Brussels Terror Attack: Due to Western Misperceptions – Part I

Brussels Terror Attack: Due to Western Misperceptions – Part I


By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis


I realize quite well the troublesome situation in which people in the West are. Their trouble is basically due to ignorance, and the ignorance of the people in the West is multi-leveled.

People in the West don’t know what happened in the 14-century long history of the Muslim nations – which can be understood to some extent, because not all the people will become historians in their daily life. Yet, people in the West had to have got a brief diagram and the diagram had to be correct. This is about the past; and it is the first point. The second point is even worse.



At the same time, people in the West don’t know what truly happens now in the Muslim World, and this cannot be understood because there are many correspondents, journalists, analysts, writers, specialized experts, etc. People in the West get only a wrong picture, a very partly and absolutely superficial picture of what truly happens in the Muslim World now. Then, the wrong picture is that of a calm realm – an image that duly plunges the Western people into anything from indifference to apathy; the consequence is that all of the people in the West feel calm and they thus ignore the reality, which – put in exact terms – is that an enormous tsunami is coming against them. In fact, the earthquake that triggered the tsunami already happened.

This is not a fresh understanding for me; I already knew it long before I wrote my articles in favor of Pope Benedict XVI and against the false Muslims who angrily attacked him in 2006.


For reference, I herewith mention several titles:

Benedictus XVI may not be right, but today’s Muslims are islamically wrong!

Lord Carey, Benedictus XVI, and today’s decayed Islam

What Benedict XVI should say, admonishing Muslim Ambassadors?–admonishing-Muslim-ambassadors/18626

Can Benedict XVI bring Peace and Concord?


But now, it is 2016, and the entire West seems to be engulfed in the same false representation of the Muslim World which is quite dangerous for global peace and safety.


There is a top issue that must be clear beforehand; for every problem, for every subject there is a dual reality. The basic and therefore lower level of reality is the problem itself, the subject in question. The most important and therefore upper level of reality is your perception of the problem.


Whatever the problem may be, if your perception of it is true, accurate and exact, you have the intellect to eliminate the problem.


However, even if the problem is minor, but your perception of it is false, confused and misplaced, your own calamitous perception of the minor problem will certainly deteriorate it, aggravate your condition, and trigger a very dangerous development altogether.


Quite unfortunately, the Western World’s perception of today’s Islamic (Muslim) World is totally erroneous. Even worse, it is not based on the true data.
To my eyes, it is as if one mysterious and unseen force, an invisible hand, tries to prevent the Western World’s accurate and comprehensive information on the subject. 
The very few intellectuals and academics, who happen to write about the reality, get either defamed or discredited or marginalized or concealed. This is the case for instance of Kamel Daoud ( who focused on the sexual behavior as attested in several Muslim societies of today, i.e. a small but still essential part of today’s Muslims’ behavioral system.
Those few, who write about the abysmal reality of today’s Muslim World, get systematically attacked by the “guardians of the system” (e.g. academics, intellectuals, politicians and statesmen) who seem to have an interest in keeping the Western World (and the outright majority of the people in the rest of the world) in mysteries. To impose their fake, vicious and catastrophic legitimacy, the “guardians of the system” impose the myth of political correctness, a most repugnant idiocy geared to besot many. Kamel Daoud happened to write an insightful about the reasons that caused the numerous and terrible cases of sexual harassment in the streets and the squares of Cologne, Germany during New Year’s Eve (an absurd situation with more than 600 cases in just one … night). Then, a group of academics (all Western and seemingly Christian) specializing in Islam and the Orient in general wrote against him in a provocative manner in order to discredit him and keep the people in darkness about what truly exists in most of the Muslim World.


These cruel masters of falsehood are the Western World’s worst enemies, and their actions must be placed under surveillance. Any wrong approach to the reality of today’s Islamic World has a direct impact on the perception of this world in the West, and therefore affects the Western World’s decision making process with respect to the system from where the real, evident and grave danger originates. These criminal and false doctors and academics should not therefore be held responsible for mere academic mistakes but for causing existential threats against their own countries; it is therefore a matter of high treason in their case.


Part of the prevailing in the West misperception of the Muslim World has a lot to do with sociopolitical confusion. The use of maps plays here a certain role; people in the West know that there are different countries like Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, etc.; and this is correct. People also know that the Saudi daily reality consists in an abominable barbarism, involving butchery, systematic rape, bestial mistreatment of the women (i.e. half of the population), extensive pedophilia that goes always unpunished, slavery, multifaceted discrimination, and unprecedented persecution, systematized disinformation, imposed ignorance, and overwhelming darkness.


But people in the West do not know that there are many other countries where most of the local population definitely share the same Saudi practice and (fake Islamic) belief, mindset, attitude and behavior, not at the political but at the social level.

This is the trouble: in many Muslim countries that appear to the rest of the world as having a political system (saying ‘more liberal’ would be sarcastic) more human than Saudi Arabia’s (example: Egypt, Algeria, Pakistan, Indonesia), there is an outright majority of the population (much above 3/4 of the country’s Muslims if we refer to Egypt, which means more than 70% of the country’s total population) that accept the daily life in Saudi Arabia as normal, correct, human, and Islamic; and consequently, they live accordingly in their own country by using all possible tricks of social oppression to which the supposedly more liberal state does not express any opposition. This means that all the aforementioned intolerable conditions of miserable life prevail among hundreds of millions of Muslims. This has nothing to do with politics (i.e. being pro-Muslim Brotherhood or pro-army in Egypt); the majority of those supporting the army regime in Egypt share absolutely the same way of backward thought, intolerable world view, and miserable lifestyle with the Saudis.

This leads to total misrepresentation of those countries at the international level, which is a form of direct cheating of the West. Before 5-6 years, as I lived in Egypt, I used to say that the fact that Mubarak’s wife did not wear the Islamic veil (hijab) was -in and by itself- a serious act of political deception addressed against the West.


Why was Suzanne Mubarak’s attitude a vicious cheating cycle against the West?


Because more than 3/4 of Muslims in Egypt would call any unveiled / uncovered woman a “prostitute”, which in turn automatically means that they believe that stoning must apply to her because of her ‘act’ not to wear a veil. So, instead of Suzanne Mubarak giving the West the false impression of an emancipated woman (which was – among Westerners – subconsciously extended from the person to the country’s overall female population), she should have taken initiatives to oppose and outmaneuver all those who imposed the wearing of hijab on all the Muslim women by means of social terrorism at the very cell of the society, namely the localities, the districts, the villages, the hamlets and the families.
(to be continued)