Tag Archives: false Christians

About the Islamic Veil and the related False Dilemma & World Deception

From my last year’s correspondence with a London-based African Muslim Lady



I – About today’s Fake World

II – About today’s Prevailing Materialism and Total Lack of Spirituality

III – About the Global, Full, Deception

IV – About the Islamic Veil (Hejab)

V – About today’s desecrated, fake mosques

VI – Reminiscences from the war front between Iran and Iraq


Dear XXXX,

This letter will displease you – greatly! 

You may even consider me as a brutal and heartless person; and perhaps I am to some extent.

But if don’t tell you what I intend to, I will certainly be held as liar by God.

So, I definitely prefer that you view me as a heartless and brutal person than Allah holds me responsible for deliberately concealing reality and truth from you. 

The critical part comes at the end, but before that I will answer to your email.

Воскресенье, 10 апреля 2016, 22:03 +02:00 от xxxxxxx


Dear Prof S


Your Somali friend is right about it being on social media. It was sent bymy sibling who was sent the video (not link) via Facebook.


I – About today’s Fake World


I am afraid that, in a society mainly characterized by an extraordinary imposition of total deception and delusion, you have to be extremely attentive in order to avoid falling into the numerous traps that Freemasons and Zionists incessantly set up for the rest of the world and for one another – so, some of these traps are very sophisticated, because they are addressed against people who know the reality of the world 1000000 times better than you and others do.  

There is another show discussing this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIhTtbqkMNM

My goodness! This is a YT channel that does not show the number of its subscribers – probably because they are few. If you even check the views received on all of the channel’s views, you realize that they are between 2 and 3 million – only! This is next to nothing in the world of YT.


To give you an idea, my friend, who uploads many of many articles as videos (www.youtube.com/user/peiraiotis56) is a single person, not an entire community, and he is at the level of 5.3 million!

So, when you have this sort of YT channels set up by communities of Somalis, Oromos, Baluch, and any other, you have corruption. If someone pays US$ 50000 to any of them, asking for intriguing compromises that will not be easily discerned by many, they will cash the filthy, cursed money immediately.

Do not be criminally naive to believe that others are as good as you are or that they have a label “crook” on their front.

You only daydream and you do so self-calamitously, if you think that people, who suffered, lost their property, saw their relatives dead, and were persecuted, have still the strength to say ‘no’ to some little money, which is enough to buy them and thus turn them from ‘good’ to ‘evil’ – particularly if they live in the West and specifically in the US, the world’s most execrable materialistic tyranny.

The outright majority of all the Somalis, the Oromos, the Ogadenis and all the rest are bought up in profane manner and very often without them even understanding it. Things happen at times in a very subtle and concealed manner; the bribe is not always addressed to the concerned person but to wives, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends or associates. They do the rest of the job. So, to imagine that there is a difference in evilness between George Soros and one of the aforementioned is either a tragic mistake or mental self-amputation. 


Unfortunately, the Somalis love to view political speeches of worthless people than look into real issues.

No, this is common to all. In a so-called ‘global’ society (the term is very fallacious by the way), all are affected. Except the privileged few who have the courage to incessantly and indiscriminately reject whatever comes from today’s world.

And this is the cataclysmic difference:
– any Somali in Minnesota belongs to ‘today’s world’, and
– any Somali in a remote village in Somalia, a person whose house has no electricity and whose family has no money, does NOT belong to ‘today’s world’ – but most probably he/she does not understand this reality, because to him/her ‘today’s world’ is virtually unknown.

I have attached the translation.

Thank you for your effort! 

Estakhfor Allah! You are an adult! You could understand the language; there are explicit indications of forgery. I will reveal them separately. You could understand them. 

You are right worse things are happening. My sister in law told me of poor people in Egypt who are taken off the street and falsely treated well (e.g. given bath, new clothes etc. and then taken somewhere to be harvested for their organs). Of course, we have also discussed the atrocities carried out by the Freemasons.

Yes, but I see that this was not enough.


II – About today’s Prevailing Materialism and Total Lack of Spirituality

The Somali community knows about this issue, since it has been discussed and rumored for many years. I think I mentioned a friend of my father who is now an old man, who finally disclosed to my father that on his voyage to the UK women were raped in front of him in Libya and he could do nothing. This was at the time of Qaddafi – imagine it must be 200% worse now.

With this and with all the aforementioned, you still fail to understand what the truly “worse things” (that have been and are still being carried out in this world) are.

As a matter of fact, your thought, mind, reactions, mindset, and attitude reveal – quite unfortunately – a consummate materialist whose concerns are limited within the material realm and focused on whether this person was unjustly slaughtered, the other person was secretively raped, the third person was illegally sold as slave, and another person was gravely injured and thus submitted to extreme (material) pain.

In whatever comes to your mind, there is nothing called ‘soul’, nothing related to the Spiritual Universe, nothing pertaining to the origin and the center of our existence – the Spiritual Order. Any person, who proceeds in your manner, successfully manages to keep him/herself far from the real essence of the problem; then, magnifying secondary aspects, that person fails to understand the origin of the problem and thus automatically becomes part of the problem. This tells me that, when the problem will be resolved, this person will vanish in the eternal fire that transforms the Being into the Non-being.

The foremost atrocity undertaken against the Mankind of our times is the disconnection of the material part of every human (i.e. the body and the mind) from his/her spiritual part, e.g. a tragic event due to which the complete fall of the mankind has been achieved in a way that today we are able to identify it with textual references to the world of Al Yom al Ahar (the End Times).

The persons, who were raped, tortured, amputated, killed and dishonored in any sense, had already been spiritually dead; before their exposure to the atrocities that so much fascinate you, they had been disconnected from their souls, they knew nothing about what their soul is, where it is, how it feels, what it does or can do, how they can reconnect with it, by what other spiritual beings their souls are surrounded, impacted, helped or endangered, what our destination in life is, to what extent our tasks and responsibilities hinge on our souls and on our re-connection with them, what other spiritual beings exist in the Spiritual Universe, how they are manifested in the material world, and – above all (which is what the filthy Satanic sheikhs of today’s cursed pseudo-Islam ignore) – what the price of our disconnection from our souls is.

This atrocity is zillions of times worse than the materialistic pictures and videos that you have provided me with and also zillions of times worse than your narratives about the execrable lives of unfortunate women, who happened to be relatives of any type to pseudo-Muslims whose character happens to be more barbaric than that of the wildest pig.

Not only the atrocity of the spiritual disconnection of the men is worse, more critical, more tragic, and more ominous than all the material atrocities of all times counted together, but it is the reason for them. In fact, it is the only real and irrevocable death of the humans. What you think as death, i.e. the separation of the soul from the body, is not death.

That’s why today’s soldiers fail to fight like the illustrious fighters who followed the Greatest African of the 19th and the 20th centuries, Mohammed Abdullah Hassan.

– Oh, if I were lucky enough to ride a horse, run behind him, and get engaged in one of his battles, even for only one minute, I would not need to live anymore in this world!

That’s why today’s politicians and statesmen fail to get the slightest portion of the magistrates and the officers who followed the Most Illustrious African of all times, Emperor Ahmed ibn Ibrahim in his epic battles against the Satanic Abyssinian cholera. No one can achieve today to emit from his face the light that dispersed the incestuous and evil Amhara and brought the armies of Somalia up to the sources of the Nile. Those were the fighters, who fearlessly crossed the most abominable and cursed part of the surface of the Earth, an arid and mountainous land that afflicts with evilness anyone who happens to cross or live in it – a territory that Allah will eliminate soon from the surface of the Earth and will return it to its place, i.e. the Nether World.

– Oh, if I were lucky enough to ride a horse, run behind him, and get engaged in one of his battles, even for only one second, this would be the greatest favor I can ask God.

Your thoughts, concerns and endeavors, as long as they are materialistic of purpose, have unfortunately only one result: they turn you into a part of the problem – a morally conscious part of the problem, but still part of the problem.

Yours is also a grave ignorance of the History of the Mankind. Similar situations (with the atrocities attested in the documents that you sent me) existed in many places and most of the times. Freemasons, Jesuits and Zionists used – for a period covering many millennia – to customarily kill children, women and men in ritualistic ceremonies offered in honor of fake deities that were all personifications of Satan.

Useless to add that they also used the organs of their victims and sacrifices in their ritualistic ceremonies! Only today’s ignorance and barbarism drives people into total darkness; an Ancient Egyptian and an Ancient Somali before 3500 years knew very well the different types of use – either blessed and positive or cursed and negative – that each organ of the human body can have. Similar details are abundant in the supreme texts of the Golden Era of Islam.


These texts are far more important than the currently useless Quran and the presently worthless Hadith that you cannot understand – except in the light of the texts that I insinuate and which you never read, because you don’t know. Yet, these texts are unknown to the uneducated, illiterate, trashy sheikhs and imams of today’s Islam. So barbaric, idiotic and pathetic they are that, if they come to know about these texts, they will immediately attempt to discredit them, because they will feel the danger that these leading texts of Supreme Human Wisdom herald a) their most demanded death and b) the disastrous end of today’s religious prostitution that is called ‘Islam’.

Only today’s worthless Mankind that cares about football, dance, night life, cars, races, sports in stadiums, free time in malls, sex, porno-videos, cinemas, expensive clothes, electrical appliances, luxurious properties, advanced technology in gadgets and mobiles, lavish vacations, etc. does not know that in Ancient Egypt, when they carried out the mummification process – and this was the matter for every deceased person -, they removed the organs, they did not throw them away, but separately placed them inside differently prepared vases that are called by today’s Egyptologists canopic vases.

Read now this basic reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canopic_jar

Look at what the Ancient Egyptians (and the Ancient Sudanese – and I have reason to believe that also the Ancient Somalis) did, while scrupulously working to complete a mummification process! In fact, the human body is the Supreme Architecture delivered by Allah. In and by itself, it constitutes a miniature of the Universe.

Of course, if one is stupid enough (like most of today’s fake Muslims) to believe that Einstein was an intelligent and well-educated professor (and not a vicious gangster, a repugnant criminal, and a filthy, profane liar aiming at besotting you personally and everyone else as well) or to think that the Earth is a Globe that revolves around the Sun, one will never achieve to get a small portion of the magnificence of the Ancient Intellect, which was far closer to the Eternal Truth than the decayed world in which you find yourself.


The article that your friend sent is also very revealing of the dire situation of all illegal African immigrants. It is ridiculous that they escape to Europe when the wealth of the world is dependent on the natural resources of Africa which has every precious gem and material on earth.

Very right indeed! I am glad to notice that you identified this critical point. It is quite telling.


III – About the Global, Full, Deception

You know I have nieces, and the video really upset me since under different circumstances that could easily have been us which reminds us of our responsibility to end this practice. 


Of course, we are human and feel sorrow for those who have been persecuted or abused, but Allah also granted us intellect, and we must think properly, correctly and creatively, and thus avoid being deceived.


You know, I have not finished the e-book you sent me a long while ago on ritual abuse. I know I must read it but I am not spiritually strong to go through it yet and I am concerned I will have many nightmares for quite some time.


Of course, you have to read Frabato, and complete the reading. Give it a priority! Later, I will suggest you further readings from Franz Bardon. 

I will read the descriptions of Egypt articles you sent me tomorrow. I read your articles (via the update you provided on your work uploading all those documents and videos). The one on the Brussels bombing was very precise and to the point and underscored the key elements of the issues we face. Of course, there is more detail, but for an absolute beginner the areas to focus on were very clear (1) Hanbal, (2) Taimiyah and (3) Abdulwahab and (4) introversion and (5) reductionism.


In all three cases of names, please do not forget the word ‘ibn’ before the names that you mention. Without it, the names are wrong, although most Muslims will understand you.


You know my sister told me of a Somali girl who appeared on Somali TV without a hijab, who was discussing the real problem of young Somalis being lured into gangs in Toronto. The comments focused on her not wearing a hijab rather than the real issue affecting he children of the people posting those ignorant comments.


Pathetic! In all cases, contents matter more than form! Typical case of reductionism – which is a most evil and inhuman ideology and behavioral system!

If a woman is raised to a level of respectability and nobility, hijab is meaningless.

This said, I must add that the issue is risky, because there are many traps in it; however, the traps are not inherent to the subject, but due to the external involvement and the unprecedented maneuvering and manipulation that took place in this regard.


In fact, the outright majority of those men, who demand of a woman today to wear hejab, are filthy criminal gangsters, infidel trash, ignorant and uneducated idiots, e.g. all those who bring forth the total destruction of Islam in a precipitated rhythm.

As I told you, the effectiveness of today’s world deception hinges mostly on the establishment of false debates or false dilemmas in every single case and issue. You must always have this in mind. It is the indispensable, structurally Satanic, element of the Zionist, Jesuit and Freemasonic lies and propaganda. 


Why is it ‘structurally Satanic’? Because Satan’s rebellion against God, as documented in any major literature and religion, particularly the ancient Oriental religions of the world’s greatest civilizations, was in itself a ‘false dilemma’! Of course, it was a dilemma first presented to himself and then to the spiritual hierarchies that he drew to precipitated fall. Useless to add that a false dilemma is the most sophisticated manner of rejection of Truth!

If the dilemma is ‘A or B’, and A is truly A and B is truly B, then those setting the dilemma in front you (Jesuits, Freemasons, Zionists, etc.) will have only a small chance to draw to their side the majority and to thus achieve their goal as per this subject / issue. If they manage to get it done in one case, it will take them too long and it will consume too much of energy. Last, it will not be sure that it will be achieved in the next subject / issue.

If now the dilemma is ‘A or B’, and A is truly A but B is misrepresented and, although you consider / see it as B, in reality it is -B or C, the chances of the deceivers to get it done (and cheat you) are stronger, because this is in real terms a confusion and not a dilemma. Nonetheless, with this situation, we have not yet reached the level of ‘false dilemma’ properly speaking.

However, if the dilemma is ‘A or B’, and A is in reality -A or Z and B is in reality -B or Y, then you most probably are lost and the deceivers will easily achieve their goal. This is now called ‘full deception’ (an accomplished false dilemma) and to oppose this, you need exceptional intellect, vast knowledge, moral integrity, and spiritual intuition. Few exceptional persons can outmaneuver this fabrication.


This is the nature of our world in almost every issue. 


IV – About the Islamic Veil (Hejab)

Back to hejab now! Ancient Assyrian and Egyptian, Sumerian and Hittite, Phoenician, Aramaean and Hebrew, Iranian, Greek, Indian, Chinese and Roman women wore either always or under different social circumstances various types of hejab. In pre-Biblical Antiquity, we know that the use of hejab was more widely spread in collapsed societies whereby pan-sexualism and pan-sexuality, immorality and perversion, corruption and materialism had already increased tremendously.


In later ages, Christian women wore hejab; Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian women did so too.

My grandmothers were both Christian Orthodox and they both wore forms of traditional Christian hejab covering most of their hair. This occurred as recently as the 1930s and the 1960s. To their viewpoint, an uncovered woman wearing a bathing suit and exposing her mostly uncovered body to the general public in the coasts and the beaches was certainly a ‘prostitute’ – perhaps not a professional prostitute but a viciously immoral trash.


Back in the 1950s and 1960s, perfidious distortions and pathetic lies were already systematically propagated without anyone opposing them; swimming would supposedly be very good for the health, sunbath would eventually guarantee longevity, etc., etc., etc. All these silly and nonsensical activities, which had never before been practiced within the context of any civilization, are cancerogenic indeed, and – which is even worse – absolutely calamitous for the spiritual and the physical health of the human being.


Then, the Christian Church was already corrupted from inside, having been infiltrated by Freemasons and Zionists (though to lesser extent than now), and only few marginal priests, who were low in the hierarchy, dared to oppose the scheme. As you can easily guess, they were easily discredited by the monstrous and criminal forgers.

As a matter of fact, only modernism crushed the Christian hejab, and this ominous development was quite recent.

Look now! Up to a certain point, the colonies (Egypt, Somalia, India, Cambodia, etc.) followed the colonial metropolises. This was very evident in the 1960s. Independent Somalia meant also uncovered women – not because there was a sociopolitical movement and activists promoting this policy, but because gradually under the Italians, the French and the English, the Somali society advanced on the path of early modernism.

And here comes the ominous false dilemma – on this subject.

Of course, the rejection the Christian (and Jewish) hejab in the West was not a one-step / one-stage movement. As a matter of fact, this rejection did not consist in an innocent concept. At the time, it was certainly marketed as a symbol of carefree life, as an acquisition of postwar peace and freedom, and as an indication of aesthetic concern; but you have to view all this literature as a sophisticated marketing campaign whereby the most atrocious was smoothly, gradually and systematically presented as quasi-divine.


From the moment of making the first step in the effort to remove the Christian hejab until the time one woman appeared ‘topless’ in the beach and nudist beaches started being organized in Freemasonry-/Zionism-controlled tyrannies of the West, many decades have passed. For the same scope, every few years, another immoral, paranoid, and worthless ‘innovation’ was being heralded; and everything was planned carefully and from the beginning, long before being executed in a multileveled effort involving art (cinema, TV, video, music), mass media, and other tools of corruption. The end target was what you see now in the West and what you will see in ten years’ time: profanation of the human body, pan-sexism, homosexual marriages, pedophilia, and incest. This is the first part of the false dilemma. Unveiled woman is here finally a consummate prostitute.

The second part of the false dilemma is the internal development that took place in the fake Muslim societies over the past five – six decades; if the Freemasons and the Zionists wanted it, the same evolution would take place in all the Muslim countries. But for different reasons, Freemasons and Zionists did not want it so. Consequently, they started promoting other situations and supporting different developments. By agreeing that civilized Egyptians, Sudanese, Somalis and other African Muslims go to the Hell of Satanic Arabia to …. “study Islam” (which was tantamount to an abomination), the evil colonial powers ensured that

 a) every remnant of civilization gradually but steadfastly disappears from every Muslim country and

 b) every remnant of Islamic faith gets progressively replaced by the filthy, Satanic theology which was prevailing in Saudi Arabia, i.e. the anti-Islamic, evil and inhuman pseudo-theories of Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Taimiya, and Ibn Abulwahhab.


At the same time, and for many successive decades, systematically the Freemasons, the Zionists, the Americans, the Europeans and others took great pain to show, through the world’s mass media that they controlled, a totally false image of the reality, misinterpreting the moderate political stance of Saudi Arabia, which however formed a tandem with the barbaric, backward, terrorist, extremist, radical and overall inhuman, religious education which was imposed across the Satanic realm in a most tyrannical manner and diffused to all the countries of Islam through the foreign ‘students’, who used to go to Barbaric, Satanic Arabia to get barbarized in the cruelest possible manner.


Like this, as second part of the false dilemma comes not the historical hejab (which existed often though not always across the Islamic World over the past 14 centuries), but the fake hejab of the successive reductionist evil dogmas of Ibn Hanbal – Ibn Taimiya – Abdulwahhab. This is, truly speaking, the anti-Islamic hejab of Barbarism, e.g. the foremost symbol of Women’s Slavery that the outright majority of the Satanic sheikhs, imams, muftis and qadis support.


For the imminent clash not to be averted, the vicious, Satanic Freemasons and Zionists deliberately accept as ‘Islamic’ the veil, whereas in reality

a) the veil has not been Islamic but Universal (it existed in almost all the ancient civilizations, as well as in the Hebrew Religion and in Christianity) and 

b) the veil never consisted in a rigid obligation of Muslim women – once (as I said in the beginning) a woman is raised to a level of respectability and nobility within the context of her civilized society.


And this is the truth of my words that the vicious mass media have always made a great effort to conceal; I will offer one example, but there are numerous.


Before exactly 179-178 years, the Scottish painter David Roberts traveled down the Nile up to the borders of Sudan and immortalized scenes of the places where he passed by. Here you can get general information about him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Roberts_(painter)

He went as far as Abu Simbel at a time the great temples of Ramses II and his wife Nefertari were not excavated, but were still sunk in the desert sand (as they had been during most of the Late Antiquity already). David Roberts left impressive drawings of the location. In addition, he depicted many Nubian men and women from diverse places south of Aswan and up to the Sudanese border (few kilometers beyond Abu Simbel), i.e. Qertassi (Kardasy), Korti, Wadi as Sebua, etc.  


Nubian women at Korti – by David Roberts. 1838-1839

Wady Kardassy.jpg

Nubian men and women at Qertassy (Kardassy) – by David Roberts. 1838-1839


Abyssinian slaves at Korti – by David Roberts. 1838-1839


Dancing girls in Cairo – by David Roberts. 1838-1839

See for yourself how much ‘uncovered’ or how much ‘covered’ these decent, moral, innocent, clean and impeccable Nubian women were. They were living far from the Satanic sheikhs of Wahhabism, and – thank God! – the filthy, villainous and inhuman teachings of the vicious heretics Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Taimiya had not yet reached their noble land.


To the Ottoman Caliphate, their region was a rather marginal circumference, and among the Nubians at the time, only a minimal impact was exercised by the vicious colonial slaves, i.e. the uneducated sheikhs of the worthless, fake Al Azhar mosque of 1840. The vicious, fake sheikhs of 1840 Al Azhar idiotically adjusted their trashy theology to the political orders of the time. They consciously served the villainous, dirty, criminal, anti-Islamic and anti-Egyptian needs of the profane, servile political class of vice-royal – khedival Egypt that was a Satanic tool of the Anglo-French Freemasonry and the Khazarian Zionists against the Ottoman Empire – Islamic Caliphate, and therefore against Islam in its entirety. The fake sheikhs of 1840 Al Azhar were at the very antipodes of the true, authentic sheikhs of the Ottoman times’ Al Azhar whom Napoleon’s puppet Muhammad Ali had earlier (in the early 1800s) executed in a monstrous crime that represents one of the darkest pages of Islamic History (which is of course concealed in most of the books by the Freemasonic-Zionist censorship).


Back now to David Roberts’ paintings! In fact, they never caused a doubt about their veracity – except for the case of his drawing of the sunset behind the Sphinx of Gizah, which has of course has artistic compromises. David Roberts’ great Nubian ladies of Qertassi, Korti and other locations did not indulge in materialism, consumerism, and liberalism. They were authentic humans and genuine Muslims, like millions of other African and Asiatic women of those days, who, living in hot climate zones, did not need to wear the silly, strict hejab of the barbaric and idiotic theologians, the likes of Ibn Taimiya and Ibn Abdulwahhab.


And this concludes the case of the nature, function, usefulness or uselessness of the Islamic veil.


The aforementioned is enough to demonstrate what a truthful Muslim woman must do today: it will however be a difficult task, but there is not going to be anything easy in our days.


Speaking to Westerners, a truthful Muslim woman today has to castigate – through acts and words – their present attitude, highlighting the fact that the Westerners dishonor their own ancestors and traditions. Only if the West returns to Christianity, the West will be saved.


Under no circumstances has the West to accept today’s filthy, trashy, evil, Satanic pseudo-Islam, which in reality is the other side of the Freemasonic-Zionist coin of our modern(-ist) times in the aforementioned evil dilemma.


Self-rectification is therefore needed for both, Christians and Muslims (when limiting the discussion to only these two religions). Their tasks are indeed parallel; the Christians must discover their lost Christianity and the Muslims must seek and find their lost Islam. The tasks are separate, so an immense program must be set up as to just how the entire Muslim populations of Europe will be gradually evacuated and relocated back to their respective countries of origin.


And then, addressing the Muslims, a truthful Muslim woman today has to castigate – through acts and words – their present attitude, underscoring the fact that their barbarism, ignorance, and materialism dishonor the Islamic Faith and Heritage because Ignorance in Islam is tantamount to Intellectual and Spiritual Prostitution.


Quite unfortunately, the undeniable truth is that today’s average Muslim woman’s lack of education, ignorance, insistence on ‘strict hejab’, and submissiveness to men of their societies (which is by itself an execrable sin), if compared to the great role played by Muslim women in the formation and the development of the Islamic Civilization, makes of the strict hejab a Satanic device and an excellent tool in rendering all Muslim women useless, worthless and evil. This ends up as a sheer promotion of homosexuality, pedophilia and incest within today’s fake Muslim societies of decayed Islam.


At the very practical level, this imposes on today’s truthful Muslim women a very difficult path; wearing a non-strict hejab, making their veil evidently lenient, offering an emollient outlook and a propitiatory appearance to the public, a Muslim woman must make today a remarkable achievement that hinges on Aesthetics, Morality, Intellect, and Intelligence.


In fact, there cannot be anything moral in Islam that is at the same time ugly. Ugliness is an expression of Evilness. And every strict hejab is utterly and disgustingly ugly. This attitude for a Muslim woman today is tantamount to standing on the blade’s edge. Unfortunately, this is the only free space left today, but it is the only indicated by the Truth and dictated by the Faith.


At this point, I have to also offer a practical example; it concerns a great and brave lady, a leading personality of the Islamic World that dwarfs the ignorant, uneducated, uncultured, and therefore useless sheikhs of Al Azhar, Mecca, Madina, Jerusalem, etc. She was a splendid stateswoman, who paid with her life her unique courage and her unshakable intention to firmly state the truth – and not the idiotically considered as politically correct lies of the execrable political microcosm of our days. She had the courage to say in public that Osama bin Laden was assassinated in the last months of 2001, and she said this quite early, when the world was inundated with fake videos prepared by the Mossad and the CIA that the idiots of this world – and all the profane, Satanic governments of the Muslim countries – believed for more than a decade!


This great lady offered a perfect example to all Muslim women and in general to all the women of the world: the assassinated Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto!


(Read the following article that I published in less than 48 hours after her assassination – the following link is a republication: https://www.academia.edu/24418253/Who_is_Responsible_for_Benazir_Bhuttos_Assassination_-_By_Prof._Muhammad_Shamsaddin_Megalommatis)


Certainly, today’s truthful Muslim women have to defend the perfect right of every Muslim woman who wants to be fully uncovered, warning her at the same time that materialism is inhuman and acceptance of Western modernity, technology, and consumerism is not only a sin for a Muslim but also a real spiritual death for any human.


On the other hand, today’s truthful Muslim women have to permanently reject the vicious, anti-Islamic and totally Satanic imposition of the totally un-Islamic strict veil, denounce as worthless and valueless trash the filthy, hypocritical prostitutes who wear it, and call for the formation of Civilized Islamic groups that will systematically fight and irrevocably demolish Saudi, Wahhabi and Hanbali Islam in the most determinant manner and with the rules that these groups will find best, rejecting all previously existing Sharia-related laws of any country as evidently inapt to face the Darkness and the Barbarism in today’s decayed, fake Islam.


A last point about the hejab: if you search for the textual references, you will automatically realize that the hejab is recommended strictly and exclusively to women with menstruation. An 8-year old child and a 53-year old woman (and all the older) must NOT wear any hejab at all. Those who wear it commit certainly a sin, because they are hypocrites and want to show to the others that they conform to the rule! That’s silly. Those who care about the opinion of the other members of the society are Satanists. One must care about ONLY the opinion of God concerning him-/herself.


Allah gave us a brain but if we do not want to use it that is a fault on our part. Too quick to judge, ignorant and proud and impoverished and divided and ill-willed!


Right! You have got it very right! Reductionism turns humans to primal, visceral animals.


This is the situation of the Somali community at least that I have seen in the UK.


It is general all over the world – an indication of irrevocable decadence.


Of course, you have those that act selfishly and, when I find such people, I hang on to them like precious rubies. If I volunteered and tried to help expecting thanks, I would be dead by now. More often I have faced envy from the people I have sought to help, and this is when I can sense the ill-will. 


“Why did this have to be me and not you”, “why do I have to beg you for help”: these are very key questions that can be read on their faces despite the expressions of gratitude.  


You are right; this attitude is due to lack of education and lack of culture or – to put it otherwise – because of the disintegration of the traditional culture of these people. Again, this is general.


I remember Allah, and how He has allowed me to focus on what is important, which is within my knowledge (principally fighting the social services to return the children, if the mother has done nothing wrong or to have them placed with a reliable relative / community member, so that they do not lose their identity and religion).


May Allah reward you for this work! –  ! جزاكم الله خيرا


You know, Prof S., it is difficult to stay positive, and then I remember our Prophet has informed us the only one, who should despair, is Satan.


This is a great truth, but people are usually weak in the time of distress; and this process quite unfortunately weakens them even more!


I am put off from going to the mosque now in order to avoid the hateful stares of the ignorant masses that know nothing about me and imagine themselves to be better because they wear an Abaya or Niqab, and I have chosen to wear trousers or jeans.


V – About today’s desecrated, fake mosques


You lose nothing! The reason for this is the fact that almost the quasi-totality of today’s mosques, particularly in major urban centers (be they in the West or in the Muslim countries), have turned out to be desecrated locations whereby the evilness of the fake worshippers invites all sorts of demons and evil spirits that disastrously impact on the souls of the fake Muslims. Those materialistic idiots gather there ignoring the fact that wherever egoism, arrogance, material interests, negation of the truth, hatred, jealousy, rage, concern for financial profit, and other similar attitudes are expressed, the location immediately becomes spiritually contaminated, being thus rendered completely worthless. A negative person brings always a plethora of negative spiritual beings with him/her.


The silly sheikhs and imams, who teach their unfortunate followers that you can pray next to a hateful and earlier enraged villain and still remain spiritually intact (!), are filthy liars and foremost Satanists, who work for the propagation of evilness within Islam. As per the materialistic, nonsensical and absurd beliefs of these false sheikhs, the humans are nothing more than pathetic robots whose prayers comprise of just some meaningless utterances and of few repetitive movements. Quite contrarily, we know that Allah did not create trashy robots, but thinking individuals able to ensure full communication between their soul and body.


These fake Muslims and criminal sheikhs must be assassinated on the spur of the moment; in any case, their spiritual punishment at the very bottom of the Hell is ferocious. This is due to the fact that, by calling Muslims to pray in desecrated, Satanic mosques, these Satanic sheikhs incessantly and massively perform spiritual assassinations. This is how the Evil spread across the Muslim World. Every mosque desecrated by fake believers, who are full of negative attitudes is a cursed location emanating negativity, demoniacal vibrations, and catastrophic electromagnetic waves that permeate the ignorant idiots, who frequent the ominous building and are thus turned to sinners and disbelievers.


I myself take great pain in finding mosques proper enough for praying. Compared to you, I have the great advantage that I live in a country which in the past belonged to Dar al Islam (this notion simply does not exist anymore), and I can therefore find old mosques that are not so much frequented by people today. There, you can feel the positive vibrations of great, faithful people who were spiritually alive and truly communicated with their souls, with the spiritual universe, and with God. In Cairo, I prefer Ibn Tulun Mosque, to cite an example. Equally positive are small mosques in poor, remote villages whereby the inhabitants are mere farmers with few material interests, with disregard for the money, and with distrust toward the evil, Western, modern technology and way of life. Distance from today’s urban centers is priority no 1 for any true Muslim and any true believer of any religion.


For you, who live in a city of a non-Muslim country whereby so much hatred and rage are expressed by the fake Muslims – all those who care only about material benefits and goods and have a total disregard for, and ignorance of, their souls – the best solution is to pray at home.


God forbid what they would do, if I was not wearing a hijab (probably attack and maul me). When I think of those hateful people, I think of reductionism.


You are right; reductionism is the supreme stage of Satanism, because it consists in direct negation of the Creation, and of the Universes (spiritual and material). When you don’t comprehend the Entire Universes, when you fail to realize the magnitude of forms of Faith, when you don’t primarily care about how you will manage to comprehend the Universes and their interconnection, and when you fail to see your entire life as an ongoing exam in Morality, Knowledge, Judgment, Discipline and Wisdom, you end up limiting your mind in few simple tasks, duties, thoughts and practices. This is a direct, aggressive insult of Allah – either you understand it or not. This is what most of today’s ignorant, faithless, fake Muslims do systematically with their daily lives. Their punishment will therefore be unprecedented.


In a mosque, a Muslim woman must wear a hejab – even in the way I described earlier. In this, their attitude is similar to that of Christian women, who also wore a veil inside a church in the past, which is still a tradition for queens and noble ladies today.


This sticks out to me, because eventually there is only compulsion, because you become intolerant of difference (everyone must look the same, move the same, breath the same, and eventually they must die the same).


You are right! There is no compulsion in religion (Al Baqara, 256) – Supreme Rule of Islam.


The situation that you describe is an explicit uniformism, which is an appendix to reductionism, while it also reflects the evil Western geological – cosmological theory of Uniformitarianism, which is a sheer postulation, and yet it is still accepted by all sorts of evolutionists. Yet, Abraham Gottlob Werner with his Neptunism was closer to the truth than his opponents, the Plutonists who were the early Uniformitarians.


Whatever goes to the direction that you denounce is sheer Satanism. The plurality of forms is inherent to Being, and the uniformity of forms is intrinsic to Non-Being. You need Mohyieldin Ibn Arabi to understand these concepts as elaborated within Islam.


I think, I told you my brother said he could not listen to a speech of a young woman I knew speaking about the plight of the Palestinians, because she was not wearing a hijab and yet he believes he is going closer to his ‘Deen’, because he goes to ‘Islamic’ lectures and classes.


!! You make me laugh at!!


I know, it will take some time, which is made difficult with my indoctrination through the British education system, but I want to be free in my thoughts, free and distant of such ignorant people, spiritually strong and connected with my heritage, and at the service of Allah to help do justice and alleviate the suffering of His Creation. This is what I focus on now, and I am truly grateful to you for your time and effort in assisting me.


Thank you! More distance you take from all forms of decayed thoughts and beliefs, farther all these pernicious forms of thought will look to you. You will finally see – so I hope at least – that between a) the modern English evolutionist education and b) the Wahhabi – Ibn Taimiya – Hanbali Islamist doctrines, which are taught in today’s fallacious, Satanic medresas, there is no difference. They both are in fact one doctrine and they both follow the same, archetypal opposition to Creation and to God as expressed by Satan.


But it will be only after many years and numerous efforts that you will finally reach the accurate understanding of the world and of the concealed reality. You will then realize quite well what is truly at stake in our days, i.e. an issue that goes back to the times before the Creation.


As always wishing you the best



However, your progress will be hindered, and serious obstacles will appear in your path, if you fail to control yourself and stay intact, phlegmatic and terribly cold in front of any possible atrocity that you may come across. This is not a joke! It is a very serious problem. And this is the point that I made at the very beginning of this long email, anticipating that it will displease you.


In front of any external, material adversity, it is imperative for any person aspiring to higher understanding, wisdom, intellectual potency, and spiritual forcefulness to withhold all of his / her feelings. Certainly, all humans have their moments of weakness and they would not be humans otherwise.


My previous sentence in itself offers you an opportunity of double reading; as a matter of fact, it also implies that non-humans do not have this sentimental weakness, and there are actually non-humans on this world – and not only among the elites.


If it takes you 50 years to put your feelings under iron mastership, you will have lost your life, the armies of Evil will have conquered the world, and you will be held responsible for being unable to contribute to a successful aversion of the danger.


VI – Reminiscences from the war front between Iran and Iraq


I was in your age, when I covered – as war front reporter and journalist – Iranian attacks against Iraq either against Sulaymaniyah (in the area of Iraqi ‘Kurdistan’) or in the invasion of Fao, across the river that the Iranians call Arvand and the Iraqis Shatt al Arab, which is formed by the merge of Euphrates (Al Furat) with Tigris (Dijleh / Dicle), thus becoming their common estuary in the Persian Gulf.


In the former expedition, we were inside Iraq within hours after the Iranian attack against the sizable Iraqi city of Sulaymaniyah had taken place; we first flied to Sanandaj, and from there we proceeded to Baneh by helicopter – at times of absolute Iraqi supremacy in the skies! We had signed a paper for this in Tehran prior to the first flight, taking full personal responsibility for our integrity and life. From Baneh, we continued with military jeeps inside Iraqi territory.


We reached at a distance of 2 km (bird’s eye) from the Northeastern suburbs of Sulaymaniyah or – to put it otherwise – we were behind the mountain that surrounds the Sorani (‘Kurdish’) Iraqi city from the east. We were on the next mountain in the east (on the mountain’s western slopes), and there was a narrow valley between the two mountains. The Iraqis had withdrawn their forces and emptied the valley, but they were on the opposite mountain (on its eastern slopes), and they were in a position to watch our movements and shoot us, as we visited formerly Iraqi military outposts that Iranian soldiers had attacked and occupied earlier in the morning, let’s say five hours before our arrival. The attack was such that many Iraqi soldiers were killed, and as you can imagine, the dead bodies were not buried by the time we arrived.


Blood was spilled all over the place, and the spectacle of the corpses was far worse than the material that you sent me by email, due to explosions that caused the dismemberment of some of Iraqi soldiers’ bodies. Other soldiers were killed by just bullets. The overall sight was the Hell on Earth. We were few journalists; I don’t remember how many, but certainly less than 6 or 7; Iranian military officers were in charge of us. We had received early morning telephone calls at the very time of the attack, and those, who accepted the offer, had only half an hour to get ready, until a separate car would pick up each one of us to drive us to a military airport in Tehran from where we took off immediately. After one hour of flight (or even less), in Sanandaj airport, we walked only few meters from the airplane to the helicopter. It took another 20-25 minutes until we landed in Baneh, at the spot where the jeep drivers were awaiting us.


In the outposts with the dead bodies, next to me was the director of Tanjug (Yugoslavian News Agency), a very nice guy (named Zorz Crmaric) whose friendship I really miss, because we did not contact one another after the early 90s, when his country split in a most spectacular way (as you know), and I moved from Germany and Iran to Russia, Turkey and Egypt. When I was in Iran, he constantly invited me to his villa, because he needed my academic background in Iranology and, when I was speaking, he used to take notes ceaselessly. In addition, I had already traveled to far more places in Iran than he had (and not just major cities but remote villages and uninhabited mountains with archaeological sites off the beaten track), and I was a trustworthy source at the journalistic level as well. I was not Muslim at the time, but Iran was a land that brought me very close to Islam and I used to attend seminars conducted in Farsi by Ayatullah Alameh Yahya Noori, a pacifist and a humanist.  


As soon as my Serbian friend saw the dismembered corpses, he became pale and started trembling. I was exactly 30, because this story dates back in 1986. Zorz was slightly older than me, he was married, he had two children, and he was trembling like a 10-year old girl! I stopped working and taking pictures or notes, and instead of talking with the Iranian soldiers and officers in my elementary Farsi, I tried to support, strengthen and re-consolidate that poor guy. Soon two Iraqi military airplanes appeared shelling around us; we tried to hide behind the trunks of trees, so open that mountainous slope was. The two Iraqi military airplanes were shelling at a distance, and thank God they did not drop bombs! We were exactly underneath!! Finally, we returned by jeep to Sanandaj, in order to avoid the helicopter for security reasons, and late in the night, we flied back to Tehran safely.


The story left me with a conclusion: when you cannot avert the evildoing, you must have at least the courage to see it face to face, being frozen, calm and steadfast.


I never regretted for my conclusion. Now, it is not 1986 but 2016. The sun has set and the little light still left will soon disappear. Your attitude will only kill you and this can happen very soon. You have to train yourself as soon as possible in order to eliminate this weak side of character. You must force yourself to become courageous and resolute, able to face adversity, and capable to support others in adversity. This is your caliber; I would not say this to all the women whom I know, but I say it to you, because it suits your fundamental standards. You can be stronger than most of the men of this world, if you try. The predisposition is inside you, and this already means that you have to follow the path opened to you by Allah. You have been sent with a purpose here, and I am confident of what I am telling you now. Escaping from your role will not bring any recompense, believe me!


If you want my advice as to just how to overcome this weakness of your youth, I will say that you need to open the Wikipedia and start watching pictures of entries about serious contaminations and diseases. Some of them are so harmful that those affected would really be willing to take the position of the children of your pictures – wherever these pictures may have been taken.


If you want I can send you this terribly unpleasant material but, you know, you will have to study closely the awful pictures of people affected by bubonic plague, yellow fever, typhoid, and cholera to see what truly exists on this world.


If you fail in this, you only justify those fanatic Wahhabis saying that women are only for the kitchen. The choice is yours.


A last point! The most unpleasant one! You seem to daydream about this world, and this must take an irreversible end as soon as possible – for your sake alone. Have you thought for instance how wonderful it was for these little angels to be out of this murky, filthy and disgusting world and what service their killers offered them – without knowing it? Or is it that we only live here, at the material level, and there is nothing afterwards – as per the instructions of the Zionists?


I truly confess to you that, in just few years, most of the people in this world will envy the destiny of these young children-angels. Numerous will then find other persons’ tombs and will go to stand out and call them to get out so that the living ones go inside. Do never judge before the complete end of a story!


Far from all these fake Muslims, spiritually present more than ever, Prophet Muhammad prayed for these lucky souls, who had the privilege not to know the poisonous truth of our miserable lives. This is the reality.


Best regards,


Iranian Qajar dynasty Art Gallery (mainly 18th – 19th c.)

Qajar tile, Persia, 19th century.jpg

A Large Qajar tile, Persia, 19th century

Of rectangular form moulded and painted in under-glaze cobalt blue, pink, turquoise and brown, outlined in black with a prince and attendant on horseback visiting a courtesan, set amidst a leafy glade with fish pond and palace in the background, with a border of birds and floral scrolls
39.5 by 52cm.


Khusraw discovers Shirin bathing 








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Ottoman Empire, Fake ‘Middle East’, the Pseudo-Christians of the West, and the Forthcoming Tribulation

Cassandra by Evelyn de Morgan

Cassandra, by Evelyn de Morgan – London, 1898


By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire is a Crime for which the World will still pay much.

The rightful state for all African and Western Asiatic territories between Morocco and Iran is the Ottoman Empire. However, in the aftermath of WW I, and because of the defeat of Imperial Germany’s allies, the Ottoman Empire was dispossessed of more than 80% of its territories (today’s Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Yemen) that had meanwhile been limited only in Western Asia, due to the French – English – Italian colonial expansion and illegal expropriation of Ottoman provinces in NW – N – NE Africa (today’s Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan and Eritrea).

The colonial empires attempted to achieve economic and political benefits through their expansion, and they managed to do so, and in the process they diffused colossal amounts of lies, disseminated alien theories and insults against the indigenous nations’ traditions, performed heinous deeds, carried out series of crimes, imposed unacceptable policies, and offered every reason for any indigenous nation to reject their plans and to revile them for having spread in the process discord and enmity among the indigenous nations, fratricidal conflicts, successive wars, foreign military interventions, ecological and human disasters, and total social disintegration.

On the other side, governed by puppet governments that do not obey the will of their peoples but carry out the orders of shadowy organizations and secret societies, the Western societies in their totality (except those who openly rejected the evildoing) became the undisputed accomplices of their governments and of their secret masters. Responsibility is therefore to be shared by all.

Because the top of the Western societies, i.e. the powerful secret organizations that define who participates in the local governments and who does not, consists of unbelievers, immoral gangsters, and villainous cheaters, no consideration was given to the moral aspect of the policies implemented and the deeds performed. But this does not change in anything their responsibility, and the responsibility of the puppet governments, and the responsibility of the peoples who were controlled by this pyramidal hierarchical scheme. They all bear the common responsibility for the aforementioned deeds because, irrespective of any religion and faith, every human bears the responsibility of his / her acts.

This is something that most of the simple people in all the Western countries tend to forget. If this attitude characterizes one agnostic or atheist person, it does not matter much because every person who rejects the universal order established by God (however perceived as per each specific religion and philosophy) is automatically immoral and no morality standards or principles can apply to, and be expected from, him/her. The notion of civic morality is a ludicrous attempt to effectively kill God and as such fully disregarded. Morality exists only within Faith; extreme cases like those of the Biblical stories about Sodom and Gomorrah bear witness to the aforementioned.

So, Western people, who are Christian of faith and accept the Christian concept of morality (differently interpreted of course as per each denomination), must know that they fully bear responsibility for the criminal deeds and policies of their governments to which they (and their forefathers) did not duly react. What is to be concluded from this point is that, according to Christian morality itself, Christians in the West should not be surprised, if terrible acts against their life, integrity, safety, and security are to be tomorrow undertaken. These acts have already been spearheaded by their governments’ policies and by the inactivity of those who value Christian and Biblical moral concepts like the famous order ‘Ό μισείς, μηδενί ποιήσεις‘ (Do that to no man which thou hatest – from Tobias, 4:15 – http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/apo/tob004.htm) which was exemplarily rephrased by Jesus as ‘Καθώς θέλετε ίνα ποιώσιν υμίν οι άνθρωποι, και υμείς ποιείτε αυτοίς ομοίως‘ (Do to other people what you want them to do to you – from Luke 6:31).

I am sure that true Christians fully understand the crimes that their successive governments have performed for more than 200 years against the Ottoman Empire and the different nations that lived in this vast empire. It would be too idiotic to believe that Jesus demanded from his followers to invade other countries, extirpate their resources, scheme against their inhabitants, and in the process persecute, torture or kill those who opposed them.

As this is quite clear, one has to conclude that those among the Westerners, who recently supported policies such as the wars undertaken by the US (with or without their allies) against Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, etc., are not and by definition cannot be Christian, irrespective of how they identify themselves, what they say they believe in, and whether they go to a church or not.

The reason for the above statement is simple.

– Who is the Christian American who would accept happily a foreign invading nation to detach Texas from the US, occupy the land, persecute the inhabitants, and expropriate its resources?

But America invaded Iraq, and the American Christians had an opportunity to thunderously oppose the Anti-Christian and Satanic policy of their country and in the process save their souls by markedly dissociating themselves from this nefarious evildoing. Unfortunately for the American Christians, they did nothing of the sort; quite contrarily, many of them expressed great happiness for the destruction their army caused on innocent countries like Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. none of which had ever planned, neither did they have the means, to attack America.

The extent of the crime to which these pseudo-Christians are held as wholehearted accomplices is such that, if they believe in their often mistranslated Bibles as they say, we can safely conclude that their souls will vanish in eternal Hell. And even before dying, they will face a calamitous punishment while living.

Jesus spoke about these pseudo-Christians of the West who are a real disgrace on the surface of the Earth; he said that ‘Οὐ πᾶς ὁ λέγων μοι, Κύριε Κύριε, εἰσελεύσεται εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τῶν οὐρανῶν, ἀλλὁ ποιῶν τὸ θέλημα τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς‘ (Vulgata: ‘non omnis qui dicit mihi Domine Domine intrabit in regnum caelorum sed qui facit voluntatem Patris mei qui in caelis est ipse intrabit in regnum caelorum’ / English: Not every one who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but he that does the will of my Father who is in the heavens – from Matthew 7:21).

Similarly, the English and French pseudo-Christians, who do not regret for their countries’ anti-Ottoman (and at the same time Anti-Christian) policies and who do not try to dissociate themselves from their evil, Satanic governments and states by any possible means, will be held responsible and vanish in eternal damnation. And before this is adjusted to their souls, their fate on Earth will be duly affected, because they have, thoughtlessly if not willingly, been the unrepented accomplices of the vicious and heinous policies pursued by their governments against the Ottoman Empire and its different nations.

Of course, the Christian populations of England and France (and before them those of other Christian countries like Holland, Spain and Portugal) were repeatedly confused and systematically misled by their vicious governments that promised them great wealth and prosperity due to the acquisition of colonial territories. But there are plenty of warnings in the Christian Bibles that clearly state that Christians have as tasks to watch carefully so that no one cheats them. Jesus said: ‘καὶ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ ᾿Ιησοῦς εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· βλέπετε μή τις ὑμᾶς πλανήσῃ’ (Vulgata: ‘et respondens Iesus dixit eis videte ne quis vos seducat’ / English: And Jesus answering, said to them: Take heed that no man seduce you – from Matthew 24:4).

All accounts made, there have been very few territories (mainly small islands) that were totally uninhabited at the moment of the Western colonization. In most of the cases, colonization brought about total destruction of the previous inhabitants, so it was a premeditated criminal act that the European colonizers carried out – and only for the sake of robbery, theft, expropriation of local wealth. Even worse, when trying to achieve these immoral and illegal targets, to overwhelmingly prevail over the indigenous nations that justly and rightfully defended their homelands, the European colonizers were forced to carry out extensive persecution, torture and genocide of the indigenous nations.In fact, it was a typical downgrading spiral that we customarily notice every time we see people, who are possessed by evil spirits, proceed from minor evil deeds to the most appalling crimes and sins.

It goes without saying that these crimes were decided and performed by the Freemasonic gangsters, who govern England, France, Holland and America; as a matter of fact, following their first initiation into the mysteries of Satan, these secluded non-humans lose quickly all traces of humanity and morality, and can perform all types of criminal evildoing. However, the enormous moral problem of all the rest, i.e. those who inhabit these countries and claim to be Christian, is that they did not and they still do not oppose these acts and policies, they don’t dissociate themselves from these crimes, and they do nothing to prevent them, being thus the most unfortunate accomplices. For the sake of stolen wealth that does not effectively belong to them (and which is will certainly and justly be soon removed from them), these pseudo-Christians have sold their souls to the devil.

They have thus forgotten the words of Jesus saying ‘Τι ωφελείται άνθρωπος εάν τον κόσμον όλον κερδήση, την δε ψυχήν αυτού ζημιωθή; Η τι δώσει άνθρωπος αντάλλαγμα της ψυχής αυτού;’ (Vulgata: ‘quid enim prodest homini si mundum universum lucretur animae vero suae detrimentum patiatur aut quam dabit homo commutationem pro anima sua’ / English: For what does a man profit, if he should gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? – from Matthew 16:26). This helps us understand that the consequences of their own indifference, ignorance, and immorality will fall upon them.

There is no Middle East – this is a false term in replacement of the correct ‘Ottoman Caliphate’ 

The extensive falsification project, which was launched by the colonial Orientalist academics in support of their countries’ evil deeds and was unfortunately accepted by the different Western, Christian nations, is another vast crime perpetrated for which the Western nations are in total impossibility to avoid the consequences. The project hinges on a multitude of points and details, systematic distortion, and fallacious contextualization of the events, but here I will examine only one dimension and term.

In fact, there is no Middle East.

The term is a subdivision of the ‘Orient’ (East) into ‘Near East’ (or Levant), ‘Middle East’, and ‘Far East’ (that comprised India and every land east of India). The entire subdivision of the Orient is historically irrelevant and morally vicious, but this is a subject for later discussion.

First, we should examine the general division of the world until the late 15th c. into Orient and Occident (East and West). The term draws on geographical considerations, but it takes a far more elaborate form of cultural division or divide. Geographically, it is truly correct to divide the surrounding lands as per the four cardinal points; however, this varies per country. What is ‘West’ for Iran (example: Turkish Anatolia) is ‘East’ for Greece. The same happens when moving from the septentrional to the meridional direction; what is ‘North’ for Sudan (example: Egypt) is ‘South’ for Phoenicia.

So, we can shape a conclusive opinion that whatever stands as geographically ‘relative’ cannot be held as historically – culturally – politically ‘absolute’. Consequently, the use of a similar term in a specific country cannot become general for all the countries of the world.

However, in striking opposition to the aforementioned conclusion, Western European scholars, promoting Freemasonic schemes, division and strives that brought about endless bloodshed, attempted to divide – first the historical past and second the political present of the last 300 years – into a fictional categorization ‘Orient vs. Occident’.

The term ‘Orientalist’ originates from this false division too. Quite interestingly, the vicious Freemasonic forgers of France and England did not come up with an equivalent term for those specializing on Western civilizations; there was never an ‘Occidentalist’!

This incredible trickery means that for no less than 20 different great civilizations (which entail twenty different names of specialists, such as Egyptologist, Assyriologist, Iranologist, etc.) there has been one generic term (Orientalist) created, whereas for only 2 great civilizations (Greece and Rome) no generic term was created but instead there have always been two specialized terms (Hellenist, Latinist) in use. This is exactly how – due to the dishonest terminology and the worthless diatribes of the Freemasonic forgers – the number 20 proved to be only half of the number 2!

As ‘Occident’ are identified, as regards the Antiquity and the Christian / Islamic Ages, only Greece, Rome and the predominantly Celtic Western Europe.

As ‘Orient’ are identified, as regards the Antiquity and the Christian / Islamic Ages, all the other lands, nations, cultures and civilizations in either Europe (Scythians, Cimmerians, etc.), Africa (Egypt, Carthage) or Asia (from Phrygia and Lydia that flourished on the Aegean Sea’s eastern shores to China).

This division is culturally baseless, structurally false, and largely contradicted by the existing historical sources and archaeological evidence referred to by the villainous Freemasonic forgers. In addition, it is geographically unacceptable. Example: ‘Oriental’ Carthage lies ‘west’ of ‘Western’ Greece!

Quite interestingly, even Greece’s territory during the Christian / Islamic Ages (successively part of the Eastern Roman and the Ottoman Empires), was viewed as rather part of the ‘Orient’. Useless to add that, according to this paranoia, the Islamic Caliphate of Andalusia in the Iberian Peninsula was unequivocally part of the ‘Orient’ too! This was absolutely ridiculous from the geographical point of view, because it meant literally that the ‘Orient’ was located both, east and west of the ‘Occident’!

However, the baseless cultural division obscured the minds of many people worldwide and deceived those of the rest. Even more unfortunately, the ensuing political division triggered scores of dead, incessant wars, and permanent discord and racism with even worse consequences.

As ‘Occident’ were identified in Modern Times only Italy, France, England, Belgium, Holland, the Scandinavian nations, and the US. Republics or monarchies seceding from the Spanish, Portuguese, and Ottoman Empires (Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Greece, Serbia) were tentatively accepted as ‘Occident’, and the same concerned later a certain number of former English dependencies that were accepted as independent states (Canada, Australia).

As ‘Orient’ were identified in Modern Times all the other lands, nations, cultures and civilizations in either Europe (Austria-Hungary, Imperial Germany, Tsarist Russia. the Ottoman Caliphate, and even the religious monarchies of Spain and Portugal that opposed the intellectual cholera of the so-called ‘Enlightenment’), Africa (the Ottoman provinces in the Black Continent, the Great Somali Sultanates, Morocco, the African kingdoms of the Oromos, the Hausa, etc., plus all the indigenous nations of the European colonies) or Asia (from the Ottoman Empire and Iran to Central Asia, India, SE Asia, China, Korea and Japan).

The political divide is certainly clearer of purpose; due to the projection of the baseless divide on the European soil itself, we can understand that the Freemasonic forgers created the two terms – parts of the divide in order to further polarize the differences between the states whereby the Anti-Christian theories of the French philosophers of the ‘Enlightenment’ were accepted (England, Holland, America, ‘Nouveau Régime’ France after 1789) and the states whereby these villainous, yet ideally marketed, theories were rejected.

In fact, the fake political divide categorized as ‘Orient’ together numerous states, empires, religions, cultures and nations as different from one another as the Catholics are from the Orthodox, the Sunni Muslims, the Shia Muslims, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Taoists, the Confucians, the Shinto, the followers of diverse indigenous African religious systems, like the Oromo monotheistic Waaqeffannaa, and the followers of indigenous American and Pacific religious systems. Only this shows that the categorization is fake and the ensuing polarization can afflict the entire Mankind.

Following the systematized diffusion of the vicious divide, the ‘Orient’ (or East) was cut into three pieces, namely ‘Near East’ (Proche Orient or Levant in French), ‘Middle East’ (Moyen Oreint in French) and ‘Far East’ (Extrême-Orient in French). In fact, there is a very simple question that does not take years of specialized studies for someone to formulate, and it still unveils automatically the entire fallacy of the Freemasonic subdivision of the Orient:

– ‘Near East’; ‘near’ to whom?

To Western Europe, of course! This makes clear what is in the back side of the minds of the people involved in universities, research, academic and intellectual life, and subsequently in the world of politics.

Middle East: a Historical Fallacy and an unacceptable Immorality for Christians

There is no need for someone to specialize in an academic field in order to fully assess how terribly immoral and inhumanly vicious this terminology is.

Giving to a place, land, nation and civilization an appellation that does not reflect genuinely the indigenous developments and evolution across History but fully subordinates the place, land, nation and civilization to yourself is the result of a disproportionately gigantic egoism / egotism which is tantamount to the worst form of discrimination and racism. The problem is not anymore about the term’s falsehood and fallacy, but about its absolute immorality and tragic vicissitude. Of course, if the French or the English employed this term locally for the use of their own students only, this would be tolerated and would not create a major problem. Unfortunately, this is not what happened.

The colonial academics and diplomats imposed this false term on the students and the intellectuals, the journalists and the filthy, corrupt politicians of the victimized countries that were thus defined through their relationship with a third party. The Lebanese and the Egyptian slaves of the French (and subsequently the European and the American) universities were therefore forced to ‘learn’ that their countries were part of a region called ‘Near East’ because this region was ‘near to’ and ‘east of’ France and Western Europe. This automatically implied that the region in question was insignificant up to point that not one indigenous academic / intellectual could give it a collective name on the basis of the historical characteristics and evolution of the region, but they all had to pathetically wait the foreign invaders decree and order how their place should be named.

The subliminal consequences were immense; to call it ‘trauma’ it would be an understatement. In fact, it was a national – cultural – academic – intellectual – mental – educational assassination and, subsequently, a mind transplantation. The fact that the purely religious aspect was left out of the targeted area did not turn things better but did indeed worsen them. Islam as religion had collapsed long before the colonial powers arrived. As early as 1600 – 1700, Islam was not anymore a religious system of spirituality and transcendental experience (as it had used to be, like every religion) but a silly legal system involving a myriad of jurisprudential deliberations about petty things, a certain number of orders and directives that have to be executed thoughtlessly (and in most of the cases out of a desire to imitate the Prophet Muhammad), rites that have to be performed physically but without any spiritual dimension, beliefs that are of nominal value, a morality that counts on reward and social approval, and a deliberate, compact ignorance about, and disregard for, the Islamic Philosophy, Art, Science, and Erudition – despite the fact that Islam is accepted as the Religion of the Revealed Knowledge. It was quite clear to the colonial specialists on Islam that the survival of these religious beliefs within the new, colonial environment created after their arrival and interference in the colonized societies would have only explosive and destructive results; that’s why they did not do anything else except help the explosion come timely…

The indigenous nations were thus obliterated at all three, the personal, the collective social, and the narrative national, levels. They were turned to impotent, brainless and demented monkeys awaiting their foreign masters to give them names like Koko, the famous female gorilla that was born on July 4, 1971, in San Francisco, and mastered over 2,000 words in the American Sign Language, allowing her to communicate with humans in an astounding way (http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-famous-monkeys.php). As their mimicking of Islam was quite materialistic a system, they were engulfed in a total lack of creative imagination, which demands a certain degree of spirituality in order to be developed, and this prepared all these populations to duly be pathetic spectators of their unstoppable degradation and destruction; their leaders followed and still follow therefore an idiotic policy of day-by-day survival, which is not even a real effort to survive. If Zine al Abedine ben Ali, Mubarak, Ali Abdullah Saleh and Muammar al Qadhafi were overthrown in 2011 – 2012 and not in 1998, this is only due to the fact that the plan providing for their extinction included another date.

The imposition of the alien, colonial ego on the colonial monkeys and its mixture with the aforementioned religious leftover produced a monstrous, confused mind able only to cause self-destruction of monumental scale. This is the environment out of which emanated the dictatorial, bogus-monarchical, and religious authorities of the region, the likes of Abdallah of Saudi Arabia, Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz, Al Thani of Qatar, Abdallah of Jordan, Qadhafi, al Assad, Bouteflika, Mubarak, Sheikh Shaarawi, Saddam Hussein, Sheikh Qaradhawi, etc., all confused and self-confusing, genuinely unable to make a correct assessment of their situation and to see the impending destruction. They ostensibly worsened their case because, when they were deliberately and repeatedly mistreated, disrespected and even ridiculed, and they felt so, they used to react to this situation without however correctly assessing the overall context from where they emerged and the existing possibilities for efficient reaction – and this used only to bring forth the next disaster.

The absolute elimination of the indigenous ‘ego’ along with a flux of false documentation and historical falsification that the colonial powers produced massively and projected on the militarily / economically / politically / academically / intellectually / culturally colonized territories (that are still euphemistically called ‘independent realms’!) triggered oppressed among local leaders and indigenous peoples vast complexes of inferiority, obstinate reactions, and obdurate interpretations of Islam (‘misinterpretations’ is the correct term) that are the root causes of all conflicts and misunderstandings, strives and clashes in the wider region.

I did not mention however the above points in order to analyze the reasons of, and find a solution to, the problem but exclusively in relation with the pseudo-Christian populations of the West. Morally dead, these fake Christians accepted the Freemasonic falsification produced by their academic – political elites, without thinking that ‘Οὐδεὶς οἰκέτης δύναται δυσὶ κυρίοις δουλεύειν’ (Vulgata: ‘nemo potest duobus dominis servire’ / English: None is able to serve two lords – from Matthew 6:24).

Accepting to impose on all the other nations of the world definitions based on a vicious egocentric Western misperception of the World and misuse of the World History is a great sin for Christians of the West. Consenting, favoring and sanctioning the aforementioned colonial policies of their governments is a tremendous immorality from the part of the Christians of the West. It consists in one of the worst expressions of pride, arrogance and egoism in the World History. But in Christianity, egoism, egotism and egocentric theories are the expression of a high level immorality.

As matter of fact, European colonialism and colonial academic endeavors fully reflect Biblical expressions ascribed to Satan himself, as Isaiah specifies: “I will ascend…I will raise…I will sit… I will ascend…I will make myself like the Most High” (14:13-14). Western European and North American pseudo-Christians must have no doubt of what comes after pride and egoism. Isaiah points it out for them in just the next verse (14:15): “But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit”. This is the wretched place into which very soon North American and Western European nations will find themselves for having committed innumerable atrocious crimes against the lands and the nations that they colonized, depersonalized, and deprived of a) identity, b) integrity, c) traditions, d) resources, and e) independent political volition, through an entire set of deception techniques and systematized falsehood.

As long as this vicious egoistic and egocentric attitude prevails and remains unchallenged in the West, the local pseudo-Christians must be fully aware that they bear responsibility as accomplices of they governments and that they stand in full opposition to Jesus and his words: “whoever exalts himself will be humbled” (Matthew 23:12).

True Christians in Western Europe and North America, if any, instead of talking nonsensical stories about conspiracy theories, must get a clear vision of the conspiracy acts that their corrupt governments and Freemasonic academicians have perpetrated over the past 300 years. They must therefore stand up, take to the streets, and bring down the forgery ateliers and the Satanic lodges that devised these schemes and invented the fake divisions that triggered the death spiral in the provinces of the Ottoman Empire that sheer cacophony led us to the misnomer of ‘Middle East’. Their voices, if any, must reach the darkness of the Whitehall, the Buckingham, the Élysée, the Hôtel Matignon, the White House, the State Department, the Pentagon and the other neuralgic centers of today’s Satanic power. Christian voices must raise up in the West, terminating the apathy of the high accomplices and they should echo the question Paul made to the Corinthians: “For who makes you different from anyone else? (1 Corinthians 4:7).

So, if Paul is right is eliminating boasting from the lives of the Christians (“Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded…by the law of faith” – Romans 3:27), today’s Christians in Western Europe and America must denounce the formation of the vicious Euro-centric academic approach and system and condemn its calamitous projection on the rest of the world. If they want to be present as Christians in other lands that were not ‘Western’ before the beginning of the European Era of Colonialism (1492 CE), they must follow Jesus’ example and go there to serve – as per the local values, ideals, concepts, faiths and virtues, not theirs. Jesus reportedly made “himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant” (Philippians 2:7).  If these Biblical excerpts form the foundations of the Christian faith, these values and attitudes have to be displayed by the Western countries, and if this is not the case, Christians in the West have to clearly and effectively dissociate themselves for their governments and states, denouncing and preventing the iniquity carried out by Paris, London and Washington D.C. Otherwise, they should not be surprised by the forthcoming tribulation that they deserve.

And for those among these pseudo-Christians, who are fully aware of the Christian sources but dare shamelessly propagate silly concepts and misinterpretation schemes like the stupidly awaited ‘rapture’ at the End of Time, the punishment will come soon and it will be as terrible as their theological fornication.

And what does it matter whether these pseudo-Christians believe they are right in their purpose and true in their faith? World History is full of examples of hypocritical people who thought of themselves as ‘righteous’ but ended in the Hell. The forthcoming developments will demonstrate how false these pseudo-Christian doctors and pastors have been, and will prove that, despite their ceaseless evocations of Christian sources and Biblical excerpts, their real master is Satan. But it will be too late for all of their followers who will also vanish in Eternal Fire.

Καὶ τῶνδ’ ὅμοιον εἴ τι μὴ πείθω· τί γάρ; Tὸ μέλλον ἥξει. Kαὶ σύ μ’ ἐν τάχει παρὼν ἄγαν γ’ ἀληθόμαντιν οἰκτίρας ἐρεῖς. (‘What does it matter now if men believe or no? What is to come will come. And soon you too will stand aside, To murmur in pity that my words were true’). Aeschylus, Agamemnon, 1239-1241 (Cassandra addressing the chorus)