Tag Archives: West

Aristotle as Historical Forgery, the Western World’s Fake History & Rotten Foundations, and Prof. Jin Canrong’s Astute Comments


Аристотель как историческая подделка, фальшивая история и гнилые основы западного мира, и проницательные комментарии профессора Цзинь Канронга

Last November, in a viral video on Douyin, Prof. Jin Canrong straightforwardly questioned the existence of the Ancient Macedonian philosopher and scholar Aristotle. This sounded impertinent, erroneous or even extravagant to many people in the Western world. But, is the leading Chinese scholar wrong or have all the Western academics been formed and operated as mere ‘knowledge administrators’ of a mostly absurd, delusional and tyrannical bureaucracy of universities? 

We can be sure of only one fact: had Prof. Jin Canrong (金灿荣/Цзинь Цаньрун) been a Western academic employed in any local institution, he would have been fired exclusively because of his statement. In the Western world, there is no freedom of thought or freedom of expression, particularly when one truthful scholar attacks the crumbling foundations of a corrupt system based on falsehood, distortion and fabrication. You can find Prof. Canrong’s videos, brief presentations of his approach, reports and news about it, and curriculum at the end of the present article.


I. Aristotle: a Major Founding Myth of the Western World

II. When, where and by whom was the Myth of Aristotle fabricated?

III. The Myth of Aristotle and its first Byproducts: Scholasticism, East-West Schism, the Crusades & the Sack of Constantinople (1204)

IV. Aristotelization: First Stage of the Westernization and the Colonization of the World

V. Aristotelization as Foundation of all the Western Forgeries: the so-called Judeo-Christian Heritage and the Fraud of Greco-Roman Civilization

VI. The Modern Western World as Disruption of History

VII. The Myth of Aristotle and the Monstrosity of Western Colonialism 

I. Aristotle: a Major Founding Myth of the Western World

As a historian, Orientalist and Hellenist, Greek citizen of Turkish origin, I fully support Prof. Jin Canrong’s approach to the topic. The texts currently attributed to Aristotle were written more than 1000 years after he died. This can certainly be historically proven; although he is a historical figure mentioned by several historians, philosophers and erudite scholars, who lived in later periods (in the Roman, Eastern Roman & Islamic times), we have few quotations before the 11th century; but by then, the forgery had already been prepared, and it started being diffused from Rome to Constantinople to Cairo to Baghdad.

Even more importantly, Aristotle was never exalted (in the way he has been over the last centuries in the Western world) by all those who mentioned or quoted him before the 11th c. This means that we have two different issues in front of us. One concern is the historicity of Aristotle’s manuscripts itself; and a totally different topic is the praise of the ancient philosopher and the extreme glorification of the texts, the concepts, and the ideas that were said to be his.

The distortion of the historical truth about Aristotle is one of the major founding myths of the Western World; it was generated in order to subordinate Alexander the Great and his successors (the Seleucids, the Ptolemies, the Attalids, and the Bactrian kingdom) and to ascribe them to Aristotle’s hypothetical (or fictional) ‘wisdom’ (since he was reputed to be Alexander’s instructor and mentor). All the same, the modern historical science is fully capacitated to convincingly demonstrate that Alexander the Great evidently acted against Aristotle’s conjectural guidelines and that the Macedonian king’s deeds were totally irrelevant to his mentor’s concepts.

II. When, where and by whom was the Myth of Aristotle fabricated?

The distortion of the historical truth about Aristotle was undertaken as Roman Catholic opposition to, and polarization against, the Eastern Roman (Orthodox / falsely called ‘Byzantine’) Empire, Church and Patriarchate that were conceptually based on the Cappadocian Fathers (迦帕多家教父) of the Christian Church and on what we conventionally call ‘Neo-Platonic (新柏拉图主义) philosophers of the Late Antiquity’. Although a pagan, Plato had a preeminent position in the Eastern Roman Empire, the Orthodox Church, and the Patriarchate of New Rome – Constantinople. The Roman Catholic Church would not stand against Orthodox Christianity without fabricating a counterfeit dogma that was founded on texts, which the Catholic monks wrote and attributed to Aristotle, who was also reputed to be Plato’s disciple. 

Justinian (查士丁尼一世) I

The reason for which the distortion of the historical truth about Aristotle could not be possibly undertaken in Rome before 752 CE (in the middle years of the Tang dynasty /唐朝) is simple; early identifying the reactionary college of Roman clerics, Emperor Justinian (查士丁尼一世) I (527-565) introduced a compulsory practice, namely the selection, approval and consecration of the Roman popes by the Eastern Roman (Constantinopolitan) emperor. This imperial procedure efficiently prevented the prevalence of falsehood, cruelty and barbarism in Rome for more than two centuries (537-752); but by the modern Aristotelian, colonial Western academics, it has been labeled -in a most derogatory manner- as ‘Byzantine Papacy’ (拜占庭教皇). 

For more than 200 years, the anti-Constantinopolitan, Aristotelian party of Rome (mostly based on the Order of the Benedictines/本篤會) was particularly hindered by the aforementioned imperial procedure. Because of the difficulties that the Eastern Roman Empire faced with the Omayyad Caliphate and several nomadic invaders, the Roman clerics were able at last to definitely overthrow the Constantinopolitan control in 752. Only then, they were able to start their alliance with the Franks and the Germans, to launch a multilayered and multifaceted war against the Eastern Roman Empire, and to oppose Orthodox Christianity on several dogmatic matters.

Subsequently, they developed their counterfeit theology that they founded on a rival philosophical system. To make their philosophy appear as ancient, systematic and important, they attributed their concepts, principles, thoughts, methods and ideas to Aristotle, eventually writing entire treatises that the world has ever since been told to consider as originally written by Plato’s pupil. This is the quintessence of what we now call Scholasticism (經院哲學), namely the absurd basis of all fanaticisms. Quite indicatively, the very early Scholastic movements start after the 760s-770s.

For this reason, there are an enormous number of manuscripts that date back to the 9th and the 10th c., whereas there is an impressive, almost incredible, scarcity of Ancient Greek manuscripts dating to earlier periods; the monks who fabricated Aristotle in the way we know him today had the power to cold-bloodedly destroy or hide manuscripts that they did not deem compatible with their philosophical system, to edit all the texts of Aristotle that had been saved until their time, to totally rewrite a text and burn the original manuscript or even to identify titles of missing works and daringly compose them at will.

The Babylonian Emperor Hammurapi (漢摩拉比; reign: 1792-1750 BCE), the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III (圖特摩斯三世; reign: 1479-1425 BCE), and the Achaemenid Iranian Emperors Darius I the Great (大流士一世; reign: 522-486 BCE) and Xerxes I the Great (薛西斯一世; reign: 486-465 BCE) as represented in contemporaneous monuments created during their own times. Their historicity is unchallengeable. But Aristotle’s manuscripts date back to medieval times, i.e. more than 1000 years after his death; even Aristotle’s statues and/or busts date back to Roman times, e.g. 300 or 500 years after his death. The real issue is not whether he existed or not but whether he wrote all the works that Benedictine monks composed in his name and whether he was considered as important or as secondary, trivial and worthless. And the most probable option is the latter.

Roman times’ Aristotle’s busts were few and very different from one another. This fact shows that the Catholic scholastic worshipping of Aristotle is baseless, nonsensical and absurd.

III. The Myth of Aristotle and its first Byproducts: Scholasticism, East-West Schism, the Crusades & the Sack of Constantinople (1204)

In brief, what the notorious Spanish Inquisition (西班牙宗教裁判所) did to humans, the Catholic monks also perpetrated to manuscripts and ancient texts. In the 13th c., Thomas Aquinas (托马斯·阿奎那) carried out an immense intellectual amalgamation of the Manichaean (摩尼教) structures of Catholic theology and intellect (as greatly attested in the works of Saint Augustine / 希波的奧古斯丁) with the fully fabricated Aristotelian rationality (亞里斯多德的理性). This formidable intellectual background constitutes the real foundations of the Western World and of the so-called Western civilization.

Aristotelian rationality and the Western myth of Aristotle were not produced only for the intellectual consolidation of the Catholic Church and the Western world, but also for the destruction of the Orient. Many well-known historical developments hinge on this issue, but this fact remains largely unknown worldwide.

The Translatio Imperii {Latin for ‘transition of the (world) kingdom’, namely a Late Antique and Christian concept concerning the metaphysical transfer of the world kingdom from nation to nation}, the ‘problem of two (Roman) emperors’ (namely the Eastern Roman Emperor and the Holy Roman Emperor, starting with Charlemagne/兩個皇帝的問題), the East-West Schism (東西教會大分裂) first in 867 (known as Photian schism/佛希亞斯分裂) and then in 1054, the formation of pro-Roman agents within the Eastern Roman Empire and the Christian Orthodox Church (known as Uniate /東儀天主教會), the treacherous role that the states and the merchants of Venice, Genoa and Pisa played against the Eastern Roman Empire, the Crusades (1095-1444; 十字軍東徵), the Massacre of the Latins in Constantinople (April 11182; 拉丁人大屠殺), the infamous Sack of Constantinople (1204; 君士坦丁堡的洗劫), the appellation of the Eastern Romans as ‘Greeks’, the theological differences between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Roman Orthodox Church, the notorious Council of Florence (1431-1449; 佛羅倫斯議會), the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans (1453; 君士坦丁堡的陷落), the preposterous Roman Catholic fabrication of the notion and concept of Byzantinism (拜占庭主義), the major tenets of Renaissance, the heresy of Protestantism, and the European colonialism, all would be impossible without the earlier prepared philological fabrication of Aristotelianism (亞里斯多德主義) and the philosophical-theological establishment of Scholasticism.

IV. Aristotelization: First Stage of the Westernization and the Colonization of the World

If the Constantinople-based scholastic theologians acted as Uniates (unionists) and were considered as traitors, the diffusion of Aristotelianism had a certain impact on the Islamic world, as cases like Ibn Rushd (Averroes/伊本·魯世德 – 阿威羅伊) and Averroism (阿威羅主伊義) very well demonstrate; however, this development was rather late (11th–12th c.). As it can be easily deduced, the impact was Medieval Roman, and not Ancient Greek.

Renaissance artists contributed greatly to the aforementioned practice of systematic exaltation of Aristotle and blind admiration for his works. It is exactly for this reason that in the well-known but false, ahistorical and deceitful painting ‘The School of Athens’ (雅典學校) by Raffaello Sanzio di Urbino (Raphael; 1483-1520; 拉斐爾), Aristotle (and not Plato) occupies the central position, appearing to be the most attractive, most energetic and most convincing philosopher.

The notorious school that never existed

And that’s why every reference to the Arabic translations of Aristotle’s ‘works’ (as a hypothetical ‘proof’ that the entirely constructed Aristotle is not fictional), although very factual, is quite deceitful indeed; as I said, in late 8th-9th c. Constantinople, the pro-Roman Uniates (: unionists) worked according to Roman Catholic (not Eastern Roman Orthodox) directives, storing, copying, amending or dispatching to Rome Aristotle’s manuscripts. During the same period, the fabrication of Aristotle’s works was a fully-fledged activity of numerous Catholic Benedictine monks across Western Europe; subsequently, these forged manuscripts were exchanged with codices found in libraries and scriptoria located in major centers of learning in the Eastern Roman Empire, Omayyad Andalusia, Abbasid Baghdad, etc.

In other words, in most of the cases, the supposedly original texts of Aristotle were first written in late 8th and 9th c. Rome, Northern Italy, and France, being thence dispatched to the realm of the Eastern Romans, to the Omayyad Muslims of Al-Andalus, and to the Muslims and the Christians of the Abbasid Caliphate. There is no manuscript of Arabic translation of Aristotle’s works that dates before the early-middle 9th c. Last, when it comes to Syriac (敘利亞文文字) translations of Aristotle’s works, we have to accept that only very few texts have been translated before the establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate; furthermore, these essays were rather brief, like the Categories (亞里斯多德的範疇),

Aristotle was apparently a minor philosopher whose real theories and exact postulations we will never learn; this is so, because he was purposefully utilized, systematically falsified, and extensively distorted by the Roman Benedictine monks who wanted to corroborate their version of Christianity, while rejecting their Eastern Roman rivals, namely the emperor and the patriarch at Constantinople; and in the process, they wrote the bulk of Aristotle’s works that are ‘saved’ down to our times.

V. Aristotelization as Foundation of all the Western Forgeries: the so-called Judeo-Christian Heritage and the Fraud of Greco-Roman Civilization

Statesmen, academics, intellectuals, diplomats, and simple people in China, India, Russia, Africa and Latin America have to take into account that the myth of Aristotle, which was crucial for the destruction of Eastern Roman Orthodoxy, the demise of the Islamic World, and the colonization – Westernization of the entire world, is only one of the major founding myths of the Western World.

A great number of methodically forged, delusional, discriminatory, and divisive myths, many historical distortions of absurdly Euro-centric character, and theoretical falsifications of the so-called Judeo-Christian past (猶太教和基督教的過去) and of the forged Greco-Roman civilization (希臘羅馬文明) have been first conceived, then composed, and finally propagated across the Western European lands by the Roman Catholic monks in the period between the late 8th and the 16th c.

After the forgery prevailed across that periphery of the Afro-Asiatic landmass, it was imposed colonially worldwide due to unprecedented bloodshed and inhuman practices of torture, which were perpetrated by the paranoid and barbarian conquistadors, who wanted to ‘civilize’ (read: barbarize) the entire world.

Aristotle, Catholic Scholasticism, and European Renaissance bring forth only colonial wars and opium; Imperial commissioner Lin Zexu (林則徐; 1785-1850), also known as “Lin of Clear Skies” for his moral integrity and his adamant rejection of opium and of colonialism

In fact, the Western World does not possess any historicity, any continuity and any originality. Contrarily to the historical continuity attested in pre-colonial Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran, India and China, the History of the Western world (originally meaning: the Italian and Iberian peninsulas and the northwestern extremities of Western Europe) consists in an entirely broken and ultimately disrupted process. It is essential to clearly discern and fully assess this reality, as it is directly intertwined with Western colonialism and it helps explain why this atrocity was committed, involving many crimes against the Mankind.

This is the only fundamental reason for which the Western colonial powers differ from the rest of the world; all the major civilizations, historical nations, and great lands of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and other continents have been characterized by cultural continuity throughout several different eras down to their colonization, when the false colonial dogma was locally imposed. 

VI. The Modern Western World as Disruption of History

But in Western Europe, the historical process (Antiquity, Late Antiquity, the rise of Christianity and the arrival of Islam) was interrupted after the end of the imperially appointed popes of Rome (752), because the subsequent formation of Scholasticism, the institution of Aristotelianism (as a counterfeit, bogus-Christian philosophy and theology), the extreme manipulation and falsification of the ancient historical sources, and the massive production of fake manuscripts opened the way toward the creation of a forged past that the Western European colonial academics named ‘Greco-Roman civilization’ and ‘Judeo-Christian world’.

Within this entirely noxious circumference, for the first and only time in World History, the historical past was either obliterated or distorted in a way to be adjusted to the needs of the prevailing racist concepts, catastrophic ideas, and heinous plans for all the rest.

Aristotelianism, a totally fake, spiritually sick, and intellectually rotten product, became the ‘logical’ and ‘reasonable’ foundation of the world of absolute paranoia, involving notably but not exclusively White Supremacism (白人至上主義), and Western Colonialism (西方殖民主義), which brought about Renaissance (文藝復興), Classicism (古典主義), Hellenism (希臘化), and Orientalism (東方主義).

The historical Emperor Assurbanipal of Assyria (亚述巴尼拔; 669-625 BCE) as depicted on bas reliefs from his palace at Nineveh (尼尼微); and the fictional Sardanapalus of the 19th French Orientalist painter Eugène Delacroix (欧仁•德拉克罗瓦; 1798-1863): from his painting La Mort de Sardanapale (the Death of Sardanapalus; 薩達那帕拉之死)

The prefabricated historical dogma was totally imposed either tyrannically (on European colonies) or deceitfully (through infiltration: Germany, Russia, etc.) across the Earth. Everyone had a role in the Western colonial scheme; the colonized nations were ipso facto subaltern slaves, whereas the Western European colonials were the undisputed masters, who were ‘known’ as ‘provenly’ possessing ‘superior’ intellect, ‘nobler’ heritage, and ‘older’ historical past.

For this absurdity not to be challenged, every new decipherment of an ancient Oriental writing system, every new establishment of an Orientalist discipline {such as Iranology (伊朗學), Egyptology (埃及學), Assyriology (亞述學), Hittitology (赫梯學), Indology (印度學), Sinology (漢學), Turkology (土耳其學), etc.}, and every new publication and study of an ancient literature (that antedates Ancient Greece and Rome by 2000 or 250 years) was entirely disconnected from the prefabricated History of the Mankind. This means that the fresh and original data, the genuine pieces of information found in unearthed ancient sources, and the possibility of wider contextualization of the historical continuity were not used (as they should have been) in order to amend the earlier established arbitrary and baseless Western colonial dogma.

VII. The Myth of Aristotle and the Monstrosity of Western Colonialism  

This fact, in and by itself, demonstrates that the existing Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian fallacy is an entire construct that does not contain even a shred of truth in it. Had the Western world’s pseudo-historical forgery been truthful, scholars and explorers would have fully reassessed it and readjusted it accordingly in the light of the Ancient Sumerian (蘇美人), Egyptian, Akkadian (阿卡德), Assyrian-Babylonian, Hurrian (胡里安人), Hittite and Canaanite (迦南人) civilizations, literature, intellect, spirituality, and culture.

That is why practically speaking there is absolutely no comprehensive and unbiased study of the cataclysmic and decisive impact that the Ancient Oriental Genius had on the formation of the so-called Ancient Hebrew, Greek and Roman civilizations.

1825 至 30 年間,英國東印度公司重要人物在印度巡遊。Important figures from the British East India Company toured Mughal India between 1825 and 1830

That is why practically speaking there is absolutely no comprehensive and unbiased study of the parallel paths of the intellect, the similarity of the structures of faith and thought, and the affinity among human cultures in Ancient Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Iran, Egypt, China and India.

That is why practically speaking there is absolutely no proper academic, educational and intellectual cooperation among the earlier colonized countries and there is no Egyptology in Iran, no Assyriology in India, no Hittitology in China, no Indology in Egypt, and no Sinology in Algeria. Earlier colonized lands have been deliberately dissociated from one another, and all the postcolonial (or neocolonial) educational systems worldwide were created to be Occidentalo-centric and Euro-centric.

This calamitous reality does indeed apply also to deeply religious people, as Egyptian Copts know nothing about Nestorian Christianity in India, Central Asia, and China, whereas Moroccan Muslims are fully ignorant of the Islamic heritage of Uzbekistan, Uzbeks know absolutely nothing about the History of the Somali and Bantu East African Sultanates, Nigerian Muslims never learn about Mughal Indian culture and literature, and so on.

However, all of them, in their respective schools, are still forced to learn all the fake myths of the Western colonial world and the associated bogus-historical dogma.



You can find Prof. Canrong’s videos, brief presentations of his approach, reports and news about it, and curriculum in the following links:






In Chinese:



(Professor Jin Canrong; Professor, School of International Relations, Renmin University of China)



亚里士多德存在吗?(Did Aristotle exist?)



In English:



Version 1.0.0


Download the article (text only) in PDF:

Download the article (with pictures and legends) in PDF:

Africa, China and Eurasianism

The following is made out of a series of comments I wrote on a post by Dr. Bischara Ali’s  in Linkedin as refutation of a video’s contents and news about China’s rising influence in Africa. The comments can be found here:


The video in question can be viewed here:

“It’s Game Over for Europe in Africa, China has taken the upper hand”


The brief conclusion has been added herewith.

confucianism (1).jpg

China has not taken the upper hand in Africa and that’s why!

There can’t be more erroneous statement than the above as regards Africa, Europe, USA, and China! The Chinese already had a setback in Africa due to the evil Zionist conspiracy ‘Arab Spring’ (it was not a Spring, and there are no ‘Arabs’ outside Saudi Arabia). The Chinese think that, by spending more money, they will have a success, by they will fail again, just like the Soviets failed and Russian influence in Africa is now as important as Polish or Spanish influence. Contrarily, the American influence is stronger, because the US came as a continuation of the colonial powers, England and France, and consciously acted on the well prepared track. What the Soviets / Russians and the Chinese fail to understand is that in Africa they don’t face a reality, but a fake fabrication mounted for more than 200 years (since Napoleon).

So, anyone who comes to Africa (as well as to the fake area called ‘Middle East’, to India, to Indochina – Indonesia) meets people who lost their identity, integrity, cultural – historical consciousness, spirituality and humanity, being turned by the colonials into ignorant, pathetic and inhuman puppets or robots fixed to permanently perform as per the colonial interests. As long as the Chinese do not realize and do not outmaneuver this situation, they will fail. To mark a success in Africa and other parts of Eurasia, China must first eliminate today’s fake islam of the trashy robots, demolish all desecrated, Satanic mosques, drive all indigenous nations to a recovery, reassessment and rehabilitation of their lost spiritual and cultural identity and integrity, and second arrange an alliance with the reborn nations on parity basis.

But China will not be able to even envision – let alone implement – such a strategy, because China is also a victim of the European colonialism not only following the Opium Wars, but also because of the diffusion of two colonial ideologies, namely nationalism and communism, on Chinese soil. These vicious systems have been devised by the colonial powers to be self-destructive for any adherent, as inhuman, fake and Satanic. Taking into consideration the fact that Karl Marx was a filthy, jobless, Ashkenazi fake-Jew and a homosexual who lived his useless and cursed life on the expenses of his boyfriend Friedrich Engels, one may ask how a product of the Western Cholera like Communist China can be possibly expected to destroy the Western powers’ deeds and imposed conditions of spiritual, cultural, intellectual and socio-economic slavery?

For China to do this, the Communist Party of China (CPC) must be re-baptized Confucian Party of China. Only when one is spiritually awaken, culturally self-conscious, and historically integer, can one wake up the others; this is valid for people, societies and states alike. Those who expect China to solve the problems of Africa not only daydream but also export their problems and responsibilities to others. And so, like all the rest, they have now to expect only the terrible disasters that will rightfully befall on the debased and degenerated, materialistic, consumerist and inane human race which will soon be extinct. The few survivors will only reconfirm the truth that every rule has its exceptions.




The Simplicist Equation ‘China – Eurasianism’ must end!

Thank you for the interesting article that I will read carefully. Do not be ecstatic about everything that is said as regards Eurasianism!

Eurasianism can be all things to all. Some use Eurasianism to reinvent, reassess, unite, construct and expand and others mount their own versions of it to alter, divide, corrupt and destroy.

Eurasianism does not need Hegel, Marx, Heraclitus and the rest of the European philosophical dementia.

Eurasianism, if true, has to show that Europe is only a geographically mediocre and culturally low peninsula of Asia, and not even Asia’s most populous or most civilized peninsula.

Eurasianism, if useful, has to demonstrate that Europe or the ‘West’ is not either independent from or opposite to Asia or the ‘East’.

Eurasianism, if successful, will prove to all that Europe or the ‘West’ have only been the alteration, the deformation and the corruption of Asia or the ‘East’.

So, urgently abandon anything related or considered to be related to the so-called European culture and civilization! It is either a deliberate falsehood or a degenerate element.













The conclusion is simple: only a Confucian China can mark a real success in China, Eurasia, Africa and worldwide. The Quest for the Confucian China must now start!


Download the text:

Africa, China and Eurasianism

To be or not to be. Western Questions about ISIS and Islam reveal the Collapse of Christianity

By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

Refutation of Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer’s article ‘Is ISIS Islamic?’


This is the Caliphate that France, England and America did not want.


And this is the ‘Caliphate’ that France, England and America wanted.

Sultan Murad and Safavid embassy

This is the Caliphate that France, England and America did not want.


And this is the ‘Caliphate’ that France, England and America wanted.

Istanbul Topkapi

This is the Caliphate that France, England and America did not want.


And this is the ‘Caliphate’ that France, England and America wanted.

In a previous article under title ‘Ottoman Empire, Fake ‘Middle East’, the Pseudo-Christians of the West, and the Forthcoming Tribulation’ (https://megalommatiscomments.wordpress.com/2014/10/11/ottoman-empire-fake-middle-east-the-pseudo-christians-of-the-west-and-the-forthcoming-tribulation/), I analyzed why the Western Christians’ stance towards their governments’ policies against the Ottoman Empire and its detached provinces (the technical entities of the so-called ‘Middle East’) is very wrong, definitely immoral, and in total contradiction with the Christian principles, values and virtues. I concluded that a great number of nominal Christians, who approved of the evil policies and deeds of the Western governments, are in reality pseudo-Christians irrespective of what they may think they are.

In a world engulfed in the worst crisis of identity of all times, it is only normal that doubts are raised as regards the identity of the ‘other.’ Only yesterday, Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer, who specializes in ‘global religion’ – a non-existent entity – questioned in an article the identity of ISIS (Is ISIS Islamic? / http://www.theglobalist.com/is-isis-islamic/).

Quite interestingly, under the title, a motto gives the summarizing idea of the article (“Every religion has its dark sides, but the conflict is about politics.”). This is absolutely irrelevant; dark sides in a religion are what you don’t know of that religion. They don’t exist by themselves. No religion has ever had any dark side whatsoever. And all conflicts about politics cannot be deprived of their own religious dimension, because everything in a human society hinges on the spiritual belief or disbelief. Atheists are religious too; they are slaves of Satan either they understand it or not. Their theory and their rejection of God is a form of Satanic faith.

When one starts with so many preconceived ideas as the global religion theoretician Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer, his approach is doomed to fail, but this does not originate from the lack of knowledge of the ‘other side’. And Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer’s main problem is not his lack of insightful knowledge about both, the Islamic world and ISIS itself. The article reveals a serious problem of Christian identity and for this reason I intended to comment on it. I think that my comments will be useful to both, Christians and Muslims.

The author of the article tries to implement the following simplistic logic: if we hold the Ku Klux Klan in the US and the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda as ‘Christian’, then we can consider ISIS as ‘Islamic’. This sort of approach does not clarify anything, and rather creates further confusion among both, Christians and Muslims. Generally speaking, I understand and accept the approach through analogy, but to implement this method in your text, you’ve got to select very firm examples. Yes, it is correct to say ‘if we hold the New and the Old Testament as holy books for the Christians, then we can consider the Quran as holy book for Muslims’. Beyond the limit of such comparisons, we can achieve minimal result through analogy and at times lose clarity.

There is always a very serious mistake in every approach that avoids a proper, direct definition and attempts to define something through its opposite. If you want to define Christianity, you cannot possibly be as vague as you are when saying ‘Christianity is something other than / different from Ku Klux Klan’ (or the LRA). Ditto for the Islamic World.

It is really gross to try to define Christianity as the antithesis of what the author calls the LRA ‘a terrible terrorist organization’! Who can expect a religion to possibly be ‘a terrible terrorist organization’? No one!

In addition, there are in Uganda hundreds of thousands if not millions of simple people who, if not terrorized, will have the courage to state that the LRA is NOT a terrorist organization – or if you want not as terrorist as the execrable, racist Ugandan government. And who is authorized to speak about ‘terrorism’? The global mass media? Or the defenders of a non-existent ‘global religion’?

But the term ‘terrorism’ (or ‘terrorist’) is an unhistorical fabrication that was composed only recently as a vicious tool of the world’s most evil, most villainous, and most dictatorial regimes, the likes of America, England and France. It has no credibility, and above all, it is used within political context. Why on Earth a scholar and an academic feels the need to confuse his readers so much as to mention a political term when he talks about religion?

Whatever Christianity has been or has not been or may have been, it is certainly something unrelated to modern political terms; even more so if these terms are recently invented as result of scheming and propaganda and therefore fully rejected by vast populations worldwide.

However, the use of brutal manners in order to achieve power that will later consolidate the survival and the propagation of a faith, a religion, a sect or a secret order-organization is widely attested in almost every religion, culture, nation and period.

There are many historical examples in this regard. The Ismailiyah Order of the Shia Muslims, who were also called Hashashin (because their leader, the famous ‘Elder of the Mountain’ administered the proper dose of hashish to his disciples in order to duly instrumentalize and effectively utilize them for his purposes) and were known to Marco Polo (he called them Assassins and this is how this word was first used in European languages), used to send members (their secret knights) to cross incredibly long distances to arrive where their target (a ruler, an military leader, an imam or other) lived and, by treacherously approaching, assassinate them. Should we call them ‘terrorists’? This would be utterly ridiculous.

It is actually always pathetic and ludicrous to project one period’s / civilization’s / culture’s measures, values and criteria onto other periods, civilizations and cultures. One cannot evaluate others through use of one’s own criteria; every civilization, culture, religion, and historical period is an independent entity that no scholar can transform as per his theoretical needs in any way. The reason for this maxim is simple; by slightly transforming (through improper evaluation involving external criteria) a civilization, culture, religion, and historical period, a scholar only modifies and misinterprets it. This scholar is therefore speaking of a false entity that practically speaking never existed (except in his misinterpretation and imagination); thus, he only confuses his unfortunate readers.

Another example is offered by the Christian Catholic Holy Inquisition. It is undisputed that this Holy Office carried out very brutal policies for long. Should we call it ‘terrorism’? This would also be utterly ludicrous.

As the author is continuously avoiding a proper definition for what is ‘Islamic’ and what is not, the article is characterized by a personal, individualistic approach that is both, irrelevant and confusing. Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer implements again the analogy approach, but this time at the very personal level. He, as a Christian, dissociates himself from the Ugandan LRA and the American Ku Klux Klan, and he therefore postulates that, accordingly, ‘this is the same position most Muslims are in now with regard to ISIS’.

This is very irrelevant because scholars are expected to include personal views and experience in their memoirs at the end of the their lives and not as supposedly convincing evidence in their articles and other publications. This style is very arrogant; in addition, it is very confusing because personal approaches do not constitute proper definitions. The sentence he makes is quiet evident: ‘As a Christian, I feel like they have nothing to do with me or with the Christianity that I know’. The last words reveal the extent of the problem; probably the globalist professor and specialist of the non existent ‘global’ religion ( !! ? !! )  does not know the Holy Inquisition, and consequently we can safely claim that he does not know Christianity well. And this is the problem for him and for all the misled and confused Christians of the West.

Many people have been driven to the impasse of assuming a lot; one of their wrong assumptions is to take today’s fallen Christianity as the true Christianity. Similarly, in the Islamic world, there are many Muslims, who assume that today’s fallen Islam is the true Islam. Both groups fail to understand one another because they primarily fail to understand themselves and accurately specify how far they have gone from their respective religions, sailing adrift in the Sea of Relativism and Faithlessness.

After the preliminary part of the article, its inconsistency turns it to a mere worthless piece. As the title obliges the author to give a definition of ISIS, the ‘global religion’ specialist or rather propagandist Mark Juergensmeyer enters into a series of mistakes while giving to his readers unexplained terms that are absolutely meaningless to the non-specialist.

He says: ‘What makes things even more complicated is that ISIS bases its beliefs and actions on a form of Islamic interpretation called Salafism’.

– Why on Earth is now the Salafist nature of ISIS (which is true and beyond any doubt) a problem?

Let me make my position clear. In many articles, I denounced the Wahhabism (the correct term for Salafism) as a deformation of Islam. But Wahhabism (or if you want Salafism) is nothing new to the Western world’s academia and diplomats.

To paraphrase Prof. Juergensmeyer, before any other institution on Earth, Saudi Arabiathe country that America catastrophically chose as its primary ally in the region before …. 70 years or, to put it otherwise, the country that England disastrously conspired with against the Ottoman Caliphate for more than 100 years before the fall of the Ottoman dynasty and continually ever since ‘bases its beliefs and actions on a form of Islamic interpretation called Salafism’.

What is Prof. Juergensmeyer talking about?

If Saudi Arabia did not exist, there would never be an ISIS.

What does Prof. Juergensmeyer want?

Does he want ISIS to disappear and Saudi Arabia to survive?

That’s silly.

Because if Saudi Arabia continues existing, even if ISIS is mercilessly exterminated and all its members and fighters executed ( and this needs at least 50000 US soldiers in a large scale land attack and in coordination with the venerable president of Syria! ), there will be another ISIS, an ISIS bis if you want, or an ISES (Islamic State of Egypt and Sudan), an ISYA (Islamic State of Yemen and Arabia), or any combination of letters you may choose!

As long as Saudi Arabia exists, Wahhabism will be its pseudo-Islamic state dogma, and through the filthy money of the inhuman gangsters who rule from Riyadh, Wahhabism will be diffused among the masses of Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia to the Muslim Diaspora worldwide.

What is even worse is that Prof. Juergensmeyer fails again to either give a definition of Wahhabism (Salafism) or the historical perspective thereof; as a matter of fact, all the filthy and un-Islamic, dark and inhuman ideas that Muhammad Abdel Wahhab (the founder of Wahhabism) shaped and propagated during the 18th c. did not fall from the sky into his idiotic and ignorant mind. There has been an entire historical process within Islam (with heretic theologians preceding Muhammad Abdel Wahhab by 450 and 900 years) that led to this monstrous theological deformation of Islam. All this is unknown to the ‘global religion’ professor who writes about Islam without having a clue of all academic fields pertaining to the study of this historical – spiritual phenomenon.

This is the historical reality, which is quite well known to specialists of Islamic History and Religion in the West, but it remains concealed, because it is politically disturbing and troublesome. If Wahhabism is not uprooted, if all the Wahhabi institutions across the world are not shut down, if a new class of Muslim intellectuals at the antipodes of Wahhabism is not formed, the explosive situation will only turn worse.

First point of conclusion is therefore that Saudi Arabia and the Saudi family itself must be denounced as the only matrix of all evil across the Islamic world for the last 200 years, and an overwhelming attack against it must be undertaken in order to totally eliminate Riyadh and the villainous, heretic elite which from there managed to incessantly spread the evilness of Wahhabism worldwide.

The confusing presentation of Prof. Juergensmeyer is due to the fact that he does not seek the historical, religious, cultural and theological truth, but only writes in order to serve political purposes and needs, preserve strategic alliances, and in the process, effectuate compromises. We saw these compromises in Mosul, in Sanjar and in Raqqah. These compromises are responsible for the evacuation of most of the Yazidis from their homelands; these compromises are the reason for the deracination of all the Aramaean Christians of Mosul; these compromises are the root cause of the hecatomb that the bloodthirsty vampires of ISIS want to deliver.

For one more time, the ‘global religion’ specialist, Prof. Juergensmeyer, attempts a confusing definition through analogy! He writes: “The Salafi movement is similar to an extreme fundamentalism in Christianity”. This is an understatement; in addition, who can specify what ‘fundamentalism in Christianity’ means? This is not called ‘definition’ but ‘anyone’s guess’…

It must however become crystal clear to Western readership that ISIS, Saudi Arabia, and Wahhabism, (Salafism) do not constitute any form of Islamic fundamentalism. They are heretic, so they cannot be held as Islamic in any sense. They are far and out of the foundations of Islam, so they cannot possibly be ‘fundamental’. Muhammad Abdel Wahhab in his days was considered as a heretic and a traitor by the Ottoman administration; the same evaluation concerned also the Ottoman Caliphate’s traitor and founder of the Satanic house of the Saudis.

The two earlier Islamic theologians on whom Abdel Wahhab was based to produce his pseudo-Islamic trash, namely Ahmed ibn Taimiyah and Ahmed ibn Hanbal who lived in the 13th-14th c. and the 8th-9th c, respectively, were also considered as heretic in their times and duly imprisoned. They may be unknown to Prof. Juergensmeyer, but he should then abstain from writing purposelessly on issues he is not relevant of.

The famous, 14th c. Moroccan traveler, explorer and scholar Ibn Battuta encountered in Damascus people who knew personally the evil, villainous and ignorant heretic Ibn Taimiyah who was then imprisoned. This is what the Islamic World’s most illustrious traveler wrote about the progenitor of Wahhabism:

A controversial theologian  

One of the principal Hanbalite doctors at Damascus was Taqi ad-Din Ibn Taymiya, a man of great ability and wide learning, but with some kink in his brain. The people of Damascus idolized him. He used to preach to them from the pulpit, and one day he made some statement that the other theologians disapproved; they carried the case to the sultan and in consequence Ibn Taymiya was imprisoned for some years. While he was in prison he wrote a commentary on the Koran, which he called ” The Ocean,” in about forty volumes. Later on his mother presented herself before the sultan and interceded for him, so he was set at liberty, until he did the same thing again. I was in Damascus at the time and attended the service which he was conducting one Friday, as he was addressing and admonishing the people from the pulpit. In the midst of his discourse he said “Verily God descends to the sky over our world [from Heaven] in the same bodily fashion that I make this descent,” and stepped down one step of the pulpit. A Malikite doctor present contradicted him and objected to his statement, but the common people rose up against this doctor and beat him with their hands and their shoes so severely that his turban fell off and disclosed a silken skull-cap on his head. Inveighing against him for wearing this, they haled him before the qadi of the Hanbalites, who ordered him to be imprisoned and afterwards had him beaten. The other doctors objected to this treatment and carried the matter before the principal amir, who wrote to the sultan about the matter and at the same time drew up a legal attestation against Ibn Taymiya for various heretical pronouncements. This deed was sent on to the sultan, who gave orders that Ibn Taymiya should be imprisoned in the citadel, and there he remained until his death.

At a certain point in his article, Prof. Juergensmeyer makes a totally misleading statement (“So, yes, ISIS is ultimately Islamic – whether you like it or not”), which can have disastrous consequences on anyone who may happen to accept it. A heretic cannot be identified with the religion from which he was rejected. It is not a mere point of accuracy, but a critical issue of false target.

Failing to understand this, he adds perjury to infamy, by completing his sentence with the following: “but it is certainly not the kind of Islam that most Muslims would accept or profess”.

This is a pure lie. And more than a merely false point, it reflects the tendencies of the Western governments to totally conceal the truth from their peoples. First of all, no one has accurate estimates on the subject. Gallup polls in several Muslim countries are prohibited – particularly on a subject this critical -, whereas in the rest no Gallup polls have ever been conducted on issues as troublesome as that.

However, there are many indicators that ISIS does truly reflect in a certain way the kind of false, heretic and decayed Islam that most Muslims accept and profess. If you make a list of what is correct as an act or practice of the Islamic way of both, personal life and social organization, including perhaps 500 detailed points accepted by the followers, the fighters and the leaders of ISIS, and then you submit this list to 1000 average Saudis (without adding that these points are all approved by ISIS members), their responses, homogeneous and ominous, will take you by surprise. Their agreement with the 500 points of the list will deliver a result far above 90-95%.  Similar results, always above 80%, you will collect from countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan, Egypt, Algeria, etc. And certainly the agreement will be lower in other countries, but even in Turkey, it will be as high as 40% due to the vicious Western policies in favor of the AKP party Islamists and against the nationalist military establishment of Ankara (a paranoid policy that allowed the ruling Islamists to widen their basis through a varied set of methods).

How can one be sure of this?

By simply walking in the streets of districts inhabited by middle and lower classes (that total more than 80-90% of the total population of the country in most of the aforementioned cases) and observing what goes around, talking to the people, asking about their ideas, and entertaining comprehensive discussions as to just how they see and how they want to see their lives and their social environment – something that Prof. Juergensmeyer did not do, ultimately preferring the calmness and the security of his office somewhere in the States.

However, the situation is far worse than that. If you now present the same list (of what is correct as an act or practice of the Islamic way of personal life and social organization, including perhaps 500 detailed points accepted by the followers, the fighters and the leaders of ISIS) to a selected group of academics, engineers, businessmen, administrators and high profile functionaries, deputies of ‘parliament’ (this is a non-representative assembly for most of the cases), military, ministers and religious authorities across the Islamic world (without however saying that these points are all approved by ISIS members), you will collect even more surprising results. The outright majority of the elite of these countries (and I don’t mean here only Saudi Arabia but all the aforementioned countries) in majority supports the same points. This is for instance the reason one should view the latest president El Sisi of Egypt as theologically – ideologically – politically far closer to the former president Morsy than to the one time vice president El Baradei.

It would take too long to narrate how this situation has been formed, but I would however like to briefly hint at what I said earlier about the theologians who served as source of inspiration for Muhammad Abdel Wahhab, the founder of the Wahhabism (Salafism), namely the heretics Ibn Taimiyah and Ibn Hanbal. In fact, if Muhammad Abdel Wahhab developed the theological system that constitutes today’s Wahhabists’ doctrine, this is due to the fact that Ibn Hanbal’s and Ibn Taimiyah’s successive and intertwined theological systems gradually prevailed among the Islamic world and eliminated or transformed/altered all the opposite systems.

As a matter of fact, if one Muslim imam, qadi, mufti, minister, general, professor, president or businessman today rejects Wahhabism, he still accepts Ibn Taimiyah’s widespread and fully accepted theological system, which is – metaphorically speaking – the tree that produced the fruit of Wahhabism. There is, practically speaking, little difference or no difference at all between the two systems; simply every posterior system that emanates from an anterior is expected to feature and does actually feature some extra points.

The real difference existed in the past, in Islam’s Golden Era, when totally opposite philosophical systems totally prevailed across the highly educated Islamic World. These are the philosophical systems of Ibn Sina, Qurtubi, Ibn Rushd, Ghazali, Mohyieldin Ibn Arabi, Ibn Hazm, to name but a few; to them is due the Islamic Enlightenment, whereas to the gross, villain, uneducated trash of Ibn Taimiyah is due the complete disfigurement of Islam’s quintessence. However, due to the gradual diffusion of Ibn Taimiyah’s theological nonsense and ignominious darkness, and following its prevalence among ignorant and uneducated masses that it created in a vicious circle mechanism, as it attacked Science, Knowledge, Philosophy, Art and Spirituality, gradually all the philosophical systems of the aforementioned Titans of the Islamic Thought disappeared until the end of the 16th c.

Of course, there is one more difference between the political elites of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, etc. and the ISIS extremists; the former, although accepting most of Abdel Wahhab’s theories and all of Ibn Tamiyah’s ideas, differ politically and make the necessary compromises to ensure the survival of their regime. Contrarily, the latter reject the compromise of the former, viewing it as a treason of Islam. Political difference is therefore due to mere survival tactics of elites that are theological quasi-identical to ISIS; these elites believe that by making compromises upon compromises with the West, they can prolong their tenure and the ensuing material benefits. But their existence only spearheads new waves of uncompromising Wahhabists. Certainly, there is also an attitudinal difference (but no behavioral difference) between the followers of a guy like al Bashir of Sudan or Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen and the fighters of ISIS; the former want to pocket more money and store it in their banks, whereas the latter are ready to die. But none of them would accept his wife to be uncovered (without hejab, the Islamic veil) or his daughter to travel alone on motorbike across Europe.

The best corroboration of the aforementioned is the following tragicomical contrast between Egypt’s last and current presidents; Muhammad Morsy is viewed by some as extremist  whereas the incumbent is considered as a moderate and pragmatist person.

Former Egyptian president Muhammad Morsy’s wife wears hejab (Islamic veil that allows the face to be seen).

Current Egyptian president El Sisi’s wife used to wear a niqab (Islamic veil that covers the face entirely leaving only two small holes for the eyes) and only recently “swapped the niqab for a trendy hijab, hushing up claims that she was dyed-in-the-wool” (http://www.albawaba.com/slideshow/sisi-wife-intisar-amer-581626)!!

Prof. Juergensmeyer goes on saying that the reason for which “world leaders are trying to make in saying that ISIS is ‘not Islamic’.” is that ISIS “is certainly not the kind of Islam that most Muslims would accept or profess”. In the light of the aforementioned this appears to be a very unfortunate consideration and an erroneous evaluation of what is going on in the Islamic world.

Reaching the end of the brief yet mistaken article, Prof. Juergensmeyer says that Islam’s name means “peace” which is very wrong (in reality, it means ‘submission to God’ although it originates from the word ‘peace’).

In the article’s last three paragraphs, Prof. Juergensmeyer makes one more futile effort to dissociate ISIS from today’s prevalent Islamic theological systems and to associate it with politics. This is quite pointless and misplaced. In fact, there is no, and there cannot be any, difference between religion and politics in Islam. So, everything that is religious is also political, and vice versa.

Contrarily to the wrong Western assumption that Islam is the only system whereby religion and politics constitute an indivisible entity of faith and action, it is historically proven that all the major religions were systems in which faith and government were perfectly well interwoven. The same occurred particularly in Christianity either Orthodox or Catholic; one may even ponder that in some cases the phenomenon occurred more emphatically in Christianity than in Islam; extensively discussed terms, such as Papocaesarism and Caesaropapism are quite telling in this regard.

So, Prof. Juergensmeyer’s sentence “Besides religion, it is critical to recognize that all the forms of terrorism that we have seen are about politics. Any act of violence in the public sphere is aimed at trying to claim political space – at taking over power to assume control over regions or peoples. This is certainly true in the case of ISIS” is absolutely irrelevant and completely wrong.

The way one family lives is defined by religion; the way one society is organized is specified by religion; the way the art of rule is exercised is decreed by religion. The aforementioned does not only apply to the Islamic world; it does also to Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Iran, etc. It is also valid in Confucian China, Biblical Israel, and Christian Rome or Constantinople. One can enter into details that can fill volumes: the way one fights in battle is determined by religious orders; the way one sleeps is elucidated by religious advice; the way one eats is clarified by religious guidance; the way one has sex is stipulated by religious prescriptions, and so on.

Piety is one of the religious traits and virtues that must be reflected in a person’s life, either this person is Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Confucian. I fully agree with Prof. Juergensmeyer that “most people directly involved in ISIS are not pious Muslims”; this is right. But does it really matter?

And what about Prof. Juergensmeyer? Will he agree with me saying that “most people directly involved in Assets Management are not pious Christians”?

When we see vulture-funds in Latin America terrorizing nations like Argentina (which involves populations far larger than Iraq or Syria) and endangering the lives and the well-being of dozens of millions of people, do we still need to focus exclusively on a minor terrorist group and forget worse gangsters and terrorists who are far more perilous than the idiotic fighters of ISIS?

And this concludes the case of this type of confusing presentations and futile approaches that leave the Western readership in mysteries; identifying the true reasons of an explosive situation may help greatly solve and diffuse the crisis. But it entails a real inquiry about the original and the altered, the genuine and the transfigured, the authentic and the corrupt. Instead of searching pretexts and excuses, one should seek the truth.

It is not only greatly comical but also highly perilous for the Western leaders to continue on the same track. Why should they bother whether most of today’s Muslims accept or don’t accept the doctrine and the practices of ISIS? The Western leaders themselves constantly disregard the majority of the population back in their countries, and particularly when the majority is ostensibly opposite to calamitous choices that they make (such as the case of the erroneously conceived and catastrophically carried out attack against, and occupation of, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq). Their disregard for the wishes and the opinions of the majority of their countries’ populations is monumental; they cannot be sensitive for other nations when they are insensitive for their own.

The search for the reasons that brought about the present situation cannot be undertaken by Western academia, intellectuals and diplomats without a deep investigation of the developments that took place in their own countries in the first place. Before bothering to know whether ISIS is Islamic or not, they should care to find out whether the so-called Christian nations of the West are really Christian. Drunken of their colonial successes for many centuries, the Western peoples lived with myths and lies that totally disfigured the true dimensions of their own deeds, choices and policies. Modernity is not Christian but Anti-Christian. Globalism is not Divine but Satanic. And the Homosexual Marriages are not the ‘right of the free’ but the evilness of the slaves – of Satan.

Atheist, materialistic, and despiritualized, the Western world turned out to be the Cemetery of the Christian Faith. That’s why the leaders of the Western countries did not give a damn about the persecution, expulsion and extermination of the Aramaean Christians in Mosul. They face now a nominalist and legalist theological system of despiritualized Muslims, who are partly westernized and deeply materialistic, which means filled with extremely contradictory elements able to explode with uncontainable consequences.

The fallacy, inhumanity and monstrosity of either systems is such that one could simply consider them as the two faces of same coin. So corrupt and eroded this coin is that nothing can save it; it will soon be thrown in the Hell that it deserves. And its two faces, in full discord to one another, are triggering now by themselves the downgrading spiral that will bring their end. To survive one has to dissociate him/herself from the onerous coin as much as possible, as soon as possible, and as irreversibly as possible.





Ottoman Empire, Fake ‘Middle East’, the Pseudo-Christians of the West, and the Forthcoming Tribulation

Cassandra by Evelyn de Morgan

Cassandra, by Evelyn de Morgan – London, 1898


By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire is a Crime for which the World will still pay much.

The rightful state for all African and Western Asiatic territories between Morocco and Iran is the Ottoman Empire. However, in the aftermath of WW I, and because of the defeat of Imperial Germany’s allies, the Ottoman Empire was dispossessed of more than 80% of its territories (today’s Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Yemen) that had meanwhile been limited only in Western Asia, due to the French – English – Italian colonial expansion and illegal expropriation of Ottoman provinces in NW – N – NE Africa (today’s Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan and Eritrea).

The colonial empires attempted to achieve economic and political benefits through their expansion, and they managed to do so, and in the process they diffused colossal amounts of lies, disseminated alien theories and insults against the indigenous nations’ traditions, performed heinous deeds, carried out series of crimes, imposed unacceptable policies, and offered every reason for any indigenous nation to reject their plans and to revile them for having spread in the process discord and enmity among the indigenous nations, fratricidal conflicts, successive wars, foreign military interventions, ecological and human disasters, and total social disintegration.

On the other side, governed by puppet governments that do not obey the will of their peoples but carry out the orders of shadowy organizations and secret societies, the Western societies in their totality (except those who openly rejected the evildoing) became the undisputed accomplices of their governments and of their secret masters. Responsibility is therefore to be shared by all.

Because the top of the Western societies, i.e. the powerful secret organizations that define who participates in the local governments and who does not, consists of unbelievers, immoral gangsters, and villainous cheaters, no consideration was given to the moral aspect of the policies implemented and the deeds performed. But this does not change in anything their responsibility, and the responsibility of the puppet governments, and the responsibility of the peoples who were controlled by this pyramidal hierarchical scheme. They all bear the common responsibility for the aforementioned deeds because, irrespective of any religion and faith, every human bears the responsibility of his / her acts.

This is something that most of the simple people in all the Western countries tend to forget. If this attitude characterizes one agnostic or atheist person, it does not matter much because every person who rejects the universal order established by God (however perceived as per each specific religion and philosophy) is automatically immoral and no morality standards or principles can apply to, and be expected from, him/her. The notion of civic morality is a ludicrous attempt to effectively kill God and as such fully disregarded. Morality exists only within Faith; extreme cases like those of the Biblical stories about Sodom and Gomorrah bear witness to the aforementioned.

So, Western people, who are Christian of faith and accept the Christian concept of morality (differently interpreted of course as per each denomination), must know that they fully bear responsibility for the criminal deeds and policies of their governments to which they (and their forefathers) did not duly react. What is to be concluded from this point is that, according to Christian morality itself, Christians in the West should not be surprised, if terrible acts against their life, integrity, safety, and security are to be tomorrow undertaken. These acts have already been spearheaded by their governments’ policies and by the inactivity of those who value Christian and Biblical moral concepts like the famous order ‘Ό μισείς, μηδενί ποιήσεις‘ (Do that to no man which thou hatest – from Tobias, 4:15 – http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/apo/tob004.htm) which was exemplarily rephrased by Jesus as ‘Καθώς θέλετε ίνα ποιώσιν υμίν οι άνθρωποι, και υμείς ποιείτε αυτοίς ομοίως‘ (Do to other people what you want them to do to you – from Luke 6:31).

I am sure that true Christians fully understand the crimes that their successive governments have performed for more than 200 years against the Ottoman Empire and the different nations that lived in this vast empire. It would be too idiotic to believe that Jesus demanded from his followers to invade other countries, extirpate their resources, scheme against their inhabitants, and in the process persecute, torture or kill those who opposed them.

As this is quite clear, one has to conclude that those among the Westerners, who recently supported policies such as the wars undertaken by the US (with or without their allies) against Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, etc., are not and by definition cannot be Christian, irrespective of how they identify themselves, what they say they believe in, and whether they go to a church or not.

The reason for the above statement is simple.

– Who is the Christian American who would accept happily a foreign invading nation to detach Texas from the US, occupy the land, persecute the inhabitants, and expropriate its resources?

But America invaded Iraq, and the American Christians had an opportunity to thunderously oppose the Anti-Christian and Satanic policy of their country and in the process save their souls by markedly dissociating themselves from this nefarious evildoing. Unfortunately for the American Christians, they did nothing of the sort; quite contrarily, many of them expressed great happiness for the destruction their army caused on innocent countries like Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. none of which had ever planned, neither did they have the means, to attack America.

The extent of the crime to which these pseudo-Christians are held as wholehearted accomplices is such that, if they believe in their often mistranslated Bibles as they say, we can safely conclude that their souls will vanish in eternal Hell. And even before dying, they will face a calamitous punishment while living.

Jesus spoke about these pseudo-Christians of the West who are a real disgrace on the surface of the Earth; he said that ‘Οὐ πᾶς ὁ λέγων μοι, Κύριε Κύριε, εἰσελεύσεται εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τῶν οὐρανῶν, ἀλλὁ ποιῶν τὸ θέλημα τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς‘ (Vulgata: ‘non omnis qui dicit mihi Domine Domine intrabit in regnum caelorum sed qui facit voluntatem Patris mei qui in caelis est ipse intrabit in regnum caelorum’ / English: Not every one who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but he that does the will of my Father who is in the heavens – from Matthew 7:21).

Similarly, the English and French pseudo-Christians, who do not regret for their countries’ anti-Ottoman (and at the same time Anti-Christian) policies and who do not try to dissociate themselves from their evil, Satanic governments and states by any possible means, will be held responsible and vanish in eternal damnation. And before this is adjusted to their souls, their fate on Earth will be duly affected, because they have, thoughtlessly if not willingly, been the unrepented accomplices of the vicious and heinous policies pursued by their governments against the Ottoman Empire and its different nations.

Of course, the Christian populations of England and France (and before them those of other Christian countries like Holland, Spain and Portugal) were repeatedly confused and systematically misled by their vicious governments that promised them great wealth and prosperity due to the acquisition of colonial territories. But there are plenty of warnings in the Christian Bibles that clearly state that Christians have as tasks to watch carefully so that no one cheats them. Jesus said: ‘καὶ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ ᾿Ιησοῦς εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· βλέπετε μή τις ὑμᾶς πλανήσῃ’ (Vulgata: ‘et respondens Iesus dixit eis videte ne quis vos seducat’ / English: And Jesus answering, said to them: Take heed that no man seduce you – from Matthew 24:4).

All accounts made, there have been very few territories (mainly small islands) that were totally uninhabited at the moment of the Western colonization. In most of the cases, colonization brought about total destruction of the previous inhabitants, so it was a premeditated criminal act that the European colonizers carried out – and only for the sake of robbery, theft, expropriation of local wealth. Even worse, when trying to achieve these immoral and illegal targets, to overwhelmingly prevail over the indigenous nations that justly and rightfully defended their homelands, the European colonizers were forced to carry out extensive persecution, torture and genocide of the indigenous nations.In fact, it was a typical downgrading spiral that we customarily notice every time we see people, who are possessed by evil spirits, proceed from minor evil deeds to the most appalling crimes and sins.

It goes without saying that these crimes were decided and performed by the Freemasonic gangsters, who govern England, France, Holland and America; as a matter of fact, following their first initiation into the mysteries of Satan, these secluded non-humans lose quickly all traces of humanity and morality, and can perform all types of criminal evildoing. However, the enormous moral problem of all the rest, i.e. those who inhabit these countries and claim to be Christian, is that they did not and they still do not oppose these acts and policies, they don’t dissociate themselves from these crimes, and they do nothing to prevent them, being thus the most unfortunate accomplices. For the sake of stolen wealth that does not effectively belong to them (and which is will certainly and justly be soon removed from them), these pseudo-Christians have sold their souls to the devil.

They have thus forgotten the words of Jesus saying ‘Τι ωφελείται άνθρωπος εάν τον κόσμον όλον κερδήση, την δε ψυχήν αυτού ζημιωθή; Η τι δώσει άνθρωπος αντάλλαγμα της ψυχής αυτού;’ (Vulgata: ‘quid enim prodest homini si mundum universum lucretur animae vero suae detrimentum patiatur aut quam dabit homo commutationem pro anima sua’ / English: For what does a man profit, if he should gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? – from Matthew 16:26). This helps us understand that the consequences of their own indifference, ignorance, and immorality will fall upon them.

There is no Middle East – this is a false term in replacement of the correct ‘Ottoman Caliphate’ 

The extensive falsification project, which was launched by the colonial Orientalist academics in support of their countries’ evil deeds and was unfortunately accepted by the different Western, Christian nations, is another vast crime perpetrated for which the Western nations are in total impossibility to avoid the consequences. The project hinges on a multitude of points and details, systematic distortion, and fallacious contextualization of the events, but here I will examine only one dimension and term.

In fact, there is no Middle East.

The term is a subdivision of the ‘Orient’ (East) into ‘Near East’ (or Levant), ‘Middle East’, and ‘Far East’ (that comprised India and every land east of India). The entire subdivision of the Orient is historically irrelevant and morally vicious, but this is a subject for later discussion.

First, we should examine the general division of the world until the late 15th c. into Orient and Occident (East and West). The term draws on geographical considerations, but it takes a far more elaborate form of cultural division or divide. Geographically, it is truly correct to divide the surrounding lands as per the four cardinal points; however, this varies per country. What is ‘West’ for Iran (example: Turkish Anatolia) is ‘East’ for Greece. The same happens when moving from the septentrional to the meridional direction; what is ‘North’ for Sudan (example: Egypt) is ‘South’ for Phoenicia.

So, we can shape a conclusive opinion that whatever stands as geographically ‘relative’ cannot be held as historically – culturally – politically ‘absolute’. Consequently, the use of a similar term in a specific country cannot become general for all the countries of the world.

However, in striking opposition to the aforementioned conclusion, Western European scholars, promoting Freemasonic schemes, division and strives that brought about endless bloodshed, attempted to divide – first the historical past and second the political present of the last 300 years – into a fictional categorization ‘Orient vs. Occident’.

The term ‘Orientalist’ originates from this false division too. Quite interestingly, the vicious Freemasonic forgers of France and England did not come up with an equivalent term for those specializing on Western civilizations; there was never an ‘Occidentalist’!

This incredible trickery means that for no less than 20 different great civilizations (which entail twenty different names of specialists, such as Egyptologist, Assyriologist, Iranologist, etc.) there has been one generic term (Orientalist) created, whereas for only 2 great civilizations (Greece and Rome) no generic term was created but instead there have always been two specialized terms (Hellenist, Latinist) in use. This is exactly how – due to the dishonest terminology and the worthless diatribes of the Freemasonic forgers – the number 20 proved to be only half of the number 2!

As ‘Occident’ are identified, as regards the Antiquity and the Christian / Islamic Ages, only Greece, Rome and the predominantly Celtic Western Europe.

As ‘Orient’ are identified, as regards the Antiquity and the Christian / Islamic Ages, all the other lands, nations, cultures and civilizations in either Europe (Scythians, Cimmerians, etc.), Africa (Egypt, Carthage) or Asia (from Phrygia and Lydia that flourished on the Aegean Sea’s eastern shores to China).

This division is culturally baseless, structurally false, and largely contradicted by the existing historical sources and archaeological evidence referred to by the villainous Freemasonic forgers. In addition, it is geographically unacceptable. Example: ‘Oriental’ Carthage lies ‘west’ of ‘Western’ Greece!

Quite interestingly, even Greece’s territory during the Christian / Islamic Ages (successively part of the Eastern Roman and the Ottoman Empires), was viewed as rather part of the ‘Orient’. Useless to add that, according to this paranoia, the Islamic Caliphate of Andalusia in the Iberian Peninsula was unequivocally part of the ‘Orient’ too! This was absolutely ridiculous from the geographical point of view, because it meant literally that the ‘Orient’ was located both, east and west of the ‘Occident’!

However, the baseless cultural division obscured the minds of many people worldwide and deceived those of the rest. Even more unfortunately, the ensuing political division triggered scores of dead, incessant wars, and permanent discord and racism with even worse consequences.

As ‘Occident’ were identified in Modern Times only Italy, France, England, Belgium, Holland, the Scandinavian nations, and the US. Republics or monarchies seceding from the Spanish, Portuguese, and Ottoman Empires (Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Greece, Serbia) were tentatively accepted as ‘Occident’, and the same concerned later a certain number of former English dependencies that were accepted as independent states (Canada, Australia).

As ‘Orient’ were identified in Modern Times all the other lands, nations, cultures and civilizations in either Europe (Austria-Hungary, Imperial Germany, Tsarist Russia. the Ottoman Caliphate, and even the religious monarchies of Spain and Portugal that opposed the intellectual cholera of the so-called ‘Enlightenment’), Africa (the Ottoman provinces in the Black Continent, the Great Somali Sultanates, Morocco, the African kingdoms of the Oromos, the Hausa, etc., plus all the indigenous nations of the European colonies) or Asia (from the Ottoman Empire and Iran to Central Asia, India, SE Asia, China, Korea and Japan).

The political divide is certainly clearer of purpose; due to the projection of the baseless divide on the European soil itself, we can understand that the Freemasonic forgers created the two terms – parts of the divide in order to further polarize the differences between the states whereby the Anti-Christian theories of the French philosophers of the ‘Enlightenment’ were accepted (England, Holland, America, ‘Nouveau Régime’ France after 1789) and the states whereby these villainous, yet ideally marketed, theories were rejected.

In fact, the fake political divide categorized as ‘Orient’ together numerous states, empires, religions, cultures and nations as different from one another as the Catholics are from the Orthodox, the Sunni Muslims, the Shia Muslims, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Taoists, the Confucians, the Shinto, the followers of diverse indigenous African religious systems, like the Oromo monotheistic Waaqeffannaa, and the followers of indigenous American and Pacific religious systems. Only this shows that the categorization is fake and the ensuing polarization can afflict the entire Mankind.

Following the systematized diffusion of the vicious divide, the ‘Orient’ (or East) was cut into three pieces, namely ‘Near East’ (Proche Orient or Levant in French), ‘Middle East’ (Moyen Oreint in French) and ‘Far East’ (Extrême-Orient in French). In fact, there is a very simple question that does not take years of specialized studies for someone to formulate, and it still unveils automatically the entire fallacy of the Freemasonic subdivision of the Orient:

– ‘Near East’; ‘near’ to whom?

To Western Europe, of course! This makes clear what is in the back side of the minds of the people involved in universities, research, academic and intellectual life, and subsequently in the world of politics.

Middle East: a Historical Fallacy and an unacceptable Immorality for Christians

There is no need for someone to specialize in an academic field in order to fully assess how terribly immoral and inhumanly vicious this terminology is.

Giving to a place, land, nation and civilization an appellation that does not reflect genuinely the indigenous developments and evolution across History but fully subordinates the place, land, nation and civilization to yourself is the result of a disproportionately gigantic egoism / egotism which is tantamount to the worst form of discrimination and racism. The problem is not anymore about the term’s falsehood and fallacy, but about its absolute immorality and tragic vicissitude. Of course, if the French or the English employed this term locally for the use of their own students only, this would be tolerated and would not create a major problem. Unfortunately, this is not what happened.

The colonial academics and diplomats imposed this false term on the students and the intellectuals, the journalists and the filthy, corrupt politicians of the victimized countries that were thus defined through their relationship with a third party. The Lebanese and the Egyptian slaves of the French (and subsequently the European and the American) universities were therefore forced to ‘learn’ that their countries were part of a region called ‘Near East’ because this region was ‘near to’ and ‘east of’ France and Western Europe. This automatically implied that the region in question was insignificant up to point that not one indigenous academic / intellectual could give it a collective name on the basis of the historical characteristics and evolution of the region, but they all had to pathetically wait the foreign invaders decree and order how their place should be named.

The subliminal consequences were immense; to call it ‘trauma’ it would be an understatement. In fact, it was a national – cultural – academic – intellectual – mental – educational assassination and, subsequently, a mind transplantation. The fact that the purely religious aspect was left out of the targeted area did not turn things better but did indeed worsen them. Islam as religion had collapsed long before the colonial powers arrived. As early as 1600 – 1700, Islam was not anymore a religious system of spirituality and transcendental experience (as it had used to be, like every religion) but a silly legal system involving a myriad of jurisprudential deliberations about petty things, a certain number of orders and directives that have to be executed thoughtlessly (and in most of the cases out of a desire to imitate the Prophet Muhammad), rites that have to be performed physically but without any spiritual dimension, beliefs that are of nominal value, a morality that counts on reward and social approval, and a deliberate, compact ignorance about, and disregard for, the Islamic Philosophy, Art, Science, and Erudition – despite the fact that Islam is accepted as the Religion of the Revealed Knowledge. It was quite clear to the colonial specialists on Islam that the survival of these religious beliefs within the new, colonial environment created after their arrival and interference in the colonized societies would have only explosive and destructive results; that’s why they did not do anything else except help the explosion come timely…

The indigenous nations were thus obliterated at all three, the personal, the collective social, and the narrative national, levels. They were turned to impotent, brainless and demented monkeys awaiting their foreign masters to give them names like Koko, the famous female gorilla that was born on July 4, 1971, in San Francisco, and mastered over 2,000 words in the American Sign Language, allowing her to communicate with humans in an astounding way (http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-famous-monkeys.php). As their mimicking of Islam was quite materialistic a system, they were engulfed in a total lack of creative imagination, which demands a certain degree of spirituality in order to be developed, and this prepared all these populations to duly be pathetic spectators of their unstoppable degradation and destruction; their leaders followed and still follow therefore an idiotic policy of day-by-day survival, which is not even a real effort to survive. If Zine al Abedine ben Ali, Mubarak, Ali Abdullah Saleh and Muammar al Qadhafi were overthrown in 2011 – 2012 and not in 1998, this is only due to the fact that the plan providing for their extinction included another date.

The imposition of the alien, colonial ego on the colonial monkeys and its mixture with the aforementioned religious leftover produced a monstrous, confused mind able only to cause self-destruction of monumental scale. This is the environment out of which emanated the dictatorial, bogus-monarchical, and religious authorities of the region, the likes of Abdallah of Saudi Arabia, Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz, Al Thani of Qatar, Abdallah of Jordan, Qadhafi, al Assad, Bouteflika, Mubarak, Sheikh Shaarawi, Saddam Hussein, Sheikh Qaradhawi, etc., all confused and self-confusing, genuinely unable to make a correct assessment of their situation and to see the impending destruction. They ostensibly worsened their case because, when they were deliberately and repeatedly mistreated, disrespected and even ridiculed, and they felt so, they used to react to this situation without however correctly assessing the overall context from where they emerged and the existing possibilities for efficient reaction – and this used only to bring forth the next disaster.

The absolute elimination of the indigenous ‘ego’ along with a flux of false documentation and historical falsification that the colonial powers produced massively and projected on the militarily / economically / politically / academically / intellectually / culturally colonized territories (that are still euphemistically called ‘independent realms’!) triggered oppressed among local leaders and indigenous peoples vast complexes of inferiority, obstinate reactions, and obdurate interpretations of Islam (‘misinterpretations’ is the correct term) that are the root causes of all conflicts and misunderstandings, strives and clashes in the wider region.

I did not mention however the above points in order to analyze the reasons of, and find a solution to, the problem but exclusively in relation with the pseudo-Christian populations of the West. Morally dead, these fake Christians accepted the Freemasonic falsification produced by their academic – political elites, without thinking that ‘Οὐδεὶς οἰκέτης δύναται δυσὶ κυρίοις δουλεύειν’ (Vulgata: ‘nemo potest duobus dominis servire’ / English: None is able to serve two lords – from Matthew 6:24).

Accepting to impose on all the other nations of the world definitions based on a vicious egocentric Western misperception of the World and misuse of the World History is a great sin for Christians of the West. Consenting, favoring and sanctioning the aforementioned colonial policies of their governments is a tremendous immorality from the part of the Christians of the West. It consists in one of the worst expressions of pride, arrogance and egoism in the World History. But in Christianity, egoism, egotism and egocentric theories are the expression of a high level immorality.

As matter of fact, European colonialism and colonial academic endeavors fully reflect Biblical expressions ascribed to Satan himself, as Isaiah specifies: “I will ascend…I will raise…I will sit… I will ascend…I will make myself like the Most High” (14:13-14). Western European and North American pseudo-Christians must have no doubt of what comes after pride and egoism. Isaiah points it out for them in just the next verse (14:15): “But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit”. This is the wretched place into which very soon North American and Western European nations will find themselves for having committed innumerable atrocious crimes against the lands and the nations that they colonized, depersonalized, and deprived of a) identity, b) integrity, c) traditions, d) resources, and e) independent political volition, through an entire set of deception techniques and systematized falsehood.

As long as this vicious egoistic and egocentric attitude prevails and remains unchallenged in the West, the local pseudo-Christians must be fully aware that they bear responsibility as accomplices of they governments and that they stand in full opposition to Jesus and his words: “whoever exalts himself will be humbled” (Matthew 23:12).

True Christians in Western Europe and North America, if any, instead of talking nonsensical stories about conspiracy theories, must get a clear vision of the conspiracy acts that their corrupt governments and Freemasonic academicians have perpetrated over the past 300 years. They must therefore stand up, take to the streets, and bring down the forgery ateliers and the Satanic lodges that devised these schemes and invented the fake divisions that triggered the death spiral in the provinces of the Ottoman Empire that sheer cacophony led us to the misnomer of ‘Middle East’. Their voices, if any, must reach the darkness of the Whitehall, the Buckingham, the Élysée, the Hôtel Matignon, the White House, the State Department, the Pentagon and the other neuralgic centers of today’s Satanic power. Christian voices must raise up in the West, terminating the apathy of the high accomplices and they should echo the question Paul made to the Corinthians: “For who makes you different from anyone else? (1 Corinthians 4:7).

So, if Paul is right is eliminating boasting from the lives of the Christians (“Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded…by the law of faith” – Romans 3:27), today’s Christians in Western Europe and America must denounce the formation of the vicious Euro-centric academic approach and system and condemn its calamitous projection on the rest of the world. If they want to be present as Christians in other lands that were not ‘Western’ before the beginning of the European Era of Colonialism (1492 CE), they must follow Jesus’ example and go there to serve – as per the local values, ideals, concepts, faiths and virtues, not theirs. Jesus reportedly made “himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant” (Philippians 2:7).  If these Biblical excerpts form the foundations of the Christian faith, these values and attitudes have to be displayed by the Western countries, and if this is not the case, Christians in the West have to clearly and effectively dissociate themselves for their governments and states, denouncing and preventing the iniquity carried out by Paris, London and Washington D.C. Otherwise, they should not be surprised by the forthcoming tribulation that they deserve.

And for those among these pseudo-Christians, who are fully aware of the Christian sources but dare shamelessly propagate silly concepts and misinterpretation schemes like the stupidly awaited ‘rapture’ at the End of Time, the punishment will come soon and it will be as terrible as their theological fornication.

And what does it matter whether these pseudo-Christians believe they are right in their purpose and true in their faith? World History is full of examples of hypocritical people who thought of themselves as ‘righteous’ but ended in the Hell. The forthcoming developments will demonstrate how false these pseudo-Christian doctors and pastors have been, and will prove that, despite their ceaseless evocations of Christian sources and Biblical excerpts, their real master is Satan. But it will be too late for all of their followers who will also vanish in Eternal Fire.

Καὶ τῶνδ’ ὅμοιον εἴ τι μὴ πείθω· τί γάρ; Tὸ μέλλον ἥξει. Kαὶ σύ μ’ ἐν τάχει παρὼν ἄγαν γ’ ἀληθόμαντιν οἰκτίρας ἐρεῖς. (‘What does it matter now if men believe or no? What is to come will come. And soon you too will stand aside, To murmur in pity that my words were true’). Aeschylus, Agamemnon, 1239-1241 (Cassandra addressing the chorus)
















The Idiotic Sheikhs of Islam – Islam, Christianity, Freemasonry and Homosexual Marriages

In numerous circumstances on daily basis, the pathetic religious authorities of Islam prove to be worthless and shameful. They want to be involved in the social affairs of their collapsed societies that they even have no mental ability to study. And they want to have a say on the political decision-making of their trashy countries that are, despite their involvement, used as tools by the colonial powers – which in and by itself proves how idiotic, silly and disreputable these religious authorities are.

The basic characteristic of all – indiscriminately – religious authorities of all Muslim societies and countries from Makkah and Medina to Al Azhar to Jerusalem is their immense ignorance. Engulfed in useless studies of unimportant issues, the students of all Islamic religious universities and high schools do not study a wide range of subjects that are far more important than what they worthlessly learn. These students after the completion of their fake studies are appointed in different mosques, waqfs and other related positions whereby they disastrously propagate their valueless knowledge which at the same time entails full ignorance of very important topic, subjects, fields.

This calamitous reality will bring a dead end to the Islamic World. What is even worse is that it brings also disaster to many other faithful people, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Confucians and followers of diverse traditional African religions (like Waaqeffannaa, the venerated monotheistic religion of the Oromo Nation), who – sticking to their tradition and principles, values and virtues – reject today’s world deviations and perversions.

In what sense does the ignorance of the pathetic religious authorities, fake religious universities, and false scholars of Islam afflict faithful people of other religions worldwide?

Today’s world is marked by the vicious Freemasonic – Zionist attack against all values, virtues, principles and concepts of all the religious systems in the world. The long evangelized Global Economy and Global State (where hypothetically all will have ‘peace’) is going to be a militant atheist state whereby all perversions, sins and crimes will be depenalized, legitimized and even institutionalized in order to turn the Human Being into a worthless beast proscribed to disappear.

The reality of our world that the Fremasonry-Zionism-controlled mass media do their best to conceal is not that of a fight against the fake Islamic Caliphate or against the theatrical Islamic Terrorism; it is not even a clash of civilizations – which is actually impossible to happen and consists in a ludicrous, pseudo-scholarly aberration. And there has never been a polarization between East and West as so persistently the global mass media of falsehood claim.

The real divide of our times is between Faith and Lawlessness.

Faith may have very diverse narratives that academics categorize as monotheistic, polytheistic, idolatrous, aniconic, etc., but in reality all faiths and religious are paths leading to God, to the supranatural, spiritual world, to the union of the mind with the soul of every human, to the morality, to the concern for the Hereafter, and to the acceptance of the natural order of the Creation. In this regard, little matters whether Muhammad is or is not a Prophet, whether Jesus is or is not the Messiah, and whether the reincarnation applies to all or not. All these are just narrative diversities.

Lawlessness stands in full opposition to Faith; lawlessness takes many various forms and rejects not the diverse narratives of the different religions of the world but the quintessence of all faiths, i.e. the core morality that makes all followers of different religions respect practically speaking the same rules. Theft is a sin, either you are Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist or follower of an African traditional religion.

One form of lawlessness is Homosexuality.

Another form of lawlessness is the propagation of Homosexuality.

A different form of lawlessness is the depenalization of Homosexuality.

Legitimation of Homosexuality takes us to an even higher degree of lawlessness.

By now, all aforementioned stages belong to the past.

We are living at the times of the enforced institutionalization of Homosexuality, and one of the most hideous aspects of the phenomenon is what is profanely called ‘Homosexual Marriages’. I will not discuss here the mistaken connotation attributed to the word ‘marriage’. In fact, it is a serious error in semantics; there cannot be ‘homosexual marriages’ under any circumstances whatsoever, because the ‘marriage’ is a sacred union and as such it pertains to the domain of the ‘sacred’ and the religious, and there has never been (neither will there be) any religion to consecrate a homosexual union – something that is abnormal, inhuman, criminal and Satanic.

To fight against the tyrannically imposed institutionalization of Homosexuality, Christians in the West started (with some delay) a great effort; they know that the process involves the total elimination of all the religions of the world, and they rightfully feel that their end will be the first, because they happen to inhabit and live in the focus of evil: the Freemasonry / Zionism-controlled countries of the West, notably England, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand (where all this filthy story of homosexual marriages started).

If the religious authorities of Islam were not as pathetic as they are, they would have urgently come to help and support the Christian religious authorities that undertake a disproportionate, frontal, heroic battle against Satan himself. The help that the religious authorities of the Islamic World and the political establishments of the Muslim countries can offer to Christian bishops, priests, pastors, theoreticians, theologians and activists is great because Islam represents almost two (2) billion people who, in their overwhelming majority, reject Homosexuality as an Abomination.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Even this truthful motto seems to be unknown to the useless sheikhs of Al Azhar, Makkah, Madina, and Jerusalem, and to all the central muftis of the Islamic World. Otherwise, they would have joined forces and coordinated the effort with the Latin American Catholic authorities who represent the strongest nucleus of today’s Christianity.

Except, the English, American and French ambassadors threatened these sheikhs and muftis that, if they joined forces with the Catholic bishops against the contamination of France, England and America (F-UK-US), the Satanic governments of these Western countries would denounce them as terrorists…..

In a global world, interconnectedness is of the foremost importance.

It is essential for all Muslims to know that José María de la Torre, the famous Mexican bishop of Aquascalientes, undertakes a great effort to keep Mexico clean of the contamination of the so-called ‘homosexual marriages’. In this regard, he uses the much needed sharp terms to define what means for the Mankind the currently imposed institutionalization of Homosexuality.

I merely reproduce an article published in the Latin American portal Contra Injerencia. For those who do not understand Spanish, I add a rough translation by Google.


Obispo: Si se avalan bodas gay, después habrá matrimonios con perritos


PROCESO.COM.MX – (apro).- El obispo de la Diócesis mexicano de Aguascalientes, José María de la Torre, refrendó su oposición a la aprobación de los matrimonios gay en la entidad.

En conferencia de prensa, dijo que en caso de que eso suceda se abriría la puerta a “un experimento social peligrosísimo”, como casarse con animales.

Mientras en el Congreso local se debate una iniciativa para legislar el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo y la comunidad gay promueve amparos para que se legalicen las uniones civiles entre sus integrantes, el líder católico advirtió:

“El día de mañana cualquier cosa va a ser familia. Pero ya no va a ser familia ¿verdad? Y si por ahí vamos, el día de mañana se podrá casar un señor con un perrito o con una perrita y van a poder adoptar perritos, dar herencia a los perritos y así, o sea que se abre la puerta a un experimento social peligrosísimo”, dijo De la Torre en conferencia.

Y para justificar su declaración, agregó que en defensa de la familia tradicional, la Iglesia trata de hacer entender la ley natural.

En mayo pasado, el obispo de la Diócesis de Aguascalientes dijo que los homosexuales “no tienen derecho” al matrimonio, y legislar a favor de ellos “es injusto y antinatural”.

El pasado 16 de septiembre, llamó “invertidos” a los homosexuales. En declaraciones a la prensa, aseguró: “Mañana voy a leer los periódicos y voy a estar atento para ver qué escriben y para ver de qué parte están; si están de parte de la razón o están de parte precisamente de los invertidos. Ese es el problema: invertir valores. Hay una filosofía perversa abajo de destruir y volver a construir, pero al revés”.

Y de paso, criticó a los legisladores: “Mejor deberían erradicar la pobreza y no con iniciativas guajiras, electorales, temporales, voluntarias”.

Ante estas declaraciones, representantes de 15 organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG), defensoras de los derechos de los homosexuales, entregaron un documento al obispado la semana pasada en rechazo a las declaraciones del religioso. También interpusieron una queja ante el Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación (Conapred).

Este lunes, De la Torre aseguró que no conoce ese documento y negó sus declaraciones: “Yo no les dije invertidos, yo estaba hablando de la inversión de valores, que si la legislatura pronuncia una ley que denigra a la familia, pues eso invierte los valores”.

Luego, destacó su compromiso para apoyar a las personas a “que retomen el camino del bien” e invitó a los legisladores a pensar en su familia y en la población que no olvida a quienes atentan o destruyen la institución de la familia.


Bishop: If gay weddings are endorsed, then there will be families with puppies

PROCESO.COM.MX – (approved) .- The bishop of the Diocese of Aguascalientes Mexico, José María de la Torre, reiterated his opposition to the approval of gay marriage in the state.

At a press conference, said that if that happens the door to “a dangerous social experiment,” as marrying animals would open.

While in the local Congress a debate to legislate marriage between same sex and gay community promotes protections for civil unions legalized its members, the Catholic leader said:

Tomorrow everything will be family. But it will no longer be family right? And if there we go, tomorrow may marry a man with a puppy or a dog and be able to adopt puppies, give inheritance to the dogs and so, meaning that the door opens to a dangerous social experiment said De la Torre conference.

And to justify his statement, he said in defense of the traditional family, the Church tries to understand the natural law.

Last May, the Bishop of the Diocese of Aguascalientes said that homosexuals have no right” to marriage, and legislate for them “is unjust and unnatural.”

On 16 September, called “inverted” homosexuals. Speaking to reporters, he said: Tomorrow I will read the papers and I’ll be watching to see what they write and to see what part they are; if they are part of the reason or are just part of the invested. That’s the problem: investing values. There is a perverse philosophy down to destroy and rebuild, but in reverse. “

And incidentally, he criticized lawmakers: “Best eradicate poverty and should not guajiras initiatives, election, temporary, voluntary”.

Given these statements, representatives of 15 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), advocates for gay rights, delivered a document to the diocese last week to reject the religious statements. They also filed a complaint with the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred).

On Monday, De la Torre said he did not know that paper and shook his statements: “I do not say invested, I was talking about stock investing, that if the legislature pronounce a law which denigrates the family, because that reverses the values. “

Then he stressed his commitment to supporting people to “return to the path of good” and invited legislators to think about his family and the population not forget to undermine or destroy the institution of the family.














Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi, MEMRI, and the Fake Battle against the the False Caliphate

The Freemasonic predilection for the Elizabethan theater is proverbial. This does not only indicate Freemasons’ artistic choices; it also reveals their secret practices. Their preponderant role in world politics is driven by their obsession to stage manage developments, under the ominous Shakespearean verse – motto ‘The whole world is a stage, and all the men and women merely actors’ (As You Like It; Act 2, Scene 7, Page 6).


The current battle against the False Caliphate is merely one Act of the Freemasonic play ‘the End of Islam, Christianity and all the Religions’; in the final act of the play will enter the long-fabricated Freemasonic Messiah.


The fake theatrical act has been preceded by many other, starting with Napoleon’s arrival in and invasion / annexation of Egypt. During the 150 years long, mixed French / English colonial control of Egypt, the meticulous and multifaceted preparation of today’s developments took place.


Many versions of false Islam were created to first combat the ailing Ottoman Caliphate and then plunge the detached provinces of the Caliphate into socioeconomic stagnancy, educational disorientation, cultural disintegration, religious alteration, and political de-Islamization.


In fact, it was a long and huge, coercive scheme the colossal dimensions of which were impossible for its opponents to grasp. As the political stooges of the colonial and post-colonial authorities worked hard in favor of the colonial scheme and eliminated the opponents on many occasions, a type of self-catastrophic blind rejection of the West started being formed in the minds and the spirits of the decayed and altered Muslim societies.


Islam was reduced to few practices of cult, and was totally eliminated from the level of Government, History, Culture, Education, and Identity of the alienated Muslim societies.


Repeated cultural shocks and miserably low educational systems created a terrible divide within these targeted realms; the socially compromised, technically educated but culturally deformed and ignorant, upper middle classes accepted westernization as the de facto context of life, after they were left with no national identity, no historical continuity, and no intellectual integrity. Contrarily to them, the socially uncompromised, uneducated and uncultured, lower middle classes rejected westernization theoretically but accepted it practically, and made of their attachment to a gravely deformed status of Islam, e.g. a sort of de-spiritualized theology of petty orders and practical directives, the unconditional basis of what they thought very mistakenly as a political system at the antipodes of the Western world.


The ensuing catastrophe of Islam is therefore of disproportionate dimensions. Those compromised with the West are not even at the level of Western national integrity and cultural identity standards (as attested in Italy, Germany or Spain), whereas those opposing the West in the name of Islam fail to understand that neither do they oppose the West (they rather serve the secret plans of those who rule the West) nor can they be representatives of Islam – because they simply don’t know it.


All extremist fighters, radical followers, extremist sheikhs, uncompromised imams, and unsolicited avatars of the ‘Political Islam’ are so deeply ignorant of Islam, and of the Islamic Civilization, History, Science, Philosophy, Literature, Art History and Culture, that they could offer a most spectacular and unforgettable event to the eyes of the disoriented and misled global public opinion, if caught in a well prepared round table or televised debate.


Graduates of theological schools in Egypt ignore names of Turkish Muslim dynasties and their rulers.

Graduates of theological schools in Palestine ignore the most important Islamic monuments in Iran.

Algerian sheikhs have no idea about the History of Islam in Somalia, Yemen and Central Asia.

Bangladeshi imams have no clue about Islamic dynasties across the Sahara and the monuments left from their ages.

The texts of Islam’s greater historian Tabari are not taught (not even in selected excerpts) in any class of a high school in any Muslim country (in great contrast with what happens for instance in Italy and Italian high schools, when it comes to Ancient Roman historians).

The greatest Islamic philosophers are known (not all) only as names to 99.9% of the imams who lead Friday prayers {and give a speech (khutbah) before the prayer} in all the mosques of the Islamic World, and the texts of the Islamic philosophers, which could help today’s Muslims greatly improve in every sense (moral, religious, intellectual, mental, attitudinal, behavioral, educational, cultural), are kept unknown because the majority of these imams know that their ignorance would be revealed in the daylight if all Muslims start studying what they themselves have never read.


Under such circumstances, it becomes ludicrous for Islamists, extremists, False Caliphate fighters, and all other political activists to pretend that they fight for Islam, because simply by definition you cannot fight for something you don’t know or you know for less than 1% of its entirety. However, their fake faith, worthless commitment, and overall deception are the West’s best tools in the effort undertaken to uproot Islam from the central part of what has been known as the Islamic World (Dar al Islam).


That’s why Freemasonic and Zionist outlets, statesmen, intellectuals, journalists, publications and mass media do not present these ‘fighters’ in their true dimensions, but take them as true Muslims ( ! ) because this suits the existing plan.


One of these fake Muslims is Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi, supposedly the spokesman of a CIA / Mossad-promoted scheme named Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. This worthless and ignorant person specifies that “the head of the snake is America” and calls Muslims to join forces in fighting the US. What does Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi know of Ibn Sina, Ibn Hazm, Qurtubi and Ibn Rushd? Most probably only the names, but not the moral prerogatives.


And what does Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi know of Western History? Absolutely nothing. Otherwise he would call Muslims to support the struggle of the persecuted indigenous Amer-Indians who have been martyred for many long centuries due to the criminal and racist attitude of the European colons. Or, alternatively, he would call Muslims to join forces with Hindus, Buddhists, Africans and others to reclaim all the historical and archaeological treasures that the Orientalist gangsters of France, England and America looted from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia, Iran, Central Asia, India and Africa and gathered in their ‘theft showcases’ that they euphemistically call ‘museums’.


A real Muslim would care more about the dozens of thousands of Islamic manuscripts that have been smuggled from different lands of Dar al Islam to the West. But then, the Zionist publication MEMRI would not write anything about him! The danger would be real, and silence would be imposed against such a troublemaker.


That’s why Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi is not a troublemaker but a useful puppet.


MEMRI JTTM: AQAP Official Calls For Attacks On American Targets Everywhere: ‘The Head Of The Snake Is America’


The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On September 29, 2014, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a new video message from one of its spokesmen, Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi, in which he called for attacks on American and Western targets everywhere in response to the attacks launched by the U.S.-led international coalition against the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria. Al-Ansi said that the U.S. was the main culprit in the war against the Muslims, and therefore must be attacked. He added that the U.S.’s allies would also “pay a heavy price” for supporting it in its efforts.

Nasr bin ‘Ali Al-Ansi

Following is a translation of the main points in Al-Ansi’s message:

Al-Ansi says that the U.S. and its allies have launched a second global war against the Muslims. The Israeli war in Gaza was the first move in this war, he says. He addressed the situation in Yemen, in which the Houthi rebels took over large swaths of the north and forced the government into concessions, as another part of this war. The final part of his message is dedicated to the ongoing campaign of airstrikes led by the U.S. against targets of the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq. He said:

“As for the Crusader alliance that bared its teeth in Iraq and Syria: In the face of this scheme and deceit, the Muslims have no choice but to forget their disagreements, unite their efforts, and solidify their ranks against their crusader enemy. They must create an alliance to strike the leader of falsehood and the head of unbelief. Allah said: ‘Fight against the unbelievers collectively, as they fight against you collectively. [Koran 9:36]’ Repelling the invading enemy is unconditional, as the scholars have said.

“[Jihad groups in] every front must attack America and its interests everywhere. We know who the main enemy is. For decades, America has been supporting the Jews, the occupiers of Palestine. American drones bombard Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen. They killed many mujahideen and their commanders and many among the general Muslim population, destroyed homes, and frightened women and children. It should be known that the head of the snake is America. It is the one that agitates and acts against the mujahideen and their Islamic project.

“As for the states participating in the coalition alongside America, they will pay a heavy price for [participating in] this coalition, and America will eventually abandon them and leave them on their own, undoubtedly. If the head [the U.S.] falls, so will the tails [its allies], so it will be easy for us to take our revenge against them.

“This American folly is the final nail in its coffin. It experienced the mujahideen’s might in Iraq, and left it disappointed, confused and defeated. It now returned [to Iraq] to relive the experience all over again… The Shi’ites, who rode upon their tanks yesterday, are now preparing the ground for [America] to take power, in order to carry out the same crimes against the Sunnis. The White House did not learn the lesson and did not learn from the experience. Playing with the card of sectarianism did not benefit America in the past, and it won’t benefit it today, either.”

Al-Ansi added that the Arab states that came to the aid of the U.S. in its current effort in Iraq and Syria will be harmed as well. He concluded his message by promising Muslims that victory is near.

Source: Youtube.com, September 29, 2014.