Tag Archives: Reza Pahlavi

Iran 2022: Typical Freemasonic-Zionist Proxy War between Ayatollahs and Protestors at the Detriment of the Average Iranians

There is nothing Islamic in the Islamic Republic of Iran except the popular religion (attested in non-Westernized people) and the historical monuments. In Iranian provinces, the Muslim faith is alive, although this is not tantamount to direct support of the Qom / Tehran-based, absurd theological regime, which wastes the national resources in counter-productive manners.

The supporters of the Ayatollahs are mainly concentrated in major cities whereby the advanced technological Westernization produces a terrible ideological clash at the detriment of all Muslims. In the same social environment live also the ‘pro-Western’ opponents of the Ayatollahs.

Among these three categories of people, the cultural differences are enormous, the diverse purposes are centrifugal, and the socio-behavioral systems are opposite.

I. Traditional believers in Iranian provinces

The majority of the people in the provinces, living either in the villages, the towns and the cities or as nomads, live Islam as a popular religion; they cherish the related moral values, respect their traditions, and experience spirituality as traditional component of their culture. As they are distant from the capital, governance is not their concern. They may well observe the various wrongdoings of the government, but politics is not their affair, and they cannot see a trustworthy opponent anywhere in the horizon. Their attitude is therefore clearly neutral, anything between passive acceptance and passive resistance. I would also add that they are too innocent, too naïve and too benevolent to possibly fathom how their government and regime have been maneuvered by evil foreign forces without even knowing or sensing it. All the same, these people are the true, average Iranians. I would say that they represent ca. 50% of the population.

Simple Iranians in the streets of Tabriz
Simple Iranians in the Bazaar of Urumiyeh (Urmia)
In the streets of Tekab, in the Zagros Mountains, Western Iran
Popular religion of the Iranians: slaughtering a lamb for the Eid al Adha
The daily life of the Qashqai Turanian nomads in Fars, South Iran
This is how the Qashqai Iranians get married.
Qashqai women do not need the stupid washing machines of the useless Western world. They know better!
There are no homosexual marriages among the Qashqais, because there are no homosexuals at all. And no one needs them.

II. ‘Religious’ supporters of the Ayatollahs

The people in the cities and the big cities live in great tension; the supporters of the government are very fervent, but they confuse ‘theology’ with ‘religion’ and ‘politics’ with ‘governance’. They have lost much of the Iranian culture to the benefit of the technological modernization. They cannot experience the popular religion in the way people customarily do in villages; to them ‘religion’ means ‘rejection of the West’ and celebrating the Mawlid un-Nabi today is for them an opportunity to reject the true, existing, evil plans of several Western countries against Iran. This is absurd. Religion is all about a person’s contact with God; evil governments, regimes and secret organizations have no place in Faith. You cannot possibly believe a religion only to reject somebody else – however evil he/they may truly be; such an attitude is by all means sheer madness and utter disbelief. But these people cannot see that the hate of the other cannot be possibly associated with one’s faith or with an entire nation’s religion. Losing their popular religion and traditional culture, they get radicalized, they mistake theology and political ideology for religion, and they become appalling to the ‘Westernized’ Iranians. These people make big noise, but they do not constitute more than 25% of the entire population. Their success is that they appear to have the support of the silent majority (see previous unit) and they control the totality of the dictatorial mechanisms of the state (this is not typically Iranian: anywhere the state mechanisms are dictatorial).

‘Religious’ supporters of the Ayatollahs in manifestation against the ‘Pro-Western’ or ‘Westernized’ Iranians
‘Religious’ Iranians support the government.
Iranians in support of the Islamic republic’s government

III. ‘Pro-Western’ or ‘Westernized’ Iranians

This population, contrarily to the aforementioned two groups, is not homogeneous. This is critically calamitous to all foreign schemes and plans of utilizing them. This very fact consists also in a major stumbling block in their path to power. However, this situation is nothing new; it became crystal clear in the last years of Reza Pahlavi’s reign and in the first years of the Khomeini oligarchical rule. At the time, a sizeable part of this population allied themselves with the supporters of Khomeini. Now they don’t make the same mistake again! Leftist Iranians, who studied in Paris only to become Marxist-Leninist or social democrat of ideology, royalists who wish Reza Pahlavi’s son to come back and reign, Iranians who lived abroad only to be impacted enough to become anything An-Iranian (the non-Iran is a historical term that goes back to pre-Islamic times), conservative people of the old upper middle class who desire to simply look like Westerners without truly being so, and few truly marginal groups of homosexuals and atheists, materialists and nationalists can be categorized as anti-Ayatollah opposition.

When it comes to this segment of Iranian society, their only chance is to sensitize the silent majority (see Unit I) in case the radicalization of the ‘religious’ supporters of the regime turns out to appear like brutalization of the rest. This can bring results and this is known to all the enemies of Iran: those who appear ‘friendly’ nowadays (England) and those who hate the Iranian Civilization that shaped the Western world against their will (Israel) and up to the point that they need to hide it (Vatican, France).

Cheraghan Restaurant, Tehran: a favorite place for those among the Iranians who think that Westernization is only the removal of hijab.
Lamiz Cafe: a Western environment for ‘Pro-Western’ Iranians who do not know what the true face of the abnormal West is.
Malek (‘Angel’) Cafe: ‘Pro-Western’ Iranians fail to understand that Westernization is nothing else except the transformation of an Angel into an evil demon.
‘Westernized’ Iranians would reject the contents of 9 out of every 10 Western ‘laws’ that are valid in the criminal tyrannies of the Western world.
‘Westernized’ Iranians have no idea what the Western is and they would reject it if they knew.

To close this brief introduction, I must say that the fragmentation of this part of the Iranian society is not the major problem that they have. There is a very serious issue, which is not known to most of these people, and still affects them terribly. This fact has to do with their own self-identification and description as ‘Pro-Western’ or ‘Westernized’. Although these people think that they are so, in reality they are not.

Certainly they want to remove their hijab, but they don’t want homosexual marriages in Iran.

Iranians participating in anti-governmental protests have a completely wrong idea about the Western world.
Deceived anti-governmental protesters in Tehran have fallen victims of the lies, the fake promises, and the hidden, true face of their Western friends and supporters. Their riots offered useful material to Western mass media that give no damn whether 30, 300 or 3000 Iranians die.

Certainly they want to have a parliamentarian political system, which looks like that of a European country; but they don’t want to pass lawless laws according to which the school teachers will demand from a ‘court of Justice’ to separate the children from their parents because the latter did not ‘explain’ to them at the age of 7 that they can change their gender.

Certainly they want to have free alcohol in Iran, but they don’t want prostitution, fornication, and adultery, as well as premarital and extramarital relations to be considered as ‘legal’ activities in Iran.

Certainly they don’t want a sectarian decision-making in Iran; but this is only due to their ignorance and lack of understanding of the Western world. What difference at this point would it make to abolish a pseudo-Islamist sectarian decision-making in Iran only to replace it by a Zionist sectarian decision-making?

Who said that Iran must be governed by filthy and criminal dictators, who would ‘conclude’ (only because they were heavily bribed) that “Iran does not need nuclear weapons”, “Russia and China are a threat”, “NATO is necessary for regional security” and “UK, France, Canada, Australia, US, New Zealand, and Israel” are ‘normal’ states?

No one needs beasts like that in Iran!

My simple and straightforward conclusion is that, in spite of all drawbacks and serious mistakes, oversights, and wrongdoings, Iranians do not need, do not want, do not deserve, and will not approve of a regime change geared -not out of love for the (deliberately misrepresented in, and concealed from, the Western world) Iranian nation and civilization but- because of an inhuman, vicious hatred for the holy land of Iran, which proved throughout the ages to be definitely more important than the Roman Empire, let alone South Canaan (fake Israel) and South Balkans (fake Greece).

I have an advice for all Iranian protestors: go to China!

Forget UK and US! These countries are impermissible to exist and they will cease to exist.

It is on this background that I received a comment about one of my articles on Iran, which was first published in 2007. I herewith publish the comment and my response. The old article concerned the Ayatollah regime of Iran and how it functioned to the benefit of Western colonial powers; it can be found here:   



IV. A reader’s comment on Western foreign involvement in Iran

Dear Shamsaddin,

With the ongoing social revolution in Iran, I also discovered the historic links between Freemasons and the Shiite clergy. I shall read your document with keen interest.

Best regards


V. Response about the manifestations in Iran and evil agendas

Thank you for your interest and comment! Unfortunately, this article is an old publication which was first published in the American Chronicle, Buzzle and AfroArticles back in 2007, immediately reproduced in Fravahr, and later republished here. Of course, I did not change my mind over the past 15 years, but the presentation is very brief.

People did/do not understand the nature of Western colonialism and that is why great empires have been decomposed by the Western criminals. The Western world is a composite tyrannical regime ruled by elites that, while expanding worldwide and exploiting the rest of the world, fight against one another: Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists utilize every resource (i.e. every state) available, and in the process, other countries get destroyed, dismembered and ruined.

What various establishments, empires and kingdoms outside the Western world failed to understand is the following observation. When France became the ally of the Ottoman Empire and England supported Iran, the French and the English interests were protected, whereas Iran and the Ottoman Empire got dissolved. Why? Because both alliances were a scheme and a lie!

When a secret organization like the CIA places an ignorant and worthless soldier atop of a country (like Gamal Abdel Nasser), they also manage to put next to him a driver and a cook who are their own pawns (but the worthless soldier does not know it) and they can kill the ‘important person’ any time they receive the order to do this.

When Napoleon sent a special envoy to the Qajar Shah to ask permission that French soldiers cross Iran to attack the English criminals in India (and prevent the then forthcoming collapse of the Mughal), the English sent their own agent who managed to poison the French envoy in a public restaurant in Esfahan.

After the English made of a soldier (Reza Khan) the king of Iran (to turn an Oriental Empire into a weak and worthless nationalistic kingdom), they

– first, gave him his … name (the poor guy did not have a clue what Pahlevi meant),

– second, prepared the opponent of his son {Khomeini was guided by English stooges as to what to study, what to write in his thesis, and what vision of possible ‘Islamic’ state to compose (the ridiculous Wilayat al Faqih serves only English interests in Islamic countries)}, and

– third, corrupted his son (when he was ‘studying’ in Switzerland in the 1930s) so that finally he deposed the idiotic Reza Khan, and he ruled until he was deposed too.

Look at this picture! Notice the position of the legs of both persons! It is quite telling – about who the teacher/master and who the pupil/student are!

The young shah and F. D. Roosevelt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Reza_Pahlavi#/media/File:Shah_with_FDR.jpeg

So, what you call ‘social revolution in Iran’ is not a social revolution, but a well-prepared (by the Zionists) operation against the pathetic gang of the Ayatollahs who operated (without knowing it) as local stooges of the English Freemasonry. In other words, it is a proxy war between the secret services of England from one side (the silly Iranian government) and from the other side (fake manifestations organized by tele-guided protestors) the secret services of Israel (anti-Netanyahu side) and one part of the US establishment (anti-Trump side).

Today’s stupid Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia fail to understand that, after the abolition of the caliphate, there is no Islam. To set up an empire, Muslims do not need the Hadith and the various Madhhab. They need the Art of the Empire. Timur (Tamerlane) is far more important than prophet Muhammad today. Not in order to start fighting stupidly and idiotically (like the idiotic Islamists here and there), but to make sense of Timur’s mental skills, faculties, perceptual powers and instantaneous reflexes / reactions. That’s why Sharaf al Din Ali Yazdi and his Zafarnameh are more important than the Quran – not as just a reading, but to first study and understand Timur’s unmatched strategic capacities and later to reproduce them within the present context against all the enemies of the Islamic world.



The war is imperial, not religious. The Western enemies of the Muslims want to

a) divert all Muslims to fake theologies that have been deliberately and systematically presented to them as ‘religion’ (i.e. Islam),

b) engulf them in this idiocy, and

c) utilize them for their calamitous agendas.

A fake Mahdi and a fake prophet Jesus have been produced (with microchips in their stupid heads and without knowing it) and they may ‘appear’ in public, if some evil agendas are successfully advanced.

Who are today’s best Muslims?

Putin and Xi Jinping!

The only who block the advance of the evil Western agendas.

Extra readings:

Published before 5 years:


Published before 11 years:


Notice the Al Qaeda Homunculi, the “front office” and the “back office”!

Best wishes for Mawlid un-Nabi,

Best regards,


Tajrish Bazaar, Tehran: where Iranians from all the walks of life meet.


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