Category Archives: Education & Culture

Beyond Afrocentrism: Prerequisites for Somalia to lead African de-colonization and de-Westernization

За пределами афроцентризма: предпосылки для того, чтобы Сомали возглавила африканскую деколонизацию и девестернизацию

What follows is the quasi-totality of my response to a Somali scholar, intellectual and activist, who happened to be a very good personal friend since the early 2010s and my days in Somalia. Being a perspicacious reader, my good friend, who originates from two different tribal backgrounds and has an unmatched knowledge of his great but recently (since 1991) beleaguered nation, noticed several recent articles of mine in which I call for a definite and irreversible replacement of the Anglo-French colonial rule in Africa with a genuine, secular African-Chinese-Indian-Russian alliance.

The Great Cat – Horus (Messiah) defeats the Ancient Serpent – Seth (Anti-Messiah); wall painting from the Tomb of Pashedu (TT3) in Deir el Medina (Luxor West) Afrocentrism will be a total failure if it is thought to be just an African intellectual’s thought, idea, theory or ideology. Theorizing is already part of Western intellectuals’ falsehood and evildoing. Philosophy is nonsensical, absurd, false and inhuman. There was never ‘philosophy’ in Africa, because it would be viewed as deviation and decay. Contrarily, in Ancient Africa there were Truth, Transcendental Spirituality, Primordial Myth, World Conceptualization, Supratemporal Eschatology, and Spiritual-Material Synergy. So, the primary tasks of African Afrocentric intellectuals involve the irrevocable obliteration of all Western terms and their replacement with Oriental African concepts, notions, terms, values and virtues. Consequently, there cannot be “an Afrocentric University”, because this term follows a Western pattern. Offering herewith an example, I suggest that every institution in which African students will learn the truth should be called after the Ancient Egyptian term “the Place of Truth” and the instructors “Servants in the Place of Truth”. This title was associated at the time with all the great scholars specializing in mummification and in the preparation of the human soul for the Hereafter. However, this has always been the value of life, learning and knowledge according to all the varieties of African culture: material life is subject to moral judgments that enable us to gain eternal life.



I. Деколонизация и отказ афроцентрической интеллигенции

II. Афроцентристским африканским ученым следовало бы отобрать египтологию у западных востоковедов и африканистов.

III. Западная узурпация африканского наследия должна быть отменена.

IV. Афроцентризм должен был включать в себя резкую критику и полное неприятие так называемой западной цивилизации.

V. Афроцентризм как форма африканского изоляционизма, проводящая линию разделения между колонизированными странами Африки и Азии.

VI. Общая оценка человеческих ресурсов, времени и необходимых затрат

VII. Деколонизация означает, прежде всего, деанглификацию и дефранкизацию.



I. Decolonization and the failure of the Afrocentric Intelligentsia

II. Afrocentric African scholars should have been taken Egyptology back from the Western Orientalists and Africanists 

III. Western Usurpation of African Heritage must be canceled.

IV. Afrocentrism had to encompass severe criticism and total rejection of the so-called Western Civilization

V. Afrocentrism as a form of African Isolationism drawing a line of separation between colonized nations in Africa and Asia

VI. General estimation of the human resources, the time, and the cost needed

VII. Decolonization means above all De-Anglicization and De-Francization






Molefi Kete Asante


Realizing what is at stake and being well acquainted with earlier African attempts for a final decolonization (notably the intellectual-academic sphere of Afrocentrism and the political activists of African Renaissance), my friend, who has the same age with me and who studied, lived, worked and prospered in the USSR, Canada, Yemen and Pakistan, wrote to ask me how Somalia could eventually contribute to or lead the African decolonization and de-Westernization movement, thus taking the Black Continent to the next stage and justifying the great expectations that were created across Africa back in 1960, due to the independence and the unification (of only two out of the five parts) of Somalia.

At this point, I have to add that the present response is only the first of three letters that I planned to send to my friend. The urgent need for worldwide decolonization and de-Westernization has become a major issue for great nations, organizations and alliances, like the BRICS+. Many people across the world would therefore question the entire conversation, stating that presently Somalia is too small, too weak, and too disunited in order to possibly undertake international tasks that seem to be best suited rather to some of the world’s leading states.

I believe that, although this approach may be shared by many people, it is ostensibly very shallow. This is so because stronger a nation is, more difficult it becomes for their rulers, elites, and people to undertake an in-depth self-criticism, reassessment, and restart or partly rectification. In other words, a better organized nation is by definition more conservative and therefore less inclined to changes; these traits and conditions have been attested repeatedly throughout History.

Consequently, when it comes to colonization and Westernization, self-scrutiny must be very deep, and this -at the national level- can be extremely painful. That is why, in Russia, de-Westernization will be a far more difficult process to be carried out than in India.

Taken into consideration that Westernization (not only behavioral-cultural but mainly educational-academic-intellectual) is tantamount to alteration, corruption and degeneration, one has to underscore at this point that national identity is not necessarily proportionate to national independence. It is quite possible that an educationally-academically-intellectually corrupted nation, although in possession of an independent state, has minimal national consciousness (because of their entirely Westernized education), whereas an enslaved nation struggling to achieve national independence may have fully preserved their national identity and intellectual originality.

Back in January 2021, I explained exactly this to an Oromo friend, who wrote to ask me why Egypt does not help the Oromo liberation movements achieve national independence for Oromia and in the process demolish the obsolete and genocidal state of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia). Egypt is an independent state without national consciousness of historicity whereas the Oromos are a non-independent nation with emphatically strong Cushitic national identity and cultural originality. It took me a series of five articles to fully respond at the time; in the last article of the series, one can find titles of and links to the earlier parts:


Innocent C. Onyewuenyi

I expand on these topics, because there is a multitude of parameters in the much needed effort of African decolonization and educational-academic-intellectual de-Westernization. To offer an example, I have to say that even the nefarious term “university” (from the Latin “universitas”) cannot be possibly accepted by all those who -in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America- seek decolonization, de-Westernization, and restoration of the ancestral values, moral standards, cultural integrity, and academic-educational traditions. This is however discussed in a second letter dispatched to my friend. Last, in a third letter, I examine a number of major issues around which the refutation of the Western colonial forgery and pseudo-historical doctrine will have to revolve.

———————- Letter to a Somali friend ———————–

Thank you for the opportunity you offer me to write down my observations, perceptions, reflections, and conclusions on the topic under discussion!

I. Decolonization and the failure of the Afrocentric Intelligentsia

Several educational, academic, intellectual and political efforts have been undertaken over the past six (6) decades in order to take Africa out of the disastrous and heavy, colonial impact and to help the various nations of the Black Continent achieve national identity, cultural integrity, and ultimate liberation from the Western yoke.

Explaining why the Afrocentric African intellectuals failed (or at least they did not meet the early enthusiastic expectations) necessitates an extremely lengthy treatise the size of an encyclopedia; however, at this moment, I have to pinpoint the crucial mistakes made by the leading figures of the movement that became known as Afrocentrism.




Martin Bernal



Donald Malcolm Reid

It is crucial to notice that the two most formidable hits against the racist Western pseudo-historical narrative were delivered by defiant Western scholars who rejected, at least partly, the lies of the Eurocentric historical dogma and denounced the evil, discriminatory, anti-African and anti-Islamic manner in which Orientalist disciplines were formed and developed, namely Martin Bernal and Donald Malcolm Reid. This fact demonstrates that Afrocentric intellectuals need to stop theorizing and start an in-depth study of the upended disciplines of the Western Orientalists, which have to be rejected point by point. Further theorizing and more intensified propaganda will damage Afrocentrism; Africans need not to be apologetic. Africa did not need philosophy because Africans had transcendental knowledge, spiritual mastership, moral command, and foremost wisdom. All these crucial dimensions of human superiority were missing among the so-called Greeks, Romans and the other European barbarians, who still needed to search for wisdom (being ‘philos’ to ‘sophia’) and, in the process, they created ‘philosophy’; unfortunately, they failed to go beyond. Today’s Western scholars have to face the reality: either you are able to build pyramids after the Ancient Kemetian (Egyptian) method or you are talking nonsense, only to later label it ‘philosophy’. Consequently, wider intellectual exploration, deeper academic investigation, stronger educational effort and social-governmental concertation will help Africans come up with fresh results and groundbreaking conclusions. All African schoolchildren need therefore to get a solid background in all the Ancient African civilizations.

To offer beforehand a recapitulative judgment, I would say that they all viewed their tasks within a far narrower context, thus minimizing the extent of the work that lies ahead.

They did not realize the importance of inter-African concertation, reciprocal knowledge, and systematized cooperation.

They failed to evaluate the extent to which they all have been altered, Westernized, and alienated from their t=roots.

They did not examine how sick, absurd, criminal, and inhuman the Western world was – even before colonizing Africa and other parts of the world.

And they did not consider as their priority to contact other colonized nations in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, to exchange descriptions of common experience, and to decide about their much needed common struggle and decolonization effort.

II. Afrocentric African scholars should have been taken Egyptology back from the Western Orientalists and Africanists 

First and foremost, their overall mental and intellectual endeavor was utterly wrong, misplaced, upended, and factitious. Although this statement seems to be extremely disappointing and perhaps even unfair, it is not. When people like Cheikh Anta Diop and Molefi Kete Asante decided to oppose the colonial powers and their historical distortions by means of Afrocentrism, they acted (without even understanding it) as typical Western intellectuals or philosophers.  

To be effective and fruitful, Afrocentrism must stay close to the historical reality. Western standards of Marketing do not promote the African culture in any sense; on the contrary, they contaminate, corrupt and exterminate it. Afrocentrism is at the antipodes of Modernity – or it is false.

The Afrocentric African intellectuals thought that their own African culture could give them the foremost insignia of originality, but this was a wrong assumption. Unfortunately, they never questioned their authenticity and they failed to notice that they had already been exposed to overwhelming colonial impact at the mental, intellectual, educational, academic and scientific levels. So, they did not even imagine that they had first to methodically filter their mindsets, concepts and beliefs, and to remove the clutter. They did not realize that they had first to thoroughly study in-depth Egyptian hieroglyphics, Ancient Egyptian civilization, and the History of Egypt down to Modern Times in order to have access to the foremost African past.  

This would not be an easy task, because they would have to take Egyptological courses mainly in French- or English-speaking countries (or alternatively in Italy, Germany, Russia, Austria, Poland or Egypt – without however major differences in the syllabus, methodology or approach). In these countries’ academic institutions, their professors would teach and propagate the compact, pseudo-historical dogma, which has progressively covered all sectors of Humanities and which was geared in order to historically legitimize and consolidate the Western colonial power at the educational, intellectual, and academic levels. This Western historical forgery is at the origin of every colonial evildoing, because it stipulates the preposterous Western supremacy, it defines the cruel and inhuman West as ‘the realm of civilization’, it denigrates all the other great nations (not only Africans) as barbarians, and it offers to the Western gangsters the foremost pretext to colonize the world.

Denderah, Temple of Hathor; relief with representation of the cosmological doctrine of Khemenu (today’s Ashmunein; Hermupolis in Ancient Greek) that the Ancient Greeks described as ‘Ogdoad’; the basic concept of the Hermupolitan religion is monotheistic.

From the Book of Going Forth by Day, which has been misleadingly named ‘Book of the Dead’ (by Western Egyptologists); version saved in the Papyrus of Ani. Whereas Anubis is represented as weighing the heart of the deceased Ani in the lower part, in the upper section, we see the representation of the cosmological doctrine of Iwnw (Heliopolis in Ancient Greek) that the Ancient Greeks described as ‘Ennead’. The basic concept of the Heliopolitan religion is monotheistic.

Ramesses III represented as making offerings to Ptah, Skhmet and Nefertem, who are also known as the Memphitic Triad, basic element of the cosmological doctrine of the polytheistic priesthood of Memphis. The Hermupolitan, Heliopolitan and Memphitic religions were the oldest and most widespread Ancient Egyptian religions during the 3rd and the 1st half of the 2nd millennium BCE. With the rise of the 18th dynasty in the 16th c. BCE, Egyptian monotheism and polytheism clashed under the forms of Atonism (or Atenism) and Amun Theban Triad; the Theban theology was mainly a readjustment and reformulation of the Memphitic religion, whereas Aton consists in a most stressed form of the Heliopolitan monotheism.

Amun, Mut & Khonsu: the Theban Triad

Royal tomb of Tel Amarna (Akhetaton), the new capital founded by the monotheist Pharaoh who broke with the polytheistic past of Thebes of Egypt; relief representing Akhenaten and Nefertiti adoring Aten

The Great Hymn to Aten, composed by the great African mystic and pharaoh Akhenaten, constitutes African History’s holiest text and the earliest monotheistic written document worldwide; the extraordinary text consists in one of the numerous and solid proofs that demonstrate the fallacy of the Biblical narrative, the Egyptian identity of the populations that are said to have left Kemet (Egypt) under Moses, and the Egyptian origin of the Biblical Psalms. As a matter of fact, what is nowadays called as Biblical (or Hebrew) religion is nothing more than Egyptian monotheistic religiosity in Canaanite language and in monotheistic Assyrian imperial-universal context. Epitome of African spirituality, the Great Hymn to Aten must become the founding text of the national education in every African state.

Religious confrontation, opposition to other dogmas, rejection of counterfeit doctrines and elimination of opposite faiths and cults seldom took the form of civil war in Ancient Egypt; they customarily involved reformulation of earlier concepts, transformation of fundamental notions, subordination of divinities to a strongly promoted deity, assimilation of divine traits into those of another divinity, oblivion of previously eulogized traits, introduction of new divine virtues, reference to an unfathomable yet beneficial mystery, and restructuring of the overall outline of faith. A typical example was the inception (3rd c. BCE) of the Esna Triad around Khnum, Neith and Heka; this was an Upper Egyptian monotheistic effort to undermine the impact of the Memphitic theology across the country.



There is not a single concept, notion, idea or narrative stated in Ancient Greek philosophical texts that does not originate from one of the aforementioned Egyptian religions, forms of spirituality, and theological schools.

So, as Afrocentric African students, they would have to meticulously search, find out, and identify -in the manuals that they would study and in the courses that they would attend- endless inaccuracies, deliberate errors, obvious lies, and a multitude of techniques geared by Western Egyptologists in order to distort the historical truth and to adjust all newly found data to the arbitrarily preconceived and shamelessly pronounced diagram of World Pseudo-History that the evil intellectuals of Western European Renaissance composed in the 15th and the 16th centuries, before sending their heinous, anti-Christian, barbarian and racist conquistadors and rascals to invade the rest of the world and carry out unstoppable series of genocides.

This means that, instead of blindly accepting their Western professors’ assumptions and teachings, the Afrocentric African students of Western Egyptologists should scrutinize every single word, argumentation, conclusion, pretension, interpretation, lecture and publication of their professors, denounce -point by point- every single case of falsehood or deliberate distortion, and reject the Western Egyptology across the board.  

The task of the first Afrocentric African Egyptologists would be immense, involving

a) the publication of encyclopedias and books, academic periodicals, and secondary education manuals, and

b) extensive activities in terms of science popularization in newspapers, reviews, movies and TV programs – all available in many African languages, not in French and English.

All the criminal lies of the Western Eurocentric Egyptologists should be ferociously denounced, whereas Egypt, Sudan and Libya should be persuasively asked by all the other African states to effectively ban every Western European, Australian, and North American Egyptologist and Egyptological mission member, who did not denounce the fallacies of Eurocentrism, Judeo-Christian tradition, Greco-Roman civilization, Hellenism, Classicism and Renaissance. 

To give you an approximate idea, if the aforementioned development had taken place at the time, by now there would have been formed several hundreds of Afrocentric African Egyptologists teaching factual, truthful and unadulterated Egyptology in more than a hundred universities across the Black Continent. You certainly can fathom what a devastating blow against the Western European and North American colonial academia this development would have been.

Contrarily to this indispensable task and inevitable priority, the first Afrocentric African Egyptologists were merely theorizing in a most harmless manner, while having a very shallow understanding of Ancient Egypt. As a matter of fact, they never challenged, let alone endangered, the academic, educational and intellectual interests and biases of the Western colonial elites. Even worse, they intended to make political use of the Ancient Egyptian heritage; but this was really calamitous because “politics” is an entirely Modern Western fabrication that did not exist in the past in Africa, Asia or Europe. There will never be decolonization with politics anywhere, because there was no politics before the colonial era.  

More importantly, the aforementioned approach, which applies to Egyptology, should have also been followed in all the other sectors of Humanities that concern Pre-Islamic Africa, namely Meroitic-Cushitic Studies, Axumite Abyssinian Studies (to best document the Yemenite, non-African, origin of the Axumites), Punt and Ancient Somali Studies, Punic (Carthaginian) Studies, Libyco-Berber Studies, Late Antiquity Africa, and African Christianity.

III. Western Usurpation of African Heritage must be canceled.

In addition to the aforementioned, the Afrocentric African Egyptologists should undertake another, turly enormous endeavor, namely the ultimate denunciation and the irrevocable cancellation of the Western usurpation of a sizeable part of African and Asiatic historical heritage. Example:

Plotinus (204-270), who was an Egyptian mystic, erudite scholar, and spiritual master, has been distortedly named as “Greek Platonist philosopher” by the racist, colonial forgers of Western universities; but Plotinus was born in today’s Asyut (Zawty in Egyptian Hieroglyphics; Syowt in Coptic; Lycopolis in Ancient Greek) in Central Egypt. He was an Egyptian, and his spiritual doctrine was entirely Egyptian; Plotinus wrote in Ancient Greek only to further propagate his knowledge, wisdom and world conceptualization, but his knowledge of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics is unquestionable.

Would it be therefore normal to consider an African American as an Anglo-Saxon only because he writes in English?

Many non-specialists may wish to formulate another question about Plotinus:

Why do then Western forgers call Plotinus “a Platonist philosopher”?

This is simple to answer.

Plato had traveled and studied in Egypt; in fact, his theories and world views are not his, but have derived from well-known, fundamental Ancient Egyptian concepts of transcendental knowledge, spirituality, moral, and world conceptualization. The underlying nature of Plato’s so-called philosophy is the Ancient Egyptian Iwnw (Heliopolitan) dogma (also called among Greeks as “the Ennead”), i.e. one of the most influential religions of Ancient Egypt, which progressively spread throughout the Mediterranean Sea and Europe. So, Plotinus is a valuable part of Ancient African heritage that has been usurped after it was labeled “Greek” by the racist and criminal French, English and American academics and forgers.


Above: this is what existed in Plotinus’ mind about the Soul. Below: and this is what exists in the minds of Western authors about Plotinus’ conceptualization of the Soul.

Another example is offered by Porphyry of Tyre (234-305), Plotinus’ student; he was a Phoenician spiritual master, cosmologist, mathematician, intellectual, debater, and author. Although Assyrian-Babylonian spirituality, science and wisdom are evident in his works, Western academic fraudsters still call him “Neo-platonic philosopher”, which is another blatant case of Western usurpation of Oriental Asiatic heritage.  

This is what existed in the mind of Porphyry of Tyre about the Tree of Life {relief from the palace of Ashurnasirpal II (884-859 BCE) at Kalhu (today’s Nimrud).

And this is what the 18th c. ignominious Catholic monks of the Premonstratensian Order thought (due to their Baroque fallacy and arrogant absurdity) that Porphyry of Tyre believed that the Tree of Life could possibly be: a linear nonsense {from the Schussenried Monastery (Bad Schussenried, Baden-Württemberg, Germany), New Convent Building: Library Hall ceiling fresco}.

There is nothing “Greek”, nothing “European”, and nothing “Western”, in the highly valuable works of those great spiritual mystics and erudite scholars; they were genuinely Oriental, either African or Asiatic. But faithless, atheist, and materialist forgers of the Western universities have ludicrously labeled all these great masters “philosophers”, thus propagating the use of a profane word, which during the Antiquity was of low connotation, because it was in straight opposition to words such as “wise”, “sacred”, “venerated”, “pious”, and “consecrated”.

Compared to the high priests of Egypt, Cush/Meroe, Punt/Somalia, Carthage, Phoenicia, Assyria and Iran, the so-called Ancient Greek and Roman “philosophers” constituted villainous and degenerate evildoers. The profanity of those corrupt, obscene and barbarian malefactors (like the Epicureans) is beyond description, as they pretended that Man has the right to perform all the absurd crimes and the most repugnant sins if this is ‘good’ for his sensual pleasures.    

No Afrocentric African Egyptologists and Africanists will ever do good service to the Black Continent, their national identity, their cultural integrity, and the values and virtues of their ancestors, if they do not irrevocably reject the Western usurpation of Oriental heritage; actually, it is their obligation to irreversibly eradicate the last shred of Western impact on African education, academic knowledge, intellectual life, and moral tradition.  

IV. Afrocentrism had to encompass severe criticism and total rejection of the so-called Western Civilization

Second, the overall mental and intellectual endeavor of the Afrocentric African intellectuals was definitely incomplete. Not only they did not study Egyptology to acquire access into the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic sources that constitute the utmost African originality, but they also failed to duly explore, analyze and criticize the Modern Western world. All the same, they would have two major tasks in this regard; more specifically, they had to first, evaluate the Western world on the basis of their own African criteria and values, and second, publish their argumentations, evaluations, and conclusions.   

As a matter of fact, they had to ultimately investigate the so-called Western world per se, identify its nature and origin, describe the process of its fabrication, denounce its unreliability and inhumanity, and discredit the Western intellectuals’ conclusions, assumptions, pretensions, and fake stories. In other words, they had to effectively check whether the so-called Western world was anything more than spiritual corruption, deliberate alteration, and degenerate disfigurement of a part of the Ancient Oriental world.

This is a very critical point; although no Afrocentric African Egyptologists and Africanists have been formed until now (in order to subsequently re-establish an Afrocentric version of Egyptology and of several other related fields of Humanities), African universities have been flooded with numerous types of absurd, preposterous Western propaganda, notably the academic fields of French Literature, Art, History and Culture, English Literature, Art, History and Culture, Italian Literature, Art, History and Culture, Modern European Philosophy, etc.

All these fields have been accepted and developed in African universities; and the contents of numerous syllabuses were instructed to African students on African soil. This was carried out very thoughtlessly and extremely disastrously. Due to this situation, a great number of texts written by Western poets, playwrights, authors, philosophers and others were diffused among African populations. This means that immoral concepts, evil plots, inhuman stories, criminal ideas, vicious thoughts, counterfeit values, and execrable vices made their way into the hearts and the minds of millions of innocent Africans, fully corrupting them and effectively destroying their culture. This very deceitful and extremely pernicious method made many Africans unconsciously accept what would be impermissible for their parents’ and ancestors’ standards, values, and measures to tolerate.  

It is most unfortunate that the Afrocentric intelligentsia of Africa failed to make it clear that no Western European and Northern American text can be taught, studied, printed or diffused on African soil, if it does not comprehensively comply with African values, virtues and traditions. Voltaire, Jean Jacques Rousseau, William Shakespeare, François Rabelais, Joachim du Bellay, Montesquieu, Victor Hugo, Charles Baudelaire, Rudyard Kipling, Albert Camus, Agatha Christie, and scores of other supposedly important, valuable or even acceptable authors are absolutely pathetic and worthless when evaluated as per African moral values, measures and cultural criteria.

Although the libretto was written by the then leading Egyptologist, the renowned Auguste Mariette, Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida (commissioned by Cairo’s Khedivial Opera House and premiered on 24th December 1871) is a colonial hallucination that reflects all the Orientalist distortions of African History; more specifically, Aida was said to be an Ethiopian princess, but this was a multiple fraud, because at the time no one could identify the location with Sudan, namely the Ancient Kingdom of Cush, because the Ancient Greek term ‘Ethiopia’ had fallen in desuetude. Even worse, inter-African wars (between Egypt/Kemet and Ethiopia/Cush – not to be confused with Abyssinia) are at the epicenter of the plot. This reflects the numerous conflicts and clashes between the 25th (Cushitic) and the 26th (Libyan) dynasties of Ancient Egypt, which took place between the 9th and the 6th c. BCE, when Egypt was continually divided into several kingdoms. This opera generates therefore a sad and nefarious impression about Africa to the audience.

Similarly, Verdi’s Nabucco (from Ancient Greek ‘Nabucodonosor’/’Nebuchadnezzar’ in Ancient Hebrew), which was composed in 1841, at a time the Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform sources had not been deciphered, consists in mere projection of Western Freemasonic and Zionist clichés onto a purely fictional story that distorts the Ancient History of Mesopotamia, while also villainously insinuating that the Ottomans were the descendants of the Babylonians, which is absurd. These forms of Western racist art systematically denigrated all the Oriental nations involved, criminally reducing them to the position of subaltern pupils and servants.

Written in the first years of the 17th c., William Shakespeare’s play ‘Antony and Cleopatra’ is a multi-layered distortion of factual truth and historical sources. The extraordinary denigration of the Egyptians, as carried out throughout the text, makes of the playwright an anti-African pamphleteer. The selective use of Plutarch’s Life of Antony (from the Parallel Lives) fully demonstrates the real, ignoble intentions of Shakespeare who wanted to plainly indoctrinate his compatriots in anti-Egyptian and anti-African odium. Depicting Egypt as a sensual environment and Rome as an austere social context, Shakespeare convinces us that he did not have a clue about how the everyday life was in either country 1600 years before he wrote the notorious play.

In fact, most of these pathetic, anomalous and evil individuals were heinous fanatics, paranoid fraudsters, and abhorrent sinners, who carried out crimes, propagated evildoing, despised their fellow countrymen, and promoted immoral manners and unethical behavior. They were abnormal to the extent of loathing and reviling the Christian culture of the societies in which they belonged and which they wanted to destroy. Clearly, there is only one reason for which Agatha Christie’s novels (to offer an example) could be accepted as a study topic in African universities: in order to castigate the evil plot and to articulate a devastating critique of English Literature on the basis of African moral considerations, traditional values, and literary standards.

Agatha Christie’s ‘Death on the Nile’ (pictures from John Guillermin’s movie – 1978) is an insult against every average Egyptian and African; the only indigenous character, Mr. Choudhury, is portrayed as an idiot and as a humble admirer of his colonial masters.

V. Afrocentrism as a form of African Isolationism drawing a line of separation between colonized nations in Africa and Asia

Third, the overall mental and intellectual endeavor of the Afrocentric African intellectuals proved also to be disturbingly egocentric; this is due to the fact that the interpretation of their approach leads us to the conclusion that they considered the colonial wrongdoings as necessary to eliminate only from Africa. In other words, they failed to notice that Africa was only one of the colonial powers’ targeted lands or continents and that the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the English, the French, the Dutch, and the Belgians also colonized vast territories in Asia, Europe and Latin America. Last, they did not take into account that the Western colonial practices have been continued by several derivative states of the colonial powers, notably the US, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.

It would however be very helpful for all the Afrocentric African intellectuals to examine how the Ottoman Empire (one of African History’s largest empires), Iran, the Mughal Empire of India, China, and even Russia were systematically and incessantly targeted by the colonial empires of the West. Furthermore, it would be very useful for those intellectuals to observe and assess that, for the colonial powers, the military occupation or the political dependence of a land, nation or kingdom is not the only means of effectively impacting a colony and introducing it into the colonial metropolis’ sphere of influence.

Russia was never occupied militarily by the Western colonial powers, but from the beginning of the 18th c., the Romanov dynasty was targeted with a sophisticated and multifaceted process of Westernization (Europeanization) to which many Russian nobles, clerics and intellectuals reacted ferociously. It is quite telling that the Imperial Russian elite was successfully dragged to the extent of becoming an ally of the atheist and profane state of France (instead of naturally siding with Germany and Austria-Hungary), only to be exhausted in WW I, defeated by the Germans, and replaced by the Communists, who were totally alien to Russian culture.

Although they were exceedingly lavish, the Peterhof Palace’s decorative artifacts (here you see one part of the Grand Staircase) were a stupendous insult against the average Russian’s culture, traditions, education, and faith. In brief, the phenomenal palace was a Western outpost inside the Christian Orthodox Empire of the Romanov dynasty. This would inevitably bring about the collapse of the Russian imperial state, which lacked cultural-intellectual homogeneity due to the Westernization of its elites.

This shows that to best serve African nations’ interests and anticolonial vocation, the Afrocentric intelligentsia of Africa should enlarge their horizons, see Africa as only one colonially targeted land or continent, and enrich their knowledge and experience with the study of non-African civilizations, lands and nations that have also been colonized by the Western colonial powers. No one can possibly assess the historical distortions made by the Western academics during the formulation of their bogus-historical dogma, without duly delving into numerous fields of Humanities and fully checking endless inaccuracies, deliberate errors, obvious lies and a multitude of techniques geared by Western scholars in fields like Assyriology, Hittitology, Iranology, Biblical Studies, Indology, Islamology, Turkology, Slavic and Russian Studies, and Sinology.

VI. General estimation of the human resources, the time, and the cost needed

The aforementioned criticism may now help as a guideline for the future; what was not achieved in the past can be attempted now. Presently, perhaps the international context is more favorable to such an effort. Speaking for a middle-size African state, such as Algeria (in guise of an example), the effort to launch numerous sectors of Humanities, as new academic fields entirely free of colonial falsehood and distortion, would not be difficult to undertake. All the same, it would certainly demand perfect conceptualization of the commendable objective and proper contextualization within the international community. As it consists in a project of national and all-African dimensions, it should be placed under central (governmental) guidance and supervision.

It goes without saying that a project this important would also involve fully committed students, who would be absolutely conscious of the national and all-African character of the undertaking, and of their role in it. They should first be prepared during a 3 or 4-year syllabus (leading to a B.A.) and then financially supported during their graduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies. They should finally be committed to

a) returning to their ‘alma mater’,

b) being appointed there, and

c) launching a new department of studies in the sector in which they would have already been specialized.

To give an estimate, this national and all-African project (covering sectors named or insinuated in the aforementioned parts II, III, IV and V) would encompass around 50 (fifty) different sectors of Humanities. Selecting 10 (ten) genuinely interested and devoted students, who would be ready to specialize in the designated fields and return to be employed, means a total of 500 students, i.e. 500 scholarships for 10 years, and one secretariat in order to adequately administer the whole project. For a country like Eritrea or Mauritania, this would certainly be difficult to undertake, but for Algeria it is affordable. It would not exceed 100 million US$ for the entire period (including also the infrastructure and the establishment of basic libraries).


Colonization in Africa will continue until all African schoolchildren study -amongst other sites and monuments- in their schools and learn -in their languages- about the following:

Above: Napata, the capital of the kingdom of Cush (Ancient Ethiopia / unrelated to the state of Abyssinia, today’s Fake Ethiopia) in today’s Karima-Sudan; called today Jebel Barkal, the holy mountain of Amun was for all Egyptian and Sudanese adepts of the Theban Triad the world’s holiest place. Below: the Cushitic necropolis of El Kurru, ca. 15 km from Karima/Napata.


Nuri, on the other side of the Nile, opposite Karima/Napata: the third Cushitic necropolis

Mjrwjwit-Meroe: late Cushitic capital

Meroe, capital of Cush (Ethiopia) from the 5th c. BCE until 360 CE, attracted the admiration of Romans and Greeks; when the Armenian king Tiridates I visited Nero in Rome (66 CE), the Roman Emperor organized an extraordinary spectacle with Meroitic gladiators in his honor, which means that the Ancient Sudanese impressed the Romans without being however impressed by them. Three centuries later, the Phoenician Heliodorus from Homs (Emesa, in Syria) wrote an extraordinary account of Meroe in his “Aithiopica” (in the middle of the 4th c. CE). Meroe proved to be invincible and impregnable until the Abyssinian Axumite king Ezana invaded it around 360 CE (attacking from the southeast). After a brief period of Axumite occupation, three Christian kingdoms emerged in the area of today’s Sudan: (from North to South) Nobatia, Makuria and Alodia (or Alwa) – all unrelated to Axum, which collapsed with the arrival of Islam. The southernmost kingdom was the last to fall (around 1500); it was invaded by the Funj (African Muslims), who attacked from Sahara.


Naqa: a major religious center of the Meroitic Kingdom


Mussawarat as-Sufra: a major imperial and religious center of the Meroitic kingdom; it is located deep in the Butana, Sudan’s eastern desert, which is demarcated by the Blue Nile, the United Nile, Atbara River (affluent of the Nile) and the mountains alongside the Sudanese-Abyssinian(‘Ethiopian’) borders.

Suakin-Ptolemais Theron: a Ptolemaic colony and port-of-call on the Red Sea coast of today’s Sudan; Ptolemais Theron (lit. Ptolemaic harbor of the Hunters) was quite significant for the trade between the East and the West. That is why it was mentioned in the historical text ‘Periplus of the (‘Erythraean’) Red Sea’, which was written by an anonymous author in the 2nd half of the 1st c. CE. The site retained its historical importance and, after the 13th c., it became the gate to Mecca for African Muslims willing to perform hajj (pilgrimage).

Axum, in today’s Tigray province of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia); Axum was the capital of a small kingdom set up in East Africa by the Yemenite tribe Abashat (Hebesha), which was kicked out by the Sabaeans and the Himyarites, namely the major Yemenite kingdoms. Adulis (near today’s Massawa in Eritrea) was the major Abyssinian port of call.

The Horn of Africa, also known as Cape Guardafui or Raas Casiir in Af Somali, was a Ancient Somali harbor renowned to many people all over the world: in the Periplus of the Red Sea, it is called ‘Cape of the Perfumes’ (Akroterion Aromaton). Extensive archaeological excavations have to be undertaken in this location.

Archaeological excavations have to be undertaken also in Ras (Cape) Hafun (in Af Somali: Ras Xaafuun) further in the South. The remains of the Salt Factory built by the Italians in the early 20th c. are seen on the picture. This site is identified with Opone, another port of call mentioned in the Periplus of the Red Sea. This Ancient Greek name is identical with the Ancient Egyptian name Punt, which denoted an ancient kingdom also known to the Egyptians as Ta-Netjer (the Land of God). Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt organized the most famous (but not the first) Expedition to Punt (around 1475 BCE), dispatching her fleet under Admiral Nehesy (or Nehsi) who conversed with King Perehu and Queen Eti of Punt. The deeds of the historic mission were inscribed in detail on the walls of the second colonnade (southern part) of the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut at Deir al Bahari (Luxor West).

Above:Ras Hafun – Opone/Punt today / Below: Punt before 3500 years


Punt 1500 BCE: the Ancient Somalis (Puntites) needed to use ladders to enter their homes

The army of Punt cooperated with the Egyptians for the transportation of the goods of Punt that King Perehu dispatched to Queen Hatshepsut.

Carthage (Kart Hadasht: ‘New City’): the major Phoenician colony in North Africa became the world’s first maritime empire in the History of Mankind.


Carthage and the Carthaginian Empire, 218 BCE

Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania, tomb of Juba II (3 BCE), on the road between Cherchell and Algiers, in Tipaza Province, Algeria

Libyco-Punic Mausoleum in Dougga, Tunisia (2nd c. BCE)


It would not only be a historic investment in terms of National and All-African Education, but it would also constitute a formerly colonized nation’s most radical, resolute and drastic step out of the colonial era. In other words, in 15 (fifteen) years, an effort of such magnitude would bring forth results that would be exponentially greater than what the reputed Institute of African Studies of the University of Ghana achieved in more than 60 years (it was incepted in 1962).

VII. Decolonization means above all De-Anglicization and De-Francization

The previous paragraphs contain a brief criticism of the Afrocentric movement and at the same time reveal why it failed to bring forth substantive results. As a matter of fact, it should have started with an in-depth effort of self-knowledge. Today, in reality, Africans do not know one another, and if they do, this happens at a so superficial level that it is insignificant. This is exactly what I wrote before more than 10 years in a presentation which was widely publicized in Nigeria:

There is no African unity, no African identity, and no African interconnection, when Africans need colonial nations’ languages (English and French) to communicate with one another. In this regard, it is essential at this point to highlight that the current political appearance and the political map of Africa are also of entirely colonial nature; it is what the colonial powers wanted to impose on the Black Continent. That’s why it cannot be taken seriously into account.   

Any genuine and integer African cannot accept the colonial falsehood as per which Arabic is the main language throughout North Africa. This ‘happens’ only according to the Orientalist falsehood and due to colonial involvement and interference. In reality, Berber (Amazigh) is the main language throughout North Africa, and all the Africans, who deny this reality, are -quite unfortunately- victims of the colonial powers and of the delusion that European Orientalist and Africanist academics methodically created in order to effectively prevent Africans from achieving true nation building. Then, this implies that there should be Departments of Berber Language and Culture in at least 15 African countries. A Hausa-speaking Nigerian, a Somali, and a Swahili-speaking Kenyan should have the chance (in the perspective of 15 years after the beginning of the herein described educational-academic-intellectual decolonization project in their respective countries) of learning Berber in their high school. Similarly, an Algerian, a Moroccan, a Tunisian or a Libyan should have the chance of learning Hausa, Somali or Swahili in their relevant high schools.

More than 10 million people in Egypt are Copts; for a real African and Afrocentric thinker, the absence of Departments of Coptic Language, Literature and Theology is one of the worst results of the colonial rule throughout Africa. Somalia is an entirely Muslim country; yet, a Department of Coptology would be necessary in Somalia, because only then all the Somalis would understand the historical dependence of the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians on the Copts, the existing differences between the Amhara and the Copts of Egypt, the pseudo-Christian nature of the Amhara, the reason for which the Christian Orthodox Oromos rejected to have any connection with the Amhara and were (few years ago) directly connected to Copts (the Coptic Patriarchate of Alexandria), and many other similar issues.

To underscore few specific points around which Somali Education, Academic Research, and National Building become one unitary endeavor, I would say the following: if the Amhara tribe and the Abyssinian colonial state proved to be a serious problem and a real threat for Somalia and the Somalis, it is then a national obligation of the Somali government to form a small force of academic specialists, who by studying and learning Coptic language, Coptic cult, Coptic theology, and History of the Coptic Church, will be able to advise correctly on all topics related to the Amhara Abyssinians and to the reason of their hatred of Somalia, Egypt, Islam, and Coptic Christianity. Furthermore, these Somali scholars will be able to unveil to many other Christian Africans the anti-Christian nature of the Amhara and their leaders.

For this to happen, after a first 3 or 4-year curriculum (leading to a B.A.), a Somali graduate should first choose this field as the main objective of his professional academic career; at the same time, he will have to be fully conscious of the fact that his desire to study Coptic in Egypt, specialize in Coptology, and become an expert on the matter does not constitute only his own career choice, but it is also a matter of national importance for Somalia. For this to be confirmed, governmental scholarships will have to be announced and offered for a certain number of years. 

A certain perspective has to be given to similar projects leading to the preparation and the launching of a Department of Coptology in Somalia. As I already said at the end of part VI), if we calculate a) the first circle of studies that will lead to a B.A. in Somalia (during which the selection of one or two candidates for specific scholarship for Coptic Studies will take place), b) the postgraduate & doctoral studies (5-7 years) that the Somali graduates will undertake, and c) their return to Somalia in order to launch for the first time a Department of Coptology, it will take ca. 10 years until the state of Somalia establishes a pertinent educational-academic foundation in this regard.

If this is what is needed for the launching of Coptic Studies in Somalia, similar effort has to be deployed for the establishment of many other sectors of Humanities. It will be a matter of Somali students’ commitment and Somali government’s investment in a national and all-African cause.


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A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – IV

In three earlier articles, I underscored the need of Egypt and China to set up a unique partnership and enter in a special military alliance in order to eliminate the colonial structures and presence in Northeastern Africa. Acting together, China and Egypt can bring peace, stability and prosperity to the neighboring lands of Sudan and Libya, which have long been targeted by the criminal colonial gangsters of England, France and America. You will find the titles, the contents and links to the articles below.  

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Chinese President Xi Jinping pose for a picture during the Chinese president’s visit to Luxor temple in Luxor, Egypt, January 21, 2016. Photo by Egyptian President Office

In the present, fourth article, I will briefly describe several megaprojects in which the Chinese-Egyptian synergy of multi-disciplinary collaboration should be deployed; I will examine how the Chinese-Egyptian Alliance will astoundingly transform Egypt into a major worldwide power; and I will state what the ultimate target of China’s African policy and of the Chinese- Egyptian Alliance should be, namely the definite destruction and elimination of all colonial, neocolonial and postcolonial concepts, structures and traces (i.e. a complete process of de-Westernization) and the remaking of Africa in five (5) mega-states of genuinely African identity, integrity, education, intellect, spirituality, values, and culture.  

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – I

I. Western Hatred against Egypt and Plans against Mankind

II. The End of Egypt may be very close

III. Egypt and the Pulverization of Sudan and Libya

IV. The Renaissance Dam in the light of the Abyssinian ‘Prophecy’ against Egypt and Sudan

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – II

I. The War in Gaza and the Destabilization of the Red Sea Region

II. The Rise of China as a World Super-power

III. The Irrevocable Prerequisites of China’s Worldwide Predominance

A Special Military Alliance with China is Egypt’s Only Chance for Survival – III

I. Grave Threats for Egypt’s Existence and Serious Danger for China’s Expansion

II. Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance between Egypt & China

III. Two Chinese Military Bases in Egypt: One Million Chinese Military on African Soil

IV. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Sudan and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Sudanese Alliance

V. Joint Chinese-Egyptian Military Operations in Libya and the Perspectives of a Chinese-Egyptian-Libyan Alliance

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Chinese President Xi Jinping attend a cermoney during the Chinese president’s visit to Luxor temple in Luxor, Egypt, January 21, 2016. Photo by Egyptian President Office



I. Toshka or New Valley Project

II. Water Desalination Plants

III. Relocation of a Sizeable Part of Egypt’s Population

IV. The Rafah-Taba Canal 

V. Twenty (20) Chinese Universities to operate in Egypt

From the  China-Egypt Cultural Year 2016


For more than 70 years, the modern republican state of Egypt pursued a path of unmitigated accumulation of unsolved problems, explosive impasses, failures, unrealistic dreams, defeats and uncompromising chimeras, which fascinated many people but prevented the state from achieving real nation building, indomitable sovereignty, unchallengeable historicity, economic breakthrough, and a leading regional role.

Nasser’s unsubstantiated claims ended in a disastrous territorial loss (1967) and his life was concluded with an assassination (1970); Sadat’s unprepared compromise and foolish approach to politics brought about insignificant gains (Camp David Accords) and apparent losses (the beginning of Egypt’s Islamization, radicalization and social degradation). Mubarak’s unrestrained love of stability and uncontainable fear of risk took a shameful end when his supposed friends and fake allies triggered his weak government’s prompt collapse and his fake regime’s utter disintegration. Morsi’s disgraceful tenure represented a conscious step toward a neocolonial enslavement to the Islamist pseudo-doctrine that was invented by England’s secret services in order to engulf the Muslim world in endless wars against Israel. Thank God, the Egyptian army and people managed to cancel the forthcoming calamity, when the country had reached the brink of the abyss.

With a strategic alliance and a special military partnership with China, President Abdelfattah el Sisi has now the extraordinary chance to draw a line and usher Egypt into a completely different stage of the country’s modern history. For this to happen, several mega-projects have to be duly studied, thoroughly planned, comprehensively implemented, and effectively operated by mixed teams of Chinese and Egyptian engineers, scientists, administrators, specialists, and entrepreneurs.

As it is easy to understand, it would be absolutely impossible even to herewith enumerate the major national projects needed to utterly transform the country and make of it an outstandingly rehabilitated regional power; however, I will therefore mention only few schemes that I deem necessary for Egypt’s survival, sustainable development, and meteoric rise to the world’s top ten countries. These undertakings can be successfully completed only by means of Chinese-Egyptian synergy.

I. Toshka or New Valley Project

This project started in 1997 as a complementary scheme to the construction of the Aswan High Dam, which was built between 1960 and 1970. It was envisioned as a system of canals which would carry water from Lake Nasser that was formed behind the newly erected dam. The canals were created in order to irrigate parts of Egypt’s Western Desert, thus developing a ‘New Valley’ and attracting populations to resettle (from the densely populated Nile Valley). The ambitious plan would certainly help solve Egypt’s grave problem, namely the high concentration of population in a very small part of the territory; actually, along the Nile, the population density is above 2000 persons per square km. Furthermore, the project was conceived in anticipation of the additional problems that would be created by the rapidly growing population and the lack of systematized birth control policy.

The canal inlet structure is located 8 km north of Toshka Bay (Khor) in the lake; the canal has been constructed up to the historic Darb al Arba’in desert route, advancing westwards and thence northwards to Baris Oasis (85 km south of Kharga Oasis). The Mubarak Pumping Station in Toshka, which is of key importance to the project, was inaugurated in early 2005; however, the works did not progress according to the schedule and in 2012 the construction had reached up to a point 60 km south of Baris Oasis. More recently, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, realizing the capital importance of the project, expressed his commitment to the completion of the works.

The initial thought was to transform 2500 km2 of desert into cultivated land, and thanks to the Long Live Egypt Fund, half of the land will be distributed to college graduates (one acre per person). More specifically, the ambitious project’s initiators set groundbreaking targets, involving a) putting Egypt on the world map for the production and export of dates, b) closing the food gap by increasing the agricultural area, c) maximizing the revenue of available resources, d) increasing agricultural exports (to reduce the deficit in the balance of trade), e) providing employment opportunities for many young people, especially in Upper Egypt, and f) encouraging the reconstruction, housing and development of these areas and reducing human pressure on the Nile Valley and Delta. Background:—-will-the-dream-of-agricultural-renaissance-be-renewed-in-egypt-.rkbVmyix3t.html

Toshka Project – Mubarak Pumping Station /المشاريع-القومية/مشروع-مزرعة-توشكي/

The New Valley Project | Infrastructure Marvels | Hindi | Mind Warsالرئاسة/تحيا-مصر/”Long-Live-Egypt”-fund-has-to-continue-making-its-contributions?lang=en-us

From the above, it can be easily understood that such an ambitious project and the perspectives of its extension, the subsequent creation of new cultivated lands, and the dramatic increase of the agricultural production, which would ensue, have by definition many powerful enemies in this world. It is well known that several criminal oligarchs repeatedly expressed their sick globalist ideas as regards Eugenics, world depopulation, food scarcity and the use of food as a biopower means of control. As Henry Kissinger put it, “who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world”.

When we notice that disreputable forgers, like the Anglo-Saxon news agencies and mainstream mass media, pretend that Henry Kissinger ( never said the above mentioned statement, we can safely conclude that the truth is the exact opposite of whatever an Anglo-Saxon may say and that the powers-that-be would never allow Egypt to become the granary of Africa. In fact, enormous international pressure was exerted in the 2000s on the Egyptian government for the country to abandon the project and to become a food importer. Another example of Anti-Egyptian literature, distortion and hatred:

For Beijing to prevent a deliberately catastrophic manipulation of the worldwide food supply, a massive exodus from Africa, a migration chaos in Western Europe and a vicious Far Right scheme providing for a new, mixed race, China’s presence in Africa has to be differently conceived, remarkably upgraded, and duly readjusted to the need of outmaneuvering and cancelling colonial plans of mass destruction. Egypt and Sudan must be helped to become major food exporters and for this to happen, a strategic alliance is needed, involving cooperation at all levels.

The Toshka or New Valley Project should not be only completed but also expanded to gradually reach other oases in Egypt’s Western Desert, namely Kharga, Dakhla, Farafra, Bahariyah and thence Fayoum. More importantly, the concept itself of the Toshka Project has to be taken as an example for Egypt’s development and urban re-construction in the Eastern Desert. This will demand desalinated water production and the establishment of many seawater desalination plants in the Red Sea coastland.

II. Water Desalination Plants

With a population expected to reach the mark of 150 million people in 2050, Egypt seems to have a very gloomy and dark future, particularly if we take into account the fact that the Nile provides about 97% of the water needed and consumed by the country. Although Nile water can be better utilized following the completion of the Toshka Project and its potential further expansion, the country evidently needs desalination technology to a far larger extent than the various governmental and private authorities had at first thought. At present, there are about 60 desalination plants producing ca. 800,000 m3 of freshwater per day; the Egyptian government expressed the intention to build additional desalination plants during the next few years and to thus reach the level of production of 2.4 million m3 per day in 2030. In spite of the good intentions, this approach risks being insufficient: ‘too little too late’! Background:,and%20in%20Saudi%20Arabia%2070%25.

The mistake in this regard has nothing to do with the Ethiopian Renaissance (GERD) dam and the malignant, anti-Egyptian, anti-Sudanese and anti-Islamic intentions of the Amhara tribesmen who govern Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia). The Egyptian mistake is again in the proverbially conservative attitude of the Egyptian ruling classes and in their failure to think out-of-the-box. Determining optimal partnership in technology transfer, China should undertake a major spatial study for Egypt’s Eastern Desert Mountains in view of the transformation of the region into a series of new urban centers that will have to be created; the Chinese government should deliver the results and the proposals to the Egyptian governmental authorities.

In fact, not only the capital of Egypt has to be transferred in the site (currently under construction) of the New Administrative Capital (45 km east of Cairo and 60 km west of Suez), but more than half the population of the Valley of the Nile and Cairo has to be relocated in the Eastern Desert Mountains, if the Egyptians intend to have a bright future and a better life. Then, the additional water desalination plants that have to be constructed in the Red Sea coastline will help cover the extra need to establish urban centers and agricultural lands east of the Nile. Background:

Aerial New Capital CBD

Similarly, water desalination plants built across the coastlands of the Mediterranean Sea will be able to support further plans of urban relocation from the Delta region to the northernmost confines of the Western Desert. With the help of China, Egypt will manage to have operating desalination plants at the level of the top Saudi (near Jubail and Jeddah) and Israeli (Palmachim) plants.  

Tor desalination plant (Sinai)

Ard al-Berak water treatment plant Cairo

III. Relocation of a Sizeable Part of Egypt’s Population

Egypt can become great again only thanks to a majestic vision, because Kemet (which is the land’s correct and proper name) always radiated in this manner; the rest of Kemet’s History was worthless centuries and foreign settlers, who found it normal to append the Valley of the Nile to other states. The current ruling classes of Egypt (or Masr, as the locals name their own fatherland after the Ancient Assyrian-Babylonian appellation, which was later used among Aramaeans, Hebrews, Iranians and others) are far below expectations. Today’s Egyptian elites cannot realize that extraordinary lands, like Kemet, which have to radiate, when they don’t (for one reason or another), simply disappear.

Egypt’s ruling classes were formed in the filthiest universities of Kemet’s worst enemies (England, France, Holland, Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the US) and/or in the locally present annexes of such institutions (like the notorious neocolonial American University in Cairo); consequently, one cannot expect them to get easily rid of the inculcated false historical dogma and of the fallacious Western narrative of World History that Western scholars, colonial forgers, and anti-Egyptian heinous intellectuals have propagated worldwide. Within those fallacious doctrines and lies, Ancient Kemet’s historical role is minimized, achievements concealed, radiation hidden, wisdom distorted, and faith deliberately kept secret.

Egypt’s ruling classes are engulfed in their disastrous conformism, conventionalism, conservatism, Pan-Arabism, Islamism and modernism; for this reason they cannot accurately feel, assess and cancel the long lasting threats and the lurking dangers against the Valley of the Nile. Simply, one can pray and hope that the exception will finally arise, the customary policies will be abandoned, the interests of the local elites gravely disregarded, the national interests effectively defended, and the land’s perennial principles respected. How the ‘exceptional’ will occur and the ‘usual’ will be chased away from Egypt is a topic that it would take long to describe here.

The original fact is that with 100 million people as inhabitants, the Valley of the Nile north of Abu Simbel simply reached its limits. Either the rulers of the land will fully implement a revolutionary policy of birth control to bring the population down to 30 million people or half the population must be relocated to properly prepared, duly programmed, and effectively constructed new urban centers in the Eastern and the Western deserts. Certainly, the second option is the only to possibly select.

For this reason, the aforementioned Toshka Project, the existing water desalination plants, and the New Administrative Capital mega-project were all excellent concepts and commendable endeavors, but they were too small for Egypt’s urgent needs and hopefully bright perspectives. One can understand that with minimal resources and limited funds, earlier administrations could not deliver more. But now, realizing the lurking dangers, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi can launch an Egyptian-Chinese partnership and alliance, which not only will enable him to take the country to the next stage of its History but also will eliminate all the existing dangers and serve as a brilliant model of bilateral partnership and alliance with China for all the other African states and governments to follow.  

New Administrative Capital under construction

Vehicles drive along a road near the newly-built Shuhada (Martyrs) mosque at Egypt’s “New Administrative Capital” megaproject, some 45 kilometres east of Cairo, on March 7, 2021. (Photo by Ahmed HASAN / AFP) (Photo by AHMED HASAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Egypt’s next stage will be the first, in its millennia long History, in which the majority of the population will not live in the Valley of the Nile but in the Eastern and the Western deserts. Several mega-projects will have to be launched for this purpose in close synergy with China; all together, these enormous undertakings will have to be tenfold the size of New Cairo capital city, because a great number of cities, towns and villages will have to be designed and built in the mountains of the Eastern Desert region, as well as in the plains and in the Qattara depression of the Western desert, along with the necessary support coming from water desalination plants and new cultivated lands. Only within the present contextualization could actually a final Qattara Depression Project be advantageously identified, effectively implemented, and successfully operated. Background:

Egypt’s Innovative Megaproject: Create A Lake In The Qattara Depression!

IV. The Rafah-Taba Canal 

In August 2014, the Suez Canal Corridor Area Project was launched by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi; it was completed in 2015. The project encompassed several other schemes, notably the New Suez Canal, which is an artificial waterway that created a second, 72 km long shipping lane along part of the 193 km long Suez Canal (due to 35 km of dry digging and 37 km of expansion and deep digging). Background:

With our world’s exponentially increasing needs in terms of maritime transport, Egypt and China should team together and start another mega-project, namely the construction of a larger and deeper canal between the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf of Aqaba/Red Sea. This should be undertaken not far from the Israeli-Egyptian border, namely from a location in the Egyptian Mediterranean shore between El Arish and Rafah to a place situated on the eastern coast of the Sinai Peninsula south of Taba, which is Egypt’s last resort before the Israeli border.

This groundbreaking undertaking will greatly facilitate the worldwide maritime transport, while also increasing the Egyptian government’s revenues through tolls and transit fees. More specifically, one has to take into account the limits of the Suez Canal, which was constructed in the 1860s (the works started in August 1859); as a matter of fact, the allowable draft of Suez Canal is only 66 feet, and this means that, as of today, it can accommodate only 61.2% of the world’s tanker fleet and 92.7% of the bulk carrier fleet. With this in mind, ten years ago, back in 2014, I published two articles in order to propose exactly this project, also presenting it as a very effective measure for the Egyptian government to eradicate Islamic terrorism from the North Sinai region and to cut Egypt off the Palestinian-Israeli quagmire. The two articles have been republished and are currently available here:


In fact, the idea of a second canal in the Sinai Peninsula region is nothing new. I first heard about the concept when I lived in Israel back in 1984. It was then called the Ben Gurion Canal Project, and it reflected considerations that dated back in the 1960s; the idea was to construct a rival to the Egyptian Suez Canal, which ‘monopolized’ the shortest Asia-Europe maritime route. According to the intriguing idea, which has not hitherto been scrutinized in a study (let alone materialized), the Mediterranean Sea would be connected to the Gulf of Aqaba. The project would involve cutting a canal through the Negev Desert (Israel) to connect Eilat (in the Gulf of Aqaba) to a location between Ashkelon and the northernmost confines of Gaza Strip. About:

This fact means that Egypt and China, in an attempt to further facilitate worldwide maritime transport, should consider very seriously their chance of undertaking the project as soon as they can.

V. Twenty (20) Chinese Universities to operate in Egypt

The educational-academic-scientific partnership between China and Egypt should become the model that China and other African states will follow later; China does not frankly need to open ‘one more foreign university’ in Egypt. Almost all these foreign establishments of tertiary education, which have hitherto operated in the Valley of the Nile, were colonial, neocolonial and postcolonial structures geared to instill the complex of academic-intellectual inferiority in the minds and the hearts of the Egyptians, thus causing unnecessary troublesome discord, internal strife, and quasi-irreversible dependence at the local level.

The same process can be attested in many other countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America where ‘English’, ‘French’ and ‘American’ universities have been accepted to function. Those disastrous institutions are fully responsible for all the problems of the respective counties, because not only they have diffused lies in many academic fields, but they also have made the unfortunate local students believe that the colonial metropolises ‘are’ the centers of ‘light’, ‘knowledge’, ‘progress’ and ‘success’, whereas they are the exact opposite.

China must now demolish this unacceptable situation; actually, Beijing cannot afford to tolerate this colonial policy to continue because the shameless colonial institutions have endlessly propagated unmitigated docility among local students, extreme historical distortion (Greco-Roman civilization), worthlessly ideologized religions (Evangelical pseudo-Christianism; political Islam; Mormonism, Zionist and Jesuit doctrines, and other radical schemes which engulf local populations in darkness and backward conditions of life), utterly racist concepts (Judeo-Christian civilization; Eurocentrism; East-West split), and many other intellectual forgeries geared only to prevent the rise of a challenge to the colonial world and to its surviving structures, and to perpetuate the Western control of the rest of the world.

As per the terms of a worldwide unprecedented agreement between China and Egypt, no less than twenty (20) Chinese universities shall open and operate in Egypt. Geographically divided across the country (Alexandria, Tanta, Mansura, Port Said, Suez, Rashid/Rosetta, Dumyat/Damietta, Cairo, Giza, 6th October City, New Cairo Capital/New Administrative Capital, Beni Suef, Minya, Asyut, Nag Hammadi, Qena, Luxor, Edfu, Aswan, Hurghada/Al Ghardaqa), these institutions will function as local annexes of twenty major Chinese universities, involving student exchange, summer courses in China, scholarships, intensive language courses, academic staff exchange, exhibitions, and a wide range of academic, intellectual, scientific, cultural, social and political activities, which will bring the two countries closer.

Graduate students will be full bilinguals, who will be offered various employment opportunities in either country, thus increasing the number of Egyptian residents in China an Chinese residents in Egypt. Conducting courses and seminars in Chinese and Arabic, the Egypt-based Chinese universities will give a terrible blow to the use of English and other Western languages in Egypt, as organized Chinese travellers will replace the corrupt, sick and often paranoid persons that the Western European and North American countries are used to send to Egypt as ‘tourists’.

Gradually, the educational-academic-scientific partnership between China and Egypt will expand, thus disconnecting Egypt from Western Europe and North America, even more so because within the BRICS+ intergovernmental organization the two countries will totally de-dollarize their trade and adopt a new standard currency attached to gold.

The American University in Cairo will have to close down and it shall be turned to a Pan-African Museum of Colonial Crimes; the same will apply to numerous other Western institutions, whereas American and European companies operating in Egypt will have to be replaced with Chinese organizations. Schemes like AmCham Egypt and the Egypt-U.S. Business Council (EUSBC) will therefore absolutely lose their importance, whereas every aspect of military cooperation between Egypt and America will be canceled; the notorious US-Egypt Military Cooperation Committee (MCC) will not be convened anymore. Thank God, the organization Naval Medical Research Unit Three (NAMRU-3) was relocated to Italy (Sigonella) in 2019.

Seeing things in perspective and not for the population of Egypt alone, Beijing and Cairo will have to launch a groundbreaking cooperation to overhaul the country’s internet regulations to more closely resemble China. Chinese specialists shall help their Egyptian colleagues build an Egyptian Great Firewall, whereas Chinese corporate representatives will have to help users and businesses to switch to Chinese alternatives. Egypt’s internet will then have to be rebuilt as a self-contained system, which will serve as the basis for the internet connection of the entire Black Continent. Western smartphones and Japanese video games will be replaced with their Chinese equivalents. Ultimately, Egypt’s internet will be disconnected from the Western infrastructure and connected with China’s.   


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Hélène Carrère d’Encausse: From the Jadidist Intellectuals to Brezhnev to Putin – Obituary

Hélène Carrère d’Encausse : Des Intellectuels Jadidistes à Brejnev et à Poutine – Nécrologie

Элен Каррер д’Анкосс: от интеллектуалов-джадидистов до Брежнева и Путина — некролог



I. D’Encausse is not Encausse!

II. L’Empire éclaté

III. Bobojon Ghafurov, the Tajik Soviet Orientalist, and his Hajj

IV. The Islamic Republic of Mecca & the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

V. Broadened horizons: Orientalism and Sovietology

VI. ‘Le pouvoir confisqué’ & Hélène Carrère d’Encausse’s writing style

VII. Suslov, Pravda, and ‘The State and Revolution’

VIII. My classmates at Sciences Po: today’s ignorant, worthless and miserable administrators and politicians

IX. Nicos Poulantzas’ suicide & the Western leftist intelligentsia’s funerals

X. Either Leonid Brezhnev or Ronald Reagan – or get lost!

XI. How the Jadid Intellectuals impacted the formation of the Hélène Carrère d’Encausse School of Sovietology

XII. Charles de Gaulle, Georges Pompidou, and Hélène Carrère d’Encausse

XIII. Soviet Union, Spirituality, Religion and Eschatology

XIV. John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Polish quagmire

XV. Viewpoint from the Mount Elbrus

XVI. The European convictions and the pragmatism of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse

XVII. The limits of historiography: a History of leaders and governance or a History of peoples and culture?



I. Д’Анкосс – это не Анкосс!

II. «Расколотая империя»

III. Бободжон Гафуров, таджикский советский востоковед, и его хадж

IV. Исламская Республика Мекка (Теракт в Мекке) и советское вторжение в Афганистан

V. Расширение кругозора: ориентализм и советология

VI. «Конфискованная власть» и стиль письма Элен Каррер д’Анкосс

VII. Суслов, «Правда» и «Государство и революция».

VIII. Мои одноклассники в Science Po: сегодняшние невежественные, никчемные и жалкие администраторы и политики

IX. Самоубийство Никоса Пуланцаса и похороны западной левой интеллигенции

X. Либо Леонид Брежнев, либо Рональд Рейган — или проваливай!

XI. Как интеллектуалы-джадиды повлияли на формирование школы советологии Элен Каррер д’Анкосс

XII. Шарль де Голль, Жорж Помпиду и Элен Каррер д’Анкосс

XIII. Советский Союз, Духовность, Религия и Эсхатология

XIV. Иоанн Павел II, Рональд Рейган и польская трясина

XV. Смотровая площадка с горы Эльбрус

XVI. Европейские убеждения и прагматизм Элен Каррер д’Анкосс

XVII. Пределы историографии: история вождей и правления или история народов и культуры?

Permanent Secretary of the French Academy, Helene Carrere d’Encausse and her husband Louis Carrere d’Encausse attend the Private View of “Icones de l’Art Moderne, la Collection Chtchoukine” at Fondation Louis Vuitton on February 20, 2017 in Paris, France.


She died 94; I am 67, and I was her student before 42-43 years, back in 1980-1981 at the illustrious Institut d’études politiques de Paris (also known as Sciences Po or IEP). Back at those days, the Anglo-Saxon countries and ‘universities’ were filled with nonsensical Kremlinologists, who were mere Anti-Soviet propagandists rather than objective scholars and impartial researchers.

It is certainly to the credit of my late professor, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse (6 July 1929-5 August 2023), that she killed this term in France, across the member states of the Francophonie, and throughout the Francophone world. The extremely absurd term ‘Kremlinologie’ never existed in French, as it was duly replaced by the far more reasonable word ‘Soviétologie’ – to large extent thanks to the deceased academician.

In fact, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse was the founder of the French School of Sovietology; she actually entered the academic arena in 1963 with her celebrated thesis “Réforme et révolution chez les musulmans de l’Empire russe, Bukhara 1867-1924” (Reform and revolution among the Muslims of the Russian Empire; Bukhara 1867-1924) {Préface de Maxime Rodinson (Thèse, Doctorat 3e cycle; Histoire Paris)}. But I am digressing! About:

Соболезнования в связи с кончиной Элен Каррер д’Анкосс

Condolences on the passing of Helene Carrere d’Encausse

Путин выразил соболезнования в связи с кончиной Каррер Д’Анкосс

Putin pays homage to late Helene Carrere d’Encausse


Death of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse: “A great friend”, Vladimir Poutine speaks on the death of the academician

Французский политик Кристиан Ваннест: Европа живет в худших советских традицияхКаррер_д’Анкосс,_Эленელენ_კარერ_დ’ანკოსი艺术/信/法兰西学院第一位女性院长海伦·卡雷尔·登考斯-%28Helene-Carrere-Dencausse%29-去世الن_کارر_دانکوس

I. D’Encausse is not Encausse!

I did not move to Paris (in October 1978) for postgraduate studies in Sovietology and Political Science; there was a time when I did not know her grand name. If someone asked me in 1978 whether I knew “d’Encausse”, I would certainly reply positively only due to my own misunderstanding, because I would recall my earlier readings and my research about Gérard Anaclet Vincent Encausse (also known as Papus), the illustrious French Freemason, occultist, hypnotist, thaumaturgist and mystic (1865-1915). Of course, as you can imagine, ‘Encausse’ was not ‘d’Encausse’, but still there was a certain Franco-Russian connection in this case, because Papus was sought after by none else than Nikolai Vtoroy (Czar Nicholas II)!

Facing social unrest after a calamitous and very humiliating defeat by the Japanese (1905), the Russian Emperor invited the famous mystic to Tsarskoye Selo (now known as Pushkin, 25 km from St. Petersburg), the imperial residence. It is said that in a particular séance, Encausse-Papus evoked the spirit of Alexander III (father and predecessor of Nicholas II, who had died one year earlier), and the … ‘spirit’ gave counsel for more repression (this was understandable at least) to ‘avoid a revolution’.

The ‘spirit’ must have apparently come from another universe, because ‘it’ did not know that the revolution had already taken place and it had been duly squelched. However, one of the most intriguing rumors maintained that Encausse-Papus said to the distressed Nicholas II that the fearsome revolution would not break out as long as he himself was in life (note that he died in 1915). About:Папюс

II. L’Empire éclaté

As a matter of fact, I relocated to Paris in order to undertake postgraduate studies in Egyptology, Assyriology, Hittitology, Northwestern Semitic languages, History of Religions, Gnosis, Manichaeism, and Oriental Christianism; soon afterwards I added Iranology, thus covering a vast area from North Africa to Central Asia and from Anatolia to the Indus River Valley. I also studied Russian Literature, thus continuing my earlier intensive studies of Russian language at the Greek Soviet Friendship Association in Athens (греко советское общество дружбы; 1975-1978), during my undergraduate studies. The interest for Russia/USSR was permanent, as part of my family had lived there.

It was in early 1979, in a rainy Saturday afternoon, that I found a fascinating book while spending some time in a bookstore; the title was ‘L’Empire éclaté’ (the Shattered Empire). It was published in 1978 and the author’s name was Hélène Carrère d’Encausse. As you can guess from the previous paragraphs, it was easy for me to retain the name! Reading few lines from several pages that belonged to different chapters, I realized that the core purpose of the well-written book was the solemn announcement of the forthcoming fall of the USSR. About:Ελληνοσοβιετικός_Σύνδεσμος

Saying something like that at the time was not a joke; it was an entrance ticket to the madhouse. In 4-5 minutes, I was able to find out the major reason that the author evoked to support her claim; the Muslim populations of Central Asia and Caucasus were creating a major demographic challenge for the Russians, who -after some decades- would end up as the minority within the borders of the Soviet Union. It was enthralling. I bought the book and in the next few months, in parallel with my heavy schedule, I managed to read it all. It was certainly a best-seller in France. But there was a reason for this. On 16th January 1979, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi left Iran, and on 1st February 1979, the exiled Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned to Tehran.

In her ‘L’Empire éclaté’, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse did not discuss issues pertaining to Islamization or radicalization; but the scarecrow of a USSR -with the Russians as minority and the Turkic Muslim nations of Central Asia as the majority- could after some decades end up with either a nationalist revival or an Islamic theological conservatism.

It was not a bluff; there were many indications for this, well beyond the events in Iran. I was then shaping my understanding on the basis of diverse data and pieces of collected information. As I was studying the past of many countries of North Africa and the so-called Middle East, I befriended many students originating from those nations; they were next to me as we attended together various courses (Egyptology, Assyriology, Aramaic & Phoenician, History of the Red Sea region, etc.) and, before the courses started or ended, they used to become my source of information for what happened in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Iran, etc. I was constantly discussing with them in order to evaluate how the overall situation was from Morocco to Pakistan and from Turkey to Yemen. There was no Internet, no mobile telephony, and not even computers at those days, but people corresponded with others, and the news from Soviet Union did not look like the governmental or partisan propaganda of the last Brezhnev years.

III. Bobojon Ghafurov, the Tajik Soviet Orientalist, and his Hajj

The story of Bobojon Ghafurov was known to me already in 1979; Igor Diakonoff (Игорь Михайлович Дьяконов; 1915-1999), the famous Soviet Assyriologist, was friend of my French professor, the renowned Orientalist Jean Bottéro (1914-2007), and like that, I started corresponding with him; in parallel I also knew several other academics in USSR through my Communist connections. The Bobojon Ghafurov story was included in Diakonoff’s auto-biographical ‘Book of Memories’ (Книга воспоминаний) and it can be found in the Russian Wikipedia entry about him, but the news had already spread those days, because Ghafurov had just died.

The great Tajik Soviet statesman (Бободжан Гафурович Гафуров; 1908-1977) was also an outstanding Orientalist; he was the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1946 to 1956, and from that date to the end of his life, he was the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union. His doctorate thesis about the Ismailiyah (الإسماعيلية; the Isma’ili Order of Muslim mystics) was a most recommendable publication, and his contention about the Tajiks and Tajik History became easily a matter of grave polarization (Are the Tajiks ‘Persianized Turks’ or are the Uzbeks ‘Turkified Eastern Iranians’? / at the time, I did not side with either position, but now I accept the Ghafurov thesis, which is the second leg of the aforementioned dilemma). I have to add here that the Tajik Orientalist had become known to me through his academic partner and co-author, the Greek Soviet historian Dimitrios Tsibukidis (Димитриос Цибукидис; 1921-2006).

However, in 1974, Ghafurov found the correct political pretext (namely the initiation of some state contacts) to get a special permission to travel for Hajj to Mecca and Medina – at a time there were no diplomatic relations between USSR and Saudi Arabia; but apparently the real reason for this travel was a latent faith that had been meanwhile developed. No diplomatic improvement happened following this trip, but when the Tajik Orientalist returned, he made shocking revelations to all of his Orientalist colleagues; more specifically, he said that for him his career as statesman was meaningless, his academic employment was pointless, but the pilgrimage that he had just performed was highly considered among his friends and neighbors in the village. Afterwards, he lived the rest of his life at home. About:Гафуров,_Бободжан_ГафуровичДьяконов,_Игорь_МихайловичЦибукидис,_Димитриосборис-литвинский-«мы-подарили-таджикскому-народу-первую-полноценную-и/

These words constituted an indirect confession of Muslim faith; the rumor spread among academics, Orientalists and partisans throughout the vast country and also beyond the borders; it was actually the time when Roger Garaudy (1913-2012) had become a Muslim. With her ‘L’Empire éclaté’, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse had caught the pulse of the moment. This made of her one of the very few people worldwide who predicted the fall of Soviet Union more than 10 years before it occurred. Two critical events took also place in 1979, setting the new stage of Soviet-Muslim polarization.

IV. The Islamic Republic of Mecca & the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

First, from 20th November to 4th December 1979, the short-lived Islamic Republic of Mecca shook the foundations of the obsolete Saudi monarchy, particularly if we take into consideration the fact that king Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1906-1975) had been assassinated. This development ended up in terrible bloodshed, but it acquired a fascinating eschatological dimension in the minds and the hearts of hundreds of millions of Muslims; now, it is somewhat forgotten and deliberately minimized as the ‘Grand Mosque seizure’, but it then made many Muslims believe that the arrival of Mahdi and Prophet Jesus was a really imminent affair, i.e. for the people of this generation. Actually, all the discourses and speeches made by the Juhayman group were strongly eschatological of character. It goes without saying that they undertook this operation, apparently guided by the criminal rascals of the English secret services.  

Few days later, the Soviet army entered Afghanistan (24 December 1979) thus directly involving Moscow in a confrontation with the local stooges of the CIA. Contrarily to what many believe today, the Soviet operation in Afghanistan was not a mistake; things went wrong only because the Marxist-Leninist authorities did not realize that the Western secret services were not the enemies and the opponents of the Islamists but their producers, protectores and promoters; even worse, the Soviet leadership did not have a correct plan as to what to do after invading the country, which is a difficult mountainous terrain inhabited by many different nations that have nothing in common. About:

However, thanks to the then existing SSRs of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, a large part of Afghanistan should have been divided and annexed by these three Central Asiatic SSRs. Another large part of Afghanistan should have been established as the Hazara SSR and then adequately helped to integrate with the USSR. The rest would form the secluded Pashtun territory and Pashtun populations from other parts of the fake state of Afghanistan should have been relocated there. After the resettlement of all the populations as per the aforementioned arrangements, the Soviet army would only need to militarily occupy the Pashtun territory which would not be larger than 150000 km2. But all the good Soviet Orientalists had failed to realize that there is no Afghan nation and that Afghanistan was (and still is) a fake country fabricated by the English colonial gangsters of the East India Company as a means of weakening the Iranian Safavid-Afshar-Qajar Empire.

V. Broadened horizons: Orientalism and Sovietology

For me, my studies and my understanding, the books of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse constituted an exquisite opportunity to establish bridges between Russia and the Ancient Orient, Russia and Central Asia, Iran and Central Asia, and Russia and Africa. It was then that I became fully conscious of a fact that I already knew somewhat superficially: that Russia was part of the ‘Orient’, and not of the ‘Occident’. This was actually the first territorial expansion of my research interests.

That is why after two years of postgraduate studies in the aforementioned disciplines of Orientalism, I decided to also enroll in the department for doctoral studies in Sovietology (Cycle Supérieur d’Etudes sur l’URSS et l’Europe Orientale) where, in addition to the seminar offered by the head of the department, I would also follow courses conducted by the Polish-French scholar Eugène Zaleski (a very remarkable specialist on Political Economy and Soviet economic planning), Patrice Gélard (who became later a senator), who scrutinized Soviet Constitutional Law, and many others. It was a well-organized department superbly put in order by Renée Sergent, an excellent administrative assistant who was of great help for all the students. About:Институт_политических_исследований_(Париж)

VI. ‘Le pouvoir confisqué’ & Hélène Carrère d’Encausse’s writing style

It was then (1980) that a new book just published by France’s best Sovietologist confirmed that my aforementioned decision was correct and that I should truly add Sovietology to the other fields of my Orientalist specialization: ‘Le pouvoir confisqué’ (‘The confiscated power’). I read it while taking intensive summer courses of Russian Literature at the (run by the French Jesuits) Centre d’Etudes Russes Saint Georges à Meudon; my intention was to have very strong linguistic skills in Russian, adding the Christian Orthodox czarist jargon (that had been obliterated in USSR). Little did I know at the time! My professor had indeed preceded me there by a quarter century. This ‘detail’ I learned many years later. It was truly amusing to learn the alphabet that Lenin had abolished. About:

Before having the compulsory interview with the head of the department prior to the final decision (September 1980), I knew already much about the very personality of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse. The way she was elaborating her books was very different from the writing style of all my other professors in the disciplines of Orientalism. With this I do not mean the contents or the stylistics of the text, but her temperament and powers of attraction. She was writing to pugnaciously convince the reader and she was engaged in her struggle to make others accept her approach, analysis, and descriptions.

Only two among my Orientalist professors, the Assyriologist Jean Bottéro, and Maxime Rodinson (1915-2004), a very exceptional connoisseur of the Orient (mainly for the Late Antiquity, Islamic and Modern times), were writing with great passion and/or empathy for the topics that they analyzed and the historical persons that they portrayed. But Carrère d’Encausse, who had also been the student of M. Rodinson, did not express any feelings for the subject of her text; on the contrary, she displayed passion in her effort to convince.

Maxime Rodinson

In French, this is not called ‘amour’ (love), but ‘amour propre’ (self-esteem). She was struggling to convince her readers about her judgment, evaluation and conclusions; she was therefore using the French language and structuring her sentences for this purpose, making always grammatically strong statements. The titles of her two books that I had already gone through offer a very good example in this regard; the structure ‘noun + past participle’ is in French far stronger than any similar structure in any other language.

VII. Suslov, Pravda, and ‘The State and Revolution’

Her seminars were attended by European, Asiatic, African and American students; we were all urged to subscribe to Pravda (Правда) and follow the directives as to how to decipher and interpret those heavily impacted by ideological jargon articles that had to always get an ‘imprimatur’ (official license) by hierarchical bureaucrats, who formed the Soviet equivalent of the Western ‘bourgeoisie aisée’ under the ‘spiritual’ or ‘sacerdotal’ or ‘ceremonial’ auspices of Mikhail Andreyevich Suslov (Михаил Андреевич Суслов; 1902-1982). And, to my eyes, this was a very serious problem.

No 2 in the Soviet hierarchy after Leonid Brezhnev, the ‘theoretical Custodian’ of the October Revolution, Second Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1965-1982), Senior Secretary of Ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1948-1982), and (to use a Western vulgarity) ‘Chief Ideologue’ of the Communist Party of USSR, had failed to detect something truly crucial that was so obvious to my eyes: from the impulsive language that Lenin had used in his venerated ‘The State and Revolution’ (Государство и революция) there was nothing left in the routinely written, bureaucratic, apathetic, crystallized jargon of the Pravda scribes.

Irrespective of his ideas, opinions and choices, Lenin wrote in a vivid, sentimental manner with strong contrasts impressively painted thanks to his well-selected words; there was indeed life in his sentences. But Pravda texts in the 1970s were fossilized combinations of grammar, syntax and lexicography. I have to also add at this point that my familiarity with the ancient scribes of Mesopotamia and Egypt and with their role in the formulation of imperial and Pharaonic Annals helped me greatly understand that the role of the Pravda scribes in reality endangered the existence of the revolutionary Soviet state. Turning a ‘revolution’ to mere ‘ceremony’ is tantamount to funerals.

Suslov was at the time portrayed as a ‘hardliner’, but although I was under 25, I was already able to understand that such silly statements and descriptions were typical Anglo-Saxon propaganda good only for the ash-heap of history. But due to the ostensible mummification of the October Revolution, Suslov risked justifying the Anti-Soviet propaganda of the Western world. The long awaited, quasi-Messianic society that Lenin defined as ‘the dictatorship of the proletariat’ had unfortunately died in the meantime due to a malignant tumor named ‘Nomenklatura’. It was very clear to me at the time that the USSR could not live thanks to enthralling, impulsive and enthusiastic movements and ‘revolutions’ generated elsewhere (Vietnam, Cuba, Somalia, Yemen, Angola, etc.), simply because the heart (: Moscow) had already died.

Political science, economics, political economy, law, and international relations were apparently new scientific fields for me and I definitely had to make an extra effort; but the fact that I continued attending all my other courses in Orientalism offered me the unique opportunity to study in parallel international affairs in the times of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (mainly during 1st half of the 1st millennium BCE) and in Modern Times. The comparisons that I was able to then establish in the scholarly approach to either topics was of cardinal importance in my formative years and in the judgment of the modern societies that I was empowered to formulate in striking contrast with political scientists, geopolitical analysts, and politicians who think they know whereas they know nothing. About:

VIII. My classmates at Sciences Po: today’s ignorant, worthless and miserable administrators and politicians

To most of my classmates in Orientalism, political developments and politics were entirely unimportant issues; still, by having learned aspects of the historical past of mankind, they had gradually acquired a certain perspective and they were able to make pertinent judgments, seeing things from far. Quite contrarily, to my classmates in Sciences Po, political developments and politics were of vital importance; to judge based on the passion that they expressed for these topics, I would say that they truly lived in order to monitor and comment politics. This was totally futile and useless, because they knew too many details about a topic for which they did not have any perspective and which they could not see from far. In reality, they could not ‘learn’ (let alone ‘understand’) politics and the ongoing political developments, because they only were part of them, i.e. part of the problem.  

However, I have to state that Hélène Carrère d’Encausse stood perfectly well at her level; she was never induced to enter into political discussions that most of my classmates were eager to initiate supposedly making a ‘question about the course’! It was then clear to my eyes that she was not only a shrewd observer and an excellent author, but also a well-disciplined professor and a regimented academic, who never confused the political analysis of a system with the political talk. 

Even worse, my classmates, who -in their majority- were graduates in Political Science, Law and Economics, could not distinguish between the fake historical narrative that political instructors of every government, party, elite or regime write and the true, objective, unbiased and impartial History as evidenced by textual and epigraphic sources, archaeological findings, ethnographic data, and the cultural life of each and every genuine nation. Please, note that I don’t mention here anything about spirituality, cult, faith and religion, because had I uttered one of those words, my classmates would have asked me to return to my theological seminar. So, to all of them, ‘History’ was only the historical forgery that their respective governments had forced them to ‘learn’ in the primary and secondary schools; in other words, it was a recently invented sketch that had absolutely nothing with the historical process.

I still remember the reaction of an Algerian schoolmate who was shocked when I spoke to him about the Berbers, the majestic mausoleums of the Ancient Numidian kings, and the Ancient Berber writing system. Having ostensibly been indoctrinated in the colonial falsehood of Panarabism, intoxicated with French Enlightenment, inculcated with Marxism-Leninism, and duly brainwashed against the importance of the Berber Islamic civilization, he wondered how I knew all that! He then started being too apologetic against his national identity (‘there are only few Berbers now’), imperial heritage (‘only for vacations we go to Tipaza’, i.e. the location of the tomb of Juba I of Numidia), cultural integrity (‘we don’t care about old traditions’), and historical continuity (‘no one reads Ibn Khaldun nowadays’). It then became clear to me that, with such people in the administration, Algeria under either Houari Boumédiène (1932-1978) or Chadli Bendjedid (1929-2012) would always be expendable stuff in the hands of either French or Soviet diplomats.

This situation made me realize, already back at those days, the worthlessness of politics; if the people, who study in order to learn and then get involved in politics and in the administration of their countries, first have been indoctrinated due to a totally constructed pseudo-historical narrative (geared only to validate infamous if not criminal political purposes and interests), and second fail to see from far the world in which they are, then ‘politics’ is an interminably reproduced problem that engulfs us all in temporary misery, compact absurdity, spiritual prison, and intellectual swamp with no way out.

IX. Nicos Poulantzas’ suicide & the Western leftist intelligentsia’s funerals

So, in the very last months of 1980 and in the first months of 1981, thanks to my conversations with Sciences Po classmates, I was able to early draw a very correct conclusion about an event that had already taken place before 12-15 months, shaking the academic-intellectual-political establishment of France: the suicide of Nicos Poulantzas (October 1979). Of course, when this event occurred, I did not bother at all about it, and my conventional response to pathetically ideologized friends and acquaintances was always the same:

– You cannot study cuneiform and hieroglyphic texts, learn about Hammurapi and Ramses III, pass exams on Thutmose III’s campaigns in Syria and Neo-Assyrian imperial Annals, and possibly spend one second for worthless leftist intelligentsia.

But I must admit that at the time I could not fathom why this incident happened. All the same, 15 months later, due to my contacts with postgraduate classmates in Political Science, the reason for this suicide was revealed to me quite easily. Simply, it was a natural circumstance. Such were those days of the ideologically leftist lunatics, such was the extreme focalization on absurd ‘thinkers’ and ignorant ‘intellectuals’, and such were the incommensurately high expectations of all these fools, that I conclusively realized that the entirely failed realm of anti-USSR (anti-Soviet) and anti-US (anti-capitalist) European theoreticians was predestined to doom, pulling -in the process- Western Europe (as we called the capitalist part of the continent) to final extinction. In other words, I saw back in 1980-1981 the impasse that many attest in Europe nowadays; it was inevitable.     

The paranoia of those days had impacted our distinguished professor too; if you search among Hélène Carrère d’Encausse’s publications, books, lectures and public speeches, you will find many great essays and treatises about several czars and valuable presentations of the French-Russian relations; but if you check the dates, you will soon notice that they have all been published after 1991. It was a pity for us back in 1980, but it could not happen otherwise. She could certainly write at the time, as she finally did later, fascinating researches and comprehensive conclusions about Nicholas II, Alexander II, and Catherine II, but few people would read those books back in the late 1970s and the early 1980s.

Alexander II and his groundbreaking tenure are the key to understanding Russia before the Romanov, during the Soviet rule, and also today, but in 1980 most of the people and the students would feel that the brave imperial visionary was closer to Sargon of Akkad than to us! Such was the madness we lived in, and that’s why the people of my generation failed, the global situation deteriorated, and the entire world heads now to an unprecedented but well-deserved disaster. About:

X. Either Leonid Brezhnev or Ronald Reagan – or get lost!

Speaking and writing about Soviet Union at the time necessitated a bold character and guts; this is so, because there were only two positions that you could defend before triggering a ‘tollé’ (an outcry) against you! From one side, you had all the Communists and the PCF (parti communiste français), who routinely reproduced the endless volumes printed by the Academy of Sciences of USSR and supported blindly whatever Brezhnev and his associates would decide.

From the other side, you were constrained to face the dark nebula of anti-Soviet European leftists, socialists, social-democrats, Trotskyists, anarchists, nihilists and atheists, who were so pathetically ideologized, so foolishly unrealistic, and so absurdly outlandish that you could not help but wish them all the same abominable fate as that of the aforementioned miserable self-murderer. All those trivial and useless scoundrels detonated volumes of hatred and negativity, described as hypothetical problems facts that were not troublesome, and -overwhelmed by their enormous psychological complex of inferiority- reached to unprecedented levels of theoretical, ideological, pseudo-scientific, and bogus-intellectual delirium.

Cursed and pathetic figures, the likes of Max Weber, Georg Lukacs, Antonio Gramsci, Theodor W. Adorno, Jean-Paul Sartre, Lucien Goldmann, Louis Althusser, Cornelius Castoriadis and many other nauseatingly defeatist faces, are the sole reason for all the problems standing in front of Europe, Africa and many other parts of the world today. But back in 1980 they constituted the ‘holy saints’ for mentally sick, psychologically abnormal, sentimentally dead, intellectually corrupt, and lazy students who had failed to understand first that not a shred of truth could possibly be found in the infernal texts of those petty ‘philosophers’ and second that they did not truly read, understand and appreciate all those texts, but they instantaneously accepted them beforehand only to obtain psychological support, socio-professional status, and economic privileges as ‘consecrated’ and ‘respected’ ‘followers of Adorno’, ‘admirers of Gramsci’, and ‘fans of Max Weber’. All this was disgustingly lowly but fake proletarian.

Opposite the aforementioned two standpoints, every liberal or conservative criticism of the USSR and of the European Left was automatically denounced as ‘betrayal of the labor class’, ‘petty bourgeoisie deviation’, ‘bloody imperialist exploitation’, ‘fascist reaction’ or even ‘feudal resurgence’. Last, the insults were culminating with the following words: ‘bigot’, ‘pietist’ or ‘Russian émigré’. So, it took strong courage and real guts for Hélène Carrère d’Encausse to launch a new, modest but realist, objective (as much as possible), and balanced approach and school of Sovietology. It would even be accurate to state that she created the discipline in France.  

XI. How the Jadid Intellectuals impacted the formation of the Hélène Carrère d’Encausse School of Sovietology

Technically, Carrère d’Encausse’s approach must be categorized as belonging to the ‘totalitarian school’, namely all the Western academics who viewed the October Revolution as a historical accident and the Soviet state as a form of totalitarianism. She certainly does not make part of the ‘revisionist school’ that attempted to refute, cancel or condition the arguments made by the opposite school.

Although in her books, she may momentarily give the impression of being a political scientist and astute commentator, Carrère d’Encausse was a historian, and to this testifies her thesis. It was therefore normal for her to see things in perspective and to introduce new parameters to the academic discourse about the Soviet Union, notably the ethnic identity, the cultural integrity, the spirituality, and the religious affiliation.

Having learned Turkish to work on a vast documentation that her professor and mentor Maxime Rodinson guided her to find, having studied the texts of the great Uzbek Jadidist intellectual and scholar Abdurauf Fitrat (عبد الرؤوف فطرت; Абдурауф Фитрат; 1886-1938), and having understood what was at stake in Central Asia for either the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse knew very well what and when to put on the table for discussion. Her approach was superior to that of many others, because it was at the same time systematic, realist, serious and comprehensive. About:Фитрат,_АбдурауфДжадидизм

XII. Charles de Gaulle, Georges Pompidou, and Hélène Carrère d’Encausse

Of course, she had the advantage to have also lived at a time when major statesmen like Charles de Gaulle were constantly giving the tuning note (‘donner le la’) to all the rest, specialists or not. But she was also a perspicacious researcher, and therefore she carefully noted that the illustrious French general and statesman never called the USSR with any of the country’s various appellations; to him, Moscow was always ‘Russia’ – either imperial or soviet. And this is what came to surface with her ‘L’Empire éclaté’.  

Carrère d’Encausse was proud to say in one of her recent interviews that the man who welcomed her at the Sciences Po (where she also studied) was none else than Georges Pompidou (1911-1974), the former President of France; but before being elected in the presidency of his country with 58% (1969), Pompidou was the French Prime Minister who faced and vanquished the notorious May 1968 rebellion. And yet, Pompidou had never been elected before his appointment as prime minister (1962), having only been a close associate of General de Gaulle, a professor of French Literature in Sorbonne University, and the PDG (CEO) of the Rothschild Bank (1956-1958).

Hélène Carrère d’Encausse – “À Sciences po, l’homme qui m’a interrogée était Georges Pompidou”

It was therefore only normal for my former professor to conclude that the soviet system had failed to find and implement updates, introduce constructive criticism, and initiate changes that would enable the vast country to cope with the various international socioeconomic developments; as long as the Soviet Union was not a sealed off territory and Moscow maintained commercial relations with other states, it would be imperative for the USSR to renovate accordingly.

XIII. Soviet Union, Spirituality, Religion and Eschatology  

I mentioned spirituality earlier; this was entirely absent throughout Soviet Union, at least across the society and the government. The state was entirely composed by partisans who were ‘convinced’ that man was an entirely material entity, because ‘there was no spiritual universe’ and, as Lenin had said, thought ‘is’ the supreme function of the material world.

There were certainly psychics, astrologers, and many clairvoyants in the USSR, and many of them were consulted by the ruling elite of the Communist Party, but their abilities, skills, activities, energies and vibrations were believed to merely be the yet unstudied part of the material universe; it was thought that, once these fields would be duly explored and fully assessed, they would turn out to be new scientific disciplines.

Far from the fooled society and the faithless rulers, spiritual life was the deep, lifelong experience of several individuals, who happened to be indiscriminately Shaman, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish or other; worshipping God does not really demand public space. Even more importantly, it does not demand seclusion and anachoretism or asceticism. Hélène Carrère d’Encausse knew this fact very well. As spirituality is a phenomenon that makes people focus on the spiritual universe and quite often disregard the material world, it was normal for every objective observer to expect that the October Revolution was too tiny an event to possibly eliminate spirituality.  

Spirituality is personal, but religion is institutional; as such, religion was almost uprooted in the USSR, despite the fact that Stalin finally started to scale back the anti-religious campaign in 1941, as he needed the moral support of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War (WW II). Things improved after the meeting Stalin had with the three top clerics of Soviet Union on 5th September 1943. All the same, 35 years later, it would still be absurd to expect things to change in the vast country only due to a religious revival; the Church was closely controlled by the administration. About:

The Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War

Pope Benedict XVI is greeted by Gabriel de Broglie, Helene Carrere d’Encausse and Jean Leclant, members of French Institute, during a visit to the French Institute in Paris.

However, there were few peripheral nations from where a possible reversal, originating from a religious revival, could be initiated: Georgia, Armenia, and Poland. At this point, I have to state for the readers, who happen not to know the biographical details of the deceased academician, that she was of Georgian and Russian / German origin (from her mother side); her paternal grandfather was a Georgian statesman of the Russian Empire, whereas her father was Georges Zourabichvili (Георгий Зурабишвили/გიორგი ზურაბიშვილი; 1898-1944), a philosopher, economist, and taxi driver émigré, who was later considered to be collaborator with the German Occupation forces and then abducted and lost in September 1944. This means that Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, who was stateless (‘apatride’/’без гражданства’) for the first 21 years of her life, having been born Zourabichvili, knew the Caucasus region directly, pertinently, and authoritatively.

The Western involvement in this region had caused many wars between the Ottomans, the Russians, and the Iranians. But due to the denomination of the Armenians and the Georgians, any new Western interference would not bring spectacular results. Contrarily, Poland could attract a major intrusion, because Poles are Catholics. In this case, the country would serve as tool of a destabilization effort that would target the USSR, which had always been considered as a major opponent by the Roman Catholic Church, even more so because the atheist Soviet state stood on a territory that was never considered as duly Christianized by the Catholic popes, according to what the Third Secret of Fatima reveals (Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary).

This affair extended the otherwise simple ‘religious concern’ for Poland to an apocalyptic ‘eschatological apprehension’ for Russia. Of course, although we all had an idea about the Fatima (Portugal) apparitions back in 1917 (which had already become known to Nicholas II little time before his, and his family’s, bloody and appalling execution), none of us took them seriously as far as USSR/Russia was concerned. All the same, the serious developments, which took place in Vatican (in 1978) and in Poland (in 1979), were closely monitored and adequately highlighted to us by our head of department. 

XIV. John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Polish quagmire

Following the brief passage (26 August-28 September 1978) of the assassinated Albino Luciani Pope John Paul I from the ‘Holy See’ (Sancta Sedes / Святой Престол), the controversial election of Karol Józef Wojtyła (1920-2005) as pope John Paul II, which was not accepted as canonical and legitimate by the Sedevacantists and Archbishop Giuseppe Siri, caused vivid discussions due to his origin and because of the fact that the circumstances were bizarre for the much disputed election of a Pole as the Roman Catholic pope. About:

It was certainly a clear indication of degradation, if not degeneration, of the Soviet elite; the ‘old guard of Kremlin’ (namely Brezhnev, Kosygin, Suslov, Ustinov, Gromyko, Chernenko and Andropov) seemed unable to grasp the gravity of the moment and react immediately, resolutely and irrevocably. The result was that, few months only after his ‘election’, John Paul II asked the permission to visit the place where he was born. In fact, the game was lost. The papal visit took place in June 1979, and at this point, I have to herewith republish several paragraphs from a recently published article, which was written by a former American Ambassador to Vatican, only to demonstrate how clearly an astute reader can read in-between the lines of the text the otherwise invisible but extant traces of the anti-Soviet conspiracy.

The title of the article reads: “Nine Days that Sparked the U.S.-Holy See Partnership and Changed the World” (By Callista L. Gingrich, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See). I herewith include two excerpts:

« …

From June 2-10, 1979, the Polish pontiff traveled across the nation of his birth, delivering more than 50 speeches, and inspiring a revolution of conscience that would transform Poland and reshape the spiritual and political landscape of the 20th century. Millions of Poles, crushed under the weight of Soviet tyranny, turned out to see the Holy Father.  On the first day of his pilgrimage, in Warsaw’s Victory Square, Pope John Paul II declared, “There can be no just Europe without the independence of Poland marked on its map!”»


Ronald Reagan was elated. At the time, he hosted a popular radio show and dedicated numerous broadcasts to John Paul II’s historic pilgrimage. “It has been a long time since we’ve seen a leader of such courage and such uncompromising dedication to simple morality,” Reagan said.

A few months later in November of 1979, the former Governor of California announced his candidacy for President of the United States.  Soon after taking office, the President requested a meeting with the Pope.

The two leaders met in Vatican City in 1982, and it was then that President Reagan asked Pope John Paul II when he thought Eastern Europe would be free from Soviet domination.  When the Pope responded, “In our lifetime,” the President took his hand and asked the Pope that together they make it happen

https://va usembassy gov/op-ed-nine-days-that-sparked-the-u-s-holy-see-partnership-and-changed-the-world/

The above lines show that the fall of Soviet Union is not merely a Mikhail Gorbachev affair, and that the intention to spread chaos, disorder, wars, moral depravity, and disastrous deterioration of the level of life -by means of fake promises and in the name of the nonsensical terms ‘freedom’, ‘democracy’, ‘human rights’ and the rest of the Western world’s evil jargon- existed already in the minds of various groups of power in Western Europe and North America.

It is noteworthy that Wojtyla’s hypocritical and malignant visit to Poland antedates the early strikes undertaken by the Solidarity ‘movement’. So, every Soviet reaction against evil initiatives undertaken by the Anti-Christian West was indeed two steps behind the developments. Thinking retrospectively, an observer may eventually suggest today that Wojciech Jaruzelski’s appointment as Chairman of the Council of Ministers (11 February 1981) should have taken place already before the Gdansk Agreement was formalized (31 August 1980); however, this is quite naïve and very wrong. Jaruzelski’s nomination should have taken place immediately after the ridiculous election of the Polish Anti-pope, and in addition, it should have resolutely and permanently blocked any perspective of papal visit to Poland. About:

In other words, the only way for Soviet Union to survive was to up the ante, and this was then very clear to my eyes. I was not anymore a Communist at the time; in fact, I had accepted that ideology, with the strict exception of its atheistic / materialistic part, for one year (i.e. 1975-1976), and then rejected it. However, a person with moral standards cannot possibly be a sectarian; consequently, he does not need to be a Communist in order to abhorrently disapprove of the US evildoing against the USSR. There is absolutely no Manichaeistic (or dualistic) reality in the realm of politics, states and governments, and only an idiot would believe that the US gangsters are ‘Christian’ and ‘good’, and that the atheistic governments represent the ‘focus of evil’, as per the well-known but ludicrous expression of the grotesque former US president Ronald Reagan.

What was the main mistake in the Soviet policy-making and propaganda? They did not understand that they denounced the US and the Western world in terms that were comprehensible or valid only to them (to the Soviet elite) and not to others. Quite contrarily, they should have identified the reasons for which the US and the other colonial states of the Western world were unacceptable, abhorrent, and also repugnant to others (Africans, Asiatics, Latin Americans, etc.), and they should have decried them accordingly.

The Soviet elite was making a propaganda war against the West, utilizing theories and ideologies instead of strikingly focusing on the down-to-earth reality, which would have offered them the most convincing elements of their anti-Western propaganda. In other words, the West was not contemptible because the theory of Marxism-Leninism defined so, but because numerous, real facts supported this conclusion.

To offer an example in the case of Poland, the pathetic and worthless Yuri Andropov should have identified the final target of Solidarity and he should have therefore warned the Poles that, instead of driving them back to the Christian faith, the secret guides of that execrable movement would impose the ‘freedom’ of prostitution, incest, homosexuality, fornication, and drugs throughout their country; many documentary movies from the abominable Woodstock Music and Art Fair (1969) should have been widely popularized to plainly reveal the true, pseudo-Christian, and execrable face of the lawless and valueless Western world. Even worse, the so-called Christian clergy of the West should have been accused for not campaigning against the Woodstock contamination in their own country in the first place.

But, quite unfortunately, this is the permanent error of every kind of sectarianism: you must never evaluate the ‘other’ as per your measures, standards and criteria, but according to his principles, values and virtues; and Marxism-Leninism had already become a sort of sectarianism in the USSR.

Most of my classmates were anti-Soviet, hawkish idiots, who confused Political Science with politics, and interstate relations with hypocritical and silly propaganda.

It is certainly to the credit of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse that she never allowed the enthusiastic anti-Russianism of our German, American and Polish classmates to affect our judgment and evaluation of the overall situation; it was clear that she was consciously educating future ambassadors, statesmen and diplomats, who would have to take into consideration the weight of History, many other parameters, and the bilateral relations in depth in order to compose. This standpoint was also obvious in her books; she was even criticized for not being an outspoken negator of the USSR. The following book review of one of her earlier published books is an example:  

Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, L’Union Soviétique de Lénine à Staline, 1917-1953 [compte-rendu] sem-linkGeorges Mond

Immediately after the election of Ronald Reagan (4 November 1980), it was very clear to her that the détente was over, and this was what our professor immediately conveyed to us. The news shocked many of our classmates, who thought that this situation would last for long, whereas others were jubilant; but I was frozenly indifferent. From the heights of Sargonid Assyria or Nabonid Babylonia, which constituted my main field of specialization, my vivid concern, and my basic criteria, every Reagan and every Brezhnev looked to me as an insignificant mosquito. My good professor had actually reconfirmed my inclination repeatedly; if she forced herself to see things from distance, why shouldn’t I do the same?


XV. Viewpoint from the Mount Elbrus

‘Petite fille du Caucase’ (granddaughter of Caucasus), Hélène Carrère d’Encausse was always able to take the distance and observe from far. Physically, she was in Paris; but her academic and intellectual outpost was at the peak of Elbrus. She was able to discern crucial issues and unnoticed dimensions that no other specialists were able to timely identify – let alone incorporate in their conclusions. The viewpoint from the peak of Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus range of mountains must be very serene. The late academician was confident that, if they wanted, Georgians, Azeris, Armenians and other Caucasus nations could have -all- lived peacefully within one multi-ethnic state instead of mercilessly killing one another.

This was apparently a rightful conclusion, if one takes into consideration the Special Transcaucasian Committee (9 March 1917), the Transcaucasian Commissariat (11 November 1917), the short-lived Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic (22 April – 28 May 1918), and all the events that took place before the Ottoman and the German involvement in the region. About:

The title of a tour schedule organized by the Connaissance & Partage Association reads ‘Cocasse Caucase’; echoing the name of the mountain, this adjective means ‘funny’ in French. But Caucasus is not funny. It is serious, tense, intense, and grave; and so was the presence of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse: sober, terse and austere. She was able to take her colleagues and assistants to a higher level of understanding, widen the horizons of her readers, and enrich the knowledge of her students with valuable data that they would need considerable time and a certain dose of luck to eventually find. About:

She was much demanded in politics (member of the European Parliament for the period 1994-1999), science (elected to seat 14 of the Académie Française, one of the five sections of the celebrated Institut de France on 13th December 1990; voted for the position of Permanent Secretary on 21 October 1999), and public debates (with an extraordinary record of interviews and participation in TV programs), but she always found the time to come up with new, outstanding books, groundbreaking lectures, and pertinent comments about socio-political, linguistic, bilateral and international affairs.

Despite her undeniable Georgian origin (her cousin being Salome Zourabichvili, the incumbent President of Georgia), and notwithstanding her evident congruence with the Russian mindset and mentality, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse was indeed a Parisian original. Although she became French only in 1950 at the age of 21, she dedicated herself to the vocation of bringing her own country and that of her ancestors together – and with spectacular success.

– Condolences by President Salome Zourabichvili on the Twitter –

«A la peine du départ de ma cousine germaine se mêle la fierté de son exemple. Historienne de renommée internationale, qui fut également mon professeur à Sciences Po. Femme d’avant garde qui aura, du haut de la Coupole, démontré à tant de jeunes filles que tout leur est possible».

«Issues d’une famille géorgienne ayant combatttu et fui le totalitarisme soviétique, nous avions en héritage une même reconnaissance envers la France et une même conviction européenne qui porta l’une au Parlement européen et l’autre à la Présidence de la Géorgie».


With Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, one was certain that he would learn the truth about the essential of a topic. She was committed to displaying raw material, to making all the data available to the students, and to evaluating the synthesis that we were able to make. Her lies -or to put it better her untruths- concerned basically the form of the narrative or the description of a situation. But it was easy for a shrewd student to discover that this was rather her break time consumed in literary description and not her ordinary, scrupulous work of academic analysis.

To underscore the apparent lack of reassessments, amendments and rearrangements in the Soviet Union that were badly needed for the country’s survival, she used to often speak about «les septuagénaires et les octogénaires», who ruled the world’s leading communist state. The underlying fact was correct indeed; in many aspects Soviet Union was almost ‘archaic’. But the statement itself was deceitful; in 1980, Brezhnev was 74 years old, Suslov 78, Gromyko 71, Chernenko 69, and Andropov 66. But why on earth should the age of the ruling elite of the USSR be truly a matter of concern, when Ronald Reagan was 69, François Mitterrand 64, James Callaghan 68, and Willy Brandt 67? Of course, our professor certainly recalled that Charles de Gaulle returned to power in France (in 1958) at the age of 68 and served as president until 1969 (when 79), Konrad Adenauer was in office until 1963 (when 87), whereas Alcide De Gasperi was prime minister until 1953 (when 72). Furthermore, Winston Churchill served as prime minister until 1955 (when 81), Amintore Fanfani was appointed as prime minister in 1982 (for a fourth time) at the age of 74. However, by duly utilizing the age of the Soviet rulers, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse was trying to basically impress young audience.

Serving as adviser to many presidents, the granddaughter of Caucasus could do and actually did many good things for the benefit of the French-Russian relations and to the advantage of France; European Union (then ‘European Communities’) could also capitalize thereon. As she was sought after by the French political elite, she did her best in every sense, but she did not take any political decision as she was never a minister, prime minister or president. And this was the problem for France; because to mostly benefit from her advice, understanding, and perspective, the various elected governments and presidents of France should have taken very different decisions on many other topics, which would affect and also be affected by the Franco-Russian relationship.

For France and Europe, it is as simple as that: you cannot possibly imagine having good relations and strong partnership with Russia as long as you don’t follow the example of Charles de Gaulle against UK, NATO and the US. And it is so, either we live in 1965 or in 2023.

No French president could possibly utilize Hélène Carrère d’Encausse’s pertinent advice, as long as he had not taken in advance a long series of measures to restore continental (or if you prefer ‘landmass’) concord and integration and to keep the various maritime powers out of Eurasia. This is the task of Russia/USSR to do, as far as Russian/Soviet territory is concerned; similarly, this is the imperative duty for France, Germany, China, India, Iran, Turkey, Italy, Spain and several other countries to carry out respectively. But to do this, the French political class should first uproot the parasitic weeds and remove the toxic pro-UK, pro-US and pro-NATO elements by any possible means. There are no foreign policy perspectives before the clearance of internal enemies. All the problems that France faces now are due to the absurd and calamitous way the country was governed after 1969, and more particularly after 1981. But an erudite academician and a formidable connoisseur is not a determined statesman.

XVI. The European convictions and the pragmatism of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse

I got my DEA (Diplôme d’études approfondies) in July 1981; the extra part of studies that I wanted to add to my Orientalist formation was completed, and after 3 years of studies in Paris, I moved to London, only to continue next year to Brussels and then to Muenster. Due to Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, many of my convictions were fully confirmed, my horizons greatly broadened, and my perception of the Afro-Eurasiatic continental unity finally born. Only after 1981, I started realizing that borders mean truly nothing; this definitely proved to be indispensable for my life and explorations in the following years, when I moved to the Orient.

The formation that was given to all of us was certainly Western, but thanks to my Orientalist background and my explorations in Eastern Turkey, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and other countries, I gradually converted it to the new terms and codes of comprehension that I was then creating in order to better assess the objects of my researches. The education that all my professors in Greece, France, England, Belgium and Germany gave to me and to all of my classmates was good but only up to a certain extent; I confirmed my opinion in Israel. I did the same in Syria and Iraq where I realized that the education given to locals, who had studied in Europe, was in reality ‘bon pour l’Orient’, i.e. a unilateral viewpoint that served the interests of few states in Western Europe, and those of their academic and intellectual elites.

But this education was too little or too erroneous for someone, who intended to objectively assess and comprehend the human genius in its entirety, the history of Mankind in its originality and the living spirit of Man in its integrity. After several years of trouble, self-contradictory opinions, and premature judgments, some time in the late 1980s, while in Iran, I realized that ultimately the academic education offered in Western Europe was ‘bon pour l’Occident’ – only!

It is not a matter of deliberate falsehood, but of partly examination of the topic; having no spherical perspective on a research topic, you condemn yourself in the position of a unilateral observer, who has no multiple viewpoints on his study subject. You cannot possibly evaluate correctly anything if you happen to view it as a parameter of your own interests. The French-Russian relationship has to be viewed from Moscow’s standpoint and from Paris’ point of view. If you don’t view this topic or any other issue in this manner and you apply a one-viewpoint approach to your study, your conclusions will be wrong, because simply you will have become, even without understanding it, part of the problem.

I kept reading books and interviews of my late professor, while living in different countries in Asia and Africa; with the advent of the Internet, I also had the chance to watch many of her speeches and lectures. She certainly gave a new dimension to her career by ‘forgetting’ Soviet Union and delving into the Russian past – well, mainly the 18th and the 19th centuries. But she always reproduced the same pattern that could not allow her to go beyond the level of ‘borders’.

Hélène Carrère d’Encausse’s Russia is a truthful, genuine Russia that exists only for the interests of the French vision of this world! Is that an extraordinary assessment of mine? Not at all! Read some paragraphs from her books or watch some of her online interviews! The same approach is everywhere: during five centuries, the French-Russian relations existed only for France to tame and civilize Russia! After the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, speaking to a journalist about Sergey Lavrov, she described him as ‘very civilized’! Oh! Really?

– Who provided her with a special counter, a civilo-meter if you want, so that she measures every now and then the degree of civilization of the Russians and the others?    

This incredible arrogance and absurd degree of Franco-centrism or Euro-centrism unfortunately does not constitute a personal issue of the deceased academician. It is an inherent part of the Western European education and it can be attested over the past centuries in all the major colonial countries. The personal problem of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse is that her multilingual and multicultural past, family traditions, culture and knowledge proved to be weak opposite her overwhelming (I should say ‘excessive’) degree of Francization. Despite her undeniable advantages and in-depth knowledge, she functioned like a clerical assistant or a high functionary of the state administration. This partiality reduced her effectiveness and limited her pragmatism.

Although she repeatedly stated that the world decisions are not taken any more in Europe or the West world, which is very correct and very exact, she failed to attack and destroy the delusions of all those who undeservedly accused her (and Hubert Védrine) for anti-Americanism. This is not a joke! Read here the typical nonsense or the folly that is being published in France and in other European countries to get an idea:

La pieuvre. Pourquoi le régime de Poutine doit être défait

An even worse sample of absurd disinformation you can find here:

Despite the fact that Hélène Carrère d’Encausse repeatedly admitted in her interviews that it is up to Moscow to decide where Russia belongs, i.e. either in Asia (with China, India, Iran, etc.) or in Europe (with the ‘civilized world’!), she failed to explain to her compatriots three crucial topics:

First, if the entire political-academic-intellectual establishment in Moscow finally comprehends that Russia has always been an Oriental state, this will be the first defeat of a multilateral Western European scheme systematically perpetrated against Russia for no less than 550 years by means of gradual Occidentalization, cultural identity elimination, and socio-economic subordination.

Second, Russia has always been an Oriental state, either this reality was perceived as such by all parts of the Russian Imperial, Soviet and Republican elites or not.

Third, if the entire Eurasiatic alliance, Russia included, appears as a coherently established organization at the international level in the years ahead, the European Union, France included, will have to either adhere to the new superpower or simply disintegrate.

Of course, I am fully conscious of what my late professor’s answer would have been, had I had the chance to discuss with her this topic any time recently! She would find a typical article produced by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and she would respond to me, saying:

– This is not what I only describe! This is what the Russians say about themselves in the first place!

And she would have been right! But I never pretended that this situation concerned only her approach. The problem exists also in the Russian perception of themselves, after many centuries of Western interference and compact effort to westernize Russia. Example (dating back to 2016s):

But, again, I have to admit that these major issues demand statesmanship decision and do not depend on academic advice; in addition, as leading historian and political scientist, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse offered either in-depth presentation of the past or pragmatic evaluation of current circumstances. However, she never attempted to spearhead dramatic changes at the international level; in this regard, she was quite different from her famous ‘heroine’, Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (Александра Михайловна Коллонтай; 1872-1952), to whom she dedicated her last research and book. About:

Former French President of the French Republic Jacques Chirac and Helene Carrere-d’Encausse
State Banquet at the palace of Elysee. Helene Carrere d ‘Encausse and the president Chirac in Paris, France on November 20, 2006
Jean-Marie Rouart, Valery Giscard D’Estaing and Helene Carrere d’Encausse in Paris, France on December 16, 2004

XVII. The limits of historiography: a History of leaders and governance or a History of peoples and culture?

Great historian is not the one who writes many books and lengthy articles or comes up with the publication of new textual sources, fresh interpretations, resourceful conceptualizations, inventive contextualization of historical events and processes, groundbreaking approaches, and valuable rectifications of earlier errors, distortions, omissions and oversights; great historian is the one whose publications also offer the chance to discuss general issues of History in the light of the superb manner he/she reconstructs and represents a moment of the past throughout one of his/her texts.

Historiography is not History; it is merely a reconstruction, namely a representation of facts, circumstances, conditions, situations or even processes and developments over a certain span of time. Either you write one day or one millennium after a battle, what you write is never ‘History’; it is historiography. Of course, if you share a life experience as a real testimony or if you rely on authoritative documentation and key sources, writing little time after an event happened, your text will be considered as a ‘historical source’, whereas if you examine the historical sources about an event, your text will be classified as ‘bibliography’. However, this is a minor differentiation; the major distinction is between History and historiography; History is exclusively what happened. Even the Annals of Sargon II of Assyria or Julius Caesar’s Commentarii de Bello Gallico constitute ‘historiography’, not History.

But by means of a forceful manner of reconstruction of the historical past (or of representation of the historical events and processes) a great historian impacts other historians who may even be specializing in other fields of History. This is due to the fact that, after the adequate completion of the documentation and the comprehension processes, the reconstruction of the data involves intellectual effort, mental endeavor, and a great deal of imagination, more particularly in the identification of data interconnection.

Assessing how each piece of data is (or may be) interconnected with another is a work that can be done by every historian; but there is an enormous difference in this regard, due to the fact that there are scholars, who proceeding mechanically end up writing a dead narrative, and others, who -ingeniously feeling human life in all the pieces of data that they have collected- manage to come up with a most vivacious narrative that fully reflects the events. After all and put in few words, History is inherent and integral part of Life. But only the great historians reach this level of reconstruction. And Hélène Carrère d’Encausse repeatedly demonstrated that she was feeling the life of the environment that she reconstructed in her books. After all, it is the charisma of the great historians to know very well where the limits stand; and by this, I mean the invisible boundaries between historiography and literature.   

Reading Hélène Carrère d’Encausse’s books, one gets the impression that she wrote a History made by leaders, administrations, elites, structures of governance, and series of successive decisions that impacted one another, always bringing the respective consequences. And this is true! My late professor viewed History mostly as a matter of states and ‘political power’; she kept using the term even when speaking about Soviet Union whereas there was no politics at all in that country, due to the fact that the dictatorship of proletariat -in and by itself- is the living rejection of politics. She was at the antipodes of the renowned Soviet-Russian historian Lev Gumilev (Лев Николаевич Гумилёв; 1912-1992), who was her senior by 17 years.

Strong advocate of Eurasianism, theoretician of the ethnogenesis phenomenon, great conceptual thinker who invented the concept of passionarity, adept of historiosophy, the son of Nikolai Gumilev and Anna Akhmatova portrayed History in an entirely different manner, giving the impression that History is composed by societies of people with venerated traditions, moral values, folk tales, narrative history, age-old habits, heroic legends, distinct idiosyncrasy, traditional sports, vivid spirituality, daily expression of piety, strong feeling of sacredness, rich material culture, genuine sense of communality, behavioral authenticity, imaginative impulse, unquestionable equality among the society members, strong attachment to their identity, adamant respect for their integrity, unconditional rejection of any corrupt attitude, concept or idea, and uncompromising commitment to community/society preservation.

In this case, there are no ‘leaders’; there is no bureaucracy; the administrative affairs are fast expedited; any notion of state is worthless or evil; and the male members of the community meet to decide on equal basis about every matter. They all fight together, they all migrate together, and they all resettle together. No bravery can possibly qualify for preferential treatment or ‘leadership’, because bravery is the common task for all men, and there is no exception in this regard. On the other hand, all the heroic deeds are immortalized as legends in the oral culture, which is far more valued than worthless written paperwork that can contain lies to confuse posterior generations. This is a History of peoples and culture, because for the historian, who has this vision of the historical developments, even in cases of kingdoms, empires, temples, emperors and high priests, it is culture and civilization that impact their decision-making and not vice versa.

The two schools are irreconcilable like oil and water; however there is a determinate distinction, which is intrinsic to the two diametrically opposed geostrategic models. There cannot be triumphant Eurasianism without a History of peoples and culture.  

There cannot be effective Atlanticism without History of leaders and governance. However, all people know that ‘Atlantis’ sank every time; it is irrevocably inevitable.

Despite her attachment to France, Hélène Carrère d’Encausse realized this factor. That is why she tried to preserve the invisible bridges between Paris and Moscow; with all her intellectual force and outstanding eloquence.


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The Timurid Era as the Peak of the Islamic Civilization: Shah Rukh, and Ulugh Beg, the Astronomer Emperor  

Pre-publication of chapter XXVI of my forthcoming book “Turkey is Iran and Iran is Turkey – 2500 Years of indivisible Turanian – Iranian Civilization distorted and estranged by Anglo-French Orientalists”; chapters XXIV, XXV and XXVI constitute the Part Ten {Fallacies about the Times of Turanian (Mongolian) Supremacy in terms of Sciences, Arts, Letters, Spirituality and Imperial Universalism} of the book, which is made of 12 parts and 33 chapters. Until now, 9 chapters have been uploaded as partly pre-publication of the book; the present chapter is therefore the 10th (out of 33). A list of the already pre-published chapters (with the related links) is made available at the end of this chapter.


Imam Reza Mosque, Mashhad – NE Iran

Timur was not a monstrous murderer as the Western historiographers depicted him in their vicious and pernicious, and therefore absolutely worthless and totally untrustworthy, narratives. Historical texts written by Western European authors about Timur reflect only the impotency of the hypocritical, sacrilegious, pseudo-Christian, petty kings of Europe. Like Genghis Khan, Timur shared the traditional Eastern Turanian vision of Tengrist Universalism; sectarian, ethnic, and other divisions or divisive lines were meaningless, barbarian, and inhuman to him. As per his worldview, these divisions represented only the interference of Evil in the human world. Contrarily to most of the then world’s kings and to all of today’s criminal politicians and statesmen, Timur did not engage in battles and wars for his personal, tribal, ethnic or national material benefit, but for the overall, true progress of the faithful Mankind.

Beyond being a grandmaster in chess, Timur was a great mystic, a knowledgeable interlocutor, and an emperor who highly evaluated erudition, literature, philosophy, arts, architecture and sciences. If today people get confused about Timur’s religious views, this is not due to an eventual misinterpretation of historical sources, but to the present confusion between spirituality and religion. It is enough for someone to associate spirituality with religion in order to totally misperceive entire historical eras. Consequently, Western scholars have nowadays difficulty to define whether Timur was a Sunni or a Shia; this is only normal, because there are no Sunni or Shia. This forged division cannot apply in Timur’s life. In fact, like every spiritually alive man, Timur was a secular monarch. Historically, he continued the tradition of Harun al-Rashid’s Abbasid Caliphate, the practices of the Seljuk sultans, and the modus operandi of the Ilkhanate: his empire was an absolutely secular state.

Today, the term ‘secular state’ is confused with the paranoia of the post-WW II world, but in reality the ‘secular state’ has nothing to do with atheism, agnosticism, academic elitism, sacrilegious intellectualism, rationalism, materialism, hedonism, pan-sexism, and all the evil modern bogus-concepts (politics, democracy, multi-partite system, human rights, etc.), which have been associated with the supposedly ‘secular’ societies of today’s decayed and putrefied Western world. In honorable distinction from, and in total contrast with, other modern states, Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey (more specifically, the 1923 Constitution and the period until 1938) had nothing to do with today’s pseudo-secular Western societies, which in reality are strictly religious, yet scrupulously masqueraded, states with Satanism as secretively and tyrannically imposed dogma.

In Timur’s empire, there was sheer distinction between spirituality and religion, and every person was allowed to believe the religious dogma that he chose; religious authorities of all doctrines had the freedom to perform the rites and fulfill the cults of their faith; and there was no interference of the imperial administration in these activities. Many Western scholars attempted to tarnish Timur’s fame by holding him responsible for the gradual decline of Nestorian Christianity, Buddhism and Manichaeism in Central Asia, Siberia and Mongolia; that is totally misplaced.

Neither Genghis Khan nor Timur were ‘personally’ responsible for this fact. Timur did not tolerate any sectarian act of violence and discrimination. The reasons for which these three religions disappeared in the aforementioned regions have nothing to do with imperial decisions of any sort; they are totally unrelated to the Genghisid and Timurid empires. As a matter of fact, Buddhism was already present in the eastern provinces of Achaemenid Iran. Manichaeism and Nestorian Christianity appeared during the Sassanid times.

These three religions had followers among several nations that lived across the Iranian plateau, Central Asia, and the mountainous ranges between China, Indus River valley, and parts of Siberia (Aramaeans, Eastern Iranians, Sogdians, Turanians, Khotanese, etc.). However, the process of their disappearance was complex, gradual and slow, covering ca. 700 years (750-1450); first, the Islamic advance towards Central Asia and the Indus River valley (middle 7th c. to middle 8th c. CE) was detrimental to some nations, notably the Sogdians, who were terribly decimated.

Second, the proliferation of mystical orders, spiritual systems, dissident movements, eschatological-messianic concepts, theological schools, soteriological groups, and literary-poetical reassessments of the historical, pre-Islamic past produced an abundance of attractive alternatives for all the nations of the aforementioned diverse regions (over the period between the 8th c. and the 11th c.).

Third and more important, the overwhelming migrations that took place across Asia between the 11th c. and the 15th c. totally changed the landscape between Central Europe and Eastern Siberia; the newly arrived nomads usually accepted concepts of Islam that suited best their traditions of Tengrism and Shamanism. Then, Nestorians, Buddhists and Manichaeans proceeded to the East (i.e. China), since it was well known that settled communities of their coreligionists existed there too and they lived in peace.

Timur met many leading mystics, scholars, scientists, theologians, architects and poets of his times; his meeting with Hafez (Khwaja Shams-ud-Din Muhammad; 1315-1390), the great Iranian poet from Shiraz, was commemorated for centuries among Islamic rulers and erudite scholars, because their conversation bears witness to Timur’s ostensible ability to appreciate wit, intellect, self-sarcasm, and modesty.

Manuscript miniature depicting the encounter between Timur and Ibn Khaldun

Two pages from a manuscript of Ibn Khaldun’s al Muqaddimah

16th c. copy of Hafez’s Divan with fighting scene

Ceiling decoration of the tomb of Hafez in Shiraz

Hafez’s Mausoleum, Shiraz

Timur met Ahmad ibn Arabshah (1389-1450) during the siege of Damascus; he saved him (along with many other scholars) and then sent him to Samarqand; later, the Damascene author returned to Damascus and proceeded to Edirne / Adrianople, the Ottoman capital at the time; there he composed a voluminous historical description of Timur’s deeds and conquests (Aja’ib al-Maqdur fi Nawa’ib al-Taymur: The Wonders of Destiny of the Ravages of Timur).

One can however instantly understand why Ahmad ibn Arabshah presented a negative image of Timur, who had saved his life: writing while you are at the Ottoman payroll can never be a guarantee for objective description and impartial narrative. Had Ahmad ibn Arabshah written a true and unbiased ‘Tarikh’, the Ottoman sectarian theologians and the rancorous courtiers of Mehmed I and of Murat II would have burned the manuscripts. The Ottoman hatred of Timur and the Timurids lasted until the demise of the Caliphate – only to the detriment of the Ottoman family.

The major and most trustworthy historical biographies and sources for the life, the conquests, and the deeds of Timur are Nizam ad-Din Shami’s Zafar nameh (ظفرنامه‎, Book of Victory), Sharif al-Din Ali Yazdi’s Zafar nameh, and Abu Taleb Husayni’s Malfuzat-e Timuri and the associated appendix Tuzokat (which is basically the Persian translation of an earlier manuscript written in Chagatai Turkic and found in Yemen; Abu Taleb Husayni presented his work to the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in 1637).

The conquest of Baghdad by Timur depicted on the miniature of a manuscript of in Sharif al-Din Ali Yazdi’s Zafar nameh

Sharaf al-Din Ali Yazdi with Muhammad Amuli; folio from the Majalis al-Ushaq of Kamal al-Din Gazurgahi, which was written and decorated in Shiraz around 1560

The phenomenon that Western scholars describe as Timurid ‘Renaissance’ consists in a serious misperception of the entire historical period; the irrelevant terminology was invented to project Western concepts onto the Islamic world. In general, the term ‘Renaissance’ cannot apply either in the case where there is uninterrupted continuity or in the manifestation of newly invented concepts, ideas, forms, styles or rhythms. Truly, the 2nd half of the 14th century and the entire 15th century were a period of fully-fledged spiritual, academic, scientific, literary, artistic, architectural, cultural, intellectual, and artisan creativity and dynamism across almost all Islamic lands.

However, this phenomenon does not have any trait of revival or rebirth of an earlier experience or condition. Quite contrarily, it consists in the culmination of the Islamic genius as manifested since the days of Abbasid Baghdad, Bayt al-Hikmah, Ferdowsi, Nizam al Mulk, and Nasir el-Din al Tusi. One may eventually express a rhetorical question like the following in order to fully demonstrate the inaccuracy of the Western neologism Timurid ‘Renaissance’:

– What was interrupted, terminated, dispersed, lost or forgotten as Islamic science, art, scholarship and craftsmanship in the days of Nasir al-Din al Tusi (1201-1274), only to restart, resume, and be rediscovered, revived and reborn at the time of Timur?

The answer is very simple: nothing!

Nasir al-Din al-Tusi’s works, explorations, studies, and astronomical tables and catalogues were continued in the works of Jamshid al-Kashi, Qadi Zadeh al Rumi (of Eastern Roman origin), and Ulugh Beg, Timur’s grandson, third successor, and astronomer emperor. There is an undisputed continuity from the Observatory of Maragheh to the Observatory of Samarqand, pretty much like there is an absolute continuity in Islamic science, academic life, and artistic creativity from Abbasid Baghdad to Timurid Samarqand.

Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad

Aerial view of Imam Reza shrine in 1976

The tomb of Imam Reza

And there was novelty! Timurid architecture, as manifested in Samarqand, Herat, Balkh, Turkistan {Kazakhstan; the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi (1093-1166) which was commissioned by Timur himself}, Mashhad (Goharshad Mosque, built in honor of Empress Goharshad, Shah Rukh’s royal consort), and elsewhere, may have several traits that date back to Seljuk times, and may well represent the next stage of evolution from Ilkhanate architecture. However, in reality, Timurid architecture consists in an entirely different and totally new Islamic style of architecture. With their characteristically elevated, fluted domes, with their deep niches, with their impressively raised iwans (vaulted gateways), with their very typical shabestans (underground spaces), with their innovative muqarnas (also known as honeycomb vaulting), and with their inscriptions on mosaic tiles, all the Timurid mosques, madrasas and mausoleums are unique of style and known for their rule of axial symmetry.

Goharshad Mosque, Mashhad

Goharshad tomb, Herat

High place of Timurid architecture is by definition the Registan esplanade at Samarqand, a vast public square with three astoundingly monumental universities; ‘madrasa’ at the time did not mean only ‘theological school’, because theology was only one of the numerous -more than 20- academic topics taught in the madrasas. The first madrasa built in Registan was the Ulugh Beg Madrasah (construction: 1417–1420); two centuries later, the Sher-Dor Madrasah (1619–1636) and the Tilya-Kori Madrasah (1646–1660) were built at the times of the Janid dynasty (established by descendants of the Khanate of Astrakhan) in exactly the same architectural style. Subsequently, Timurid architecture influenced architectural styles in the Mughal, Safavid and Ottoman empires.

Registan Square, Samarqand

Ulugh Beg Madrasah: one of the three masterpieces of Timurid Architecture in Registan

Sher-Dor Madrasah, Registan

Tilya Kori Madrasah, Registan

Many irrelevant European scholars characterized the Turanian Timurid architecture as “Persian style”, but there is nothing ‘Persian’ in it. The enormous iwans may certainly be a reminiscence of the Parthian iwans, but Parthia was not ‘Persia’; quite contrarily, the Arsacid Empire of the Parthians was called ‘Iran’ and the Parthians were not ‘Persians’ but Turanians. Similar cases bear witness to the numerous colonial discriminatory abuses and to the academic, Indo-Europeanist racism. 

Bibi-Khanym Mosque, Samarqand; it was built in 1399 by the Tamerlane’s favorite wife, Bibi-Khanym, in honor of his return from the war in India

Timur and Shah Rukh patronized the arts, improving the traditional Art of the Book, sponsoring scholars, scientists and artists, and demanding exquisite illustrations of manuscripts (miniatures). Manuscript illumination became then a highly revered art and several schools (styles) were distinguished in this regard; elements of Turanian, Central Asiatic, Iranian, and Chinese artistic traditions were then blended into a new style. The Timurids in general were remembered as benefactors of scholars, poets, artists, artisans, and architects. About:

Forensic facial reconstruction: Shah Rukh

Gur-i Emir Mausoleum, Samarqand, Shah Rukh’s headstone 3rd from the left

Tanka (silvr coin) of Shahrukh Mirza (Yazd mint)

Shah Rukh’s reign (1409-1447) is considered as the Golden Era of the Timurid Empire. He ruled over the largest part of Timur’s territory and only after his nephew Khalil Sultan (1405-1409) proved to be totally unable to reign. Timur’s western territories were lost because of the chaos caused by the conflicts between the Karakoyunlu and the Akkoyunlu and following the Karakoyunlu victory over Miran Shah and the Timurid army (1408). Shah Rukh preferred to rule in peace with his neighbors and this helped the scholarly, artistic, artisan and architectural activities that burgeoned in his empire. Shah Rukh created a solid base in Herat (today’s NW Afghanistan) where many Genghisid relatives of his royal consort Goharshad lived, as they were the local administrators.  

Goharshad ranked below Shah Rukh’s other Genghisid wife, Malekat Aga. However, due to her family support, to her inclination for letters, arts and public works, and because of her sense of human relations, she became a considerable factor of her imperial husband’s success. As a matter of fact, Goharshad was the daughter of a notable Genghisid prince Giath al-Din Tarkan whose honorary title (Tarkan) was initially bestowed by Genghis Khan himself upon one of his ancestors. It is therefore only normal that, after Shah Rukh invaded Samarqand and was accepted as the final successor to his father by all, he transferred the imperial capital to Herat, leaving his son Ulugh Beg as governor of Samarqand. 

Herat had been destroyed by Genghis Khan (1221) but rebuilt during the Ilkhanate; however, the magnificent edifices and architectural monuments erected there at the time of Shah Rukh and Goharshad made of the city one of the Islamic world’s most splendid capitals. The erection of the Musallah complex of Herat (1417), which involved mausoleums, madrasa, mosque and five minarets, is the most important among the many monuments patronized by Shah Rukh’s royal consort. The famous shrine of Gazur Gah (an 11th c. mystic who lived in Herat and is historically known as Khwaja Abd Allah) was also built (1425) under the imperial patronage of the Timurids. And the same is valid for Goharshad Mausoleum that was built (1438) as the tomb of Shah Rukh’s and Goharshad’s son, prince Baysunghur.

Perhaps the most impressive and most colorful monument commissioned by the imperial couple was the enormous Goharshad Mosque built in Mashhad (today’s NE Iran). With a 43 m high dome, with two 43 m high minarets, and with four iwans, the mosque was always considered as one of the most impressive and most beautiful monuments of Islamic architecture worldwide.

Patron of authors, explorers and erudite scholars, Shah Rukh benefitted from the great talent of Hafez Abru, who had first been one of Timur’s most favorite scholars and authors. Abdallah ben Lutfallah (as is the full name of Hafez Abru) accompanied Timur in several military campaigns and was present in all the imperial court feasts and symposia convened by Timur. After the death of the conqueror, he entered the service of Shah Rukh, who commissioned the elaboration of numerous historical and geographical opuses, notably 

i. Dayl-e Zafar nameh ye-Shami (continuation of Nizam al-Din Shami’s biography of Timur for the period 1404-1405)

ii. Dayl-e Jame’ al-Tawarih (continuation of Rashid al-Din’s Universal History by an anonymous author who covered the period 1304-1335)

iii. Tarih-e Shah Rukh (History of the reign of Timur’s son until 1414; this text was later incorporated in other historical compilations by Hafez Abru)

iv. Tarih-e Hafez Abru, which is a Universal History and Geography commissioned by Shah Rukh in 1414 (originally it was scheduled to be the Farsi translation of selected geographical treatises earlier written in Arabic, but finally it became an original opus of historical geography); it also involved a map (British Library manuscript Ms. 1577) designed after the methods of the historical Balkh School of Cartography.

v. Majmu’a-ye Hafez-e Abru, i.e. a Universal History commissioned by Shah Rukh in 1418 in order to incorporate Bal’ami’s translation of Tabari’s Tarih to Farsi and Rashid al-Din’s Universal History, which was extended by Hafez Abru until 1393.

vi. Majma’ al Tawarih al Soltani, a Universal History until 1426, written for Shah Rukh’s son Baysunghur.

Shah Rukh established good diplomatic relations with Ming China by sending an imperial delegation to Beijing in 1419-1422. Member of the delegation was Ghiyath al-Din Naqqash, who was tasked to compose the official diary, which was not saved independently down to our times, but was largely incorporated in other historical opuses. As an official account, this text was highly evaluated and therefore translated to various Turkic languages in later periods. The Timurid delegation was received with imperial honor, traditional pomp, and great joy at the Ming court. Shah Rukh created an environment of stability and peace across Asia, systematically exchanging embassies and establishing good relations also with the Sultanate of Delhi (notably Khizr Khan), the Bengal Sultanate (and particularly with Shamsuddin Ahmad Shah), the Akkoyunlu, the Ottomans, the Turanian Ormuz kingdom in the Hormuz straits (then under Bahman Shah II), and even the Mamluks of Egypt.

As the Dravidian ruler (Samoothiri) of Calicut (in the presently occupied Deccan, in South ‘India’) encountered several Timurid officials who, while returning from the Sultanate of Bengal, anchored in his harbor, he decided to send an embassy to Herat. A Farsi-speaking Dravidian Muslim led the official delegation and impressed Shah Rukh, who subsequently dispatched a Timurid delegation to Calicut (Kozhikode; 1442-1443) under Abd al-Razzsaq Samarqandi (1413–1482); the scholar-diplomat wrote an extensive report of his mission that he later incorporated in his chronicle Maṭla’-e sa’dayn va maǰma’-e baḥrayn (the rise of the two auspicious constellations and the junction of the two seas). He thus offered insight into first, the small kingdom of Calicut and the local rulers (named Saamoothiri) and second, the Dravidian Vijayanagara kingdom, because the local king Deva Raya II invited Abd al-Razzsaq Samarqandi to his court.

Shah Rukh had however to fight several battles against the Karakoyunlu (in 1420, 1429 and 1434) and the Timurid army was victorious every time. However, since Shah Rukh did not inherit the brutality of his father, his victories did not solve the problem of the constantly rebellious Turkmen and the unstable situation in the western confines of the Iranian plateau, North Mesopotamia, South Caucasus and Eastern Anatolia continued during most of the 15th c. until the Akkoyunlu managed to achieve a decisive victory (1467) over the Karakoyunlu only to be later supplanted by the Safavid Empire (1501).

After Timur crushed the Hurufi rebellion in 1394, the secret Kabbalistic sect launched a subversive campaign of anti-Timurid hatred and evidently conspired against the empire by placing in the Timurid court several secret members who would be later mobilized against the imperial administration. In 1426, Shah Rukh risked his life in an assassination attempt; he survived and then undertook a great effort to uproot the evil secretive sect that promoted black magic practices by attributing numerical values to letters of the alphabet and then evoking spiritual potentates. Several modern scholars, who happen to be Kabbalists and Satanists, tried therefore to tarnish the fair name of Shah Rukh and to distort the truth by accusing him of ‘anti-intellectualism’, a nonexistent term coined by evil and inhuman gangsters in order to denigrate everyone who makes it impossible for them to conduct their perverse and evil operations. This is pathetic and ludicrous; the historical truth is that Shah Rukh was the patron of artists, scholars, erudite authors and architects. And in any case, an ‘intellectual’, who gets initiated in the secrets of a Kabbalist sect, already ceases to be a human.

When Shah Rukh died at the age of 70 (1447), his firstborn son Ulugh Beg (then at the age of 53; 1394-1449) succeeded him; he was also Goharshad’s favorite son and he had acquired a remarkable experience in travels, scholarly explorations, and imperial administration. He had been the governor of Samarqand and the entire Transoxiana (Mawarannahr) since 1409 (when he was just 15). And since the early 1420s, he was an accomplished scholar, mathematician and astronomer with his own madrasa and his own observatory – the best of his time. About:

Mirza Muhammad Taraghay bin Shahrukh (mainly known as Ulugh Beg, i.e. ‘the great ruler’; 1394-1449) was the unique case of Turanian Muslim Emperor who was also a consummate scholar, a leading mathematician, and the then world’s foremost astronomer. He ruled for only two years and only after having delivered pioneering opuses, notably Zij-i Sultani (زیجِ سلطانی; the astronomical tables of the Sultan, i.e. of himself), which is a collective work of many leading astronomers working under his guidance to produce a list of no less than 1018 stars.

Ulugh Beg was an exceptional man in every sense; he had 13 wives, he spoke ca. 10 languages (Chagatai Turkic, Farsi, Arabic, Syriac Aramaic, Chinese, and several other Western and Eastern Turanian languages), and he seems to have been a prodigious young man, very knowledgeable since his adolescence; and thanks to his numerous travels, he saw great monuments, universities, libraries and centers of learning that impressed him. However, Nasir el-Din Tusi’s observatory in Maragheh seems to have impacted the young imperial traveler more than any other edifice, and this was the reason for which, after he was appointed governor of Samarqand by his father Shah Rukh in 2009, he started to turn the city into the world’s leading academic center.

Ulugh Beg, as depicted by an anonymous painter of the period 1425-50

Ulugh Beg coin; AH 852 (1448-9) Herat mint

Samarqand Observatory, constructed by Ulugh Beg in the 1420s and rediscovered by Russians archaeologists in 1908

Ulugh Beg Observatory; the trench accommodated the lower section of the meridian arc.

Mirzo Ulughbek and Ali Kushchi working in the Samarqand Observatory, as per the imagination of modern local artists

Ulugh Beg created therefore an inviting environment for scholars from various regions and countries, and that’s why many researchers, explorers, scientists and students gathered in Samarqand as early as the 1420s. Ulugh Beg Madrasa was built in the period 1417-1420, and its parts were decorated with tiles of blue, light blue and white colors that all have a great symbolism in Turanian Tengrism. Two years later, the Ulugh Beg Observatory was constructed, as we can deduce from the letters sent by Jamshid al Kashi to his own father; these valuable documents were recently (in the 1990s) found, published and translated. Jamshid al Kashi (1380-1429) was a leading astronomer who worked with Ulugh Beg in Samarqand’s imperial observatory.

Another leading scholar, who contributed to the academic works, scholarly studies, and astronomical tables and catalogues undertaken in the observatory, was Ali Qushji (1403-1474; full name: Ala al-Dīn Ali ibn Muhammad). Ali Qushji was not greatly important only because he participated in the elaboration of the Zij-i Sultani and he made many other contributions to sciences, writing numerous astronomical, mathematical, mechanical, linguistic, philological and theological treatises; he is also credited for having established a real bridge between Samarqand and Istanbul in terms of scientific-academic life, scholarly exploration, and intellectual endeavors.

As a matter of fact, Ali Qushji was one of the very few scholars of his times to have met personally with three powerful emperors, namely the Timurid Ulugh Beg, the Akkoyunlu Uzun Hasan (1423-1478), and the Ottoman Mehmed II (also known as Fatih; 1432-1481). Ali Qushji delivered personally a copy of Zij-i Sultani to Mehmed II, evidently making the Ottoman sultan envy the unequaled superiority of the great Timurid capital Samarqand in terms of science, exploration, scholarship and intellect.

Jamshid al Kashi: opening bifolio of his major opus Miftah al-Hisab

Two pages from a manuscript of Jamshid al Kashi’s Sullam al-sama’

Jamshid al-Kashi’s The Key to Arithmetic; the last page of the manuscript

Pages of a manuscript with treatises elaborated by Ali al Qushji

Other remarkable scholars, who formed Ulugh Beg’s team, were Mu’in al-Din al-Kashi and Qadi Zadeh al-Rumi (1364-1436), a leading mathematician and astronomer of Eastern Roman descent, tutor and mentor of Ulugh Beg; Qadi Zadeh was greatly renowned for his pertinent commentaries on the works of earlier Turanian Islamic astronomers, like al-Jaghmini (full name: Mahmud ibn Muhammad ibn Umar al-Jaghmini; 13th – 14th c.), Shams al-Din al-Samarqandi (ca. 1250 – ca. 1310), and Nasir ad-Din al-Tusi. Students from Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus River valley, the Ganges River valley, China and parts of Siberia were flocking to Samarqand to benefit from this worldwide unique environment.

To these great scholars it took no less than 15 years to compose in Farsi the voluminous Zij-i Sultani (completed in 1437), which was the World History’s most accurate and most complete astronomical table and star catalogue up to its time. Zij is an Islamic astronomical book that presents in tabular form various parameters used for astronomical calculations of the positions of stars therein included; as it can be assumed, it takes a great deal of observation in order to establish this type of documentation.

Around 20 different Zij catalogues have been established during the Islamic times, either saved until our times or not. However, Zij-i Sultani surpasses in terms of scholarship all earlier astronomical tables, including the 2nd c. CE Ancient Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy’s Almagest (Μαθηματικὴ Σύνταξις – Mathematike Syntaxis; المجسطي – al-Majisti). Ulugh Beg’s outstanding masterpiece was later translated to Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, and several European languages.  

In 1437, ten years before succeeding his father Shah Rukh on the throne of the Timurid Empire, Ulugh Beg specified the sidereal year as being 365d 6h 10m 8s long, which is an error of +58 s as per today’s calculations. Comparatively, Copernicus in 1525 reduced the margin of the error by 28 seconds, but the 9th c. CE Aramaean Sabian astronomer Thabit ibn Qurra (whose works, translated to Latin, were the primary sources of Copernicus) had determined the length of the sidereal year as 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 12 seconds (with an error of only 2 seconds as per today’s calculations).

After Shah Rukh’s death, Ulugh Beg had to fight in order to defend his right to succession; he won in the battle at Murghab (بالامرغاب; in today’s Afghanistan/not to be confused with Murgab in Eastern Tajikistan) over his nephew Ala al-Dawla (son of Ulugh Beg’s late brother Baysunghur/ بایسُنغُر) and advanced to Herat; there, in 1448, carried out a terrible massacre of the local population, taking revenge of their support to his nephew and demonstrating his Timurid originality. Ulugh Beg’s reign was brief and unhappy; his son Abd al-Latif Mirza (1420-1450) had an enormous psychological complex of inferiority toward his authoritatively intellectual and exceptionally erudite father, and he rebelled against him. After Abd al-Latif Mirza’s victory in a battle nearby Samarqand, Ulugh Beg had to surrender (1449), but the treacherous and evil son was not pleased with this, and he had his father assassinated, when the deposed Ulugh Beg was proceeding to Hejaz for Hajj. 

The patricidal Abd al-Latif Mirza (in Farsi: padarkush; پدر کش) ruled for less than a year, having the support of evil, ignorant and rancorous theologians, who hated Ulugh Beg’s scholarly integrity, intellectual genius, scientific leadership, and secular rule. However, the outright majority of the population hated the ungrateful son for his two repugnant sacrileges; few days after having his father executed, Abd al-Latif Mirza killed also his brother Abd al-Aziz. So, in 1450 the patricidal and fratricidal ruler was murdered, and then came to power Ulugh Beg’s nephew Abdullah Mirza (son of Ibrahim Sultan, who was son of Shah Rukh and also a renowned artist and calligrapher); he rehabilitated his uncle’s imperial tradition and reputation. About:,_Samarkand


Click to access Journal%20for%20the%20History%20of%20Astronomy%20November.pdfКази-заде_ар-Руми

After Ulugh Beg’s assassination, the Timurid Empire was in reality dissolved. The trends of imperial disintegration, tribal split, intra-family rivalry, and military localism prevailed at a time when Uzbek and Kazakh migrations were upsetting numerous settled populations in Central Asia. The Timurid Empire underwent a real fragmentation before totally disappearing. Abdullah Mirza was not able to rule for more than a year and only in Transoxiana (Mawarannahr); Timurid princes became independent in parts of Khorasan, Fars, and Iraq-e Ajami (Zagros Mountains).

Abu Sa’id Mirza (1424-1469; son of Muhammad Mirza, who was the son of Miran Shah, third son of Timur) was able to rule (1451-1469) and reunify the central parts of his great-grandfather’s empire. He allied with the Uzbeks (notably Abu’l-Khayr Khan: 1428-1468), but he faced many rebellions from Timurid princes of several provinces that he managed to suppress in terrible tribal massacres. He even executed Shah Rukh’s widow, the legendary dowager-empress Goharshad, accusing her of plotting against him by using her great-grandson. He arranged a temporary peace with the Karakoyunlu, but entered into an ill-fated war with the Akkoyunlu (who were former allies of the Timurids) and their powerful king Uzun Hasan. Finally, in February 1469, in the battle of Qarabagh, Abu Sa’id Mirza was defeated and held captive; Uzun Hasan handed him over to his Timurid allies, who remembering his monstrosity toward Goharshad executed him. Finally, Uzun Hasan sent Abu Sa’id Mirza’s decapitated head to the Mamluk ruler of Egypt Qaitbay, who arranged a proper burial.

Various Timurid princes ruled then in Khorasan, Kabul, Balkh, Fergana, Fars, and Iraq-e Ajami, whereas Transoxiana was first ruled by Sultan Ahmed Mirza from 1469 until 1494 and later divided into Samarqand, Bukhara and Hissar. Most of the northern part of the Timurid Empire was supplanted in 1488 by the Uzbeks, who set up their khanate under Muhammad Shaybani, a Genghisid prince. Soon afterwards, the Kazakh and the Sibir (Siberia) khanates were established, seceding from the Golden Horde. At the same time, Sultan Husayn Bayqara (a great-great grandson of Timur; 1438-1506) ruled (1469-1506) in Herat, continuing the Timurid tradition in terms of patronage of arts and sciences. He thus became a source of admiration for his nephew Babur, who was later the founder of the Mughal Empire of South Asia; but Babur was none else than the grandson of Abu Sa’id Mirza and therefore great-great-great-grandson of Timur.   

Last, the southern parts of the Timurid Empire were most;y incorporated into the nomadic Akkoyunlu Empire that also controlled Eastern Anatolia and Mesopotamia; however, internal strives decomposed that empire too around the end of the 15th c. It was then that the mystical Safavid Order, instead of supporting or infiltrating a state, decided to launch its own empire: the Safavid Empire. They already had their own army ready however: the formidable and renowned Qizilbash. About:


Lines separate chapters that belong to different parts of the book.

CHAPTER XII: Parthian Turan: an Anti-Persian dynasty


CHAPTER XIV: Arsacid & Sassanid Iran, and the wars against the Mithraic – Christian Roman Empire

CHAPTER XV: Sassanid Iran – Turan, Kartir, Roman Empire, Christianity, Mani and Manichaeism

CHAPTER XVI: Iran – Turan, Manichaeism & Islam during the Migration Period and the Early Caliphates


CHAPTER XXI: The fabrication of the fake divide ‘Sunni Islam vs. Shia Islam’


CHAPTER XXII: The fake Persianization of the Abbasid Caliphate


CHAPTER XXIII: From Ferdowsi to the Seljuk Turks, Nizam al Mulk, Nizami Ganjavi, Jalal ad-Din Rumi and Haji Bektash


CHAPTER XXIV: From Genghis Khan, Nasir al-Din al Tusi and Hulagu to Timur

CHAPTER XXV: Timur (Tamerlane) as a Turanian Muslim descendant of the Great Hero Manuchehr, his exploits and triumphs, and the slow rise of the Turanian Safavid Order


Download the chapter (text only) in PDF:

Download the chapter (with pictures and legends) in PDF:

Russia, Ukraine and the World-VII: From Stepan Razin to Yevgeny Prigozhin

Россия, Украина и мир-VII: от Степана Разина до Евгения Пригожина

From a Legendary Cossack Hero to an Intemperate Jewish Rascal* 

Greatest Strengths and Frailest Weaknesses of Russians: the Contrasting Elements of the Russian Soul

От легендарного казака-богатыря до распутного еврейского пройдохи*

Величайшие сильные и слабые стороны россиян: контрастные элементы русской

Legendary rebel Stepan Razin


I. Непреклонность русского характера

II. Все русские – один человек, но всероссийских земель много

III. Патриотизм, пропитанный скрытым понятием «граница»

IV. Когда универсальность становится проблемой

V. Совершенство и недостаток: «континентальный человек» против «человека моря»

VI. Распад СССР и годы Ельцина

VII. Подъем путинской команды и российские олигархи

VIII. Пригожин, его возвышение и его фарсовый мятеж

IX. Сергей Шойгу, Лиз Трасс, Степан Разин и Воронеж

X. Русскость, Брежнев, Леонид Харитонов и Утёс


I. Inexorability of the Russian character

II. Russians are one, but Russias are many …

III. Patriotism laced with a latent notion of ‘border’

IV. When Universality becomes a problem

V. The perfection and the defect: the ‘Continental Man’ vs. the ‘Man of the Sea’

VI. The collapse of the USSR and the Yeltsin years

VII. The rise of the Putin team and the Russian ‘oligarchs’

VIII. Prigozhin, his rise and his farcical mutiny

IX. Sergei Shoigu, Liz Truss, Stepan Razin, and Voronezh    

 X. Russianness, Brezhnev, Leonid Kharitonov, and Utyos

No other nation in the History of Mankind has put under control a so vast territory for so long and in endless geographic contiguity. The formation (16th c.) and the rise (17th-18th c.) of the Russian Empire, as the next historical stage to the Turanian Empire of Tamerlane (14th-15th c.) and to the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan (12th-13th c.), functioned as the ultimate pacification of the most indomitable land on the Earth: the North.

I. Inexorability of the Russian character

The exploit was of unfathomable dimensions, but to the Russians it was mere everyday life; from Muscovy to Kazan to Astrakhan to Sibir; and then progressively to the East up to Alaska and to the South up to Iran. This situation generated heights and depths in the Russian soul that one Russian cannot easily detect; however, if these dimensions of national character and popular spirituality happen to be spotted and studied by external forces, they can be used destructively.

This vast issue can offer more than 100 topics of Ph.D. thesis; that’s why, within the limits of the present article, I intend to mention here only few aspects that have been determinant, for the good and for the bad, in the formation of a nation out of any measure. Russia and the Russians are a land and a nation that is best observed in cases of out-of-body experience; that is why Russians have an inherent difficulty in fully and accurately assessing themselves. For this reason, Sergei Yesenin (1895-1925; Сергей Александрович Есенин) wrote ‘sad songs’ according to the last tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna.

Sergei Yesenin

The vastness of the territory generates a totally different concept of time among its inhabitants. If nowadays Putin and Shoigu seem -to the rest of the world- not urged to terminate the conflict in Ukraine, this is due to the fact that ‘time’ has a different meaning for them.

The freedom of a life in nature and the righteous behavior of people living in small communities contrast calamitously with the restrictions that are necessarily imposed in the urban agglomerations and the discipline that a vast state has to enact. The end result is the enthralling experience of a rebel like Stepan Razin (1630-1671; Степан Тимофеевич Разин), who fought against the government to defend the rights of the peasants. Real myth of the Russian soul, the historical rebel, who originated from Voronezh (Воронеж) and is also known as Stenka (Стенька) Razin, encapsulates at the same time, freedom and disobedience, heroism and insubordination, respect for the community and disrespect for the state, orderly attitude to peers and disorderly behavior to the authorities.

Yet, around the illustrious and indomitable Stepan Razin’s example, have revolved all the Russians, united in their differences and differing in their unity. The famous folk epic song Из-за острова на стрежень (Iz-za ostrova na strezhen’; from beyond the wooded island) was first published by the 19th c. Russian ethnographer and poet Dmitry Sadovnikov (Дмитрий Николаевич Садовников; 1847-1883), then included in one of the very first Russian movies (1908: ‘Stenka Razin’ (directed by Vladimir Romashkov) thanks to the music written by Mikhail Mikhailovich Ippolitov-Ivanov (1859-1935; Михаил Михайлович Ипполитов-Иванов), and finally broadcast in 1923 Soviet Union.

Song of Stenka Razin. Russian folk song. Из-за острова на стрежень.

Из-за острова на стрежень (2018.02.24) (Subtitles)

There is a Stepan Razin inside every Russian, and apparently it cannot be otherwise; extrospective more than introspective, passionate for justice rather than for order but disciplined when the common interest has to prevail, mythical adventurer and bold fighter, permanent suppliant in an endless land the sacredness of which is sensed but not rationally spelled out, the average Russian is the most convincing proof that the inherently multi-dimensional nature of a personality is a blessing in life.

Sincere and gullible, intrepid and impetuous, forthright and simple, colorful and sober, every Russian confines within himself layers of spiritual and intellectual strength that are hidden even to him, but should a need arise, they appear pretty much like one matryoshka doll inside another.

The inexorability of the Russian character is something few other nations in Asia are able to reckon with; that’s why Western Europeans and Americans commit always errors in their plots and heinous schemes against Russia and the Russians, being thus predestined to always fail.


Stenka Razin by Vasily Ivanovich Surikov (Василий Иванович Суриков), 1908

Stepan Razin by Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (Борис Михайлович Кустодиев), 1918

Stepan Razin throws the Persian princess into the Volga: illustration from an Amsterdam book, 1681

Stepan Razin by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin (Кузьма Петров-Водкин), 1918

Stepan Razin by Kirillov (Сергей Алексеевич Кириллов), 1985

Departure for the execution of Stepan Razin; English engraving of the 1670s

Stenka Razin. Engraving attached to a Hamburg newspaper from 1670

Stepan Razin by Ivan Bilibin (Иван Билибин), 1935

Cover of the book “Stenka Razin (Volga Ataman)” with a Kalmyk legend



In an interview to the German writer Emil Ludwig (1931)

«Мы, большевики, всегда интересовались такими историческими личностями, как Болотников, Разин, Пугачёв и др. Мы видели в выступлениях этих людей отражение стихийного возмущения угнетённых классов, стихийного восстания крестьянства против феодального гнёта. Для нас всегда представляло интерес изучение истории первых попыток подобных восстаний крестьянства».

«We Bolsheviks have always been interested in such historical figures as Bolotnikov, Razin, Pugachev and others. We saw in the speeches of these people a reflection of the spontaneous indignation of the oppressed classes, the spontaneous uprising of the peasantry against feudal oppression. It has always been of interest to us to study the history of the first attempts at such uprisings by the peasantry».


The execution of Stepan Razin as per the popular artistic imagination of more recent times

The Iranian campaign of Stepan Razin

Stepan Razin by Boris Kustodiev (Борис Кустодиев)

The first Russian film poster for the film Понизовая вольница (Ponizovaya Volnitsa: freestyle freeman), which was about the life and the struggles of Stepan Razin (Artist: Paul K. Assaturov), 1908

Advertising poster for the aforementioned film

The Chains of Stenka Razin: Resurrection Cathedral, Rostov

Cover page and title of the dissertation presented by Johann Justus Martius in Wittenberg, 1674: “Stenko Razin, Don region Cossack traitor” (in Latin: Stephanus Razin Donicus Cosacus perduellis)

O. E. Kosheleva, ‘The return of Razin’s gang from Persia to Astrakhan’, frame from the filmstrip “Peasant War led by Stepan Razin”

Poster from the 1939 film ‘Stepan Razin’

Stepan Razin statue, Aktyube, Astrakhan region

Stepan Razin’s cliff by the Volga riverside in the Saratov Region

Stepan Razin beer and brewery

Further reading about Stepan Razin:

В гости к Степану Разину

«Фигуры воспоминаний» Донских степей

Степан Разин

Stepan Razin’in Farsça kampanyası

Персидский поход Степана Разина


II. Russians are one, but Russias are many …

My parents and grandparents were not Russians, but part of my family settled in Russia for more than a century, and their narratives echoed until my childhood, back in the 1960s.

– “Which is the country with the smallest population in the world?” asked me once my father, when I was 6 or 7 years old.

– “Vatican”, I responded immediately, as this was a newly learned topic.

– “No”, my father commented, and he continued “it’s Russia” (as we always called the USSR)!

As I was astonished, I uttered: “but this is a big country with over 200 million people”.

Then my father made things clear: “yes! But when the enemy comes, all the Russians become just one man”.

I was impressed, because I did not know that this figure of speech reflected Stalin’s speech on the 3rd July 1941.

Stalin’s radio broadcast to the Soviet people (3 July 1941) [Subtitled]

After some time and due to the difficulty I had to assess the new approach, I expressed my doubt:

– “How can all the Russians be one, when the Czar reigned over all the Russias”?

My father’s response took me by surprise, but time showed that he was right.

– “That’s correct, and this is a unique case: Russians are one, but Russias are many”!

It took me many years, long travels, and extensive studies to understand this truth.,_Tsar_and_Grand_Prince_of_all_Russia

III. Patriotism laced with a latent notion of ‘border’

The average Russian does not only have the task to assess the meaning of infinity, because his country is in fact an infinite territory, but he also faces the challenge to define whether borders exist or not. In reality, Russia does not have borders like most of the other countries. This generates a paradox; although emphatically brave and resolutely patriotic, Russians are ready to fight everywhere, because the notion of the word ‘border’ is significantly different from the meaning that this word has in other languages and among other nations, notably those of Western Europe.

If we consider Russia’s territory as the totality of continental lands and islands that are internationally recognized as the area of the Russian Federation, only a part of the Russian borders looks like what borderlines mean in Western Europe. Of course, Russia’s western borders are very well guarded and defended. But the vastness of the land and the prevailing climatological conditions in most of the northern confines of the territory produce among Russians a very vague concept of ‘border’, if we take as example the Pakistani-Indian or the Mexican-American borderlines and their perception by the respective nations.

Few people in the world know exactly the particularity that every Russian has to accept as normalcy when it comes to Siberia. Certainly, I must state in the beginning that there are Russian military bases and stations in the Siberian coasts and islands in the Barents Sea, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, and the East Siberian Sea. But from the southern parts of Siberia where the quasi-totality of the local population inhabits to the northernmost confines of the land, the regions of the taiga (Siberian forest) and the tundra (a flat and treeless terrain with permanently frozen subsoil) are almost entirely uninhabited. If we view Siberia as an oblong region or zone, sometimes only the southern 10%or 20% of the width of the enormous land is inhabited. Making a trip on the boat from Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka, you sail along the Yenisei River from the South to the North for more than 1500 km, crossing an almost entirely unpopulated land.

Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka cruiser;

In fact, the taiga is, in and by itself, a natural borderline; but it does not consist in a common state border. This modifies the notion of the word ‘border’ among Russians. In a way, Siberia in 2023 is still what the Far West was in 19th c. America: a frontier land.

When you don’t have a common feeling of ‘borders’, you automatically develop a universalizing tendency; it is not necessarily a conscious Universalist belief and theory, but a clear attitude and a resolute desire to fully comprehend the world or, if you want, to intellectually encompass the mankind as a whole. One can say that it is almost instinctive. Few nations have developed this inclination. As a matter of fact, Russians have always been comfortable with the ‘other’; that’s why they never colonized any nation.

Whereas the English intentionally and perniciously destroyed lands and nations, and the French wanted to imperatively impose French education on the Algerians and on all the other colonized African, Asiatic, American and Oceanic nations, the Russians promoted korenizatsiya for all! They strengthened the traditional culture and the elements of historical heritage of every indigenous population. The indigenous nations understood that their identity was respected and their integrity protected; then the past hostilities were forgotten, and they all become one, while the Russias became many.

Only after an exhaustive study of the Universalist character of the average Russian can one truly realize the way Russians view the rest of the world.

IV. When Universality becomes a problem

However, this inherent element of the Russian soul can easily turn from an asset to a liability. This is so because the Russian sense of Universality is the epitome of the Continental Civilization, being therefore comparable or analogous to the traditional Chinese idiosyncrasy, the instituted and praised Iranian Achaemenid-Sassanid-Safavid imperial doctrine, the Turanian unified worldview and Tengrist cosmology, the Eastern Roman Christian Orthodox Ecumenism, and to the Mughal intellectual worldliness. One way or another, all the truly civilized, continental nations originate from Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia where the Universal Man was born before 4500 years; Mesopotamia is the cradle of all of us.

However, there is no advantage without disadvantage and for every blessing there is a drawback; this is valid for all societies and nations anytime anywhere and under any circumstances whatsoever. Russians are therefore virtually unable to understand the vicissitudes and the alternations of the forged cultures of islanders and coastal societies; Russians are naïve and genuinely impotent to fathom the corruption, the depravity, and the viciousness of the divisive and discordant maritime societies.

And up to a certain degree this is very good, because civilized nations do not need to study the nauseating precipices of the soul of degenerate, corrupt societies and of heinous, deceitful people; yes! But what if the lawless and the perfidious societies intend to propagate their iniquity and to corrupt the cultured, moral, brave and illustrious nations?

That is why the modern Western world, which is an alien and inimical entity to all the continental nations of Asia, Africa, Central Europe, Mexico and the Andes Mountains, cannot be assessed correctly by the Russians, the Chinese, the Germans, the Turcs, and all the other continental nations whose cultural heritage is tantamount to World History. And for this reason only Russia, the interior of mainland China, and Anatolia (the central part of the Ottoman Empire) were successful in not being occupied and colonized by the maritime colonial powers, which -after the end of the 15th c.- functioned as genuine denial of the Mankind and the World Civilization, which had always been (and could not have been but) a continental civilization. 

It is not my intention to analyze the perversion of the Renaissance, the historical revisionism of every Reconquista and colonial expedition, the inhumanity of the Western Europeans’ fallacious ‘Humanism’, and the massacres and genocides that the maritime colonial powers deliberately provoked because of their monstrous nature. It would take enormous encyclopedia to duly describe this nefarious and atrocious development that brought the Mankind to the brink of nuclear war.

V. The perfection and the defect: the ‘Continental Man’ vs. the ‘Man of the Sea’

I want only to underscore the maritime nature of the societies, which triggered these developments, their anti-continental and anti-human (and therefore anti-Russian) character, and the continuity in their degeneracy and debauchery. Even the absurd name that they invented in order to describe their lawlessness and ignominy, namely ‘Renaissance’, highlights their rejection of the World Civilization and their abnormal and criminal revisionism: the mankind was born once, created by God, and did not need to be ‘born again’ by means of cruel lies, Satanic deception, criminal deeds, and holocausts perpetrated by the Western European colonial powers.

This is the unbridgeable divide that separates the civilized continental nations from the lecherous and corrupt, maritime societies of discord and scheming:

Continental societies form universal empires that bring forth peace, concord, dignity, order, heroism, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and truth. They herald their noble intentions very solemnly and from the beginning.

Maritime societies trigger incessant wars, diffuse lies, make fake promises, deceive the nations that they unreasonably and arbitrarily target, and subtly disseminate all types of human perversion and corruption, slowly administering the poison of their counterfeit minds and their heinous hearts. They malignantly hide their intentions, exploit the trust of the noble nations, and know their uncivil, lewd and execrable identity. They are a disgrace on the surface of the Earth. There is an unbelievable continuity in the maritime colonial powers’ scheming that the average continental man cannot possibly fathom. And in this case, the average Russian’s Universality turns from great qualification to abysmal disadvantage. I will therefore offer now an example of the nefarious scheming perpetrated over the last 4-5 centuries by the villainous Western societies that developed and propagated bogus-cultures.  

Ivan IV under the walls of Kazan by Pyotr Korovin (Пётр Иванович Коровин), 1890; there was no Renaissance and no Humanism in the nascent Russia of Ivan the Terrible.

There is currently a continuous and overwhelming rejection of pedophilia in Russia; Russian politicians, statesmen, intellectuals, academics and average people have repeatedly denounced the Western countries’ lawlessness, ignominy, and tolerance for the development of transnational networks of pedophiles, human trafficking, and narcotics. That is good, but not enough. Even worse, due to the prevailing naivety, Russian historians, art historians, academics and intellectuals fail to first fully comprehend and then duly diffuse nation and worldwide the fact that Western European and North American pedophilia started with Renaissance and in a fully covert manner.

There are thousands of samples of the so-called ‘Renaissance Art’ that bear witness to my point, but the famous ‘Lighthouse of Alexandria’ by the Dutch painter Maarten van Heemskerck (1498–1574), a hand-colored engraving that dates back to 1574, is good enough; what reason was there for the immoral, Greco-centric painter to depict the buttocks of a naked child next to two half-naked men, apparently a king and a ‘wise elder’, on a painting that featured the Lighthouse of Alexandria?

https://commons.wikimedia org/wiki/File:Philip_Galle_-_Lighthouse_of_Alexandria_(Pharos_of_Alexandria)_-_1572.jpg

This point perhaps does not appear to be so important for Russians today, but this is the mistake of the Russian academia; when this salacious ‘artwork’ was produced in Holland, Ivan the Terrible was ruling Muscovy in the then nascent Russian Empire. It is therefore imperative for all Russians today to answer the following questions:

  • What would the reception of such a painting would be in Ivan IV’s Muscovy?
  • How abhorrent would this shameless ‘artwork’ be for all Russians at the time?
  • Are 21st c. Western countries’ pedophilia rings unrelated to this painting?
  • Or what was then practiced within secret societies is being now done openly?

Only a proper debate at nationwide scale can now open the eyes of the Russians and help them become fully conscious of the realities of this world, of the perversity of the maritime societies, and of the intractable divide that separates Russians and all the civilized continental nations from the lecherous barbarians of the colonial countries of the West.  

Yes, the Russian sense of Universality is a blessing; but …

– if the Russians do not identify the Dutch, the English, the Canadians, the Australians, the French and the Americans as totally alien to them and to World Civilization,

– if the Russians do not proactively assess their identity and cultural heritage, demarcating their continental character from the maritime corruption and bogus-culture of the Anglo-French,

– if the Russians do not identify their surreptitiously attempted Westernization as De-Russification and as immoral contamination, and

– if the Russians do not undertake an entire overhaul of the system of National Education, …

… a victory will still be possible in Ukraine, but the most horrible dangers will be lurking on the Russian society.

VI. The collapse of the USSR and the Yeltsin years

When Konstantin Chernenko (1911-1985; Константин Устинович Черненко) died on the 10th March 1985 and Gorbachev (1931-2022; Михаил Сергеевич Горбачёв) was elected as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the fate of the USSR had already been sealed long ago. The same statement can also be made as regards the respective deaths of Yuri Andropov (1914-1984; Юрий Владимирович Андропов) and Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982; Леонид Ильич Брежнев).


The really critical turning point and the true moment in which the fate of the Soviet Union was decided upon was the death of Mikhail Suslov (1902-1982; Михаил Андреевич Суслов), just 10 months before Brezhnev’s death in November 1982. At that time, the Soviet leader was too ill to decisively impact the developments and promote his protégé Chernenko. The appointment of Yuri Andropov as the Second Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on 24th May 1982 was in reality the beginning of the end of Soviet Union, because in fact, it propelled this ominous figure, enabling Andropov to make a determinant step toward the succession to Brezhnev.

This development was extremely negative, because for fifteen consecutive years (1967-1982), Yuri Andropov -as the 4th Chairman of the Committee for State Security (KGB)- pursued a policy of closer (than earlier) monitoring of the CIA, which in turn made it possible for the American secret services to do the same to their Soviet counterpart. As a matter of fact, in the early 1980s, the two organizations were in reality one, and there was nothing unknown to all the top persons in the hierarchy of both organizations. This situation allowed the economic superiority of the US to fully impact the developments, pulling the Soviet Union apart.

Gorbachev became a captive of the problems, which he did not know prior to his misfortunate election; even worse, the 1991 Soviet coup d’état attempt would be effective and successful, only if it occurred before the changes made in the hierarchy of the Communist Party in the summer 1985. As it happened, it was too little too late. Today, it is customary to accuse Gorbachev of almost everything in discourses about the end of the USSR; this is wrong. Perhaps his only mistake was that he failed to fathom that he was too small for the task and very ignorant of the reality.

Similar comments are also valid for Boris Yeltsin (1931-2007; Борис Николаевич Ельцин); if Gorbachev could not overcome the problems accumulated since the middle Brezhnev years, his subordinate (Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR from 1990 to 1991) had even greater challenges to face due to the catastrophic mismanagement and the obviously incompetent tenure of Mikhail Gorbachev. Yeltsin’s failure should have however been anticipated; he was a middle level Soviet apparatchik, who had to govern a country after a neo-capitalist and neo-liberal model. The task was inherently impossible.

Paranoid gangster Madeleine Albright contributed greatly to the destruction of Ukraine

All the anti-Russian plans and schemes of the Western colonial powers became then known in the daylight. Madeleine Albright was the first to shamelessly reveal in public that Ukraine was ‘important’ for the US; if someone had then doubts about the evil deeds that would later be perpetrated by the UK, US, NATO and EU in Ukraine, he would apparently be either a conscious gangster working for the criminal interests and the absurd non-values of the Western world or an abject idiot. However, a close study of what the Western colonial powers attempted to carry out in the 1990s reveals much about the hidden parts of their schemes and plots.

The dissolution of the USSR was not just a political, economic and military target for the Western block; the fraudulent and mendacious regimes of Western Europe and North America did not bother much about either the Russians’ ability to ‘elect’ their representatives and government or the Russians’ right to possess private property. For such second-rate issues Paris, Brussels, London and Washington D.C. did not care at all. Similarly, they did not care truly about the perspectives of a multilateral nuclear disarmament; if NATO member states were concerned with world peace, it would be quite possible for Russia and the US to reduce their nuclear arsenals to the level of those of France, England and China during the 1990s; but this was never a concern!

If we carefully observe what Western diplomats, military officers, academics, agents, politicians and statesmen did with respect to the new independent countries, which were formed due to the split of the USSR, we will enumerate the following major and very systematic practices:

i- they attempted to create a new class of local businessmen; they established joint ventures with some of them, and they systematically promoted them -thanks to political intervention- to the status of local ‘oligarchs’ with extra investments and interests abroad (so that they remain always loyal, subordinate and tractable to their Western lords);

ii- they attempted to form a class of local politicians and statesmen, who -after having followed specialized seminars, having hired Western ‘advisers’, and having opened spectacular bank accounts in EU, UK, US and other colonial countries- would act (and actually acted) as local pawns and mere executives of their Western masters;

iii- they attempted to educate or re-educate numerous students and academics, offering them scholarships, inviting them to the Western bogus-universities, and sending them back home to ‘teach’ new topics, diffuse fresh approaches, and advance calamitously destructive interpretations of the local history, culture and heritage;

iv- after being successful in the aforementioned practices and after subordinating the new local elites that they produced, the colonial powers entered into the second stage of their scheme (while always continuing the above mentioned three basic practices of the first stage); at this level, their well-prepared ‘tools’ incited endless strives a) among the various former SSRs, b) within the newly independent states (i.e. the state mechanism), and c) internally (at the social level), turning ethnicity against ethnicity, tribe against tribe, and clan against clan. This did not occur due to mere coincidence; the Russian academic from Samara, who was invited by a university in Canada, and the Tatar intellectual from Kazan, who was offered a position in Chicago, were both deliberately acquainted with gravely contradictory ideas, theories, perspectives and visions. That’s why, when they returned home and started instructing the local students, they diffused conflicting concepts, which generated dissipative tendencies.

v- by fomenting wars, by creating an infernal context, by attracting many valuable persons to the seemingly ‘peaceful’ and ‘safe’ environment of the Western countries (that was presented as ‘the’ model), by generating numerous foci of unnecessary tension, polarization, and enmity, and by making the new local elites stupid enough to value money, consumerism, modernity, and material benefits, the Western powers subtly dragged the new local leaders far from their traditions, values, principles and identity. This, third, stage of the Western anti-Russian and anti-Asiatic scheme was tantamount to spiritual-intellectual colonization.

VII. The rise of the Putin team and the Russian ‘oligarchs’

This process of systematic Westernization, de-Russification, cultural disfigurement and national alienation continued uninterruptedly down to the 2020s. Vladimir Putin could not deal with these issues, because he was apparently occupied with far more urgent issues and numerous short-term projects. It took him much time, resolute effort, and strong courage to set up well-functioning national institutions, contain the ‘oligarchs’, and prevent the various Western ‘advisers’ from dismantling the new socio-economic and political order that he was effective in creating.

When it comes to foreign affairs, Putin’s strongest point was the alliance with China, India and Iran, whereas Ukraine constituted his weakest point. More specifically, in the period 2010-2014, Russia failed to duly support President Viktor Yanukovych (born 1950; Виктор Янукович), help him strengthen his position, and enable him to prevent his opponents from overthrowing him. There can be many explanations for this fact. Personally, I believe that the imperative tasks that the entire Putin team gave themselves until the early 2010s concerned fundamentally the socioeconomic, administrative, military and financial recovery (or comeback) of Russia; this was apparently correct. Furthermore, I am convinced that the 2011 ‘Arab Spring’ events constituted a shocking awakening (or if you prefer a litmus test) for the said team, and it was then that they first realized that the Western colonial countries intended to ultimately do to Russia what they had already done to the Soviet Union, starting with Ukraine.

It was only normal that Russia did not intervene militarily in Ukraine in 2014; the occurrence was not propitious and the country was not fully prepared in terms of technological modernization, innovative armament, increased military presence, field experience, and international alliances. But it is beyond any doubt that the criminal Western intervention in Ukraine in 2014 triggered the Russian special operation in 2022, when Russia was already well prepared. In fact, the multiple major technological inventions achieved by Russia in the second half of the 2010s and the numerous new weapons announced by President Putin at his March 1 annual presidential address in 2018 heralded the Russian special military operation, which was deservedly launched in Ukraine in 2022.

As I already said the privatization process of the Soviet economy was an explosive ordeal that could have taken Russia down; if this did not happen, this is not due to the resistance of the Russian society which was rather weak, but to the multifaceted Western intervention. In fact, the colonial gangsters of the Western world did not want a second, even more devastating, split (namely that of Russia) back in the 1990s. Scheming is evil, but evil can never be perfect; even the most pernicious scheme has inherent weakness, which if timely spotted and duly assessed can enable any opponent of the scheme to totally outdo it. The space of the present article is not sufficient for me to analyze the targets, the stages and the modalities of the Western scheme against Asia (because this is the correct description), but it would be good enough to state at this point that the scheming powers of the Western world do not want the dissolution of Russia before 40 years pass after the collapse and split of the USSR; this is so because they intend to administer a controlled demolition process, as they tremendously fear unforeseen implications, uncalculated side-effects, and potential backfire. I have however to add that the plan is entirely eschatological of nature.

The Russian oligarchs as a Western tool against Russia were therefore programmed from the first moment to function as the Trojan horse against Moscow and what the Western gangsters absurdly view as the ‘Russian Empire’. It goes without saying that I only conventionally use the term ‘ Russian oligarchs’; to speak comparatively in this case and to offer correct parallels, I would use the term ‘inhuman and barbarian tyrants and Satanic paranoid dictators of the Western world’ for all types of rascals like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bejos, Elon Musk, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Steve Ballmer, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, etc.

As one can easily assume, the so-called Russian oligarchs form a large community of entrepreneurs that cannot be categorized into two or three segments; among them, there are many persons with patriotic convictions, senseless traitors, ambitious businessmen, modest entrepreneurs focused on their affairs, highly connected magnates, and also shrewd intermediaries able to effectively play a political role and perform in the backstage. Although they all have some common financial interests, they do not form one group; if one takes into account the different passports that a Russian billionaire may have, one may better assess his eventual relations and the extent of their impact. A Russian tycoon with dual, Russian and Israeli, citizenship and another Russian mogul with Russian and English passports are not necessarily ‘agents’ or ‘pawns’ of Israel and England, and the secret services of the respective states may not even need them for this role, because they both may function better as channels of communication with, and tools of influence on, the Russian leadership.

General info:

VIII. Prigozhin, his rise and his farcical mutiny

It is essential therefore not to generalize; to accurately assess the stance of a Russian ‘oligarch’, one must closely monitor his activities, examine the scope of his deeds, and assess “cui bono” (who benefits). Before even starting your search, you have to bear in mind that many of them are weak characters, who hate themselves and had experienced a nasty childhood and a disastrous adolescence; these conditions of life are indeed valuable elements according to the secret promoters of many Russian ‘oligarchs’ (and of many other persons worldwide), because they bear witness to debilitated and brainless persons that can be easily used.

These persons form their self-confidence on the basis of money (which is evil for anyone to do) and they are ready to accept (or to do) whatever it takes to ensure material success, reputation and luxury; this means that they have no moral barriers, being the lowest of the low, when it comes to human beings. One of them was indeed Yevgeny Prigozhin (born in 1961; Евгений Викторович Пригожин), the last of the Muscovite charlatans. Contrarily to what many may assume, he was never among the most influential Russian ‘oligarchs’; to a great extent, he was the product of some mainstream media.

One should take into consideration that both, his father and stepfather, were of Jewish ancestry. Neither Soviet Union nor Russia tolerated the anti-Jewish policies of the Czarist Empire, and this is very good like that; but not all the people are the same, and not all the Jews are the same. And at the spiritual, intellectual, cultural, political and international levels, Jews can differ much from one another, as there are diverse groups of power among them, and they have contrasting interests.

If one actually changes Prigozhin’s names and writes down a lengthy narrative of his miserable life until the age of 34, every reader will feel extreme pity for him. A tragic caricature with no foundations, no studies, and no substance, a pitiful figure coming out of a gloomy Dostoyevsky story, a decade spent in delinquency, nine years in incarceration, and a life spent in fraud, robberies and all types of petty offenses and misdemeanors. Such people, even if they regret and repent, cannot and must not have a proper career, let alone a distinguished walk of life. It is better that they find a minor occupation and they set up a modest family life, trying to forget the shame of their worthless youth. This is so, because if such people come to the epicenter of the social and professional life -or even worse get involved in politics-, they bring to the surface and spread throughout their society the venomous psychological residue and the pus of the wounds that their wretched youth produced; in other words, they contaminate their societies.

But, quite unfortunately, in a world tore apart by secret societies that intentionally and systematically remove every noble element in their effort to turn the entire Mankind to materialistic, lecherous and faithless consumers, a lewd rascal like Yevgeny Prigozhin was a valuable asset for some to duly utilize. That’s how his godforsaken socio-professional rise started; since he was ‘chosen’ and ‘initiated’, he had to only rely on ‘advisers’, who would ensure his fake successes, create his empty reputation, and make him known to those whose shoes he would not even be earlier allowed to shine.

His obscure masters gave him the money to launch his otherwise silly businesses and to appear like the magical cook for the corrupt elites. In 1997, along with his partner, he launched a floating restaurant named ‘New Island’ on the Vyatka River. Very influential persons, unknown to the rascal-turned-businessman, made his cursed restaurant ‘known’ to the president, the prime minister, the ministers and the entire elite of Russia; it was therefore designated as the proper venue for high profile visitors.

When, officially accompanied by Vladimir Putin, Jacques Chirac was hosted there in 2001 and George Bush dined in 2002, the visiting leaders -silly in their ignorance and disgusting in their hypocrisy- could never imagine that they shook hands with someone whose house before 12 years was the jail and whose magisterial experience in delinquency dwarfed his trivial expertise in luxurious cuisine and culinary inventiveness.

The rest was easy. With the ‘correct’ advisors, the former prisoner could do wonders; I don’t mean that his progression went unnoticed by the Kremlin administration and the secret services. But in similar cases, there are many parameters. His ascent may have been due to the support of Russian organizations that cannot be considered as treacherous; furthermore, those who promoted Prigozhin in the 1990s may not have been identical with those who contributed to his success in the 2000s. Even the idea about a paramilitary organization to protect the Donetsk and Luhansk populations may have well been the suggestion of another famous Russian Jewish magnate, who -although a great patriot- would not like to take the risk. 

In any case, the Wagner Group appeared to be useful to the Russian government in Eastern Ukraine, in Syria, and soon afterwards, in Africa. The proliferation of their activities must have apparently been duly noticed among the Russian intelligence and the army intelligence community – and thoroughly discussed. After a certain point, the activities of Wagner Group in Africa were not so much pro-Russian as anti-French; these military campaigns were certainly lucrative for Russia and the Kremlin administration had no reason to react. However, the achievements were so virulently detrimental to the French interests that the top Russian military and intelligence officials must have understood it. After a certain moment, Prigozhin -either he knew it or not- offered great services to the English interests in Africa by damaging the French grip on Africa. This could only be a coincidence, but it could also be revelatory of some contacts that the English may have initiated with the people around the former prisoner.

After the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, the Russian government had repeatedly the opportunity to check the trustworthiness of Yevgeny Prigozhin in many different ways; these developments are not necessarily disclosed to the great public for very obvious reasons. Even the one time ‘alliance’ between Ramzan Kadyrov and the ‘influential magnate’ must have taken place exactly for this purpose (intelligence collection and analysis, intention detection, containment). Of course, no one is going to release this type of information and this is very good like that.

Due to the fact that this conflict is not a regular war but a special military operation, it is quite possible that even Russians cannot fathom the reasons for which the Russian army did not occupy Kharkov, Kiev and Odessa at the very beginning of the operations. This would be too long to explain here, although in reality everyone knows it; Russia cannot occupy in just five days Ukraine and at the same time destroy its alliance with China, India, Iran and many other countries. There are always several important non-military parameters to a military conflict, and only a fool would disregard these conditions easily.

IX. Sergei Shoigu, Liz Truss, Stepan Razin, and Voronezh     

Playing on this background and duly guided by his secret, yet eloquent, ‘advisers’, the former prisoner Yevgeny started the pernicious effort that could lead to a civil war. Denouncing the top military around Sergey Shoigu (born in 1955; Сергей Кужугетович Шойгу) as heartless ‘bureaucrats’ and posturing as a brave soldier, the grotesque comedian Prigozhin was just wearing his Venice carnival mask. The only to benefit from such propaganda would be the UK, US, EU and NATO officials, i.e. Russia’s worst enemies.  

When the unjust, perfidious and demagogical accusations started forming a crescendo, I am sure that the top people in the Kremlin realized immediately what was about to come soon. As they were not unprepared, they allowed the former prisoner to take the initiative that would lead him back to his correct position: in the jail. I am afraid that for poor Yevgeny the break time is over. 

Accusing Shoigu in today’s Russia must be, I guess, worse than sheer madness; son to Kuzhuget Shoigu, Sergey grew in the house of the secretary of the Tuvan Regional Committee of the Communist Party and since his childhood, he was acquainted -at the local level- with the Soviet power structure. Although younger than President Putin, Shoigu was already a minister in 1991, when Putin resigned from his low-middle level position in the KGB. To put it correctly, he was the head of a major governmental committee that became the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 1994; nonetheless, Shoigu spent almost half his life in top ministerial positions. About:Шойгу,_Сергей_КужугетовичШойгу,_Кужугет_Сереевич

All the above was really too difficult for the ignorant, uneducated rascal Yevgeny Prigozhin to possibly assess; he could not and he even did not bother to think about. He was used to act as per the advice of his close associates; but to some of them, he was not even a human being, but just expendable stuff. And this is the whole truth about his farcical mutiny. In reality, it did not have any chance to succeed; even those, who pushed this fool to launch this absurd operation, did not expect anything else than what finally happened and is known to all. This was enough for them; they needed Prigozhin for some trivial propaganda purposes and they burned him like a card in a poker game. This is the fate of all the Prigozhins of this world.

Yet, I believe that several people around Putin in the Kremlin knew that this story would happen one day and that it would start from exactly the provinces where it did; even more importantly, they must have known this, even before launching the special military operation in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. More specifically, on 10 February 2022, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss refused to recognize Russia’s sovereignty over the Voronezh and Rostov Regions. At the time, Russian forces were gathering near the Ukrainian border, and Truss had asked Moscow to move its forces away from the border with Ukraine. When asked whether she recognized the sovereignty of Russia over the Voronezh and Rostov Regions, she “insisted that the UK would never recognize Russia’s sovereignty over these regions”. This was a clear indication that any anti-Russian effort would start from those region.

X. Russianness, Brezhnev, Leonid Kharitonov, and Utyos

It becomes clear now that Stepan Razin and Yevgeny Prigozhin have nothing in common except Voronezh! The legendary hero’s family originated from this historical Russian region; and Prigozhin, who failed to make of Stepan Razin his personal example in life, started his descent to the abysmal pit of shame and disgrace in Voronezh. So diametrically opposed their trajectories are that one feels the need to express doubts about the Russianness of the farcical mutineer.

It has nothing to do with mutiny or rebellion; it is absolutely unrelated to discipline or order. It is a matter of Russianness: the mystical relationship between the Earth, the infinite land of the North, and its inhabitants. It is an issue of spiritual lucidity far beyond the darkness of rationalism and the contamination of the Western maritime powers.

It is an inexorable bond that makes the top representative of the forces of discipline, like Leonid Brezhnev, to greatly respect and passionately love an overwhelming rebel, like Stepan Razin; that’s why Leonid Ilyich wept when listening to Leonid Kharitonov interpreting ‘Utyos’ (Утёс; the Cliff / words and music by Alexander Navrotsky) in a concert dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Lenin and held in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses (Tchaikovsky Hall) on April 22, 1965.


Есть на Волге УтесУтёс_Степана_Разина

“The Cliff” – Leonid Kharitonov & the Red Army Choir (1965)Навроцкий,_Александр_Александрович_(1839—1914)

Apparently, although born in Russia, Yevgeny Prigozhin never saw, much less comprehended, the value of that great Cliff nearby Volga.  



* The expression ‘Jewish rascal’ came to my mind thanks to Michel Moutal’s book “My Life, Reflections and Anecdotes: A Jewish Rascal’s Adventures That Span From The Alps To The Sierra Madre And The Rockies” (AuthorHouse; Illustrated edition; August 19, 2008) com/My-Life-Reflections-Anecdotes-Adventures/dp/1434386007


* Yevgeny Prigozhin’s family name has the accent on the second syllable (Приго́жин).


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Russia, Ukraine and the World-VI:  Aspects of the Imperative De-Westernization of the Russian Education

Россия, Украина и мир-VI: аспекты императивной девестернизации российского образования

Discussion with an astute Russian reader

Обсуждение с проницательным русским читателем


I. Introduction

II. How Western Europeans westernized Russians for 300 years

III. Unreliable Wikipedia

IV. Reading texts & reading in-between the lines of texts

V. Rejection of the fallacy of Hellenism: starting point of every effort of De-Westernization

VI. Why Shakespeare and the Western European Theater must be removed from the Russian, Chinese, Indian, African, Muslim and Latin American Education

VII. Shakespeare’s black magic trickery against the concept of Messiah, and his vicious hatred of Eschatology and Revelation


I. Введение

II. Как западноевропейцы вестернизировали русских за 300 лет

III. Ненадежная Википедия

IV. Чтение текстов и чтение между строк текста

V. Опровержение заблуждения эллинизма: отправная точка всех усилий по девестернизации

VI. Почему Шекспира и западноевропейский театр надо убрать из русского, китайского, индийского, африканского, мусульманского и латиноамериканского образования

VII. Шекспир и его черная магия против концепции Мессии и его яростная ненависть к эсхатологии и Откровению

My articles about the Russia – Ukraine conflict generated vivid reactions from many readers and several among them wrote to me in order to ask about several topics or comment on my approach and description. A long correspondence ensued, and at times it helped me better feel how readers perceive different issues and understand my criticism of several practices or developments.

I. Introduction

Numerous recent speeches given or articles and books published by leading statesmen like Xi Jinping, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Vladimir Putin, Wang Yi, Dmitri Medvedev, Narendra Modi, and many others underscore the need to establish a new, multipolar world order and thus take mankind to the next stage of comprehensive, multilateral development and progress. An important part of this discourse is dedicated to the need of de-Westernization or de-Occidentalization. The topic is being now discussed in the foremost venues of the BRICS member states and in other international bodies. I herewith mention as examples the Valdai Discussion Club (est. 2004) and the Valdai Club Foundation (est. 2011), which manages the Club’s projects.

In his article “A New Era of De-Westernization Has Begun” (6 January 2023), Valdai Club expert Wang Wen made it clear that “the political equivalence structure between the West and the non-West is increasingly strengthened and is becoming an important feature of world politics in the third decade of the 21st century. Of course, the world in 2023 will not be mellow, but in any case, amid the “de-Westernization”, major changes unseen in a century will continue to evolve in an irreversible way, writes”.

Although the need for de-Westernization is evident and highly acclaimed across Asia, Africa, Latin and -notably- Eastern Europe, it is not quite sure that all people mean the same connotation when using this term. I don’t suggest that there are opposite approaches to this issue, but many people still fail to fathom the depth and the width of the de-Westernization that is needed for nations across the Earth to finally achieve national identity, cultural integrity, political independence, and economic self-determination. Many people limit unconsciously their approach and efforts within politics; but there a major danger is lurking.

Does it really matter whether all the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe are politically, militarily, economically and financially independent from the block of the Western European and North American states that colonized (and, in the process, Westernized) almost all the other nations of the world?

I would even ask the following:

Does it really matter whether all the countries of Western Europe and North America collapse and disappear from the surface of the Earth?

With the former colonizers dissolved and with Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe politically, militarily, economically and financially de-Westernized, still all these countries will indeed be inhabited by mere ‘copies’ of Western citizens and Westernized automatons or homunculi, if the de-Westernization effort fails to be as deep and as wide needed at the levels of academic and intellectual life, scientific research, education, socio-behavioral system, culture, mentality, and even religion and spirituality. This is so, because a Muslim incorporated into or accommodated within the Western system of values, principles, concepts and worldview will de facto function as a non-Muslim either he fasts, prays and has no extramarital relations.


What is De-Occidentalization for Russia, Asia, Africa and Latin America?

In your school, you learn about the Kurukshetra battle (Mahabharata) – and not about the insignificant battle of Thermopylae

In your school, you learn about Gan Bao’s Soushen Ji (here in a Ming copy ca. 1550), which is a compendium of legends and narratives concerning the spiritual universe that was first written around the middle of the 4th c. CE – and not about Seneca’s Hercules furens (Mad Hercules)

In your school, you learn about the Annals of Ramses III and the narratives about his victories over the Sea Peoples that determined the World History – and not about the absurd lies that the Carian (non-Greek) traveler Herodotus wrote about the unimportant wars between a few Ancient Greek states and the invading armies of the Iranian Emperor Darius

In your school, you learn about Enuma Elish, the Assyrian-Babylonian Epic of Creation (four tablets in cuneiform in the upper picture), and Atrahasis (also known as Ut Napishtim), the archetypal, Mesopotamian Noah, whose epic (see one part in the lower picture) is at the origin of all later Biblical and Islamic traditions – and not about Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey or Virgil’s Aeneid

In your school, you learn about Kartir, the great Zoroastrian reformer and founder of Mazdeism (the Sassanid times’ reformulation of the Zoroastrian faith), imperial high priest, theoretician and mystic whose Celestial Voyage antedates that of prophet Muhammad (Mi’raj) – and not about the petty philosophers of Ancient Ionia, Macedonia, Thrace and Greece, who proved to be unable to fathom the spiritual universe in its true dimensions

In your school, you learn about the eschatological Hittite Epic of Ullikummi – and not about the racist anti-Macedonian discourses of the Athenian demagogue Demosthenes

In your school, you learn about the Ashoka edict (on the Delhi-Topra pillar) – and not about Thucydides’ worthless narrative concerning the incessant wars among the petty kings and politicians of the tiny cities-states of Ancient Greece

In your school, you learn about the Ancient Egyptian Holy Book Amduat that details events taking place in the Hereafter – and not about Julius Caesar’s boring historical description about how Romans killed one another, before massacring the inhabitants of Gaul

In your school, you learn about the Ancient Egyptian Expedition to Punt (Somalia) that was undertaken (ca. 1475 BCE) by Admiral Nehesy and the Imperial Fleet of Pharaoh Hatshepsut and became the object of a long narrative (texts and reliefs) inscribed on the walls of the first female pharaoh’s mortuary temple at Deir el Bahari, Luxor West – and not about the wrong stories of Diodorus of Sicily or Arrian’s description of Alexander’s military campaign

In your school, you learn about the Chinese Dunhuang Star map, the first known star chart (ca. 700 CE) from China, which contains the data collected from the three different schools of Astronomy that existed there – and not about Pausanias’ Description of Greece that has very limited value.

In your school, you learn about the Vendidad, which is the part of the Iranian Holy Book of Avesta that contains fragments from the discussion between Ahura Mazda and Zardosht (Zoroaster) concerning possible ways for humans to confound spirits and demons – and not Ancient Greek mythology where the Divine World is desecrated by Ancient Greeks’ fake and idiotic gods that were poorly conceptualized after sinful human behaviors and examples

In your school, you learn about the Dhammapada (collection of Buddha’s admonitions; here written in Gandhari language and Kharosthi writing) – and not about the verbose, worthless writings and the absurd scholasticism of Thomas Aquinas that constitute a major reason for the collapse of religiosity in the Western world

In your school, you learn about the Manichaean Evangelion (here as it is in the Cologne Mani-Codex), which was one of the seven holy books of the Manichaeans, who spread from NW Africa and Western Europe to North Africa to China – and not about Dante and his heinous Divine Comedy

In your school, you learn about the greatest historian of Islamic times Tabari (9th – 10th c. CE) and his History of Prophets and Kings (here portrayed in a miniature of the historical Farsi translation of his monumental opus by Amirak Bal’ami) – and not about Edward Gibbon, an 18th c. English historian, who wrote only to distort, adapt Roman History to English colonial interests, and propagate concepts of white supremacism and racism

In your school, you learn about the greatest epic poet of Islamic times Ferdowsi (10 th c.) and his majestic Shahnameh (‘Book of Kings’) that was called ‘the Iranian Quran'(here a book cover with a miniature from the Shahnameh especially handwritten and decorated for Shah Tahmasp in the 16th c.) – and not about 17th c. French Classicist Theater

In your school, you learn about the great innovations and inventions brought about by the great Turanian scholar Al Farabi (9th-10th c.), who established a groundbreaking Zodiac chart (left) and conceived an eight string ‘ud/lute (right) – and not the fallacious calculations of Nicholas Copernicus.


II. How Western Europeans westernized Russians for 300 years

Russia is an excellent paradigm in this regard; as land, it was never colonized by any Western colonial country. Yet, today, Russia is extensively westernized and must be systematically and effectively de-Westernized. The discussion I had with an astute Russian reader sheds light on the innumerable niches of the de-Westernization (or detoxification or decontamination). I therefore publish it in its largest part.

– English Translation of a Comment Made by a Russian Reader –

Hello dear Shamsuddin.

I read your articles with numbers “IV” and “V” (while waiting for public transport and on the road). Be careful when referring to information from Wikipedia in your articles! I say this because this site regularly misrepresents information about my country.

Your article with the number “V” reminded me of the book by the Russian philosopher Povarnin “How to read books” and the American writer Adler “How to read the book”. After getting acquainted with these books, I realized that before my attitude to books was like to fast food: “quick breakfast / lunch”. And that I didn’t read a single book “correctly”.

After reading article “IV”, where you described Ancient Greece not as a State, but simply as a group of different people, I now can’t wait for you to read the book I recommended. They also show the “inconvenient” truth about Ancient Greece.

At the end of the article, I was struck by your idea of abolishing Shakespeare in school. I agree with this only if you meant that when you are young you cannot understand great works. To do this, you need to be older and so that life will harden you a little.

Last question.

There are authors who are unknown in Russia, or only one book out of many books of each of them has been translated. Could you evaluate which of these authors are “harmful” to the Russian public, and which should be known?



————— My Response —————–   

Dear Fedor,

Thank you for your points that will certainly empower me to better present my approach and to describe several hitherto undiscussed topics!

Reading and writing in transportation means, with or without a laptop (I never had and I will never have a smart telephone), has been for me a time-honored tradition; it involves trains, boats, ferryboats, airplanes, interurban buses, metro, trolleybuses, and buses. Also: taxis and private cars (of friends)!

As it happens with every series of articles, the complete idea about my approach you would get reading all of my five hitherto published articles about Russia, Ukraine and the world. My recent article-proposal for a new UN organization belongs -in a way- to this series, which is -never forget it!- ongoing. All the same, articles IV and V are quite representative; in the former, I expand on spiritual topics {because there is spiritual dimension in this conflict/the difference between Earth and Sea viewed as primordial elements of the Creation (in forming people and societies opposite to one another: ‘continental’ and ‘maritime’)}, whereas in the latter, I focus on educational issues and I expand on how to perceive History of Northern Asia and Northeastern Europe as History of Russia.

Now that you read article no V, you can easily read article no II, which is an entire repositioning of the History of Russia; this means that article no II serves as the foundation for article no IV. In it, I expand more on the long and wide historical continuity that you must focus on, instead of minimizing Russia’s history to an ethnic narrative of ‘Slavic’ tribes that accepted Christianity in Kievan Rus. Your History, the History of all Russians, is far larger than that; Western linguists, Slavologists and historians did their best to limit your view of your past and to make you see it as a ‘racial history’ (or an ‘ethnic history’ if you want) only to your disadvantage. History is not a narrative of ethnic groups and races, but a description of cultures and civilizations.

By making you focus on a limited past and by dragging you in a way that you use the racial-racist approach to your past (that they invented for others – haha! but not for themselves!!), they subtly bring you to a frontal clash with Turanian (Turkic) nations and with Muslims; this will be disastrous for Russia and for the entire world.

You must understand (and I don’t speak personally but generally for all Russians, your government included) that, for the evil Western forces, ‘politics’ starts with History, continues with Education, advances with Culture, and ends up with Political Philosophy and Ideology, which forms the context of what people call now ‘politics’, but in reality is ‘governance’.

What is called today ‘Western world’ is a fallacy that started with Renaissance and the early colonial empires, namely Spain and Portugal, but when it comes to the way modern countries are governed, the two Iberian kingdoms are obsolete forms of state that are closer to Ivan IV’s Muscovy, to the Eastern Roman Empire or even to Sassanid Iran. The structure of contemporary states originates from end of 17th c. Holland and post-Cromwell England. In this evil form of tyranny, everything is utilized in (i.e. distorted in order to be fit to) politics.


Muscovy, a Christian-Muslim, Russian-Tatar, Asiatic City

The Conquest of Siberia by Yermak; painting by Vasily Surikov. In the 19th c., despite their advanced cultural-educational Westernization, Russian painters like Surikov reproduced a totally non-Western ‘image’ of 16th c. Muscovy and Russia.The Russian Soul is this.

The Siege of Kazan; painting by Vladimir Stepanovich Bodrov

‘Battle’ of the Ugra, 1480; from 16th c. miniature – The ‘battle’ took place because Ivan III did not want to pay tribute to the Great Horde; Ahmad Khan bin Küchük led the Tatar forces. It is a critical and quite odd historical moment, because the two armies stood on the opposite banks of the river and, in spite of tricks and threats, no battle was fought, and at the end, the two armies withdrew. It is not correct to consider this date as the beginning of Muscovite independence, because the Muscovites continued being vassal to the Tatars of Crimea. The overall situation was far more complicated, because Poland sided with the Tatars of Sarai, whereas Ivan III was supported by the Khan of Crimea; even more so, because the Great Khan was later killed by the Khan of Siberia and his Nogay Turanian allies.

Muscovy at the time of Ivan Kalita (early 14th c.), painting by Apollinary Vasnetsov (19th c.): apparently an Asiatic town that had nothing to do with Western European norms.

At a time of advanced Westernization, the famous Russian painter Apollinary Vasnetsov (1856-1933) felt the need to represent, based historical accounts, ‘Muscovy at the time of Ivan III’, thus fully revealing the entirely Oriental and Asiatic nature of his fatherland.

‘The Last Minutes of Metropolitan Philip’ painted by Aleksandr Nikanorovich Novokoltsev (1853-1919) in 1889 was the way the illustrious Russian painter evoked the awaken in the 15th c. Muscovite spirituality that had gone extinct in late 19th c. Imperial Russia due to the multi-layered and advanced Westernization; the painting also reflected the wrongdoings of Ivan IV the Terrible, who ordered the assassination of Philip II (1507-1569) because the thirteenth (13th) Metropolitan of Muscovy (1567-1568) rejected to bless him due to the Oprichnina system of persecution against the boyars (the wealthy and powerful landlords).

‘Ivan the Terrible and Associates’ painted in 1903 by Andrey Ryabushkin (1861-1904): there was nothing Western in Ivan IV.

Andrey Ryabushkin’s ‘Wedding train in 17th c. Moscow’ (1901) demonstrates that Russia was an culturally Asiatic realm.

‘Streltsy’ (the accent being on the last syllable / ‘Стрельцы’: infantry carrying firearms) painted in 1907 by Sergey Vasilievich Ivanov (1864-1910): one more evidence that the Westernized Russian elites of the beginning of the 20th c. felt an inexorable nostalgia for their totally non-Western past and heritage (Streltsy existed as military units from the mid-16th to the 18th c.)

‘The Morning of the Streltsy Execution’ painting (1881) by Vasily Ivanovich Surikov (1848-1916) helped spectators recall a critical historical event that took place in 1698, when Russia had almost no Western cultural or imperial attribute: the great uprising of the glorious military unit, which was due to the fact that the Streltsy rejected the vicious project of Westernization that Peter I wanted to introduce and the disastrous (because uncontrolled) presence of foreign (Western) advisers. Quite indicatively, an English soldier, Patrick Leopold Gordon of Auchleuchries (1635-1699) commanded the army that killed the genuine Russian officers in battle. All those, who were not killed in the Battle of Voskresensky (Resurrection) Monastery, which is also known as New Jerusalem Monastery, were executed in Moscow (between September 1698 and February 1699): more than 1000 noble soldiers – early victims of Westernization.

Daily life in 15th-16th c. Muscovy: ‘Courtyard of the specific prince’, painting by Apollinary Vasnetsov (1908) / About:НаселениеДревнейРуси


If you think that you can oppose, England, France and the Western world at the ‘political’ level, you are deceived and you will fail, because it was ‘politics’ to their elites    

a. how to Occidentalize / Westernize Peter I;

b. how to progressively detach the executive of the Russian Empire from the Eastern Roman (falsely called ‘Byzantine’) imperial tradition and to drag it to sheer imitation of the Western pseudo-kingdoms;

c. how to corrupt the Russian elites by initiating them to various orders particular to the Freemasons, the Jesuits, and even the Zionists;

d. how to attach the Russian academic and intellectual elites to the fallacies of Renaissance, Classicism, Hellenism, Enlightenment, European Classical Music, and the Greco-Roman foundations of Modern European White Supremacism and Racism;

e. how to engulf Russians into Pan-Slavism in order to bring Russia in clash with Germany and Austria-Hungary;

f. how to ‘teach’ the Russian elites that ‘being Christian Orthodox’ meant ‘being anti-Muslim’ and thus engulf them in wars against the Iranians and the Ottomans; and

g. how to link Russia ‘historically-culturally’ with Classical Greece and Rome (which is wrong and disastrous) and how disconnect Russia ‘historically-culturally’ from Ancient Orient (Caucasus, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Syria-Palestine, Iran, Central Asia, China and Indus River Valley), which is also erroneous and calamitous.


The Westernized Russian elites and their non-Russian venues

Peterhof Palace, St. Petersburg: Peter I’s ‘response’ to Louis XIV’s Versailles. All the same, this conventional approach is an oxymoron indeed, because in reality, the monumental palace was a ‘French’ (not ‘Russian’) response to something French!

Peterhof Palace, the main staircase

Peterhof Palace, the main staircase

The Greek Hall of Pavlovsk Palace

State Bedroom at Pavlovsk Palace

This is the Freemasonic ‘chapel’ in the Catherine Palace, St. Petersburg; the quasi-totality of her empire’s Christian Orthodox population would not find it proper to pray there. Along with Westernization in Architecture, Art and Religion comes the historical falsification that took the form of the Occidentalization of Russian History. Leading example in this regard is Nikolay Karamzin (Николай Михайлович Карамзин; 1766-1826) who wrote his 12-volume History of the Russian State (История государства Российского) only to break with the earlier Russian historiographical tradition that was exemplified by Vasily Tatishchev (1686-1750). Both distinguished Russian historians are described as proponents of autocracy, but this is very erroneous; actually, it looks like a deliberate effort to confuse specialists and average readers. Karamzin’s advanced Westernization made him write after French prose style and his exposure to Occidental post-Renaissance concepts made him introduce alien and corrupt elements (like Hellenism), insult Ivan IV Terribl,e and slander the true Russian identity – only to the benefit of the dark forces that incessantly promoted Russia’s rapid Westernization. What went wrong with Karamzin? This is easy to answer: in 1789, he traveled to Germany, France, Switzerland and England. This was an enormous mistake. He should have traveled to the Ottoman Empire, Qajar Iran, Mughal India, and Qing China instead.


III. Unreliable Wikipedia

You mention the Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of sophisticated distortion, alteration, historical falsification, and adaptation of the historical truth to the ideological-political needs of the Western world’s ruling elites.

You misunderstood my attitude to constantly add numerous Wikipedia links to my articles.

I do not “refer to information from Wikipedia”; I only mention links to Wikipedia entries, so that my readers find them easily, go there, make their own search, check the notes, sources and bibliography, and thus have access to more specialized info that they may want, after reading some of my points.

As I do so quite often, in several articles I have already stated that I disagree with the contents of most of the Wikipedia entries that I mention. Now, your point makes me understand that I should perhaps prepare a 3-5 lines text about this issue, and copy / republish it in each and every one of my articles.

IV. Reading texts & reading in-between the lines of texts

“How to read books”! You raise an enormous topic.

Basically, you mean that one person must also read in-between the lines of a text.

That is very correct.

The real essence of the reality is never in the words of a text.

In fact, a word -in itself- is almost nothing.

Semantics is a field of ignorance and paranoia.

Ancient Greek philosophers’ opinions on these topics were childish and nonsensical; this was due to their low level of understanding the Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Iranian priests next to whom they studied for years. 

Realities do not exist because humans exist; they exist on their own.

Only God knows the purpose of every element of the Creation, and the interminable possibilities that they have to amalgamate with one another.  You can never know anything before duly identifying the composition of the elements that constituted it: Ether, Soft Waters, Earth, Air and Salt Waters.

Nothing is signified or denoted by a human; everything is signified per se – by itself. When someone speaks, describes and narrates about something, he only shows what he understood from a tiny part which belongs to a world created by the Almighty God. Our understanding is merely our revelation: what we reveal (and therefore represent to us and others) out of the infinite universe that God created. As God is invisible, the link of the tools that a speaker or narrator uses is invisible. Yet, without this link, all the words of a sentence are meaningless and can be re-arranged in a way so that they mean, reflect and describe other realities.

All the same, at this point, I should add that, in reality, language is not necessary for communication; it is only a low means of communication. Animals and even insects communicate with one another better than humans do. This fact deletes the stupidity of the idiots like Aristotle, and at the same time it demonstrates that longer we stick to rationalism and the Aristotelian thought, farther from the truth we will be and deeper into wars and misunderstanding we will be plunged. 

A man, who has not awakened in the spiritual universe, can never have a clue of what exists in the material universe; this is so because nothing was created in the material universe without a counterpart (soul, spirit, etc.) in the spiritual universe. For this reason, the sciences of all the ancient Oriental nations were comprehensive systems of learning that combined spiritual and material research; ancient scholars never dissociated the spiritual aspect from its material complement of an item, point or issue. Consequently, every man reads a text differently from another, according to their progress in being re-connected with their soul. 

Otherwise, one needs to stop in almost every line of a text and make questions about what he reads in order to extract further details and, above all, reach and grasp the deeper meaning of the text.  

You are lucky that you realized this issue, namely that you had not read even one single book correctly, before you understood that this serious trouble was real. Most of the people do never reach that level. Even worse, in our days, there are many professors, specialists, experts, researchers and intellectuals who do not reach the point that you mention. They then project their mentality and knowledge, opinion and predilection onto the text that they read, and they don’t truly read the text that they have in front of their eyes, but an imaginative text that they create by failing to separate their personal delusion (i.e. their sick ego/I say ‘sick’ because ego is always so) from the true text that they supposedly read.

V. Rejection of the fallacy of Hellenism: starting point of every effort of De-Westernization

There is no ‘inconvenient truth’ about Ancient Greece. Your sentence is a minimal understatement.

In fact, there is a devastating truth, as documented by numerous sources, which simply deletes once forever the dreadful forgery ‘Ancient Greece’, which never existed.

Whereas Ivan IV and the Muscovites of his time knew the truth, i.e. knew nothing about Ancient Greece, you live within an enormous falsehood that had started being elaborated in Western Europe; thence it was diffused already in the last days of Tatar-Muslim prevalence in Russia. However, it took some time for this falsehood to be diffused outside Western Europe, which is the region where it was produced. The period of the diffusion of this enormous fallacy we call ‘colonialism’. Russia was never colonized at the military level, but even at the times of Romanov, it was colonized at many levels, namely political, economic, socio-behavioral, artistic, educational, academic and intellectual.

The Western European falsehood about Ancient Greece does not only involve distortion and misinterpretation of Ancient Greek and Latin sources, but it also includes systematic and extensive concealment of other historical sources. Now, this concealment is disproportionate, extraordinary and unprecedented. It starts with the Western scholars, who first explored Anatolia, North-Northwestern Africa, Egypt, Syria-Palestine, Mesopotamia, Iran, Caucasus, Central Asia, Sudan and Eastern Africa, Yemen, India, and China. These people, before traveling to explore, had studied all Ancient Greek and Latin texts about those lands, peoples, monuments, faiths and civilizations. As you can understand, these views and standpoints were external, irrelevant, erroneous and at times nonsensical. In fact, they did not consist in an authoritative source about those nations, empires and histories.

Herodotus’ and Plato’s descriptions of Iran and Egypt are ridiculous, idiotic and utterly valueless; they have the ‘value’ that an ignorant traveler’s idea has about a land that he has no skills, stamina and predisposition to duly study. The same is valid for other Ancient Greek travelers’ narratives about Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Iran, Anatolia, Egypt and other regions. Those guys did not know even the correct terms to describe the achievements and the traits of the great civilizations they wrote about, let alone the vast theoretical-spiritual background that these terms reflected.

Beyond that, there is an even more disastrous comparison: although there are -in Ancient Oriental sources- many references to the various and different nations that modern European scholars name “Ancient Greeks”, these passages are relatively few, brief and secondary because simply the Ancient Ionians, Aeolians, Achaeans and Dorians were not civilized enough to possibly attract the interest of the Hittites, the Assyrians, the Hurrians, the Babylonians, the Canaanites, the Egyptians and the Iranians. Ionia and Aeolia in Western Anatolia produced a civilization lower than that of the Phrygians and the Lydians who were better documented in Assyrian cuneiform sources. Even more importantly, Greece, i.e. the most confined part of the Balkan Peninsula, south of Mount Olympus, was a peripheral land far from the great centers of civilization.

Only when a serious trouble originated from those lands, like the Peleset-Pelasgian-Philistine reaction against the Achaean siege and destruction of Troy, we have longer descriptions in Oriental historical sources. This was the case of the ‘Sea Peoples’, as the Ancient Egyptians called the Peleset and their allies, Trojans included. When, as allies of the Hittites, the Achaeans were asked to attack Troy and they achieved to conquer the highly important city, the reaction of the enemies of the Achaeans, namely the Pelasgians, was forceful.

Near colorization of part of the bas-reliefs

Part of the bas reliefs of the northern external wall of Ramses III’s mortuary temple at Medinet Habu (Luxor West); texts and bas-reliefs full narrate the three battles that Ramses III won to disperse the Sea Peoples.

Drawing of a larger part of the bas-reliefs

First pylon of the Medinet Habu temple

Ramses III’s mortuary temple at Medinet Habu (Luxor West); view from the southeast

The Anti-Achaean and Anti-Hittite Pelasgians formed an alliance and then rebelled against the Achaeans and ruined them (which is mentioned in the Ancient Egyptian texts and archaeologically evidenced as the conflagration of the Mycenaean fortresses), attacked Hattusha and destroyed the Hittite Empire, invaded the Canaanite coast of Eastern Mediterranean, notably Ugarit (a small kingdom but the Ancient World’s greatest library and center of Translation), and Amurru (today’s Syria), and ultimately attacked Egypt (Kemet).  

There Ramses III, after three battles, was able to destroy and disperse the Sea Peoples. The Peleset/Pelasgians, who took part in the invasions, settled in the coast of Southern Canaan and became known as the Philistines / Palestinians. Ionia and Aeolia in Western Anatolia and Ionians, Achaeans an Dorians in the South Balkans (‘Greece’) were plunged in abject misery and barbarism for 400-450 years (1200-750 BCE). When the epic cycle’s most famous poet Homer wrote about the deeds of the Achaeans, he in fact galvanized his contemporary fellow men and called them to form kingdoms and states after the Achaean example and to propagate the pro-Achaean and anti-Pelasgian version of History and narrative (rhapsody) that he composed. But all this was marginal, unimportant and trivial to the Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the Iranians.

So, this is the disastrous comparison I spoke about earlier:

1- the highly civilized nations of the Ancient Orient did not bother to describe the petty stories, absurd regimes, and endless strives that characterized all those uncivilized and peripheral tribes; and

2- the hardly civilized, ignorant and uneducated Ionians, Aeolians and Dorians, originating from tiny cities-states, which were at times smaller than the area of a major Egyptian temple (like that of Karnak, Luxor), traveled to study in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Iran (6th – 4th c. BCE), but failed to duly conceive the spiritual and the material universes after the local spirituality, wisdom, science and imperial culture.

That is why, when these people returned back to Ionia, Aeolia, Thrace, Macedonia, Illyria and Greece, they called themselves ‘philosophers’, i.e. ‘friends of wisdom’. In reality, this term is very modest, if not pejorative; this is so because it means that they were not ‘sophoi’ (wise) and they did not possess ‘sophia’ (wisdom). So, they were merely ‘philosophoi’. This means that all those guys, like Thales, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Plato and others (who have been propelled to undeserved consideration and absurd evaluation by Western European scholars and intellectuals), knew very well that, in front of an Egyptian, Babylonian or Iranian (Zoroastrian) high priest, hierophant and mystic, they were humble and puerile schoolchildren.

Now, the low position of the peoples of South Balkans and Western Anatolia opposite the great Oriental civilizations is extensively reflected in the Ancient Greek texts. Plutarch wrote about the Ancient Egyptian Iwnw Heliopolitan religion (involving Osiris, Isis, Horus, etc.). But no Egyptian priest bothered to write about the petty cults of the clownish pseudo-divinities of the Ancient Greeks (Athena, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus, etc.). The reason for this is double:

1- in many cases, the names of the Ancient Greek ‘gods’ were of Oriental origin, and

2- in every case, the cult was weaker and the spirituality nonexistent.

In striking opposition to the aforementioned historical realities, the 19th – 20th c. Western European explorers of colonial times, after their discoveries, excavations, decipherments, representations, essays, treatises and publications about Ancient Oriental civilizations, continued having the Greco-centric and Romano-centric approach that they had prior to their expeditions, researches, vast collection of documentation, and remarkable knowledge acquisition.

Although the texts and the monuments that they unearthed totally canceled their earlier knowledge (which was based on Ancient Greek, Latin and Hebrew sources), the Western European Orientalists continued preposterously viewing the anterior (the Ancient Oriental civilizations) through the eyes and the criteria of the posterior which was apparently lower and corrupted.

This absurd attitude only corroborates the fact that what the Western European scholars saw as ‘Ancient Greece and Rome’ was not what is documented in and reflected from Ancient Greek and Roman sources, but their biased delusions and preconceived schemes of racist nature.

For this reason, the Western European scholars did not modify their measures, standards and approaches, after the discoveries made over the past 250 years. They still stick to an absolutely obsolete and fully delusional model that -even worse- they want to impose onto Russia, India, China, Africa, Latin America, and all the Muslims of the world.

You understand of course that this model is false and disastrous in two dimensions:

1- first, it is an evolutionist model that serves to propagate the false concept that in the past the humans were uncivilized and that they progressed gradually until they reached the modern times, and the Western sciences. This is entirely wrong, because the Sumerians, the Akkadians and the Egyptians before 4500 years had spiritual and physical capacities that they gradually lost. It goes without saying that Western scholars want to hide this truth.

2- second, the Greco-Roman model that they intended and tried for more than 550 years to impose encompasses all the evil and corrupt elements that the forces, which selected it, need to diffuse and impose worldwide.

The clash between Orient and Occident is a fake, and that’s why they needed to diffuse Aeschylus’ sickness, paranoia and anti-Iranian racism and Herodotus’ silly lies and heinous bias.

The case of Ctesias clearly helps us understand that the ancient manuscripts must have been drastically tempered with by Catholic monks who copied them. So, there is an extra aspect to examine, analyze and comprehend in this regard.


Ctesias could not make mistakes; others put lies in his mouth!

Behistun, NW Iran; the cliff with Darius I’s relief and inscriptions

Behistun (Farsi: Bisotun / Old Iranian: Bagastana, i.e. ‘the place of God’ / Ancient Greek: Βαγίστανον όρος) was mentioned by Ctesias, who totally misunderstood the inscription, attributing it to the ‘Babylonian’ Queen Semiramis and describing it as a dedication to Zeus! In reality, the text is part of the Annals of Emperor Darius I the Great, duly detailing his victory over a rebellion; the Iranian monarch dedicated his triumph to Ahura Mazda. However, Semiramis seems to have been an entirely misplaced Ancient Greek legend about the historical Queen of Assyria (but not Babylonia!) Shammuramat. The Assyrian queen was the consort of Shamshi Adad V; she has also been mentioned in the original, Assyrian cuneiform sources as co-regent during the early phase of her son Adad-nirari III’s reign (811-783 BCE). But the Assyrian Queen had nothing to do with Mount Behistun and the Achaemenid Iranian inscription.

If we now analyze the extraordinary errors made by Ctesias on this topic, while also taking into consideration the fact that he lived long in Iran where he served as physician to Artaxerxes II, we will find ourselves in front of impossible inconsistencies. Apparently, he was fluent in Achaemenid Iranian (taking into account that he was involved in the negotiations between the Iranians and the Greeks after the Battle at Cunaxa) or he had excellent interpreters (since this was crucial for the emperor’s health). With all these points confirmed, we have every reason to ask the following: how did Ctesias make so ridiculous mistakes when visiting Behistun and getting information about the holy mountain and the local reliefs and inscriptions?

First, it is quite doubtful that any Iranian, Babylonian or Elamite historian, erudite scholar, and knowledgeable courtier knew anything (or even had access to textual documentation) about the historical Assyrian Queen, who lived 400 years before Artaxerxes II. This means that not a single interlocutor of Ctesias would ever associate the Behistun inscription with her.

Second, and even more deplorable, either Ctesias was fluent in Achaemenid Iranian or he relied on excellent translators and interpreters, it is absolutely impossible that any person related to the imperial administration would ever attribute the Behistun inscription and reliefs to anyone else except Darius I the Great.

This concludes the case about the fallacy that average people and academics alike believe today as ‘Ancient Greek History’: it is an entirely fallacious fabrication of the Catholic monks who copied and in the process distorted the ancient manuscripts, replacing truths with lies, eliminating trustworthy narratives, and inventing silly stories to put in the mouth of ancient authors. Ctesias’ texts that have been saved down to our time were systematically and unrepentantly distorted by the pseudo-Christians monks of Western Europe.


The endless wars, conflicts and divisions of the so-called Ancient Greek states were superbly reflected in Thucydides’ calamitous descriptions and historical narratives; but that was exactly what the forces that selected it needed. By making it part of the Western European education, they ensured interminable strives and bloodshed in Europe and, by means of colonialism, worldwide.

The utterly Anti-Christian, Greco-Roman model serves also to propagate corruption, immorality and extreme obscenity; several Ancient Greek temples were in reality brothels in which blasphemous orgies were practiced by the idiotic followers of various pseudo-divinities that were miserably fashioned in the Antiquity after the human weaknesses. The focus on Ancient Greece that the biased Western European intellectuals attempted and the modern pseudo-historical dogma of Hellenism are the main responsible for all the problems of our time. As disruptive and destructive elements, they must be cast away by all societies that intend to advance, progress and still preserve their identity, integrity and morality. Unfortunately, the Ancient Greeks had none. 

VI. Why Shakespeare and the Western European Theater must be removed from the Russian, Chinese, Indian, African, Muslim and Latin American Education

People accept customarily what is offered to them as education. It is part of what is called ‘conventional wisdom’. But this is extremely erroneous.

So, there is first a question to make about the topic; why, on Earth, should the education of a Russian or Uzbek or Chinese or Indian or Somali or Algerian or Peruvian include texts written by an English author?

Second, in the modern Western world, the value and the importance of everything depends on Marketing. You know about the advertising campaigns of Coca Cola, but you don’t know anything about the advertising campaigns of Shakespeare, which were undertaken by the English embassies, diplomats, academics, etc. The latter lasted longer – clearly.

Third, there are many people nowadays, who realize that something went wrong in the West. Unfortunately, the entire West is a wrong, sick and devious construct whose elaboration spanned over 500-600 years. Now, if someone thinks that all the mistakes, the biased conclusions, and the preconceive ideas occur only at the political level, he simply does not have a clue about how this world functions.

Shakespeare and theater in general were instrumental in the deliberate corruption and decadence of the world. Colonialism is not mere occupation of territories; mainly it is projection (or imposition) of one nation’s culture onto another nation’s culture. Now, if the colonizing power’s culture is in an intentionally corrupted and putrefied condition, colonialism turns out to be a real contamination.

Gillis Mostaert, Passion play in Antwerp; 2nd half of the 16th c.: Christian ‘theater’

There was no theater in Christian times; it was prohibited. And for a very good reason! It was denounced as obscene, vulgar, salacious and disastrous for the moral standards of a Christian society. The only sort of theater that existed in Christian societies was the representation of the Passion of Jesus. Similarly, the sole type of theater that existed in some Muslim societies was the representation of Hussein’s martyrdom in Kerbala; these theatrical acts are performed in independent buildings known as Hussainiya. About:

Islamic ‘theater’ (ta’zieh/تعزیه): painting from Lukhnow, Mughal India (ca. 1800)

Public representation of Hussein’s martyrdom in Kerbala (680 CE) in Shiraz, Iran (1977)

Theater did not exist in monotheistic cultures and societies, like Assyria and Iran.

Historically, Theater started in Egypt. It was a religious, eschatological theater that involved the representation / repetition of acts and stories narrated as a diachronic or supratemporal description of the Creation, the Life and the End of the Universe. Thus, by ‘acting’ / playing the roles of the major driving forces of the spiritual world, the Ancient Egyptian Iwnw Heliopolitan sacerdotal colleges believed that they truly contributed to the auspicious developments that they expected to take place at the End of Times. In a way, it was a sort of magic, and they considered as such the inner enforcement of external facts and actions (also known as the royal art of Making). Since it was entirely benevolent, they considered it as moral, because it would contribute to the re-establishment of a perfect (or paradisiacal) order that had been lost.

Ancient Egyptian Opet religious festival procession: representation available on bas reliefs

Widely diffused across the Roman Empire, the Ancient Egyptian religious festival Navigium Isidis, as envisioned in 1902 by the American painter Frederick Arthur Bridgman

Bas-reliefs with representation of the main Divine Beings of the Hermupolitan dogma (known in Ancient Greek as Ogdoad); during the religious festivals, there were theatrical acts that represented the qualities and potentialities of each of them to faithful followers who participated.

Horus, Osiris & Isis: the major driving forces of the divine world, as comprehended and proclaimed in the Ancient Egyptian Iwnw Heliopolitan religious dogma.

You can correctly assume that Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian-Babylonian, and Hittite eschatology are vast narratives of supreme spiritual endeavors. As such they are at the origin of Ancient Hebrew Biblical (and therefore Christian and Islamic) world conceptualization, worldview, cosmogony, cosmology, eschatology and soteriology. Neither the Messiah nor the Chosen People is an invention of the Ancient Hebrews; as concepts they predate the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah by 2000 years, and there is nothing strange in it. The major Ancient Oriental civilizations constitute a hitherto unequaled peak of spirituality, transcendental power, wisdom and spiritual perfection that later nations, like the Phoenicians, the Hebrews, the Iranians, the Greeks and the Romans never reached. But the History of Mankind is a narrative of falls, decay, decadence and corruption, and unfortunately those, who could build great pyramids around the middle of the 3rd millennium BCE, could not do so again 2000 years later.

Meanwhile, the formation of polytheistic religions in Babylonia, Phoenicia, Carthage and elsewhere incorporated early theatrical acts in their religious processions, but this was not anymore a human comprehension of the various aspects of the Divine and of their consequences, but a human invention of otherwise nonexistent stories, which were only useful for the spiritual enslavement of the adepts of each and every religion. In this case, the religion and the early theater turned from benevolent into malevolent, monotheism became polytheism, and moral freedom was transformed into sexual exploitation of the victims (i.e. the believers). Spiritual achievements (like levitation, teleportation, materialization/manifestation, etc.) became ‘miracles’ and the great initiates turned out to become mystical swindlers, petty magicians, and slaves of evil spiritual hierarchies.  

In Ancient Greece, theater took progressively a form of moral education, but it reflected the political divisions, the tribal conflicts, and the racist character of their elites, therefore giving deliberately biased and viciously erroneous representation of the ‘Other’, notably the Iranians.

Ancient Roman amphitheater in Siracusa (Syracuse), Sicily

In Ancient Rome, the amphitheaters and the circuses soon superseded to the theater, placing the military training and martial sports at the epicenter of the public interest and entertainment. During the Christian imperial times, the interest for the martial arts continued to generate great enthusiasm, massive attendance, and personal involvement as the illustrious Constantinople Tzykanisterion (Циканистерион) testifies to. ( Of course, this palatial sport demonstrates a Sassanid Iranian influence on the Eastern Romans. However, it also shows that Constantinople was culturally closer to Turan and Central Asia than to Merovingian France. But the ancient Greek theater was, as I said, entirely forgotten, duly rejected, and wholeheartedly despised as a villainous endeavor and obsolete, anti-Christian activity.

The Tzykanisterion was close to the great palace of Constantinople, by the seaside

Buzkashi in today’s Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, China, Iran, Turkey, Russia and Mongolia is similar to the Sassanid Iranian Chowgan which is at the origin of the Eastern Roman Tzykanion. About: and

After the early diffusion of the racist, colonial and fallacious concepts and ideas of the Renaissance intellectuals and anti-Christian magicians, the rise of Classicism brought forth a return to ancient Greek themes; all the same, the movement was a very wrong imitation of partly or entirely misunderstood topics. However, the end result was a sheer degradation not only in terms of art but also with respect to Moral. This we can fully understand, if we compare the representation of a topic by Ancient Greek playwright and the distortion of the same topic by a Modern European poet. The latter is definitely more immoral, more lascivious, and more sacrilegious. By the way, this entry is very distorted and absolutely false:


Phaedra, as narrated by Euripides in Hippolytus and by Seneca the Younger in Phaedra, and

Phèdre, as represented by Racine, who was born in France a quarter century after Shakespeare came to life in England.


Morality, Theater and content degradation: Phaedra from Ancient Greece & Rome to French Classicist Theater to Hollywood Cinema

Phaedra in fresco from Pompeii, ca. 60–20 BCE

Phèdre; painting (1880) by Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889): based on Racine’s play

Jules Dassin’s Phaedra, 1962: a disgrace of ‘art’ produced to merely glorify the immoral elite


As you understand, the issue is far wider than just one author, notably Shakespeare. It has to do with the entire modern Western European literature, art, philosophy, and intellectual-political life, which set the true foundations of today’s decayed, corrupt and infamous Western world. You will perhaps tell me that the Bolshoi Theater, like many other historical theaters built in Russia during the late 18th, the 19th, and the early 20th c., is part of the Imperial, Soviet and Republican social life of the Russians. You are right; but you surely know that the Western European Theater was not part of the Russian popular culture before the early 18th c.

Introducing the modern Western theater in Russia was a key tool of Westernization. But westernizing the non-western is tantamount to subduing, altering and controlling the de facto opponents of the cruel, racist, colonial, modern Western world.

Art played an important role in this regard; many nations worldwide were corrupted not because of the Western theater but thanks to the Western cinema. But this ‘art’, i.e. the fake art of the modern Western world, is detached from Moral, Religion, Culture and Spirituality.

But in reality, there was never a civilization in which Art was uncoupled from the moral considerations, values and principles of a specific nation. In the disreputable, heinous, racist and atheist state of Ancient Athens, which was duly destroyed by the Spartans after three decades of war, the priests denounced as heresy and blasphemy the fact that the worthless sculptor and painter Phidias dared to write his stupid name on his filthy works. There is no artistic value in an impious and sacrilegious work; such shameful works must be destroyed and pulverized.

As you see, I needed an introduction before proceeding to respond to your comments about my suggestion for removal of the English playwright from the Russian (and other) educational manuals. Now, I will focus on this poet.

Of course, you certainly have an idea about the extraordinary eulogies and the unmatched hyperboles that all the English constantly use when they refer to Shakespeare; examined without exaggerations and biases, his art hinges more on his particularity and bears witness to the mystical contents of most of his works. His plays do not allow us to openly describe him as paragon of the Western European Classicism, as it happens with Racine and his opuses. However, Shakespeare used Ancient Greek and Roman stories, myths, concepts and plots extensively.

Consequently, modern English scholars’ effort to dissociate Shakespeare from Modern European Classicism is absurd. Titus Andronicus, Julius Caesar, Troilus and Cressida, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens, Pericles Prince of Tyre, and Cymbeline, namely 8 (out of a total of 38) plays have -even in their title- a direct reference to Greco-Roman Antiquity. This makes of Shakespeare a major champion of Modern European Classicism and a very particular playwright indeed among the other Classicists.

VII. Shakespeare’s black magic trickery against the concept of Messiah, and his vicious hatred of Eschatology and Revelation

When it comes to the needs of today’s Russian Education and to the desires of all Russians to see their fatherland as a major pillar in a multipolar world free of Anglo-Saxon perfidy, madness and criminality, I have to state the following points:

First, Modern European Classicism has nothing to do with the Asiatic civilizations that shaped the ancient cultures, which flourished on today’s Russian soil from Scythians to Huns to Tatars; it is therefore improper for Russian schoolchildren to learn what is not theirs and not to study what is theirs.

Second, Shakespeare does not represent anything related to the culture, the past, the civilization, and the spiritual-intellectual heritage of the Asiatic nations that are adjacent to the Russian Federation, namely the Turks, the Armenians, the Georgians, the Iranians, the Kazakhs, the Turkmen, the Azeris, the Uzbeks, the Kyrgyz, the Tajik, the South Asiatic nations of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Chinese, the Mongols, the Tibetans, the Uighurs, and the Koreans. We have therefore to conclude that masterpieces of the literatures of the nations are far more useful for the new Russian generation that will speak Chinese as first foreign language.

Third, there is not a shred of Christian moral in Shakespeare plays; his theatrical plays disastrously encompass unprecedented cynicism, unsurpassed narcissism, absurd arrogance, villainous scheming, abject immorality, loathsome concepts, and plenty of other very negative traits and behavioral notions that are totally unrelated to the core of the Russian soul. Quite often, Shakespeare exacerbates the negative feelings and propels evil characters to the epicenter of the plot; even worse, he does not castigate the evil-minded characters, therefore leaving the audience with the impression that no substantive punishment awaits us at the end.  

Fourth, there is not a single element of Russian (or Chinese or Indian or Turanian or Iranian or African or Latin American) value, character or virtue in Shakespeare’s plays. More specifically, and with respect to Russian culture, there are no Ivan Durak, no Baba Yaga, and no three Bogatirs in Shakespeare. And more importantly, there is no Stepan Razin in English history and culture. Quite critically, at the geographical level (whi so much affects and determines Human History), there is no Volga in England. To fully complete, one needs to spell the truth out: there is no heroism in Shakespeare and there are no heroes among the English. 

Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, and Alyosha Popovich, i.e. the three Bogatirs after Victor Vasnetsov (1898)

Fifth, in many of his plays, Shakespeare incorporates eschatological and messianic stories and plots, but he does it in a most counterfeit manner. Through his mystical affiliation with the early Freemasons and other secret societies, Shakespeare had been ostensibly initiated in corrupted forms of the Ancient Egyptian Isiac mysteries. Isis- and Horus-related cults flooded, as you know, the Roman Empire in the first 3-4 centuries of the Christian era. Many Isea (Iseum is a temple dedicated to Isis) were excavated and monuments found in Europe, England included.  The Egyptian esoteric tradition survived in England clandestinely forming at the antipodes of the Christianization a sub-culture that went down to the Knights Templar and later mystical orders; however, the tradition was progressively corrupted and spiritually dead.

Click to access rob_25_0_139.pdf

Representation of an Iseum on a Roman fresco from the temple of Isis in Pompeii

Osiris, Horus and Isis: drawing from bas relief, made by the authors of the book ‘Egypt, Handbook for Traveling’ that was published (1898) by the German Verlag Karl Baedeker, the world’s pioneer in travel books. The prestigious edition comprises also 20 maps, 55 plans and 66 views and vignettes.

The original initiates of Isis’ esoteric orders and the faithful, who adored the goddess in Isis’ temples throughout the Roman Empire, believed the Iwnw Heliopolitan dogma that was also known as Ennead among Ancient Greeks during the Late Antiquity. This comprehensive spiritual system of Egyptian cosmogony-cosmology-eschatology/soteriology was extensively popularized in Greek and Latin thanks to the numerous Isis Aretalogies (Ареталогия). Plutarch expanded on the topic in his De Iside et Ossiride (About Isis and Osiris/ Об Исиде и Осирисе), which is part of the voluminous opus Moralia (Ethics). About:Моралии_(Плутарх)

A Russian translation of the text you can have here:

In several of his plays, Shakespeare ostensibly rewrites the Isis-Osiris-Horus myth. This becomes strikingly clear in Hamlet. In an article of mine published before 30 years under the title “What a priesthood is and how it functions” (Trito Mati, Athens-Greece, September 1993), I established the correct parallels among

a. the original Ancient Egyptian myth,

b. the Revelation by John, and

c. Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

You can find the article (scanned pages of the review) online here (3rd page from the end, in 4 columns):Τι_είναι_και_πως_δρα_ένα_Ιερατείο_What_a_priesthood_is_and_how_it_functions

The correspondence of the major elements of the Ancient Egyptian myth to the main characters of Shakespeare’s play is a vast topic that would need a book to analyze. I herewith provide you with a brief diagram.

Egyptian MythRevelation by John      Shakespeare’s Hamlet
OsirisGodThe assassinated King Hamlet, Hamlet’s father
Isiswoman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve starsGertrud, the Queen
SethSatan/DragonClaudius, the fratricidal king (of this world)
Seth (ditto){not mentioned}Polonius, chief priestly figure and father of Ophelia
Nephthys{woman sitting on a red beast}Ophelia
HorusKing of KingsHamlet
substitute of Sethbeast coming out of the sea/AntichristLaertes

Now, all this is not merely useful for comparative literary analysis and for a dissertation in History of Religions. What matters most in this regard is the way Shakespeare was personally involved in the distortion of the Ancient Egyptian narrative, the Isiac myth, and the eschatological/messianic plot. And this is the most obscure and the most vicious part of Shakespeare’s role and work.

Egyptian Isis as the Christian Revelation’s ‘Woman Clothed with the Sun’ / From Apocalypse Picture Book; English, c. 1255-60; Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts (MRMSS) B1 350 B MS M.0524; the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York –

Egyptian Nephthys as the Christian Revelation’s ‘Woman sitting on a red beast’/ From Beatus of Liébana’s Las Huelgas Apocalypse, Spain, ca.1220 (purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1910); Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts (MRMSS) B1 363 B MS M.0429; Pierpont Morgan Library –

Different moments of the ultimately cosmic, eschatological clash between Horus and Seth (: the Antichrist or Laertes in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), as depicted on numerous bas-relief panels of the interior side of the external wall of the Horus Temple at Edfu (Behedet in Ancient Egyptian) in Upper Egypt, 750 km south of Cairo. The Pharaoh Ptolemy X (Alexander I) appears in several bas reliefs as also fighting against Seth, which symbolizes his close cooperation with the Messianic Heliopolitan priesthood and epitomizes the pro-Heliopolitan nature of his deeds. Seth is alternatively represented as hippopotamus or crocodile. About:

The pylon of the Temple of Horus at Edfu: the most voluminous corpus of texts of the world’s eschatological literature

Entire walls covered with panels of symbolic descriptions detailing, in texts and bas-reliefs, the major episodes of the End Times’ mythical (i.e. absolutely real at the spiritual and the material universes) fight between a. Horus (or Hamlet, Ninurta, Etana, Tasmisu, Messiah, Mahdi, King of Kings, Jesus Christ, Saoshyant, Maitreya, etc.) and b. Seth (or Laertes, Ullikummi, Masih ad-Dajjal, Antichrist/Beast, etc.) Brief presentation – interpretation of Horus’ eschatological drama & ultimate Victory: Edfu Temple and the Sacred Drama of Horus

Read first the Ancient Egyptian myth (either Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts or Plutarch’s essay)! You get an impressive feeling of an overwhelming supratemporal victory and an enthralling prevalence of Horus-Messiah, who rules the spiritually rearranged and rejuvenated world as Emperor, having totally eliminated the evil (Seth).

Read the Revelation by John! There, you get an even more fascinating description of the victory of the King of Kings and of the annihilation of a) Satan (Dragon), b) the Woman sitting on the red beast, c) the Antichrist (Beast), and d) the Pseudo-Prophet. It is an identical narrative, which is incorporated within the nascent Christianity, although in Jesus’ words we find no reference to the three latter spiritual entities.

Read now Shakespeare’s Hamlet! Although basic parts of the plot and even the critical clash (Hamlet exterminating Claudius) are there, we observe with extreme indignation that, minutes after vanquishing Laertes, Hamlet dies too, when he and the rest hear the news of Fortinbras arriving. This makes the difference; the evil difference, I mean. Fortinbras is an absolutely unnecessary figure or character. He is absolutely useless and utterly nonsensical.

Only because the Satanic nature of Shakespeare wanted the Messiah (or Horus or Jesus-Christ or Mahdi or Etana or Saoshyant or Maitreya) dead and unable to savor his victory, the need for an extra character was created in the plot. It is a devilish trick against the noblest of all prophecies.

Do you know, Fedor, what Fortinbras means?

It means that there will not be any Kingdom of Heaven, because the Messiah/Horus will die at the moment of his victory. This is the World History’s most hateful, most lowly, and more fallacious concept; it constitutes the most blasphemous rejection of the Christian Revelation by John, and of all the anterior and posterior revelations, eschatological epics, and Messianic narratives. It is a vicious and shameless attempt to exterminate Soteriology and a conscious effort to prevent the Ultimate Emperor and Redeemer from ruling the Mankind with iron fist (inferred in Isaiah 11:4; explicitly stated in Psalms 2:7-9; and repeatedly evoked in Revelation 19:15, 12:5, 2:26-28).

Why is this so? Why is Fortinbras so badly needed to Shakespeare’s mystical and devilish peers? This is easy to answer! The evil societies cannot stand every notion of Kingdom of Heaven, because this brings forth their irrevocable annihilation; they therefore passionately and continually intend to disreputably prolong the present situation of the Fallen Mankind as long as they can. Their ‘poets’ perform therefore all possible acts of Black Magic to obtain the desired results. And the premeditated distortion of an eschatological narrative, plot and development, particularly when it is part of a play repeatedly performed by actors and formidably contemplated / cherished by the audience over the centuries (which means an enormous number of victims whose spirituality was held captive), is a very sophisticated form of Black Magic.

In Shakespeare’s malevolent and black magical eschatology, the Messiah (Horus or Hamlet) wins over the Antichrist (Seth or Laertes), but dies soon after! This irrevocable fact of the World Literature convincingly demonstrates where the location of Evil on Earth is.

Consequently, with a fallen human Fortinbras as bogus-ruler, the present condition will continue, and the (disastrous for Shakespeare and his peers) Kingdom of the Heaven will be delayed or averted.

Shakespeare did not have the strength or the paranoia to make Laertes kill Hamlet. This is genuinely impossible. He therefore did not attack spiritual forces that would madden and annihilate him on the spur of the moment, namely at the time he would be writing such an execrable obscenity. However, his evil nature was good enough to invent the Satanic trick: ‘the Messiah/Horus wins only to die after his victory’. Preposterous!

Exploring Shakespeare’s evil profundity, one can therefore unveil the depth and the extent of the English perfidy. I need now to terminate my lengthy response.

You are very knowledgeable, Fedor! But you seem to forget a critical detail.

Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616.

His active years are thought to have been between 1585 and 1613.

But the most important event of his life was not the coronation of James VI & I, who was the successor of Elizabeth I.

The historically most determinant fact that took place during Shakespeare’s life was the war between Spain and England (1585-1604) and mainly the circumnavigation of England and Ireland by the Grande y Felicísima Armada (also known as Invincible Armada), i.e. the Enterprise of England undertaken by the Imperial Spanish fleet in July-August 1588.Непобедимая_армада

If the Spaniards won, you would never know Shakespeare and his black magical texts, which are idiotically staged in numerous countries worldwide only at their own detriment and to the prejudice of billions of readers and spectators.

You don’t need either Shakespeare or English in Russia. No one needs them.

De-Occidentalization is the guarantee for the Russian victory; and as you can guess, the term comprises also the most resolute de-Anglicization.

Replace therefore Shakespeare in the Russian Education syllabus with the Azeri Nizami Ganjavi, the Armenian Movses Khorenatsi, the Georgian Shota Rustaveli, the Iranian Ferdowsi, the Turanian-Indian Amir Khusrau, the Chinese Guo Jujing (郭居敬) and you will discover all the musical undulations of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade!

Removing Shakespeare from your education and defenestrating England out of the new multipolar world order, you will lose nothing, but you will gain the whole world! And the world will gain peace.

Thank you again for the opportunity you offered me to expand on these topics!

Best regards,



Earlier Publications: Titles, Dates, Links & Contents

From the Pandemic to the Special Operations in Russian Ukraine (3 April 2022)

1- A Critical Confrontation between Jesuits and Freemasons

2- The Pandemic and the Jesuit Eschatological Agenda (and how it has advanced throughout the last millennium)

3- The Multiple Dimensions of the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine

4- The Historical Facts

My position about Ukraine, Russia, and the Russian Special Operations in Russian Ukraine – in brief (15 April 2022)

1. Many people did not expect it, but I did

2. The plan to split Russia to 5-10 pieces

3. There is no Ukrainian language or nation

4. The negative impact of History

5. If Ukrainians are a nation, then Egypt’s Sa’idis are a nation too!

Russia, Ukraine and the World-I: ‘Moscou, les Plaines d’Ukraine, et les Champs-Élysées’ (14 March 2023)

I- The Historical Background

II- Western Colonialism against Russia: Projection of Fake Concepts and Historical Falsehood onto Russian Elites

III- Western Bias: Russia’s Europeanization as De-Russification

IV- Where does the Fallacy of European Russia End?

V- False Identity for Russians means Defeat in the Great Game

VI- The Fall of the Romanov: due to the False Concept of ‘Russia as a European Empire’

Russia, Ukraine and the World-II: 5000 Years of Russian Asiatic Identity vs. 500 Years of Anglo-French Racism & Colonialism (21 March 2023)

I. The Western Anti-Russian Bias

II. Skillful Western European Falsification of Russian History

A. Erroneous contextualization of Archaeology of Northern Asia

B. Deliberate use of overlapping terms: Northern Asia, Siberia, and Scythia

C. Prehistory and Ancient History of Northern Asia are subject to modern borders and to the meaningless attempts for ‘national archaeology’

D. Failure to discern Northern Asia in its entirety and true dimensions

E. Deliberate, multifaceted distortion of the Asiatic Turanian Migrations

F. Minimization of the cataclysmic presence and prevalence of the Turanian nations throughout Eastern Europe

G. European academia-backed biases: malignant disregard of the spiritual value of Kievan Rus, and absurd focus on ethnic, racial and linguistic considerations   

H. Erroneous focus on Kievan Rus and disastrous neglect for Volga Bulgaria

I. Concealment of the historical reality of the Turanian (‘Tatar-Mongol’) period

Russia, Ukraine and the World-III: the need for a New UN or how UK, US, France and NATO must be defenestrated from the world (28 March 2023)

I. Ukraine or Ireland and Switzerland?

II. England, France, and the fake state ‘US’

III. Ukraine or Mexico?

IV. UK, France, US and NATO: the Enemies of the Mankind

V. The Fallacy of all Geopolitical Analyses

Russia, Ukraine & the World-IV: Continental Empires & Sea Powers – Russians’ Fake Friends & Only Enemy (4 April 2023)

Or how the Romanov collapsed only to the benefit of Serbs’ and Greeks’ Evil Elites

I. Prof. Huntington’s entirely misunderstood Book

II. The Serbian Delusion of Russians

III. The Clash of Civilization? A Mirage come True

IV. Spirituality & Universalism: Divine Earth vs. Unholy Sea

V. Civilized Continental Empires vs. Barbarian Sea Powers

VI. Continental Empires, Sea Powers, and Divisive Traps

VII. The ‘Greek Orthodox’ Delusion of Russians

Russia, Ukraine and the World-V: the Educational Dimension of the Conflict as the Major Oversight of the Russians (11 April 2023)

I. The Political Sodomism of the Western World

II. The Educational Dimension of the Conflict as the Major Oversight of the Russians


Download the article in PDF:

Download the article with 78 pictures and legends in PDF:

The World needs Another United Nations

Миру нужна еще одна Организация Объединенных Наций

or how China, India, Russia, Muslim countries, Africa & Latin America can bring Peace, eliminating the West

или как Китай, Индия, Россия, мусульманские страны, Африка и Латинская Америка могут принести мир, устранив Запад

Astana, Kazakhstan: ideal location for the headquarters of a new United Nations


I. UN: the origin of the problem

II. Multipolar world order, UN, and various delusions

III. A new UN: three different General Assemblies and proportional votes for the member states  

A. First General Assembly: proportional representation for states above 1 million people

B. Second General Assembly: one vote for all states under 1 million people

C. Third General Assembly: one vote per delegate of indigenous nations, oppressed peoples, and unrepresented ethno-religious groups

IV. A new UN: three levels of Security Council  

A. Security Council-I: Political-Military Affairs (10 most populated states)

B. Security Council-II: Economic-Environmental Affairs (15 most populated states)

C. Security Council-III: Cultural-Scientific-Intellectual Affairs (20 most populated states)

V. Headquarters and Official languages of the New UN


I. ООН: происхождение проблемы

II. Многополярный миропорядок, ООН и разные заблуждения

III. Новая ООН: три разных Генеральных ассамблеи и пропорциональные голоса для государств-членов

A. Первая Генеральная Ассамблея: пропорциональное представительство для штатов с населением более 1 миллиона человек.

B. Вторая Генеральная Ассамблея: один голос для всех штатов с населением менее 1 миллиона человек.

C. Третья Генеральная ассамблея: один голос на делегата от коренных народов, угнетенных народов и непредставленных этнорелигиозных групп.

IV. Новая ООН: три уровня Совета Безопасности

A. Совет Безопасности-I: Военно-политические вопросы (10 наиболее густонаселенных штатов)

B. Совет Безопасности-II: Экономические и экологические вопросы (15 наиболее густонаселенных штатов)

C. Совет Безопасности-III: культурно-научно-интеллектуальные вопросы (20 наиболее густонаселенных штатов)

V. Штаб-квартира и официальные языки новой ООН

In December 2004 and January 2005, I published a series of articles about the reform of the United Nations Security Council; in November 2007, I was at it again with updated approaches and suggestions. Those were the days extensive discussions about the Security Council reform used to take place, notably because of the then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s call (on 21st March 2005) for an overhaul. There were two alternatives in the proposal (ever since known as ‘InLarger Freedom’), but no substantive result was obtained. Links to all of my articles about the topic you can find here:

Several countries formed small groups to promote their interests, and thus quite soon, next to the P5 (permanent five), we had the G4 (Germany, Japan, India & Brazil), and the UfC (Uniting for Consensus, with nine states: Italy, Canada, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, Mexico, Argentina, Pakistan and Malta). It was only normal that no conclusion was drawn and no change took place. About:

At the time, in the early 2000s, the starting points of every new proposal were the following:

i- the United Nations reflected an outdated international environment, namely that of the middle 1940s;

ii- the unrepresentative nature of the Security Council, particularly if we take into account the veto power that the permanent member states have, was an obstacle to the normal function of the international life and interstate relations;

iii- the need to consecrate economic growth, technological progress, ‘democratic standards’, and therefore various ‘democratization’ processes;

iv- the need to ensure worldwide security, safety and peace; and

v- the effort to usher the international community into a new era of balanced concertation and multilateral cooperation.  

In 2020, I came to encounter a Russian scholar and astute thinker who, too, had come up with several interesting suggestions with regard to the United Nations Security Council reform; we had several discussions about the topic. His remarkable approach and contributions can be found here:

I must admit that behind the interminable lobbying, the endless negotiations, and the absolutely insignificant result of all related deliberations, there was a gravely serious problem about which few diplomats or journalists were interested to speak. Now, seeing things retrospectively, I can say that the grave issue was at the origin of all the disastrous developments that hit the mankind over the past two decades.

The trouble was none other than the unilateral American attack against Iraq. It is true that several countries reacted to that absurd attempt at the time, but the calamitous consequences of the highly surreptitious and extremely sophisticated Anglo-Saxon inculpation of the Muslim world let us realize that the unjustified attack against Iraq was only a paragraph in a big plan due to which many governments and the civil society of numerous Muslim countries were held captive and absolutely unable to undertake any reaction.

Few years later, the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ operations failed to bring substantive results, condemning only few nations to externally supported rebellions, strives, divisions, civil wars, open foreign intervention, unnecessary killings and enormous destructions (Yemen, Libya and Syria).

In the period 2020-2022, it became clear that the plan providing for the Greater Middle East was superseded by the pandemic, which belonged to another organization’s agenda,

When Russia launched the ipso facto imposed special operation in Ukraine (24 February 2022;, almost all the West European and North American governments reacted hysterically because another agenda’s paragraph was being cancelled; all the same, these unrepresentative, fake governments failed to recall that one month earlier another ‘Arab Spring’ type of operation had been launched in Almaty and few other cities of Kazakhstan, but it failed. About:

Had some ‘elected’ people in Western governments been timely ordered to ‘denounce’ President Kassym-Jomart Tokaev as a … ‘dictator’?

Thank God, the prompt reaction of the Kazakh state and its allies prevented the disastrous results that Victoria Nuland’s visit to Moscow in October 2021 could have.


The truth is that this paranoid gangster should be prevented from landing anytime anywhere outside her wretched country.

The extreme deterioration of the conflict in Ukraine, the repeatedly exchanged nuclear threats, the disintegration of the world economy, newly arisen technological challenges, and the confrontation of interests, concepts and perspectives, which takes place in many levels, fully demonstrate that the problem is not the Security Council but the international body itself.

It has become very clear that, unless the mankind gets disentangled from the current international context, the sinister downgrade spiral will absorb the mankind into a nuclear maelstrom. Of course, this is not inevitable, but for this to be done, the ruling elites of all non-Western countries must first become fully aware of the origin of the problem and second abandon some of their dreams or delusions. 

I. UN: the origin of the problem

All the people know that every problem pertaining to UN is due to the conditions under which the international body was set up during and immediately after WW II; but very few are those who know what truly happened during that period, which is merely part of the Great Game between Imperial Russia, the continental empire par excellence, and England, the abominable sea power.

Several people believe that the absence of many colonized nations triggered all types of problems in the conceptualization and the materialization of the international body, but this is not quite true; this was only one of the troubles. As a matter of fact, in 1945, the international community consisted of only 50 states, if we take into consideration the United Nations Conference on International Organization which is rather known as San Francisco Conference (25 April – 26 June 1945). The US was credited with two votes (representing also the Philippines), the USSR possessed three votes (two for the delegates of the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR), and England commanded six votes in total (UK, Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, and New Zealand). In brief, the ‘U’N was a European-American affair. About:

The UN’s main problem is the fact that almost all the people believe that the organization was established on the ruins of Nazism, whereas the real essence of Nazism emanated from England and survived there afterwards; that’s why it surfaces now again through English machinations in Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic pseudo-states. This is the axis of evil.  

Only a few years after the foundation of the UN, the Soviet Union was subtly dragged into the so-called Cold War and this turned the country from real WW II winner to apparent WW II loser; the Soviets and their allies were marginalized, ‘contained’, and slandered. In parallel, the decolonization process was machinated by the colonial powers as a means to perpetuate the colonial structures. Accordingly, the new rulers of the so-called ‘independent’ African countries had studied in Paris and London, and they therefore expressed their masters’ ideas, while also supporting their masters’ interests.

Different tools of propaganda or two sides of the same coin: the Cold War theater

Practically speaking, the UN was under total Western control and functioned as a tool of Anglo-Saxon prevalence. As such, the UN was genuinely anti-Soviet and therefore absolutely anti-Russian, which was an absolutely abnormal condition of international relations for a real WW II winner (namely the Soviet Union). This lasted until Charles De Gaulle took France out of NATO’s integrated military command structure (1966). It was only then that the overall international atmosphere appeared to be somewhat balanced; however, this situation did not truly last long. After the Freemasonic murder of Pope John Paul I whose tenure lasted oddly only 33 days, the ‘election’ (?? !!) of John Paul II (16 October 1978) signaled the beginning of the effort for the decomposition of the USSR first and of Russia at a later stage. About:

FRA: Visite officielle de N. Khrouchtchev en France – N. Khrouchtchev et le general de Gaulle

(Note: For those who find it strange that I fully mistrust and ridicule John Paul’s election, I suggest a crash course in Sedevacantism.

Every Wikipedia entry on the topic is viciously biased, absurdly pro-Jesuit, and extremely forged in order to save the otherwise nonexistent prestige of Vatican.

The Siri thesis is not a conspiracy theory and those who call it like that are liars.)

Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, possibly Papa Gregorio XVII

II. Multipolar world order, UN, and various delusions

The asserted efforts to address the systemic weaknesses and to eliminate the ostensible malfunctions of the international body are highly unlikely to ever reach a successful exit. Why this is so we can easily assess.

WW II was not a real war, but an incredibly complex and highly composite scheme.

The Cold War was an enduring anti-Soviet and anti-Russian scheme that lasted until the completion of the decomposition of USSR and the beginning of the disintegration of Russia.

The period 1991-2022 constituted the preparatory stage that the Western powers needed to

i- put under control the former Eastern European member states of the Warsaw Pact,  

ii- expand in the lands of several former SSRs,

iii- foment discord between Russia and other former SSRs (Ukraine, Baltic states),

iv- create serious problems between several former SSRs (Armenia & Azerbaijan; Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan; Belarus & the Baltic states), and in general

v- generate the conditions of permanent chaos, war, bloodshed, and destruction throughout Eastern Europe, Northern Asia, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia.

In a way, the Anglo-Saxon world has been in hostilities against Russia since 1947, i.e. the announcement of the Truman Doctrine (12 March). About:

Paranoid Anglo-Saxon propaganda

If we consider Hitler’s attack against the USSR as the top achievement of the British Intelligence, the Anglo-Saxon world is in direct or proxy war with Russia since 1941.

If we view Lenin and Trotsky as tools of the Anglo-Saxon bankers, Russia was attacked as early as 1917.

The spiritual dimension of these events starts also in 1917 with the Three Secrets of Fatima (Portugal) and the declaration of the Jesuit intention to ‘consecrate’ Russia to the ‘Immaculate Heart of Mary’.

At last, if we contextualize the aforementioned developments within the longer and wider perspective, namely the Great Game, then we go back to 1812 and the Russian-Iranian war of 1804-1813, when the English-Russian confrontation started, at the Battle of Aslanduz (اصلاندوز / Асландуз). About:

Abbas Mirza, the Qajar crown prince of Iran, who led the imperial army against the Russians in Aslanduz; next to the 28 Russians and 2000 Iranians, who died in the battle, Charles Christie, an English officer and captain of the Bombay regiment, lost his life there.

It may appear as absolutely extraordinary to consider the rivalry of two empires as a so crucial issue of the world affairs, but this is the down-to-earth reality. Either they like it or not, all the other major non-Western powers today have to understand that

a- the establishment of the international order was conceived and materialized by the Anglo-Saxon elite as a tool to help them preserve their colonial gains in the aftermath of WW I, and

b- the formation of the UN was undertaken by the Anglo-Saxon elite as a means to engulf Russia/USSR into the position of the loser, who stands always accused for everything, must be ‘contained’, and therefore plays the role of scarecrow.


The unforeseen, unexpected and unfortunate development for the cruel, criminal and inhuman Anglo-Saxon elite was that their evildoing and the wrongdoings of their felonious allies and accomplices became finally noticed by many administrations, governments and nations worldwide. Consequently, parallels were drawn and almost all understood that, one way or another, they were all victims of the English colonial perfidy. That is why many states and governments intend now to change the world. The question is whether they truly know how.

‘What is crooked cannot be made straight’

(Ecclesiastes 1:15; διεστραμμένον οὐ δυνήσεται ἐπικοσμηθῆναι/Perversi difficile corriguntur/Me’uat, lo-ychal litkon:  מְעֻוָּת, לֹא-יוּכַל לִתְקֹן)

For any major non-Western diplomacy, imagining that they can improve the present UN is really tantamount to assuming a lot. This organization cannot be rectified, modified, improved and turned to normal as long as England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, US, France and several other colonial structures are present therein. The corrupt administrations of these states will never stop diffusing lies, scheming against the others, and spreading death, hatred and all sorts of inhuman sickness.

What is even worse is that the delusion of an all-inclusive international body serves the evil interests of these criminal states that are the real enemies of mankind, not of Russia only. This is so because, by fooling the others and by making them believe that, at a certain moment in the future, the UN will be improved, they gain time. They thus prolong the present situation, triggering more wars and fueling strives everywhere in the hope that they will manage to survive by destroying some of their main enemies in proxy wars.

China, Russia, India, and Brazil may be major exporters, but they must readjust their targets, reinvent their internal markets, and redefine the limits of their exports. For all of these countries, it will be better to envision today’s world as existing with only 7.2 (not 8) billion people, thus deleting from their minds Australia, New Zealand, and all the NATO member states. By disrupting and terminating their commercial, economic, educational, academic, cultural and political cooperation and contacts with the countries of Western Europe and North America, the rising forces of Asia, Africa and Latin America will only save themselves from the downgrade spiral into which England, America and their ‘allies’ want to drag them. 

As a matter of fact, the main powers of the Western world never acted as normal states in their relationship with others; this is due to their colonial nature, their racist mindset, and above all, their grave internal anomaly; these states are not democratic societies ruled by elected representatives as they preposterously claim. In fact, their administrative and governmental mechanisms have long been hijacked by criminal and evil gangs that are known as secret societies. In some cases, this situation goes back to the 17th and the 18th centuries.

These secret societies control and use these states without ever caring about the detrimental damages that they cause to these states. In fact, there are no English, French, Dutch, American, etc. interests, because whatever decision the governments of these countries take is beneficial (not to the local peoples but) to the secret gangs that hijacked the state mechanisms.

Furthermore, as these countries colonized the smaller countries of European Union, therefore turning them to victims, we attested recently to the odd phenomenon of these countries taking pro-English, pro-American and anti-Russian decisions that terribly damage their own interests. Poland, the Baltic States, Slovakia and Romania, to name but a few, have nothing to gain by turning Moscow against them; yet, over the past 14 months, their totally unrepresentative, governments acted provocatively. The national interests of all these states imperatively impose good relations with Russia; there cannot be English or American terms in the bilateral relations of an EU or NATO member-state with Russia. No state can possibly have the interest to be ruined like Ukraine today only to satisfy the needs of the heinous and paranoid Anglo-Saxon gangsters. The present situation and the obscure fate of these tiny lands are the example to avoid; this must be made understood to all the small UN member states.

Instead of promoting bilateral cooperation, the diplomats of England, France, USA, Canada, Australia, Holland and few other major Western countries incessantly try to

i- hire local lackeys, by bribing poor natives and by promising meteoric financial, socio-professional and political rise to their idiotic collaborators,

ii- ‘educate’ gullible natives, who think that they can learn the truth in the disreputable universities, colleges, institutes and libraries of the Western countries whereby everything is distorted, forged and adjusted to these criminal countries’ interests,

iii- prepare regime changes, unstoppable killings, unnecessary divisions, rebellions, and civil unrest of every sort,   

iv- diffuse diametrically opposed considerations of the past and terribly conflicting worldviews in order to confuse and further split every indigenous nation,

v- exploit local resources by supporting, propelling and imposing their local stooges who, relying on their criminal relation with one of those countries, unreservedly betray their own nation and commit high treason,

vi- generate (among the naïve, unsuspicious local people) lawlessness, immorality, viciousness, corruption, obscenity, disrespect for all local traditions, cultures and religions, and disregard for all traditional values, principles and virtues, and in brief,

vii- utilize the local country as an enslaved protectorate that has no real hypostasis.

China, Russia, India, Brazil and many other major countries must understand that the only way to stop once forever this sick and inhuman situation is the foundation of a new United Nations that they will have to create from scratch, intentionally keeping the Anglo-Saxon contamination out.

III. A new UN: three different General Assemblies and proportional votes for the member states  

Back in 2005-2007, I focused almost exclusively on the UN Security Council reform, but the developments that took place in-between fully demonstrated that the dysfunctional character of the international body starts already at the level of the General Assembly. As it is well known, every member state has one vote. This is one of the utmost absurdities of our time; to describe it plainly and accurately, it is most offensive for the outright majority of the mankind.

It is absolutely abnormal to consider 173 million people of Bangladesh (8th country by population) as ‘equal’ to 3 million people of Lithuania. It is ludicrous, inane and calamitous. Yet, these two nations have one vote each in the UN General Assembly, which is ‘humanity turned upside down’. There are even more risible examples in this regard, when comparing present UN member states to one another; Vietnam with almost 100 million people (16th country by population) is therefore viewed as the equivalent of Kiribati that is not populated by more than 150000 people (178th country by population). Both countries have one vote only in the international body. Check details here:

There are approximately 35 member states (ca. 20% of the national representatives in the UN) with population less than 1 million people. Only 2 of them (Luxembourg and Iceland) were member states since the middle 1940s. This means that not only the UN has always been a terribly biased organization in which great nations (like Iran, Indonesia, Pakistan, Mexico, Egypt, Nigeria, etc.) were ‘told’ that their value was next to nothing, but also that the overall situation turned worse over the decades.

This situation must take a dead end.

A. First General Assembly: proportional representation for states above 1 million people

In the First General Assembly of the new UN, only states with more than 1 million people must be accepted. This means that as of today, Djibouti (ca. 1150000 people) will be accepted as member (thus being the smallest), but Malta (535000 people) will not.

Representation will have to be proportional, and this means that

-a state like Central African Republic with ca. 6 million people will be offered 6 votes;

-a state like Iraq with ca. 46 million people will have 46 votes; and

-a state like Tanzania with ca. 67 million people will own 67 votes.


-the vote of the representative of Uzbekistan will be counted as 35 votes;

-Cuba will be considered as a state with 12 votes; and

-3 votes will be allocated to Uruguay.

Every five years, the total votes allotted to the member states will be readjusted as per new demographic data. It is almost certain that such a system will generate a competition among several member states, which can only be positive, because it will force many governments to work actively in order to outmaneuver the country’s demographic decline. It goes without saying that these developments will tear down all monstrous plans providing for eugenics, ‘euthanasia’, and population reduction.

There will have to be a ceiling with 100 votes per country. This does not minimize in anything the importance of the countries with more than 100 million people within the new UN organization. This is so because, as it will be explained further on, the top 20 countries by population will be accepted as permanent member states of the Security Council, therefore having extra privileges and advantages. In this regard, I have to add that presently there are only 15 states with population above the said limit; this means that in the Security Council there will also be some member states with less than 100 million people. 

Ensuring proportional representation transforms the international body into a real assembly of nations; it will therefore cease to be an elitist venue whereby lackeys, slaves and stooges have no other role than always agreeing with the orders of their masters.

Due to proportional representation, the United Nations General Assembly will function like a real parliament of the world community, following the much needed defenestration of Australia, New Zealand, and the ominous NATO clique.

The colonial world back in 1910: the British Empire outnumbered Qing China (as both had a population of around 400 million); Imperial Russia was the 3rd most populated country with ca. 135 million people, whereas the US and the French colonial empire followed with 78 million people each. About:

One can better understand the nature of the proposal, by simply comparing the existing, risible and shameful, UN General Assembly to the European Parliament and the national apportionment of MEP (Member of European Parliament) seats. As a matter of fact, would you ever imagine a European Parliament with just 27 (twenty seven) ambassadors, all having just one vote? It looks absorb!

What is absurd for the European Parliament must also be considered as such for the international body; as a historical concept, an ‘assembly’ has always been the living embodiment of representativeness; actually, it can be taken seriously only under this condition. Who would find it normal, within the context of the European Parliament, for Denmark to have the same weight as Italy and Poland to have as many deputies as Germany does? All sensible people know very well that it would be ridiculous to offer Lithuania the ‘right’ to appear as important as Hungary within the context of national representation. Even worse, it would also be dangerous, misleading, and deceitful. If this is so within the context of the European Union, why is it difficult to fathom that such an approach would be disastrous at the international level?

Our world in two maps with proportional representation of the population

Actually, if there is still extensive discussion about the calamitous consequences of colonialism and the need for reparations, this is so because most of the countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America find it preposterous and certainly undeserving to have in the present UN General Assembly only one vote, pretty much like tiny Estonia, miniscule Cyprus, and microscopic Iceland.

The governments, the diplomats, the academics, the entrepreneurs, and the mass media of China, India, Russia, Brazil and South Africa must therefore realize that now they have to take BRICS to the next stage, fully transforming it into a new UN organization, while in parallel withdrawing from the absurd, useless and obsolete present structure that serves only for the schemes of the Anglo-Saxon gangsters and their allies.

They will therefore have to strongly motivate the governments, the political class, the diplomacies, the civil society, and the busunessmen of Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Mexico, Japan, Ethiopia, Philippines, Egypt, Congo, Vietnam, Iran, Turkey, Thailand, Tanzania, Myanmar, Kenya, Colombia, South Korea (mentioning the states with more than 50 million people) and all the other non-Western states that the only chance to really weigh at the international level, eliminate wars, eradicate poverty, cancel colonial biases and injustices, and also deal with one another in terms of parity is to close the door to the embassies, the consulates, the universities, the institutes, the companies and the tourists of the so-called Western world now.

The world in 2100: arrangement of eleven (11) zones with ca. one (1) billion people each (according to UN medium fertility estimates)

B. Second General Assembly: one vote for all states under 1 million people

This organ will be the venue of all the states with less than one million people. It goes without saying that, as soon as one state passes the limit, it have to be automatically transferred to the First General Assembly. This provision concerns for instance states like Fiji, Comoros, Guyana, Bhutan, Solomon Islands, Luxembourg, and Montenegro to name the closest to the limit.  

The Second General Assembly will offer every member state only one vote, continuing the present UN General Assembly voting system. Topics will be discussed as in the First General Assembly, whereas coordination will be effectuated at all levels. All the same, this organ will help members focus on their issues, while also enabling them to report, via observers, to the larger organ and to the Security Council.

Making distinctions among states on the basis of their population may appear as eventually discriminatory but it is in fact emancipatory, as it truly offers the chance to few dozens of small states from all continents to focus on and highlight their affairs and concerns. Instead of being the shadowy sidekick of the Anglo-Saxon theatrical UN of the period 1945-2023, these states will have a venue of their own, being totally liberated from the cumbersome and embarrassing presence of Western diplomats and sly schemers who don’t give a damn about the minor states’ needs and interests.

That’s why a realistic approach is necessary in this regard, and all the hitherto non-recognized countries must be accepted here or, if they are larger, in the First General Assembly; Kosovo, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Transnistria, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia must become de facto member states of the new UN. Artsakh must be advised to unite with Armenia, and the same is valid for Somaliland, which is part of Somalia. More importantly, Taiwan should start negotiations with China in view of a scaled return to the continental motherland. About:

C. Third General Assembly: one vote per delegate of indigenous nations, oppressed peoples, and unrepresented ethno-religious groups

The third venue is an organ created in order to accommodate non-elected members of clandestine organizations of national liberation, representatives of ethno-religious communities -which may at times define themselves as separate ‘nations’-, heads of cultural associations focused on ethno-linguistic and ethno-religious entities, which are not represented either at the national level (parliament) or in the international body, and activists from among tribally oppressed clans, persecuted sects, etc.  

Back in 2007, after having systematically published hundreds of articles about the Oromos, the Ogadenis, the Sidamas, the Afars and many other oppressed nations in Africa (notably the Furis of Darfur, the Beja of Eastern Sudan, the Kaffas, the Sheka, the Hadiya, the Kambatas, the Anuaks, the Berta and the Agaw of Abyssinia) and in Asia (namely the Aramaeans, the Turkmen of Iraq, the Yazidis, the South Azeris, the Baluch, the Hadhramis and the Mehri of Yemen, etc.), I published this article, which constitutes the very nucleus of the concept that I intend to herewith present:

“UN Reform – Institutionalize a Tribune of the Oppressed Peoples (2007)”

As concept, this venue is not very distant from the existing UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization), which was launched as early as 1991. About:

As one could easily expect, the successful establishment of this assembly will not be an easy task, due to the inherent difficulties of this terrain, namely

i- lack of elementary transparency,

ii- absence of ostensible representativeness,

iii- prevailing clandestine conditions of action,

iv- potential tribal conflicts within the context of liberation organizations,

v- exiting spiritual and religious differences,

vi- eventually colonial affiliations of individual members of these organizations (involving bribery and various benefits or privileges in exchange for attrition activities, erosive actions, destructive proposals, passing of intelligence, etc.) and

vii- other reasons.

It goes without saying that such an organization was viewed in the past as a tool of infiltration and as a method to cause problems to other states. Typical examples in this regard are the fully unrepresentative World Uyghur Congress and the Central Tibetan Administration, which proved to be mere outfits of the CIA and the MI6. About:

The establishment of this venue must not take a hostile character against the states that will establish the new UN or, more particularly, the countries to which these hitherto unrepresented nations belong; on the contrary, a reconciliatory approach has to prevail in the beginning, without however preventing the eventually forthcoming secession and national liberation of the persecuted nation. Negotiations, international deliberations, and pacification processes will be engaged in view of a prompt and clear improvement of the indigenous nations’ conditions of life.

Separatist movements in 2023; among them, several organizations are in reality outfits of the secret services of the colonial powers.

All the same, this venue will help terminate all the lies and the numerous delusions that Western colonial powers still say now and endlessly diffuse among natives of these nations who -via UNHCR processes- arrive and settle in those countries. In fact, the shameful attitude of Western diplomats toward African, Asiatic, Latin American, and European (like the Kelc’h An Dael of Brittany and the Fondacioni Demokratik Çamëria of Chameria, NW Greece) representatives of indigenous nations involved

i- hypocritical maintenance of contacts with them,

ii- continuous but false promises of full support and effective guidance,

iii- complete, effective and progressive containment of the indigenous nations,

iv- successfully implemented methods to make these nations and their liberation organizations and movements waste their time.


Then, what usually happens in these cases of colonial interference and disruptive, deceptive deeds is that two decades pass and no major change has occurred; then, suddenly it becomes clear to all that no substantive step was made in the path of these nations toward national liberation and independence. Even worse, the so much desired initial target looks more difficult and less plausible to achieve two decades later. This is so because several other, rather inauspicious, developments took place in the meantime.

The colonial powers, by creating ‘diasporas’ in different parts of the world (notably Australia, Canada, UK, US, etc.), totally weakened the existing internal (or ‘local’) dynamics of liberation, because usually the leading elements of the revolt and the pioneers of national identity awareness emigrate as refugees, purportedly to help promote the liberation struggle, but at the end, they leave the rest without real guidance and, once abroad, they achieve nothing.

There is still another important issue in this regard; the vivid interest for the representation of all the nations, the peoples, the ethnic-linguistic-religious groups, and the sects in the Third General Assembly of the new UN must -this time- come from above. Until now, various groups, bodies and organizations used to contact UNPO for the purpose of participation; from now on, the opposite path must be followed. When establishing the new international body, the leading countries’ diplomats must set up a committee that will study the topic from several diverse viewpoints. Then, they will organize a great number of fact finding sub-committees, which will undertake in situ research and preliminary contacts with the indigenous peoples and ethnic-religious-linguistic entities, before reporting to the established committee.  

Contrarily to the evil intentions that were involved in this regard during the past, reconciliation (between the indigenous nation and the respective state), pacification, and fair integration (of the ethnic group into the country) will be the main targets in the establishment of this organ. 

IV. A new UN: three levels of Security Council  

The Security Council of the present international body is the paramount example of injustice, elitism, unfairness, partial approach to mankind, discrimination and disrespect of the ‘other’ in our time. The previous sentence is an understatement, if one takes into consideration the fact that four (4) out of the five (5) veto powers total only 7.5% of the world population. In fact, what is called ‘international life’ has in reality been ‘international tyranny’ thus far.

Even worse, the three western veto powers (F-UK-US), which -in case no veto is used by the other two permanent members- impose their decision on all the rest, do not represent more than 6% of the world population. This monstrous situation means that, at the level of the international community, the preposterously called ‘Western democracies’ imposed -via the enormous bias named ‘UN’- a ‘Western tyranny’. This is a disgrace. In fact, the decision-making process of the international community is in the hands of an extreme -and provenly dangerous- minority.

China is therefore used rather as an alibi in this regard. Beijing’s participation in the present UN Security Council helps obscure the reality, namely the extremely unrepresentative nature of the international body’s entire structure. It would suffice for China alone to withdraw from the present, absolutely ridiculous, UN to fully de-legitimize the organization, which is nothing else than a shameful colonial trickery invented to enable basically three countries to rule, cheat, and persecute the quasi-totality of mankind.  

That’s why I am convinced that true and fair representativeness, functional concertation, sustainable cooperation, and peaceful international order impose veto right for every country with 100 million people or at least one percent (1%) of the world’s total population; at this moment, there are seventeen (17) countries that meet the criteria (excluding the US of course). If we envision a new UN Security Council with the twenty (20) most populated states as permanent members (holding veto power), we will certainly reach an advanced level of multilateral synergy and reciprocal understanding.

At present, if we exclude the Western countries, the top 20 states by population (China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Bangladesh, Russia, Mexico, Japan, Philippines, Ethiopia, Egypt, Vietnam, Congo, Iran, Turkey, Thailand, Tanzania, and South Africa) total around 5.2 billion people, thus representing 65% of the world population.

At this point, I have to state that there must not be any non-permanent UNSC member states, because this provision/institution has no other purpose except the ornamental embellishment of a situation, which is absolutely impermissible and obnoxious.

Only gangsters would dare to say that the unacceptable situation, which prevails today in the UN Security Council (with the five permanent members totaling 2 billion people. i.e. only 20% of the world population), can be possibly viewed as fair, right and good, especially if compared with the aforementioned suggestion.

In the new United Nations organization, the permanent membership in the Security Council will be

– triple for the ten (10) most populated states,

– double for the fifteen (15) most populated states, and

– single for the twenty (20) most populated states,

This will be so because there will have to be three different levels of Security Council, namely SC-I, SC-II, and SC-III. The first will focus on political and military affairs; the second will be the particular venue where to discuss economic, financial and environmental issues, whereas the third will be the top forum to deliberate and decide on cultural, scientific and intellectual topics – involving the public and the private sectors of all member states.

It goes without saying that with the abandonment of the present international body by the states, which will participate in the new United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will have to be abandoned too and all debts canceled. The worldwide economic order will therefore have to be redefined from scratch and the Western banks and states defenestrated from the international community. The New Development Bank, an institution successfully launched by the BRICS, will entirely replace those absurd, heinous and inhumane structures. About:

The obsolete UNESCO agency proved to be a monumental fabrication of absolutely racist nature, which -beyond several undeniably remarkable campaigns (like the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia)- failed to ensure equal cooperation among the member states, being thus used by the Western colonial states as a tool of their propaganda and as an instrument of diffusion of Western European culture. About:

That is why another agency will have to be launched under the auspices of SC-III. I cannot further expand here, but I must state that one of the first major tasks of the new UNESCO agency will have to be the elaboration of common manuals of History for all the levels of Secondary Education of all the member states of the new UN. The consolidation of worldwide peace and safety will be a dream come true, only if all the nations of the world start sharing a truthful course of World History whereby

i- every preposterous Greco-centric and Euro-centric narrative and historical falsification,

ii- every racist approach that magnifies ‘Western History’ while concealing Asiatic, African and Mexican-Peruvian History,

iii- every evil effort to ignore localities and disconnect nations and ethnic-religious groups from one another,

iv- every Western system of ideologization of History, and

v- the systematic disregard of the historical sources will be eliminated.

A. Security Council-I: Political-Military Affairs (10 most populated states)

With the participation of (in order by population) China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Bangladesh, Russia, Mexico and Japan, the first plenum will be the venue of nations that total more than 4.3 billion people, namely ca. 55% of the world population. Even on this occasion, it will be far more representative and balanced than the present totally obsolete scheme. More importantly, this approach fully highlights the down-to-earth reality that, when it comes to the international world order, Indonesia is more important than England, and Bangladesh is more significant than France.

It is not normal for the two Western European colonial nations to have veto right in the present UN Security Council, in the light of the historically undeniable fact that they waged -for more than two centuries- merciless wars against almost the entire mankind, while now they have a combined population much lower than that of Bangladesh, which never undertook military expeditions either in South Asia or overseas.

It is a shame for all of us, if we do not reject in the most resolute manner the fact that 135 million citizens of France and England occupy two out of the five (5) UNSC permanent member seats, whereas 170 million citizens of Bangladesh have none. This situation generates actually many of the problems that the international community has to deal with nowadays.

It is also noteworthy that, according to my proposal, three out of the ten UNSC permanent member states have almost entirely Muslim population (Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh), and this terminates the nonsensical literature and the political propaganda that minor Muslim countries raised in the past about the lack of representativeness that characterizes the present international body “because almost 2 billion Muslim citizens are not empowered even with one seat in the venue of the present UN”. Of course, the remark was pertinent, but it was not uttered by the correct persons, politicians, diplomats and countries. The only worthwhile and trustworthy representatives of the Muslim world are the three most populous countries with majority Muslim population.

Security Council-I will be regularly and extraordinarily convened to solve issues of political and military nature. This will be the venue where various conflicts will be discussed and solved. Troubles due to foreign occupation, cultural oppression, ethnic persecution, political discrimination, spiritual-religious conflicts and disputes will have to be studied, discussed and solved, pending the elaboration of a new truly Universal Declaration of Human Faith and Rights that will reflect all the culturally diverse approaches to Life, Moral, Law, Society, State, and International Order. This groundbreaking document to which all three General Assemblies will contribute will set the new foundations of international law, canceling numerous unequal ‘treaties’ that the cruel colonial powers imposed on numerous unfortunate nations in the 19th and the 20th centuries.

It will also be the task of Security Council-I to define the relations with the Western countries, which will have to be excluded from the new UN, as well as to specify the terms and the conditions under which several -but not all- member states of the European Union and the NATO would eventually be accepted in the new UN, following their unconditional withdrawal from all the existing international bodies that are controlled by the leading countries of the Western world.

Security Council-I will also define the modalities and the processes with which all the intergovernmental organizations established by the member states of the new UN will get fully detached from the present UN structure and linked to the emerging multilateral world order in which there will not be any place for the major colonial powers. For organizations like the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the African Union, the Union of South American Nations, the Organization of Turkic States, etc., their scope will have to be determined within the new international environment, their activities revised in order to be constructively incorporated within the new international body, and their achievements ultimately recommended to other states and organizations. About:

One of the Security Council-I’s most imperative missions will be the dismantlement and the cancelation of the racist, colonial organizations calamitously set up by England and France, i.e. the British Commonwealth (ridiculously self-styled as ‘Commonwealth of Nations’) and the colonially imposed Francophonie (or Franco-phoney?). However, the irrevocable eradication of the two colonial means of communications (i.e. English & French) from the international scene will rather be the concern of the Security Council-III, which will introduce effective measures to duly facilitate prompt and straight inter-African, inter-Asiatic, and international communication without the use of the worthless languages of the Western colonial powers; English and French must be declared ‘slavery languages’ and systematically eliminated from the educational curricula of all the member states of the new UN. About:

B. Security Council-II: Economic-Environmental Affairs (15 most populated states)

In this venue, in addition to all SC-I member states (as per above), the Philippines, Ethiopia, Egypt, Vietnam, and Congo will be convened. The population of these five countries totals ca. 520 million; altogether SC-II will therefore represent the will of 4.8 million people, i.e. more than 60% of the world population. Focusing on economic affairs, this organ will drastically reverse the scheme of the international Banking oligarchy, eliminate the unnecessary surpluses of multinational corporations, put economic decision-making under popular control, link private wealth to public welfare, and terminate the absurd accumulation of riches that are due to speculation and of profit that is unrelated to production. Poverty eradication will be top priority.  

SC-II member states will have to set the foundations of a new worldwide socio-economic system, which will combine private initiative and public interest, reducing the enormous burden of bureaucracy, getting out of the vicious circle of deliberate migration, balancing life in the countryside and the megalopolis, inventing several socio-economic alternatives, solving real environmental issues without ideological prejudice, canceling the paranoid Agenda 2030, and irreversibly stripping magnates and unelected potentates of the chance to influence international affairs in any sense.  

It goes without saying that all the myths of the Western (European or American) Left will have to be systematically uprooted and methodically deconstructed. Once for all, the mankind must go beyond the paranoid vilification of ‘capitalism’, which in fact was never a historical fact (in contrast to the free market), but it constituted ‘les aventures rocambolesques’ of a scarecrow or rather the delusional caricature of a Grim Reaper who plunged in bloodshed the idiots who believed it and the cowards who did not escape from it. The exemplary path crossed by China from the days of Deng Xiaoping to the three tenures of Xi Jinping will have to be made understood and offered a potential example to the rest of the world without the absurd Western indoctrination, ideologization and sectarianization of every notion.

This venue will reconcile the average people, their governments, and the new leading financial institutions, which will be launched in order to fully consolidate sustainable development and ensure diversification of the economic model, while also respecting cultural values and local traditions that reveal the non-systematicity of several economies/countries. People across the Earth will have to be assured that no lurking dangers and no looming disasters threaten their survival; this in turn will restore trust in the society, the economy, and the governance at the local, regional and international levels. It will be essential for the leading forces of the change to eradicate the widespread mistrust, suspicion, fear and insecurity which were caused due to the absurd decision-making and the unprecedented partiality of the Western world’s governments; this is necessary because these conditions trigger psychological negativity, conspiracy theories, and dismantlement of the social norms. In brief, detached from the Western countries and liberated from the colonial yoke, the various nations and peoples must perceive the change as a ‘great restart’, at the very antipodes of the elitist, colonial, racist and inhumane ‘great reset’.

C. Security Council-III: Cultural-Scientific-Intellectual Affairs (20 most populated states)

In this venue, in addition to all SC-II member states (see above), Iran, Turkey, Thailand, Tanzania, and South Africa will participate. The plenum (the largest possible of the Security Council) will work hard to achieve numerous targets and solve problems that do not seem to be grave, although they truly are because they happen to be at the very origin of all local, regional, international, proxy and hybrid wars.

Colonizing most of the world, the Western European powers and their satellites (or paraphernalia) diffused worldwide an intellectual contamination of ahistorical, revisionist, immoral and obscene character which is tantamount to barbarism, inhumanity and blasphemy. This salacious fabrication was first constructed in the Western confines of Asia’s most backward peninsula, i.e. Europe, and thence exported tyrannically and imposed brutally on all colonized lands and territories. This inane and villainous product caused erosion, corruption and putrefaction to all local and regional cultures that prevailed worldwide until 1500.

More the colonial powers expanded, further the infection spread; this meant that great civilizations and important local cultures started being gradually destroyed because of the cruel rule imposed all over the world. The deterioration of the infamous and deceitful disease took the form of successive stages (Renaissance, Classicism, Enlightenment, etc.) that perverted all the people of the world step by step, leading the mankind to the present lawless laws of EU, UK, US and their satellites. All local and regional cultures were therefore -practically speaking- canceled. Now that it became understood that Western world means literally Death, it is high time for the concerted forces of Asia, Africa, and Latin America to systematically reject the absurd colonial ideas, theories, historical forgery, political racism, white supremacism, transgenderism, and -last but not least- the intellectual excrement baptized ‘woke culture’.


To survive, mankind must be liberated from the barbarian Western Culture

Aden livestock market in Eid al Adha

Aramaean Easter liturgy in Qamishli, NE Syria

Berber festival in Morocco

Dogon festivities in Mali

Eid al Adha morning prayer in Senegal

Coptic Easter liturgy in Samaan el Kharaz monastery, Muqattam – Cairo

Kalmyk Buddhists in Russia, in the northwestern coastlands of the Caspian Sea

Pilgrims bathe at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in northern India as part of Kumbh Mela, a spiritual festival.
Myanmar, Thadingyut festival of lights

Oromo Irreecha festival in Finfinnee (‘Addis Ababa’) capital of Occupied Oromia

Khoisan on Table Mountain to reclaim the ‘mountain in the sea’

Nahua pilgrimage in Mexico

Quechua dances in Chile

Russian Easter traditions

Ramazan Fest in Kazan, Russia

Xi’an City Wall Lantern Festival, 西安城墙元宵节

Tuareg dance

Statues of the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, Thean Hou temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Confucian impact among the Chinese Buddhists of SE Asia


SC-III will have therefore to lead the effort for a deep, comprehensive and complete de-Occidentalization by

i- re-identifying local cultures, re-instating their constituent elements, re-asserting their values, and re-defining their role in today’s world;

ii- being the mastermind and the true guide of the new UNESCO organization, which will take the mankind to the next stage and effectively contribute to reciprocal knowledge, mutual understanding, respect of the other’s culture, and unconditional rejection of any attempt of spiritual-religious proselytism;

iii- canceling the historical falsification that the Western universities have long been teaching and propagating as a racist Greco-centric, Romano-centric, and Euro-centric dogma;

iv- writing the true and impartial, multilateral History of Mankind, free of the biased Western approach as per which posterior criteria are projected onto earlier periods. Sumer, Egypt (Kemet), Assyria, Babylonia, China, Anatolia, Canaan, Cush, Punt, Carthage, Iran, India and Turan offer the criteria for us to evaluate the Hebrew, Greek, Roman, Christian and Western European civilizations, and not vice versa;

v- eliminating the fallacious Western European dogma of ‘the Age of Discovery’;

vi- removing every sample of linguistic Anglicism, Latinism and Hellenism from all the languages of colonized and/or culturally impacted nations;

vii- promoting cultural, academic and intellectual exchanges at the local, regional and international levels. Ignorance of cultural, spiritual, religious, artistic and historical details of minorities (at the local level), of neighboring countries (at the regional level), and of remote cultures and civilizations (at the international level) is the main reason for strives, conflicts and wars. That is why the study of the ‘other’, the knowledge of the ‘other’, the exploration of the ‘other’ and the love of the ‘other’ will have to be enforced at all levels: local, regional and international;

viii- launching enormous projects that will be carried out by the various agencies of the new UN, notably an online site ‘Worldwide Education, Knowledge and Wisdom’ (WEKW) that will terminate the unacceptable, yet immense, historical distortions contained in the Wikipedia;

ix- establishing a new Internet entirely independent from the US-based structure;

x- defining the moral standards for scientific research that will be solemnly proclaimed, internationally accepted, and comprehensively respected. The New Code of Ethics has to be at the very antipodes of the present, trivial standards, immoral attitudes, and perverse mindsets of the Western scientists;

xi- supporting efforts to perceive the multilateral/multicultural reality of our world through historically attested cultural viewpoints. One example in this regard is offered by the famous book ‘The India Way: Strategies for an Uncertain World’ published recently (2020) by the Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. The positive outcome of these efforts lies in the identification of the different constituent elements of the diverse cultures that exist worldwide, and in the establishment of possible links among them, so that the entire Mankind finally understands that ;differently said’ does not equal ‘different’ and it can often mean ‘similar’. About:


xii- keeping a close eye on modern technologies in relationship with the accumulated power that Western magnates and Big Tech oligarchs have acquired. It will be the task of SC-III to prevent a creepy Big Tech Tyranny. Actually, the present situation of the Western world is extremely preoccupying and utterly dangerous for the entire mankind not only because of the expansionist madness of the US military-industrial complex but also due to the impermissible power that human naivety and gullibility allowed to be gathered over the years in the hands of few, paranoid and narcissistic crooks, i.e. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Sundar Pichai, Jeff Bezos and their likes. In this regard, the international community must determine the limits beyond which monopoly is improper and therefore banned. Any private Big Tech company that reaches the level of Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, etc. must not be ‘nationalized’ but “internationalized”, i.e. they must become property of the UN.

V. Headquarters and Official languages of the New UN:

Giving hitherto unknown importance to medium size member states, the new UN -in striking contrast to the present US/EU-centric international body- must function as a highly decentralized organization. The various organs and the associated agencies of the new international body must be located in different capitals in a way to preserve a certain sense of balance among all the continents. What follows is only a personal suggestion which is due to considerations of historical and geographical order.

There will therefore have to be independent venues for the three General Assemblies and, in addition, separate locations as bases for the three different plenums of the Security Council (SC-I, SC-II and SC-III). The place where the First General Assembly convenes has to be considered as the main headquarters of the new UN.

Astana, Kazakhstan: Main headquarters, base of the First General Assembly

Bamako, Mali: base of the Second General Assembly

Quito, Ecuador: base of the Third General Assembly

Phnom Penh, Cambodia: base of the Security Council-I

Lilongwe, Malawi: base of the Security Council-II

Asuncion, Paraguay: base of the Security Council-III

If a new fully representative, international body intends to reflect the will of the nations across the Earth in terms of peace, justice, equity, impartiality and transparence, it will have accept the following fifteen (15) languages as official means of communications in all of its venues, organs and agencies:

Chinese, Urdu/Hindi, Spanish, Bengali, Portuguese, Bahasa, Malay, Russian, Turkish, Modern Arabic, Farsi, Hausa, Swahili, Japanese, and Tamil

This approach testifies to a resolute determination to break once forever with the era of colonial disasters, biases, atrocities and injustices. A colonially imposed means of communication like English and French cannot by definition be an ‘international language’ in a non-racist world; such a language constitutes only the chains of slavery. Speaking English of French wherever you go does not enlarge your horizons and does not make of you a knowledgeable cosmopolitan; it merely shows your misery of being held captive in an undeniably enormous cell of prison. But if you are a prisoner, does it really matter to you how big your jail is?

English and French must be punished for having long been the means of colonial education, subaltern culture, historical falsification, political racism, absurd ideologization, religious exploitation, and intellectual terrorism. They must be deleted from the collective memory of mankind. This is the price that England and France will pay for the colonies that they had.

The only way for China to rise as a universal superpower will be Chinese culture, history, values and language. For five (5) millennia China proved that the Chinese were never a nation that expanded colonially. Now, China along with India, Russia and other great regional powers can open the way to a better future for the entire mankind.

But in this future, there is no place for UK, France, US, EU, NATO and their satellites (or paraphernalia). The rupture is inevitable. The only alternative is the chaos that the evil powers of the sea intend to trigger worldwide; you will never change the evil. You can only isolate and seclude it. 


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Russia, Ukraine and the World-V: the Educational Dimension of the Conflict as the Major Oversight of the Russians

In the previous articles of the series, I examined different issues pertaining to the conflict in Ukraine, always underscoring its many dimensions. Titles, dates, contents and links you can find at the end. In the present text, I will focus on major oversights that the Russian administration committed before and during the ongoing conflict, which has already lasted almost 14 months. Speaking about omissions and failures prior to the commencement of hostilities, I don’t mean anything related to the military preparation and planning for the special operation which was ipso facto imposed on Russians.

I. The Political Sodomism of the Western World

Disreputable liars and paranoid gangsters in Western Europe and North America hide the fact that their undisputed masters, the vicious and inhuman oligarchs of the West, have ordered them to speak about ‘Putin’s war in Ukraine’. This absurdity functions as the foundation of all the other lies that the worthless newspapers, TV channels, reviews, magazines and the other mass media of the Western world ceaselessly diffuse about Russia.

In fact, the special operation in Ukraine is part of a new Great Patriotic War that all the Russians took upon themselves; this must be clear to all. Irrespective of ethnic origin, linguistic particularity, spiritual diversity, religious affiliation and ideological predilection, all Russians wholeheartedly participate in, contribute to, and support the great effort that was duly undertaken by their soldiers, officers, representatives and government.

Russians don’t need to listen to president Putin or former president Medvedev in order to understand, as numerous newspapers and sites pretend to inform their readers.

Putin declares holy war on Western ‘satanism’

Russia Ex-president Medvedev says Russia is fighting sacred battle against Satan in Ukraine

Russians can see for themselves; as soon as one person inspects the recent European or American legislation, he can immediately notice immoral standards, biased proposals, lawless laws, and amended constitutions, which allow for a great number of monstrosities, namely abortion, euthanasia (the correct term is ‘demono-thanasia’), homosexual marriages, adoption of children by pseudo-couples, transgenderism, and plenty of similar acts that offend every human being. All this worthless pseudo-laws are abhorrently rejected by the quasi-totality of the population of the Russian Federation.

It is utterly pathetic for the scheming Western military and intelligence officers, academics, intellectuals, diplomats, and politicians to envision the split and partition of Russia into 10 or 15 countries. The reason for my conclusion is easy to fathom.

The Tatars, the Chechens, the Bashkirs, the Chuvashs, the Avars, the Mordvins, the Yakuts, the Buryats, the Udmurts, the Tuvans, the Cherkess, the Altais, the Nenets, the Karelians, the Meskhetian Turks, the Nogais, like the Russians and all the other ethnicities of the Russian Federation know very well that, if their country is defeated, all these filthy pseudo-laws of the fallen, corrupt and decayed Western countries will be imposed on them. They will not escape the madness of atheism; evolutionism and other types of blasphemy will become the dominant ideology; and in this manner, they will be forced to succumb to the so-called ‘woke culture’. Yet, for all of them, homosexuality is a sin, a shame, and a sacrilege. And for all of them, transgenderism is a crime, an anomaly, and an impermissible act.

How will these fake and lawless laws be imposed on all these nations (if Russia fails)?

This is easy to assess. The evil governments, embassies, agencies, pseudo-universities and NGOs of the Western countries will first bribe and then ‘educate’ several greedy idiots among the indigenous people; at a later stage, they will promote/impose them as members of a ‘new’, local pseudo-government. Subsequently, they will order them to pass these same pseudo-laws in their pseudo-parliament; it will be a simple matter of translation of the same text.   

In other words, whereas nowadays Udmurtia (Удмуртская Республика) is an independent and free country within the Russian Federation (with an area of 42000 km2 and a population of ca. 1.5 million people), if Russia fails and a split is enforced, the so-called ‘sovereign’ Udmurtia will have a seat in the UN General Assembly, but it will also have an enslaved government, which will intentionally impose on the Udmurts homosexuality, transgenderism, and all the other mental and physical diseases and contaminations that characterize the calamitously targeted societies of EU, UK, Australia, New Zealand, US, Canada, Norway and Switzerland.

Udmurtia is a nation and a country the size of Estonia.

Who does not agree that, today, free Udmurts are luckier and in a better condition than the enslaved Estonians?

There are certainly few Russians, who have been corrupted enough to find that the cruel, tyrannical, paranoid and immoral legislations of the Western tyrannies are ‘normal’, ‘logical’ and even ‘moral’. But they are very few; apparently they represent less than 5% of the entire population, being also divided into different categories, ideological systems, and political groups.

Some readers will find it bizarre that I describe the totality of the Western states as ‘tyrannies’; but this is what they truly are. You don’t agree?

Then, tell me if you please where (in which country) all these criminal and lawless laws were submitted to a referendum!

Nowhere! Not one nation truly accepted the blasphemous pseudo-legislation.

These fake laws turned upside down all these societies of the Western world; it is well known that, if proposed and submitted to a referendum before 30 or 40 years, these shameful and villainous concepts would be turned down by 90% or 95% of the total population. Even today, the outright majority in most of these countries would reject the idiocy of transgenderism, the absurdity of atheism, the obscenity of anarchy, the anomaly of pedophilia, the ignominy of homosexuality, and the inhumanity of AI (artificial intelligence).  

But these clownish laws were purportedly ‘voted’ by the fraudulently elected and therefore entirely unrepresentative pseudo-deputies who were supported by criminal journalists (thanks to their ludicrous … idiotorials!) and bought off by Satanic NGOs. How is the system of such a filthy state called?

It is political Sodomism, i.e. the most disgraceful and the most execrable form of tyranny. If someone in Russia or China, India, Africa, Latin America, and the rest of the Free World ‘needs’ this dictatorship, he surely belongs in a madhouse.


Western Plans Providing for Split and Partition of Russia


II. The Educational Dimension of the Conflict as the Major Oversight of the Russians  

The Russian leadership proved repeatedly that they have the lucidity to realize that the special operation in Ukraine is not a simple, ordinary war undertaken for the pacification of the lands (namely the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics) and the de-Nazification (Денацификация / Entnazifizierung) of Ukraine. This means that the Russian army, administration, government, and state, i.e. the Russian ruling classes in their totality, realize that there are many other dimensions in this conflict.

Beyond the strictly military, economic and political aspects, the conflict expands in other spheres, namely spiritual, religious, theological, moral, ideological, cultural, intellectual, academic, scientific, and educational. In the rest of the present article, I will briefly expand on the educational dimension of the Ukraine conflict; I believe that the Russian leadership failed to consider it as crucial for the ongoing conflict. Yet, I am convinced that this is a sector in which Russia must actively engage with the ailing Western countries.

If the Western world is Satanic (as Russian leaders repeatedly and correctly stated), this fact has not been fully incorporated in the Russian education, academic life, political discourse, and international relations. This point is essential because, if a great preparatory work was carried out in this regard, the average Russians would be more deeply conscious of the real dangers that their country faces. Similarly, at the international level, Russians would be more efficient in

– denigrating the Western world across the Earth,

– disrupting the relations between the South (SE Asia, Africa and Latin America) and the Western countries, and

– driving a wedge between traditional societies (Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, African animists, Mexicayotl, South American natives. etc.) and the West.

To start with, the confrontation with the Western world should have started long before the 24th February 2022. Actually, this must be done as soon as possible and in a most solemn manner. New manuals must be published; new school programs must be launched; special training and seminars for teachers must be made available. It will be important that an Oriental, Asiatic, Christian-Muslim-Buddhist-Shamanist image of Russia replaces the European allure of Russian History that has been hitherto presented to Russian schoolchildren.

A strong projection to the past of Northern and Central Asiatic peoples and civilizations must serve as foundation; the intertwined relationship of Northern and Central Asiatic cultures with Caucasus, Anatolia, Iran, Syria-Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley, and China must be revealed in all its depth and width. Russians must first learn to think as Asiatics, i.e. as brethren to the Turkic nations, the Iranians, the Indians, and the Sino-Koreans. As descendants of the Scythians, the Cimmerians and the Sarmatians, the Russians must view the ancient nations that inhabited the present territory of the Russian Federation as the historical repository of the Ancient Oriental civilizations, namely the Sumerians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Hittites, the Canaanites-Phoenicians, the Urartu, the Iranians, etc.

The layer of Western educational-academic propaganda involving the worthless and catastrophic focus on Ancient Greece and Rome must be totally removed. This is the beginning of the path that ends in homosexuality, pedophilia and transgenderism. On the contrary, Russian schoolchildren must become aware of the extensive and formidable impact of the Asiatic and African civilizations on the formation of the so-called ‘Greek’ and Roman civilization, and of the overwhelming diffusion of Oriental religions, cults, spiritual concepts, mysticisms, theologies, cosmologies, eschatologies and imperial concepts throughout the Roman Empire (Mithraism, Isis-Osiris-Horus Egyptian esotericism, Syrian-Aramaean goddess Atargatis’ cults, Sabazios & Cybele Anatolian doctrines, Elagabalus mysteries, Chaldean spirituality, wisdom and sciences, Gnosticisms, Hermeticism, Christianity, Manichaeism, etc.).

The modern (post-Renaissance) Western European fabrication of ‘Hellenism’ must be systematically refuted in historical terms as aversive racism, preposterous fallacy, revisionist falsehood, and intentional return to idolatry, polytheism and Satanism.

The conflict between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the schismatic pope of Rome must be highlighted, if Russia wants to posture as the leading country of Christian Orthodoxy. Russian schoolchildren must acquire a strong sense of the long historicity that the clash between Eastern Roman Orthodoxy and the papal heresy has had. Only then will they be able to assess the apostasy of the bogus-patriarch Bartholomew (Βαρθολομαίος/ Варфоломей) of Constantinople, his subservience to the Jesuit pope Francis I, and his treacherous, deeply anti-Russian stance in Ukraine.

In the elaboration of new manuals for the Russian Secondary Education, History and History of Religions must be used in a way to prevent modern concepts, theological prejudices, ideological clichés, and Western schemes from affecting the presentation of the topics included. In this regard, the History of Islamic world must cover equally all the periods of Islamic civilization with only brief mention of the life and the preaching of prophet Muhammad; focusing on the early period of Islam and concealing the rest are methods of deliberate historical distortion.

People must come to terms with an irreversible fact. There is a vast difference between ‘religion’ and ‘history of religion’.

The narratives about prophet Muhammad’s life and preaching relate to religion. They are certainly important for every Muslim and every independent researcher. However, they cannot represent more than 10% of the History of Islamic world, because what matters to all is what Islam provenly was throughout the ages; this approach involves mentions of, and references to, caliphs, generals, emirs, khans, sultans, kings, emperors, historians, mystics, epic poets, artists, scientists, wise and erudite scholars, architects and many others.  Every time the focus is wrongly made on modern presentations of a religion, we have to know that we deal with theology – not religion; this is the means that the English and French Orientalists and colonial schemers used to produce political Islam and Islamic extremism.

For Russians, the fight against the Western colonial powers involves the complete dissociation of religion from politics, and this starts at the level of History of Religions in the Secondary Education manuals.

Emptying the Secondary Education syllabus from unnecessary Western ‘authors’, ‘thinkers’, and ‘philosophers’, the colleges of Russian historians, who will rectify the historical manuals to readjust them to the sacred battle against Satan, must replace Ancient Greek, Roman and Modern European writers with masterpieces of the Assyrian-Babylonian, Hittite, Aramaean, Iranian, Armenian, Azeri, Turanian, Sogdian, Chinese, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian, Manichaean, Christian, and Muslim historiography, literature, science, wisdom and spirituality.

Properly regulating and calibrating Russian Secondary Education manuals, Russian scholars must properly establish a link between the blasphemous Western European movement of Renaissance and the colonial conquest of Mexico and Peru, plainly unveiling the cruelty of the conquistadores. In addition, they have to familiarize Russian schoolchildren with the English, French and Dutch colonial plots, tyranny and spiritual genocides.

At the antipodes of the korenizatsiya (Коренизация), practiced by Russians with respect to indigenous nations in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia, notably during the early Soviet period, the Western colonial powers

– carried out systematic, ethnic and religious, division of the colonized nations,

– imposed bogus-historical dogmas that included scrupulously fabricated historical falsehood,

– undertook a deliberate demolition of all elements of national identity and cultural integrity of the indigenous peoples,

– prevented the formation of a real nation building process,

– produced fake languages or jargons that they imposed locally, thus introducing English and French patterns of usage, syntax and idioms, and

– prohibited the study of the indigenous historical heritage at the level of Primary and Secondary Education, while enforcing the learning of the colonial metropolis, and of its social and intellectual life.

Readjusting the Russian Education to the needs of the confrontation with the corrupt Western world is an endeavor that must be undertaken in many levels; special institutes and associations must popularize related topics. The mass media must further diffuse the related literature; publishing houses must come up with new publications, whereas film producers and directors must release numerous movies and documentaries to fully reject all aspects of the Western education. This will be at the level of civil society. Then, the state will take over from the society.

The Russian state must extend the confrontation with the Western world at the educational level not only within the borders of the Russian Federation but also abroad. This will help Russian diplomacy enormously.

Through bilateral cooperation or at the international level, during teacher or student exchange programs, due to the establishment of friendship associations, following the creation of Cultural Centers, thanks to special seminars and conferences, and owed to newly founded initiatives, Russians must deliver a disastrous blow to the fallacious contents of Western education and to the historical forgery that Western educational institutions and cultural associations diffuse worldwide.  

Russian universities must be launched in many countries not only to institutionalize Russian as a means of communication but also to denigrate Anglo-Saxon and French universities and to denounce the racist dogmas that are taught there as ‘History’. It is not about generating a sterile Anti-Americanism of socio-political connotation, but about raising awareness as regards the historical revisionism that apostate and faithless European intellectuals launched as ‘Renaissance’, while also spreading colonial cruelty, white supremacism, and Ancient Greek nudity, obscenity and vulgarity.

Almost all the so-called ‘intellectuals’ of Western Europe and North America from Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) to J. J. Rousseau to E. Hemingway must be refuted according to diverse viewpoints (Christian Orthodox, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, African, etc.) and denounced as the precursors of today’s Western corruption and bias. A great number of Russian NGOs must be financed for these tasks.

Certainly, the educational dimensions of the Ukraine conflict do not concern Russia only; they matter for the entire mankind. They are interconnected with several other crucial dimensions, notably academic, scientific, intellectual, ideological, religious, theological, cultural, etc. The Russian leadership has to engage the putrefied Western world in many sectors in order to reveal the extent of the decay and warn the rest of the world about the disastrous consequences of a protracted relationship with countries like England, Australia, Canada, France, and the US.

Extending the conflict in so many fronts and sectors will be of primordial importance for Russia. Coordinating among many other targeted nations will then help create a strong and resolute alliance that will irrevocably turn the tables on the Anglo-Saxon world. Inevitably, the focus must be shifted from the war fronts in Ukraine to the incessant schemes of the Western colonial powers and all their evildoings will come to surface. Gradually, one after the other, many nations will start terminating their relations with the Western world, closing down the American, English, French and other embassies, consulates, institutes and universities that still function in their territory.

The final blow will be the multilateral establishment of a new United Nations organization that will deeply and inevitably separate the pernicious, racist Anglo-Saxon countries from the rest of the world. It will be crucially important to envision a new international body totally deprived of the dysfunctional character, the biased structure, and the unbalanced nature that the UN has had since its inception. That is why in a forthcoming article I will expand on how Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa and many other countries should envision the formation of another international organization at the very antipodes of the UN.

It is seminally important for all the people worldwide to understand that, since the country, which stands accused of unipolar tendency, disrespected the international body in 2003 and subsequently attacked Iraq unilaterally, the UN must be considered clinically dead and politically defunct. No multipolar international order of peace, justice and security will ever be established if the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and their satellites participate. The scheming Anglo-Saxon elites hate the rest of the world and will continue to fuel discord among the rest. They must therefore be totally isolated and cast away.  


Earlier Publications: Titles, Dates, Links & Contents

From the Pandemic to the Special Operations in Russian Ukraine (3 April 2022)

1- A Critical Confrontation between Jesuits and Freemasons

2- The Pandemic and the Jesuit Eschatological Agenda (and how it has advanced throughout the last millennium)

3- The Multiple Dimensions of the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine

4- The Historical Facts

My position about Ukraine, Russia, and the Russian Special Operations in Russian Ukraine – in brief (15 April 2022)

1. Many people did not expect it, but I did

2. The plan to split Russia to 5-10 pieces

3. There is no Ukrainian language or nation

4. The negative impact of History

5. If Ukrainians are a nation, then Egypt’s Sa’idis are a nation too!

Russia, Ukraine and the World-I: ‘Moscou, les Plaines d’Ukraine, et les Champs-Élysées’ (14 March 2023)

I- The Historical Background

II- Western Colonialism against Russia: Projection of Fake Concepts and Historical Falsehood onto Russian Elites

III- Western Bias: Russia’s Europeanization as De-Russification

IV- Where does the Fallacy of European Russia End?

V- False Identity for Russians means Defeat in the Great Game

VI- The Fall of the Romanov: due to the False Concept of ‘Russia as a European Empire’

Russia, Ukraine and the World-II: 5000 Years of Russian Asiatic Identity vs. 500 Years of Anglo-French Racism & Colonialism (21 March 2023)

I. The Western Anti-Russian Bias

II. Skillful Western European Falsification of Russian History

A. Erroneous contextualization of Archaeology of Northern Asia

B. Deliberate use of overlapping terms: Northern Asia, Siberia, and Scythia

C. Prehistory and Ancient History of Northern Asia are subject to modern borders and to the meaningless attempts for ‘national archaeology’

D. Failure to discern Northern Asia in its entirety and true dimensions

E. Deliberate, multifaceted distortion of the Asiatic Turanian Migrations

F. Minimization of the cataclysmic presence and prevalence of the Turanian nations throughout Eastern Europe

G. European academia-backed biases: malignant disregard of the spiritual value of Kievan Rus, and absurd focus on ethnic, racial and linguistic considerations   

H. Erroneous focus on Kievan Rus and disastrous neglect for Volga Bulgaria

I. Concealment of the historical reality of the Turanian (‘Tatar-Mongol’) period

Russia, Ukraine and the World-III: the need for a New UN or how UK, US, France and NATO must be defenestrated from the world (28 March 2023)

I. Ukraine or Ireland and Switzerland?

II. England, France, and the fake state ‘US’

III. Ukraine or Mexico?

IV. UK, France, US and NATO: the Enemies of the Mankind

V. The Fallacy of all Geopolitical Analyses

Russia, Ukraine & the World-IV: Continental Empires & Sea Powers – Russians’ Fake Friends & Only Enemy

Or how the Romanov collapsed only to the benefit of Serbs’ and Greeks’ Evil Elites

I. Prof. Huntington’s entirely misunderstood Book

II. The Serbian Delusion of Russians

III. The Clash of Civilization? A Mirage come True

IV. Spirituality & Universalism: Divine Earth vs. Unholy Sea

V. Civilized Continental Empires vs. Barbarian Sea Powers

VI. Continental Empires, Sea Powers, and Divisive Traps

VII. The ‘Greek Orthodox’ Delusion of Russians


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Russia, Ukraine & the World-IV: Continental Empires & Sea Powers – Russians’ Fake Friends & Only Enemy

Россия, Украина и мир-IV: Континентальные империи и морские державы – фальшивые друзья и единственный враг россиян

Or how the Romanov collapsed only to the benefit of Serbs’ and Greeks’ Evil Elites

Или как Романовы рухнули только в пользу злых элит сербов и греков


I. Prof. Huntington’s entirely misunderstood Book

II. The Serbian Delusion of Russians

III. The Clash of Civilization? A Mirage come True

IV. Spirituality & Universalism: Divine Earth vs. Unholy Sea

V. Civilized Continental Empires vs. Barbarian Sea Powers

VI. Continental Empires, Sea Powers, and Divisive Traps

VII. The ‘Greek Orthodox’ Delusion of Russians


I. Совершенно неправильно понятая книга профессора Хантингтона

II. Сербское заблуждение русских

III. Столкновение цивилизаций? Сбывшийся мираж

IV. Духовность и универсализм: Божественная Земля против Нечестивого Моря

V. Цивилизованные континентальные империи против варварских морских держав

VI. Континентальные империи, морские державы и разделительные ловушки

VII. ‘Греческое православное’ заблуждение русских

Since the conflict in Ukraine affects the entire world, it is essential at this point for me to shift the focus and shed light on two issues that should attract the attention of the Russian leadership, because these thorny matters can turn out to be disastrous traps. When a major readjustment of the world’s strategic balance takes place, it is essential for a rising alliance of nations not to fall into colonial traps set before 200 years in order to ensure continuity of the Western world’s prevalence.

The worst trap that can be set to the rising challengers of the international status quo is the deceitful appearance of a fake friend, i.e. a colonially fabricated state, which appears to be friendly, familiar or able to become a trusted partner of the emerging competitor. But in reality, due to the fact that this state is fully instrumentalized, controlled and maneuvered by the colonial powers, it inevitably functions as a real energy-consumer, mindblower or even ultimate destroyer of the aspiring super-power.

In fact, for the faithless crooks, who rule the colonial countries of the West, it is easy to use religion to make a purposefully fabricated and duly instrumentalized state simulate the ‘friendly’ force and, in the process, generate calamitous engagements for the emerging power.

I. Prof. Huntington’s entirely misunderstood Book

Prof. Huntington’s overwhelmingly notorious and extremely fallacious book on the purported Clash of Civilizations (1996) was -thank God- quite early known to me; the same is valid for the evil intents and purposes that are hidden behind it. One has to recall however that the book had become first famous as a lecture in 1992 and as an article in 1993.

I quite often remember the wonderful, long discussions that I entertained about it in Istanbul (between 1993 and 1997) with my excellent -alas, deceased- Turkish friends, namely the famous film director Halit Refig (Halit Refiğ; 1934-2009) and the leading Kemalist intellectual and economist Prof. Erol Manisali (Erol Manisalı; 1940-2022).

Although they were fully aware of the dangers that such a nefarious book entailed for Turkey (and for many other countries, by the way), I always believed that my friends underestimated its impact, because they did not read the deceitfully written book in the proper manner. The same conclusion is also valid for Francis Fukuyama’s apparently nonsensical but definitely revelatory book about the End of History (1992). Most of the people worldwide have misunderstood these two books, which have functioned like the pillars Boaz (בֹּעַז‎) and Jachin (יָכִין), ushering us into the era of the Mankind extermination.

Still today, many Russians and many other countries’ natives fail to realize how these two books, as vicious tools in the hands of immoral and heinous rascals, shape and will shape the world, until the moment someone, who achieved to access their true, mystically embedded and secretively encrypted meaning, manages finally to fully outmaneuver them. I am therefore irrevocably convinced that, for this to be done, one needs to read these two blasphemous books in reverse.

Look now at the unprecedented extent of the feat: although Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa (1989) against Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses (1988), a book that did not herald the eradication of Islam and the extermination of Mankind, the supreme guide (رهبر معظم ایران /rahbar-e moazam-e Iran) of the unfortunate nation (and his successor Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) failed to issue two new fatwas for the above mentioned books, which were written by far more ulcerous enemies of the Islamic religion and the Muslim nation.  

Nonetheless, the same deep regret and absolutely deprecatory evaluation should be expressed as regards today’s Sunni muftis, imams and theologians, who fail to assess the true nature of the world in which they have been hitherto allowed to live. All these fools, instead of making sense of the terribly disastrous plots that have been mounted against all Muslim nations, seem to be happy enough to perpetually live in the rhythm of the famous song ‘Let’s forget about tomorrow’ (initially sung as ‘Forget domani’ by Katyna Ranieri in the 1964 film The Yellow Rolls-Royce), hypnotizing their misfortunate followers, while also incapacitating all the Muslim states.   

Where does Russia stand in this regard?

As a matter of fact, the two ominous books contain approaches and considerations, world views and conclusions that do not bode well for the Russian Federation, the Russians, and Orthodox Christianity. Notions of all these elements we are able to already detect in the ongoing conflict that the Russian administration correctly and accurately named ‘Special Operation’ (специальная военная операция), and not ‘war’.

But do they understand that only the outcome of a conflict is the kaleidoscope of all intents and purposes? As I have never discussed with any of them personally, I don’t venture to respond; however, it is true that when the magistrates and the potentates of a country fail to accurately evaluate the numerous dimensions of a conflict that their enemies invent or ponder over, they sooner or later end up with a defeat. The ensuing debacle can at times be of colossal proportions like the fall of the Romanov dynasty (1917), which was undeniably the top achievement of Russia’s best friends (namely England and France) during WW I.

For the time being and on the basis of his recent articles and interviews, I have the feeling that Dmitri Medvedev has a very correct and very accurate perception of the Ukrainian conflict’s multilayered dimensions; but did he read the aforementioned impious books in reverse? This is crucially essential to ask now, because the Russian Federation faces indeed an existential threat at a moment the Russian leadership has not yet decided to threaten the very existence of Russia’s enemies. This situation -in and by itself- creates already a problem.  

Threats are not always visible; sometimes, invisible threats emanate from a state’s ostensible friends. This is so, because sea powers (the likes of England, France and the US), being indisputably inferior, can never win over continental empires in a true and honest military confrontation. That is why they customarily resort to cheating; they thus undertake all types of ruse, deceit, and plot. Their external relations and international involvement constantly and systematically require an outstanding array of theatrical practices.

Their secret masters have actually trained, educated and guided the academic, intellectual, political, economic, and military leadership of all those states to act accordingly. Unfortunately, those who fail to read texts in reverse cannot possibly understand, being thus predestined to inevitably lose and disappear. The epitome of the colonial decision-making, practice, policy, diplomacy and intrusion is the maxim ‘all the world’s a stage’ (from William Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’: Act II Scene VII Line 139). General introductory reading:

II. The Serbian Delusion of Russians

Nicholas II failed to save his throne and prolong his dynasty, because he naively accepted the external appearance of certain situations and he failed to unveil the trap set by the scheming Western European powers, i.e. the Serb-Russian alliance or, if you want, the Alliance of Orthodox Nations. To defend his fake friend, namely the French puppet named ‘King of Serbs’, the last Romanov terminated his illustrious dynasty. This does not mean that in 1914 the King of Serbia (Peter I of Serbia/ Пётр I Карагеоргиевич; 1844-1921) said lies to the Russian ambassador, Baron Nicholas Genrikhovich Hartwig (Nikolaus von Hartwig/Николай Генрихович Гартвиг; 1857–1914: assassinated by means of magical invocation on the 10th July, i.e. 12 days after the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo). No! Peter I of Serbia did not pretend to be a friend of Russia, while being an enemy.

At the time, the King of Serbia was sincerely a friend of the Russian monarchy – as a person with feelings, thoughts, opinions and considerations; but he could not see, feel or detect how he functioned, placed on the European chessboard by his ‘gods’, namely all the various French statesmen, politicians, diplomats, military officers, agents, ‘advisors’, academics, intellectuals and businessmen who had created Serbia in the first place (from 1804 until the Ottoman recognition of the Kingdom of Serbia: de facto in 1867, de jure in 1878, and involving diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire were established in 1886). {I don’t mention herewith the short-lived Kingdom of Serbia (1718–1739), because it was an Austrian-Hungarian fabrication.} Since Day 1, the entire Serb military, political, economic, and academic-intellectual leadership followed the path of their predecessors, i.e. the early 19th c. rebels who were duly utilized by France as expendable material against the Ottoman Empire; in fact, it was sort of ‘Arab Spring operation’ of those days. Thus, the entire establishment of Serbia functioned inevitably as a trap, first for the Serbs themselves and subsequently for the Russians.

It was therefore inevitable that the Serbian royal and political class foolishly believed the pro-Serbian feelings of the French criminals. However, the undeniable fact is that, exposed to many great powers, the Serbians could never function properly as a tiny, independent nation around Belgrade. The colonial trap was later strengthened with the formation of the Pan-Slavic movement, notably after the Prague Slavic Congress was first held in 1848.

Things turned worse, because various local stooges of high rank (generals, ministers and academics) were deceitfully flattered with their calamitous initiation in the filthy rites of French and English Freemasonry (and the ensuing financial benefits), and they therefore willingly worked for the interests of their masters, i.e. the French and the English colonial gangs, without understanding or imagining the extent to which they contributed to the engulfment of their country. They helped further diffuse the unnecessary, divisive and catastrophic Anti-German Pan-Slavic delusion either in Russia or in Serbia.

The three emperors meeting at Skierniewice on 15 September 1884: an Austro-Hungarian, German, Russian, Ottoman, Iranian and Chinese alliance at the end of the 19th c. would save the entire mankind from two world wars, one cold war, and numerous other conflicts.

At the end of the whole process, Nicholas II failed to detect the masterfully prepared Serbian trap that the French had long prepared against their ally whom they so much loathed. How could it happen otherwise? So many of the last czar’s prime ministers, ministers and generals were Freemasons and members of French Freemasonic lodges that they totally obscured Nikolai II Alexandrovich’s sight and vision; their endless, unreserved and sophisticated lies, plots, fake promises, dissimulated proclivities, and insidious activities helped only fool the Russian monarch.

When it comes to the creation of states in Europe, what matters most is the location that these fabrications have on the European chessboard. The ‘gods’ (or creators) of these fake states know how to play the game of non-reversing mirrors very well, when creating these commodities. This means that they know the correct position where they have to locate their tools, which are named ‘states’; this has nothing to do with ‘historical nations’. Why? Because the criminal scoundrels that govern the sea powers do not want to either support or revive historically known ethnic nations; they only fabricate civic nations to which they merely provide the fake story, i.e. the absolutely false and ludicrous narrative that their stooges locally teach as the supposed ‘history of the glorious ancestors’.

So, we can conclude that the French produced (or literally ‘gave birth to’) Serbia at a spot where it could never function as a proper ally of Russia. Why this is so we can easily assess! By establishing an alliance with the microscopic (or rather nanoscopic) ‘nation’ of Serbia, Imperial Russia would be forced to occasionally clash with other major continental empires, notably Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Caliphate (and later Imperial Germany), which was absurd for Russia, disastrous for Christian Orthodoxy, and calamitous for all the nations that lived in peace in the wider region.

This conclusion can be thoroughly corroborated following the consultation of the proper maps. Compare the territorial increase of Serbia from 1912 to 1918 and the territorial loss of Russia during the same period! Serbia’s population increased from 2.9 million to 4.5 million in 1914 and to 12 million in 1918; the tiny Danube kingdom with an area smaller than 35000 km2 in 1912 became a sizeable state with an area ca. 250000 km2, i.e. slightly less than that of Italy, a major European power! Contrarily, Russia lost vast territories with the Treaty of Brest Litovsk (3 March 1918; Брестский мирный договор). This disaster occurred only due to the trap set by France and England to the Russian czars; the trap’s name was ‘Serbia’; Pan-Slavism was merely the Marketing campaign of the trap.

The territorial gains of Serbia between 1912 and 1918

Europe in 1914

Russian borders at the time of Brest Litovsk treaty (3 March 1918)

Russian territorial losses as per the Brest Litovsk Treaty

How should we therefore read books and texts in reverse, timely spotting traps and adequately outplotting the degenerate sea powers?

General introductory reading:,_1848

(totally naïve approaches:)

III. The Clash of Civilization? A Mirage come True

Prof. Huntington’s story is not a historical book at all; every simple reader can understand this, because it is well known that, throughout 5-6 millennia of Human History, there has never been a ‘clash of civilizations’. On the 17th September 2005, writing for the portal Buzzle, I totally deplored the nonsensical effort of Turkey and Spain to establish a ridiculous organization in hypothetical, yet idiotic, opposition to the said book. The title was “The Clash and the Alliance of Civilizations: too much ado for nothing!”; the article has been widely republished, commented, quoted, referred to, and … misunderstood. You can find this article here:

The rather brief, 2300-word article starts from a very simple, undeniably correct, point that the quasi-totality of the readers of Huntington’s story were fooled enough not to take into consideration. However, I must admit that, quite deceptively, the trap was set beforehand, thanks to the book’s title itself! I therefore found it compulsory to start my article from the primordial point and to refute the falsehood, which is included in the Prof. Huntington’s devilishly misleading title.

My article’s first unit focused on «‘Clash of Civilizations’: an irrelevant and a-historical concept.».

The article’s three other units were the following:

«The Divide ‘East vs. West’ is an Orientalist, Colonial Aberration»

«Impossibility of Clash of Civilizations in Our Era»

«There can never be an ‘Alliance of Civilizations’!»

My approach was quite simple; you can never oppose something that does not exist. This is correct at all times, except you are as stupid and as the pathetic as Erdogan, who -due to his nauseating ignorance, detrimental lack of education, and sly yet mean character- fell in the trap and, quite ludicrously, added fuel to the fire – only to the detriment of his own country.

Here you have comments about my article, and my denunciation of some of them:

Quotation from an article of mine in which I denounced Samuel Huntington’s Nonsensical Theory on the ‘Clash of Civilizations’

Quotation from an article of mine in which I deplored Erdogan’s Ludicrous Political Theater named ‘Alliance of Civilizations’

Quotation by a leading Syrian Jihadist (2007): Denunciation of Pan-Arabism and Islamism as End Times’ Colonial Tools

Why do I claim that there have never been any clashes of civilization anytime, anywhere, and under any circumstances whatsoever?

Civilization is commonly defined as a high “stage of human social and cultural development and organization” or “any complex society characterized by the development of the state, social stratification, urbanization, and symbolic systems of communication beyond natural spoken language (namely, a writing system)”

People, societies, nomads, states, hordes, tribes and armies never made war one upon the other, because of ‘civilization’ or due to difference of civilization; even in cases as per which (through a racist viewpoint – and this is absolutely impermissible for humans to accept) «barbarians waged war on a supposedly ‘civilized’ kingdom», the war never occurred because the barbarians envied the supposedly ‘civilized’ kingdom or the latter wanted to ‘civilize’ them. What was at stake was either of spiritual-religious-moral nature or of economic motives; in many cases, it was a matter of survival. However, this means that there was never a truly speaking ‘clash of civilizations’.

Religious wars are of very diverse nature, and quite often they are fought only for material benefits and royal prestige, but they never constitute ‘wars’ (or a ‘clash’) of civilization. This is so because, in any historical period, religion constitutes only a small fraction of the civilization of a nation; this means that if you describe a ‘clash of religions’ as ‘clash of civilizations’, you will end up in an over-generalization without purpose. And as it is very well known, many times religious wars occurred between people who had the same civilization.

Jehu of Israel bows in front of Shalmaneser III of Assyria from the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III (858-824 BCE): Assyria’s wars with other Oriental states was not a ‘Clash of Civilizations’.

The Roman Emperor Valerian, captive after his defeat at Urhoy-Urfa/Edessa of Osrhoene (260 CE) is depicted as kneeling in front of the victorious Iranian Emperor Shapur I (215-270; ruled after 240) in the bas-reliefs of Naqsh-e Rustam. The Iranian-Roman wars were not a ‘Clash of Civilizations’.

Taizong (598-649; reigned after 626), founding Emperor of the Tang dynasty (618-907 CE), gives audience to the Tibetan ambassador Gar Tongtsen Yulsung (painting by Yan Liben).

King Suvarnapuspa of Kucha (600-625 CE) as depicted in Kizil Cave 69 (Eastern Turkestan/Xinjiang); he was a vassal of the Western Turkic Khaganate. Chinese Emperor Taizong’s war against Kucha was not a ‘Clash of Civilization’.

Naval battle scene between the Eastern Roman fleet and the attacking navies of the combined Eastern Roman rebel (Thomas the Slav) and Islamic imperial forces; the event took place in 821-823. The Eastern Roman fleet makes ostensible use of the Roman fire (πυρ ρωμαϊκόν/pyr rhomaikon) that the Western European mendacious academics deliberately distorted as ‘Greek fire’. The numerous wars between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Islamic Caliphates did not constitute a ‘Clash of Civilizations’, even more so because almost every time numerous dissidents from either sides fought with the enemy of their state.

The Battle of Chaldiran (depicted at the Chehel Sotoun Pavilion in Esfahan) between the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Iran (1514) was not an episode of the otherwise nonexistent ‘Clash of Civilizations’.

Then, why did Prof. Huntington give a so bizarre title to his book?

This is exactly what only astute and perspicacious readers can assess; in other words, this is up to those who can read the text in reverse. It is again the same game of non-reversing mirrors; Prof. Huntington projected onto the past what he guided experts, statesmen, military officers, diplomats, politicians, academics, intellectuals, agents and others to create in the future.

In other words, he made all of his gullible readers (involving heads of state, premiers, ministers, ambassadors, professors, and others) ‘see’ in the past something that never existed, because he merely fabricated a mirage (or Fata Morgana) that he placed in the future.

In other words those, who are properly instructed as to how to read and implement the book contents, will produce a situation (namely the clash of civilizations) that the idiots (like Erdogan and many other heads of state, prime ministers, etc. all over world) will -very mistakenly- view as the comeback of an earlier state of affairs. But, as I said as early in 2005, no clash of civilization has ever existed in the past.

Then, the answer to the earlier question is very simple:

Prof. Huntington did not give a bizarre title to his book. The clash of civilizations that he wrote about is merely the clash of civilizations that he wanted to generate in the future in a way to trigger numerous wars in many parts of the world to the benefit of his financiers. To do so, he fooled most of his readers that the clash of civilizations had already taken place whereas this is not the case.

IV. Spirituality & Universalism: Divine Earth vs. Unholy Sea

Once deeply and fully comprehended, Prof. Huntington’s book is a harmless amount of paper waste that anyone can use for whatever purpose one may choose; recycled is better than read.

All the same, I have to state that governments, administrations, establishments, military academies, diplomacies, academic institutions and mass media all over the world must take into account, when they define their decision-making, the fact that the outright majority of bureaucrats, magistrates and officers in the UK, US, NATO and other Western countries have already been formed and educated in the darkness and the negativity of this prejudicial book. A primary task for governments in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Central-Eastern Europe is therefore to outmaneuver the evil plan encrusted in the lines of the scheming professor’s traveler’s companion to the Hell.

If World History is studied in the light of Spiritual Ontology, the definition of the major continental empires as creative forces of the Earth will help explorers and investigators realize the true but deceitful nature of the modern world and identify sea powers as destructive forces of the Sea. Today’s major powers in Asia, namely China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Iran, are in reality the offspring of the main historical empires that successively developed illustrious civilizations whose achievements are still unmatched by the Western sciences and technologies. The same is valid for several outstanding states in Africa and Latin America. For all of them, it is surely imperative to explore the methods of creative governance that their forefathers employed and to follow in their footsteps.

Continental empires are expanding structures that reflect human societies in their creative dimension. History, as we know it, was formed exclusively by continental empires; to them the various seas were (and could only be) the periphery, which would eventually be used in a positive and creative manner. The Achaemenid Empire of Iran offered a groundbreaking example in this regard; by re-opening the Ancient Suez Canal (also known as the Canal of the Pharaohs), the Iranian imperial authorities offered themselves another transportation means in order to ensure communication between the satrapy of Egypt and Fars (: Persia), Iran’s mainland and imperial headquarters. This was a creative innovation indeed. About:

To make a striking contrast between the virtuous continental empires and the evil sea powers, I have now to offer a dramatic comparison; when the Iranians intended to further pursue the expansion of their already vast empire and to invade Egypt and Cush (Napata in Ancient Sudan, i.e. the historical Ethiopia), they undertook (under Kambujiya/Cambyses; reigned 530-522 BCE) a land invasion of the Valley of the Nile – and not an overseas maritime expedition. The Iranian occupation of Egypt ushered Egyptians into an era of peace and this was a very positive development, particularly if we take into consideration the terrible divisions that the country had known for centuries even before the three Assyrian invasions, 150 years earlier.

Achaemenid Iran: from Ukraine to Sudan and from Albania to Tibet

Iranians could invade Egypt by circumnavigating the Arabian Peninsula but they knew that this would certainly have an ominous end; imperial expansion is far more important an attempt than mere transportation. Uniting lands under a universal scepter is a divine blessing; sending messages and transporting merchandises sold or purchased elsewhere are ordinary human activities. You can never compare the former to the latter. This worldview or world conceptualization was common among all the important nations of the Antiquity. The valorization of the Earth derived from critical passages of their holy books; it was a matter of Cosmogony and Cosmology.

On the other hand, the inferiority, transience and profanity of the Sea (: Salt Waters), the marginal role that it had to play in human affairs, and the preservation of life far from it were also key topics of the most civilized ancient nations’ holy books. In striking contrast with Ether, Soft Waters, Earth and Air, the Sea represented only an unholy element of chaos, disorder, uselessness and unholiness. For the Ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Cushites, Hittites and Iranians, the seas were the threatening barbarian periphery; no divine attribute was given to this element. It is irrevocably imperative that, when it comes to human affairs, namely prophecy, eschatology, and soteriology, there is no Salvation in the Sea. The impure element will be canceled and, by definition, it has no place either in the Original Paradise or in the Kingdom of the Heaven.

If we leave Spiritual Ontology and History of Religions aside, we can conclude that the ensuing historical fact proved to be that islands never generated civilizations; on the contrary, they merely reflected the civilizations developed in the lands in the vicinity of which these islands happened to be. It is noteworthy that, only in later periods (1st millennium BCE) and among less advanced civilizations (namely the Phoenicians, the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Romans, etc.), we attest divinities of the sea. Indicatively I add that the Ancient Yemenites (Sheba, Awsan, Qataban, Himyar and Hadhramaut), who developed a great continental civilization while also engaging in extensive maritime activities, colonizing Somalia, Socotra, and the Eastern African coast land, and sailing to India and beyond, did not worship any major divinity of the sea. This assessment only reconfirms my earlier statement that, contrarily to the holy element of Soft Waters (later mythologized among Greeks and Romans as the ‘Ocean’, i.e. the Soft Waters stream that surrounds the Earth), the Sea (Salt Waters) is an impure and profane element. 

Consequently, we can realize why sea powers do not and cannot become proper empires. This is so, because they lack land continuity; accordingly, people living in islands cannot fathom the concept of universal empire, which exemplified all major historical empires. Yet, universalism (or ecumenism) is conditio sine qua non for the foundation of a real empire, and this fact became well known as early as the World History’s first empire, namely that of Sargon of Akkad, before 4500 years. It goes without saying that all empires started first as small kingdoms, and all theoretical considerations appeared after a significant land expansion. This means that land invasions are in reality enthralling methods of spiritual initiation for every good king and for his gallant soldiers and armies. Violence is holy, whereas absence thereof is profane and destructive.

The first empire of World History and the beginning of Universalism: the Akkadian Empire of Sargon of Akkad

Among all the major historical empires, the Roman Empire constitutes an oddity. Although it undeniably expanded across vast lands in Europe, Africa and Asia, in spite of the fact that it willingly attempted to be positioned in the series of historical empires that originate from Mesopotamia (translation imperii), and notwithstanding its apparent, continental character, it ended up with the formation of a truly bizarre imperial structure around a sea: the Mediterranean.

The Roman Empire under Octavian Augustus

The Roman Empire under Trajan

As such, the Roman Empire was the materialization of a rather counterfeit universalism, because the earlier empires and their theoretical backgrounds made full abstraction of the sea. Imperial considerations matter greatly for Russia today, because the Eastern Roman Empire functioned as a pertinent continental empire, fully detaching itself from the already briefly described Roman particularity, and in the process, epitomizing (as New Rome) what Third Rome (Muscovy-Russia) would, could and should be. About:

V. Civilized Continental Empires vs. Barbarian Sea Powers

To make a clear distinction between civilization and barbarism, we can compare the Achaemenid Iranian conquest of Egypt (525 BCE) with the Spanish invasion of Mexico; there is an enormous difference between the two events that are separated from one another by more than 2000 years. The first event did not cause even one thousandth (1/1000) of the bloodshed caused in Mexico by the Spanish colonial monsters that were fully conscious of the fact that they fought with detrimentally superior weapons (firearms).

Plainly acting as a continental empire, Achaemenid Iran fully respected the Ancient Egyptian population, civilization and local administration. The Achaemenid shahs were depicted as typical Egyptian pharaohs with complete Egyptian hieroglyphic names and in Ancient Egyptian art form; the Iranian satraps’ close cooperation with the major sacerdotal colleges (notably the Iwnw-Heliopolitan priesthood) ensured continuity for the local civilization, peace and freedom for the Egyptian people, prosperity for the imperial administration, and seamless integration of Egypt in the empire. Later, the Iranian pattern of local rule, provincial administration, and peaceful annexation was maintained by the Ptolemies and the Romans. It was an undeniable success of religious tolerance, socio-behavioral distinction, and cultural persistence.  

The Achaemenid Emperor Kambujiya (Cambyses), depicted as Egyptian, kneels in front of Apis.

Darius I the Great as depicted in Iran (Behistun reliefs)

All five Pharaonic names of Darius I the Great in Egyptian hieroglyphics

The Iranians did not force the Egyptians to become Zoroastrians, contrarily to the monstrous and evil attitude of the Spanish conquistadores who executed scores of innocent, imperially proud, and spiritually superior Mexicans, who did not accept to change their religion and become ‘Christian’. The Iranians did not demand of the Egyptians to learn Old Achaemenid Iranian, write in cuneiform writing, accept the Iranian culture, and adopt the Iranian customs and way of life. Furthermore, the Iranians did not impose a loathsome tyranny on the Egyptians.

Quite contrarily, the cruel Spanish rule over Mexico caused an unprecedented genocide (in the name of Jesus), whereas those who survived had to learn and write Spanish, accept the obnoxious Castilian culture, and imitate the cruel behavior of their conquerors; however, even in that case, they were viewed as an inferior race and treated with incommensurable contempt. This concerned even the mestizos, every offspring of mixed race (Mexican/indigenous and Iberian).

The massacre of Cholula; from the Lienzo de Tlaxcala (“Lienzo” means “canvas” or “piece of cloth” in Spanish. The original Lienzo de Tlaxcala was a painted cotton sheet around 2 meters wide and 5 meters long. About:    

The death of the Aztec King Moctezuma, depicted in the ‘Florentine Codex’, which is an opus of 12 volumes written by the Spanish Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún. The original title was ‘La Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva España’ (The Universal History of the Things of New Spain)

Aztec ruler Xicoténcatl and Hernán Cortés from the Lienzo de Tlaxcala

Nuño de Guzmán & Tlaxcalan allies conquering Michoacan

The Battle of Olumba; 7 July 1520

Cortés and his wife, the treacherous indigenous woman La Malinche, meet Moctezuma Tenochtitlán, 8 November 1519

La Malinche carrying arms in the Battle of Tepotzotlán (1520), from the Lienzo de Tlaxcala

The battle of Otumba, 7 July 1520

“La noche triste” (the sad night); 1 July 1520: when Hernán Cortés and his gangsters, along with their native allies, were defeated and driven out of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, losing two thirds of their force.

Fully functioning as a sea power, pseudo-Christian Spain (considered as heretic by the Eastern Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople at the time) disrespected the populations that the conquistadores enslaved overseas, spreading for the first time in World History racism outside the limits of Western Europe. Intentionally, viciously and bestially, the 16th c. Spanish Jihadists {this is the correct term!} destroyed a civilization incomparably higher than theirs in every sense. The criminal gangsters dismantled every sense of local administration and imposed Spanish criteria, measures and concepts, therefore decimating the local populations and extending their bias, bigotry, hatred of the other, cruelty and inhumanity across other continents. About:

The Spaniards set the pattern for the other Western Europeans who imitated their barbarism; I am herewith referring to the Portuguese, the French, the Dutch and the English. We can certainly discern variances of colonial practice, but this fact does not change in anything the appalling nature of the Western European racism, odium and inhumanity. The French were worse than the Spaniards, and the English proved to be worse than the French, because they wanted to “make the world England” – which is the most racist tenet ever uttered in Word History.

Closing this brief description, I have however to add that the Ancient World’s major sea powers, namely the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians, were not known for similar cruelty; we don’t have any textual source or archaeological evidence to support such claim.

All the same, there was certainly an abominable model that the spiritual masters of the conquistadores, i.e. the apostate popes of Rome and the Renaissance intellectuals, certainly had in mind before sending the conquistadores to butcher the civilized indigenous populations of the lands that they colonized.

It consists in one of the World History’s bleakest pages of utmost barbarism, inhuman monstrosity, and repugnant cruelty. The abhorrent deed that served as model for the conquistadores was perpetrated by a tiny, racist and uncivilized state that the Western colonial countries have always exalted. Quite interestingly, during the Christian Eastern Roman imperial times, the past of this abominable and outrageous statelet was deplored and detested, as it was considered an outcast of the civilized world.

Paranoid gangster, blasphemous atheist, and barbarian Pericles (495-429 BCE) was an ignominious perpetrator of series of crimes against the Mankind; however, for the needs of the villainous agenda that provided for the corruption of the modern world, he was shamelessly and absurdly depicted (1852) as an exemplary statesman (Pericles’ Funeral Oration / Perikles hält die Leichenrede) by the German painter Philipp Foltz, a Freemason. It was this cruel beast’s partners, colleagues, associates, pupils and followers, who carried out the genocide of the Melians. The History of Ancient Greece is a monstrous fabrication undertaken by lewd Modern European intellectuals, mendacious academics, and obscene pseudo-artists.

This statelet is Athens, i.e. the Mediterranean basin’s most disgusting ignominy. Only in modern times, the sea powers’ criminal and racist academics and statesmen turned Ancient Athens’ pedophilia, sexual anomaly, perversion and disgusting darkness into absurdly applauded felony. During the Peloponnesian War, which was a tribal butchery that lasted almost three decades (431-404 BCE) and constituted Ancient Greece’s greatest ‘contribution’ to World History, Athens (a sea power and corrupt republic) opposed the Kingdom of Sparta (a minor continental power).

As Melos Island (a tiny independent statelet) sided with Sparta (due to their common Dorian origin), the Athenian fleet sieged the misfortunate island (416 BCE) and in the process, due to the heroic stance of the local population, the cruel and inhuman Athenian soldiers executed the entire male population to the last, also selling the women and the children as slaves. Of course, as it always happens with sea powers, Athens was unconditionally vanquished and the cursed city was set ablaze by the victorious Spartans, but the cruel Melian genocide remained in World History as the best example of Greek barbarism and sea power inhumanity.   

The fact that this horrible deed did not prevent Western European intellectuals and academics from lauding and extolling Ancient Athens clearly demonstrates their biased nature and evil character. As Renaissance intellectuals and Catholic monks were well versed in Thucydides, who authored his biased narrative about the war, must have noticed the merciless attitude of the Athenian rascals. They subsequently presented it as an example to the uncouth and ruthless conquistadores whose deeds fully demonstrated that sea powers can never be civilized. About:

As regards the so-called Ancient Greece, i.e. the meridional periphery of the Balkan Peninsula south of Ancient Macedonia and Ancient Illyria, one has to admit that the great exposure to the sea, the lack of a major river, and the absence of vast plains or a plateau prevented the region from becoming the cradle of a major civilization. That’s why it was always a marginal region for all the empires in which it belonged: the Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire, and the Ottoman Caliphate.

VI. Continental Empires, Sea Powers, and Divisive Traps

Whereas continental empires expand on land, sea powers disembark in faraway lands only to spread chaos and diseases, perpetrate massacres, and destroy cultures and civilizations. After the first stage of Modern European colonialism, which helped demonstrate the Western European gangsters’ cruelty at the material level, three sea powers (France, Holland and England) created enormous colonial ’empires’ in Asia and Africa, carrying out massive spiritual genocides. If the sudden collapse of the great continental empires of Mexico and Peru was due to the unmatched superiority of the Spaniards in terms of weapons (firearms), the disintegration of the Asiatic continental empires was in fact never completed (thank God!).

As there was no more armament superiority, the sea powers employed ruse and deception against the Ottomans, the Safavid-Afshar-Qajar Iranians, the Great Mughal Empire, and Qing China. Only China managed to resist, in spite of the Opium Wars, and of the partly occupation (or colonization) of Chinese coast lands. When the sea powers attempted to oppose Imperial Russia from further expanding in Central Asia, started the Great Game, which continues down to our days.

The most commonly known trap that sea powers invented and implemented against the continental empires is the divisive practice, which is rather known thanks to the Latin maxim ‘divide et impera’ (‘divide and rule’). This practice was early attested in the Antiquity among continental kingdoms fighting for prevalence in a wider region of secondary importance where many smaller states and nomads lived; the ancient kings and emperors used their armies for lands of crucial importance (against main opponents) and their diplomacies for region of lesser significance.  

Since the 16th c., sea powers’ deceitful practices against the great Asiatic continental empires involved the formation of trade companies on the territory of the targeted states, the dictation of trade terms, the instigation of numerous local rebellions, the invention and establishment of fake states, notably Afghanistan, the utilization of religious leaders against kings and emperors, the support of locally dissident voices, the preaching of divisive beliefs, the diffusion of controversial ideas, the propagation of the Western European modernism and behavioral system, and the activation of endless wars among the major continental empires (Ottoman Empire vs. Russia, Ottoman Empire vs. Iran, Russia vs. Iran, Iran vs. Mughal Empire, Russia vs. China).

When an Italian painter (Stefano Torelli) depicts Catherine’s Victory over the Ottomans (1772) in this manner, it is high time for Russians to find out what went wrong; Russia should have made common front with the Ottomans, the Iranians, the Mughal and the Chinese against the colonial powers of the West.

Alexey Danilovich Kivshenko (Алексей Данилович Кивше́нко; 1851-1895) portrays Nizhny Novgorod dragoons pursuing the Ottoman army on the road to Kars during the Battle of Alaca-dağ (Aladzha/Авлияр-Аладжинское сражение) 3 October 1877; the Russian-Ottoman wars were reciprocally detrimental.

Miniature from the Süleymanname shows the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent advancing on Nakhchivan (1554) in one of the numerous Ottoman-Iranian wars that were detrimental to both continental empires.

Official copy of the treaty of Erzurum, between the Ottoman Empire and Qajar Iran (1823); Iranian manuscript, black ink on paper, leather binding 19.7 by 13.4 cm, 21 leaves plus 2 flyleaves, 11 lines to the page, written in nasta’liq script with keywords picked out in red, catchwords, margins ruled in gold, camel-coloured leather binding and outer hard cover with ribbon. It consists in an account of the peace treaty made between Iran and the Ottoman Empire; the author is Mirza Muhammad ‘Ali, chief secretary and private steward to Crown Prince ‘Abbas Mirza. In the beginning of the 19th c., the incessant wars between the Ottomans and the Iranians had already lasted for about 300 years and brought both empires to the brink of collapse.

Nader Shah Afshar of Iran invades the Mughal Empire (Hindustan); in this painting, he is depicted mounting his horse at the sack of Delhi 1738-1740. The war between two major Asiatic continental empires had calamitous impact on both.

The negotiations prior to the sack of Delhi by Nader Shah Afshar of Iran, as depicted in the miniature of a historical manuscript. This disastrous war was beneficial only to the sea powers (England, France and Holland) that found it easier to pursue their infiltration in either empires.

Alexander II and Naser al-Din Shah Qajar in St. Petersburg (1873); when the major continental empires stopped warring against one another, they were already gravely weakened and confused enough to fall victims of the plots mounted by the sea powers.

From the French publication ‘Le Petit Journal’, 23 April 1916: the Russian in Esfahan. The disastrous pro-Serbian and pro-Greek choice of Nicholas II cost him his throne. During the First World War, the Qajar Empire of Iran collapsed and was divided into ever shifting zones of influence and occupation: Russian, Ottoman and English. The problem is that the Romanovs collapsed in 1917, the Ottomans disappeared few years later, and the English managed to overthrow the Qajar dynasty in 1925, imposing as shah of Iran an ignorant and uneducated soldier who did not know even the history of his own country. English Orientalists gave him his supposedly royal name: Pahlavi. All three continental empires paid dearly for the mistakes they made for hundreds of years.

Russian delegates (鄂羅斯国/E-luosi-guo) in Beijing in 1761 From 万国来朝图 (: all nations came to court), which is a monumental painting (3×2 m) depicting foreign delegations paying visit and tribute to Emperor Qianlong.

The Treaty of Livadia (里瓦幾亞條約/Liwaji ya tiao-yue) signed between Russia and China in Crimea, on 2 October 1879; although Russia returned a part of Eastern Turkestan (Xinjiang) that it had occupied, the treaty was viewed as so detrimental (currently described by the Chinese authorities as ‘unequal treaty’, like many other similar treaties that Qing China was forced to sign in the 19th c.) that the Chinese ambassador Chonghou (崇厚), when he returned, was accused of high treason and condemned to death. Only the international reaction, his successor’s success in the renegotiation of the treaty terms, and the signature of a new Russian-Chinese treaty led to a decision change which enabled him to pay an indemnity and retire.

In the 19th c., when the Great Game started, the sea powers managed to infiltrate among many small nations that belonged in different continental empires, utilize numerous individuals, educate numerous rebels (by means of ‘studies’ in Western universities), promise national independence to the supposedly ‘oppressed’ nations of the continental empires, etc. Aptly utilizing religious or linguistic affinities, the colonial agents managed to create alliances between an imperial administration and representatives of several indigenous nations in another continental empire, notably Czarist Russia and the Armenians, Aramaean Nestorians (falsely called ‘Assyrians’), Eastern Romans (Rumlar/Romioi), and Pontus ‘Greeks’ (: Eastern Romans) of the Ottoman Empire.

Then, by seemingly making the Russians imagine that their infiltration inside the Ottoman Empire increased (whereas the Western colonials definitely controlled these minorities by means of bribery and corruption), they turned them against another major continental empire, i.e. the Ottoman Caliphate. But this development was beneficial to the sea powers’ agenda and catastrophic for both Eurasiatic empires. About:

VII. The ‘Greek Orthodox’ Delusion of Russians

Long before Nicholas II, many other czars committed disastrous mistakes for the continental empire that they had to solidly maintain and properly expand. It was absurd for Russians to support anti-Ottoman activities and rebellions of the Eastern Roman Orthodox subjects of the Caliphate. Russia’s monumental failure was plainly demonstrated in 1917, but we have first to analyze the reasons and to offer several examples, before examining the disastrous results that the Romanovs brought upon their heads with their ‘Greek Orthodox’ delusion.    

The term ‘Greek Orthodox’ is an ahistorical, deceitful, modern construction; there was never such nation or people or church for the very simple reason that for all Christians, before and after all the theological disputes and the schisms, ‘Greek’ was a shameful and profane name and entity as an idolatrous, polytheistic and utterly blasphemous nation. Actually, there was never an ancient Greek nation, and -more importantly- there was never an ancient Greek state, be it a kingdom, a tyranny, a tribal union or an ignominious ‘republic’. ‘Greece’ was merely a geographical notion to describe the South Balkan confines south of Mount Olympus; ‘Greeks’ (‘Hellenes’) was a noxious recapitulative term applied to a group of tribes (Achaeans, Ionians, Aeolians, and Dorians) that lived among other populations (Pelasgians, Illyrians, etc.), which were not considered ‘Greeks’. Furthermore, numerous foreign slaves, notably Scythians, lived in some cities-states.

Homer was therefore not a ‘Greek’, but an Ionian of Anatolia, culturally unrelated to South Balkans; yet, when he used a recapitulative name for the participants of the naval military expedition against Troy (Taruisha), he basically called them ‘Danaans’. In the external, Oriental historiographical sources (Hittite, Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphic, Old Achaemenid Iranian, Ancient Hebrew, etc.), we never attest a recapitulative term about all these marginal tribes. This is normal, because the plethora of the historically unimportant and meaningless Ancient Greek ‘statelets’ never united in one kingdom. ‘Greeks’ (Graeci) is merely a posterior, Latin name by which the Romans designated this collection of tribes and clans. Useless to add that to the Romans Graecia (Greece) was geographically, ethnically, culturally, linguistically, spiritually and socio-behaviorally very different and absolutely distinct from Macedonia, Illyria, and Thrace in the Balkans, and from Lycia, Caria, Lydia, and Phrygia in Anatolia.

The fabricated narrative that the mendacious Western European academics forged about ‘Ancient Greece’ does not include any element of historical truth; that’s why most of the people today do not know that the outright majority of the Ancient Greeks accepted to be part of the Iranian Empire and did not oppose the Iranian armies when they advanced south of the vassal state of Macedonia. The so-called glorious moments of Ancient History, namely the likes of Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis and Plataea, are pathetic lies about some blasphemous idiots who dared oppose the advice of the Oracle at Delphi (Ancient Greeks’ foremost shrine) not to oppose the Iranian army.

The so-called Ancient Greeks were so disparate tribal elements that, despite Alexander the Great forced most of them to unify under Macedonian scepter, after his death, they continued living in the disorderly and haphazardous manner of theirs, being impossible to incorporate in any of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Attalid Anatolia (Pergamon), Seleucid Syria or Ptolemaic Egypt (although Antiochus III the Great attempted to achieve it in 192-188 BCE, only to be stopped by the expanding Romans). Simply, Ancient Greeks were unfit to civilize. That is why the Romans, extending their control throughout South Balkans in the middle of the 2nd c. BCE, were forced to decimate them, notably during the conquest of Corinth (146 BCE).

Attalid Anatolia, Seleucid Syria, Macedonia, and the disparate, chaotic and worthless ‘Greek’ states of South Balkans around 200 BCE

The Seleucid advance which triggered the Roman interference: Western Anatolia and the Balkan Peninsula at 192 BCE

The Roman-Seleucid wars

Annexed to Rome, Greece became a rather unimportant province strongly characterized by population movements (local populace relocating elsewhere and foreign populations settling in the lands south of Macedonia), aggressive invasions, and spiritual-religious-cultural Orientalization. The name ‘Greece’ was forgotten and that is why the lands south of Macedonia became part of the Roman province of Macedonia (147 BCE). The lands of ‘Greece’ were later detached from the senatorial propraetorial province of Macedonia by Emperor Octavian Augustus, during a major administrative re-arrangement (27 BCE); they formed a separate Roman province, but they were named Achaia. This shows that, even as a geographical term, ‘Greece’ was an obsolete name.  

Of course, one has to add also that the descendants of the Ionians and the Aeolians in Western Anatolia inhabited several other Roman provinces, notably Asia (129 BCE; established after the dissolution of Attalid Pergamon), Bithynia and Pontus (63 BCE), Galatia (25 BCE), Cappadocia (17 CE), Lycia and Pamphylia (43 and 74 CE), Pontus (62 CE), and Commagene (72 CE), being however ethnically, linguistically and culturally amalgamated with numerous other Anatolian nations,  the Iranian settlers of the Achaemenid times, the Roman ruling class, and the remnants of various invaders, notably the Galatians. This means that, in the 1st and 2nd c. CE, those Anatolians were entirely disconnected in every sense from the historical process that took place in South Balkans (‘Achaia’, not Greece).

With the Edict of Caracalla (212 CE; ‘Constitutio Antoniniana’) all the free citizens throughout the empire (‘Provincia Achaia’ included) were declared ‘Roman citizens’. This overwhelming imperial change irrevocably put the tombstone on the remainder of the ‘Greek’ tribes either in Anatolia or South Balkans; this is so because it proved that they were imperially or politically extinct. Then, the groundbreaking edict was enthusiastically accepted across the empire; this fact demonstrated that, except the Romans (who were amalgamated with most of the nations of the empire), no other nation existed west of Euphrates and east of the Iberian and Mauretanian coasts of the Atlantic Ocean.

Constitutio Antoniniana, Papyrus Giessen 40; About:

In other words, no other tribe, people, ethnic group, religious community or nomad clan had retained their moral integrity, their cultural identity, their socio-behavioral values, and their imperial or political world view intact up to the point of forming an independent kingdom or empire. They had all gradually been entirely Romanized. By 212 CE, if Greeks had ever existed, they would have vanished.

Later on, the Greek speaking populations in the South Balkans were repeatedly decimated during the numerous catastrophic invasions (first wave: 300-500 CE; second wave: 500-700 CE). During the same period, due to their obdurate rejection of Christianity as the sole official Roman religion and to their obstinate attachment to their absurd polytheism, they caused an unprecedented massacre of the pagans among them. ‘Hellen’ or ‘Graecus’ (Greek) ended up meaning ‘profane’, ‘villainous’, ‘promiscuous’ and ‘blasphemous’ during the period of the Eastern Roman Empire (down to 1453). The inhabitants of the surviving part of the Roman Empire called themselves ‘Romans’ {Ρωμαίοι – Ρωμιοί; أروام (Arabic); رومیان (Farsi); Rûmîler & Rumlar (Turkish)}, denying with abject indignation that they had any relation with the ‘Hellenes’ or ‘Graeci’. About:

In the terrible imperial and religious confrontation that pitched Rome against New Rome (Constantinople) already before the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 CE) but more openly after Rome discarded (752) the institution of Constantinople-selected/approved popes of Rome (which was imposed by Justinian I in 537), the pejorative term ‘Hellene’/’Graecus’ became a crucial tool in the hands of the impious and blasphemous, anti-Christian popes of Rome, who attempted to utilize various barbarians (notably the Frankish Merovingians and Charlemagne) in order to oppose the Eastern Roman Empire, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and the prevailing Caesaropapism.

As part of his Reconquista, Justinian I appointed three popes successively and instituted the Constantinopolitan imperial selection and approval of every pope of Rome; the practice was respected in Rome from 537 until 752. Roman popes were then of Anatolian, Syrian, Balkan or Sicilian ancestry or had the experience of the apocrisiarius (papal liaison to the emperor) or the inhabitants of Byzantine-ruled Greece, Syria, or Sicily.

Following the two schisms (Photian schism: 863-867; East-West schism: 1054), the launch of the Crusades (1095), and the Latin conquest and sack of Constantinople (1204), in order to fully discredit the Eastern Roman Empire and to posture as the sole religious authority among Christians, the Latin (: Western European) pseudo-Christian ‘Catholic’ occupiers and looters of the Eastern Roman Empire extended the use of the term ‘Greeks’ for their Eastern Roman Christian Orthodox subjects. The abominable, Satanic rule of the Latin conquerors was fully overthrown (1261), but the scheming Catholic heretics had managed to establish a strong foothold in parts of Romania (Ρωμανία; as the official name of the Eastern Roman Empire was in Eastern Roman language) and to form small groups of theological lackeys and local stooges, who became known as ‘Enotikoi’ (Ενωτικοί; pro-Union). It goes without saying that the papal puppets tried to diffuse the pejorative name, but they failed to achieve any substantive results until the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Sultanate (1453) and the end of the Ottoman rule in South Balkans (early 19th c.).   

With the removal of the Christian Orthodox Eastern Roman obstacle, the apostate, Anti-Christian, Catholic Church launched the projects that it had already prepared for about 250-300 years: Renaissance and Colonialism (the totally mischievous term ‘Discovery of America’ must be considered as an obsolete falsehood). Part of the Renaissance intellectual-scientific-artistic fallacy concerned Ancient Greece; it was indeed the fabrication of an entirely ahistorical, misleading and delusional narrative which did not represent but distort the historical truth, which was contained in historiographical sources and documented in the archaeological material record. The intentionally distorted representation of Ancient Greece was coined ‘Hellenism’ in disparaging contradiction to the use of the term that Ancient Ionians, Aeolians and others made of it.

Typical example of Renaissance painting with reference to a very distorted representation of an Ancient Greek mythological topic of dire, Anti-Christian content; the Calumny of Apelles by Sandro Botticelli (1494-5) is an evil artwork in which Repentance is depicted as a vicious witch and Truth is portrayed as a nude prostitute. The excuse for this monstrous achievement is offered by Lucian, a 2nd c. CE Aramaean author who described a painting by the 4th c. BCE Ionian painter Apelles.

During the Late Antiquity, Ionians described as ‘Hellenism’ the tendency of some people in Anatolia and Syria (Cappadocians, Phoenicians, Aramaeans, Jews) to appear dressed after the ‘Greek’ fashion and to adopt the cosmopolitan lifestyle of Ionians, Athenians and Macedonians living in cities founded by Alexander the Great and his successors. But during the Renaissance, ‘Hellenism’ defined the falsehood that anti-Christian Western European intellectuals, fraudsters, academics and crooks invented, fabricated and believed about Ancient Greece.

The villainous forgery of Hellenism was quite useful to the Satanic gangsters who killed millions of Mexicans and Peruvians; it helped diffuse scores of profane topics, concepts, illusions, sick passions, evil desires, immoral behaviors, anti-Christian attitudes, and an absolutely putrefied world conceptualization at the very antipodes of Christianity. By merely marketing these mental and intellectual contaminations as ‘civilization’, the so-called Renaissance ‘humanists’ started distancing themselves from the faith that they deceitfully presented as still theirs. They thus produced a polarization that gave birth to other movements like Classicism, Enlightenment, etc., which further contributed to the corruption of the Western world and, through colonialism, to the degeneracy of the rest of mankind. In this manner, the formation of the modern faithless, worthless and useless societies was completed, only to fully corroborate the various calls that we now hear for eugenics, population control, and reduction of the world population to 500 million or 50 million people. 

All this was totally unknown to the Muscovites, the Tatars, and the populations of Novgorod, Astrakhan and Sibir (Siberia) back at the time of Ivan IV the Terrible. To them, Constantinople was merely Tsargrad (Царьград), the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (Восточная Римская империя), even more so because Gennadius Scholarius (Геннадий Схоларий) ensured the translatio imperii, making of Mehmet II the successor of Constantine XI Palaeologus, who was the last of the Palaeologi dynasty (Палеологи). Tsargrad means literally ‘the city (gorod/город) of Caesar’ (i.e. the Roman Emperor), thus fully demonstrating that to the Russians the realm that the Ottomans conquered in 1453 was purely, entirely and indisputably Roman.

Ivan III of Moscow, as depicted by the 19th c. Russian painter Aleksey Kivshenko (Алексей Данилович Кившенко)

Sophia Palaiologina arriving in Moscow; as depicted in the late 16th c. Illustrated Chronicle of Ivan the Terrible (Лицевой летописный свод). About:

Neither Ivan III of Moscow nor his second wife Sophia Palaiologina would accept as a ‘work of art’ Sandro Botticelli’s infamous painting ‘The Birth of Venus’ (c. 1484–1486)

The dispute around the term lasted no less than 450 years, ever since Sophia Palaiologina (born Zoe; 1449-1503/ Софья Палеолог), niece of the last Eastern Roman Emperor, married Grand Prince Ivan III of Moscow (1440-1505 / Иван III Васильевич) in proxy marriage (1 June 1472; in the Old St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome) in presence of Gian Battista della Volpe, diplomat and adventurer in the Muscovite service in the 15th c., who became rather known as Ivan Fryazin (Иван Фрязин). Sophia, accompanied by a pontifical custody led by Ivan Fryazin, reached Moscow (Muscovy) on 12th November 1472 and later gave birth to many children, notably Vasili III of Moscow (Василий III Иванович/1479-1533), who was the father of Ivan IV the Terrible. The dispute ended with the abdication of Nicholas II (15th March 1917) and the abolition of the Ottoman sultanate (1st November 1922), because -for ca. 470 years- one of the titles of the Ottoman sultans was Qaysar-i Rum (روم قیصر‎).

We therefore conclude that Ivan the Terrible knew only Romans and Eastern Romans, and wanted to position Muscovy as continuity to Tsargrad; of ‘Greeks’ he probably never heard. The same is true for most of his successors and for the first of the Romanovs. Only after the rapprochement with European dynasties that Peter I attempted, numerous academics, artists, and architects started moving from France, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Denmark and England to Russia. They diffused what was then called ‘European civilization’, involving the tenets of Renaissance, Classicism and Enlightenment, including Hellenism.

The rise of the proponents of Westernization at the time of Catherine II became a real threat to the Russian Orthodox identity; this generated several reactions, notably the Pochvennichestvo (Почвенничество) movement, the supporters of the so-called Slavophilia (Славянофильство/however, the term is not accurate), the fervent defenders of traditional Russian values, such as Sobornost (соборность), Obshchina (община), etc., and -last but not least- a monarchical conceptualization of Russia as Orthodoxy, Autocracy & Nationality (Православие, Самодержавие, Народность).

About:                                                                                                ,_Autocracy,_and_Nationality

Ilya Glazunov (Илья Сергеевич Глазунов; 1930-2017), Timeless Russia (Вечная Россия), 1988: a modern visualization of the Pochvennichestvo (Почвенничество) movement’s ideals

A.S. Lysenko (А.С. Лысенко; born 1974), Stalingrad 1942 (Сталинград 1942). Move with the Icon (Ход с Иконой). The painting shows the arrival of the Patriarch of All Rus’ in the autumn of 1942 in Stalingrad. The patriarch traveled along the entire front lines in Stalingrad and blessed the troops for victory. For many defenders of Stalingrad, this was the last blessing and communion in life, because. they stood to die. A little-known fact is that for a dangerous trip to Stalingrad, the Patriarch, according to the Decree signed by Stalin, was awarded the military order “The Order of the Red Banner of Battle”. The traditional Russian values survived during the Soviet period and have forcefully emerged throughout the society over the past 30-32 years. About the painter:

Illarion Pryanishnikov (Илларион Михайлович Прянишников΄; 1840-1894), Easter Procession (Крестный ход). Orthodoxy as popular religion stands at the very top of the monarchical conceptualization of Russia.

However, this reaction was not enough to eliminate the diffusion of the historical forgery that the biased Western scholars undertook in 18th and 19th c. Russia. Then, in the case of the so-called Greek Revolution of 1821 and the subsequent formation of the tiny pseudo-state ‘Greece’ (by the English and the French colonials) Russia made exactly the same mistakes as in the case of Serbia. The Russian diplomats, statesmen and czars were fooled enough to possibly believe that the descendants of the Eastern Romans could make ‘Greeks’ resurrected after almost 1500 years!! Even worse, the imperial elites failed to fathom that, if the English and the French wanted to perform the rebirth of the Ancient Greeks, as a blasphemous act of Black Magic, this simply meant that they intended to utterly destroy Orthodoxy and Christianity in general.

Failing to realize that the only descendants of the Ancient Ionians and Aeolians, surely amalgamated with numerous other nations, were located in Ottoman Anatolia and that the inhabitants of the South Balkan Ottoman provinces were ethnic Slavs amalgamated with Vlachs, Albanians, Italians, Turks, Egyptians and Berbers, the czars contributed greatly, at their own detriment, to the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. The imperial Russian elites could not realize that to defend their interests, as a continental empire, they had to side with the Ottoman Empire and Qajar Iran. The only beneficiaries of the numerous Russian-Iranian and the Russian-Ottoman wars were England and France. When it comes to the tiny state of Greece, this became the embodiment of colonially educated and prepared elite that govern their country according (not to the local, national interests but) to the needs of their colonial masters.

It is ironical but, by helping the tiny Greek state first exist and second expand, the Russians damaged their own chances to ever reach their secret and mystical targets: Tsargrad (Constantinople) and Jerusalem. The Russian Church of Mary Magdalene (Церковь Святой Марии Магдалины) on the Mount of Olives symbolized that vision; constructed in 1888 by Alexander III, the splendid edifice with the typically Russian gilded onion domes epitomized all the Russian Orthodox eschatological claims.

Jerusalem, The Dome of the Rock and the Russian Church of of Mary Magdalene (Церковь Святой Марии Магдалины Гефсимания): the end target of every Russian Orthodox eschatology

As a matter of fact, the Russians were far closer to both locations than their rivals (the English) were; they could reach there first. But to do so, they should ally themselves with the Ottomans and strengthen the Ottoman Empire against the evil erosion carried out by the French and the English. And this is the merciless strike that Fate delivered to the naïve Czar Nicholas II who thought it possible to ally Holy Russia to the filthiest and most execrable realm on Earth, namely England; although he wanted to reach Jerusalem first, he was arrested and imprisoned in his own country, when the profane general Edmund Allenby entered the old city of Jerusalem on 11th December 1917. Russia was plunged in the Marxist-Leninist abyss, when England achieved its largest territorial extent.

Allenby enters Jerusalem; Russians paid dearly for their mistakes. Irrespective of their religions, continental empires must unite. This is a spiritual imperative.

This disaster will come again, if Russia’s present ruling elite and administration make the same mistake and fail to realize that the worst enemies of Holy Russia are (not the Ukrainians, the Poles, the Germans, the French, the Israelis or the Americans but) the English. It is only England (along with London’s various paraphernalia, i.e. the pseudo-states of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) that turns the US, NATO, and also EU against Russia. The reason is very simple; in full agreement with their Satanic eschatological agenda, the English want to prevent Holy Russia-Third Rome from becoming “a blessing on the Earth” (Isaiah, 19:24). To cancel the English agenda, Russians must remove Shakespeare from their education.


Earlier Publications: Titles, Dates, Links & Contents

From the Pandemic to the Special Operations in Russian Ukraine (3 April 2022)

1- A Critical Confrontation between Jesuits and Freemasons

2- The Pandemic and the Jesuit Eschatological Agenda (and how it has advanced throughout the last millennium)

3- The Multiple Dimensions of the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine

4- The Historical Facts

My position about Ukraine, Russia, and the Russian Special Operations in Russian Ukraine – in brief (15 April 2022)

1. Many people did not expect it, but I did

2. The plan to split Russia to 5-10 pieces

3. There is no Ukrainian language or nation

4. The negative impact of History

5. If Ukrainians are a nation, then Egypt’s Sa’idis are a nation too!

Russia, Ukraine and the World-I: ‘Moscou, les Plaines d’Ukraine, et les Champs-Élysées’ (14 March 2023)

I- The Historical Background

II- Western Colonialism against Russia: Projection of Fake Concepts and Historical Falsehood onto Russian Elites

III- Western Bias: Russia’s Europeanization as De-Russification

IV- Where does the Fallacy of European Russia End?

V- False Identity for Russians means Defeat in the Great Game

VI- The Fall of the Romanov: due to the False Concept of ‘Russia as a European Empire’

Russia, Ukraine and the World-II: 5000 Years of Russian Asiatic Identity vs. 500 Years of Anglo-French Racism & Colonialism (21 March 2023)

I. The Western Anti-Russian Bias

II. Skillful Western European Falsification of Russian History

A. Erroneous contextualization of Archaeology of Northern Asia

B. Deliberate use of overlapping terms: Northern Asia, Siberia, and Scythia

C. Prehistory and Ancient History of Northern Asia are subject to modern borders and to the meaningless attempts for ‘national archaeology’

D. Failure to discern Northern Asia in its entirety and true dimensions

E. Deliberate, multifaceted distortion of the Asiatic Turanian Migrations

F. Minimization of the cataclysmic presence and prevalence of the Turanian nations throughout Eastern Europe

G. European academia-backed biases: malignant disregard of the spiritual value of Kievan Rus, and absurd focus on ethnic, racial and linguistic considerations   

H. Erroneous focus on Kievan Rus and disastrous neglect for Volga Bulgaria

I. Concealment of the historical reality of the Turanian (‘Tatar-Mongol’) period

Russia, Ukraine and the World-III: the need for a New UN or how UK, US, France and NATO must be defenestrated from the world (28 March 2023)

I. Ukraine or Ireland and Switzerland?

II. England, France, and the fake state ‘US’

III. Ukraine or Mexico?

IV. UK, France, US and NATO: the Enemies of the Mankind

V. The Fallacy of all Geopolitical Analyses


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From Ferdowsi to the Seljuk Turks, Nizam al Mulk, Nizami Ganjavi, Jalal ad-Din Rumi & Haji Bektash

By Prof. Muhammet Şemsettin Gözübüyükoğlu (Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis)

Pre-publication of chapter XXIII of my forthcoming book “Turkey is Iran and Iran is Turkey – 2500 Years of indivisible Turanian – Iranian Civilization distorted and estranged by Anglo-French Orientalists”; chapter XXIII constitutes the Part Nine (Fallacies about the Golden Era of the Islamic Civilization). The book is made of 12 parts and 33 chapters.


Known rather through his cognomen (‘Paradisiacal’) and his kunya (teknonym: Abu’l Qassem, i.e. ‘father of Qassem’), Ferdowsi was born (ca. 940) in Tus (Khorasan, NE Iran) around the time Muhammad ibn al-Askari, son of Hasan al-Askari and 12th Imam, went into his Major Occultation (941). The apocalyptic eschatological fascination of those days is explicitly shown in Ferdowsi’s own name, because the quest for the Paradise is the epitome of every reliable Messianism (: Soteriology) and Eschatology.

Ferdowsi is a worldwide unique case of highly venerated poet whose work is absolutely immense and whose known details of life are incredibly minimal; although he was historically referred to as the leading epic poet, erudite sage, and unsurpassed master of Farsi (and there have been several historical biographies of him), we don’t know even his real name. Judging from his son’s name, Ferdowsi (940-1020) was a Muslim, but there stop all the important biographical details that we know. In fact, Ferdowsi’s life is enveloped in mystery and legend similarly with the contents of his monumental and sublime epic; we know however that he had a great Turanian sponsor: the formidable Conqueror and Emperor Mahmud Ghaznavi (971-1030; the founder of the Ghaznavid dynasty), who invaded the Indus Valley, Punjab and the Ganges Valley, unifying territories that stretched between the Caspian Sea and today’s Bangladesh.

Ferdowsi mausoleum, Tus – Iran

Ferdowsi’s unsurpassed masterpiece, the Shahnameh (: the Book of the Kings) is the world’s largest epic totaling more than 100000 (one hundred thousand) verses. In terms of Iranian Literature, it was not the first epic composed under this title. Thanks to his historical biographies, we know that Ferdowsi started the composition of the enormous opus in 977, initially viewing it as the completion of a similar effort earlier undertaken by another Iranian poet, Abu Mansur Daqiqi, who did not have the chance to advance his Shahnameh much before being assassinated. However, Ferdowsi’s epic differs greatly from all the other Shahnameh epic poems or prose compositions in many ways; although similar narratives have been attested in other Iranian and Islamic epics, Ferdowsi places his heroes in an atemporal field of semiotics whereby they function as symbols of spiritual ideas, moral principles, and eternal values.

Was Ferdowsi a ‘Sunni’ or a ‘Shia’? The question sounds irrelevant; although it is evident that he was a Muslim and a strong monotheist (which also applies to several forms of pre-Islamic Iranian religions), Ferdowsi does not contain the slightest portion of reference to the Early Islamic History into his legendary opus.

Is pre-Islamic Iranian-Turanian History reflected in Ferdowsi’s epic? In a way, yes! But it is an ahistorical reference to a series of dynasties that modern Iranologists, philologists, specialists in Comparative Literature, historians and historians of religions, experts in Mysticism Studies and Symbolism try in vain to accommodate within the scholarly known frame of the Achaemenid, Arsacid and Sassanid dynasties. This is however quite impossible a task to carry out; and Ferdowsi is the only reason for this. Although there is not a single indication that Ferdowsi divided his masterpiece into ‘periods’, the entire Shahnameh is divided, on the basis of typical literary analysis, into three sections: mythical age, heroic age, and historical age.

As per this – absolutely wrong – categorization, all the aforementioned pre-Islamic Iranian dynasties belong to the third section (historical age). But more than two thirds of the enormous epic’s verses are dedicated to the narration of episodes of the so-called ‘heroic age’. An analysis of Shahnameh goes beyond the scope of the present book, but with the above brief description I wanted to point out that Ferdowsi mainly focused on pre-Achaemenid eras and that his intention was to illuminate the spiritual ideas and the human valor that predestined historical Iran-Turan to be what we know through regular historical documentation that it was. Despite the numerous distortive presentations and worthless analyses, if one stays close to Ferdowsi’s verses, one concludes easily that, as per the illustrious poet and mystic, Iran-Turan constitutes an indivisible world.

Was Ferdowsi a Persian or a Turanian? This question in and by itself reveals total ignorance of Iranian and Turanian History, Culture and Civilization. The undisputed and definitely unequaled mastership of Farsi to which the majestic composition of Shahnameh bears witness does not make of Ferdowsi a Persian. Across the ages, many Turanians excelled in Persian poetry. Ferdowsi’s origin from Khorasan (a region traditionally inhabited by Turanians and Persians alike) and his close relationship with the great Turanian Emperor Mahmud Ghaznavi show that it is quite plausible that Ferdowsi was a Turanian. Mahmud Ghaznavi vanquished the Samanid state (995-999) pretty much like the Seljuk Turks had destroyed the Buyids half a century later. Consequently, we can conclude that Ferdowsi ostensibly sided with Turanian institutions and rulers against Persian states and kings.

There are also some other indicators that must be taken into consideration, as regards Ferdowsi’s identity: although his legendary narratives reflect the foremost values of the Achaemenid Civilization and represent the Zoroastrian conceptualization of the Universe, the contents of Shahnameh do not stringently correspond to the world of Parsis, namely those among the Sassanid times’ Persians who managed to escape the Islamic onslaught and survived in Iran and in India, preserving a posterior form of Mazdeism (and Zoroastrianism) that we presently call ‘Parsism’. Several PhD-level dissertations can be elaborated to properly demonstrate that on many critical issues Ferdowsi’s viewpoint on the pre-Islamic Iran and the Parsis’ traditions pertaining to the Sassanid (and earlier) past differ greatly.

In Shahnameh, one cannot find the slightest support for the Parsi faith, let alone of the Parsis’ anti-Islamic feelings. There is not a single sign that Ferdowsi saw his grand opus as an Iranian ‘comeback’ (let alone ‘revenge’), as an instigation of pre-Islamic Iranian ‘patriotism’ among Iranian Muslims or as anti-Islamic fascination and mobilization. On the contrary, throughout Shahnameh, there are incessant references to Turanian gallantry and passion, bravery and confusion, unity and division, crime and punishment, discipline and order, mysticism and divination, honesty and treachery, clarity and confusion.  

The Iranian – Turanian epic presents a magnificent equilibrium among all tendencies and characters, trends and exploits, attempts and regrets. Shahnameh attains a spherical perfection, contains no pointless element, locates all elements in their correct place whereby everything meets its reverse reflection and all spirits are accompanied by their opposites. All this is put in perfect Farsi, in lines of 22 syllables, in rhyming couplets (masnaviyat), and in metre 1.1.11.

Where does Ferdowsi stand among his time’s mystics, orders, kings and warriors, erudite scholars and theological jurists?

Was he close to late Sassanid Zervanism? Certainly not as much as Tabari, a fully accredited Islamic exegete and theologian, founder of a major madhhab, and the Islamic world’s supreme historian! Tabari dedicated the introductory chapter of his voluminous History to a theoretical analysis of the Time (: Zervan or Zurvan, a late Mithraic figure that was the central god of a late branch of Mithraists). But Ferdowsi started his epic with Keyumars (Gayomard of the late Zoroastrian texts), the first man and first king (Pishdad dynasty); this approach makes of royalty the first human virtue.

Was Ferdowsi close to the late Sassanid followers of Gayomard? Not quite! His focus on the recapitulation of themes related to heroic combats gives us the impression that Ferdowsi envisioned a dynamic universe in which Cosmogony and Eschatology consisted in an indivisible entity of spiritual and material order based on a permanent movement back and forth between Being and Becoming.

From all the major groups of early Muslims and from all the followers of then extant Iranian religions, the Khurramites, the Parsis, the Manichaeans, the Mazdakists, the so-called Twelver Shia, the Isma’ilis, between the Mazdeists and all the rest, Ferdowsi seems to be equidistant.

The same attitude appears in the Shahnameh; between the Turanian Afrasiab and the Iranians Siyavash and Kay Khosrow, Ferdowsi pursues a narrative that does not favor any of the combatants, while presenting brave deeds and mythical facts as the straight result of the great legendary heroes’ spiritual choices and divine providence.

In fact, Ferdowsi is to be found at cosmic distance from all his contemporaneous mystics, poets, erudite polymaths, historians, scholars and theologians. Next to him, all the rest appear infinitesimal. That’s why we can safely claim that within the wider context of Islamic Civilization across Eurasia only Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh proved to be as influential a book as the Quran. The great epic impacted all the Islamic nations, ethno-linguistic groups, mystical orders, intellectuals, poets, authors, and artists so irrevocably that, from the beginning of the 11th c. onwards, it would perhaps be more accurate, instead of speaking of Iranians and Turanians, to start referring to them as Ferdowsians. About:

Kay Qobad (Kay Kawad) on his throne; a leading figure of the Kayanid dynasty that was transcendentally constructed by Ferdowsi

In fact, one cannot speak about the Seljuk Turks, before briefly presenting Ferdowsi’s Cosmogony within the Islamic world. This is so because the Seljuk dynasty, along with the Ghaznavids, proved to be the first and the most enthusiastic adepts and supporters of the heroic worldview narrated by Ferdowsi, of the spiritual ideas revealed in Shahnameh, and of the moral values respected by the great heroes of the legendary, atemporal and apocalyptic Pishdadian and Kayanian dynasties. In fact, only this phenomenon, i.e. the Ghaznavids’ and the Seljuk Turks’ wholehearted acceptance and overwhelming promotion of the Universe as reassessed by Ferdowsi, makes of the grand master of Farsi Literature the national poet of all Turanians.

Quite contrarily to the historical facts, the criminal Western Orientalists depict a terribly tarnished and viciously distorted image of this reality; as per their false and nonsensical interpretations, the Seljuk Turks accepted Islam through Persian culture. This is as idiotic as an eventual, irrelevant assumption according to which a (fully hypothetical) educational jury was supposedly awaiting at the northeastern Iranian borders for the Seljuk Turks to come, and then upon their arrival, they told them: “pass your Ferdowsi exam, and come-in”! So pathetic and ludicrous is the Western Orientalist approach to the topic! Things did not happen that way, and this reality shows that it is absolutely absurd and utterly calamitous for any Turkic and Iranian nation to accept the presence of Anglo-American institutions in their territories or to allow their nationals to study in Western universities or even to visit West European, North American, and Oceanian countries.

The heroic, legendary, cosmological and eschatological order revealed by Ferdowsi in his Shahnameh was the basic oral culture of all Turanians and Iranians, Persians included, for millennia. Simply, this cultural background was not (and could not be) the religious dogma of Zoroastrianism (and of its subsequent forms, i.e. Arsacid Zendism and Sassanid Mazdeism) as attested in the holy texts of that religion and in the imperial inscriptions of the faithful Kings of Kings.

The fallacy of Modern Western Humanities, as developed in the racist, colonial, criminal pseudo-universities of Western Europe and North America, is due to the paranoid (but intentionally implemented) method of compartmentalizing the historical truth and the exploration thereof; this occurs in total contradiction to the universal, comprehensive and holistic approach and method (of viewing and examining the historical truth) that prevailed among all the great historical civilizations (whereby there was no compartmentalization). This vicious method leads colonial historiographers to the distortive division of topics into separate ‘academic fields’: history, archaeology, philology (‘literature’), linguistics, history of religions, ethnography and social anthropology, philosophy, history of arts, history of sciences, architecture, and so on. Consequently, this makes researchers separate their various study topics between “written cultures” and “oral cultures”; but by so doing, they totally misperceive and misrepresent entire historical periods.

As a matter of fact, Ferdowsi did not ‘invent’ (or ‘envision’ or ‘conceive’ or ‘devise’ or ‘create’) his narratives; he only managed to compose them in an incomparably genuine and superior poetic manner. All the terms, names and ideas of Shahnameh’s stories antedate Ferdowsi for about 1500 years – to say the least; this is something that all Orientalists accept. But they fail to see that these terms, names, ideas and stories constituted the oral culture of all the Iranians and the Turanians long before the heliocentric fallacy of Mithras was first propagated among them in the first half of the first pre-Christian millennium. Ferdowsi wrote down this millennia-long Turanian and Iranian oral anti-Mithraic cultural tradition in a literarily majestic manner. And by doing so, he did not ‘give’ the Seljuk Turks their culture (which was already theirs and their ancestors’), but the wings that they needed to conquer the world and implement their millennia long values and virtues as reinstated in the Quran and reinterpreted in the Shahnameh.

Of course, there is a reason the colonial historiography appears to have some success in plunging readers into deceitful schemes, distortive narratives, and nonexistent popups; if you are naïve enough to believe that the Seljuk Turks came from the North Pole or the Moon, then you will certainly accept the fallacy of the so-called Seljuk acculturation in Iran, and you will start believing the nonsense of the Turanian nations’ ‘persianization’. But the Seljuk Turks were neither in the North Pole nor in the Moon! In fact, they had been -for several centuries- just on the other side of the Islamic Caliphate’s northeastern border. And for cultures, for nations, for faiths, and for civilizations, there are no borders; even more importantly, borders do not apply to oral cultures.

Even more absurdly, “border historiography” cannot exist across the Silk Road; by ‘stopping’ their premeditated and therefore fallacious description of historical facts at the borders of the various modern states, the criminal Western pseudo-historians intentionally implement their evil political axiom ‘divide et impera’ throughout Humanities. This is the way most of the people worldwide have been deceived in this regard.

For several centuries, the ancestors of the Seljuk Turks lived within the wider Yabyu (English: Yabghu) territory within the land of the Oguz/Oghuz (Oğuz) nomads’ state. Its location stretched across vast territories of the modern states of Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and (to smaller extent) Uzbekistan. Yabyu spanned east of the Khazar Khaganate (or Khanate), between the Caspian Sea and Aral Lake, and north of the border of the Islamic Caliphate. The forefather of the Seljuk Turks was a formidable Oghuz combatant named Seljuk, who served also in the Khazar army, before clashing with other Oghuz warriors, migrating to southeast (around the year 980), and settling in Transoxiana (Arabic: Mawarannahr / ماوراءالنهر‎), next to Syr Darya (Iaxartes) river. At that original stage, the ‘Seljuk Turks’ (i.e. the family of Seljuk) were less than 1000 people in total.

Seljuk made an alliance with the Samanids (a mainly Persian kingdom) and fought against the Kara-Khanids, a Turanian Khaganate, mainly known as the House of Afrasiab (آل افراسیاب / which means that they were named (as early as the 9th c.; so before Ferdowsi) after the most important Turanian hero of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. The development was not good for the Seljuk family, and Seljuk’s grandsons Tughril and Chaghri had to further migrate (ca. 1040) to the South (Khorasan). The son of Mahmud Ghaznavi, Mas’ud I of Ghazni, tried to prevent them from advancing, and the battle of Dandanaqan (near Merv in today’s Turkmenistan) opened the way for the Seljuk rise. Tughril’s and Chaghri’s victory (1040) was tantamount to Seljuk prevalence in Khorasan. Ten years later (1050), Tughril invaded Isfahan and established the Great Seljuk Empire.

However, only to prove the inalienable, indissoluble, and indelible nature of the Turanian–Iranian civilization and identity, the early Seljuk success across the Iranian plateau would have no historical continuity and impact without the astounding contribution of a Persian original: Abu Ali Hasan ibn Ali Tusi, who is rather known through his incredible title ‘Nizam al Mulk’ (:”Systems of Royal Governance”). Nizam al Mulk (1018-1092) was born two years before Ferdowsi died, but his inclination and genius covered a totally different field than that of the greatest epic poet of World History. Originating from Khorasan, Abu Ali Hasan ibn Ali Tusi left his position at Ghazni, the capital of the Turanian Ghaznavid Empire and entered the service of the Seljuk Turks (1043); there he was entrusted, among other tasks, with the education of Muhammad bin Dawud Chaghri (mainly known as Alp Arslan), i.e. the son of Chaghri and nephew of Tughril, the founding sultans of the Seljuk empire.

The assassination of Nizam al Mulk

Consequently, the rise of the Seljuk Empire is entirely due to the wise advice, the outstanding guidance, and the governance systematization introduced by Nizam al Mulk, a Persian; of course, all this would prove to be useless without the Seljuk bravery and thunderous attacks. One can call the Seljuk Empire a ‘Turanian’ (or ‘Turkic’ state); but it was equally ‘Iranian’ – notwithstanding the historical forgeries of the Orientalist gangsters of the Anglo-American universities.

Nizam al Mulk is perhaps the person, who studied best the infinite intrigues that occurred on daily basis among all the rulers who enjoyed some portion of power due to the already discussed phenomenon of the Abbasid Caliphate’s fragmentation. Highly respected and incessantly consulted by Tughril, Chaghri and their children, Nizam al Mulk methodically guided them in the splendid attempt to terminate the Abbasid Caliphate’s fragmentation. First, they consolidated their control across the northern part of the Iranian plateau until 1046-7. In 1048, they attacked an Eastern Roman – Georgian army near today’s Pasinler (or Hasankale), east of Erzurum, in the less publicized but historic battle of Kapetron. After ensuring a great capital for themselves at Isfahan (1050), in the Iranian plateau’s southern part, Tughril invaded Baghdad (1055), terminated the Buyid dynasty, and (according to modern Turkish Islamist bibliography) ‘liberated’ the Abbasid Caliph; this is however not accurate because it was not possible anymore to restore the original power of the Abbasid Caliphate. The Abbasids remained a weak and impotent dynasty for another 200 years.

Nizam al Mulk set up a series of academies named after him, ‘Nizamiyah’; his major opus Siyasatnameh (‘the Book of the Governance’) was the basic manual that was taught, discussed, and in-depth understood there, after the completion of an entire basic circle of studies. The numerous Nizamiyah academies that the indefatigable Nizam al Mulk founded in various parts of the expanding Seljuk territory were not similar either to the earlier appeared jurisprudential madhhabs or to the regular madrasas (theological schools).

The graduates of every Nizamiyah acquired first a spherical, encyclopedic knowledge, and at a second stage, an excellent command of the diverse methods of a successful administration of the state (one could vaguely compare them to various modern ‘national schools of administration’). Nizamiyah graduates could man the Seljuk administration and deliver spectacular results, due to the innovative and resourceful mindset that they were taught to build and thanks to their persistence on avoiding bureaucracy. Despite his indisputable imperial and administrative genius, Nizam al Mulk was also a combatant, and – contrarily to the worthless and corrupt, modern bureaucrats – he often accompanied his shahs in their campaigns.   

Nizam al Mulk was ostensibly against the group of Isma’ilis and their system of secretive and elitist governance. In his book, he expanded on them; this however does not make of him a ‘Sunni’, as modern forgers pretend. He and his Seljuk emperors were Muslims, who did not accept either secretive governance or the particularities of various eschatological, messianic groups like the Isma’ilis (today mistakenly named ‘Sevener Shia’) or the apocalyptic adepts of the Ahl al Bayt (today erroneously called ‘Twelver Shia’), who expected the imminent reappearance of the 12th imam. This is an extra proof that throughout History there is no such sectarian division and false identification as “Turkish Sunni” and “Iranian Shia”; this is a colonial lie and a shameful Orientalist forgery.

All the same, because of the colonially imposed (during the 19th and 20th centuries) sectarianism, which prevails among today’s deceived and disoriented Muslims, Nizam al Mulk is totally unknown among African Muslims and Saudi-impacted Muslims in Southeast Asia, because he is idiotically viewed as “Iranian and therefore Shia”. This externally imposed pseudo-historical dogma is enough to reveal the criminal nature of the colonial countries France and England, of their successor state (USA), and of the various associated structures, like Canada and Australia. 

The rise of the Seljuk Empire was the result of great bravery, heroic fascination, and superb imperial administration that greatly contributed to arts, letters, sciences and spirituality; but it was practically speaking the affair of one family. Few victories were enough to catapult the Seljuk Turks to world predominance between China and Rome. This was due to their wisdom, universal culture, and ability to compose out of many diverse elements; they therefore became a pole of major attraction. Within the general context of Modern Turkology, most of the researchers are specializing in the Ottoman Empire (eventually because of the abundance of historical sources) and have a certain predilection and admiration for the Ottomans, who also functioned as one family – only to the detriment of the Empire that they acquired and that they inherited. But this scholarly attitude is very subjective, highly sentimental, and therefore wrong.

In reality, the Ottomans were superior to the Seljuk Turks only quantitatively. They controlled larger territory and they lasted longer; that’s true. But if one examines the data qualitatively and evaluates comparatively, one easily concludes that the Seljuk were remarkably superior to the Ottomans. However, their undeniably inherent weakness, which consisted in numerous internal conflicts and in incessant, yet unnecessary, family divisions, antagonisms and rivalries, predestined them to fast decay. In fact, the Seljuk Golden Era lasted ca. 100 years: from the dissolution of the Buyid dynasty (1055) to the death of Ahmad Sanjar (1157). After that term, the Seljuk Empire split to several sultanates. The most remarkable among them was certainly the Sultanate of Rum, but that was an Anatolian state, not a major empire across Eurasia. All the same, the History of Mysticism and Spirituality in Seljuk Anatolia eclipsed the Imperial History of that branch of the Seljuk family.

Even Alp Arslan (1063-1072) and Malik-Shah I (1072-1092), who represent the top of Seljuk power, had to engage in battles to eliminate contenders to their throne, and the contenders were none else than their formidable uncles, Kutalmish and Qavurt respectively. Thanks to Nizam al Mulk, Alp Arslan organized a mixed form of feudal empire, at the same time sedentary and nomadic, and for this, he was praised by many Persians like Saadi Shirazi, whereas with the rising sectarianism of the 13th c. he was terribly scolded by Turanians like Shams al-din ibn Kızoğlu (Sıbt İbnu’l-Cevzi). Thanks to Nizam al Mulk’s concepts and Alp Arslan’s rule and practices, a great process of Turanian sedentism across Iran, India, Caucasus, Anatolia and Syro-Mesopotamia was initiated only to strengthen the local populations and transform the Central Asiatic and Siberian nomadism. More importantly, this ingenious idea and brilliant execution introduced -across a vast region- a new social system of mutual social interdependence among sedentary and nomadic populations, thus fortifying the states that would rule these populations. Many populations that still preserve their nomadic nature and traditions across the vast lands from the Mediterranean to the Indus River and from the Persian Gulf to the Tian Shan Mountains and the Siberian permafrost reached the regions where they currently live in the period between the arrival of the Seljuk Turks and the rise of Mughal Empire.

Contrarily to Orientalist deceitful schemes and deliberate misinterpretations, Malik-Shah I did not clash with the dangerous Isma’ili enclave of Hassan al Sabah (1050-1124) in Alamut and in various surrounding locations in the Alborz Mountains because of a hypothetical ‘Sunni’–’Shia’ dispute or an ethnic Persian–Turanian conflict. Simply, as a student of Nizam al-Mulk, he fully accepted and implemented his tutor’s and adviser’s recommendations as regards the nature of the imperial administration and state.

First of all, the small and perfidious Isma’ili state constituted real dynamite in the foundations of the Seljuk Empire; second, the treacherous nature of the Assassins consisted in permanent threat for all the local populations that wanted to live in peace across the Seljuk territory, and not in ceaseless strives. Above all, Malik-Shah I rejected the concept of elitist rule and the existence of spiritual orders with material aspirations. Unfortunately, his successors proved to be quite incompetent and totally unable to face the challenges that they encountered. Because of them and due to their internal discord, the Seljuk Empire was not prepared to oppose the Crusades that started at that moment. For a period of 26 years (1092-1118), four monarchs ruled the vast state that was gradually being decomposed; their incompetence triggered the secession of various lands that formed independent sultanates under the control of various members of Seljuk’s family.

Ahmad Sanjar (1118-1153) was the luckiest of the sons of Malik-Shah I, because he managed to defeat successive invasions from the Kara-Khanids (Afrasiab) of Central Asia, the Ghurids of Khorasan, and the Ghaznavids of the Indus River Valley; however, he faced a crushing defeat at the hands of the Siberian Turanians of Kara Khitan (at the Battle of Qatwan; 1141) and a disastrous uprising among his fellow Seljuk tribesmen (1153). After Ahmad Sanjar’s death, the Turanians of Khwarazm (Chorasmia) conquered the northeastern part of the Seljuk Empire, whereas the vast territory was finally divided among the Seljuk sultans of Hamadan and Baghdad, the Seljuk sultans of Kerman, the Seljuk emirs in Syria, and the Seljuk sultans of Rum (i.e. Romania-Ρωμανία: the Eastern Roman Empire). The endless internal strives of the Seljuk dynasty are no 1 reason of the Crusaders’ success in the Orient. In 1157, Muhammad II ibn Mahmud (1128–1159), Sultan of Seljuk Empire from 1153 to 1159, failed to conquer Baghdad, despite the siege that he laid to the city; this shows that the Great Seljuk state was already weak and that tensions often existed between Baghdad’s impotent caliphs and the various monarchs who ruled in his name.

The Seljuqian-e Rum (1077-1308 / سلجوقیان روم‎) lasted longer and became the forerunners of the Iranian-Turanian oral culture and the standard bearers of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh in the most important regions of the Eastern Roman Empire. If you only have a look at the list of the Seljuqian-e Rum monarchs for a moment, you come to realize that their spiritual world and their imperial identity originated from the all-encompassing Turanian-Iranian Universe of Shahnameh: among the 18 sultans, who ruled during a period of 231 years, there were three (3) named Kayqubad, two (2) named Kaykaus, and three (3) named Kaykhusraw. This means that almost half of this dynasty’s rulers named themselves after the most illustrious legendary Iranian kings of the Kayanian dynasty, which represents the focal point of Ferdowsi’s sublime Iranian-Turanian epic poetry.

Throughout Human History, we have known a great number of historical kings, who posthumously entered the world of the legend; but the Seljuqian-e Rum were the only to incarnate the legend and to make out of the realm of the spiritual intuition and the transcendental vision an undeniably historical reality. This fact irrevocably marked the central position that they occupy within the indivisible Iranian-Turanian world. About:

The prevalence of the Seljuqian-e Rum in Anatolia transformed this land into the high land of Islamic Civilization, Spirituality and Mysticism. Pretty much like the Islamic world’s gravitational center shifted from Arabia to Mesopotamia with the foundation of Baghdad and the establishment of the Bayt al Hikmah in the middle of 8th c., the Islamic world’s center of imperial power, mysticism and spirituality was relocated from Iran and Caucasus to Anatolia in the late 12th and early 13th c. For many centuries, Anatolia had lost its worldwide radiation; after the end of the Eastern Roman Isaurian dynasty (717-802), the defeat of the Iconoclasts (842), and the downfall of the Paulicians (dispersed in 872 and massively relocated in 970), Anatolia was in ramshackle. The overwhelming rejection of the evil Constantinopolitan theology by the quasi-totality of the Anatolian population irrevocably predestined their future and facilitated the forthcoming Islamization. The spiritual successors to the Iconoclasts and the Paulicians were to be the Mevlevis, the Bektashis, and above all the Qizilbash. The indigenous, traditional Anatolian mysticism predetermined the historical evolution.

The beginning of the Seljuk prevalence in Anatolia is entirely due to Kilij Arslan I (1092-1107; Kılıç Arslan / قِلِج اَرسلان), the first Seljuk to have Konya-Iconium as capital. He managed to defeat three Crusader armies and to secure a sizeable portion of Anatolia for his expanding state. He was a great warrior and an illustrious mystic. However, many scholars want to deliberately forget the fact that the two names of this sultan became the emblem of the Iranian Safavid Empire 400 years later! If this sounds somewhat strange, the English translation of the two names will be enough to clarify the case: “Kılıç Arslan” means “the sword holding lion”. See the emblem: The topic’s ramifications can be attested as far as Hungary and the Hunyadi family:

However, the main part of the preparatory work for the rise of Seljuk Anatolia was done by Rukn al-Din Mesud I (1116-1156; Rükneddin Mesud /ركن الدین مسعود‎) who was able to defeat two Crusader armies (led by the German Conrad III and the French Louis VII) in 1147 and 1148 and to welcome the adhesion of significant portion of the local Eastern Roman population to Islam. Even illustrious members of the Comneni / Komnenos imperial family, like John Komnenos Tzelepes (grandson of the Eastern Roman Emperor Alexios I Komnenos) who married Rukn al-Din Mesud I’s daughter, became Muslim around the middle of the 12th c.

Rukn al-Din Mesud I’s son and successor, Izz ad-Dīn Qilij Arslān bin Masʿūd (rather known as Kilij Arslan II (1156-1192; Kılıç Arslan / عز الدین قلج ارسلان بن مسعود) represents a very successful consolidation stage of the Seljuqian-e Rum; his critical victory at Myriokephalon (SW Turkey: between Isparta and Konya) in 1176 sealed the end of Eastern Roman presence in Anatolia. Kilij Arslan II, who claimed to be a far relative of Heinrich der Löwe (German prince of the Welf family and Teutonic Knight), expanded at the detriment of the Turkmen Danishmends and the Eastern Roman, but, despite his alliance with Saladin, proved to be unable to possibly stop Frederick Barbarossa’s Third Crusade; however, the numbers speak for themselves: for 76 years, the Seljuqian-e Rum were under only two kings – which is tantamount to great stability.  

To the court of the Seljuqian-e Rum started flocking numerous Muslim mystics, spiritual masters, erudite polymaths, theologians, interdisciplinary scholars, great architects and artists, philosophers, leading medical doctors, poets, and other prominent intellectuals of those times. Konya had gradually become a major pole of attraction for the world’s leading wise men. In fact, Seljuk Anatolia eclipsed all other parts of the world in terms of spirituality, mysticism, letters, arts and sciences. This is not strange; despite the great confusion caused by colonial Orientalists and Western Medievalists, who elaborate a distortive and highly politicized representation of this historical period by focusing on the Crusades and the bloodshed caused by Papal Pseudo-Christianity, the 13th c. proved to be above all the peak of the Golden Era of Islamic Civilization.

Those were the times when Nizami Ganjavi (1141-1209; today celebrated as the national poet of Azerbaijan), based in South Caucasus, composed his illustrious epics Khusraw and Shirin (1177-1180), Eskandar-Nameh (: the Book of Alexander the Great; 1196-1202), and his apocalyptic eschatological masterpiece Haft Peykar (: the Seven Beauties; 1197), in which he detailed the troubles of seven major lands of civilization that will rise at the End of Time, when a formidable punishment will be adjusted to the evil perpetrator of crimes against those nations. The sublime epic is monstrously misinterpreted by materialistic Western pseudo-academics as “erotic poetry”, because those corrupt and worthless forgers cannot understand what apocalyptic symbolism is all about. The seven nations / lands of civilization are personified by

– Furak (or Nurak; India),

– Yaghma Naz (China, described as the land under the “Khaqan of the Turks”),

– Naz Pari (Turanian Central Asia, named ‘Khwarazm’/Chorasmia),

– Nasrin Nush (Russia, which is in reality Tatarstan, i.e. the Land of the descendants of the Rouran Touranian Khaganate),

– Azarbin (or Azareyon; Africa – called Maghreb, but viewed generally as the ‘West’)

– Humay (the Eastern Roman Empire’s lands), and

– Diroste (Iran, described as the House of Kay Ka’us, an illustrious Shah of Fardowsi’s heroic Kayanian dynasty whose deeds cover the largest part of Shahnameh).

Miniature from a manuscript of Nizami Ganjavi’s Haft Peykar: Bahram Gur in the Turquoise Pavilion with Azarbin, the personnification of Maghreb

Quite indicative of the Rum Sultanate’s court’s proclivity to mysticism, Turanian heroic tradition, and attachment to Ferdowsi’s epic genius is the fact that, only 14 years after Nizami Ganjavi wrote the incomparably revelatory Haft Peykar and only 2 years after he died, the new Seljuk sultan of Rum, Kaykhusraw I’s son, was named Kaykaus I (1211-1220). It was a time of extensive intermarriages with the Eastern Roman imperial family of the Comneni / Komnenoi. Kaykhusraw I (1192-1196 and 1205-1211) was fluent in Roman (‘Medieval Greek’) language and had evidently double Turko-(Eastern) Roman culture.

Kaykaus I’s mother was an Eastern Roman princess, daughter of Manuel Komnenos Maurozomes (Μανουήλ Κομνηνός Μαυροζώμης), who was an Eastern Roman nobleman. Ala ad-Din Kayqubad bin Kaykavus (1220–1237; Alâeddin Keykûbad / علاء الدين كيقباد بن كيكاوس) was the most illustrious sultan of the entire Seljuqian-e Rum dynasty. At the times of his son and successor Kaykhusraw II (1237-1246) starts the fall of the Anatolian Seljuk imperial power, basically due to the religious rebellion of Baba Ishak (1240-1243) and the Mongol victory at the battle of Köse Dağ (1243) where Baiju Noyan (appointed by Ögedei Khan) prevailed. As a matter of fact, this battle is the Seljuk equivalent of the Ottoman defeat in Ankara (1402) by Timur (Tamerlane). 

In 1204, one of the most influential dignitaries of the Anatolian Seljuk court invited Muḥyiddin ibn Arabi (1165-1240; full name: Abu Abd Allah Muḥammad ibn Alī ibn Muḥammad ibn Arabī), the Islamic world’s foremost mystic and spiritual master, to Anatolia; Muḥyiddin ibn Arabi’s Futuhat al Makkiyah (: ‘the Mekkan Initiations’) is the greatest text of spiritual revelations (effectuated as result of successive initiations experienced under the guidance of supreme spiritual beings – not after the human fashion) that was ever written in the History of the Mankind. The incredible size (560 chapters or 37 volumes totaling ca. 10000 pages of modern books) of this unique masterpiece of spirituality matters very little when compared to the enthralling contents, which go up to the level of mystical communication with a) the souls of beings that were alive and inhabited the Earth during several generations prior to ours, and b) supreme hierarchies of spiritual beings, intelligences, spirits of elements, and numerous ethereal potentates.

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Born in Andalusia’s coastal city of Murcia to parents of Arab and Berber origin, Muḥyiddin ibn Arabi studied in Seville, met and discussed extensively with Ibn Rushd (Averroes), worked as secretary in the city governorate, and undertook incessant travels across North Africa, Syria, Arabia, Mesopotamia and Anatolia. His travels’ most determinant stages took place in Mecca (where he wrote his celebrated masterpiece), in Mosul, in Damascus, and in Eastern Anatolia where he met the students of the great mystic Abdal Qadir Gilani (1078-1166), who was one of the leading mystics of an earlier generation and also the founder of the Qadiriyah mystic order.

Opening pages Konya manuscript Futuhat, handwritten by Ibn Arabi

It is interesting to notice the details of the theological and jurisprudential affiliation of that great mystic, who was born in Gilan (i.e. Caspian Sea’s southwestern coast) and lived most of his life in Baghdad and in various other locations of Mesopotamia. He was a descendant of Hasan ibn Ali, the second imam and grandson of Prophet Muhammad, but did not belong to Ja’far al-Sadiq’s madhhab; however, if one sees the world through today’s colonially imposed, sectarian and distortive lenses, Abdal Qadir Gilani should have been a Ja’fari. In fact, the great mystic and ascetic was a Hanbali and follower of the jurisprudential school that is nowadays said to be (whereas originally it was not) the most ‘anti-Shia’ or ‘anti- Ja’fari’.

The Qadiriya order had many followers in Anatolia and later in the Balkans, although its diffusion from Mesopotamia to China, to Somalia and to Western Sahara regions was spectacular. The sectarian viewpoint in this regard is posterior and it started with the catastrophic distortion of Ibn Hanbal’s doctrine by the vicious theologian Ahmed ibn Taimiyya whose pseudo-Islamic theology represents a sort of Christianization of Islam. The propagation of his fake Islamic ideas triggered obscurantism, ignorance, and utter hatred for the sciences and the arts among the Muslims; as a consequence, extreme fanaticism prevailed among the gradually decayed, spiritually debased, and increasingly ignorant Muslims of later periods (late 14th – early 16th c.), and then the Safavid reaction (as of 1501) to this situation only added oil to the fire.

Ala ad-Din Kayqubad (Kayqubad I) held in great esteem and sponsored numerous mystics, erudite scholars, poets, architects, artists and spiritual masters. His court was also frequented by very exceptional figures like Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (1162-1231), a great spiritual master, alchemist, physician and polymath, who explored antiquities at both, the spiritual and the material, levels, thus being an early, Muslim Egyptologist.

Following Kayqubad I’s invitation, the great mystic, theologian and jurisprudential scholar (of the Hanafi madhhab) Baha’ al-Din Muhammad Walad (1151-1231), a Persian originating from Balkh/Bactra (Khorasan), arrived and settled in Konya with his entire family in 1228; this event would have an everlasting impact down to our days. The entire Seljuk royal family was fond of the newly arrived scholar and mystic, who had earlier faced negative treatment from Ala ad-Din Muhammad II of Khwarazm (Chorasmia) in whose state Baha’ al-Din Muhammad Walad used to live. Khwarazm was a Turanian state with constant problems with the Seljuk sultanates, and the main reason Baha’ al-Din Muhammad Walad had problems with his shah was the fact that in Khwarazm’s court the most influential mystic and theologian was Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, the scholar who invented the concept of Multiverse (: the parallel existence of many Universes) and with whom Baha’ al-Din Muhammad Walad had terribly clashed. It was therefore only normal that, to flee the Mongol invasions and to get rid of Ala ad-Din Muhammad II’s enmity and disgrace, Baha’ al-Din Muhammad Walad found a subterfuge in Seljuk Anatolia. The everlasting impact is due to the prodigious poetry composed and the mystical exploits performed by his son, Jalal ad-Din Mohammad Rumi, who is also known as Mawlana or Mevlana.

Jalal ad-Din Rumi (1207-1273; جلال‌الدین محمد رومی‎) surpassed by far his father’s fame, literary mastership, mystical experience, intellectual acumen, spiritual ingenuity, and posthumous fame, being one of the Islamic world’s foremost mystics, poets, and holy men. Bringing spiritual activities at the epicenter of material life, Rumi turned dance into active meditation, and thus made of Anatolia the worldwide epicenter of all later Islamic mysticisms. He is considered as the founder of the Mevlevi Spiritual Order (the ‘tariqa’ of the ‘whirling dervishes’), although it is very clear that his son and his disciples founded the Order after Rumi’s death. In younger age, he was fascinated with the literary masterpieces of the mystic Sana’i Ghaznavi (1080-1141); remarkable influence on Jalal ad-Din Rumi was also exerted by his father, by the famous Persian Khorasani mystic and poet Farid ud-Din (1145-1221; known as Attar of Neyshapur), and by Muḥyiddin ibn Arabi. But the close companionship he had with Shams-e Tabrizi (1185-1248), a supreme spiritual hierophant and mystic, was the most determinant factor of his spiritual advance, mystical comprehension, sublime poetry, and whirling dance conceptualization as meditation technique.

Did Jalal ad-Din Rumi actually meet Muḥyiddin ibn Arabi?

This question has been raised by many modern scholars, although on the basis of several historical sources there is clear evidence that they first met during Rumi’s first arrival to Damascus, and later again during Rumi’s formative years there. Furthermore, there is ample evidence that several disciples of ibn Arabi (notably Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi) were companions of Rumi and that Shams-e Tabrizi knew personally ibn Arabi very well. In addition, several literary patterns and terms testify to a spiritual, intellectual and philosophical connection, despite the fact that the essence, the contents, and the forms of both masters of Islamic spirituality and mysticism differed greatly, pretty much like their respective quests, explorations, devotions, spiritual exercises, and transcendental experiences did.

Mausoleum of Jelaleddin Rumi Mevlana, Konya – Turkey

Rumi was a human, who discovered the divine world through love and through strict imitation/repetition of Prophet Muhammad’s manner of life; Muḥyiddin ibn Arabi was a man contacted by spiritual hierarchies, entrusted with the revelation of spiritual occurrences, and endowed with unique qualities to describe in human words unfathomable situations comprehended only through spiritual initiation. An enlightened man like ibn Arabi could never be strictly bound to only one religion.  

Closer to Muḥyiddin ibn Arabi was indeed Haji Bektash (1209-1271; Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli / حاجی بکتاش ولی‎); born in Neyshapur (Khorasan), he was a descendant of Musa Kazim, the 7th imam and son of Ja’far al-Sadiq. He fled westwards because of the Mongol invasions and he arrived in Seljuk Anatolia in the late 1220s or early 1230s. He belonged to the Ja’fari jurisprudential tradition (madhhab), which is quite normal as he retraced his ancestry to the 6th imam’s son. Given his Arab ancestry, it is ridiculous to entertain discussions about his ethnicity (Persian or Turkic) as Western nonsensical Orientalists do; Haji Bektash was certainly acculturated among all Iranians and Turanians between Central Asia and Anatolia. However, this issue can allow us to better assess the locally prevailing ethnic and cultural environment; if a person of Arab descent, like Haji Bektash, living in Khorasan, preferred to bear a Turkish name, i.e. Bektaş, this means that we cannot afford anymore to consider that vast NE Iranian region as exclusively Persian (as fallacious colonial Orientalists do), but as predominantly Turanian. In his young age, Haji Bektash was apparently fascinated with the mystical poetry of the Turanian spiritual master, mystic, and Hanafi theologian Ahmed Yesevî (1093-1166; قوجا احمەت ياساۋٸ), the founder of Yasawiyah (Yeseviye) order. 

The oldest painting of the Muslim mystic Haji Bektash Veli

Modern forgers and Western impostors try to associate Haji Bektash with the Qalandariyah Order (which is wrong) and with Baba Eliyas al-Khorasani, another Khorasani mystic who had settled in Anatolia and instigated the Babai revolt that was led by Baba Ishak in 1239. That’s totally false, because Haji Bektash, despite his Batiniyya approach to Islam’s holy scriptures (as per which all holy scriptures have ‘external’ and ‘internal’-mystical meaning), reprimanded the Isma’ili enclave in Iran, denounced Baba Ishak’s plot for the establishment of a Crypto-Christian state in Amasya (Anatolia), and condemned Baba Ishak’s infamous pretensions that he was a ‘prophet’. As a matter of fact, Haji Bektash was greatly esteemed by everyone in the Anatolian Seljuk court where they appreciated his contribution to the combat against the rebellion and to the refutation of anti-Islamic concepts among Turanian nomadic settlers in Anatolia. All the same, the early Bektashi Order accepted in their lodges (khanqah) many earlier adepts and followers of Baba Ishak, who had repented and regretted, and numerous participants in the failed rebellion. The Bektashi Order played later a determinant role in the formation of the Ottoman Sultanate and Caliphate and in the relations between the Ottomans and the Safavids.

The Seljuk Turks managed to assimilate among them a great number of Anatolian, Eastern Roman populations. This topic is critical in understanding later historical developments in the region. Whereas the Achaemenid Iranians failed to plainly assimilate Anatolia during their rule (546-330 BCE) and finally only later (during the Seleucid and Roman times) we clearly attest an undeniable Iranian cultural impact on the various Anatolian kingdoms, the Rum Sultanate proved to be far more efficient in rapidly shaping a diverse yet inclusive Anatolian Muslim identity which revolves around the Iranian-Turanian epic traditions and legends and an Islamic interpretation of the Eastern Roman Christianity. About:

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