So, if so many elements of Minister Ya’alon’s interview are false, what did he want to say?

The answer is simple.

It is all about an allusion that he wanted to make.

First, he made it clear that the Zionist state and the forces that support it want a definite change of borders in the Middle East. This does not concern Syria and Iraq anymore, because there border change has already occurred. In addition, Minister Ya’alon did not limit his discourse to only that area where he could eventually specify details (about ‘Kurdistan’, etc.) without however referring to other countries.

Second, he used Libya as an allusion to many aspects that characterize Egypt in the way the Zionist state views the country of the Nile (: new creation, Western creation, artificial nation-state, collapse of the underlying Western idea).

Third, he denied the truth that is hidden in the backside of his mind, by excluding Egypt from the picture. In fact, no one asked Minister Ya’alon to exclude Egypt from the picture. He could have just avoided any mention. He could have mentioned Yemen, Arabia or other countries instead, but in this case he would have not conveyed the message he wanted to convey to his Freemasonic and Zionist audiences across the Earth.

This automatically suggests that, if we want to understand him clearly, we have to conclude that he basically referred to Egypt as the next target for border change.

However, it would be a mistake to imagine that the rogue gangster who impersonates Israel’s Minister of Military Affairs is the only person to use this terminology and these figures of speech in order to convey similar messages. The Israeli is press and mass media in general are full of examples of similar insinuations and hints – on daily basis.

For their criminal interests and genocidal plans, it is only normal that they do their best to confuse the picture and mislead the Egyptian authorities. The Sinai Peninsula has become an urgent affair for the Zionist state. This is at least what the recent articles of professional liars and forgers like Elhanan Miller and Avi Issacharoff reconfirm (http://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-suspends-hamas-israel-talks-following-sinai-attack/?utm_source=The+Times+of+Israel+Daily+Edition&utm_campaign=6b82096a7c-2014_10_26&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_adb46cec92-6b82096a7c-54783545 and http://www.timesofisrael.com/the-woes-of-an-egyptian-churchill/?utm_source=The+Times+of+Israel+Daily+Edition&utm_campaign=6b82096a7c-2014_10_26&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_adb46cec92-6b82096a7c-54783545).

It is therefore high time for the Egyptian administration to take all measures needed in order to totally block the Zionist infiltrators and agents out of the Sinai, and thus preserve the country’s territorial integrity.

What Egypt needs now – Part I, Sinai

What Egypt needs now – Part I, Sinai

By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

With the bomb explosion that killed more than 30 soldiers and triggered the proclamation of a 3-month state of emergency across North Sinai Governorate, came to an end all the dreams that the newly elected president El Sissi would assuredly put Egypt back on the correct path and quickly reinstall order as it had been before the thunderous Friday 28 January 2011, the day that shook former president Mubarak’s regime from its foundations.

What most people fail to notice is the timing of the tragic event; occurred after the collapse of Sanaa, the Yemenite capital, to the Houthi rebels of Yemen’s extreme North, the bomb explosion took place after more than a month of fighting at Kobani (Ayn al Arab) in North Syria, and while chaotic strife has been attested across the region from Libya to Gaza to South Sudan. The news in detailed and accurate form can be found here: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2014-10/25/c_127139288.htm and http://www.rt.com/search/everywhere/term/egypt/

It was therefore only normal for Juan Cole to wonder whether Egypt’s Sinai is going the way of Syria (http://www.juancole.com/2014/10/egypts-troops-militants.html).


The map was included in Juan Cole’s article

Why Israel needs to detach the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt

The aforementioned is enough for any objective observer to realize that the next stage for destabilization in the region will take place in Egypt. This is at least what events of such scale suggest. It can really become an inferno quite soon, if one takes into consideration the explosive situation at the ground and the existing parallel plans providing for chaos, fratricidal conflicts, and ultimate dismemberment of the country. These plans are very real and very serious; they have little to do with the globally evident advocates of the decomposed but not defunct Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al Muslimeen). The real composers and promoters of the anti-Egyptian schemes are not as ostensible as Qatar and Turkey are, and to deceive many, they usually appear as rather recommending if not applauding Egypt’s stance in regional affairs.

Destabilization in the Sinai Peninsula is certainly part of Israel’s medium term targets; the racist governments of the Zionist state are currently engaged in a dramatic search for a sizeable hinterland. The reason is simple; their illegal entity stands on a very small piece of land that forces them not to make concessions in order to achieve peace with those among the Palestinians who are ready for a final ‘peace for land’ deal. In this, the Zionists are ‘technically’ right; a state as small and narrow as Israel was within its 1967 borders is really indefensible in the 2010s.

But the anxious character of Zionist journalists like Matt Lee and Joshua Davidovich when writing about the currently troublesome US-Israeli relationship (http://www.timesofisrael.com/us-officials-israel-defense-chief-denied-meetings/?utm_source=The+Times+of+Israel+Daily+Edition&utm_campaign=5f63cc2285-2014_10_25&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_adb46cec92-5f63cc2285-54783545 & http://www.timesofisrael.com/us-reportedly-denies-yaalon-request-to-meet-with-kerry-biden/?utm_source=The+Times+of+Israel+Daily+Edition&utm_campaign=5f63cc2285-2014_10_25&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_adb46cec92-5f63cc2285-54783545) reveals that the Zionist state authorities feel clearly that they should not rely exclusively of US support for their future plans. The recent visit if Israel’s Minister of Defense in the US was an opportunity for the American administration to humiliate a cumbersome ally which proves to be otherwise useless for the changes that the US administration intends to impose on the wider region.

To the rapacious Zionist authorities, the Sinai Peninsula – three times the size of Israel – offers a wonderful opportunity for retreat, involving extensive transfer of populations, extensive capabilities for successive defense lines, and lengthy coastal zones already equipped with a really great tourism infrastructure. More importantly, the local population does not exceed 400000 people (almost one fifth – 1/5 – of the population of Gaza strip) with no major urban centers except Al Arish that totals more than 25% of the entire peninsula’s population.

As it is expected that many people will emigrate to Egypt, if Sinai is declared independent or autonomous under a vague Bedouin ‘political control’ (which would be a euphemism for the Israeli protectorate), it will be very easy for the Zionist military and security forces to implement an undisputed control in the new Eldorado of Zionism. Only then, the Zionist political class will show ‘magnanimous’ enough to concede to the Palestinian Authority all the territories occupied in the 1967 war, with some specific arrangements to be made for the status of Jerusalem (international city and common capital of the three Abrahamic faiths).

The Zionist state’s commitment to the ‘Sinai for Israel’ scenario however contravenes certain American plans for the wider region, and this generated the currently escalating US-Israeli diplomatic row. America wants to force Palestinians and Israelis to sign a final agreement involving land concessions; Israel cannot accept this before a retreat possibility becomes a reality; this produces further instability in the Sinai because the only means chosen by Israel is simulation; and this increases the instability in the peninsula where US operatives already implement divergent plans.

The time schedule is therefore tight, because the Zionist state needs to have results in the Sinai before the obstinate Israeli rejection of US pressure toward a final ‘land for peace’ agreement with the Palestinian Authority damages the US-Israeli relationship irreparably.

The annexation of Sinai by Israel will be a very easily done job because the Zionist populations have learned how to be new settlers here and there, can afford cold winter, mountainous environment, and harsh conditions of life for a certain period of time, whereas they can rely on an inexorable financial backing that dwarfs all the dire needs that may be ensuing from a massive population transfer in otherwise inaccessible regions. In other words, Israeli cities on the rocky mountains of the Sinai would be a rather cost-efficient expansion.

Can Egypt oppose Israel’s plans in the Sinai Peninsula?

To this hypothetical question there can be only one answer. In fact, theoretically, every threat can be timely averted if timely assessed. At this very moment, it is not clear whether the rulers of Egypt clearly understand that in the Sinai Peninsula the major threat comes from Israel, and not from America, Europe or the … Islamists. The latter are mere agents of the secret services of some Western countries; by themselves they do not constitute a decision making center – pretty much like Al Qaeda or ISIS/ISIL, the fake caliphate.

In fact, the timing and the extent of the recent explosion clearly indicate that it cannot be America. At present, the US do not harbor destabilization plans for Egypt’s northeast where the Sinai Peninsula lies; the US would rather prefer security, calm and peace to prevail in that specific region, because these are prerequisites for Egypt to keep the Gaza border open, and this is exactly what the US wants in order to revitalize / reequip / reinforce (not directly but via proxies) Hamas, a valuable tool for US pressure over Israel. But now, Egypt closed the Gaza border, which is exactly what Israel needs.

The relatively recent sort of Zionist literature as per which Israel’s real allies under the current circumstances are Egypt and Saudi Arabia (and not the US and Europe) represents a tool for the Zionist propaganda, and it is quite dangerous for Egypt, if the confusion is spread and the deception is believed.

The worst mistake for the current Egyptian government would be to continue its relationship with Israel, as if nothing happened. In fact, the borders with Israel must close for security reasons. No Israeli tourist must be accepted in Egypt.

The myth of the Israeli tourist in Egypt, particularly in Egypt’s Red Sea Riviera from Dahab to Qusseir, lasted too long and harmed the country too much in order to be still believed. There were never Israeli tourists in Egypt; there were Israeli secret services agents impersonating the tourists and acting accordingly under their inconspicuous apparel.

Imposing the state of emergency in North Sinai, closing the Gaza border, shutting the Israel border down, and canceling the arrival of all Israeli tourists are only preliminary measures.

The Egyptian government must soon take and rapidly implement two sets of measures, short term (up to 3-4 months) and medium term (5 months to 2 years)

Short term measures that Egypt must take in Sinai over the next 3-4 months

1- An increased military presence, disguised as local police or national security and gendarmerie, must put all parts of the Sinai Peninsula, inhabited and uninhabited, frequented and non-frequented, mountainous or not, accessible and inaccessible, under complete 24×7 controls and permanent patrolling. The force needed for this is at least equivalent to 500000 soldiers, and Egypt should be partly mobilized. (7 soldiers per km2 is a minimal prerequisite in this regard)

2- To better implement point 1 policy, thousands of military outposts will have to be erected and put into effect. They will have to be disguised as police outposts to allow the country to be in conformity with international treaties. The entire Sinai Peninsula will have thus to be turned to a vast military camp.

3- All homes, residences and buildings must be searched extensively, meticulously, unexpectedly and repeatedly, vast repertories must be made, all movements of individuals and all personal contacts monitored and registered, whereas all travels to and out of the area must be blocked for all.

4- Through use of all types of methods and technologies combined, all parts of the Sinai territory must be searched scrupulously and all possible underground depots and stores of arms and ammunition discovered. It is to be anticipated that huge caches of arms will be discovered in the process because the pernicious infiltration started many years ago.

5- The Egyptian navy will have to effectuate a maritime blockade of the Sinai Peninsula alongside both, the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, coasts. Tourist movements from Hurghada to Sharm el Sheikh will have to be submitted to border-level baggage control, and the same measure will have to apply in all domestic and international flights for all passengers whatsoever. Fishing boats will have to be checked on daily basis.

6- A second ‘border’ line must be delineated and all tourist sites across Sinai’s western and eastern coasts (linked only through Suez to the rest of the country) must be totally cut off from the rest of the peninsula, all roads patrolled, individual tourism banned, and any movement between the two zones strictly prohibited. With the exception of St. Catherine’s monastery all other sightseeing destinations in the Sinai inland must be canceled. Only convoy movements must be allowed across the roads leading to St. Catherine’s monastery.

7- The Egyptian state authorities must have the absolute conviction that several thousands of Egyptian citizens originating from the Sinai Peninsula have been working for years as different level agents of the Zionist state; otherwise inevitably, Egypt will lose the battle of the Sinai and the country’s national integrity will be subsequently affected. This makes the following measure unavoidable. With the exception of the tourist resorts alongside the coasts and St. Catherine’s monastery, Internet connection and mobile communication must be suspended for time indefinite. This should apply to Rafah, Al Arish, and all other urban centers, hamlets, and locations.

8- With the exception of the tourist resorts alongside the coasts and St. Catherine’s monastery, no foreigner under any circumstances or pretexts whatsoever should be allowed to move across Sinai, involving diplomats, NGOS, representatives of international bodies, etc.

9- The Egyptian state authorities must have the absolute conviction that it is not only the Palestinians who are specializing in the construction of tunnel; the Zionist government has commissioned different agencies that offer job positions to unspecialized ‘Jewish’ labor from Russia and other countries, and they have also been working secretly for quite a long period. There are several Israeli tunnels crossing the Egyptian Sinai borders in greater depth than that of the Palestinian underground passages; the Israeli tunnels reach at distances of dozens of kilometers inside the Egyptian territory in the Sinai. Through these passageways, weaponry has been systematically smuggled into Egypt and laboriously stored in various caches in the desert and the mountains, Bedouins working as Mossad agents have moved into Israel for special training and then returned ‘home’, and Israeli forces specializing in guerilla and false flag attacks have repeatedly crossed the borders to perform their criminal acts and then run back to Israel and thus disappear.

To address this situation and make sure that nothing can be smuggled any more into their targeted country, the Egyptian authorities must undertake another project of enormous dimensions immediately. The army will only supervise the project, but a civil authority must be commissioned in this regard, and a great number of unspecialized jobless Egyptians (a hundred thousand as per modest estimates) will have to be ‘hired’ on temporary basis and with minimum salary (corvée) to form the utility teams that will materialize the enormous project.

Sinai peninsula

From Rafah to Ayn al Qusaymah to Al Kuntillah and thence to Taba, a huge trench must be dug with a length of more than 300 kilometers; with an initial width of 20 to 30 meters, the trench (or canal) should be at least 100 m deep to have the chance to reach/surpass the level of the Israeli underground passageways and make them useless. Work must start in many different points at the same time and the different utility teams that will be working in parallel will have to advance in two opposite directions in order to reach the points where other digging teams will have advanced to.

Meanwhile, the hinterland behind the trench should be systematically patrolled during the works as per above point 1.

Initially undertaken for security measures, and permanently maintained ever since, this project could later be upheld and the utility teams be further employed after the completion of the works to eventually turn the project to a second Suez Canal, linking Rafah to Taba.

The above short term measures must be taken immediately and carried out within a 3-4 month period with the only exception made for point 8 that will last longer. With the completion of the implementation of the above measures, national security and civil order will prevail, and this will involve the gradual alleviation or even termination of some of the aforementioned measures.

Then, the path will open for the roll-out of the medium term measures that will have meanwhile to be completed at the study level.

Medium term measures that Egypt must take in Sinai over the next 3-4 years

The Sinai Peninsula was never inhabited by settled populations in significant numbers throughout its entire millennia long history; to the Ancient Egyptians, it was known as Biau, i.e. the land of mines, and there were important temples, like Serabit al Khadim. Early writing systems have also been attested in parts of the peninsula; the vestiges of Proto-Sinaitic writing fully demonstrate that it was a derivative of the Egyptian Hieratic writing, used however not for the Ancient Egyptian language, but for the local Canaanite language that was spoken among the few inhabitants. Modern scholarship successfully identified significant historical mines across the peninsula, but this does not change in anything the reality that there has never been any major city, harbor, port of call, entrepot, market place, trading center or caravan stopover in Sinai. Its name derived from that of the Ancient Assyrian Babylonian god Sin, who symbolized the moon, epitomized the peninsula’s rather inhospitable character.

Lepsius Serabit ca 1840

Serabit al Khadim – Drawing from the Denkmaeler, the publication of the findings studied and the explorations undertaken by the Prussian Archaeological Expedition led by R. Lepsius (1840)

serabit 2

Serabit al Khadim


Serabit al Khadim

Serabit Hathor T

Serabit al Khadim

Scarcity of population, borderline area, mountainous environment, semiarid zones, and the heavy burden of history are dimensions of the Sinai Peninsula identity that have impacted modern Egyptian attitude toward the triangular geographic oddity of Sinai.

Now, to save its targeted province, Egypt is called to change History.

Viewing the Egyptian governmental policies retrospectively, one has to admit that the successive Mubarak administrations must be credited for having slightly modified the Egyptian attitude toward Sinai, and this was expressed through the rise of the tourism industry. Viewed from the exclusive standpoint of money income, this policy was not bad, but if one takes into consideration the existing geopolitical challenges, one has to conclude that Mubarak administrations’ view of the Sinai was narrow-minded, shriveled, and therefore dangerous.

Finally, Mubarak administrations’ laissez faire ended up in the explosive situation that we have got in our hands today.

To counterbalance the existing challenges and hedge the imminent dangers in Sinai, Egypt needs only a visionary’s look over the country’s problems. In fact, Sinai, as it is now, offers an excellent opportunity to Egypt’s administrations to solve – to some extent – other serious problems of the Nile Valley and the Delta.

Today’s Egypt, even considered as deprived of enemies, threats and challenges, has very serious problems, and at the top of the list one finds the overpopulation of a small stretch of land, the Valley of Nile. With over 90 million people almost all condensed in the small narrow valley of the Nile and the Delta (much less than 10% of the country’s territory), Egypt faces one of the world’s most explosive demographics. This does not bode well for the future of any country.

The measure of a medium and long term success hinges only on changing the following, lethally perilous demographics assessment; with an estimated 75% of Egyptians being under 25 and with a meager 3% being over 65, the country’s population lives on a small part of the country’s territory (ca. 6%) whereby the density average is over 1540 persons per km2. This cannot last longer.

The gravity of the situation is revealed here:


Click to access P1416.pdf



The best defensive line that Egypt can draw across Sinai is the transformation of the peninsula into a remarkably inhabited province. New cities have to be built, semiarid territories have to become arable cultivated lands, and basically urban populations must be transferred from Cairo, the Delta, and Upper Egypt to Sinai. Factories must be transferred; universities must be relocated; the necessary transportation, habitation, and telecommunication infrastructure must be made available; new businesses, new manufactures, and systematic cattle management must be planned and launched in every single corner of the peninsula, and no less that 5-6 million people must be transferred from the aforementioned areas to the Sinai within a period of 3-4 years, following a 6-month planning session.

It has to be carefully planned and programmed with a perspective of population expansion up to 15-20 million, involving new cities, towns and villages in the coast lands, in the semiarid desert, and in the mountains. Furthermore, it has to be forcefully implemented, involving motivations and stimuli that will mark very differently the lives of the transferred populations, making of them the new elite of the country.

If there were today 6 million Egyptians living across Sinai, one can be sure that never ever would the Zionist state elaborate annexation plans and attempt to implement them. Massive population transfer to the Sinai is a medium-long term measure, which may irrevocably egyptianize the Egyptian territory before it is lost forever.

In a forthcoming article, I will examine what other measures the current Egyptian administration has to envisage for the country’s future in order to fully eliminate the grave problems that it inherited from earlier colonial and postcolonial, lethargic or unrealistic rulers of either the vice-royal or the republican times.




A map for the Egyptian administration to study closely (and the related texts: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kovach/091013). In this case, historical accuracy matters little; what is important to seize in this regard is that there are people (and lobbies, associations, secret organizations, etc. standing behind them) who utterly believe in this type of distortions and falsehood. These are the people who have the power and shape the real decisions that presidents and prime ministers only implement. Of course, statesmen and politicians will turn down the importance of such people and of their ideas. But if we examine things from distance and through the perspective of centuries (and not that of years or months), we will immediately realize that such plans have been worked out in the wider region, and that the local, pseudo-Islamic, and utterly silly religious authorities and the idiotic rulers, like Saddam Hussein, Qadhafi, Hafez and Bashar al Assad, Hassan II and Mohammed VI of Morocco, Bourguiba, Zin Al Abedin, Abdallah of Jordan, Buteflika, Abdallah of Saudi Arabia, Ali Abdallah, Hosni Mubarak, and Omar Al Bashir – and their services – failed to detect, let alone assess, evaluate and outmaneuver them.


The Fake Caliphate ISIS, the Fake Christians of the West, and the true Islamic Caliphate

By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

early caliphates

The Islamic Caliphate as a historical institution

The historical Islamic Caliphate was the central institution that governed the societies and ruled the lives of the Muslims for ca. 1300 years; in doing so, it also determined the lives of non-Muslims who lived in its vast territories. Not all the religions were viewed uniformly by the Caliphatic authorities and by those exercising power in the name of the Caliph. The Christians, the Jews, the Sabians and the Mandaeans were considered as People of the Book, a Quranic – Islamic concept that describes the case of earlier revelations of the Divine Law by God through Holy Books sent to other peoples. Polytheistic and idolatrous systems were however reprimanded; Manichaism was opposed, although its founder, Mani, had composed 400 years before Muhammad books that were considered as divinely inspired by his followers from NW Africa to China.

The socioeconomic conditions differed per period, per province, and per dynasty. The Islamic Caliphate was not a uniform system of government; from Omayyad Damascus to Abbasid Baghdad to Omayyad Granada to Mameluk Cairo to Ottoman Istanbul the differences in the system and the style of government were great. Philosophical – ideological – theological differences impacted the Islamic Caliphate and its practices differently from time to time and from dynasty to dynasty. Not all the Muslims accepted the Caliphate as rightful power and decision-making system in the Islamic world, and this does not originate only from the Shia – Sunni clash which had in general little impact (although the early Shia opposition to Omayyad Damascus brought this dynasty to an end before completing 100 years in power).

Prophet Muhammad’s State was quite different from the Historical Caliphates

One must clarify one critical issue at this point. Although all the Caliphs and the slowly emerged within Sunni Islam Sheikhulislams (a counterweight to the Pope) ruled in the name of Islam, incessantly evoking the divine revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet’s preaching, teachings, discourses, speeches and explanations (known as the Hadith), there is no full evidence that the Islamic Caliphate as it has been known across the ages was an acceptable form of government for Prophet Muhammad himself.

As a matter of fact, Prophet Muhammad – from either Medina or Mecca – ruled the Islamic State in his quality of Prophet (nabi) and Messenger of God (rasul-Allah), and not as a caliph (as it happened in the Islamic State after his death), a military ruler (like Hannibal or Attila), a republican figure (like Caesar or Pericles), a divine emperor and ‘son of god’ (as it was practiced in Babylonia and many other ancient empires), let alone a god (as it happened in Ancient Egypt). Analytically observing the way the early Islamic State was ruled by Prophet Muhammad until his death (622 – 632 CE from Medina first, and only after 630 from Mecca) and comparing it to the practices of the different Caliphatic dynasties, one finds enormous differences.

Prophet Muhammad’s state was a very small institution limited to basics, because social interaction and deliberations prevailed, and in addition, the presence of the Prophet was a catalyst in the successive meetings that were constantly taking place. Directly addressing the average people, Prophet Muhammad did not find any value in sophisticated social and/or governmental hierarchy. His state was smaller and weaker than early Sumerian states that antedated him for 3600 years ( ! ), and this was a clear choice, not a condition of underdevelopment.

Prophet Muhammad’s state was bigger only than that envisioned by Karl Marx for the second stage after the termination of the capitalist state, namely the Communist society; but that stage, which was never attended in History, represented merely a stateless society with no class difference. Prophet Muhammad eliminated class difference within a minimal state.

And certainly Prophet Muhammad’s state was very different from the supposedly ‘ideal’ utopian states that many European Renaissance authors envisioned, notably the City of the Sun (La città del Sole) by Tommaso Campanella (1602), and the likes, because there was no secluded hierarchy atop of the society. However, those fake ideals (Utopia, New Atlantis) included indeed contradictory elements that could only tear down those unrealistic approaches or simply turn them to nightmares; as a matter of fact, ‘ideal society’ and ‘hierarchical administration’ are the most opposite concepts in the world – to the extent that they totally exclude one another.

What we can retain from the aforementioned is that the Islamic correctness of the historical Islamic Caliphate is a highly debatable subject.

Peaceful co-existence of different nations and religious systems within the Islamic Caliphate

Compared to other empires, the Islamic Caliphate was a very tolerant institution and form of government; modern Western historians, journalists, writers and ideologues, who are on the payroll of various agencies and lobbies, have repeatedly tried to tarnish the image of the Islamic Caliphate. Of course, it is clear that the main historical state of the Muslims and all its dependencies that paid allegiance to the Caliphate were not angelic institutions. However, one cannot even dare to compare the Islamic Caliphate, in any of its forms, to the cruelty of the Christian Western and Eastern Roman Empires, to the barbarism of the Frankish Merovingian and Carolingian kingdoms, and to the savageness of the kingdoms of France, England, Spain and Portugal that fought incessantly religious wars one upon the other for many long centuries.

The average Westerners have fallen victim of two systematic, very wide, very deep, and at least 2 centuries long efforts of their academics and sociopolitical elite:

1- the a) falsification and b) the embellishment of their own, really execrable Western European and American History of bloodshed, fornication, religious intolerance, criminal colonialism, serial genocides, and consummately anti-Christian identity


2- the blackening of the Islamic Caliphate History, which also involved a systematic concealment of every historical truth that would reveal the greatness of the Islamic Civilization, the tolerance of Islam as religion, the advancement of the Islamic Sciences, the height of the Islamic Philosophy, the beauty of the Islamic Art, the freedom of the Islamic mindset, and the strength of the Islamic Spirituality (notably Mohyieldin Ibn Arabi).

Islamic Times’ Christians preferred the Islamic Caliphate to Rome or Constantinople

At the times of the historical wars between the Islamic Caliphates and the Eastern Roman Empire (633 – 1099), the Islamic State was so more tolerant than Constantinople that the Christians, who lived in the Caliphate, preferred to be subjects of the Islamic State than to be placed under the authority of either Constantinople or Rome.

The filthy liars of today’s Fake Christianity that thrives in Protestant Anti-Christian territories such as the monstrous tyrannies of UK and USA have done their best to hide every historical evidence that testifies to the aforementioned claim.

This proves that they are not real but fake Christians, because truth is a value for Christianity as well. The New Testament is very precise on this point (1 John 3:19 / Greek text: Τεκνία, μὴ ἀγαπῶμεν λόγῳ μηδὲ τῇ γλώσσῃ ἀλλὰ ἐν ἔργῳ καὶ ἀληθείᾳ. 19 ἐν τούτῳ γνωσόμεθα ὅτι ἐκ τῆς ἀληθείας ἐσμέν / English translation: My little sons, love we not in word, neither in tongue, but in work and truth. 19 In this thing we know, that we be of truth – advice in this regard: DO NOT USE THE SATANIC KING JAMES VERSION – IT IS A DELIBERATELY FALSE TRANSLATION, A FREEMASONIC TRASH).

In striking opposition to, and full rejection of, the Satanic lies of the Anti-Christians of the West, I will make herewith known authentic historical sources that testify to what I claim, i.e. that the Islamic Caliphate was a far more tolerant and acceptable state for Christians than the evil pseudo-Christian Roman and European empires, states and realms.

1. The monstrosity of the pseudo-Christian Emperor Heraclius

This is what Severus of Al Ashmunein (Hermupolis) writes in his venerated ‘History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria’ about the cruelty of the evil, Satanic, pseudo-Christian Emperor Heraclius of the Eastern Roman Empire. Here you will read what a supposedly Christian Emperor did – not to Muslims but surprisingly enough – to Christians in Egypt just few years before the Islamic armies liberated the Nile Valley and turned it from an Eastern Roman to an Islamic Caliphatic province – to the greatest benefit of the indigenous Christians, the Copts who are the descendents of the Ancient Egyptians.

“These were the years during which Heraclius and the Colchian ruled over the land of Egypt. And on account of the greatness of the trials and the straits and the affliction which the Colchian brought down upon the orthodox, in order that they might enter into the Chalcedonian faith, a countless number of them went astray, some of them through persecution, and some by bribes and honours, and some by persuasion and deceit. So that even Cyrus, bishop of Niciu, and Victor, bishop of the Faiyum, and many others denied the orthodox faith, because they had not obeyed the injunctions of the blessed Father Benjamin, and had not hidden themselves as the others did; for the Colchian caught them with the fishing-line of his error, and so they went astray after the impure Chalcedonian council. And Heraclius seized the blessed Mennas, brother of the Father Benjamin, the patriarch, and brought great trials upon him, and caused lighted torches to be held to his sides until the fat of his body oozed forth and flowed upon the ground, and knocked out his teeth because he confessed the faith; and finally commanded that a sack should be filled with sand, and the holy Mennas placed within it, and drowned in the sea. For Heraclius the misbeliever had charged them, saying : «If any one of them says that the council of Chalcedon is true, let him go; but drown in the sea those that say it is erroneous and false.» Therefore they did as the prince bade them, and cast Mennas into the sea. For they took the sack, and conveyed him to a distance of seven bowshots from the land, and said to him : «Say that the council of Chalcedon is good and not otherwise, and we will release thee.» But Mennas would not do so. And they did this with him three times; and when he refused they drowned him. Thus they were unable to vanquish this champion, Mennas, but he conquered them by his Christian patience.”

Excerpt from: Severus of Al Ashmunein (Hermopolis), History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic church of Alexandria  (1904) Part 2  Peter I – Benjamin I (661 AD). Patrologia Orientalis 1 pp. 383-518 (pp.119-256 of text)

I am sure that you will agree with me that never ever a Muslim carried out this abominable torture to any enemy, irrespective of the enemy’s identity and belief, anytime anywhere and under any circumstances whatsoever.

Not even today’s fake Muslims and CIA-Mossad agents of the Fake Caliphate ISIS have carried out similar atrocities. (About them: Senior Commander of ISIS is a ‘retired’ US General Paul Vallely in: https://hwaairfan.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/senior-commander-of-isis-is-a-retired-us-general-paul-vallely/). Perhaps, the villainous, uncultured and barbaric beasts who are employed by the aforementioned Satanic institutions failed to come across the Coptic Chronicle of Severus (Sawiris) of Al Ashmunein, which would – unfortunately for their cases – enrich their perverse minds and evil souls with similar evildoing that they, due to their evilness, would consider adopting as method.

But as you see, the Ancient Romans were wise enough to understand that ….. Quos vult Iupiter perdere dementat prius (whom Roman god Jupiter would destroy, he first makes mad). Never mind! Today’s Evangelicals and Zionist bogus-Christians are worse – that’s why they are all cursed and they will soon perish in eternal damnation.

2. The generosity and respect expressed by Amr Ibn al Aas, General of the Islamic army and “trusty companion” of “the prince of the Muslims”, toward the Coptic Church and the previously persecuted Patriarch (who was forced to hide in order to survive under the Eastern Roman occupation of Egypt)

“When Amr took full possession of the city of Alexandria, and settled its affairs, that infidel, the governor of Alexandria, feared, he being both prefect and patriarch of the city under the Romans, that Amr would kill him; therefore he sucked a poisoned signet-ring, and died on the spot. But Sanutius, the believing duke, made known to Amr the circumstances of that militant father, the patriarch Benjamin, and how he was a fugitive from the Romans, through fear of them. Then Amr, son of Al-Asi, wrote to the provinces of Egypt a letter, in which he said : «There is protection and security for the place where Benjamin, the patriarch of the Coptic Christians is, and peace from God; therefore let him come forth secure and tranquil, and administer the affairs of his Church, and the government of his nation». Therefore when the holy Benjamin heard this, he returned to Alexandria with great joy, wearing the crown of patience and sore conflict which had befallen the orthodox people through their persecution by the heretics, after having been absent during thirteen years, ten of which were years of Heraclius, the misbelieving Roman, with the three years before the Muslims conquered Alexandria. When Benjamin appeared, the people and the whole city rejoiced, and made his arrival known to Sanutius, the duke who believed in Christ, who had settled with the commander Amr that the patriarch should return, and had received a safe-conduct from Amr for him. Thereupon Sanutius went to the commander and announced that the patriarch had arrived, and Amr gave orders that Benjamin should be brought before him with honour and veneration and love. And Amr, when he saw the patriarch, received him with respect, and said to his companions and private friends : «Verily in all the lands of which we have taken possession hitherto I have never seen a man of God like this man». For the Father Benjamin was beautiful of countenance, excellent in speech, discoursing with calmness and dignity.

Then Amr turned to him, and said to him : «Resume the government of all thy churches and of thy people, and administer their affairs. And if thou wilt pray for me, that I may go to the West and to Pentapolis, and take possession of them, as I have of Egypt, and return to thee in safety and speedily, I will do for thee all that thou shalt ask of me.» Then the holy Benjamin prayed for Amr, and pronounced an eloquent discourse, which made Amr and those present with him marvel, and which contained words of exhortation and much profit for those that heard him; and he revealed certain matters to Amr, and departed from his presence honoured and revered. And all that the blessed father said to the commander Amr, son of Al-Asi, he found true, and not a letter of it was unfulfilled.”

The above two paragraphs are able to automatically delete thousands of tons of books and articles written by pro-Israeli, Evangelical and other bogus-Christian authors who promote hatred against Islam in order to trigger the trouble that will send them first to the Eternal Hell.

3. Description of Prophet Muhammad by the genuine Christian Severus of Al Ashmunein

“And in those days Heraclius saw a dream in which it was said to him : «Verily there shall come against thee a circumcised nation, and they shall vanquish thee and take possession of the land». So Heraclius thought that they would be the Jews, and accordingly gave orders that all the Jews and Samaritans should be baptized in all the provinces which were under his dominion. But after a few days there appeared a man of the Arabs, from the southern districts, that is to say, from Mecca or its neighbourhood, whose name was Muhammad; and he brought back the worshippers of idols to the knowledge of the One God, and bade them declare that Muhammad was his apostle; and his nation were circumcised in the flesh, not by the law, and prayed towards the South, turning towards a place which they called the Kaabah. And he took possession of Damascus and Syria, and crossed the Jordan, and dammed it up. And the Lord abandoned the army of the Romans before him, as a punishment for their corrupt faith, and because of the anathemas uttered against them, on account of the council of Chalcedon, by the ancient fathers.”

This is the historical truth written by a true and faithful Christian – not today’s pro-Israeli bogus-Christian, European and American idiots who give their silly children Ancient Hebrew names to … hypothetically please Jesus in his second coming ( ! ) but what they will achieve instead will be to best guarantee their eternal damnation.

It is noteworthy that the true Christians of Egypt first appreciated Prophet Muhammad’s role in eliminating idolatry and polytheism from Arabia, and second rejoiced for the subsequent removal of the pseudo-Christian Eastern Roman tyranny from all the Oriental provinces of Constantinople.

4. Presentation of Caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (724-743) as a real friend of Christianity and as lover of Christian hymns

“And after him reigned Hishâm his brother, who was a God-fearing man according to the method of Islam, and loved all men; and he became the deliverer of the orthodox. For when he learnt that we Christians had had no patriarch in the East since Julian, the late patriarch of Antioch, in whose stead the bishop Elias had taken his seat, and that Elias also had died, he took a man named Athanasius, full of every spiritual grace, who also was a bishop, and gave him the patriarchate of Antioch. So the bishops laid their hands upon him in turn, and made him patriarch. This Athanasius wrote a synodical letter with learning and great humility to the blessed Father Patriarch Alexander, saying : «Verily I am unworthy of this degree on account of my sins; yet I have not been promoted by my own will, but by that of the prince». For he had known him before this time. So Alexander received the letter with joy, and then wrote an answer to it, asserting the unity of the faith, and containing good wishes and salutations. At the end he wrote thus : «We bless the prince Hishâm, and pray that he may enjoy a reign of many years, and overcome his enemies, so that he may do that which is right before the Lord». And he dismissed the envoys in peace.

After this, Hishâm wrote to Egypt, commanding that a receipt in his name should be given to everyone who paid the taxes, so that none might be unfairly treated, and that there might be no injustice in his dominions. So God gave him a prosperous reign, and he continued to rule for twenty-two years; and no war continued against him, but everyone that rose up against him was delivered by God into his hands, through the prayers of the two glorious patriarchs, Alexander at Alexandria and Athanasius at Antioch. Now the orthodox church at Damascus was adjoining the palace in which Hishâm resided. Then he commanded that the patriarch should build his house next to the prince’s reception-hall, because of his great love for him, so that he might hear him pray and read. For he often used to say to him : «When thou beginnest to pray at night I receive great comfort, and I cease to trouble about the affairs of the empire, and then sleep comes to me restfully». And Hishâm loved Athanasius greatly for that reason; and he gave great gifts to the churches and the Christians. And there was at his court a Muslim who greatly loved the orthodox churches, and he was named Ubaid Allah. And when the prince Hishâm saw him act so, he rejoiced greatly, and made him governor of Egypt, and commanded him to act with kindness towards all baptised Christians.”

The historical evidence is inexorable; one can produce thousands of examples. However, the aforementioned is quite sufficient for the scope of the present introductory article and fully indicative of the falsehood into which the Western nations have been entrapped.

In fact, there is only one way to achieve peace, concord, morality, and cultural integrity in the vast part of the earth that is inhabited by the Muslims; this is the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate and the elimination of all the current illegal, loathsome, treacherous administrations that have – all – been imposed by forces alien to the Islamic World and hateful of the Muslims and with the task to viciously destroy all the existing religions, eliminate all moral principles, ideals, values and concepts, turn the inhabitants to faithless materialistic beasts and thus prepare the way for the global ruler who will be none else than the Antichrist – whom Israel, America, Europe, NATO, all pro-Israeli pseudo-Christians, and the local rulers of all Muslim countries will accept as Jesus Christ in his fake second coming.

But of course, when I speak of an Islamic Caliphate, I mean a real, authentic Islamic Caliphate – not a fake trash invented by the filthy Satanic slaves of the CIA and the Mossad, who will all perish in eternal damnation along with their fabricated bogus-Jesus who is awaiting in the wings, being however known to those who can see him very clearly

without him seeing them.